201 resultados para World cinemas : transnational perspectives
Variability in anatomical contouring is one of the important uncertainties in radiotherapy. FALCON (Fellowship in Anatomic deLineation and CONtouring) is an educational ESTRO (European SocieTy for Radiation and Oncology) project devoted to improve interactive teaching, the homogeneity in contouring and to compare individual contours with endorsed guidelines or expert opinions. This report summarizes the experience from the first 4 years using FALCON for educational activities within ESTRO School and presents the perspectives for the future.
A entendre le discours ambiant d'aujourd'hui, tout serait résolu dans la question de l'éducation des filles et de l'égalité des sexes dans le domaine de l'éducation. A l'école, voilà plusieurs années que les filles ont en moyenne de meilleurs résultats scolaires que les garçons et qu'elles forment la majorité de la population estudiantine universitaire dans pratiquement toute l'Europe. En fait l'école n'est pas neutre et les institutions de formation continuent de prendre une part active, avec la famille et la culture, à la construction d'individus répondant aux rôles sexués traditionnels. Réfléchir aux pratiques qui permettraient de rendre l'éducation égalitaire reste donc un objectif à l'ordre du jour, d'autant plus que la formation scolaire et professionnelle constitue un pré-requis pour l'émancipation des femmes.
Penser/panser les plaies des enfants soldats: quelles perspectives pour une approche psychodynamique
La clinique des enfants soldats bouscule l'approche psychanalytique classique par sa nouveauté et les adaptations qu'elle nécessite. Il sera question de penser ce bouleversement, en rappelant brièvement que les enjeux autour de la clinique du trauma sont discutés dès la naissance de la psychanalyse, mais également de s'interroger sur la nécessité de réinscrire ces thérapies dans une perspective anthropologique et historique plus large, guidés par des études récentes dans le monde francophone.
Statistics of causes of death remain an important source of epidemiological data for the evaluation of various medical and health problems. The improvement of analytical techniques and, above all, the transformation of demographic and morbid structures of populations have prompted researchers in the field to give more importance to the quality of death certificates. After describing the data collection system presently used in Switzerland, the paper discusses various indirect estimations of the quality of Swiss data and reviews the corresponding international literature.
PURPOSE: Patients with primary cutaneous melanoma > or = 1.5 mm in thickness are at high risk of having regional micrometastases at the time of initial surgical treatment. A phase III international study was designed to evaluate whether prophylactic isolated limb perfusion (ILP) could prevent regional recurrence and influence survival. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 832 assessable patients from 16 centers entered the study; 412 were randomized to wide excision (WE) only and 420 to WE plus ILP with melphalan and mild hyperthermia. Median age was 50 years, 68% of patients were female, 79% of melanomas were located on a lower limb, and 47% had a thickness > or = 3 mm. RESULTS: Median follow-up duration is 6.4 years. There was a trend for a longer disease-free interval (DFI) after ILP. The difference was significant for patients who did not undergo elective lymph node dissection (ELND). The impact of ILP was clearly on the occurrence-as first site of progression - of in-transit metastases (ITM), which were reduced from 6.6% to 3.3%, and of regional lymph node (RLN) metastases, with a reduction from 16.7% to 12.6%. There was no benefit from ILP in terms of time to distant metastasis or survival. Side effects were higher after ILP, but transient in most patients. There were two amputations for limb toxicity after ILP. CONCLUSION: Prophylactic ILP with melphalan cannot be recommended as an adjunct to standard surgery in high-risk primary limb melanoma.
Ce travail vise à exposer le courant de la psychologie positive et à présenter une tentative d'articulation entre ce courant et le champ de la pratique psychothérapeutique. Nous présenterons, dans un premier temps, les fondements de la psychologie positive et les axes principaux qui la constituent. Dans cette perspective, la théorie des émotions positives de Fredrickson et la classification des vertus et des forces de caractères de Peterson et Seligman sont exposées plus en détails. Dans un second temps et à partir des travaux récents, deux facçons d'établir un pont entre psychologie positive et la psychothérapie sont discutées : (i) le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques issues de la psychologie positive et (ii) une relecture des principaux modèles psychothérapeutiques au regard de la psychologie positive. / This article aims to present the field of positive psychology and the way it could be integrated in the area of psychotherapy. First, the historical grounding and the main contributions of positive psychology are presented. In this perspective, the Fredrickson's theory of positive emotions and the Peterson's classification of character strengths and virtues are particularly detailed. Secondly, based on recent research, two ways to link positive psychology to clinical practice emerged: (i) the development of new therapeutic strategies anchored in the positive psychology, and (ii) a critical look at different psychotherapeutic modalities based on positive psychology.
The number of agents that are potentially effective in the adjuvant treatment of locally advanced resectable colon cancer is increasing. Consequently, it is important to ascertain which subgroups of patients will benefit from a specific treatment. Despite more than two decades of research into the molecular genetics of colon cancer, there is a lack of prognostic and predictive molecular biomarkers with proven utility in this setting. A secondary objective of the Pan European Trials in Adjuvant Colon Cancer-3 trial, which compared irinotecan in combination with 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin in the postoperative treatment of stage III and stage II colon cancer patients, was to undertake a translational research study to assess a panel of putative prognostic and predictive markers in a large colon cancer patient cohort. The Cancer and Leukemia Group B 89803 trial, in a similar design, also investigated the use of prognostic and predictive biomarkers in this setting. In this article, the authors, who are coinvestigators from these trials and performed similar investigations of biomarker discovery in the adjuvant treatment of colon cancer, review the current status of biomarker research in this field, drawing on their experiences and considering future strategies for biomarker discovery in the postgenomic era.