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The ongoing aging of the population will lead to an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and functional limitation. Preventative measures need to be promoted to prevent health care utilization and health costs explosion. Among these measures, those aimed at promoting early recognition of chronic conditions associated with functional decline, will have to be reinforced. This paper proposes simple, feasible, and efficient procedures to screen, in primary care practices, common geriatric conditions, as cognitive impairment, gait impairment, hearing and vision impairment or functional limitation.


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Background and objective: Optimal care of diabetic patients (DPs) decreases the risk of complications. Close blood glucose monitoring can improve patient outcomes and shorten hospital stay. The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the treatment of hospitalized DPs according to the current standards, including their diabetic treatment and drugs to prevent diabetes related complications [=guardian drugs: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARB), antiplatelet drugs, statins]. Guidelines of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) [1] were used as reference as they were the most recent and exhaustive for hospital care. Design: Observational pilot study: analysis of the medical records of all DPs seen by the clinical pharmacists during medical rounds in different hospital units. An assessment was made by assigning points for fulfilling the different criteria according to ADA and then by dividing the total by the maximum achievable points (scale 0-1; 1 = all criteria fulfilled). Setting: Different Internal Medicine and Geriatric Units of the (multi-site) Ho^pital du Valais. Main outcome measures: - Completeness of diabetes-related information: type of diabetes, medical history, weight, albuminuria status, renal function, blood pressure, (recent) lipid profile. - Management of blood glucose: Hb1Ac, glycemic control, plan for treating hyper-/hypoglycaemia. - Presence of guardian drugs if indicated. Results: Medical records of 42 patients in 10 different units were analysed (18 women, 24 men, mean age 75.4 ± 11 years). 41 had type 2 diabetes. - Completeness of diabetes-related information: 0.8 ± 0.1. Information often missing: insulin-dependence (43%) and lipid profile (86%). - Management of blood glucose: 0.5 ± 0.2. 15 patients had suboptimal glycemic balance (target glycaemia 7.2-11.2 mmol/ l, with values[11.2 or\3.8 mmol/l, or Hb1Ac[7%), 10 patients had a deregulated balance (more than 10 values[11.2 mmol/l or \3.8 mmol/l and even values[15 mmol/l). - Presence of guardian drugs if indicated: ACEI/ARB: 19 of 23 patients (82.6%), statin: 16 of 40 patients (40%), antiplatelet drug: 16 of 39 patients (41%). Conclusions: Blood glucose control was insufficient in many DPs and prescription of statins and antiplatelet drugs was often missing. If confirmed by a larger study, these two points need to be optimised. As it is not always possible and appropriate to make those changes during hospital stay, a further project should assess and optimise diabetes care across both inpatient and outpatient settings.


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The neuronal effects of glucose deficiency on amino acid metabolism was studied on three-dimensional cultures of rat telencephalon neurones. Transient (6 h) exposure of differentiated cultures to low glucose (0.25 mm instead of 25 mm) caused irreversible damage, as judged by the marked decrease in the activities of two neurone-specific enzymes and lactate dehydrogenase, 1 week after the hypoglycemic insult. Quantification of amino acids and ammonia in the culture media supernatants indicated increased amino acid utilization and ammonia production during glucose-deficiency. Measurement of intracellular amino acids showed decreased levels of alanine, glutamine, glutamate and GABA, while aspartate was increased. Added lactate (11 mm) during glucose deficiency largely prevented the changes in amino acid metabolism and ammonia production, and attenuated irreversible damage. Higher media levels of glutamine (4 mm instead of 0.25 mm) during glucose deprivation prevented the decrease of intracellular glutamate and GABA, while it further increased intracellular aspartate, ammonia production and neuronal damage. Both lactate and glutamine were readily oxidized in these neuronal cultures. The present results suggest that in neurones, glucose deficiency enhances amino acid deamination at the expense of transamination reactions. This results in increased ammonia production and neuronal damage.


