187 resultados para mating behavior


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Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) have become a central component of election campaigns worldwide. Through matching political preferences of voters to parties and candidates, the web application grants voters a look into their political mirror and reveals the most suitable political choices to them in terms of policy congruence. Both the dense and concise information on the electoral offer and the comparative nature of the application make VAAs an unprecedented information source for electoral decision making. In times where electoral choices are found to be highly individualized and driven by political issue positions, an ever increasing number of voters turn to VAAs before casting their ballots. With VAAs in high demand, the question of their effects on voters has become a pressing research topic. In various countries, survey research has been used to proclaim an impact of VAAs on electoral behavior, yet practically all studies fail to provide the scientific evidence that would allow for making such claims. In this thesis, I set out to systematically establish the causal link between VAA use and electoral behavior, using various data sources and appropriate statistical techniques in doing so. The focus lies on the Swiss VAA smartvote, introduced in the forefront of the 2003 Swiss federal elections and meanwhile an integral part of the national election campaign, smartvote has produced over a million voting recommendations in the last Swiss federal elections to an active electorate of two million, potentially guiding a vast amount of voters in their choices on the ballot. In order to determine the effect of the VAA on electoral behavior, I analyze both voting preferences and choice among Swiss voters during two consecutive election periods. First, I introduce statistical techniques to adequately examine VAA effects in observational studies and use them to demonstrate that voters who used smartvote prior to the 2007 Swiss federal elections were significantly more likely to swing vote in the elections than non- users. Second, I analyze preference voting during the same election and show that the smartvote voting recommendation inclines politically knowledgeable voters to modify their ballots and cast candidate specific preference votes. Third, to further tackle the indication that smartvote use affects the preference structure of voters, I employ an experimental research design to demonstrate that voters who use the application tend to strengthen their vote propensities for their most preferred party and adapt their overall party preferences in a way that they consider more than one party as eligible vote options after engaging with the application. Finally, vote choice is examined for the 2011 Swiss federal election, showing once more that the VAA initiated a change of party choice among voters. In sum, this thesis presents empirical evidence for the transformative effect of the Swiss VAA smartvote on the electoral behavior.


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This study deals with the psychological processes underlying the selection of appropriate strategy during exploratory behavior. A new device was used to assess sexual dimorphisms in spatial abilities that do not depend on spatial rotation, map reading or directional vector extraction capacities. Moreover, it makes it possible to investigate exploratory behavior as a specific response to novelty that trades off risk and reward. Risk management under uncertainty was assessed through both spontaneous searching strategies and signal detection capacities. The results of exploratory behavior, detection capacities, and decision-making strategies seem to indicate that women's exploratory behavior is based on risk-reducing behavior while men behavior does not appear to be influenced by this variable. This difference was interpreted as a difference in information processing modifying beliefs concerning the likelihood of uncertain events, and therefore influencing risk evaluation.


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Neural comparisons of bilateral sensory inputs are essential for visual depth perception and accurate localization of sounds in space. All animals, from single-cell prokaryotes to humans, orient themselves in response to environmental chemical stimuli, but the contribution of spatial integration of neural activity in olfaction remains unclear. We investigated this problem in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. Using high-resolution behavioral analysis, we studied the chemotaxis behavior of larvae with a single functional olfactory neuron on either the left or right side of the head, allowing us to examine unilateral or bilateral olfactory input. We developed new spectroscopic methods to create stable odorant gradients in which odor concentrations were experimentally measured. In these controlled environments, we observed that a single functional neuron provided sufficient information to permit larval chemotaxis. We found additional evidence that the overall accuracy of navigation is enhanced by the increase in the signal-to-noise ratio conferred by bilateral sensory input.


