146 resultados para adaptive sampling


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Chlamydia trachomatis is the leading cause of bacterial sexually transmitted disease worldwide, and despite significant advances in chlamydial research, a prophylactic vaccine has yet to be developed. This Gram-negative obligate intracellular bacterium, which often causes asymptomatic infection, may cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancies, scarring of the fallopian tubes, miscarriage, and infertility when left untreated. In the genital tract, Chlamydia trachomatis infects primarily epithelial cells and requires Th1 immunity for optimal clearance. This review first focuses on the immune cells important in a chlamydial infection. Second, we summarize the research and challenges associated with developing a chlamydial vaccine that elicits a protective Th1-mediated immune response without inducing adverse immunopathologies.


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The therapeutic efficacy of anticancer chemotherapies may depend on dendritic cells (DCs), which present antigens from dying cancer cells to prime tumor-specific interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-producing T lymphocytes. Here we show that dying tumor cells release ATP, which then acts on P2X(7) purinergic receptors from DCs and triggers the NOD-like receptor family, pyrin domain containing-3 protein (NLRP3)-dependent caspase-1 activation complex ('inflammasome'), allowing for the secretion of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta). The priming of IFN-gamma-producing CD8+ T cells by dying tumor cells fails in the absence of a functional IL-1 receptor 1 and in Nlpr3-deficient (Nlrp3(-/-)) or caspase-1-deficient (Casp-1(-/-)) mice unless exogenous IL-1beta is provided. Accordingly, anticancer chemotherapy turned out to be inefficient against tumors established in purinergic receptor P2rx7(-/-) or Nlrp3(-/-) or Casp1(-/-) hosts. Anthracycline-treated individuals with breast cancer carrying a loss-of-function allele of P2RX7 developed metastatic disease more rapidly than individuals bearing the normal allele. These results indicate that the NLRP3 inflammasome links the innate and adaptive immune responses against dying tumor cells.


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In the early 1900s, the wolf (Canis lupus) was extirpated from France and Switzerland. There is growing evidence that the species is presently recolonizing these countries in the western Alps. By sequencing the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region of various samples mainly collected in the field (scats, hairs, regurgitates, blood or tissue; n = 292), we could (1) develop a non-invasive method enabling the unambiguous attribution of these samples to wolf, fox (Vulpes vulpes) or dog (Canis familiaris), among others; (2) demonstrate that Italian, French and Swiss wolves share the same mtDNA haplotype, a haplotype that has never been found in any other wolf population world-wide. Combined together, field and genetic data collected over 10 years corroborate the scenario of a natural expansion of wolves from the Italian source population. Furthermore, such a genetic approach is of conservation significance, since it has important consequences for management decisions. This first long-term report using non-invasive sampling demonstrates that long-distance dispersers are common, supporting the hypothesis that individuals may often attempt to colonize far from their native pack, even in the absence of suitable corridors across habitats characterized by intense human activities.


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En s'inspirant de la littérature récente qui a dépeint l'ambivalence comme étant adaptative et en lien avec des comportements stratégiques, cette thèse examine le versant utile des attitudes ambivalentes. Elle met tout d'abord en évidence que son expression peut-être sciemment contrôlée et mise en avant pour des raisons d'auto-présentation. De plus, elle démontre que les individus peuvent présenter une attitude ambivalente afin de gagner l'approbation sociale sur un objet d'attitude controversé alors que l'inverse a été observé sur des objets consensuels (Première ligne de recherche). Cette thèse a également révélé que l'expression d'attitudes ambivalentes pouvait amener à être valorisé socialement. En effet, contrairement à des attitudes plus tranchées (pro-normatives ou contre-normatives), les attitudes ambivalentes ont été évaluées de façon plus importante sur la dimension de l'utilité sociale (une dimension qui indique la compétence d'autrui ou encore la propension à évoluer dans la hiérarchie sociale). La valorisation de l'ambivalence n'est apparue que sur la dimension de l'utilité sociale et non sur la dimension de la désirabilité sociale (une dimension qui indique la sympathie d'autrui ainsi que la propension à être apprécié socialement). De plus, ce résultat a été observé sur des thèmes controversés et non sur des thèmes consensuels (Seconde ligne de recherche). Dans l'ensemble cette thèse soutient une approche de l'ambivalence comme donnant lieu à des bénéfices. Elle peut également ouvrir la voie à l'étude de l'ambivalence en lien avec la pensée critique. - Drawing on the recent literature that portrayed ambivalence as being adaptive and linked with strategic behaviors, this thesis examines the useful side of ambivalent attitudes. It first revealed that the expression of ambivalent attitudes could be controlled and purposely displayed for self-presentational concerns. Furthermore, it demonstrated that people could put ambivalence forward to gain social approval when expressing it on controversial social issues, whereas the opposite was true on consensual social issues (First line of research). The thesis also revealed that the expression of ambivalent attitudes could lead to be socially valued. Indeed, contrary to clear-cut attitudes (either pro-normative or counter-normative attitudes), ambivalent attitudes have been evaluated the highest on the social utility dimension (a dimension indicating people's competence as well as the extent to which they are likely to climb in social hierarchy). The valorization of ambivalent attitudes only appeared on social utility and not on social desirability (a dimension indicating people's niceness as well as the extent to which they are likely to be socially appreciated). This effect was true on controversial social issues but not on consensual ones (Second line of research). Overall, this thesis provides support for an approach that conceives attitudinal ambivalence as leading to benefits. It also may open avenues for the study of ambivalence in relation with critical thinking.


