128 resultados para phase rule one component
The integration of information which can be gained from accessory [i.e. age (t)] and rock-forming minerals [i.e. temperature (T) and pressure (P)] requires a more profound understanding of the equilibration kinetics during metamorphic processes. This paper presents an approach comparing conventional P-T estimate from equilibrated assemblages of rock-forming minerals with temperature data derived from yttrium-garnet-monazite (YGM) and yttrium-garnet-xenotime (YGX) geothermometry. Such a comparison provides an initial indication on differences between equilibration of major and trace elements. Regarding this purpose, two migmatites, two polycyclic and one monocyclic gneiss from the Central Alps (Switzerland, northern Italy) were investigated. While the polycyclic samples exhibit trace-element equilibration between monazite and garnet grains assigned to the same metamorphic event, there are relics of monazite and garnet obviously surviving independent of their textural position. These observations suggest that surface processes dominate transport processes during equilibration of those samples. The monocyclic gneiss, on the contrary, displays rare isolated monazite with equilibration of all elements, despite comparably large transport distances. With a nearly linear crystal-size distribution of the garnet grain population, growth kinetics, related to the major elements, were likely surface-controlled in this sample. In contrast to these completely equilibrated examples, the migmatites indicate disequilibrium between garnet and monazite with a change in REE patterns on garnet transects. The cause for this disequilibrium may be related to a potential disequilibrium initiated by a changing bulk chemistry during melt segregation. While migmatite environments are expected to support high transport rates (i.e. high temperatures and melt presence), the evolution of equilibration in migmatites is additionaly related to change in chemistry. As a key finding, surface-controlled equilibration kinetics seem to dominate transport-controlled processes in the investigated samples. This may be decisive information towards the understanding of age data derived from monazite.
Differential X-ray phase-contrast tomography (DPCT) refers to a class of promising methods for reconstructing the X-ray refractive index distribution of materials that present weak X-ray absorption contrast. The tomographic projection data in DPCT, from which an estimate of the refractive index distribution is reconstructed, correspond to one-dimensional (1D) derivatives of the two-dimensional (2D) Radon transform of the refractive index distribution. There is an important need for the development of iterative image reconstruction methods for DPCT that can yield useful images from few-view projection data, thereby mitigating the long data-acquisition times and large radiation doses associated with use of analytic reconstruction methods. In this work, we analyze the numerical and statistical properties of two classes of discrete imaging models that form the basis for iterative image reconstruction in DPCT. We also investigate the use of one of the models with a modern image reconstruction algorithm for performing few-view image reconstruction of a tissue specimen.
RESUME: Une zone tectonique large et complexe, connue sous le nom de ligne des Centovalli, traverse le secteur des Alpes Centrales compris entre Domodossola et Locarno. Cette région, formée par le Val Vigezzo et la vallée des Centovalli, constitue la terminaison méridionale du dôme Lepontin et représente une portion de la zone des racines des nappes alpines. Elle fait partie dune grande et complexe zone de cisaillement, en partie associée à des phénomènes hydrothermaux dâge alpin (<20 Ma), qui comprend le système tectonique Insubrien et celui du Simplon. Le Val Vigezzo et les Centovalli constituent un vrai carrefour entre les principaux accidents tectoniques des Alpes ainsi qu'une zone de juxtaposition du socle Sudalpin avec la zone des racines de lAustroalpin et du Pennique. Les phases de déformation et les structures géologiques qui peuvent être étudiées s'étalent sur une période comprise entre environ 35 Ma et l'actuel. Létude détaillée de terrain a mis en évidence la présence de nombreuses roches et structures de déformation de type ductile et cassant tels que des mylonites, des cataclasites, des pseudotachylites, des kakirites, des failles minéralisées, des gouges de faille et des plis. Sur le terrain on a pu distinguer au moins quatre générations de plis liés aux différentes phases de déformation. Le nombre et la complexité de ces structures indiquent une histoire très compliquée, selon plusieurs étapes distinctes, parfois liées, voire même superposées. Une partie de ces structures de déformation affectent aussi les dépôts sédimentaires dâge quaternaire, notamment des limons et des sables lacustres. Ces sédiments constituent les restes d'un bassin lacustre attribué à l'époque interglaciaire Riss/Würm (éemien, 67.000-120.000 ans) et ils affleurent dans la partie centrale de la zone étudiée, à l'Est de la plaine de Santa Maria Maggiore. Ces sédiments montrent en leur sein toute une série de structures de déformation tels que des plans de faille inverses, des structures conjuguées de raccourcissement et des véritables plis. Ces failles et ces plis représenteraient les évidences de surface dune déformation probablement active en époque quaternaire. Une autre formation rocheuse a retenu tout notre attention; il s'agit d'un corps de brèches péridotitiques monogéniques qui affleure en discontinuité le long du versant méridional et le long du fond de la vallée Vigezzo sur environ 20 km. Ces brèches se posent indifféremment sur le socle (unités Finero, Orselina) ou sur les sédiments lacustres. Elles sont traversées par des plans de failles qui développent des véritables stries de faille et des gouges de faille; lorientation de ces plans est la même que celle affectant les failles à gouges du socle. La genèse de cette brèche est liée à l'altération et au modelage glacier (rock-glaciers) d'une brèche tectonique originelle qui borde la partie externe du Corps de Finero. Les structures de déformation de cette brèche, pareillement à celles des sédiments lacustres, ont été considérées comme les évidences de surface d'une tectonique quaternaire active dans la région. La dernière phase de déformation cassante qui affecte cette région peut donc être considérée comme active en époque quaternaire. Une vue densemble de la région étudiée nous permet de reconnaître à léchelle régionale une zone de cisaillement complexe orientée E-W, parallèlement à laxe de la vallée Centovalli-Val Vigezzo. Les données de terrain, indiquent que cette zone de cisaillement débute sous conditions ductiles et évolue en plusieurs étapes jusquà des conditions de failles cassantes de surface. La reconstruction de l'évolution géodynamique de la région a permis de définir trois étapes distinctes qui marquent le passage, de ce secteur de socle cristallin, de conditions P-T profondes à des conditions de surface. Dans ce contexte, on a reconnu trois phases principales de déformation à léchelle régionale qui caractérisent ces trois étapes. La phase la plus ancienne est constituée par des mylonites en faciès amphibolite, associées à des mouvements de cisaillement dextre, qui sont ensuite remplacés par des mylonites en faciès schistes verts et des plis rétrovergentes liés au rétrocharriage des nappes alpines. Une deuxième étape est identifiée par le développement dune phase hydrothermale liée à un système de failles extensives et décrochantes dextres à direction principale E-W, NE-SW et NW-SE. Leur caractérisation minéralogique a permis la mise en évidence des phases cristallines de néoformation liées à cet événement constituées par : K-feldspath (microcline), chlorites (Fe+Mg), épidotes, prehnite, zéolites (laumontite), sphène, calcite. Dans ce contexte, pour obtenir une meilleure caractérisation de cet événement hydrothermal on a utilisé des géothermomètres sur chlorites, sensible aussi à la pression et a la a(H2O), qui ont donné des valeurs descendantes comprises entre 450-200°C. Les derniers mouvements sont mis en évidence par le développement dune série de plans majeurs de failles à gouge, qui forment une structure en sigmoïdes dépaisseur kilométrique reconnaissable à léchelle de la vallée et caractérisée par des mouvements transpressifs avec une composante décrochante dextre toujours importante. Cette phase de déformation forme un système conjugué de failles avec direction moyenne E-W qui coupent la zone des racines des nappes alpines, la zone du Canavese et le corps ultramafique de Finero. Ce système se déroule de manière subparallèle à l'axe de la vallée le long de plusieurs dizaines de kilomètres. Une analyse complète et détaillée des gouges de faille par XRD a montré que la fraction argileuse (<2 µm) de ces gouges contient une partie de néoformation très importante constituée par, des illites, des chlorites et des interstratifiés de type illite/smectite ou chlorite/smectite. Des datations