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BACKGROUND: An association between alcohol consumption and injury is clearly established from volume of drinking, heavy episodic drinking (HED), and consumption before injury. Little is known, however, about how their interaction raises risk of injury and what combination of factors carries the highest risk. This study explores which of 11 specified groups of drinkers (a) are at high risk and (b) contribute most to alcohol-attributable injuries. METHODS: In all, 8,736 patients, of whom 5,077 were injured, admitted to the surgical ward of the emergency department of Lausanne University Hospital between January 1, 2003, and June 30, 2004, were screened for alcohol use. Eleven groups were constructed on the basis of usual patterns of intake and preattendance drinking. Odds ratios (ORs) comparing injured and noninjured were derived, and alcohol-attributable fractions of injuries were calculated from ORs and prevalence of exposure groups. RESULTS: Risk of injury increased with volume of drinking, HED, and preattendance drinking. For both sexes, the highest risk was associated with low intake, HED, and 4 (women), 5 (men), or more drinks before injury. At the same level of preattendance drinking, high-volume drinkers were at lower risk than low-volume drinkers. In women, the group of low-risk non-HED drinkers taking fewer than 4 drinks suffered 47.5% of the alcohol-attributable injuries in contrast to only 20.4% for men. Low-volume male drinkers with HED had more alcohol-attributable injuries than that of low-volume female drinkers with HED (46.9% vs 23.2%). CONCLUSIONS: Although all groups of drinkers are at increased risk of alcohol-related injury, those who usually drink little but on occasion heavily are at particular risk. The lower risk of chronic heavy drinkers may be due to higher tolerance of alcohol. Prevention should thus target heavy-drinking occasions. Low-volume drinking women without HED and with only little preattendance drinking experienced a high proportion of injuries; such women would be well advised to drink very little or to take other special precautions in risky circumstances.


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Abstract The great diversity of sex determination mechanisms in animals and plants ranges from genetic sex determination (GSD, e.g. mammals, birds, and most dioecious plants) to environmental sex determination (ESD, e.g. many reptiles) and includes a mixture of both, for example when an individual's genetically determined sex is environmentally reversed during ontogeny (ESR, environmental sex reversal, e.g. many fish and amphibia). ESD and ESR can lead to widely varying and unstable population sex ratios. Populations exposed to conditions such as endocrine-active substances or temperature shifts may decline over time due to skewed sex ratios, a scenario that may become increasingly relevant with greater anthropogenic interference on watercourses. Continuous exposure of populations to factors causing ESR could lead to the extinction of genetic sex factors and may render a population dependent on the environmental factors that induce the sex change. However, ESR also presents opportunities for population management, especially if the Y or W chromosome is not, or not severely, degenerated. This seems to be the case in many amphibians and fish. Population growth or decline in such species can potentially be controlled through the introduction of so-called Trojan sex genes carriers, individuals that possess sex chromosomes or genes opposite from what their phenotype predicts. Here, we review the conditions for ESR, its prevalence in natural populations, the resulting physiological and reproductive consequences, and how these may become instrumental for population management.


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"L'emploi et les conditions de travail ont une grande incidence sur l'équité en santé", note l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) dans un rapport publié en 2008: ils font partie des principaux déterminants sociaux "à l'origine d'une grande part des inégalités en santé observées entre pays et dans les pays". Ce constat se fonde sur un vaste corpus d'enquêtes et de recherches menées à l'échelle internationale, dont le renouveau ces trois dernières décennies a été stimulé par l'explosion du chômage et de la précarisation de l'emploi, ainsi que par l'intensification du travail. Pour la première fois, une vue chiffrée d'ensemble de cette problématique est également disponible pour la Suisse, basée sur les données de la dernière enquête suisse sur la santé, réalisée en 2007 par l'Office fédéral de la statistique (OFS). L'étude dont nous présentons ici les résultats cherche à répondre à trois questions?: 1) Quelles sont les conditions de travail à risque (physique ou psycho-social) les plus fréquentes? Qui y est le plus exposé, en fonction notamment du sexe, de la position sociale ou de la branche d'activité? 2) Quelles associations peut-on mettre en évidence entre ces conditions de travail et l'état de santé? 3) Quels sont les liens entre le fait d'être au chômage ou de craindre pour son emploi et l'état de santé? Les données analysées révèlent un lien significatif entre les conditions de travail à risques, plus fréquentes que souvent admis, et une santé dégradée chez les personnes concernées. L'association est encore plus forte avec le fait d'être au chômage. Ces réalités sont souvent passées sous silence, en Suisse encore plus qu'ailleurs. Cette étude contribue à les rendre visibles et à instruire ainsi le débat nécessaire sur les conditions économiques et sociales de leur changement. Débat dont l'actualité est redoublée par les conséquences dramatiques sur l'emploi et sur les conditions de travail de l'actuelle crise économique internationale. [Ed.]


