166 resultados para carbon balance
To study the toxicity of nanoparticles under relevant conditions, it is important to reproducibly disperse nanoparticles in biological media in in vitro and in vivo studies. Here, single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) and double-walled nanotubes (DWNTs) were physicochemically and biologically characterized when dispersed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and bovine serum albumin (BSA). BSA-SWNT/DWNT interaction resulted in a reduction of aggregation and an increase in particle stabilization. Based on the protein sequence coverage and protein binding results, DWNTs exhibited higher protein binding than SWNTs. SWNT and DWNT suspensions in the presence of BSA increased interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels and reduced tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) levels in A549 cells as compared to corresponding samples in the absence of BSA. We next determined the effects of SWNTs and DWNTs on pulmonary protein modification using bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) as a surrogate collected form BALB/c mice. The BALF proteins bound to SWNTs (13 proteins) and DWNTs (11 proteins), suggesting that these proteins were associated with blood coagulation pathways. Lastly, we demonstrated the importance of physicochemical and biological alterations of SWNTs and DWNTs when dispersed in biological media, since protein binding may result in the misinterpretation of in vitro results and the activation of protein-regulated biological responses.
Résumé Introduction : Les patients nécessitant une prise en charge prolongée en milieu de soins intensifs et présentant une évolution compliquée, développent une réponse métabolique intense caractérisée généralement par un hypermétabolisme et un catabolisme protéique. La sévérité de leur atteinte pathologique expose ces patients à la malnutrition, due principalement à un apport nutritionnel insuffisant, et entraînant une balance énergétique déficitaire. Dans un nombre important d'unités de soins intensifs la nutrition des patients n'apparaît pas comme un objectif prioritaire de la prise en charge. En menant une étude prospective d'observation afin d'analyser la relation entre la balance énergétique et le pronostic clinique des patients avec séjours prolongés en soins intensifs, nous souhaitions changer cette attitude et démonter l'effet délétère de la malnutrition chez ce type de patient. Méthodes : Sur une période de 2 ans, tous les patients, dont le séjour en soins intensifs fut de 5 jours ou plus, ont été enrôlés. Les besoins en énergie pour chaque patient ont été déterminés soit par calorimétrie indirecte, soit au moyen d'une formule prenant en compte le poids du patient (30 kcal/kg/jour). Les patients ayant bénéficié d'une calorimétrie indirecte ont par ailleurs vérifié la justesse de la formule appliquée. L'âge, le sexe le poids préopératoire, la taille, et le « Body mass index » index de masse corporelle reconnu en milieu clinique ont été relevés. L'énergie délivrée l'était soit sous forme nutritionnelle (administration de nutrition entérale, parentérale ou mixte) soit sous forme non-nutritionnelle (perfusions : soluté glucosé, apport lipidique non nutritionnel). Les données de nutrition (cible théorique, cible prescrite, énergie nutritionnelle, énergie non-nutritionnelle, énergie totale, balance énergétique nutritionnelle, balance énergétique totale), et d'évolution clinique (nombre des jours de ventilation mécanique, nombre d'infections, utilisation des antibiotiques, durée du séjour, complications neurologiques, respiratoires gastro-intestinales, cardiovasculaires, rénales et hépatiques, scores de gravité pour patients en soins intensifs, valeurs hématologiques, sériques, microbiologiques) ont été analysées pour chacun des 669 jours de soins intensifs vécus par un total de 48 patients. Résultats : 48 patients de 57±16 ans dont le séjour a varié entre 5 et 49 jours (motif d'admission : polytraumatisés 10; chirurgie cardiaque 13; insuffisance respiratoire 7; pathologie gastro-intestinale 3; sepsis 3; transplantation 4; autre 8) ont été retenus. Si nous n'avons pu démontrer une relation entre la balance énergétique et plus particulièrement, le déficit énergétique, et la mortalité, il existe une relation hautement significative entre le déficit énergétique et la morbidité, à savoir les complications et les infections, qui prolongent naturellement la durée du séjour. De plus, bien que l'étude ne comporte aucune intervention et que nous ne puissions avancer qu'il existe une relation de cause à effet, l'analyse par régression multiple montre que le facteur pronostic le plus fiable est justement la balance énergétique, au détriment des scores habituellement utilisés en soins intensifs. L'évolution est indépendante tant de l'âge et du sexe, que du status nutritionnel préopératoire. L'étude ne prévoyait pas de récolter des données économiques : nous ne pouvons pas, dès lors, affirmer que l'augmentation des coûts engendrée par un séjour prolongé en unité de soins intensifs est induite par un déficit énergétique, même si le bon sens nous laisse penser qu'un séjour plus court engendre un coût moindre. Cette étude attire aussi l'attention sur l'origine du déficit énergétique : il se creuse au cours de la première semaine en soins intensifs, et pourrait donc être prévenu par une intervention nutritionnelle précoce, alors que les recommandations actuelles préconisent un apport énergétique, sous forme de nutrition artificielle, qu'à partir de 48 heures de séjour aux soins intensifs. Conclusions : L'étude montre que pour les patients de soins intensifs les plus graves, la balance énergétique devrait être considérée comme un objectif important de la prise en charge, nécessitant l'application d'un protocole de nutrition précoce. Enfin comme l'évolution à l'admission des patients est souvent imprévisible, et que le déficit s'installe dès la première semaine, il est légitime de s'interroger sur la nécessité d'appliquer ce protocole à tous les