326 resultados para prospective payments


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Crans-Montana-Sierre is a tourist area locateci in Rhone valley in central Valais, cha-racterized by dry climate and scarce summer precipitations. More than other regions in Switzerland, this area has suffered the effects of the drought (heat wave) that affec¬ted all Western Europe during summer 2003. In the future, climate change together with societal and economic development will signicantly modify the water need of the region and, consequently, may increase the potential conflicts of interest. Within a long term planning strategy, decision-makers require precise information about the current amount of water needed in the region, with particular attention to temporal and spatial concentration, and the forecasted amount for 2050. This work therefore aims at estimating the variation of the water demand by taking into account the influence of climate change (CH2011) and socio-economic scenarios, developed in cooperation with the competent authorities. This thesis, whose aim is to study the water management and water uses is a core part of the MontanAqua project "Water management in times of scarcity and global change" mainly because of its interdisciplinary topic at the interface between water resources, land development and the socio-political structure. Results show that socio-economic development by 2050 could have a greater impact than expected climate changes (CH2011, A1B scenarios) for the same time horizon for water demand. Demography, spatial planning, tourism and economic development are just some of the factors that could significantly affect the water consumption of the Crans-Montana-Sierre region. Compared with the future water resources available, the maximal water demand forecasted by the socio-economic scenarios developed within the project MontanAqua, could not always be satisfied. This issue, like extreme climate phenomena (as it was the summer drought occurred in 2003 or in April / May 2011), could be mitigated adopting regional management policies relating to a more rational water use and preventive storage of water resource. - Crans-Montana-Sierre est une région touristique située dans la vallée du Rhône; dans le Valais central, qui se caractérise par un climat relativement pauvre en précipitations et qui plus que d'autres a subi les effets de la sécheresse qui a touché l'Europe occidentale durant l'été 2003. À l'avenir, les changements climatiques ainsi que le développement socio-économique modifieront de manière significative les besoins en eau de la région, ce qui risque de faire augmenter les rivalités d'usage concernant cette ressource. Afin de jouer à l'avance, les décideurs ont besoin d'informations précises sur la quantité d'eau nécessaire à la région, avec une attention particulière à sa concentration temporelle et spatiale, à l'heure actuelle et à l'horizon 2050. Ce travail vise donc à estimer la variation de la demande en eau en tenant compte de l'influence des changements climatiques (CH2011) et des scénarios socio-économiques, élaborés en collaboration avec les autorités compétentes. Cette thèse, qui met l'accent sur les usages de l'eau fait partie du projet Montan Aqua « Gestion de l'eau en temps de pénurie et de changement global », est à l'intersection entre les ressources hydriques, l'aménagement du territoire et son organisation socio-politique, fait qui la met, non pas par son importance, mais par son emplacement et ses interconnexions, au coeur de cette recherche. Les résultats obtenus montrent comment les développements socio-économiques d'ici à 2050 ont un impact potentiellement plus important que les changements climatiques prévus par les scénarios AlB de CH2011 pour le même horizon temporel sur la demande en eau. Démographie, aménagement du territoire et contexte économico-touristique, ne sont que quelques-uns des facteurs qui ont la capacité d'agir significativement sur les usages de l'eau en ce qui concerne les aspects qualitatif et quantitatif de la région de Crans-Montana-Sierre. Par rapport aux ressources en eau disponibles à l'avenir, la demande maximale d'eau prévue par les scénarios socio-économiques développés au sein du projet MontanAqua risque de ne pas être toujours satisfaite. Ce danger et la manifestation de phénomènes climatiques extrêmes, comme la sécheresse estivale survenue en 2003 ou celle d'avril/mai 2011, ne pourront être atténués que par l'adoption de politiques de gestion à l'échelle régionale favorisant une utilisation plus rationnelle et un stockage préventif de la ressource en eau.