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Background: Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a central regulator of cell growth, is found in two structurally and functionally distinct multiprotein complexes called mTOR complex (mTORC)1 and mTORC2. The specific roles of each of these branches of mTOR signaling have not been dissected in the adult heart. In the present study, we aimed to bring new insights into the function of cardiac mTORC1-mediated signaling in physiological as well as pathological situations.Methods: We generated mice homozygous for loxP-flanked raptor and positive for the tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase (MerCreMer) under control of the α- myosin heavy chain promoter. The raptor gene encodes an essential component of mTORC1. Gene ablation was induced at the age of 10-12 weeks, and two weeks later the raptor cardiac-knockout (raptor-cKO) mice started voluntary cagewheel exercise or were subjected to transverse aortic constriction (TAC) to induce pressure overload.Results: In sedentary raptor-cKO mice, ejection fractions gradually decreased, resulting in significantly reduced values at 38 days (P < 0.001). Raptor-cKO mice started to die during the fifth week after the last tamoxifen injection. At that time, the mortality rate was 36% in sedentary (n = 11) and 64% in exercising (n = 14) mice. TAC-induced pressure overload resulted in severe cardiac dysfunction already at earlier timepoints. Thus, at 7-9 days after surgery, ejection fraction and fractional shortening values were 22.3% vs 43.5% and 10.2% vs 21.5% in raptor-cKO vs wild-type mice, respectively. This was accompanied by significant reductions of ventricular wall and septal thickness as well as an increase in left ventricular internal diameter. Moreover, ventricular weight to tibial length ratios were increased in wild-type, but not in the raptor-cKO TAC mice. Together, this shows that raptor-cKO mice rapidly developed dilated cardiomyopathy without going through a phase of adaptive hypertrophy. Expression of ANP and β-MHC was induced in all raptor-cKO mice irrespective of the cardiac load conditions. Consistent with reduced mTORC1 activity, phosphorylation of ribosomal S6 kinase and 4E-BP1 was blunted, indicating reduced protein synthesis. Moreover, expression of multiple genes involved in the regulation of energy metabolism was altered, and followed by a shift from fatty acid to glucose oxidation.Conclusion: Our study suggests that mTORC1 coordinates protein and energy metabolic pathways in the heart. Moreover, we demonstrate that raptor is essential for the cardiac adaptation to increased workload and importantly, also for normal physiological cardiac function.


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Contrairement aux animaux, les plantes sont des organismes sessiles qui ne possèdent pas de mécanismes de fuite quand les conditions environnementales ne sont plus optimales. Les plantes sont physiquement ancrées à l'endroit où elles ont germées et aux conditions environnementales qui parfois peuvent être extrêmes. Les possibilités d'acclimatation de différentes espèces, parfois même de groupes de plantes au sein d'une même espèce, peuvent varier mais repose sur une adaptation génétique de la plante. L'adaptation est un long processus qui repose sur l'apparition spontanée de mutations génétiques, leur mise à l'épreuve face aux conditions environnementales, et dans le cas où la mutation a un impact positif sur la survie dans cet habitat particulier, elle sera maintenue dans une population donnée de plantes. De telles populations, appelées écotypes, sont le matériel de départ pour la découverte de gènes qui induisent un bénéfice pour la plante dans un environnement donné. La plante la plus étudiée en biologie moléculaire est Arabidopsis thaliana, l'arabette des prés. Dans une étude précédente, les racines d'écotypes naturels d'Arabidopsis ont été comparées et un écotype, Uk-1, avait le système racinaire le plus particulier. Cet écotype possède des racines beaucoup plus courtes et plus ramifiées que tous les autres écotypes. Des analyses plus poussées ont montré qu'une seule mutation dans un gène était la cause de ce phénotype, le gène BREVIS RADIX (BRX), mot latin signifiant 'racine courte'. Bien que l'on connaisse le gène BRX, on connaît finalement peu de choses sur son importance adaptative. Dans cette étude, nous avons montré que la mutation dans le gène BRX rend la plante plus résistante aux sols acides. Dans l'optique de mieux comprendre cette valeur adaptative du mutant brx, nous avons analysé dans quels tissus le gène BRX jouait un rôle important. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence que BRX est important pour le développement du protophloème. Le protophloème est un élément du système vasculaire de la plante. En général, les plantes supérieures possèdent deux systèmes de transport à longue distance. L'un d'eux, appelé xylème, transporte l'eau et les nutriments absorbés du sol par les racines vers les feuilles. Les feuilles sont le siège du processus de photosynthèse au cours duquel sont produits des sucres qui devront être distribués partout dans les autres parties de la plante. Le tissu cellulaire chargé de livrer les produits de la photosynthèse, ainsi que les régulateurs de croissance, est le phloème. Ce dernier regroupe le métaphloème et le protophloème. Le protophloème est essentiel pour la livraison des sucres synthétisés ainsi que des signaux de croissance aux pointes des racines, centres organogéniques responsables de la production de nouvelles cellules durant la phase de croissance de la racine. La structure du protophloème peut être décrite comme des tubes continus, vides et résistants, faits de cellules spécialisées qui permettent un transport efficace et rapide. Nous avons montré que dans les mutants brx ces canaux de transports sont discontinus car certaines cellules n'ont pas terminé leur cycle de différenciation. Ces cellules obstruent le conduit ce qui fait que les sucres et les signaux de croissance, comme l'auxine, ne peuvent plus être transportés aux méristèmes. En conséquence, la prolifération de l'activité des méristèmes est compromise, ce qui explique les racines courtes. Au lieu d'être délivré aux méristèmes, l'auxine se concentre en amont des méristèmes où cela provoque l'apparition de nouvelles racines branchées et, très probablement, l'activation des pompes à protons. Sur des sols acides, la concentration en ion H+ est très élevée. Ces ions entrent dans les cellules de la racine par diffusion et perturbent notablement la croissance des racines et de la plante en général. Si les cellules de la racine possédaient des pompes à protons hyperactives, elles seraient capable d'évacuer le