patients de soins intensifs et ceci dès leur admission. Summary Background and aims: Critically ill patients with complicated evolution are frequently hypermetabolic, catabolic, and at risk of underfeeding. The study aimed at assessing the relationship between energy balance and outcome in critically ill patients. Methods: Prospective observational study conducted in consecutive patients staying 5 days in the surgical ICU of a University hospital. Demographic data, time to feeding, route, energy delivery, and outcome were recorded. Energy balance was calculated as energy delivery minus target. Data in means+ SD, linear regressions between energy balance and outcome variables. Results: Forty eight patients aged 57±16 years were investigated; complete data are available in 669 days. Mechanical ventilation lasted 11±8 days, ICU stay 15+9 was days, and 30-days mortality was 38%. Time to feeding was 3.1 ±2.2 days. Enteral nutrition was the most frequent route with 433 days. Mean daily energy delivery was 1090±930 kcal. Combining enteral and parenteral nutrition achieved highest energy delivery. Cumulated energy balance was between -12,600+ 10,520 kcal, and correlated with complications (P<0.001), already after 1 week. Conclusion: Negative energy balances were correlated with increasing number of complications, particularly infections. Energy debt appears as a promising tool for nutritional follow-up, which should be further tested. Delaying initiation of nutritional support exposes the patients to energy deficits that cannot be compensated later on.
The oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica possesses six acyl-CoA oxidase (Aox) isoenzymes encoded by genes POX1-POX6. The respective roles of these multiple Aox isoenzymes were studied in recombinant Y. lipolytica strains that express heterologous polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthase (phaC) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in varying POX genetic backgrounds, thus allowing assessment of the impact of specific Aox enzymes on the routing of carbon flow to β-oxidation or to PHA biosynthesis. Analysis of PHA production yields during growth on fatty acids with different chain lengths has revealed that the POX genotype significantly affects the PHA levels, but not the monomer composition of PHA. Aox3p function was found to be responsible for 90% and 75% of the total PHA produced from either C9:0 or C13:0 fatty acid, respectively, whereas Aox5p encodes the main Aox involved in the biosynthesis of 70% of PHA from C9:0 fatty acid. Other Aoxs, such as Aox1p, Aox2p, Aox4p and Aox6p, were not found to play a significant role in PHA biosynthesis, independent of the chain length of the fatty acid used. Finally, three known models of β-oxidation are discussed and it is shown that a 'leaky-hose pipe model' of the cycle can be applied to Y. lipolytica.
The major processes discussed below are protein turnover (degradation and synthesis), degradation into urea, or conversion into glucose (gluconeogenesis, Figure 1). Daily protein turnover is a dynamic process characterized by a double flux of amino acids: the amino acids released by endogenous (body) protein breakdown can be reutilized and reconverted to protein synthesis, with very little loss. Daily rates of protein turnover in humans (300 to 400 g per day) are largely in excess of the level of protein intake (50 to 80 g per day). A fast growing rate, as in premature babies or in children recovering from malnutrition, leads to a high protein turnover rate and a high protein and energy requirement. Protein metabolism (synthesis and breakdown) is an energy-requiring process, dependent upon endogenous ATP supply. The contribution made by whole-body protein turnover to the resting metabolic rate is important: it represents about 20 % in adults and more in growing children. Metabolism of proteins cannot be disconnected from that of energy since energy balance influences net protein utilization, and since protein intake has an important effect on postprandial thermogenesis - more important than that of fats or carbohydrates. The metabolic need for amino acids is essentially to maintain stores of endogenous tissue proteins within an appropriate range, allowing protein homeostasis to be maintained. Thanks to a dynamic, free amino acid pool, this demand for amino acids can be continuously supplied. The size of the free amino acid pool remains limited and is regulated within narrow limits. The supply of amino acids to cover physiological needs can be derived from 3 sources: 1. Exogenous proteins that release amino acids after digestion and absorption 2. Tissue protein breakdown during protein turnover 3. De novo synthesis, including amino acids (as well as ammonia) derived from the process of urea salvage, following hydrolysis and microflora metabolism in the hind gut. When protein intake surpasses the physiological needs of amino acids, the excess amino acids are disposed of by three major processes: 1. Increased oxidation, with terminal end products such as CO₂ and ammonia 2. Enhanced ureagenesis i. e. synthesis of urea linked to protein oxidation eliminates the nitrogen radical 3. Gluconeogenesis, i. e. de novo synthesis of glucose. Most of the amino groups of the excess amino acids are converted into urea through the urea cycle, whereas their carbon skeletons are transformed into other intermediates, mostly glucose. This is one of the mechanisms, essential for life, developed by the body to maintain blood glucose within a narrow range, (i. e. glucose homeostasis). It includes the process of gluconeogenesis, i. e. de novo synthesis of glucose from non-glycogenic precursors; in particular certain specific amino acids (for example, alanine), as well as glycerol (derived from fat breakdown) and lactate (derived from muscles). The gluconeogenetic pathway progressively takes over when the supply of glucose from exogenous or endogenous sources (glycogenolysis) becomes insufficient. This process becomes vital during periods of metabolic stress, such as starvation.