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Overactive bladder (OAB) is a prevalent condition with 16% of adults having one or more symptoms that significantly affect quality of life. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and neuromodulators have had success in treating OAB but are expensive, invasive, and sometimes cumbersome. We developed an alternative neuromodulatory technique that involves electromagnetic stimulation of the sacral nerve roots with a portable electromagnetic device to produce trans-sacral stimulation of the S3 and S4 sacral nerve roots. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of this device on OAB symptoms in women with a prospectively randomised double-blind controlled study. Following a power analysis, women with symptoms of OAB were prospectively recruited with ethical approval for randomisation to an active treatment (n = 33) or placebo group (n = 30) in a double-blind trial. The patient, at home, used the belt device daily for 20 min over 12 weeks. Outcome measures included a 3-day voiding diary, 1 h pad test, visual analogue score (VAS) for symptom impact (0-100%), Kings Health Questionnaire (KHQ) and Australian Quality of Life questionnaire (AQOL) at baseline, 6 and 12 weeks. Overall, no difference was found between groups for any of the research questions. Specifically, we were unable to demonstrate any difference between the active and sham device groups in frequency, nocturia, urinary leakage, or quality of life, nor was there any evidence of a placebo effect. The quality of the data was high with the number of missing observations (especially for disease specific KHQ and general AQOL) being few. This attempt to promote trans-sacral electromagnetic neuromodulation with a specially created device was ineffective on the symptoms of OAB.


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BACKGROUND: Up to 10% of the patients in whom suspected betalactam hypersensitivity (HS) has been excluded by skin and challenge tests report suspected allergic reactions during subsequent treatments with the same or very similar betalactams. It has been suggested that the reactions may result from a resensitization induced by the challenge performed at the time of the allergological work-up. However, most patients did not undergo a second allergological work-up, to determine if the reactions resulted from betalactam HS or not. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to determine if children diagnosed nonallergic to betalactams have tolerated subsequent treatments with the initially suspected and/or other betalactams, and, in case of a reaction, if the reaction resulted from betalactam HS. Methods: We sent a questionnaire concerning the clinical history of their children to the parents of 256 children previously diagnosed nonallergic to betalactams. A second allergological work-up was performed in the children reporting suspected allergic reactions during subsequent treatments with the same and/or other betalactams. Skin tests were performed with the soluble form of the suspected (or very similar) betalactams and other betalactams from the same and other classes. Skin test responses were assessed at 15-20 min (immediate), 6-8 h (semi-late) and 48-72 h (late). Oral challenge (OC) was performed in children with negative skin tests, either at the hospital (immediate and accelerated reactions), or at home (delayed reactions). RESULTS: A response was obtained from 141 children (55.3%). Forty-eight (34%) of those children had not been treated with the betalactams for whom a diagnosis of allergy had been ruled out previously. Seven (7.5%) of the 93 children who had been treated again reported suspected allergic reactions. Skin tests and OC were performed in six of those children, and gave negative results in five children. In one child previously diagnosed nonallergic to amoxicillin associated with clavulanic acid, we diagnosed a delayed HS to clavulanic acid and a serum sickness-like disease to cefaclor. Thus, the frequency of reactions resulting from betalactam HS in children with negative skin and challenge tests is very low, and does not exceed 2.1% (2/93) if we consider that the child which refused a second allergological work-up is really allergic to betalactams. CONCLUSION: Our results in a very large number of children show that reactions presumed to result from betalactam HS are rare in children in whom the diagnosis of betalactam allergy has been ruled out previously. Moreover, they suggest that, as shown for the initial reactions, most of the reactions during subsequent treatments are rather a consequence of the infectious diseases for whom betalactams have been prescribed than a result of betalactam HS. Finally, they suggest that the risk of resensitization by OC is very low, and do not support the notion that skin testing should be repeated in children diagnosed nonallergic to betalactams.


