178 resultados para double array
BACKGROUND: Over 50% of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) present with locoregionally advanced disease. Those at intermediate-to-high risk of recurrence after definitive therapy exhibit advanced disease based on tumour size or lymph node involvement, non-oropharynx primary sites, human papillomavirus (HPV)-negative oropharyngeal cancer, or HPV-positive oropharynx cancer with smoking history (>10-pack-years). Non-surgical approaches include concurrent chemoradiotherapy, induction chemotherapy followed by definitive radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy, or radiotherapy alone. Following locoregional therapies (including surgical salvage of residual cervical nodes), no standard intervention exists. Overexpression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), an ErbB family member, is associated with poor prognosis in HNSCC. EGFR-targeted cetuximab is the only targeted therapy that impacts overall survival and is approved for HNSCC in the USA or Europe. However, resistance often occurs, and new approaches, such as targeting multiple ErbB family members, may be required. Afatinib, an irreversible ErbB family blocker, demonstrated antiproliferative activity in preclinical models and comparable clinical efficacy with cetuximab in a randomized phase II trial in recurrent or metastatic HNSCC. LUX-Head & Neck 2, a phase III study, will assess adjuvant afatinib versus placebo following chemoradiotherapy in primary unresected locoregionally advanced intermediate-to-high-risk HNSCC. METHODS/DESIGN: Patients with primary unresected locoregionally advanced HNSCC, in good clinical condition with unfavourable risk of recurrence, and no evidence of disease after chemoradiotherapy will be randomized 2:1 to oral once-daily afatinib (40 mg starting dose) or placebo. As HPV status will not be determined for eligibility, unfavourable risk is defined as non-oropharynx primary site or oropharynx cancer in patients with a smoking history (>10 pack-years). Treatment will continue for 18 months or until recurrence or unacceptable adverse events occur. The primary endpoint measure is duration of disease-free survival; secondary endpoint measures are disease-free survival rate at 2 years, overall survival, health-related quality of life and safety. DISCUSSION: Given the unmet need in the adjuvant treatment of intermediate-to-high-risk HNSCC patients, it is expected that LUX-Head & Neck 2 will provide new insights into treatment in this setting and might demonstrate the ability of afatinib to significantly improve disease-free survival, compared with placebo. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01345669.
Although the molecular typing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is important to understand the local epidemiology of this opportunistic pathogen, it remains challenging. Our aim was to develop a simple typing method based on the sequencing of two highly variable loci. Single-strand sequencing of three highly variable loci (ms172, ms217, and oprD) was performed on a collection of 282 isolates recovered between 1994 and 2007 (from patients and the environment). As expected, the resolution of each locus alone [number of types (NT) = 35-64; index of discrimination (ID) = 0.816-0.964] was lower than the combination of two loci (NT = 78-97; ID = 0.966-0.971). As each pairwise combination of loci gave similar results, we selected the most robust combination with ms172 [reverse; R] and ms217 [R] to constitute the double-locus sequence typing (DLST) scheme for P. aeruginosa. This combination gave: (i) a complete genotype for 276/282 isolates (typability of 98%), (ii) 86 different types, and (iii) an ID of 0.968. Analysis of multiple isolates from the same patients or taps showed that DLST genotypes are generally stable over a period of several months. The high typability, discriminatory power, and ease of use of the proposed DLST scheme makes it a method of choice for local epidemiological analyses of P. aeruginosa. Moreover, the possibility to give unambiguous definition of types allowed to develop an Internet database ( http://www.dlst.org ) accessible by all.
