153 resultados para humoral factors
BACKGROUND: The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse-transcriptase mutation K65R is a single-point mutation that has become more frequent after increased use of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF). We aimed to identify predictors for the emergence of K65R, using clinical data and genotypic resistance tests from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. METHODS: A total of 222 patients with genotypic resistance tests performed while receiving treatment with TDF-containing regimens were stratified by detectability of K65R (K65R group, 42 patients; undetected K65R group, 180 patients). Patient characteristics at start of that treatment were analyzed. RESULTS: In an adjusted logistic regression, TDF treatment with nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors and/or didanosine was associated with the emergence of K65R, whereas the presence of any of the thymidine analogue mutations D67N, K70R, T215F, or K219E/Q was protective. The previously undescribed mutational pattern K65R/G190S/Y181C was observed in 6 of 21 patients treated with efavirenz and TDF. Salvage therapy after TDF treatment was started for 36 patients with K65R and for 118 patients from the wild-type group. Proportions of patients attaining human immunodeficiency virus type 1 loads <50 copies/mL after 24 weeks of continuous treatment were similar for the K65R group (44.1%; 95% confidence interval, 27.2%-62.1%) and the wild-type group (51.9%; 95% confidence interval, 42.0%-61.6%). CONCLUSIONS: In settings where thymidine analogue mutations are less likely to be present, such as at start of first-line therapy or after extended treatment interruptions, combinations of TDF with other K65R-inducing components or with efavirenz or nevirapine may carry an enhanced risk of the emergence of K65R. The finding of a distinct mutational pattern selected by treatment with TDF and efavirenz suggests a potential fitness interaction between K65R and nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor-induced mutations.
1. The immune system plays an important role in fitness, and interindividual variation in immunocompetence is due to several factors including food supply. 2. Seasonal variation in food resources may therefore explain why immunocompetence in bird nestlings usually declines throughout the breeding season, with chicks born early in the season receiving more food than chicks born later, and thereby possibly developing a more potent immune system. Although there are studies supporting this hypothesis, none has been experimental. 3. We performed an experiment in the kittiwake Rissa tridactyla by manipulating the food supply of pairs that were left to produce a first brood, and of pairs that were induced to produce a late replacement brood. 4. If food supply mediates, at least partially, seasonal variations in chick immunocompetence, non-food-supplemented chicks would show a stronger seasonal decline in immunocompetence than food-supplemented chicks. 5. Food supplementation improved humoral immunocompetence (the production of immunoglobulins Y), but not T-cell immunocompetence (phytohaemagglutinin, PHA response). T-cell immunocompetence of food-supplemented and non-food-supplemented chicks decreased through the season but to a similar extent, whereas the humoral immunocompetence of non-food-supplemented chicks decreased more strongly than that of food-supplemented chicks. 6. Our results suggest that the seasonal decline in humoral immunocompetence can be explained, at least partly, by variations in food supply throughout the breeding season.