surplus d'ions H+ en dehors de la cellule, ce qui leur assurerait de meilleures chances de survie sur sols acides. De fait, le mutant brx est capable d'acidifier le milieu de culture dans lequel il est cultivé plus efficacement que la plante sauvage. Ce mutant est également capable de donner plus de progéniture sur ce type de milieu de croissance que les plantes sauvages. Finalement, nous avons trouvé d'autres mutants brx en milieu naturel poussant sur sols acides, ce qui suggère fortement que la mutation du gène BRX est une des causes de l'adaptation aux sols acides. -- Plants as sessile organisms have developed different mechanisms to cope with the complex environmental conditions in which they live. Adaptation is the process through which traits evolve by natural selection to functionally improve in a given environmental context. An adaptation to the environment is characterized by the genetic changes in the entire populations that have been fixed by natural selection over many generations. BREVIS RADIX (BRX) gene was found through natural Arabidopsis accessions screen and was characterized as a root growth regulator since loss-of-function mutants exhibit arrested post-embryonic primary root growth in addition to a more branched root system. Although brx loss-of-function causes a complete alteration in root architecture, BRX activity is only required in the root vasculature, in particular in protophloem cell file. Protophloem is a part of the phloem transport network and is responsible for delivery of photo-assimilates and growth regulators, coming from the shoot through mature phloem component - metaphloem, to the all plant primary meristems. In order to perform its function, protophloem is the first cell file to differentiate within the root meristem. During this process, protophloem cells undergo a partial programmed cell death, during which they build a thicker cell wall, degrade nucleus and tonoplast while plasma membrane stays functional. Interestingly, protophloem cells enter elongation process only after differentiation into sieve elements is completed. Here we show that brx mutants fail to differentiate protophloem cell file properly, a phenotype that can be distinguished by a presence of a "gap" cells, non-differentiated cells between two flanking differentiated cells. Discontinuity of protophloem differentiation in brx mutants is considered to be a consequence of local hyperactivity of CLAVATA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION 45 (CLE45) - BARELY ANY MERISTEM 3 (BAM3) signaling module. Interestingly, a CLE45 activity, most probably at the level of receptor binding, can be modulated by apoplastic pH. Altogether, our results imply that the activity of proton pumps, expressed in non-differentiated cells of protophloem, must be maintained under certain threshold, otherwise CLE45-BAM3 signaling pathway will be stimulated and in turn protophloem will not differentiate. Based on vacuolar morphology, a premature cell wall acidification in brx mutants stochastically prevents the protophloem differentiation. Only after protophloem differentiates, proton pumps can be activated in order to acidify apoplast and to support enucleated protophloem multifold elongation driven by surrounding cells growth. Finally, the protophloem differentiation failure would result in an auxin "traffic jam" in the upper parts of the root, created from the phloem-transported auxin that cannot be efficiently delivered to the meristem. Physiologically, auxin "leakage" from the plant vasculature network could have various consequences, since auxin is involved in the regulation of almost every aspect of plant growth and development. Thus, given that auxin stimulates lateral roots initiation and growth, this scenario explains more branched brx root system. Nevertheless, auxin is considered to activate plasma membrane proton pumps. Along with this, it has been shown that brx mutants acidify media much more than the wild type plants do, a trait that was proposed as an adaptive feature of naturally occurring brx null alleles in Arabidopsis populations found on acidic soils. Additionally, in our study we found that most of accessions originally collected from acidic sampling sites exhibit hypersensitivity to CLE45 treatment. This implies that adaptation of plants to acidic soil involves a positive selection pressure against upstream negative regulators of CLE45-BAM3 signaling, such as BRX. Perspective analysis of these accessions would provide more profound understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying plant adaptation to acidic soils. All these results are suggesting that targeting of the factors that affect protophloem differentiation is a good strategy of natural selection to change the root architecture and to develop an adaptation to a certain environment. -- Les plantes comme organismes sessiles ont développé différents mécanismes pour s'adapter aux conditions environnementales complexes dans lesquelles elles vivent. L'adaptation est le processus par lequel des traits vont évoluer via la sélection naturelle vers une amélioration fonctionnelle dans un contexte environnemental donné. Une adaptation à l'environnement est caractérisée par des changements génétiques dans des populations entières qui ont été fixés par la sélection naturelle sur plusieurs générations. Le gène BREVIS RADIX (BRX) a été identifié dans le crible d'une collection d'accessions naturelles d'Arabidopsis et a été caractérisé comme un régulateur de la croissance racinaire étant donné que le mutant perte-de-fonction montre une croissance racinaire primaire arrêtée au stade post-embryonnaire et présente de plus un système racinaire plus ramifié que la plante sauvage. Bien que le mutant perte-de-fonction brx cause une altération complète de l'architecture racinaire, l'activité de BRX n'est requise que dans la vascularisation racinaire, en particulier au niveau du protophloème. Le protophloème est un composant du réseau de transport du phloème et est responsable du transit des dérivés de la photosynthèse ainsi que des régulateurs de croissances, venant de la partie aérienne par le phloème mature (métaphloème) vers tous les méristèmes primaires de la plante. Pour pouvoir réaliser sa fonction, le protophloème est la première file de cellules à se différencier à l'intérieur du méristème de la racine. Pendant ce processus, les cellules du protophloème subissent une mort cellulaire programmée partielle durant laquelle elles épaississent leur paroi cellulaire, dégradent le noyau et le tonoplaste tandis que la membrane plasmique demeure fonctionnelle. De manière intéressante, les cellules du protophloème entament le processus d'allongement seulement après que la différenciation en tubes criblés soit