INTRODUCTION: Psychiatric disorders are among the leading causes of disability in Western societies. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most frequently prescribed antidepressant drugs during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Over the last decade, conflicting findings regarding the safety of SSRI drugs during pregnancy and lactation have questioned whether such treatments should be used during this period. AREAS COVERED: We discuss the main criteria that should be considered in the risk/benefit assessment of SSRI treatment in pregnant and/or breastfeeding patients (i.e., risks associated with SSRI use and with untreated depression as well as therapeutic benefits of SSRI and some alternative treatment strategies). For each criterion, available evidence has been synthesized and stratified by methodological quality as well as discussed for clinical impact. EXPERT OPINION: Currently, it is impossible for most of the evaluated outcomes to distinguish between the effects related to the mother's underlying disease and those inherent to SSRI treatment. In women suffering from major depression and responding to a pharmacological treatment, introduction or continuation of an SSRI should be encouraged in order to prevent maternal complications and to preserve maternal-infant bonding. The choice of the right drug depends above all on individual patient characteristics such as prior treatment response, diagnoses and comorbid conditions.
Research on Public Service Motivation (PSM) has increased enormously in the last 20 years. Besides the analysis of the antecedents of PSM and its impact on organizations and individuals, many open questions about the nature of PSM itself still remain. This article argues that the theoretical construct of PSM should be contextualized by integrating the political and administrative contexts of public servants when investigating their specific attitudes towards working in a public environment. It also challenges the efficacy of the classic four-dimensional structure of PSM when it is applied to a specific context. The findings of a confirmatory factor analysis from a dataset of 3754 employees of 279 Swiss municipalities support the appropriateness of contextualizing parts of the PSM construct. They also support the addition of an extra dimension called, according to previous research, Swiss democratic governance. With regard to our results, there is a need for further PSM research to set a definite measure of PSM, particularly in regard to the international diffusion of empirical research on PSM.Points for practitionersThis study shows that public service motivation is a relevant construct for practitioners and may be used to better assess whether public agents are motivated by values or not. Nevertheless, it stresses also that the measurement of PSM must be adapted to the institutional context as well. Public managers interested in understanding better the degree to which their employees are motivated by public values must be aware that the measurement of this PSM construct has to be contextualized. In other words, PSM is also a function of the institutional environment in which organizations operate.