RESUME INTRODUCTION Comprendre les déterminants de l'arrêt du tabagisme est un enjeu crucial, tant sur le plan clinique qu'en termes de santé publique. Dans l'étude transversale présentée ici, nous décrivons ce processus au travers de l'expérience d'ex-fumeurs. METHODE Sur une période de 4 mois, nous avons proposé à chaque patient consultant la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire de Lausanne de participer à une étude visant à examiner leur expérience de l'arrêt du tabagisme. Les critères d'inclusion étaient les suivants: (1) âge ≥ 18 ans (2) connaissance minimale de la langue française (capacité de comprendre et répondre aux questions) (3) être un ex-fumeur (défini comme une personne actuellement abstinente mais ayant fumé au moins 100 cigarettes [≥ 5 paquets] pendant > 6 mois dans le passé). Une infirmière formée a mené des entretiens semi-structurés en face-à-face avec les ex-fumeurs recrutés en utilisant un questionnaire explorant les 67 questions parmi les thèmes suivants : caractéristiques démographiques et socioéconomiques ; habitudes antérieures de consommation ; stades de motivation ; influence de l'environnement social ; état de santé et préoccupations au sujet de la santé ; perception des risques et des bénéfices du tabagisme ; perception de la dépendance nicotinique ; offre d'un counseling médical spécifique ; connaissances sur les modalités thérapeutiques disponibles et méthodes utilisées pour arrêter de fumer. Les résultats sont exprimés en nombres absolus, en pourcentages, en moyennes et en dispersion. RÉSULTATS 88 ex-fumeurs ont été inclus dans l'étude. Leurs caractéristiques démographiques et socioéconomiques sont les suivantes : La grande majorité d'entre eux sont des hommes (81%), l'âge moyen de 51 ans (variant de 19 à 81 ans), la moitié sont mariés, 72% de nationalité suisse et une grosse minorité (40%) ont une formation supérieure (universitaire ou équivalente). Leur histoire de consommation montre que l'âge moyen d'initiation du tabagisme est de 18 ans (entre 11 et 30 ans), et 23% ont commencé avant 16 ans. La consommation moyenne était de 26 cigarettes/jour. Presque tous les sujets (92%) étaient en contact fréquent avec des fumeurs à la maison, à l'école, au travail ou avec des amis au moment où ils ont commencé à fumer. La moitié des patients a essayé à une ou deux reprises d'arrêter de fumer avant de parvenir à une réelle abstinence. La durée depuis leur arrêt de consommation de cigarettes était en moyenne 5 ans et seuls 16% des sujets ont fumé occasionnellement depuis l'arrêt de leur consommation régulière. La majorité des ex-fumeurs (93%) dit avoir arrêté de manière abrupte et sans aucune aide thérapeutique (83%). 70 % des patients décrivent l'arrêt comme plutôt ou très difficile. Les problèmes décrits après l'interruption du tabagisme sont une prise pondérale (27%), la dépendance (23%), l'irritabilité (15%), les contacts avec des fumeurs (15%) et le manque de cigarette après les repas (11%). Les motivations principales à arrêter de fumer étaient des préoccupations générales au sujet de la santé (39%), des symptômes (23%) ou des signes cliniques spécifiques (22%), comme des problèmes cardiovasculaires ou respiratoires, ainsi que la conviction que le moment était venu d'arrêter (13%). D'autres motivations (comme les enfants, la grossesse, le coût...) étaient rarement mentionnées alors que 45% d'entre eux ont tout de même ressenti une pression de l'entourage, principalement de la part dé personnes vivant sous le même toit, de leurs famille ou amis. L'effet positif majeur de l'abstinence est, à leurs yeux, une amélioration globale de la santé (48%) ou de leurs problèmes cardiovasculaires ou respiratoires (32%). Trois quarts (74 %) des sujets savent que les cigarettes dites «légères »sont aussi nuisibles que les cigarettes normales, et 90 % sont conscients du fait que la nicotine peut induire une dépendance ; la moitié d'entre eux ne réalisent toutefois pas que le filtre ne protège pas contre les dangers de l'inhalation de fumée. Prés de trois quarts (73%) des ex-fumeurs disent avoir été interrogés sur leur consommation de tabac à l'occasion d'une consultation médicale motivée par un problème de santé et 30% clairement encouragés à arrêter par leur médecin. A ce sujet, 78 % sont d'avis qu'un médecin devrait par principe conseiller un arrêt du tabac. CONCLUSION Les 88 ex-fumeurs de cet échantillon ont, pour la plupart, arrêté la cigarette par leurs propres moyens, après un ou plusieurs échecs. Leurs motivations principales étaient le souci de leur propre santé, globalement ou relativement à des symptômes ou des signes cliniques spécifiques, ce qui reflète le fait que les patients sont relativement bien informés des dangers liés à la consommation de tabac. Enfin, le fumeur est sensible à l'influence de son environnement social, et, dans cette perspective, l'abstinence devrait être encouragée par les autorités sanitaires, les professionnels de la santé et les autres membres de la communauté.