complète. Ce travail montre que le mutant brx est incapable de mener à bien la différenciation de la file de cellules du protophloème, phénotype qui peut être visualisé par la présence de cellules 'trous', de cellules non différenciées entourées de deux cellules différenciées. La discontinuité de la différenciation du phloème dans le mutant brx est considérée comme la conséquence de l'hyperactivité localisée du module de signalisation CLA VA TA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION 45 (CLE45) - BARELY ANY MERISTEM 3 (BAM3). De manière intéressante, l'activité de CLE45, très probablement au niveau de la liaison avec le récepteur, peut être modulé par le pH apoplastique. Pris ensemble, nos résultats impliquent que l'activité des pompes à protons, actives dans les cellules non différenciées du protophloème, doit être maintenue en dessous d'un certain seuil autrement la cascade de signalisation CLE45-BAM3 serait stimulée, en conséquence de quoi le protophloème ne pourrait se différencier. D'après la morphologie vacuolaire, une acidification prématurée de la paroi cellulaire dans le mutant brx empêche la différenciation du protophloème de manière stochastique. Une fois que le protophloème se différencie, les pompes à protons peuvent alors être activées afin d'acidifier l'apoplaste et ainsi faciliter l'allongement des cellules énuclées du protophloème, entraînées par la croissance des cellules environnantes. Finalement, la différenciation défectueuse du protophloème produit une accumulation d'auxine dans la partie supérieure de la racine car le phloème ne peut plus acheminer efficacement l'auxine au méristème. Physiologiquement, la 'fuite' d'auxine à partir du réseau vasculaire de la plante peut avoir des conséquences variées puisque l'auxine est impliquée dans la régulation de la majorité des aspects de la croissance et développement de la plante. Etant donné que l'auxine stimule l'initiation et développement des racines latérales, ce scénario pourrait expliquer le système racinaire plus ramifié du mutant brx. En plus, l'auxine est considérée comme un activateur des pompes à protons. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que les mutants brx ont la capacité d'acidifier le milieu plus efficacement que les plantes sauvages, une caractéristique des populations sauvages <¥Arabidopsis poussant sur des sols acides et contenant les allèles délétés brx. De plus, dans nos résultats nous avons mis en évidence que la plupart des accessions collectées originellement sur des sites acidophiles montre une hypersensibilité au traitement par CLE45. Ceci implique que l'adaptation des plantes aux sols acides repose sur la pression de sélection positive à rencontre des régulateurs négatifs de CLE45- BAM3, situés en amont de la cascade, tel le produit du gène BRX. Les analyses de ces accessions pourraient aboutir à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires responsables de l'adaptation des plantes aux sols acides. Tous nos résultats suggèrent que le ciblage des facteurs affectant la différenciation du protophloème serait une stratégie gagnante dans la sélection naturelle pour changer l'architecture de la racine et ainsi s'adapter efficacement à un nouvel environnement.


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The state of the art to describe image quality in medical imaging is to assess the performance of an observer conducting a task of clinical interest. This can be done by using a model observer leading to a figure of merit such as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Using the non-prewhitening (NPW) model observer, we objectively characterised the evolution of its figure of merit in various acquisition conditions. The NPW model observer usually requires the use of the modulation transfer function (MTF) as well as noise power spectra. However, although the computation of the MTF poses no problem when dealing with the traditional filtered back-projection (FBP) algorithm, this is not the case when using iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithms, such as adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) or model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR). Given that the target transfer function (TTF) had already shown it could accurately express the system resolution even with non-linear algorithms, we decided to tune the NPW model observer, replacing the standard MTF by the TTF. It was estimated using a custom-made phantom containing cylindrical inserts surrounded by water. The contrast differences between the inserts and water were plotted for each acquisition condition. Then, mathematical transformations were performed leading to the TTF. As expected, the first results showed a dependency of the image contrast and noise levels on the TTF for both ASIR and MBIR. Moreover, FBP also proved to be dependent of the contrast and noise when using the lung kernel. Those results were then introduced in the NPW model observer. We observed an enhancement of SNR every time we switched from FBP to ASIR to MBIR. IR algorithms greatly improve image quality, especially in low-dose conditions. Based on our results, the use of MBIR could lead to further dose reduction in several clinical applications.


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In a previous work we have shown that sinusoidal whole-body rotations producing continuous vestibular stimulation, affected the timing of motor responses as assessed with a paced finger tapping (PFT) task (Binetti et al. (2010). Neuropsychologia, 48(6), 1842-1852). Here, in two new psychophysical experiments, one purely perceptual and one with both sensory and motor components, we explored the relationship between body motion/vestibular stimulation and perceived timing of acoustic events. In experiment 1, participants were required to discriminate sequences of acoustic tones endowed with different degrees of acceleration or deceleration. In this experiment we found that a tone sequence presented during acceleratory whole-body rotations required a progressive increase in rate in order to be considered temporally regular, consistent with the idea of an increase in "clock" frequency and of an overestimation of time. In experiment 2 participants produced self-paced taps, which entailed an acoustic feedback. We found that tapping frequency in this task was affected by periodic motion by means of anticipatory and congruent (in-phase) fluctuations irrespective of the self-generated sensory feedback. On the other hand, synchronizing taps to an external rhythm determined a completely opposite modulation (delayed/counter-phase). Overall this study shows that body displacements "remap" our metric of time, affecting not only motor output but also sensory input.