RESUMEL'agriculture urbaine et périurbalne - nommée ci-après AU - est un thème fort de recherche transversale, au vu des nombreux enjeux économiques, sociaux et environnementaux. L'objectif de cette recherche était de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des processus de transfert de polluants et du cycle des nutriments à l'échelle locale, afin de déterminer sous quelles conditions l'AU de Dakar peut être pratiquée sans porter atteinte à la santé et à l'environnement.Une approche basée sur l'étude des processus géochimiques dans ie sol jusqu'à la nappe a été choisie, à l'échelle de la parcelle cultivée et à une échelle un peu plus large de la zone périurbaine de Dakar pour déterminer les influences du type d'occupation du sol.L'évaluation des impacts de l'irrigation avec des eaux usées brutes et des eaux de nappe saumâtres sur la qualité des sols (chapitre 2) a montré que l'alcalinité et les teneurs en calcium élevées des eaux saumâtres induisent la précipitation de CaC03 dans l'horizon superficiel du sol. Na remplace consécutivement Ca sur le complexe argilo-humique du sol et les bicarbonates diminuent dans la solution du sol. Le carbone organique dissout (COD) augmente significativement dans la solution du sol et dans la nappe sous-jacente. Malgré l'alcalinité et les teneurs très élevées en calcium des eaux usées, il y a peu de précipitation de CaC03 dans l'horizon superficiel du sol et une faible augmentation du sodium échangeable ESP. La nitrification de l'ammonium des eaux usées (moy 190mg/L à Pikine) produit des protons, qui ne sont plus tamponnés par les bicarbonates exportés hors du profil. Il y a alors une nette baisse de pH des sols irrigués par des eaux usées non traitées. Les sols irrigués par des eaux usées et saumâtres stockent moins de C et Ν que les sols de référence.L'évaluation de l'influence de l'occupation des sols en zone périurbaine sur à la nappe phréatique peu profonde (chapitre 3) a permis de déterminer les traceurs représentatifs de l'occupation du sol, à savoir Br/CI, NO3/CI et δ180-Ν03 pour l'irrigation par des eaux usées, pH et δ15Ν-Ν03 pour l'irrigation par des eaux de nappe, et Rb+Cr et Κ pour les lixiviats de fosses septiques. Ce chapitre a mis en évidence des points importants de la dynamique de l'azote en zone périurbaine sous deux occupations du sol : (1) la dénitrification est un processus important dans l'agrosystème périurbain de Dakar en bas de dune, dans les gleysols où l'on trouve des conditions temporairement réduites et un substrat organique favorables aux microorganismes de la dénitrification. Les teneurs en nitrates sont presque nulles avec irrigation d'eau de nappe. (2) en bas de pente, mais avec irrigation quotidienne par les eaux usées, l'apport continu d'ammonium inhibe probablement la dénitrification, mais favorise la volatilisation. (3) la nitrification de l'ammonium dans la nappe lors de la lixiviation des fosses septiques se distingue de la nitrification de l'ammonium dans la zone non saturée dans la zone d'agriculture périurbaine par la composition isotopique de l'oxygène de l'eau. Une comparaison des flux d'azote entre l'agrosystème et les quartiers périurbains de Dakar (chapitre 4) ont révélé que ces derniers étaient du même ordre de grandeur par unité de surface, à savoir 2-4 tonnes Ν /ha/an.L'évaluation des flux de pesticides dans l'agrosystème et des risques induits pour les eaux souterraines (chapitre 5) a révélé un fiux total de pesticides de 60kg/ha/an, totalisant 15 matières actives. Seules deux de ces matières actives sont autorisées par le comité des pesticides sahélien. Les pesticides les plus utilisés par les producteurs sont l'organochloré dicofol, les organophosphorés methamidophos, dimethoate et fenithrotion ainsi que le cabamate methomyl. Les flux les plus importants sont de 9 à 7 kg/ha/an (methomyl, methamidophos, ethoprophos et dicofol). Les pesticides qui présentent un risque élevé de contamination des eaux souterraines et qui devraient être prioritaires pour un suivi analytique sont : le carbofuran, le dimethoate, l'ethoprophos et le methomyl.En conclusion, une meilleure gestion de la fertilisation est nécessaire dans la zone d'AU de Dakar, afin de (1) réduire les pertes gazeuses qui contribuent à l'effet de serre, (2) de ralentir la minéralisation du carbone et de l'azote organiques pour créer un stock de C et Ν dans ces sols, (3) de limiter le lessivage dans la nappe et enfin, 4) d'augmenter l'efficacité d'utilisation de Ν par les plantes. Une optimisation de l'irrigation devrait limiter l'alcalinisation secondaire. Enfin, la mise en place d'une lutte intégrée ou biologique contre les ravageurs est indispensable afin de minimiser les risques pour les eaux souterraines et les mares permanentes.ABSTRACTUrban and periurban agriculture (UA) is an important issue in southern countries, because of its key role in their social and economical development and its environmental concern. The goal of this study was to contribute to a better understanding of pollutant transfer and nutrient cycling at the local scale, in order to implement the necessary improvements to guarantee the sustainability of this practice.An approach based on geochemical processes occurring in the vadose zone from the surface down to the groundwater level was chosen, at the scale of cultivated plots and at the regional scale of Dakar periurban areas, to determine the influence of land use.The assessment of irrigation with untreated domestic wastewater and brackish water on soil quality (chapter 2) showed: (1) that the high alkalinity and calcium contents of brackish water induce CaC03 precipitation in the top layer of the soil and therefore a replacement of Ca by Na on the clay- humic complexes, strongly marked during the dry season. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) increased significantly in the soil solution and in the underlying groundwater. (2) in spite of the similarly high alkalinity and Ca contents of waste water, there is only little CaC03 precipitation and a low increase of the percentage of exchangeable sodium (ESP) in the soil top layer. The nitrification of the ammonium of wastewater (mean 190 mg/L in Pikine) produces protons, which are not any more buffered by bicarbonates exported out of the soil profile, which leads to a net decline of soil pH. Both soils irrigated with untreated wastewater and brackish water store less of C and Ν than soils irrigated with non saline groundwater.The assessment of the impact of land use on the shallow groundwater (chapter 3) allowed determining representative tracers of the land use. Low Br/CI ratio, high NO3/CI ratio and low δ1βΟ- nitrate indicated the influence of wastewater; high pH and high 515N-nitrates indicated the influence of brackish water together with high amendments of organic fertilizers; high Rb+Cr and Κ indicated the influence of poor sanitation facilities in periurban districts (septic tank leakage). This chapter also pointed out the following facts about the nitrogen dynamics : (1) denitrification is a key-process in the Dakar UA agrosystem in the gleysols irrigated with groundwater. The underlying groundwater is almost nitrate free. (2) in the Gleysols irrigated with waste water, ammonium inhibits denitrification but facilitate ammoniac volatilization. A comparison of nitrogen balance between the UA agrosystem and the periurban districts of Dakar (chapter 4) revealed similar flows per surface unit, namely 2-4 tons Ν / ha / year.The evaluation of pesticides use in the UA agrosystem and the risk assessment for the groundwater (chapter 5) revealed a total flow of pesticides of 60kg / ha / year, totalizing 15 active substances. Only two of these are authorized by the Sahelian Pesticides Committee. The most used pesticides are dicofol (organochlorinated), methamidophos, dimethoate and fenithrotion (organophosphate) as well as methomyl. (carbamate). The most important flows vary between 9 to 7 kg / ha / year. Pesticides with a high risk of groundwater contamination - according to SIRIS and EPRIP 2 indicators - are: carbofuran, dimethoate, ethoprophos and methomyl. These substances should be established as a priority for an analytical follow-up in the different environmental compartments.In conclusion, a better management of the fertilization is necessary in the Dakar UA, (1) to reduce the gaseous losses which contribute to greenhouse emissions (2) to slow down the mineralization of the organic carbon and the nitrogen, in order to enhance the C and Ν stock in these soils, (3) to limit the nitrate leaching in the groundwater and finally, 4) to increase the N-use efficiency of plants. An optimization of the irrigation scheme should limit the secondary sodisation if coupled with an increase the stable organic matter of the soil. An integrated or biologic crop pest strategy is urgently needed to minimize risks with respect to ground and surface water (ponds used for fishing).RESUME LARGE PUBLICL'agriculture mondiale connaît actuellement une crise majeure, affectée par les changements climatiques, la sécurité alimentaire et les dégradations de l'environnement. Elle n'a plus le rôle unique de produire, mais devient un élément essentiel de la protection des ressources naturelles et du paysage. Les politiques agricoles basées sur les marchés mondiaux devront se réorienter vers une agriculture locale basée sur le développement durable.La production alimentaire située dans l'enceinte des villes, nommée agriculture urbaine ou périurbaine (AU ci-après) joue un rôle important dans le contexte actuel d'accroissement de la population et de la pauvreté urbaines. L'AU concerne en effet la majorité des mégapoies du monde, fait vivre plus de 200 millions de personnes dans les pays du Sud, fournit jusqu'à 80% de la demande urbaine en certains produits frais, fait barrière à l'extension urbaine et permet un recyclage de certains déchets urbains. L'AU a pour particularité d'être à cheval entre des politiques rurales et urbaines, d'où un délaissement ce cette activité au secteur informel. Ce qui a développé de nombreuses stratégies à risques, comme à Dakar, où les petits producteurs périurbains irriguent quotidiennement avec des eaux usées domestiques par manque d'accès à une eau de bonne qualité et pour raccourcir les cycles de production. L'extrême précarité foncière des acteurs de l'AU de Dakar les empêchent d'investir à long terme et induit des pratiques inadéquates d'irrigation, d'usage de pesticides et de fertilisation de ces sols sableux.L'objectif de cette recherche était de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des processus de transfert de polluants et du cycle des nutriments à l'échelle des parcelles cultivées par des eaux usées et des eaux saumâtres, afin de déterminer sous quelles conditions l'AU de Dakar peut être pratiquée et surtout maintenue sans porter atteinte à la santé et à l'environnement. Pour cela, une approche basée sur l'étude des processus géochimiques dans le sol jusqu'à la nappe a été choisie, à l'échelle de la parcelle cultivée et à une échelle un peu plus large de la zone périurbaine de Dakar pour déterminer les influences du type d'occupation du sol.Les résultats principaux de cette étude ont montré que (1) il y a un processus de salinisation anthropique des sols (sodisation) lors d'irrigation avec des eaux de nappe saumâtres, un processus accentué en saison sèche et lors d'années à pluviométrie déficitaire. Bien