avec méthode K-Ar sur ces illites ont donné des valeurs comprises entre 12 et 4 Ma qui représentent l'âge de cette dernière déformation cassante. L'application de la méthode de la cristallinité de l'illite (C.I.) a permis d'évaluer les conditions thermiques qui caractérisent le déroulement de cette dernière phase tectonique qui se produit sous conditions de température caractéristiques de l'anchizone et de la diagenèse. L'ensemble des structures de déformation qu'on vient de décrire s'insère parfaitement dans le contexte de convergence oblique entre la plaque adriatique et celle européenne qui à produit l'orogène alpin. On peut considérer les structures tectoniques du Val Vigezzo-Centovalli comme l'expression d'une zone majeure de cisaillement "Simplo-Insubrienne". L'empilement structural et les structures tectoniques affleurantes dans la région sont le résultat de l'interaction entre un régime tectonique transpressif et un régime transtensif. Ces deux champs de tension sont antagonistes entre eux mais sont reliés, de toute façon, à une seule phase décrochante dextre principale, due à une convergence oblique entre deux plaques. À l'échelle de l'évolution géodynamique on peut distinguer différentes étapes au cours desquelles les structures de ces deux régimes tectoniques interagissent en manière différente. En accord avec les données géophysiques et les reconstructions paléodynamiques prises dans la littérature on considère que la ligne Rhône-Simplon-Centovalli représente l'évidence de surface de la suture majeure profonde entre la plaque Adriatique et celle Européenne. Les vitesses de soulèvement qui ont été calculées dans cette étude pour cette région des Alpes donnent une valeur moyenne de 0.8 mm/a qui est tout à fait comparable avec les données proposées par la littérature sur cette zone. La zone Val Vigezzo-Centovalli peut être donc considérée comme un carrefour géologique où se croisent différentes phases tectoniques qui représentent les évidences de surface d'une suture profonde majeure entre deux plaques dans un contexte de collision continentale. ABSTRACT: A wide and complex tectonic zone known as Centovalli line, crosses the Central Alps sector between Domodossola and Locarno. This area, formed by the Vigezzo Valley and Centovalli valley, constitutes the southernmost termination of the Lepontin dome and represents a portion of the alpine nappes root zone. It belongs to a large and complex shear-zone, partly associated with hydrothermal phenomena of alpine age (<20 My), which includes the Insubric Line and the Simplon fault zone. Vigezzo Valley and Centovalli constitute a real crossroads between the mains alpines tectonics lines as well as a zone of juxtaposition of the Southalpine basement with the Austroalpin and Pennique root zone. The deformation phases and the geological structures that can be studied between approximately 35 My and the present. The detailed field study showed the presence of many brittle and ductile deformation structures and fault rocks such as mylonites, cataclasites, pseudotachylites, kakirites, mineralized faults, fault gouges and folds. In the field we could distinguish at least four folds generations related to the various deformation phases. The number and the complexity of these structures indicate a very complicated history, comprising several different stages, that sometimes are related and even superimposed. Part of these deformation structures affect also the sedimentary deposits of quaternary age, in particular the silts and sands lake deposit. These sediments constitute the remainders of a lake basin ascribed to the interglacial Riss/Würm (Eemien, 67.000-120.000 years) and outcroping in the central part of the studied area, in the Eastern part of Santa Maria Maggiore plain. These sediments show a whole series of deformation structures such as inverse fault planes, combined shortening structures and true folds. These faults and folds would represent the surface evidence of a probably active tectonic deformation in quaternary time. Another rock formation attracted all our attention. It is a body of monogenic peridotite breccia which outcrops in discontinuity along the southernmost slope and the bottom of the Vigezzo valley on approximately 20 km. This breccia lies indifferently on the basement (Finero and Orselina units) or on the lake sediments. They are crossed by fault planes which developed slikenside and fault gouges whose orientation is the same of the faults gouges in the alpine basement. This breccia results from the weathering and the surface modelling of an original tectonic breccia which borders the external part of Finero peridotite body. This breccia deformation structures, like those of the lake sediments, were regarded as the surface interaction of active quaternary tectonics in the area. So the last brittle deformation phases which affects this area seems to be actives in quaternary time. Theoverall picture of the studied area on a regional scale enables us to point out a complex shear-zone directed E-W, parallel to the axis of the Centovalli and Vigezzo Valley. The field analysis indicates that this shear-zone began under ductile conditions and evolved in several stages to brittle faulting under surface conditions. The analysis of the geodynamic evolution of the area allows to define three different stages which mark the transition of this alpine basement root zone, from deep P-T conditions to P-T surface conditions. In this context on regional scale three principal deformation phases, which characterize these three stages can be distinguished. The oldest phase consisted of the amphibolitie facies mylonites, associated to dextral strikeslip movements. They are then replaced by green-schists facies mylonites and backfolds related to the backthrusting of the alpines nappes. A second episode is caracterized by the development of an hydrothermal phase bound to an extensive fault and dextral strike-slip fault system, with E-W, NW-SE and SE-NW principal directionsThe principal neoformed mineral phases related to this event are: K-feldspar (microcline), chlorites (Fe+Mg), epidotes prehnite, zéolites (laumontite), sphene and calcite. In this context, to obtain a better characterization of this hydrothermal event, we have used an chlorite geothermometer, sensitive also to the pressure and has the a(H2O), which gave downward values ranging between 450-200°C. The last movements are caracterized by the development of important gouge fault plans, which form a sigmoid structure of kilometric thickness which is recognizable at the valley scale, and is characterized by transpressive movements always with a significant dextral strike-slip component. This deformation phase forms a combined faults system with an average E-W direction, which cuts trough the alpine root zone, the Canavese zone and the Finero ultramafic body. This fault system takes place subparallel to the axis of the valley over several tens of kilometers. A complete and detailed XRD analysis of the gouges fault showed that the clay fraction (<2µm) contains a very significant neo-formation of illite, chlorites and mixed layered clays such as illite/smectite or chlorite/smectite. The K-Ar datings of the illite fraction <2µm gave values ranging between 12 and 4 My and the illite fraction <0.2µm gave more recents values until to 2,4-0 My.This values represent the age of this last brittle deformation. The application of the illite crystallinity method (C.I.) allowed evaluating the thermal conditions which characterize this tectonic phase that occured under temperature conditions of the anchizone and diagenesis. The whole set of deformation structures which we just described, perfectly fit the context of oblique convergence between the Adriatic and the European plate that produced the alpine orogen. We can regard the Vigezzo valley and Centovalli tectonic structures as the expression of a major "Simplo-Insubric" shear-zone. Structural stacking and tectonic structures that outcrop in the studied area, are the result of the interaction between a transpressive and a transtensve tectonic phases. These two tension fields are antagonistic but they are also connected, in any event, with only one principal dextral strike-slip movement, caused by an oblique convergence between two plates. On the geodynamic evolution scale we can distinguish various stages during which these two tectonic structures fields interact in various ways. In agreement with the geophysical data and the paleodynamic recostructions taken in the literature we considers that the Rhone-Simplon-Centovalli line are the surface feature of the major collision between the Adriatique and the European plate at depth. The uplift speeds we calculated in this study for this Alpine area give an average value of 0.8 mm/a, which is in good agreement with the data suggested by the literature on this zone. TheVigezzo Valley and Centovalli zone can therefore be regarded as a geological crossroad where various tectonic phases are superimposed. They represent the evidences of a major and deeper suture between two plates in a continental collision context.