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A workshop recently held at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland) was dedicated to understanding the genetic basis of adaptive change, taking stock of the different approaches developed in theoretical population genetics and landscape genomics and bringing together knowledge accumulated in both research fields. Indeed, an important challenge in theoretical population genetics is to incorporate effects of demographic history and population structure. But important design problems (e.g. focus on populations as units, focus on hard selective sweeps, no hypothesis-based framework in the design of the statistical tests) reduce their capability of detecting adaptive genetic variation. In parallel, landscape genomics offers a solution to several of these problems and provides a number of advantages (e.g. fast computation, landscape heterogeneity integration). But the approach makes several implicit assumptions that should be carefully considered (e.g. selection has had enough time to create a functional relationship between the allele distribution and the environmental variable, or this functional relationship is assumed to be constant). To address the respective strengths and weaknesses mentioned above, the workshop brought together a panel of experts from both disciplines to present their work and discuss the relevance of combining these approaches, possibly resulting in a joint software solution in the future.


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Natural selection drives local adaptation, potentially even at small temporal and spatial scales. As a result, adaptive genetic and phenotypic divergence can occur among populations living in different habitats. We investigated patterns of differentiation between contrasting lake and stream habitats in the cyprinid fish European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) at both the morphological and genomic levels using geometric morphometrics and AFLP markers, respectively. We also used a spatial correlative approach to identify AFLP loci associated with environmental variables representing potential selective forces responsible for adaptation to divergent habitats. Our results identified different morphologies between lakes and streams, with lake fish presenting a deeper body and caudal peduncle compared to stream fish. Body shape variation conformed to a priori predictions concerning biomechanics and swimming performance in lakes vs. streams. Moreover, morphological differentiation was found to be associated with several environmental variables, which could impose selection on body and caudal peduncle shape. We found adaptive genetic divergence between these contrasting habitats in the form of 'outlier' loci (2.9%) whose genetic divergence exceeded neutral expectations. We also detected additional loci (6.6%) not associated with habitat type (lake vs. stream), but contributing to genetic divergence between populations. Specific environmental variables related to trophic dynamics, landscape topography and geography were associated with several neutral and outlier loci. These results provide new insights into the morphological divergence and genetic basis of adaptation to differentiated habitats.


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Introduction: Neuronal oscillations have been the focus of increasing interest in the neuroscientific community, in part because they have been considered as a possible integrating mechanism through which internal states can influence stimulus processing in a top-down way (Engel et al., 2001). Moreover, increasing evidence indicates that oscillations in different frequency bands interact with one other through coupling mechanisms (Jensen and Colgin, 2007). The existence and the importance of these cross-frequency couplings during various tasks have been verified by recent studies (Canolty et al., 2006; Lakatos et al., 2007). In this study, we measure the strength and directionality of two types of couplings - phase-amplitude couplings and phase-phase couplings - between various bands in EEG data recorded during an illusory contour experiment that were identified using a recently-proposed adaptive frequency tracking algorithm (Van Zaen et al., 2010). Methods: The data used in this study have been taken from a previously published study examining the spatiotemporal mechanisms of illusory contour processing (Murray et al., 2002). The EEG in the present study were from a subset of nine subjects. Each stimulus was composed of 'pac-man' inducers presented in two orientations: IC, when an illusory contour was present, and NC, when no contour could be detected. The signals recorded by the electrodes P2, P4, P6, PO4 and PO6 were averaged, and filtered into the following bands: 4-8Hz, 8-12Hz, 15-25Hz, 35-45Hz, 45-55Hz, 55-65Hz and 65-75Hz. An adaptive frequency tracking algorithm (Van Zaen et al., 2010) was then applied in each band in order to extract the main oscillation and estimate its frequency. This additional step ensures that clean phase information is obtained when taking the Hilbert transform. The frequency estimated by the tracker was averaged over sliding windows and then used to compare the two conditions. Two types of cross-frequency couplings were considered: phase-amplitude couplings and phase-phase couplings. Both types were measured with the phase locking value (PLV, Lachaux et al., 1999) over sliding windows. The phase-amplitude couplings were computed with the phase of the low frequency oscillation and the phase of the amplitude of the high frequency one. Different coupling coefficients were used when measuring phase-phase couplings in order to estimate different m:n synchronizations (4:3, 3:2, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1 and 9:1) and to take into account the frequency differences across bands. Moreover, the direction of coupling was estimated with a directionality index (Bahraminasab et al., 2008). Finally, the two conditions IC and NC were compared with ANOVAs with 'subject' as a random effect and 'condition' as a fixed effect. Before computing the statistical tests, the PLV values were transformed into approximately normal variables (Penny et al., 2008). Results: When comparing the mean estimated frequency across conditions, a significant difference was found only in the 4-8Hz band, such that the frequency within this band was significantly higher for IC than NC stimuli starting at ~250ms post-stimulus onset (Fig. 1; solid line shows IC and dashed line NC). Significant differences in phase-amplitude couplings were obtained only when the 4-8 Hz band was