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RÉSUMÉ GRAND PUBLIC La complexité des sociétés d'insectes (telles que les abeilles, les termites ou les fourmis) a depuis longtemps fasciné l'Homme. Depuis le débfit du XIXème siècle, de nombreux travaux observationnels, comportementaux et théoriques leur on été consacrés afin de mieux les décrire et comprendre. L'avènement de la biologie moléculaire à la fin du XXèrne siècle a offert de nouveaux outils scientifiques pour identifier et étudier les gènes et molécules impliqués dans le développement et le comportement des êtres vivants. Alors que la majorité de ces études s'est focalisée sur des organismes de laboratoire tel que la mouche ou les nématodes, l'utilisation de ces outils est restée marginale jusqu'à présent dans l'étude des sociétés d'insectes. Lors de ma thèse, j'ai développé des outils moléculaires permettant de déterminer le niveau d'activité de zo,ooo gènes chez la fourmi de feu, Solenopsis invicta, ainsi qu'une base de données et un portail en ligne regroupant les informations relatives à l'étude génétique des fourmis: Fourmidable. J'ai ensuite utilisé ces outils dans le cadre d'une étude comportementale chez la fourmis S. invicta. Dans les sociétés d'insectes, une hiérarchie peut déterminer le statut reproducteur des individus. Suite à la mort d'un dominant, les subordonnés entrent en compétition en vue d'améliorer leur statut. Un tel phénomène se produit au sein des colonies de S. invicta contenant une unique reine mère, des milliers d'ouvrières et des centaines de reines vierges ailées. A la mort de la reine mère, un grand nombre de reines vierges tentent de la remplacer en arrachant leurs ailes et en activant leurs organes reproducteurs plutôt que de partir en vol nuptial. Ces tentatives sont le plus souvent arrêtées par les ouvrières qui exécutent la plupart de ces reines sur la base de signaux olfactifs produits lors de l'activation des organes reproducteurs. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués, j'ai étudié l'activité de gènes au sein des reines au début de ce processus. J'ai ainsi déterminé que des gènes impliqués dans communication olfactive, le développement des organes reproducteurs et la métabolisation de l'hormone juvénile sont activês à ce moment là. La vitesse à laquelle les reines perdent leurs ailes ainsi que les niveaux d'expression de gènes sont ensuite liés à leur probabilité de survie. ABSTRACT : Honeybees, termites and ants occupy the "pinnacle of social evolution" with societies of a complexity that rivals our own. Humans have long been fascinated by social insects, but studying them has been mostly limited to observational and behavioral experiments. The advent of molecular biology first made it possible to investigate the molecular-genetic basis of development in model systems such as the fruit fly Drosophila melarcogaster or the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans and subsequently their behavior. Molecular and genomic tools are now becoming available for the study of social insects as well. To permit genomic research on the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, we developed a cDNA microarray that can simultaneously determine the expression levels of approximately 1oooo genes. These genes were assembled and bioinformatically annotated using custom pipelines. The obtained data formed the cornerstones for Fourmidable, a web portal centralizing sequence, gene annotation and gene expression data as well as laboratory protocols for research on ants. In many animals living in groups the reproductive status of individuals is determined by their social status. In species with social hierarchies, the death of dominant individuals typically upheaves the social hierarchy and provides an opportunity for subordinate individuals to improve their social status. Such a phenomenon occurs in the monogyne form of S. invicta, where colonies typically contain a single wingless reproductive queen, thousands of workers and hundreds of winged non-reproductive virgin queens. Upon the death of the mother queen, many virgin queens shed their wings and initiate reproductive development instead of departing on a mating flight. Workers progressively execute almost all of them over the following weeks. The workers base their collective decision on pheromonal cues associated with the onset of reproductive development of the virgin queens which occurs after orphaning. We used the aforementioned tools to determine that genes putatively involved in processes including olfactory signaling, reproductive development and Juvenile Hormone metabolism are differentially expressed at the onset of competition. Additionally, we found that queens that initiate reproductive development faster and, to a certain extent, shed their wings faster after orphaning are more likely to become replacement queens. These results provide candidate genes that are putatively linked to competition outcome. To determine the extent to which specific genes affect different aspects of life in ant colonies, functional tests such as gene activation and silencing will still be required. We conclude by discussing some of the challenges and opportunities for molecular-genetic research on ants. RÉSUMÉ Les sociétés d'abeilles, de termites et de fourmis sont d'une complexité proche de celle de la nôtre et ont depuis longtemps fasciné l'Homme. Cependant, leur étude était jusqu'à présent limitée aux observations et expériences comportementales. L'avènement de la biologie moléculaire a d'abord rendu possible l'étude moléculaire et génétique du développement d'organismes modèles tels que la mouche Drosophila melanogaster ou le nématode Caenorhabditis elegans, puis dans un second temps de leur comportement. De telles études deviennent désormais possibles pour les insectes sociaux. Nous avons développé une puce à ADN permettant de déterminer simultanément les niveaux d'expression de 1oooo gènes de la fourmi de feu, Solenopsís invicta. Ces gènes ont été séquencés puis assemblés et annotés à l'aide de pipelines que nous avons développés. En se basant sur les informations obtenues, nous avons créé un portail web, Fourmidable. Ce portail vise à centraliser toutes les informations de séquence, d'annotation et d'expression de gènes, ainsi que les protocoles de laboratoire utilisés pour la recherche sur les fourmis. Par la suite, nous avons utilisé les outils développés pour étudier un aspect particulier de S. invicta. Chez les animaux grégaires, une hiérarchie sociale peut déterminer le statut reproducteur des individus. Suite à la mort d'un individu dominant, les individus subordonnés peuvent entrer en compétition en vue d'améliorer leur statut. Un tel phénomène se produit au sein des colonies monogynes de S. invicta, qui contiennent habituellement une unique reine mère, des milliers d'ouvrières et des centaines de reines vierges ailées. Suite à la mort de la reine mère, dominante, un grand nombre de reines vierges, subordonnées, perdent leurs ailes et activent leurs organes reproducteurs au lieu de partir en vol nuptial. Au cours des semaines suivantes, les ouvrières exécutent la plupart de ces reines sur la base de signaux olfactifs produits lors de l'activation des organes reproducteurs. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués, nous avons étudié l'expression de gènes au début de cette compétition. Nous avons identifié 297 gènes différemment exprimés, dont l'annotation indique qu'ils seraient impliqués dans des processus biologiques dont la communication olfactive, le développement des organes reproducteurs et la métabolisation de l'hormone juvénile. Par la suite, nous avons déterminé que la vitesse à laquelle les reines perdent leurs ailes en début de compétition ainsi que les niveaux d'expression de gènes sont corrélés à la probabilité de survie des reines. Nous concluons en discutant des opportunités offertes par la recherche génétique sur les fourmis ainsi que les défis qu'elle devra surmonter.