L?objectif de ce travail de recherche était de décrypter l?évolution géodynamique de la Péninsule de Biga (Turquie du N-O), à travers l?analyse de deux régions géologiques peu connues, le mélange de Çetmi et la zone d?Ezine (i.e. le Groupe d?Ezine et l?ophiolite de Denizgören). Une étude complète et détaillée de terrain (cartographie et échantillonnage) ainsi qu?une approche multidisciplinaire (sédimentologie de faciès, pétrographie sédimentaire et magmatique, micropaléontologie, datations absolues, géochimie sur roche totale, cristallinité de l?illite) ont permis d?obtenir de nouveaux éléments d?information sur la région considérée. ? Le mélange de Çetmi, de type mélange d?accrétion, affleure au nord et au sud de la Péninsule de Biga ; les principaux résultats de son étude peuvent se résumer comme suit: - Son aspect structural actuel (nature des contacts, organisation tectonique) est principalement dû au régime extensif Tertiaire présent dans la région. - Il est constitué de blocs de différentes natures : rares calcaires Scythien-Ladinien dans le faciès Han Bulog, blocs hectométriques de calcaires d?âge Norien-Rhaetien de rampe carbonatée, nombreux blocs décamétriques de radiolarites rouges d?âge Bajocien- Aptien, blocs/écailles de roches magmatiques de type spilites (basaltes à andésite), ayant des signatures géochimiques d?arcs ou intra-plaques. - La matrice du mélange est constituée d?une association greywacke-argilites dont l?âge Albien inférieur à moyen a été déterminé par palynologie. - L?activité du mélange s?est terminée avant le Cénomanien (discordance Cénomanienne au sommet du mélange, pas de bloc plus jeune que la matrice). - Du point de vue de ses corrélations latérales, le mélange de Çetmi partage plus de traits communs avec les mélanges se trouvant dans les nappes allochtones du Rhodope (nord de la Grèce et sud-ouest de la Bulgarie) qu?avec ceux de la suture Izmir-Ankara (Turquie); il apparaît finalement que sa mise en place s?est faite dans une logique balkanique (chevauchements vers le nord d?âge anté-Cénomanien). ? Le Groupe d?Ezine et l?ophiolite sus-jacente de Denizgören affleurent dans la partie ouest de la Péninsule de Biga. Le Groupe d?Ezine est une épaisse séquence sédimentaire continue (3000 m), subdivisée en trois formations, caractérisée chacune par un type de sédimentation spécifique, relatif à un environnement de dépôt particulier. De par ses caractéristiques (grande épaisseur, variations latérales de faciès et d?épaisseur dans les formations, érosion de matériel provenant de l?amont du bassin), le groupe d?Ezine est interprétée comme un dépôt syn-rift d?âge Permien moyen-Trias inférieur. Il pourrait représenter une partie de la future marge passive sud Rhodopienne à la suite de l?ouverture de l?océan Maliac/Méliata. L?ophiolite de Denizgören sus-jacente repose sur le Groupe d?Ezine par l?intermédiaire d?une semelle métamorphique à gradient inverse, du faciès amphibolite à schiste vert. L?âge du faciès amphibolite suggère une initiation de l?obduction au Barrémien (125 Ma, âge Ar/Ar); cet âge est unique dans le domaine égéen, mais il peut là aussi être relié à une logique balkanique, sur la base de comparaison avec le domaine Rhodopien. ? Toutes les unités précédentes (mélange de Çetmi, Groupe d?Ezine et ophiolite de Denizgören) ont passivement subi trois phases extensives pendant le Tertiaire. Dans la région d?Ezine et du mélange nord, les micaschistes HP sous-jacents ont été exhumés avant l?Eocène moyen. Dans le cas du mélange sud, cette exhumation Eocene est en partie enregistrée dans les mylonites séparant le mélange du dôme métamorphique sous-jacent du Kazda?. Le mélange sud est dans tous les cas fortement érodé à la suite de la double surrection du dôme du Kazda?, près de la lim ite Oligocène/Miocene et pendant le Plio- Quaternaire. Dans le premier cas, ce soulèvement est caractérisé par le développement d?une faille de détachement à faible pendage, qui contrôle à la fois l?exhumation du massif, et la formation d?un bassin sédimentaire syntectonique, de type bassin supradétachement; quant à la phase extensive la plus récente, elle est contrôlée par le jeu de failles normales à forts pendages qui remanient l?ensemble des structures héritées, et dictent la géomorphologie actuelle de la région. ? Il est possible de proposer un scénario pour l?évolution géodynamique de la Péninsule de Biga, basé sur l?ensemble des résultats précédents et sur les données de la géologie régionale ; ses points principaux sont: - La Péninsule de Biga fait partie de la marge Rhodopienne. - Le Groupe d?Ezine est un témoin de la marge passive nord Maliac/Méliata. - L?ophiolite de Denizgören et le mélange de Çetmi ont été mis en place tous deux vers le nord sur la marge précédente, respectivement au Barrémien et à l?Albien terminal- Cénomanien inférieur. - Une forte composante décrochante durant l?emplacement est suggérée par la préservation de fragments de la marge passive et l?absence de métamorphisme dans la plaque inférieure. - Tous les évènements précédents ont été largement affectés par le régime d?extension Tertiaire.<br/><br/>The purpose of this study is to unravel the geodynamic evolution of the Biga Peninsula (NW Turkey) through the detailed study of two poorly known areas, the Çetmi mélange and the Ezine zone (i.e. the Ezine Group and the Denizgören ophiolite). The methodology was based on a detailed field work and a multidisciplinary approach. ? The accretion-related Çetmi mélange is mainly cropping out north and south of the Biga Peninsula; the main results of its study can be summarized as follows: -Its present-day structural aspect (type of contacts, tectonic organisation) is largely inherited from the Tertiary extensional regime in the region. -It is made of blocks of various natures: Han Bulog limestones with a Scythian to Ladinian age, common carbonate ramp Norian-Rhaetian limestones (biggest blocks of the mélange), red radolarite with a Bajocian to Aptian age; the most common lithology of the mélange is made by block/slices of spilitic magmatic rocks (basalt to andesite); they have volcanic arc or within plate basalt geochemical signatures. -The matrix of the mélange is made of a greywacke-shale association of Early-Middle Albian age. - The mélange stopped its activity before the Cenomanian (no younger blocks than the