BACKGROUND: Present combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) alone does not cure HIV infection and requires lifelong drug treatment. The potential role of HIV therapeutic vaccines as part of an HIV cure is under consideration. Our aim was to assess the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of Vacc-4x, a peptide-based HIV-1 therapeutic vaccine targeting conserved domains on p24(Gag), in adults infected with HIV-1. METHODS: Between July, 2008, and June, 2010, we did a multinational double-blind, randomised, phase 2 study comparing Vacc-4x with placebo. Participants were adults infected with HIV-1 who were aged 18-55 years and virologically suppressed on cART (viral load <50 copies per mL) with CD4 cell counts of 400 × 10(6) cells per L or greater. The trial was done at 18 sites in Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK, and the USA. Participants were randomly assigned (2:1) to Vacc-4x or placebo. Group allocation was masked from participants and investigators. Four primary immunisations, weekly for 4 weeks, containing Vacc-4x (or placebo) were given intradermally after administration of adjuvant. Booster immunisations were given at weeks 16 and 18. At week 28, cART was interrupted for up to 24 weeks. The coprimary endpoints were cART resumption and changes in CD4 counts during treatment interruption. Analyses were by modified intention to treat: all participants who received one intervention. Furthermore, safety, viral load, and immunogenicity (as measured by ELISPOT and proliferation assays) were assessed. The 52 week follow-up period was completed in June, 2011. For the coprimary endpoints the proportion of participants who met the criteria for cART resumption was analysed with a logistic regression model with the treatment effect being assessed in a model including country as a covariate. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00659789. FINDINGS: 174 individuals were screened; because of slow recruitment, enrolment stopped with 136 of a planned 345 participants and 93 were randomly assigned to receive Vacc-4x and 43 to receive placebo. There were no differences between the two groups for the primary efficacy endpoints in those participants who stopped cART at week 28. Of the participants who resumed cART, 30 (34%) were in the Vacc-4x group and 11 (29%) in the placebo group, and percentage changes in CD4 counts were not significant (mean treatment difference -5·71, 95% CI -13·01 to 1·59). However, a significant difference in viral load was noted for the Vacc-4x group both at week 48 (median 23 100 copies per mL Vacc-4x vs 71 800 copies per mL placebo; p=0·025) and week 52 (median 19 550 copies per mL vs 51 000 copies per mL; p=0·041). One serious adverse event, exacerbation of multiple sclerosis, was reported as possibly related to study treatment. Vacc-4x was immunogenic, inducing proliferative responses in both CD4 and CD8 T-cell populations. INTERPRETATION: The proportion of participants resuming cART before end of study and change in CD4 counts during the treatment interruption showed no benefit of vaccination. Vacc-4x was safe, well tolerated, immunogenic, seemed to contribute to a viral-load setpoint reduction after cART interruption, and might be worth consideration in future HIV-cure investigative strategies. FUNDING: Norwegian Research Council GLOBVAC Program and Bionor Pharma ASA.
The aim of this Phase I/IIa double-blind controlled trial was to test the efficacy of the sporozoite-based malaria vaccine PfCS 282-383 (PfCS102) to protect against Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia. 16 volunteers were randomized to receive twice 30 μg of PfCS102 formulated in Montanide ISA 720 or ISA 720 alone (control). Two weeks after 2nd immunization, volunteers were challenged using 5 infected mosquitoes. All vaccinees developed antibodies against PfCS102 versus none control. 8/8 vaccinees and 6/6 controls challenged developed malaria parasitaemia. The duration from infection to onset of patent parasitaemia was similar in both groups (214 h in vaccinees and 216 in controls). PfCS102 is safe and immunogenic but provides no protection against artificial challenge in its current formulation.