taken as the low frequency band. Moreover, in all significant situations, the coupling strength is higher for the NC than IC condition. An example of significant difference between conditions is shown in Fig. 2 for the phase-amplitude coupling between the 4-8Hz and 55-65Hz bands (p-value in top panel and mean PLV values in the bottom panel). A decrease in coupling strength was observed shortly after stimulus onset for both conditions and was greater for the condition IC. This phenomenon was observed with all other frequency bands. The results obtained for the phase-phase couplings were more complex. As for the phase-amplitude couplings, all significant differences were obtained when the 4-8Hz band was considered as the low frequency band. The stimulus condition exhibiting the higher coupling strength depended on the ratio of the coupling coefficients. When this ratio was small, the IC condition exhibited the higher phase-phase coupling strength. When this ratio was large, the NC condition exhibited the higher coupling strength. Fig. 3 shows the phase-phase couplings between the 4-8Hz and 35-45Hz bands for the coupling coefficient 6:1, and the coupling strength was significantly higher for the IC than NC condition. By contrast, for the coupling coefficient 9:1 the NC condition gave the higher coupling strength (Fig. 4). Control analyses verified that it is not a consequence of the frequency difference between the two conditions in the 4-8Hz band. The directionality measures indicated a transfer of information from the low frequency components towards the high frequency ones. Conclusions: Adaptive tracking is a feasible method for EEG analyses, revealing information both about stimulus-related differences and coupling patterns across frequencies. Theta oscillations play a central role in illusory shape processing and more generally in visual processing. The presence vs. absence of illusory shapes was paralleled by faster theta oscillations. Phase-amplitude couplings were decreased more for IC than NC and might be due to a resetting mechanism. The complex patterns in phase-phase coupling between theta and beta/gamma suggest that the contribution of these oscillations to visual binding and stimulus processing are not as straightforward as conventionally held. Causality analyses further suggest that theta oscillations drive beta/gamma oscillations (see also Schroeder and Lakatos, 2009). The present findings highlight the need for applying more sophisticated signal analyses in order to establish a fuller understanding of the functional role of neural oscillations.


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Abstract: The expansion of a recovering population - whether re-introduced or spontaneously returning - is shaped by (i) biological (intrinsic) factors such as the land tenure system or dispersal, (ii) the distribution and availability of resources (e.g. prey), (iii) habitat and landscape features, and (iv) human attitudes and activities. In order to develop efficient conservation and recovery strategies, we need to understand all these factors and to predict the potential distribution and explore ways to reach it. An increased number of lynx in the north-western Swiss Alps in the nineties lead to a new controversy about the return of this cat. When the large carnivores were given legal protection in many European countries, most organizations and individuals promoting their protection did not foresee the consequences. Management plans describing how to handle conflicts with large predators are needed to find a balance between "overabundance" and extinction. Wildlife and conservation biologists need to evaluate the various threats confronting populations so that adequate management decisions can be taken. I developed a GIS probability model for the lynx, based on habitat information and radio-telemetry data from the Swiss Jura Mountains, in order to predict the potential distribution of the lynx in this mountain range, which is presently only partly occupied by lynx. Three of the 18 variables tested for each square kilometre describing land use, vegetation, and topography, qualified to predict the probability of lynx presence. The resulting map was evaluated with data from dispersing subadult lynx. Young lynx that were not able to establish home ranges in what was identified as good lynx habitat did not survive their first year of independence, whereas the only one that died in good lynx habitat was illegally killed. Radio-telemetry fixes are often used as input data to calibrate habitat models. Radio-telemetry is the only way to gather accurate and unbiased data on habitat use of elusive larger terrestrial mammals. However, it is time consuming and expensive, and can therefore only be applied in limited areas. Habitat models extrapolated over large areas can in turn be problematic, as habitat characteristics and availability may change from one area to the other. I analysed the predictive power of Ecological Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA) in Switzerland with the lynx as focal species. According to my results, the optimal sampling strategy to predict species distribution in an Alpine area lacking available data would be to pool presence cells from contrasted regions (Jura Mountains, Alps), whereas in regions with a low ecological variance (Jura Mountains), only local presence cells should be used for the calibration of the model. Dispersal influences the dynamics and persistence of populations, the distribution and abundance of species, and gives the communities and ecosystems their characteristic texture in space and time. Between 1988 and 2001, the spatio-temporal behaviour of subadult Eurasian lynx in two re-introduced populations in Switzerland was studied, based on 39 juvenile lynx of which 24 were radio-tagged to understand the factors influencing dispersal. Subadults become independent from their mothers at the age of 8-11 months. No sex bias neither in the dispersal rate nor in the distance moved was detected. Lynx are conservative dispersers, compared to bear and wolf, and settled within or close to known lynx occurrences. Dispersal distances reached in the high lynx density population - shorter than those reported in other Eurasian lynx studies - are limited by habitat restriction hindering connections with neighbouring metapopulations. I postulated that high lynx density would lead to an expansion of the population and validated my predictions with data from the north-western Swiss Alps where about 1995 a strong increase in lynx abundance took place. The general hypothesis that high population density will foster the expansion of the population