matrix, and Cenomanian unconformity). - If compared to the regional geology, the Çetmi mélange shares some characteristics with the Izmir-Ankara mélanges (less), and with the mélanges from allochthonous nappes found in eastern Rhodope (more); it appears finally that its emplacement is related to a Balkanic logic (ante-Cenomanian northward thrusting). ? The Ezine Group and the overlying Denizgören ophiolite are cropping out in the western part of the Biga Peninsula. The Ezine Group is a thick sedimentary sequence interpreted as a syn-rift deposit of Middle Permian-Early Triassic age. It represents a part of the south Rhodopian passive margin, following the opening of the Maliac/Meliata oceanic domain. The Denizgören ophiolite has been emplaced northward on the Ezine Group in the Barremian (125 Ma, age of the amphibolitic sole); this age is unique in the Aegean domain, but here again, it may be related to a Balkan logic. ? All the previous units (Çetmi mélange, Ezine Group and Denizgören ophiolite) have passively suffered two extensional regimes during the Tertiary. In the Ezine and northern Çetmi mélange area, the underlying HP Çamlýca micaschists were exhumed before the Middle Eocene. As for the southern mélange, it was strongly eroded following the Late Oligocene to Quaternary uplift of the underlying Kazda? Massif. This uplift was characterized by the development of a low-angle detachment fault controlling a part of the exhumation, as well as the development of a supra-detachment basin. ? Based on the previous results, and on the data from the regional geology, one can propose a scenario for the geodynamic evolution of the Biga Peninsula. Its key points are:- The Biga Peninsula is belonging to the Rhodope margin. - The Ezine Group is a remnant of the northern Maliac/Meliata passive margin. - Both the Denizgören ophiolite and the Çetmi mélange have been emplaced northward on the previous margin, respectively in the Barremian and in the Late Albian-Early Cenomanian times. - The preservation of the remnants of the Rhodope margin, as well as the absence of metamorphism in the lower plate suggest a strong strike-slip component during the emplacements. - All the previous events are (at least) partly obliterated by the Tertiary extensional regime.<br/><br/>Le géologue est comme un «historien» de la Terre, qui porte un intérêt particulier à l?étude du passé de notre planète; ce dernier, très ancien, se mesure en dizaines ou centaines de millions d?années (Ma). Or le visage de la terre a constamment évolué au cours des ces millions d?années écoulés, car les plaques (continentales et océaniques) qui composent son enveloppe superficielle ne restent pas immobiles, mais se déplacent continuellement à sa surface, à une vitesse de l?ordre du cm/an (théorie de la tectonique des plaques); c?est ainsi, par exemple, que des océans naissent, grandissent, puis finissent par se refermer. On appelle sutures océaniques, les zones, aujourd?hui sur la terre ferme, où l?on retrouve les restes d?océans disparus. Ces sutures sont caractérisées par deux associations distinctes de roches, que l?on appelle les mélanges et les ophiolites; ces mélanges et ophiolites sont donc les témoins de l?activité passée d?un océan aujourd?hui refermé. L?équipe de recherche dans laquelle ce travail à été réalisé s?intéresse à un vaste domaine océanique fossile: l?océan Néotéthys. Cet océan, de plusieurs milliers de kilomètres de large, séparait alors l?Europe et l?Asie au nord, de l?Afrique, l?Inde et l?Australie au sud. De cet océan, il n?en subsiste aujourd?hui qu?une infime partie, qui se confond avec notre mer Méditerranée actuelle. Or, tout comme l?océan Pacifique est bordé de mers plus étroites (Mer de Chine, du Japon, etc?), l?océan Néotéthys était bordé au nord de mers marginales. C?est dans ce cadre que s?est inscrit mon travail de thèse, puisqu?il a consisté en l?étude d?une suture océanique (mélange plus ophiolite), témoin d?une des mers qui bordait l?océan Néotéthys sur sa marge nord. L?objectif était de préciser de quelle suture il s?agissait, puis de déterminer quand et comment elle avait fonctionné (i.e son évolution géologique). Les roches qui composent cette suture affleurent aujourd?hui en Turquie nord occidentale dans la Péninsule de Biga. Au nord et au sud de la péninsule se trouvent les zones géologique du mélange de Çetmi, et à l?ouest, le Groupe d?Ezine et l?ophiolite susjacente, dite ophiolite de Denizgören. Une étude complète et détaillée de terrain (cartographie, échantillonnage), suivie de diverses analyses en laboratoire (détermination de leur âge, de leur condition de formation, etc?), ont permis d?aboutir aux principaux résultats suivants : - Mise en évidence dans le mélange de Çetmi des témoins (1) de l?océan Lycien disparu (ancienne mer marginale de la Néotéthys), et (2) de la marge continentale qui le bordait au nord. - Fin de l?activité du mélange de Çetmi il y a environ 105 Ma (Albien). - Le mélange de Çetmi est difficilement corrélable dans le temps avec les unités semblables affleurant dans la région d?étude (unicité du mélange), ce qui implique des conditions particulière de formation. - L?ophiolite de Denizgören est un morceau d?océan Lycien posé sur un reste préservé de sa marge continentale nord. - Cette dernière est représentée sur le terrain par une succession de roches caractéristiques, le Groupe d?Ezine. Celui-ci est lui-même un témoin de l?ouverture d?un océan marginal de la Néotethys antérieur au Lycien, l?océan Maliac, qui s?est ouvert il y a 245 Ma (Permien-Trias). - La mise en place de l?ophiolite de Denizgören sur le Groupe d?Ezine (125 Ma, Barrémien) est antérieure à la mise en place du mélange de Çetmi. - Il apparaît que ces deux mises en place sont contemporaines de la formation de la chaîne des Balkans, terminée avant le Cénomanien (100 Ma). - L?évolution dans le temps des objets précédents (océans, marges continentales) montre de grands mouvements latéraux est-ouest entre ces objets (translation). Ce qui implique que les roches que l?on retrouve aujourd?hui sur un transect nord-sud ne l?étaient pas nécessairement auparavant. - Enfin, il s?avère que le mélange de Çetmi, l?ophiolite de Denizgören, et le Groupe d?Ezine ont subi par la suite des déformations extensives importantes qui ont considérablement perturbé le schéma post-mise en place.