BACKGROUND: Interleukin 6 is involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis via its broad effects on immune and inflammatory responses. Our aim was to assess the therapeutic effects of blocking interleukin 6 by inhibition of the interleukin-6 receptor with tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. METHODS: In this double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel group phase III study, 623 patients with moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis were randomly assigned with an interactive voice response system, stratified by site with a randomisation list provided by the study sponsor, to receive tocilizumab 8 mg/kg (n=205), tocilizumab 4 mg/kg (214), or placebo (204) intravenously every 4 weeks, with methotrexate at stable pre-study doses (10-25 mg/week). Rescue therapy with tocilizumab 8 mg/kg was offered at week 16 to patients with less than 20% improvement in both swollen and tender joint counts. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients with 20% improvement in signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis according to American College of Rheumatology criteria (ACR20 response) at week 24. Analyses were by intention to treat. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00106548. FINDINGS: The intention-to-treat analysis population consisted of 622 patients: one patient in the 4 mg/kg group did not receive study treatment and was thus excluded. At 24 weeks, ACR20 responses were seen in more patients receiving tocilizumab than in those receiving placebo (120 [59%] patients in the 8 mg/kg group, 102 [48%] in the 4 mg/kg group, 54 [26%] in the placebo group; odds ratio 4.0 [95% CI 2.6-6.1], p<0.0001 for 8 mg/kg vs placebo; and 2.6 [1.7-3.9], p<0.0001 for 4 mg/kg vs placebo). More people receiving tocilizumab than those receiving placebo had at least one adverse event (143 [69%] in the 8 mg/kg group; 151 [71%] in the 4 mg/kg group; 129 [63%] in the placebo group). The most common serious adverse events were serious infections or infestations, reported by six patients in the 8 mg/kg group, three in the 4 mg/kg group, and two in the placebo group. INTERPRETATION: Tocilizumab could be an effective therapeutic approach in patients with moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis. FUNDING: F Hoffmann-La Roche, Chugai Pharmaceutical.
The RuvB protein is induced in Escherichia coli as part of the SOS response to DNA damage. It is required for genetic recombination and the postreplication repair of DNA. In vitro, the RuvB protein promotes the branch migration of Holliday junctions and has a DNA helicase activity in reactions that require ATP hydrolysis. We have used electron microscopy, image analysis, and three-dimensional reconstruction to show that the RuvB protein, in the presence of ATP, forms a dodecamer on double-stranded DNA in which two stacked hexameric rings encircle the DNA and are oriented in opposite directions with D6 symmetry. Although helicases are ubiquitous and essential for many aspects of DNA repair, replication, and transcription, three-dimensional reconstruction of a helicase has not yet been reported, to our knowledge. The structural arrangement that is seen may be common to other helicases, such as the simian virus 40 large tumor antigen.
Abstract: The ß-oxidation is the universal pathway that allows living organisms to degrade fatty acids. leading to lipid homeostasis and carbon and energy recovery from the fatty acid molecules. This pathway is centred on four core enzymatic activities sufficient to degrade saturated fatty acids. Additional auxiliary enzymes of the ß-oxidation are necessary for the complete degradation of a larger array of molecules encompassing the unsaturated fatty acids. The main pathways of the ßoxidation of fatty acids have been investigated extensively and auxiliary enzymes are well-known in mammals and yeast. The comparison of the established ß-oxidation systems suggests that the activities that are required to proceed to the full degradation of unsaturated fatty acids are present regardless of the organism and rely on common active site templates. The precise identity of the plant enzymes was unknown. By homology searches in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, I identified genes. encoding for proteins that could be orthologous to the yeast or animal auxiliary enzymes Δ 3, Δ 2-enoyl-CoA isomerase, Δ 3,5, Δ 2,4 -dienoyl-CoA isomerase, and type 2 enoyl-CoA hydratase. I established that these genes are expressed in Arabidopsis and that their expression can be correlated to the expression of core ß-oxidation genes. Through the observation of chimeric fluorescent protein fusions, I demonstrated that the identified