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In acute postoperative pain management intravenous lidocaine and/or ketamine have been advocated because of their morphine-sparing effect. The goal of this prospective, randomised, double-blind study was to assess morphine consumption with different regimens of intravenous infusion of lidocaine, ketamine or both during 48 hours following laparotomy. Patients were randomised into four groups. Group L, K, and KL received intravenous lidocaine, ketamine or a combination, respectively, before incision and during 48 hours postoperatively. The control group (C) received a similar volume of saline bolus and infusion. Postoperative analgesia included morphine delivered by a patient-controlled analgesia device. Primary outcome was the cumulative morphine consumption and pain, sedation scores, pressure algometry and side effects were our secondary outcomes. Cognition and psychomotor performance were also tested. Out of 57 eligible patients, 44 completed the study. Lidocaine reduced the cumulative morphine consumption compared with the control group (mean 0.456 mg.kg-1 +/- 0.244 (SD) versus 0.705 +/- 0.442, respectively, Ρ < 0.001). Pain scores during movement were statistically lower in all three treatment groups. Psychometric tests showed that the lidocaine group expressed more depressed feelings and sadness compared to the control group. Lidocaine administration had a morphine-sparing effect with a 36% reduction of morphine consumption while ketamine alone or combined with lidocaine did not. As a whole, our results suggest that intravenous lidocaine may offer advantages for postoperative analgesia. We propose lidocaine as a new alternative for pain control that needs to be studied further in future multicentric studies.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine clinical and ultrasonographic predictors of joint replacement surgery across Europe in primary osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. METHODS: This was a 3-year prospective study of a painful OA knee cohort (from a EULAR-sponsored, multicentre study). All subjects had clinical evaluation, radiographs and ultrasonography (US) at study entry. The rate of knee replacement surgery over the 3-year follow-up period was determined using Kaplan-Meier survival data analyses. Predictive factors for joint replacement were identified by univariate log-rank test then multivariate analysis using a Cox proportional-hazards regression model. Potential baseline predictors included demographic, clinical, radiographic and US features. RESULTS: Of the 600 original patients, 531 (88.5%), mean age 67+/-10 years, mean disease duration 6.1+/-6.9 years, had follow-up data and were analysed. During follow-up (median 3 years; range 0-4 years), knee replacement was done or required for 94 patients (estimated event rate of 17.7%). In the multivariate analysis, predictors of joint replacement were as follows: Kellgren and Lawrence radiographic grade (grade &gt; or =III vs &lt;III, hazards ratio (HR) = 4.08 (95% CI 2.34 to 7.12), p&lt;0.0001); ultrasonographic knee effusion (&gt; or =4 mm vs &lt;4 mm) (HR = 2.63 (95% CI 1.70 to 4.06), p&lt;0.0001); knee pain intensity on a 0-100 mm visual analogue scale (&gt; or =60 vs &lt;60) (HR = 1.81 (95% CI 1.15 to 2.83), p=0.01) and disease duration (&gt; or =5 years vs &lt;5 years) (HR=1.63 (95% CI 1.08 to 2.47), p=0.02). Clinically detected effusion and US synovitis were not associated with joint replacement in the univariate analysis. CONCLUSION: Longitudinal evaluation of this OA cohort demonstrated significant progression to joint replacement. In addition to severity of radiographic damage and pain, US-detected effusion was a predictor of subsequent joint replacement.


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PURPOSE: This study was performed to determine the impact of perfusion and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences on patients during treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Special emphasis has been given to these imaging technologies as tools to potentially anticipate disease progression, as progression-free survival is frequently used as a surrogate endpoint. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Forty-one patients from a phase II temolozomide clinical trial were included. During follow-up, images were integrated 21 to 28 days after radiochemotherapy and every 2 months thereafter. Assessment of scans included measurement of size of lesion on T1 contrast-enhanced, T2, diffusion, and perfusion images, as well as mass effect. Classical criteria on tumor size variation and clinical parameters were used to set disease progression date. RESULTS: A total of 311 MRI examinations were reviewed. At disease progression (32 patients), a multivariate Cox regression determined 2 significant survival parameters: T1 largest diameter (p < 0.02) and T2 size variation (p < 0.05), whereas perfusion and diffusion were not significant. CONCLUSION: Perfusion and diffusion techniques cannot be used to anticipate tumor progression. Decision making at disease progression is critical, and classical T1 and T2 imaging remain the gold standard. Specifically, a T1 contrast enhancement over 3 cm in largest diameter together with an increased T2 hypersignal is a marker of inferior prognosis.