ABSTRACT: Massive synaptic pruning following over-growth is a general feature of mammalian brain maturation. Pruning starts near time of birth and is completed by time of sexual maturation. Trigger signals able to induce synaptic pruning could be related to dynamic functions that depend on the timing of action potentials. Spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity (STDP) is a change in the synaptic strength based on the ordering of pre- and postsynaptic spikes. The relation between synaptic efficacy and synaptic pruning suggests that the weak synapses may be modified and removed through competitive "learning" rules. This plasticity rule might produce the strengthening of the connections among neurons that belong to cell assemblies characterized by recurrent patterns of firing. Conversely, the connections that are not recurrently activated might decrease in efficiency and eventually be eliminated. The main goal of our study is to determine whether or not, and under which conditions, such cell assemblies may emerge out of a locally connected random network of integrate-and-fire units distributed on a 2D lattice receiving background noise and content-related input organized in both temporal and spatial dimensions. The originality of our study stands on the relatively large size of the network, 10,000 units, the duration of the experiment, 10E6 time units (one time unit corresponding to the duration of a spike), and the application of an original bio-inspired STDP modification rule compatible with hardware implementation. A first batch of experiments was performed to test that the randomly generated connectivity and the STDP-driven pruning did not show any spurious bias in absence of stimulation. Among other things, a scale factor was approximated to compensate for the network size on the ac¬tivity. Networks were then stimulated with the spatiotemporal patterns. The analysis of the connections remaining at the end of the simulations, as well as the analysis of the time series resulting from the interconnected units activity, suggest that feed-forward circuits emerge from the initially randomly connected networks by pruning. RESUME: L'élagage massif des synapses après une croissance excessive est une phase normale de la ma¬turation du cerveau des mammifères. L'élagage commence peu avant la naissance et est complété avant l'âge de la maturité sexuelle. Les facteurs déclenchants capables d'induire l'élagage des synapses pourraient être liés à des processus dynamiques qui dépendent de la temporalité rela¬tive des potentiels d'actions. La plasticité synaptique à modulation temporelle relative (STDP) correspond à un changement de la force synaptique basé sur l'ordre des décharges pré- et post- synaptiques. La relation entre l'efficacité synaptique et l'élagage des synapses suggère que les synapses les plus faibles pourraient être modifiées et retirées au moyen d'une règle "d'appren¬tissage" faisant intervenir une compétition. Cette règle de plasticité pourrait produire le ren¬forcement des connexions parmi les neurones qui appartiennent à une assemblée de cellules caractérisée par des motifs de décharge récurrents. A l'inverse, les connexions qui ne sont pas activées de façon récurrente pourraient voir leur efficacité diminuée et être finalement éliminées. Le but principal de notre travail est de déterminer s'il serait possible, et dans quelles conditions, que de telles assemblées de cellules émergent d'un réseau d'unités integrate-and¬-fire connectées aléatoirement et distribuées à la surface d'une grille bidimensionnelle recevant à la fois du bruit et des entrées organisées dans les dimensions temporelle et spatiale. L'originalité de notre étude tient dans la taille relativement grande du réseau, 10'000 unités, dans la durée des simulations, 1 million d'unités de temps (une unité de temps correspondant à une milliseconde), et dans l'utilisation d'une règle STDP originale compatible avec une implémentation matérielle. Une première série d'expériences a été effectuée pour tester que la connectivité produite aléatoirement et que l'élagage dirigé par STDP ne produisaient pas de biais en absence de stimu¬lation extérieure. Entre autres choses, un facteur d'échelle a pu être approximé pour compenser l'effet de la variation de la taille du réseau sur son activité. Les réseaux ont ensuite été stimulés avec des motifs spatiotemporels. L'analyse des connexions se maintenant à la fin des simulations, ainsi que l'analyse des séries temporelles résultantes de l'activité des neurones, suggèrent que des circuits feed-forward émergent par l'élagage des réseaux initialement connectés au hasard.
Microphthalmia with linear skin defects (MLS) syndrome is an X-linked male-lethal disorder also known as MIDAS (microphthalmia, dermal aplasia, and sclerocornea). Additional clinical features include neurological and cardiac abnormalities. MLS syndrome is genetically heterogeneous given that heterozygous mutations in HCCS or COX7B have been identified in MLS-affected females. Both genes encode proteins involved in the structure and function of complexes III and IV, which form the terminal segment of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC). However, not all individuals with MLS syndrome carry a mutation in either HCCS or COX7B. The majority of MLS-affected females have severe skewing of X chromosome inactivation, suggesting that mutations in HCCS, COX7B, and other as-yet-unidentified X-linked gene(s) cause selective loss of cells in which the mutated X chromosome is active. By applying whole-exome sequencing and filtering for X-chromosomal variants, we identified a de novo nonsense mutation in NDUFB11 (Xp11.23) in one female individual and a heterozygous 1-bp deletion in a second individual, her asymptomatic mother, and an affected aborted fetus of the subject's mother. NDUFB11 encodes one of 30 poorly characterized supernumerary subunits of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, known as complex I (cI), the first and largest enzyme of the MRC. By shRNA-mediated NDUFB11 knockdown in HeLa cells, we demonstrate that NDUFB11 is essential for cI assembly and activity as well as cell growth and survival. These results demonstrate that X-linked genetic defects leading to the complete inactivation of complex I, III, or IV underlie MLS syndrome. Our data reveal an unexpected role of cI dysfunction in a developmental phenotype, further underscoring the existence of a group of mitochondrial diseases associated with neurocutaneous manifestations.
BACKGROUND: Second line endocrine therapy has limited antitumour activity. Fulvestrant inhibits and downregulates the oestrogen receptor. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway is one of the major cascades involved in resistance to endocrine therapy. We assessed the efficacy and safety of fulvestrant with selumetinib, a MEK 1/2 inhibitor, in advanced stage breast cancer progressing after aromatase inhibitor (AI). PATIENTS AND METHODS: This randomised phase II trial included postmenopausal patients with endocrine-sensitive breast cancer. They were ramdomised to fulvestrant combined with selumetinib or placebo. The primary endpoint was disease control rate (DCR) in the experimental arm. ClinicalTrials.gov Indentifier: NCT01160718. RESULTS: Following the planned interim efficacy analysis, recruitment was interrupted after the inclusion of 46 patients (23 in each arm), because the selumetinib-fulvestrant arm did not reach the pre-specified DCR. DCR was 23% (95% confidence interval (CI) 8-45%) in the selumetinib arm and 50% (95% CI 27-75%) in the placebo arm. Median progression-free survival was 3.7months (95% CI 1.9-5.8) in the selumetinib arm and 5.6months (95% CI 3.4-13.6) in the placebo arm. Median time to treatment failure was 5.1 (95% CI 2.3-6.7) and 5.6 (95% CI 3.4-10.2) months, respectively. The most frequent treatment-related adverse events observed in the selumetinib-fulvestrant arm were skin disorders, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, oedema, diarrhoea, mouth disorders and muscle disorders. CONCLUSIONS: The addition of selumetinib to fulvestrant did not show improving patients' outcome and was poorly tolerated at the recommended monotherapy dose. Selumetinib may have deteriorated the efficacy of the endocrine therapy in some patients.