que les eaux usées soient aussi salines que les eaux de nappe, la salinisation des sols irrigués' par des eaux usées est limitée par l'ammonium présent dans les eaux usées (moy 190mg NH4/L à Pikine) qui produit de l'acidité lors de la transformation en nitrates dans le sol (nitrification). (2) les sols irrigués par des eaux usées (EU) stockent moins de C et Ν que les sois de référence, ce qui montrent bien que l'azote des eaux usées n'est pas disponible pour les plantes, mais est lessivé dans la nappe (100 à 450 mg/L N03 sous irrigation par EU, alors que la limite de OMS est de 50mg/L). (3) l'utilisation des isotopes stables des nitrates et des éléments traces, notamment le bore et le brome, ont permis de distinguer l'influence de l'irrigation par des eaux usées, de l'irrigation par des eaux de nappe et des lixiviats de fosses septiques sur les propriétés de la nappe. (4) Le processus de la dénitrification (atténuation naturelle des concentrations en nitrates de la nappe par biotransformation en azote gazeux) est important dans les zones basses de l'agrosystème périurbain de Dakar, sous irrigation par eaux naturelles (ΝΟ3 < 50mg/L). Tandis que sous habitat sans assainissement adéquat, les nitrates atteignent 300 à 700 mg/L. (5) Le flux total de pesticides dans l'AU est énorme (60kg/ha/an) totalisant 15 pesticides, dont deux seulement sont autorisés. Les pesticides les plus utilisés sont des insecticides organophosphorés et organochlorés classés extrêmement dangereux à dangereux par l'OMS, appliqués à des doses de 2 à 9 kg/ha/an. Les pesticides qui ont montré un risque élevé de contamination des eaux souterraines avec les indicateurs SIRIS et EPRIP2 sont : le carbofuran, le dimethoate, l'ethoprophos et le methomyl.En conclusion, nous recommandons la reconstitution d'un horizon superficiel des sols riche en matière organique stable et structuré par production locale de compost. Cette mesure réduira les pertes gazeuses contribuant à l'effet de serre, augmentera le stock de Ν dans ces sols, alors utilisable par les plantes et permettra de diminuer l'irrigation car la capacité de rétention de l'eau dans le sol sera accru, ce qui limitera le lessivage des nitrates dans la nappe et l'alcalinisation secondaire. Enfin, la mise en place d'une lutte intégrée ou biologique contre les ravageurs est indispensable afin de minimiser les risques pour les eaux souterraines et lesmares permanentes.
The effects of drugs on new cancer and cancer-related death are a major concern. Recently, a meta-analysis raised the possibility that ARBs might have an adverse impact in this respect. This point of view was highly debated until the publication of two other meta-analyses which did not demonstrate any increased risk of new cancer occurrence as well as of cancer related-death with the use of ARBs in patients with hypertension, heart failure and/or nephropathy. This illustrates that the results of meta-analyses should be interpreted cautiously and critically in order to avoid biased conclusions. Overall the bulk of evidence today indicates that ARBs are not associated with an increased cancer risk.
Profiles of carbon isotopes were studied in marine limestones of Late Permian and Early Triassic age of the Tethyan region from 20 sections in Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, Armenian SSR, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, and China. The Upper Permian sections continue the high positive values of 13C previously found in Upper Permian basins in NW Europe and western USA. In the more complete sections of Tethys it can now be demonstrated that the values of 13C drop from the Murgabian to the Dzhulfian Stages of the Upper Permian, then sharply to values near zero during the last two biozones of the Dorashamian. These levels of 13C sample the Tethys Sea and the world ocean, and equal values from deep-water sediments at Salamis Greece indicate that they apply to the whole water column. We hypothesize that the high values of 13C are a consequence of Late Paleozoic storage of organic carbon, and that the declines represent an episodic cessation of this organic deposition, and partial oxidation of the organic reservoir, extending over a period of several million years. The carbon isotope profile may reflect parallel complexity in the pattern of mass extinction in Late Permian time. Des profils isotopiques du carbone ont été établis dans des calcaires marins d'âge tardi-permien à éo-triasique répartis dans 20 endroits du domaine téthysien: Yougoslavie, Grèce, Turquie, République d'Arménie, Iran, Pakistan, Inde, Népal et Chine. Les profils établis dans le Permien supérieur montrent les mêmes valeurs positives de 13C observées antérieurement dans des bassins de même âge en Europe occidentale et dans l'ouest des USA. Dans les profils les plus complets de la Téthys, il est maintenant établi que les valeurs de 13C décroissent depuis le Murgabien jusqu'au Dzhulfien (Permien supérieur) pour devenir proches de zéro dans les deux dernières biozones du Dorasharmen. Ces valeurs de 13C sont caractéristiques de la Téthys et de l'Océan mondial; elles s'appliquent à toutes les profondeurs d'eau, comme en témoignent les valeurs fournies par des sédiments de mer profonde à Salamis (Grèce). Nous formulons l'hypothèse que les hautes valeurs de 13C sont la conséquence du stockage du carbone organique au Paléozoïque supérieur et que leur décroissance traduit un arrêt épisodique de cette sédimentation organique, accompagné d'une oxydation partielle de la matière organique s'étendant sur une période de plusieurs Ma. L'influence parallèle des phénomènes d'extinction massive à le fin du Permien se refléterait également dans les profils isotopiques du carbone.