was not confirmed. This has consequences for the re-introduction and recovery of carnivores in a fragmented landscape. To establish a strong source population in one place might not be an optimal strategy. Rather, population nuclei should be founded in several neighbouring patches. Exchange between established neighbouring subpopulations will later on take place, as adult lynx show a higher propensity to cross barriers than subadults. To estimate the potential population size of the lynx in the Jura Mountains and to assess possible corridors between this population and adjacent areas, I adapted a habitat probability model for lynx distribution in the Jura Mountains with new environmental data and extrapolated it over the entire mountain range. The model predicts a breeding population ranging from 74-101 individuals and from 51-79 individuals when continuous habitat patches < 50 km2 are disregarded. The Jura Mountains could once be part of a metapopulation, as potential corridors exist to the adjoining areas (Alps, Vosges Mountains, and Black Forest). Monitoring of the population size, spatial expansion, and the genetic surveillance in the Jura Mountains must be continued, as the status of the population is still critical. ENFA was used to predict the potential distribution of lynx in the Alps. The resulting model divided the Alps into 37 suitable habitat patches ranging from 50 to 18,711 km2, covering a total area of about 93,600 km2. When using the range of lynx densities found in field studies in Switzerland, the Alps could host a population of 961 to 1,827 residents. The results of the cost-distance analysis revealed that all patches were within the reach of dispersing lynx, as the connection costs were in the range of dispersal cost of radio-tagged subadult lynx moving through unfavorable habitat. Thus, the whole Alps could once be considered as a metapopulation. But experience suggests that only few disperser will cross unsuitable areas and barriers. This low migration rate may seldom allow the spontaneous foundation of new populations in unsettled areas. As an alternative to natural dispersal, artificial transfer of individuals across the barriers should be considered. Wildlife biologists can play a crucial role in developing adaptive management experiments to help managers learning by trial. The case of the lynx in Switzerland is a good example of a fruitful cooperation between wildlife biologists, managers, decision makers and politician in an adaptive management process. This cooperation resulted in a Lynx Management Plan which was implemented in 2000 and updated in 2004 to give the cantons directives on how to handle lynx-related problems. This plan was put into practice e.g. in regard to translocation of lynx into unsettled areas. Résumé: L'expansion d'une population en phase de recolonisation, qu'elle soit issue de réintroductions ou d'un retour naturel dépend 1) de facteurs biologiques tels que le système social et le mode de dispersion, 2) de la distribution et la disponibilité des ressources (proies), 3) de l'habitat et des éléments du paysage, 4) de l'acceptation de l'espèce par la population locale et des activités humaines. Afin de pouvoir développer des stratégies efficaces de conservation et de favoriser la recolonisation, chacun de ces facteurs doit être pris en compte. En plus, la distribution potentielle de l'espèce doit pouvoir être déterminée et enfin, toutes les possibilités pour atteindre les objectifs, examinées. La phase de haute densité que la population de lynx a connue dans les années nonante dans le nord-ouest des Alpes suisses a donné lieu à une controverse assez vive. La protection du lynx dans de nombreux pays européens, promue par différentes organisations, a entraîné des conséquences inattendues; ces dernières montrent que tout plan de gestion doit impérativement indiquer des pistes quant à la manière de gérer les conflits, tout en trouvant un équilibre entre l'extinction et la surabondance de l'espèce. Les biologistes de la conservation et de la faune sauvage doivent pour cela évaluer les différents risques encourus par les populations de lynx, afin de pouvoir rapidement prendre les meilleuresmdécisions de gestion. Un modèle d'habitat pour le lynx, basé sur des caractéristiques de l'habitat et des données radio télémétriques collectées dans la chaîne du Jura, a été élaboré afin de prédire la distribution potentielle dans cette région, qui n'est que partiellement occupée par l'espèce. Trois des 18 variables testées, décrivant pour chaque kilomètre carré l'utilisation du sol, la végétation ainsi que la topographie, ont été retenues pour déterminer la probabilité de présence du lynx. La carte qui en résulte a été comparée aux données télémétriques de lynx subadultes en phase de dispersion. Les jeunes qui n'ont pas pu établir leur domaine vital dans l'habitat favorable prédit par le modèle n'ont pas survécu leur première année d'indépendance alors que le seul individu qui est mort dans l'habitat favorable a été braconné. Les données radio-télémétriques sont souvent utilisées pour l'étalonnage de modèles d'habitat. C'est un des seuls moyens à disposition qui permette de récolter des données non biaisées et précises sur l'occupation de l'habitat par des mammifères terrestres aux moeurs discrètes. Mais ces méthodes de- mandent un important investissement en moyens financiers et en temps et peuvent, de ce fait, n'être appliquées qu'à des zones limitées. Les modèles d'habitat sont ainsi souvent extrapolés à de grandes surfaces malgré le risque d'imprécision, qui résulte des variations des caractéristiques et de la disponibilité de l'habitat d'une zone à l'autre. Le pouvoir de prédiction de l'Analyse Ecologique de la Niche (AEN) dans les zones où les données de présence n'ont pas été prises en compte dans le calibrage du modèle a été analysée dans le cas du lynx en Suisse. D'après les résultats obtenus, la meilleure mé- thode pour prédire la distribution du lynx dans une zone alpine dépourvue d'indices de présence est de combiner des données provenant de régions contrastées (Alpes, Jura). Par contre, seules les données sur la présence locale de l'espèce doivent être utilisées pour les zones présentant une faible variance écologique tel que le Jura. La dispersion influence la dynamique et la stabilité des populations, la distribution et l'abondance des espèces et détermine les caractéristiques spatiales et temporelles des communautés vivantes et des écosystèmes. Entre 1988 et 2001, le comportement spatio-temporel de lynx eurasiens subadultes de deux populations réintroduites en Suisse a été étudié, basé sur le suivi de 39 individus juvéniles dont 