BACKGROUND: One of the standard options in the treatment of stage IIIA/N2 non-small-cell lung cancer is neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery. We did a randomised trial to investigate whether the addition of neoadjuvant radiotherapy improves outcomes. METHODS: We enrolled patients in 23 centres in Switzerland, Germany and Serbia. Eligible patients had pathologically proven, stage IIIA/N2 non-small-cell lung cancer and were randomly assigned to treatment groups in a 1:1 ratio. Those in the chemoradiotherapy group received three cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (100 mg/m(2) cisplatin and 85 mg/m(2) docetaxel) followed by radiotherapy with 44 Gy in 22 fractions over 3 weeks, and those in the control group received neoadjuvant chemotherapy alone. All patients were scheduled to undergo surgery. Randomisation was stratified by centre, mediastinal bulk (less than 5 cm vs 5 cm or more), and weight loss (5% or more vs less than 5% in the previous 6 months). The primary endpoint was event-free survival. Analyses were done by intention to treat. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00030771. FINDINGS: From 2001 to 2012, 232 patients were enrolled, of whom 117 were allocated to the chemoradiotherapy group and 115 to the chemotherapy group. Median event-free survival was similar in the two groups at 12·8 months (95% CI 9·7-22·9) in the chemoradiotherapy group and 11·6 months (8·4-15·2) in the chemotherapy group (p=0·67). Median overall survival was 37·1 months (95% CI 22·6-50·0) with radiotherapy, compared with 26·2 months (19·9-52·1) in the control group. Chemotherapy-related toxic effects were reported in most patients, but 91% of patients completed three cycles of chemotherapy. Radiotherapy-induced grade 3 dysphagia was seen in seven (7%) patients. Three patients died in the control group within 30 days after surgery. INTERPRETATION: Radiotherapy did not add any benefit to induction chemotherapy followed by surgery. We suggest that one definitive local treatment modality combined with neoadjuvant chemotherapy is adequate to treat resectable stage IIIA/N2 non-small-cell lung cancer. FUNDING: Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), Swiss Cancer League, and Sanofi.
BACKGROUND: Ribavirin (RBV) is an essential component of most current hepatitis C (HCV) treatment regimens and still standard of care in the combination with pegylated interferon (pegIFN) to treat chronic HCV in resource limited settings. Study results in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients are contradicting as to whether RBV concentration correlates with sustained virological response (SVR). METHODS: We included 262 HCV treatment naïve HIV/HCV-coinfected Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) participants treated with RBV and pegIFN between 01.01.2001-01.01.2010, 134 with HCV genotype (GT) 1/4, and 128 with GT 2/3 infections. RBV levels were measured retrospectively in stored plasma samples obtained between HCV treatment week 4 and end of therapy. Uni- and multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the association between RBV concentration and SVR in GT 1/4 and GT 2/3 infections. The analyses were repeated stratified by treatment phase (week 4-12, 13-24, >24) and IL28B genotype (CC versus CT/TT). RESULTS: SVR rates were 35.1% in GT 1/4 and 70.3% in GT 2/3 infections. Overall, median RBV concentration was 2.0 mg/L in GT 1/4, and 1.9 mg/L in GT 2/3, and did not change significantly across treatment phases. Patients with SVR had similar RBV concentrations compared to patients without SVR in both HCV genotype groups. SVR was not associated with RBV levels ≥2.0 mg/L (GT 1/4, OR 1.19 [0.5-2.86]; GT 2/3, 1.94 [0.78-4.80]) and ≥2.5 mg/L (GT 1/4, 1.56 [0.64-3.84]; GT 2/3 2.72 [0.85-8.73]), regardless of treatment phase, and IL28B genotype. CONCLUSION: In HIV/HCV-coinfected patients treated with pegIFN/RBV, therapeutic drug monitoring of RBV concentrations does not enhance the chance of HCV cure, regardless of HCV genotype, treatment phase and IL28B genotype.
Notre consommation en eau souterraine, en particulier comme eau potable ou pour l'irrigation, a considérablement augmenté au cours des années. De nombreux problèmes font alors leur apparition, allant de la prospection de nouvelles ressources à la remédiation des aquifères pollués. Indépendamment du problème hydrogéologique considéré, le principal défi reste la caractérisation des propriétés du sous-sol. Une approche stochastique est alors nécessaire afin de représenter cette incertitude en considérant de multiples scénarios géologiques et en générant un grand nombre de réalisations géostatistiques. Nous rencontrons alors la principale limitation de ces approches qui est le coût de calcul dû à la simulation des processus d'écoulements complexes pour chacune de ces réalisations. Dans la première partie de la thèse, ce problème est investigué dans le contexte de propagation de l'incertitude, oú un ensemble de réalisations est identifié comme représentant les propriétés du sous-sol. Afin de propager cette incertitude à la quantité d'intérêt tout en limitant le coût de calcul, les méthodes actuelles font appel à des modèles d'écoulement approximés. Cela permet l'identification d'un sous-ensemble de réalisations représentant la variabilité de l'ensemble initial. Le modèle complexe d'écoulement est alors évalué uniquement pour ce sousensemble, et, sur la base de ces réponses complexes, l'inférence est faite. Notre objectif est d'améliorer la performance de cette approche en utilisant toute l'information à disposition. Pour cela, le sous-ensemble de réponses approximées et exactes est utilisé afin de construire un modèle d'erreur, qui sert ensuite à corriger le reste des réponses approximées et prédire la réponse du modèle complexe. Cette méthode permet de maximiser l'utilisation de l'information à disposition sans augmentation perceptible du temps de calcul. La propagation de l'incertitude est alors plus précise et plus robuste. La stratégie explorée dans le premier chapitre consiste à apprendre d'un sous-ensemble de réalisations la relation entre les modèles d'écoulement approximé et complexe. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, cette méthodologie est formalisée mathématiquement en introduisant un modèle de régression entre les réponses fonctionnelles. Comme ce problème est mal posé, il est nécessaire d'en réduire la dimensionnalité. Dans cette optique, l'innovation du travail présenté provient de l'utilisation de l'analyse en composantes principales fonctionnelles (ACPF), qui non seulement effectue la réduction de dimensionnalités tout en maximisant l'information retenue, mais permet aussi de diagnostiquer la qualité du modèle d'erreur dans cet espace fonctionnel. La méthodologie proposée est appliquée à un problème de pollution par une phase liquide nonaqueuse et les résultats obtenus montrent que le modèle d'erreur permet une forte réduction du temps de calcul tout en estimant correctement l'incertitude. De plus, pour chaque réponse approximée, une prédiction de la réponse complexe est fournie par le modèle d'erreur. Le concept de modèle d'erreur fonctionnel est donc pertinent pour la propagation de l'incertitude, mais aussi pour les problèmes d'inférence bayésienne. Les méthodes de Monte Carlo par chaîne de Markov (MCMC) sont les algorithmes les plus communément utilisés afin de générer des réalisations géostatistiques en accord avec les observations. Cependant, ces méthodes souffrent d'un taux d'acceptation très bas pour les problèmes de grande dimensionnalité, résultant en un grand nombre de simulations d'écoulement gaspillées. Une approche en deux temps, le "MCMC en deux étapes", a été introduite