Résumé en français Cadre : Policlinique pédiatrique à Lausanne en Suisse, pays rencontrant une proportion importante de tuberculose au sein de la population de migrants. But : Déterminer les facteurs de risque associés à un test tuberculinique positif (ou test de Mantoux), notamment l'influence du BCG (Bacille Calmette Guérin) et d'un contact avec un personne ayant une tuberculose active. Les patients concernés étaient des enfants examinés dans le cadre d'un contrôle de santé ou dans le cadre d'une étude d'entourage d'un cas déclaré de tuberculose. Méthode : Etude descriptive comprenant des enfants ayant eu un test tuberculinique (2 unités RT23) entre novembre 2002 et avril 2004. L'âge, le sexe, l'anamnèse de contact avec une personne ayant une tuberculose active, la vaccination par le BCG, le pays d'origine et le lieu de naissance (en Suisse ou hors de la Suisse) étaient répertoriés. Résultats : Parmi les 234 enfants de l'étude, 176 (75%) avaient une réaction tuberculinique égal à zéro et 31 (13%) avaient une réaction positive (> 10mm). Dans le modèle de régression linéaire, la taille de la réaction tuberculinique variait significativement selon l'anamnèse de contact avec une personne ayant une tuberculose active, l'âge, l'incidence de la tuberculose dans le pays d'origine et la vaccination par le BCG. Le sexe ou le lieu de naissance n'influençait pas la taille de la réaction. Dans le modèle de régression logistique incluant toutes les valeurs répertoriées, les paramètres significativement associés avec un Mantoux positif étaient l'âge (Odds Ratio = 1.21, 95% CI 1.08 ; 1.35), l'anamnèse de contact avec une personne ayant une tuberculose active (OR = 7.31, 95% CI 2.23 ; 24) et l'incidence de la tuberculose dans le pays d'origine (OR = 1.01, 95% CI 1.00 ; 1.02). Le sexe (OR = 1.18, 95% CI 0.50 ; 2.78) et la vaçcination par le BCG (OR = 2.97, 95% CI 0.91 ; 9.72) n'étaient pas associés avec une réaction tuberculinique positive. Conclusions : L'incidence de la tuberculose dans le pays d'origine, la vaccination par le BCG et l'âge influencent le test de Mantoux (taille ou proportion de réaction > 10mm). Toutefois, le facteur de risque le plus important d'avoir une réaction tuberculinique positive est l'anamnèse de contact avec. une personne ayant une tuberculose active.
SUMMARY: BMD and clinical risk factors predict hip and other osteoporotic fractures. The combination of clinical risk factors and BMD provide higher specificity and sensitivity than either alone. INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESES: To develop a risk assessment tool based on clinical risk factors (CRFs) with and without BMD. METHODS: Nine population-based studies were studied in which BMD and CRFs were documented at baseline. Poisson regression models were developed for hip fracture and other osteoporotic fractures, with and without hip BMD. Fracture risk was expressed as gradient of risk (GR, risk ratio/SD change in risk score). RESULTS: CRFs alone predicted hip fracture with a GR of 2.1/SD at the age of 50 years and decreased with age. The use of BMD alone provided a higher GR (3.7/SD), and was improved further with the combined use of CRFs and BMD (4.2/SD). For other osteoporotic fractures, the GRs were lower than for hip fracture. The GR with CRFs alone was 1.4/SD at the age of 50 years, similar to that provided by BMD (GR = 1.4/SD) and was not markedly increased by the combination (GR = 1.4/SD). The performance characteristics of clinical risk factors with and without BMD were validated in eleven independent population-based cohorts. CONCLUSIONS: The models developed provide the basis for the integrated use of validated clinical risk factors in men and women to aid in fracture risk prediction.