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PURPOSE: The current study tested the applicability of Jessor's problem behavior theory (PBT) in national probability samples from Georgia and Switzerland. Comparisons focused on (1) the applicability of the problem behavior syndrome (PBS) in both developmental contexts, and (2) on the applicability of employing a set of theory-driven risk and protective factors in the prediction of problem behaviors. METHODS: School-based questionnaire data were collected from n = 18,239 adolescents in Georgia (n = 9499) and Switzerland (n = 8740) following the same protocol. Participants rated five measures of problem behaviors (alcohol and drug use, problems because of alcohol and drug use, and deviance), three risk factors (future uncertainty, depression, and stress), and three protective factors (family, peer, and school attachment). Final study samples included n = 9043 Georgian youth (mean age = 15.57; 58.8% females) and n = 8348 Swiss youth (mean age = 17.95; 48.5% females). Data analyses were completed using structural equation modeling, path analyses, and post hoc z-tests for comparisons of regression coefficients. RESULTS: Findings indicated that the PBS replicated in both samples, and that theory-driven risk and protective factors accounted for 13% and 10% in Georgian and Swiss samples, respectively in the PBS, net the effects by demographic variables. Follow-up z-tests provided evidence of some differences in the magnitude, but not direction, in five of six individual paths by country. CONCLUSION: PBT and the PBS find empirical support in these Eurasian and Western European samples; thus, Jessor's theory holds value and promise in understanding the etiology of adolescent problem behaviors outside of the United States.


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Some populations of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants comprise genetically differentiated pairs of interbreeding lineages. Queens mate with males of their own and of the alternate lineage and produce pure-lineage offspring which develop into queens and inter-lineage offspring which develop into workers. Here we tested whether such genetic caste determination is associated with costs in terms of the ability to optimally allocate resources to the production of queens and workers. During the stage of colony founding, when only workers are produced, queens laid a high proportion of pure-lineage eggs but the large majority of these eggs failed to develop. As a consequence, the number of offspring produced by incipient colonies decreased linearly with the proportion of pure-lineage eggs laid by queens. Moreover, queens of the lineage most commonly represented in a given mating flight produced more pure-lineage eggs, in line with the view that they mate randomly with the two types of males and indiscriminately use their sperm. Altogether these results predict frequency-dependent selection on pairs of lineages because queens of the more common lineage will produce more pure-lineage eggs and their colonies be less successful during the stage of colony founding, which may be an important force maintaining the coexistence of pairs of lineages within populations.