afin d'éviter les simulations du modèle complexe inutiles par une évaluation préliminaire de la réalisation. Dans la troisième partie de la thèse, le modèle d'écoulement approximé couplé à un modèle d'erreur sert d'évaluation préliminaire pour le "MCMC en deux étapes". Nous démontrons une augmentation du taux d'acceptation par un facteur de 1.5 à 3 en comparaison avec une implémentation classique de MCMC. Une question reste sans réponse : comment choisir la taille de l'ensemble d'entrainement et comment identifier les réalisations permettant d'optimiser la construction du modèle d'erreur. Cela requiert une stratégie itérative afin que, à chaque nouvelle simulation d'écoulement, le modèle d'erreur soit amélioré en incorporant les nouvelles informations. Ceci est développé dans la quatrième partie de la thèse, oú cette méthodologie est appliquée à un problème d'intrusion saline dans un aquifère côtier. -- Our consumption of groundwater, in particular as drinking water and for irrigation, has considerably increased over the years and groundwater is becoming an increasingly scarce and endangered resource. Nofadays, we are facing many problems ranging from water prospection to sustainable management and remediation of polluted aquifers. Independently of the hydrogeological problem, the main challenge remains dealing with the incomplete knofledge of the underground properties. Stochastic approaches have been developed to represent this uncertainty by considering multiple geological scenarios and generating a large number of realizations. The main limitation of this approach is the computational cost associated with performing complex of simulations in each realization. In the first part of the thesis, we explore this issue in the context of uncertainty propagation, where an ensemble of geostatistical realizations is identified as representative of the subsurface uncertainty. To propagate this lack of knofledge to the quantity of interest (e.g., the concentration of pollutant in extracted water), it is necessary to evaluate the of response of each realization. Due to computational constraints, state-of-the-art methods make use of approximate of simulation, to identify a subset of realizations that represents the variability of the ensemble. The complex and computationally heavy of model is then run for this subset based on which inference is made. Our objective is to increase the performance of this approach by using all of the available information and not solely the subset of exact responses. Two error models are proposed to correct the approximate responses follofing a machine learning approach. For the subset identified by a classical approach (here the distance kernel method) both the approximate and the exact responses are knofn. This information is used to construct an error model and correct the ensemble of approximate responses to predict the "expected" responses of the exact model. The proposed methodology makes use of all the available information without perceptible additional computational costs and leads to an increase in accuracy and robustness of the uncertainty propagation. The strategy explored in the first chapter consists in learning from a subset of realizations the relationship between proxy and exact curves. In the second part of this thesis, the strategy is formalized in a rigorous mathematical framework by defining a regression model between functions. As this problem is ill-posed, it is necessary to reduce its dimensionality. The novelty of the work comes from the use of functional principal component analysis (FPCA), which not only performs the dimensionality reduction while maximizing the retained information, but also allofs a diagnostic of the quality of the error model in the functional space. The proposed methodology is applied to a pollution problem by a non-aqueous phase-liquid. The error model allofs a strong reduction of the computational cost while providing a good estimate of the uncertainty. The individual correction of the proxy response by the error model leads to an excellent prediction of the exact response, opening the door to many applications. The concept of functional error model is useful not only in the context of uncertainty propagation, but also, and maybe even more so, to perform Bayesian inference. Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) algorithms are the most common choice to ensure that the generated realizations are sampled in accordance with the observations. Hofever, this approach suffers from lof acceptance rate in high dimensional problems, resulting in a large number of wasted of simulations. This led to the introduction of two-stage MCMC, where the computational cost is decreased by avoiding unnecessary simulation of the exact of thanks to a preliminary evaluation of the proposal. In the third part of the thesis, a proxy is coupled to an error model to provide an approximate response for the two-stage MCMC set-up. We demonstrate an increase in acceptance rate by a factor three with respect to one-stage MCMC results. An open question remains: hof do we choose the size of the learning set and identify the realizations to optimize the construction of the error model. This requires devising an iterative strategy to construct the error model, such that, as new of simulations are performed, the error model is iteratively improved by incorporating the new information. This is discussed in the fourth part of the thesis, in which we apply this methodology to a problem of saline intrusion in a coastal aquifer.
BACKGROUND: The management of unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) is a comprehensive treatment strategy involving several lines of therapy, maintenance, salvage surgery, and treatment-free intervals. Besides chemotherapy (fluoropyrimidine, oxaliplatin, irinotecan), molecular-targeted agents such as anti-angiogenic agents (bevacizumab, aflibercept, regorafenib) and anti-epidermal growth factor receptor agents (cetuximab, panitumumab) have become available. Ultimately, given the increasing cost of new active compounds, new strategy trials are needed to define the optimal use and the best sequencing of these agents. Such new clinical trials require alternative endpoints that can capture the effect of several treatment lines and be measured earlier than overall survival to help shorten the duration and reduce the size and cost of trials. METHODS/DESIGN: STRATEGIC-1 is an international, open-label, randomized, multicenter phase III trial designed to determine an optimally personalized treatment sequence of the available treatment modalities in patients with unresectable RAS wild-type mCRC. Two standard treatment strategies are compared: first-line FOLFIRI-cetuximab, followed by oxaliplatin-based second-line chemotherapy with bevacizumab (Arm A) vs. first-line OPTIMOX-bevacizumab, followed by irinotecan-based second-line chemotherapy with bevacizumab, and by an anti-epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody with or without irinotecan as third-line treatment (Arm B). The primary endpoint is duration of disease control. A total of 500 patients will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to one of the two treatment strategies. DISCUSSION: The STRATEGIC-1 trial is designed to give global information on the therapeutic sequences in patients with unresectable RAS wild-type mCRC that in turn is likely to have a significant impact on the management of this patient population. The trial is open for inclusion since August 2013. TRIAL REGISTRATION: STRATEGIC-1 is registered at Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT01910610, 23 July, 2013. STRATEGIC-1 is registered at EudraCT-No.: 2013-001928-19, 25 April, 2013.