The stable carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of fossil ostracods are powerful tools to estimate past environmental and climatic conditions. The basis for such interpretations is that the calcite of the valves reflects the isotopic composition of water and its temperature of formation. However, calcite of ostracods is known not to form in isotopic equilibrium with water and different species may have different offsets from inorganic precipitates of calcite formed under the same conditions. To estimate the fractionation during ostracod valve calcification, the oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of 15 species living in Lake Geneva were related to their autoecology and the environmental parameters measured during their growth. The results indicate that: (1) Oxygen isotope fractionation is similar for all species of Candoninae with an enrichment in 18O of more than 30/00 relative to equilibrium values for inorganic calcite. Oxygen isotope fractionation for Cytheroidea is less discriminative relative to the heavy oxygen, with enrichments in 18O for these species of 1.7 to 2.30/00. Oxygen isotope fractionations for Cyprididae are in-between those of Candoninae and Cytheroidea. The difference in oxygen isotope fractionation between ostracods and inorganic calcite has been interpreted as resulting from a vital effect. (2) Comparison with previous work suggests that oxygen isotope fractionation may depend on the total and relative ion content of water. (3) Carbon isotope compositions of ostracod valves are generally in equilibrium with DIC. The specimens' δ13C values are mainly controlled by seasonal variations in δ13CDIC of bottom water or variation thereof in sediment pore water. (4) Incomplete valve calcification has an effect on carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of ostracod valves. Preferential incorporation of at the beginning of valve calcification may explain this effect. (5) Results presented here as well as results from synthetic carbonate growth indicate that different growth rates or low pH within the calcification site cannot be the cause of oxygen isotope 'vital effects' in ostracods. Two mechanisms that might enrich the 18O of ostracod valves are deprotonation of that may also contribute to valve calcification, and effects comparable to salt effects with high concentrations of Ca and/or Mg within the calcification site that may also cause a higher temperature dependency of oxygen isotope fractionation.
Carbon isotope ratio (CIR) analysis has been routinely and successfully applied to doping control analysis for many years to uncover the misuse of endogenous steroids such as testosterone. Over the years, several challenges and limitations of this approach became apparent, e.g., the influence of inadequate chromatographic separation on CIR values or the emergence of steroid preparations comprising identical CIRs as endogenous steroids. While the latter has been addressed recently by the implementation of hydrogen isotope ratios (HIR), an improved sample preparation for CIR avoiding co-eluting compounds is presented herein together with newly established reference values of those endogenous steroids being relevant for doping controls. From the fraction of glucuronidated steroids 5β-pregnane-3α,20α-diol, 5α-androst-16-en-3α-ol, 3α-Hydroxy-5β-androstane-11,17-dione, 3α-hydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one (ANDRO), 3α-hydroxy-5β-androstan-17-one (ETIO), 3β-hydroxy-androst-5-en-17-one (DHEA), 5α- and 5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol (5aDIOL and 5bDIOL), 17β-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one and 17α-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one were included. In addition, sulfate conjugates of ANDRO, ETIO, DHEA, 3β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one plus 17α- and androst-5-ene-3β,17β-diol were considered and analyzed after acidic solvolysis. The results obtained for the reference population encompassing n = 67 males and females confirmed earlier findings regarding factors influencing endogenous CIR. Variations in sample preparation influenced CIR measurements especially for 5aDIOL and 5bDIOL, the most valuable steroidal analytes for the detection of testosterone misuse. Earlier investigations on the HIR of the same reference population enabled the evaluation of combined measurements of CIR and HIR and its usefulness regarding both steroid metabolism studies and doping control analysis. The combination of both stable isotopes would allow for lower reference limits providing the same statistical power and certainty to distinguish between the endo- or exogenous origin of a urinary steroid.