1. The haemodynamic and humoral effects of cilazapril, a new angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, were evaluated in normotensive healthy volunteers. 2. Single oral doses of 1.25, 2.5, 5 and 10 mg of cilazapril inhibited ACE by greater than or equal to 90% and induced the expected pattern of changes of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system. 3. Cilazapril had a long duration of action, since some ACE inhibition was still present 72 h after drug intake. 4. Cilazapril administered intravenously at doses of 5 and 20 micrograms kg-1 for 24 h did not produce any significant effects. 5. During repeated administration of cilazapril for 8 days, no accumulation of cilazaprilat was observed and the clinical tolerance was excellent. 6. In normal volunteers, cilazapril administered orally acts as a potent inhibitor of converting enzyme.
OsteoLaus is a cohort of 1400 women 50 to 80 years living in Lausanne, Switzerland. Clinical risk factors for osteoporosis, bone ultrasound of the heel, lumbar spine and hip bone mineral density (BMD), assessment of vertebral fracture by DXA, and microarchitecture evaluation by TBS (Trabecular Bone Score) will be recorded. TBS is a new parameter obtained after a re-analysis of a DXA exam. TBS is correlated with parameters of microarchitecture. His reproducibility is good. TBS give an added diagnostic value to BMD, and predict osteoporotic fracture (partially) independently to BMD. The position of TBS in clinical routine in complement to BMD and clinical risk factors will be evaluated in the OsteoLaus cohort.
BACKGROUND: Metabolic complications, including cardiovascular events and diabetes mellitus (DM), are a major long-term concern in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals. Recent genome-wide association studies have reliably associated multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to DM in the general population. METHODS: We evaluated the contribution of 22 SNPs identified in genome-wide association studies and of longitudinally measured clinical factors to DM. We genotyped all 94 white participants in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who developed DM from 1 January 1999 through 31 August 2009 and 550 participants without DM. Analyses were based on 6054 person-years of follow-up and 13,922 measurements of plasma glucose. RESULTS: The contribution to DM risk explained by SNPs (14% of DM variability) was larger than the contribution to DM risk explained by current or cumulative exposure to different antiretroviral therapy combinations (3% of DM variability). Participants with the most unfavorable genetic score (representing 12% and 19% of the study population, respectively, when applying 2 different genetic scores) had incidence rate ratios for DM of 3.80 (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.05-7.06) and 2.74 (95% CI, 1.53-4.88), respectively, compared with participants with a favorable genetic score. However, addition of genetic data to clinical risk factors that included body mass index only slightly improved DM prediction. CONCLUSIONS: In white HIV-infected persons treated with antiretroviral therapy, the DM effect of genetic variants was larger than the potential toxic effects of antiretroviral therapy. SNPs contributed significantly to DM risk, but their addition to a clinical model improved DM prediction only slightly, similar to studies in the general population.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to determine whether statistical associations can be demonstrated in ocular syphilis between baseline clinical and laboratory parameters with visual acuity at presentation and with any change in visual acuity after treatment. METHODS: Charts of 26 patients (42 eyes) with ocular syphilis presenting to the Uveitis clinic of the Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital were reviewed. A baseline cross-sectional analysis was performed in order to identify any association between visual acuity at presentation and demographic, clinical or laboratory parameters. After treatment, any analogy between these parameters and a change in visual acuity was subsequently assessed in a series of univariate comparisons. RESULTS: The following factors were associated with worse initial visual acuity: severity of visual field impairment at presentation (p=0.012), macular oedema (p=0.004) and optic neuropathy (p=0.031). There was a borderline association with the presence of vasculitis on fluroangiography (p=0.072). Improvement in best corrected visual acuity after treatment was significantly associated with the presence of vasculitis on fluroangiography (p=0.005), neurosyphilis, according to lumbar puncture findings (p=0.037) and marginally with anterior uveitis (p=0.070). Inflammation relapse was associated with the coexistence of pain as presenting sign (p<0.001) and with a longer duration of symptoms prior to the initial visit (p=0.023). CONCLUSIONS: Severe ocular inflammation associated with vasculitis, vitritis or anterior uveitis in ocular syphilis would appear to be a reversible phenomenon that responds well to appropriate antibiotic treatment, resulting in improvement in visual acuity. Prompt treatment enables a good visual prognosis, while any delay in therapy increases the risk of subsequent relapse.