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to analyse the use of lights and siren (L&S) during transport to the hospital by the prehospital severity status of the patient and the time saved by the time of day of the mission. METHODS: We searched the Public Health Services data of a Swiss state from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010. All primary patient transports within the state were included (24 718). The data collected were on the use of L&S, patient demographics, the time and duration of transport, the type of mission (trauma vs. nontrauma) and the severity of the condition according to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) score assigned by the paramedics and/or emergency physician. We excluded 212 transports because of missing data. RESULTS: A total of 24 506 ambulance transports met the inclusion criteria. L&S were used 4066 times, or in 16.6% of all missions. Of these, 40% were graded NACA less than 4. Overall, the mean total transport time to return to the hospital was 11.09 min (confidence interval 10.84-11.34) with L&S and 12.84 min (confidence interval 12.72-12.96) without. The difference was 1.75 min (105 s; P<0.001). For night-time runs alone, the mean time saved using L&S was 0.17 min (10.2 s; P=0.27). CONCLUSION: At present, the use of L&S seems questionable given the severity status or NACA score of transported patients. Our results should prompt the implementation of more specific regulations for L&S use during transport to the hospital, taking into consideration certain physiological criteria of the victim as well as time of day of transport.


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An eclogite facies meta-plagiogranite from the Lanzo massif (western Alps, Italy) contains crystals of zircon intimately associated with allanite. Zircon displays different microtextures ranging from pristine, euhedral, and magmatic to fractured, porous varieties with mosaic zoning, and pervasive recrystallization into euhedral microcrystals. Fractures and voids in the recrystallized zircon microcrystals are mainly filled by high-pressure Na-rich pyroxene. Electron backscattered diffraction analysis revealed a similar crystallographic orientation for primary magmatic zircon crystals and microcrystals, with less than 2 degrees misorientation among neighboring microdomains. The textural change is coupled with chemical and isotopic modifications: recrystallized zircon domains contain significantly less Th and light- to mid-REE, but are richer in Sr than magmatic zircon crystals. Magmatic zircon preserves the protolith U-Pb age of 163.5 +/- 1.7 Ma, whereas zircon microcrystals have a mean age of 55 +/- 1 Ma. The coexisting allanite also contains inclusions of Na-rich pyroxene and has chemical features (elevated Sr and Ni contents and lack of Eu anomaly) indicating formation at high pressure. Despite being associated texturally with zircon, allanite yields a younger Th-Pb age of 46.5 +/- 3.0 Ma, suggesting that the Lanzo unit remained at relatively high pressure conditions for similar to 8 m.y. Zircon recrystallization proceeded with volume reduction and loss of material to an alkaline metamorphic fluid that acted as the agent for a coupled dissolution-reprecipitation process. Recrystallization occurred with minimum transport, in a low-strain environment, and was not significantly enhanced by metamictization. The source of the fluid for zircon recrystallization is most probably related to prograde devolatilization reactions in the surrounding serpentinite.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between the physical activity (PA) and its related variables under confinement and in free-living conditions in Asian individuals, where no such information presently exists. The subjects consisted of eighty-six Japanese individuals with a mean age of 38+/-12 years. Under confinement in a large respiratory chamber, the energy expenditure (EE) was measured for 24h. In addition, two moderate walking exercises of 30 min each on a horizontal treadmill were assigned. Free-living measurements of 7 days were also performed using a validated accelerometer. The PA level in the chamber (1.47+/-0.11), expressed as a multiple of the basal EE, was lower than that in free-living conditions (1.53+/-0.12) (p<0.001). However, the two values were closely correlated (r=0.744, p<0.001). Conversely, a residual analysis showed a wide variation in the mean difference for both conditions and revealed a significant systematic error (r=-0.548, p<0.001), thus indicating an increased gap with increasing PA levels in free-living conditions. Similar results were obtained following the exclusion of the imposed exercise sessions. In contrast, the daily step counts under both conditions did not show any correlation. The PA level in the chamber (including and excluding imposed walking exercises) is compatible with the PA level in free-living conditions at the group level, although the daily step counts are unrelated. Thus, the PA level in the chamber may provide valuable information to help us achieve a better understanding of human PA in daily life as it is related to behavioral research.