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Le ROTEM est un test de coagulation réalisable au près du malade qui permet d'objectiver la coagulopathie, de distinguer la contribution des différents éléments du système de coagulation et de cibler les produits procoagulants comme le plasma frais congelé (PFC), les plaquettes, le fibrinogène et les facteurs de coagulation purifiés ou les antifibrinolytiques. 3 des tests disponibles pour le ROTEM sont: EXTEM, INTEM, HEPTEM. Le premier test est stable sous hautes doses d'héparine alors que le deuxième est très sensible à sa présence. Dans le dernier test on rajoute de l'héparinase pour mettre en évidence l'éventuel effet résiduel de l'héparine en le comparant à l'INTEM. Idéalement, le ROTEM devrait être effectué avant la fin du bypass cardiopulmonaire (CEC), donc sous anticoagulation maximale pas héparine, afin de pouvoir administrer des produits pro¬coagulants dans les délais les plus brefs et ainsi limiter au maximum les pertes sanguines. En effet la commande et la préparation de certains produits procoagulants peut prendre plus d'une heure. Le but de cette étude est de valider l'utilisation du ROTEM en présence de hautes concentrations d'héparine. Il s'agit d'une étude observationnelle prospective sur 20 patients opérés électivement de pontages aorto-coronariens sous CEC. Méthode : l'analyse ROTEM a été réalisée avant l'administration d'héparine (TO), 10 minutes après l'administration d'héparine (Tl), à la fin de la CEC (T2) et 10 minutes après la neutralisation de l'anticoagulation avec la protamine (T3). L'état.d'héparinisation a été évalué par l'activité anti-Xa à T1,T2,T3. Résultats : Comparé à TO, la phase de polymérisation de la cascade de coagulation et l'interaction fibrine-plaquettes sont significativement détériorées par rapport à Tl pour les canaux EXTEM et HEPTEM. A T2 l'analyse EXTEM et INTEM sont comparables à celles de EXTEM et HEPTEM à T3. Conclusion: les hautes doses d'héparine utilisées induisent une coagulopathie qui reste stable durant toute la durée de la CEC et qui persiste même après la neutralisation de l'anticoagulation. Les mesures EXTEM et HEPTEM sont donc valides en présence de hautes concentrations d'héparine et peuvent être réalisés pendant la CEC avant l'administration de protamine.


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OBJECTIVE: This contribution addresses the risk associated with exposure to statins during pregnancy. DESIGN: Multicentre observational prospective controlled study. SETTING: European Network of Teratology Information Services. POPULATION: Pregnant women who contacted one of 11 participating centres, seeking advice about exposure to statins during pregnancy, or to agents known to be nonteratogenic. METHODS: Pregnancies exposed during first trimester to statins were followed up prospectively, and their outcomes were compared with a matched control group. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rates of major birth defects, live births, miscarriages, elective terminations, preterm deliveries and gestational age and birthweight at delivery. RESULTS: We collected observations from 249 exposed pregnancies and 249 controls. The difference in the rate of major birth defects between the statin-exposed and the control groups was small and statistically nonsignificant (4.1% versus 2.7% odds ratio [OR] 1.5; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.5-4.5, P = 0.43). In an adjusted Cox model, the difference between miscarriage rates was also small and not significant (hazard ratio 1.36, 95% CI 0.63-2.93, P = 0.43). Premature birth was more frequent in exposed pregnancies (16.1% versus 8.5%; OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.1-3.8, P = 0.019). Nonetheless, median gestational age at birth (39 weeks, interquartile range [IQR] 37-40 versus 39 weeks, IQR 38-40, P = 0.27) and birth weight (3280 g, IQR 2835-3590 versus 3250 g, IQR 2880-3630, P = 0.95) did not differ between exposed and non-exposed pregnancies. CONCLUSIONS: This study did not detect a teratogenic effect of statins. Its statistical power remains insufficient to challenge current recommendations of treatment discontinuation during pregnancy.