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PAPER 1: A THEORY ON THE EFFECTS OF INTERNATIONALIZATION ON FIRM ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOR AND GROWTH Abstract This article addresses the relationship. Past findings reveal that the direct effects of internationalization on performance are mixed and inconclusive. Our framework integrates firm entrepreneurial behavior as a mediating force of the troublesome Drawing on the tension between the entrepreneurship literature and the organizational inertia theory, we argue that internationalization is key to minimizing the stifling effects of inertia and in engendering entrepreneurial behavior towards growth. We suggest that firms that internationalize at a young age and enjoy an intense degree of internationalization tend to become more entrepreneurial than do late and weakly internationalized firms. As a consequence, early and intense internationalizers experience superior growth. Aware of the inherent endogeneity of our propositions, we also discuss how consistent estimates can be obtained when testing the model empirically. PAPER 2: DOES INTERNATIONALIZATION MATTER FOR GROWTH? THE CASE OF SWISS SOFTWARE FIRMS. Abstract This paper seeks to address the issue of whether early and intense internationalization leads to superior firm growth. We revisit the hypotheses of previous studies within the emerging research domain of international entrepreneurship. Empirical analyses on the performance implications of internationalization have so far been limited and inconsistent. Our paper intends to make two contributions to the international entrepreneurship literature. First, we bring additional empirical evidence as to the inconclusive firm performance endogeneity in our causal model, using a sample of 103 Swiss international small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). On one hand, we find that the degree of internationalization significantly increases perceived firm growth (i.e., relative firm performance in a market); however, age at internationalization was unrelated to perceived firm growth. On the other hand, we reproduced the causal path of a highly cited study that showed how age at internationalization was significantly and negatively associated with objective firm growth (i.e., sales). Interestingly, our results support the study similar setting (OLS regression with comparable control variables); however, the effect for age at internationalization reverses when we correct for endogeneity. PAPER 3: EFFECT OF INTERNATIONALIZATION ON FIRM ENTREPRENEURIAL ORIENTATION AND PERFORMANCE: THE CASE OF SWISS SOFTWARE FIRMS. Abstract How does internationalization influence a firm orientation (EO) and is this related to firm growth? This paper inquires into the performance theorizing, we test a process model in which EO plays a mediating role in accounting for the relationship between internationalization and growth. We position this paper on the tension zone between the entrepreneurship literature and the organizational inertia theory. We lay out the argument that internationalization is source of opportunities that drives a firm and thus mitigates inertial pressure. Using a sample of Swiss software small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we found that degree of internationalization (but not age of internationalization) increases EO, which subsequently increased firm growth.


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BACKGROUND: Human speech is greatly influenced by the speakers' affective state, such as sadness, happiness, grief, guilt, fear, anger, aggression, faintheartedness, shame, sexual arousal, love, amongst others. Attentive listeners discover a lot about the affective state of their dialog partners with no great effort, and without having to talk about it explicitly during a conversation or on the phone. On the other hand, speech dysfunctions, such as slow, delayed or monotonous speech, are prominent features of affective disorders. METHODS: This project was comprised of four studies with healthy volunteers from Bristol (English: n = 117), Lausanne (French: n = 128), Zurich (German: n = 208), and Valencia (Spanish: n = 124). All samples were stratified according to gender, age, and education. The specific study design with different types of spoken text along with repeated assessments at 14-day intervals allowed us to estimate the 'natural' variation of speech parameters over time, and to analyze the sensitivity of speech parameters with respect to form and content of spoken text. Additionally, our project included a longitudinal self-assessment study with university students from Zurich (n = 18) and unemployed adults from Valencia (n = 18) in order to test the feasibility of the speech analysis method in home environments. RESULTS: The normative data showed that speaking behavior and voice sound characteristics can be quantified in a reproducible and language-independent way. The high resolution of the method was verified by a computerized assignment of speech parameter patterns to languages at a success rate of 90%, while the correct assignment to texts was 70%. In the longitudinal self-assessment study we calculated individual 'baselines' for each test person along with deviations thereof. The significance of such deviations was assessed through the normative reference data. CONCLUSIONS: Our data provided gender-, age-, and language-specific thresholds that allow one to reliably distinguish between 'natural fluctuations' and 'significant changes'. The longitudinal self-assessment study with repeated assessments at 1-day intervals over 14 days demonstrated the feasibility and efficiency of the speech analysis method in home environments, thus clearing the way to a broader range of applications in psychiatry. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.