proteins are localized in the peroxisóme, the only organelle where the ß-oxidation occurs in plants. Enzymatic assays were performed with the partially purified enzymes to demonstrate that the identified enzymes can catalyze the same in vitro reactions as their non-plant orthologs. The activities in vivo of the plant enzymes were demonstrated by heterologous complementation of the corresponding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants. The complementation was visualized using the artificial polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production in yeast peroxisomes. The recombinant strains, expressing a Pseudomonas aeruginosa PHA synthase modified for a peroxisomal localization, produce this polymer that serves as a trap for the 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA intermediaries of the ßoxidation and that reflects qualitatively and quantitatively the array of molecules that are processed through the ß-oxidation. This complementation demonstrated the implication of the plant Δ 3, Δ 2-enoyl-CoA isomerases and Δ3,5, Δ2,4-dienoyl-CoA isomerase in the degradation of odd chain position unsaturated fatty acids. The presence of a monofunctional type 2 enoyl-CoA hydratase is a novel in eukaryotes. Downregulation of the corresponding gene expression in an Arabidopsis line, modified to produce PHA in the peroxisome, demonstrated thàt this enzyme participates in vivo to the conversion of the intermediate 3R-hydroxyacyl-CoA, generated by the metabolism of fatty acids with a cis (Z)-unsaturated bond on an even-numbered carbon, to the 2Eenoyl-CoA for further degradation through the core ß-oxidation cycle. Résumé: La ß-oxydation est une voie universelle de dégradation des acides gras qui permet aux organismes vivants d'assurer une homéostasie lipidique et de récupérer l'énergie et le carbone contenus dans les acides gras. Le coeur de cette voie est composé de quatre réactions enzymatiques suffisantes à la dégradation des acides gras saturés. La présence des enzymes auxiliaires de la ß-oxydation est nécessaire à la dégradation d'une gamme plus étendue de molécules comprenant les acides gras insaturés. Les voies principales de la ß-oxydation des acides gras ont été étudiées en détail et les enzymes auxiliaires sont déterminées chez les mammifères et la levure. La comparaison entre les systèmes de ß-oxydation connus suggère que les activités requises pour la dégradation complète des acides gras insaturés reposent sur la présence de site actifs similaires. L'identité précise des enzymes auxiliaires chez les plantes était inconnue. En cherchant par homologie dans le génome de la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana, j'ai identifié des gènes codant pour des protéines pouvant être orthologues aux enzymes auxiliaires Δ3 Δ2-enoyl-CoA isomérase, Δ 3,5 Δ 2,4-dienoyl-CoA isomérase et enoyl-CoA hydratase de type 2 d'origine fongique ou mammalienne. J'ai établi la corrélation de l'expression de ces gènes dans Arabidopsis avec celle de gènes des enzymes du coeur de la ß-oxydation. En observant des chimères de fusion avec des protéines fluorescentes, j'ai démontré que les protéines identifiées sont localisées dans le péroxysomes, le seul organelle où la ß-oxydation se déroule chez les plantes. Des essais enzymatiques ont été conduits avec ces enzymes partiellement purifiées pour démontrer que les enzymes identifiées sont capables de catalyser in vitro les mêmes réactions que leurs orthologues non végétaux. Les activités des enzymes végétales in vivo ont été .démontrées par complémentation hétérologue des mutants de délétion correspondants de levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae. La visualisation de la complémentation est rendue possible par la synthèse de polyhydroxyalcanoate (PHA) dans les péroxysomes de levure. Les souches recombinantes expriment la PHA synthase de Pseudomonas aeruginosa modifiée pour être localisée dans le péroxysome produisent ce polymère qui sert de piège pour les 3-hydroxyacylCoAs intermédiaires de la ß-oxydation et qui reflète qualitativement et quantitativement la gamme de molécules qui subit la ß-oxydation. Cette complémentation a permis de démontrer que les Δ3, Δ2-enoyl-CoA isomérases, et la Δ3.5, Δ2,4-dienoyl-CoA isomérase végétales sont impliquées dans la dégradation des acides gras insaturés en position impaire. L'enoyl-CoA hydratase de type 2 monofonctionelle est une enzyme nouvelle chez les eucaryotes. La sous-expression du gène correspondant dans une lignée d'Arabidopsis modifiée pour produite du PHA dans le péroxysome a permis de démontrer que cette enzyme participe in vivo à la dégradation des acides gras ayant une double liaison en conformation cis (Z) en position paire.