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PURPOSE To develop a score predicting the risk of adverse events (AEs) in pediatric patients with cancer who experience fever and neutropenia (FN) and to evaluate its performance. PATIENTS AND METHODS Pediatric patients with cancer presenting with FN induced by nonmyeloablative chemotherapy were observed in a prospective multicenter study. A score predicting the risk of future AEs (ie, serious medical complication, microbiologically defined infection, radiologically confirmed pneumonia) was developed from a multivariate mixed logistic regression model. Its cross-validated predictive performance was compared with that of published risk prediction rules. Results An AE was reported in 122 (29%) of 423 FN episodes. In 57 episodes (13%), the first AE was known only after reassessment after 8 to 24 hours of inpatient management. Predicting AE at reassessment was better than prediction at presentation with FN. A differential leukocyte count did not increase the predictive performance. The score predicting future AE in 358 episodes without known AE at reassessment used the following four variables: preceding chemotherapy more intensive than acute lymphoblastic leukemia maintenance (weight = 4), hemoglobin > or = 90 g/L (weight = 5), leukocyte count less than 0.3 G/L (weight = 3), and platelet count less than 50 G/L (weight = 3). A score (sum of weights) > or = 9 predicted future AEs. The cross-validated performance of this score exceeded the performance of published risk prediction rules. At an overall sensitivity of 92%, 35% of the episodes were classified as low risk, with a specificity of 45% and a negative predictive value of 93%. CONCLUSION This score, based on four routinely accessible characteristics, accurately identifies pediatric patients with cancer with FN at risk for AEs after reassessment.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the results of laparoscopic gastric banding using 2 different bands (the Lapband [Bioenterics, Carpinteria, CA] and the SAGB [Swedish Adjustable Gastric Band; Obtech Medical, 6310 Zug, Switzerland]) in terms of weight loss and correction of comorbidities, short-and long-term complications, and improvement of quality of life in morbidly obese patients SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: During the past 10 years, gastric banding has become 1 of the most common bariatric procedures, at least in Europe and Australia. Weight loss can be excellent, but it is not sufficient in a significant proportion of patients, and a number of long-term complications can develop. We hypothesized that the type of band could be of importance in the outcome. METHODS: One hundred eighty morbidly obese patients were randomly assigned to receive the Lapband or the SAGB. All the procedures were performed by the same surgeon. The primary end point was weight loss, and secondary end points were correction of comorbidities, early- and long-term complications, importance of food restriction, and improvement of quality of life. RESULTS: Initial weight loss was faster in the Lapband group, but weight loss was eventually identical in the 2 groups. There was a trend toward more early band-related complications and more band infections with the SAGB, but the study had limited power in that respect. Correction of comorbidities, food restriction, long-term complications, and improvement of quality of life were identical. Only 55% to 60% of the patients achieved an excess weight loss of at least 50% in both groups. There was no difference in the incidence of long-term complications. CONCLUSIONS: Gastric banding can be performed safely with the Lapband or the SAGB with similar short- and midterm results with respect to weight loss and morbidity. Only 50% to 60% of the patients will achieve sufficient weight loss, and close to 10% at least will develop severe long-term complications.