PURPOSE: We conducted a comprehensive review of the design, implementation, and outcome of first-in-human (FIH) trials of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to clearly determine early clinical development strategies for this class of compounds. METHODS: We performed a PubMed search using appropriate terms to identify reports of FIH trials of mAbs published in peer-reviewed journals between January 2000 and April 2013. RESULTS: A total of 82 publications describing FIH trials were selected for analysis. Only 27 articles (33%) reported the criteria used for selecting the starting dose (SD). Dose escalation was performed using rule-based methods in 66 trials (80%). The median number of planned dose levels was five (range, two to 13). The median of the ratio between the highest planned dose and the SD was 27 (range, two to 3,333). Although in 56 studies (68%) at least one grade 3 or 4 toxicity event was reported, no dose-limiting toxicity was observed in 47 trials (57%). The highest planned dose was reached in all trials, but the maximum-tolerated dose (MTD) was defined in only 13 studies (16%). The median of the ratio between MTD and SD was eight (range, four to 1,000). The recommended phase II dose was indicated in 34 studies (41%), but in 25 (73%) of these trials, this dose was chosen without considering toxicity as the main selection criterion. CONCLUSION: This literature review highlights the broad design heterogeneity of FIH trials testing mAbs. Because of the limited observed toxicity, the MTD was infrequently reached, and therefore, the recommended phase II dose for subsequent clinical trials was only tentatively defined.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare posttreatment seizure severity in a phase III clinical trial of eslicarbazepine acetate (ESL) as adjunctive treatment of refractory partial-onset seizures. METHODS: The Seizure Severity Questionnaire (SSQ) was administered at baseline and posttreatment. The SSQ total score (TS) and component scores (frequency and helpfulness of warning signs before seizures [BS]; severity and bothersomeness of ictal movement and altered consciousness during seizures [DS]; cognitive, emotional, and physical aspects of postictal recovery after seizures [AS]; and overall severity and bothersomeness [SB]) were calculated for the per-protocol population. Analysis of covariance, adjusted for baseline scores, estimated differences in posttreatment least square means between treatment arms. RESULTS: Out of 547 per-protocol patients, 441 had valid SSQ TS both at baseline and posttreatment. Mean posttreatment TS for ESL 1200mg/day was significantly lower than that for placebo (2.68 vs 3.20, p<0.001), exceeding the minimal clinically important difference (MCID: 0.48). Mean DS, AS, and SB were also significantly lower with ESL 1200mg/day; differences in AS and SB exceeded the MCIDs. The TS, DS, AS, and SB were lower for ESL 800mg/day than for placebo; only SB was significant (p=0.013). For both ESL arms combined versus placebo, mean scores differed significantly for TS (p=0.006), DS (p=0.031), and SB (p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Therapeutic ESL doses led to clinically meaningful, dose-dependent reductions in seizure severity, as measured by SSQ scores. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study presents Class I evidence that adjunctive ESL (800 and 1200mg/day) led to clinically meaningful, dose-dependent seizure severity reductions, measured by the SSQ.
BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis remains one of the world's deadliest transmissible diseases despite widespread use of the BCG vaccine. MTBVAC is a new live tuberculosis vaccine based on genetically attenuated Mycobacterium tuberculosis that expresses most antigens present in human isolates of M tuberculosis. We aimed to compare the safety of MTBVAC with BCG in healthy adult volunteers. METHODS: We did this single-centre, randomised, double-blind, controlled phase 1 study at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV; Lausanne, Switzerland). Volunteers were eligible for inclusion if they were aged 18-45 years, clinically healthy, HIV-negative and tuberculosis-negative, and had no history of active tuberculosis, chemoprophylaxis for tuberculosis, or BCG vaccination. Volunteers fulfilling the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to three cohorts in a dose-escalation manner. Randomisation was done centrally by the CHUV Pharmacy and treatments were masked from the study team and volunteers. As participants were recruited within each cohort, they were randomly assigned 3:1 to receive MTBVAC or BCG. Of the participants allocated MTBVAC, those in the first cohort received 5 × 10(3) colony forming units (CFU) MTBVAC, those in the second cohort received 5 × 10(4) CFU MTBVAC, and those in the third cohort received 5 × 10(5) CFU MTBVAC. In all cohorts, participants assigned to receive BCG were given 5 × 10(5) CFU BCG. Each participant received a single intradermal injection of their assigned vaccine in 0·1 mL sterile water in their non-dominant arm. The primary outcome was safety in all vaccinated participants. Secondary outcomes included whole blood cell-mediated immune response to live MTBVAC and BCG, and interferon γ release assays (IGRA) of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02013245. FINDINGS: Between Jan 23, 2013, and Nov 6, 2013, we enrolled 36 volunteers into three cohorts, each of which consisted of nine participants who received MTBVAC and three who received BCG. 34 volunteers completed the trial. The safety of vaccination with MTBVAC at all doses was similar to that of BCG, and vaccination did not induce any serious adverse events. All individuals were IGRA negative at the end of follow-up (day 210). After whole blood stimulation with live MTBVAC or BCG, MTBVAC was at least as immunogenic as BCG. At the same dose as BCG (5×10(5) CFU), although no statistical significance could be achieved, there were more responders in the MTBVAC group than in the BCG group, with a greater frequency of polyfunctional CD4+ central memory T cells. INTERPRETATION: To our knowledge, MTBVAC is the first live-attenuated M tuberculosis vaccine to reach clinical assessment, showing similar safety to BCG. MTBVAC seemed to be at least as immunogenic as BCG, but the study was not powered to investigate this outcome. Further plans to use more immunogenicity endpoints in a larger number of volunteers (adults and adolescents) are underway, with the aim to thoroughly characterise and potentially distinguish immunogenicity between MTBVAC and BCG in tuberculosis-endemic countries. Combined with an excellent safety profile, these data support advanced clinical development in high-burden tuberculosis endemic countries. FUNDING: Biofabri and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through the TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI).
BACKGROUND: Antiretroviral regimens containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate have been associated with renal toxicity and reduced bone mineral density. Tenofovir alafenamide is a novel tenofovir prodrug that reduces tenofovir plasma concentrations by 90%, thereby decreasing off-target side-effects. We aimed to assess whether efficacy, safety, and tolerability were non-inferior in patients switched to a regimen containing tenofovir alafenamide versus in those remaining on one containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. METHODS: In this randomised, actively controlled, multicentre, open-label, non-inferiority trial, we recruited HIV-1-infected adults from Gilead clinical studies at 168 sites in 19 countries. Patients were virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies per mL) with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 50 mL per min or greater, and were taking one of four tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-containing regimens for at least 96 weeks before enrolment. With use of a third-party computer-generated sequence, patients were randomly assigned (2:1) to receive a once-a-day single-tablet containing elvitegravir 150 mg, cobicistat 150 mg, emtricitabine 200 mg, and tenofovir alafenamide 10 mg (tenofovir alafenamide group) or to carry on taking one of four previous tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-containing regimens (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group) for 96 weeks. Randomisation was stratified by previous treatment regimen in blocks of six. Patients and treating physicians were not masked to the assigned study regimen; outcome assessors were masked until database lock. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients who received at least one dose of study drug who had undetectable viral load (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies per mL) at week 48. The non-inferiority margin was 12%. This study was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01815736. FINDINGS: Between April 12, 2013 and April 3, 2014, we enrolled 1443 patients. 959 patients were randomly assigned to the tenofovir alafenamide group and 477 to the tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group. Viral suppression at week 48 was noted in 932 (97%) patients assigned to the tenofovir alafenamide group and in 444 (93%) assigned to the tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group (adjusted difference 4·1%, 95% CI 1·6-6·7), with virological failure noted in ten and six patients, respectively. The number of adverse events was similar between the two groups, but study drug-related adverse events were more common in the tenofovir alafenamide group (204 patients [21%] vs 76 [16%]). Hip and spine bone mineral density and glomerular filtration were each significantly improved in patients in the tenofovir alafenamide group compared with those in the tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group. INTERPRETATION: Switching to a tenofovir alafenamide-containing regimen from one containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate was non-inferior for maintenance of viral suppression and led to improved bone mineral density and renal function. Longer term follow-up is needed to better understand the clinical impact of these changes. FUNDING: Gilead Sciences.