In order to assess the contribution of the thermogenic effect of feeding and muscular activity to total energy expenditure, nine premature infants were studied for 2 consecutive days during which time repeated measurements of energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry were performed throughout the day, combined with a visual activity score based on body movement. The infants were growing at 16.6 +/- 4.0 g/kg/day (mean +/- SD) and received 110 +/- 8 kcal/kg/day metabolizable energy (milk formula) and 522 +/- 40 mgN/kg/day. Their total energy expenditure was 68 +/- 4 kcal/kg/day indicating that 41 +/- 7 kcal/kg/day was retained for growth. Based on the combination of energy + N balances it was estimated that 80% of the weight gain was fat-free tissue and 20% was fat tissue. The rate of energy expenditure measured minute-by-minute was significantly and linearly correlated with the activity score in both the premeal (r = 0.75;p less than 0.001) and the postmeal periods (r = 0.74; p less than 0.001) with no difference in the regression slope, but with a significant difference in intercept. In preset feeding schedules the latter allowed an estimation of the thermogenic effect without the confounding effect of activity. This was found to be 3.1 +/- 1.8% when expressed as a percentage of metabolizable energy intake. However when the "classical" approach was used as a comparison (integration of extra energy expenditure induced by the meal), the thermogenic effect was found to be greater, i.e. 9.5 +/- 3.8% of the meal's metabolizable energy, due to the superimposed effect of physical activity in the postprandial state.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Sodium transport via epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) expressed in alveolar epithelial cells (AEC) provides the driving force for removal of fluid from the alveolar space. The membrane-bound channel-activating protease 1 (CAP1/Prss8) activates ENaC in vitro in various expression systems. To study the role of CAP1/Prss8 in alveolar sodium transport and lung fluid balance in vivo, we generated mice lacking CAP1/Prss8 in the alveolar epithelium using conditional Cre-loxP-mediated recombination. Deficiency of CAP1/Prss8 in AEC induced in vitro a 40% decrease in ENaC-mediated sodium currents. Sodium-driven alveolar fluid clearance (AFC) was reduced in CAP1/Prss8-deficient mice, due to a 48% decrease in amiloride-sensitive clearance, and was less sensitive to beta(2)-agonist treatment. Intra-alveolar treatment with neutrophil elastase, a soluble serine protease activating ENaC at the cell surface, fully restored basal AFC and the stimulation by beta(2)-agonists. Finally, acute volume-overload increased alveolar lining fluid volume in CAP1/Prss8-deficient mice. This study reveals that CAP1 plays a crucial role in the regulation of ENaC-mediated alveolar sodium and water transport and in mouse lung fluid balance.
Moissanite (natural SiC) has been recovered from podiform chromitites of several ophiolite complexes, including the Luobusa and Donqiao ophiolites in Tibet, the Semail ophiolite in Oman and the United Arab Emirates, and the Ray-Iz ophiolite of the Polar Urals, Russia. Taking these new occurrences with the numerous earlier reports of moissanite in diamondiferous kimberlites leads to the conclusion that natural SiC is a widespread mineral in the Earth's mantle, which implies at least locally extremely low redox conditions. The ophiolite moissanite grains are mostly fragments (20 to 150 mu m) with one or more crystal faces, but some euhedral hexagonal grains have also been recovered. Twinned crystals are common in chromitites from the Luobusa ophiolite. The moissanite is rarely colorless, more commonly light bluish-gray to blue or green. Many grains contain inclusions of native Si and Fe-Si alloys (FeSi(2), Fe(3)Si(7)). Secondary ion mass spectrometric (SIMS) analysis shows that the ophiolite-hosted moissanite has a distinctive (13)C-depleted isotopic composition (delta(13)C from -18 to -35 parts per thousand, n=36), much lighter than the main carbon reservoir in the upper mantle (delta(13)C near -5 parts per thousand). The compiled data from moissanite from kimberlites and other mantle settings share the characteristic of strongly (13)C-depleted isotopic composition. This suggests that moissanite originates from a separate carbon reservoir in the mantle or that its formation involved strong isotopic fractionation. The degree of fractionation needed to produce the observed moissanite compositions from the main C-reservoir would be unrealistically large at the high temperatures required for moissanite formation. Subduction of biogenic carbonaceous material could potentially satisfy both the unusual isotopic and redox constraints on moissanite formation, but this material would need to stay chemically isolated from the upper mantle until it reached the high-T stability field of moissanite. The origin of moissanite in the mantle is still unsolved, but all evidence from the upper mantle indicates that it cannot have formed there, barring special and local redox conditions. We suggest, alternatively, that moissanite may have formed in the lower mantle, where the existence of (13)C-depleted carbon is strongly supported by studies of extraterrestrial carbon (Mars, Moon, meteorites). (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.