24 étaient munis d'un collier émetteur, afin de déterminer les facteurs qui influencent la dispersion. Les subadultes se sont séparés de leur mère à l'âge de 8 à 11 mois. Le sexe n'a pas eu d'influence sur le nombre d'individus ayant dispersés et la distance parcourue au cours de la dispersion. Comparé à l'ours et au loup, le lynx reste très modéré dans ses mouvements de dispersion. Tous les individus ayant dispersés se sont établis à proximité ou dans des zones déjà occupées par des lynx. Les distances parcourues lors de la dispersion ont été plus courtes pour la population en phase de haute densité que celles relevées par les autres études de dispersion du lynx eurasien. Les zones d'habitat peu favorables et les barrières qui interrompent la connectivité entre les populations sont les principales entraves aux déplacements, lors de la dispersion. Dans un premier temps, nous avons fait l'hypothèse que les phases de haute densité favorisaient l'expansion des populations. Mais cette hypothèse a été infirmée par les résultats issus du suivi des lynx réalisé dans le nord-ouest des Alpes, où la population connaissait une phase de haute densité depuis 1995. Ce constat est important pour la conservation d'une population de carnivores dans un habitat fragmenté. Ainsi, instaurer une forte population source à un seul endroit n'est pas forcément la stratégie la plus judicieuse. Il est préférable d'établir des noyaux de populations dans des régions voisines où l'habitat est favorable. Des échanges entre des populations avoisinantes pourront avoir lieu par la suite car les lynx adultes sont plus enclins à franchir les barrières qui entravent leurs déplacements que les individus subadultes. Afin d'estimer la taille de la population de lynx dans le Jura et de déterminer les corridors potentiels entre cette région et les zones avoisinantes, un modèle d'habitat a été utilisé, basé sur un nouveau jeu de variables environnementales et extrapolé à l'ensemble du Jura. Le modèle prédit une population reproductrice de 74 à 101 individus et de 51 à 79 individus lorsque les surfaces d'habitat d'un seul tenant de moins de 50 km2 sont soustraites. Comme des corridors potentiels existent effectivement entre le Jura et les régions avoisinantes (Alpes, Vosges, et Forêt Noire), le Jura pourrait faire partie à l'avenir d'une métapopulation, lorsque les zones avoisinantes seront colonisées par l'espèce. La surveillance de la taille de la population, de son expansion spatiale et de sa structure génétique doit être maintenue car le statut de cette population est encore critique. L'AEN a également été utilisée pour prédire l'habitat favorable du lynx dans les Alpes. Le modèle qui en résulte divise les Alpes en 37 sous-unités d'habitat favorable dont la surface varie de 50 à 18'711 km2, pour une superficie totale de 93'600 km2. En utilisant le spectre des densités observées dans les études radio-télémétriques effectuées en Suisse, les Alpes pourraient accueillir une population de lynx résidents variant de 961 à 1'827 individus. Les résultats des analyses de connectivité montrent que les sous-unités d'habitat favorable se situent à des distances telles que le coût de la dispersion pour l'espèce est admissible. L'ensemble des Alpes pourrait donc un jour former une métapopulation. Mais l'expérience montre que très peu d'individus traverseront des habitats peu favorables et des barrières au cours de leur dispersion. Ce faible taux de migration rendra difficile toute nouvelle implantation de populations dans des zones inoccupées. Une solution alternative existe cependant : transférer artificiellement des individus d'une zone à l'autre. Les biologistes spécialistes de la faune sauvage peuvent jouer un rôle important et complémentaire pour les gestionnaires de la faune, en les aidant à mener des expériences de gestion par essai. Le cas du lynx en Suisse est un bel exemple d'une collaboration fructueuse entre biologistes de la faune sauvage, gestionnaires, organes décisionnaires et politiciens. Cette coopération a permis l'élaboration du Concept Lynx Suisse qui est entré en vigueur en 2000 et remis à jour en 2004. Ce plan donne des directives aux cantons pour appréhender la problématique du lynx. Il y a déjà eu des applications concrètes sur le terrain, notamment par des translocations d'individus dans des zones encore inoccupées.


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The molecular networks controlling bone homeostasis are not fully understood. The common evolution of bone and adaptive immunity encourages the investigation of shared regulatory circuits. MHC Class II Transactivator (CIITA) is a master transcriptional co-activator believed to be exclusively dedicated for antigen presentation. CIITA is expressed in osteoclast precursors, and its expression is accentuated in osteoporotic mice. We thus asked whether CIITA plays a role in bone biology. To this aim, we fully characterized the bone phenotype of two mouse models of CIITA overexpression, respectively systemic and restricted to the monocyte-osteoclast lineage. Both CIITA-overexpressing mouse models revealed severe spontaneous osteoporosis, as assessed by micro-computed tomography and histomorphometry, associated with increased osteoclast numbers and enhanced in vivo bone resorption, whereas osteoblast numbers and in vivo bone-forming activity were unaffected. To understand the underlying cellular and molecular bases, we investigated ex vivo the differentiation of mutant bone marrow monocytes into osteoclasts and immune effectors, as well as osteoclastogenic signaling pathways. CIITA-overexpressing monocytes differentiated normally into effector macrophages or dendritic cells but showed enhanced osteoclastogenesis, whereas CIITA ablation suppressed osteoclast differentiation. Increased c-fms and receptor activator of NF-κB (RANK) signaling underlay enhanced osteoclast differentiation from CIITA-overexpressing precursors. Moreover, by extending selected phenotypic and cellular analyses to additional genetic mouse models, namely MHC Class II deficient mice and a transgenic mouse line lacking a specific CIITA promoter and re-expressing CIITA in the thymus, we excluded MHC Class II expression and T cells from contributing to the observed skeletal phenotype. Altogether, our study provides compelling genetic evidence that CIITA, the molecular switch of antigen presentation, plays a novel, unexpected function in skeletal homeostasis, independent of MHC Class II expression and T cells, by exerting a selective and intrinsic control of osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption in vivo. © 2014 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.