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BACKGROUND: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) related to multiple sclerosis (MS) is more difficult to manage pharmacologically and surgically. OBJECTIVE: This article aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) in this special group of patients. METHODS: Between July 1992 and November 2010, 43 cases with more than 1 year of follow-up were operated with GKS for TN related to MS and prospectively evaluated in the Timone University Hospital, Marseille, France. Radiosurgery using the Gamma Knife (model B or C or Perfexion) was performed. A single 4-mm isocenter was positioned at a median distance of 8 mm (range 5.7-14.7) anterior to the emergence of the nerve. A median maximum dose of 85 Gy (range 75-90) was delivered. RESULTS: The median follow-up period was 53.8 months (12-157.1). Thirty-nine patients (90.7%) were initially pain free. Their actuarial probability of remaining pain free without medication at 6 months, 1, 3, 5 and 10 years was 87.2, 71.8, 43.1, 38.3 and 20.5%, respectively, and remained stable till 12 years. The hypoesthesia actuarial rate at 6 months, 1 and 2 years was 11.5, 11.5 and 16%, and remained stable till 12 years. CONCLUSIONS: GKS proved safe and effective in this special group of patients.


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BACKGROUND: Totally implanted vascular access devices are frequently used in children for repeated blood samples or intravenous treatments. This prospective study aims at identifying the risk factors associated with infections, obstructions and surgical complications of these devices in pediatric patients. METHODS: From January 2006 to January 2008, all children older than one year of age with a diagnosis of solid or blood cell malignancy were included in the study. Insertion was performed by the surgeon according to a standardized protocol after landmark-guided puncture of the subclavian or internal jugular vein by a senior anesthesiologist. Dressing and post-operative care were standardized. Every manipulation was prospectively recorded by specialized dedicated nurses, and all patients were screened for complications one month post-surgery. RESULTS: 45 consecutive patients 1 to 16 years old were enrolled in the study. Mean age at the time of procedure was 8.5 years (range 1.3-15.6; SD +/- 4.88). There were 12 peroperative adverse events in 45 procedures (27%), detailed as follows: 3 pneumothoraces (7%), 3 hematomas (7%), 6 arterial punctures (13%). Among these events, intervention was necessary for two pneumothorax and one arterial puncture. There was no air embolism. At one month, we recorded 5 post-operative complications (11%): 2 thrombotic obstructions, one unsightly scar, and one scapular pain of unknown etiology. One patient needed repositioning of the catheter. There was no catheter-related infection. CONCLUSION: Prospective recording of TIVA insertion in children reveals a significant number of early incidents and complications, mainly associated with the percutaneous puncture technique. We found no infection in this series. Results of a longer follow-up in the same population are pending.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the rhythm and predictability of the need for retreatment with intravitreal injections of ranibizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). METHODS: This prospective study enrolled 39 patients with treatment-naïve nAMD. After three loading doses of intravitreal ranibizumab, patients underwent an intensified follow-up for 12 months (initially weekly, then with stepwise increases to every 2 weeks and to monthly after each injection). Patients were retreated on an as-needed basis if any fluid or increased central retinal thickness (CRT) (>50μm) was found on spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT). Statistical analysis included patients who received at least two retreatments (five injections). RESULTS: A mean of 7.5 injections (range 0-12) were given between months 3 and 15. The mean visual acuity increased by 13.1 and 12.6 ETDRS letters at months 12 and 15 respectively. Two or more injection-retreatment intervals were found in 31 patients. The variability of their intra-individual intervals up to 14 weeks was small (SD 0-2.13 weeks), revealing a high regularity of the retreatment rhythm. The SD was correlated with the mean interval duration (r = 0.89, p < 0.001). The first interval was a good predictor of the following intervals (regression coefficient =0.81). One retreatment criterion was stable in 97 % of patients (cysts or subretinal fluid). CONCLUSION: The results of this study demonstrate a high intra-individual predictability of retreatment need with ranibizumab injections for nAMD. These findings may be helpful for developing individualized treatment plans for maintained suppression of disease activity with a minimum of injections and visits.