BACKGROUND: Aromatase inhibitors provide superior disease control when compared with tamoxifen as adjuvant therapy for postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive early breast cancer. PURPOSE: To present the design, history, and analytic challenges of the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 trial: an international, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, phase-III study comparing the aromatase inhibitor letrozole with tamoxifen in this clinical setting. METHODS: From 1998-2003, BIG 1-98 enrolled 8028 women to receive monotherapy with either tamoxifen or letrozole for 5 years, or sequential therapy of 2 years of one agent followed by 3 years of the other. Randomization to one of four treatment groups permitted two complementary analyses to be conducted several years apart. The first, reported in 2005, provided a head-to-head comparison of letrozole versus tamoxifen. Statistical power was increased by an enriched design, which included patients who were assigned sequential treatments until the time of the treatment switch. The second, reported in late 2008, used a conditional landmark approach to test the hypothesis that switching endocrine agents at approximately 2 years from randomization for patients who are disease-free is superior to continuing with the original agent. RESULTS: The 2005 analysis showed the superiority of letrozole compared with tamoxifen. The patients who were assigned tamoxifen alone were unblinded and offered the opportunity to switch to letrozole. Results from other trials increased the clinical relevance about whether or not to start treatment with letrozole or tamoxifen, and analysis plans were expanded to evaluate sequential versus single-agent strategies from randomization. LIMITATIONS: Due to the unblinding of patients assigned tamoxifen alone, analysis of updated data will require ascertainment of the influence of selective crossover from tamoxifen to letrozole. CONCLUSIONS: BIG 1-98 is an example of an enriched design, involving complementary analyses addressing different questions several years apart, and subject to evolving analytic plans influenced by new data that emerge over time.
Background: Glutathione (GSH) dysregulation at the gene, protein and functional levels observed in schizophrenia patients, and schizophrenia-like anomalies in GSH deficit experimental models, suggest that genetic glutathione synthesis impairments represent one major risk factor for the disease (Do et al., 2009). In a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, add-on clinical trial of 140 patients, the GSH precursor N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC, 2 g/day, 6 months) significantly improved the negative symptoms and reduced side-effects due to antipsychotics (Berk et al., 2008). In a subset of patients (n=7), NAC (2 g/day, 2 months, cross-over design) also improved auditory evoked potentials, the NMDAdependent mismatch negativity (Lavoie et al, 2008). Methods: To determine whether increased GSH levels would modulate the topography of functional brain connectivity, we applied a multivariate phase synchronization (MPS) estimator (Knyazeva et al, 2008) to dense-array EEGs recorded during rest with eyes closed at the protocol onset, the point of crossover, and at its end. Phase synchronization phenomena are appealing because they can be associated to synchronized phases while the amplitudes stay uncorrelated. MPS measures the degree of interactions among the recorded neuronal oscillators by quantifiying to what extent they behave like a macro-oscillator (i.e. the oscillators are phase synchronous). To assess the whole-head synchronization topography, we computed the MPS sensor-wise over the cluster of locations defined by the sensor itself and he surrounding ones belonging to its second-order neighborhood (Carmeli et al, 2005). Such a cluster spans about 12 cm on average. Abstracts 245 Results: The whole-head imaging revealed a specific synchronization landscape in NAC compared to placebo condition. In particular, NAC increased MPS over frontal and left temporal regions in a frequency-specific manner. Importantly, the topography and direction of MPS changes were similar and robust in all 7 patients. Moreover, these changes correlated with the changes in the Liddle's score of disorganization (Liddle, 1987) thus linking EEG synchronization to the improvement of clinical picture. Discussion: The data suggest an important pathway towards new therapeutic strategies that target GSH dysregulation in schizophrenia. They also show the utility of MPS mapping as a marker of treatment efficacy.