BACKGROUND: Recent data indicate a slight decrease in the prevalence of smoking in Switzerland, but little is known regarding the intention and difficulty to quit smoking among current smokers. Hence, we aimed to quantify the difficulty and intention to quit smoking among current smokers in Switzerland. METHODS: Cross-sectional study including 607 female and 658 male smokers. Difficulty, intention and motivation to quit smoking were assessed by questionnaire. RESULTS: 90% of women and 85% of men reported being "very difficult" or "difficult" to quit smoking. Almost three quarters of smokers (73% of women and 71% of men) intended to quit; however, less than 20% of them were in the preparation stage and 40% were in the precontemplation stage. On multivariate analysis, difficulty to quit was lower among men (Odds ratio and 95% [confidence interval]: 0.51 [0.35-0.74]) and increased with nicotine dependence and number of previous quitting attempts (OR=3.14 [1.75-5.63] for 6+ attempts compared to none). Intention to quit decreased with increasing age (OR=0.48 [0.30-0.75] for ≥65 years compared to <45 years) and increased with nicotine dependence, the number of previous quitting attempts (OR=4.35 [2.76-6.83] for 6+ attempts compared to none) and among non-cigarette smokers (OR=0.51 [0.28-0.92]). Motivation to quit was inversely associated with nicotine dependence and positively associated with the number of previous quitting attempts and personal history of lung disease. CONCLUSION: Over two thirds of Swiss smokers want to quit. However, only a small fraction wishes to do so in the short term. Nicotine dependence, previous attempts to quit or previous history of lung disease are independently associated with difficulty and intention to quit.
BACKGROUND: Annual syphilis testing was reintroduced in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) in 2004. We prospectively studied occurrence, risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnostic approaches and treatment of syphilis. METHODS: Over a period of 33 months, participants with positive test results for Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay were studied using the SHCS database and an additional structured case report form. RESULTS: Of 7244 cohort participants, 909 (12.5%) had positive syphilis serology. Among these, 633 had previously been treated and had no current signs or symptoms of syphilis at time of testing. Of 218 patients with newly detected untreated syphilis, 20% reported genitooral contacts as only risk behavior and 60% were asymptomatic. Newly detected syphilis was more frequent among men who have sex with men (MSM) [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 2.8, P < 0.001], in persons reporting casual sexual partners (adjusted OR 2.8, P < 0.001) and in MSM of younger age (P = 0.05). Only 35% of recommended cerebrospinal fluid (CFS) examinations were performed. Neurosyphilis was diagnosed in four neurologically asymptomatic patients; all of them had a Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) titer of 1:>or=32. Ninety-one percent of the patients responded to treatment with at least a four-fold decline in VDRL titer. CONCLUSION: Syphilis remains an important coinfection in the SHCS justifying reintroduction of routine screening. Genitooral contact is a significant way of transmission and young MSM are at high risk for syphilis. Current guidelines to rule out neurosyphilis by CSF analysis are inconsistently followed in clinical practice. Serologic treatment response is above 90% in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy.
This review on intra-individual factors affecting drug metabolism completes our series on the biochemistry of drug metabolism. The article presents the molecular mechanisms causing intra-individual differences in enzyme expression and activity. They include enzyme induction by transcriptional activation and enzyme inhibition on the protein level. The influencing factors are of physiological, pathological, or external origin. Tissue characteristics and developmental age strongly influence enzyme-expression patterns. Further influencing factors are pregnancy, disease, or biological rhythms. Xenobiotics, drugs, constituents of herbal remedies, food constituents, ethanol, and tobacco can all influence enzyme expression or activity and, hence, affect drug metabolism.