BACKGROUND: The risk of catheter-related infection or bacteremia, with initial and extended use of femoral versus nonfemoral sites for double-lumen vascular catheters (DLVCs) during continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), is unclear. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective observational cohort study. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: Critically ill patients on CRRT in a combined intensive care unit of a tertiary institution. FACTOR: Femoral versus nonfemoral venous DLVC placement. OUTCOMES: Catheter-related colonization (CRCOL) and bloodstream infection (CRBSI). MEASUREMENTS: CRCOL/CRBSI rates expressed per 1,000 catheter-days. RESULTS: We studied 458 patients (median age, 65 years; 60% males) and 647 DLVCs. Of 405 single-site only DLVC users, 82% versus 18% received exclusively 419 femoral versus 82 jugular or subclavian DLVCs, respectively. The corresponding DLVC indwelling duration was 6±4 versus 7±5 days (P=0.03). Corresponding CRCOL and CRBSI rates (per 1,000 catheter-days) were 9.7 versus 8.8 events (P=0.8) and 1.2 versus 3.5 events (P=0.3), respectively. Overall, 96 patients with extended CRRT received femoral-site insertion first with subsequent site change, including 53 femoral guidewire exchanges, 53 new femoral venipunctures, and 47 new jugular/subclavian sites. CRCOL and CRBSI rates were similar for all such approaches (P=0.7 and P=0.9, respectively). On multivariate analysis, CRCOL risk was higher in patients older than 65 years and weighing >90kg (ORs of 2.1 and 2.2, respectively; P<0.05). This association between higher weight and greater CRCOL risk was significant for femoral DLVCs, but not for nonfemoral sites. Other covariates, including initial or specific DLVC site, guidewire exchange versus new venipuncture, and primary versus secondary DLVC placement, did not significantly affect CRCOL rates. LIMITATIONS: Nonrandomized retrospective design and single-center evaluation. CONCLUSIONS: CRCOL and CRBSI rates in patients on CRRT are low and not influenced significantly by initial or serial femoral catheterizations with guidewire exchange or new venipuncture. CRCOL risk is higher in older and heavier patients, the latter especially so with femoral sites.
In this investigation, high-resolution, 1x1x1-mm(3) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 7 T is performed using a multichannel array head coil and a surface coil approach. Scan geometry was optimized for each coil separately to exploit the strengths of both coils. Acquisitions with the surface coil focused on partial brain coverage, while whole-brain coverage fMRI experiments were performed with the array head coil. BOLD sensitivity in the occipital lobe was found to be higher with the surface coil than with the head array, suggesting that restriction of signal detection to the area of interest may be beneficial for localized activation studies. Performing independent component analysis (ICA) decomposition of the fMRI data, we consistently detected BOLD signal changes and resting state networks. In the surface coil data, a small negative BOLD response could be detected in these resting state network areas. Also in the data acquired with the surface coil, two distinct components of the positive BOLD signal were consistently observed. These two components were tentatively assigned to tissue and venous signal changes.
The antihypertensive effect of indapamide (2.5 mg/day) was compared to that obtained with a placebo in a controlled trial carried out by 11 physicians in their private practice. Thirty-one patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension were included. After a run-in period of 3 weeks without any treatment, either indapamide (n = 16) or a placebo (n = 15) were administered for 8 weeks in double-blind fashion. Blood pressure decreased in both groups. In patients treated with indapamide, systolic pressure was significantly lower than in those given the placebo at 3 out of the 4 follow-up visits; diastolic pressure, however, was significantly lower only at the end of the trial. Both the active drug and the placebo were well tolerated. No significant change in body weight, plasma potassium and uric acid occurred during the study in either group of patients. It appears therefore that indapamide, at a dose which apparently has no major diuretic effect, may be useful for practitioners in managing patients with mild to moderate hypertension.