204 resultados para Western Sahara--Maps


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Parmi les neuroleptiques disponibles, l'amisulpride est de plus en plus prescrit. De par son affinité sélective dose-dépendante aux récepteurs dopaminergiques, il est possible de moduler les effets de cette substance montrant des propriétés antidépressives à faible dose et agissant comme un puissant antipsychotique à forte dose. Toutefois, l'amisulpride induit une prolongation dose-dépendante de l'intervalle QT ce qui peut potentialiser la survenue d'arythmies ventriculaires, souvent fatales lorsque sa consommation est concomitante à celles d'autres médicaments ou stupéfiants allongeant l'intervalle QT. Cependant, la littérature scientifique demeure peu documentée en ce qui concerne la détermination de concentrations sanguines thérapeutiques, toxiques et létales. Après avoir présenté les propriétés pharmacodynamiques et pharmacocinétiques de l'amisulpride, nous nous proposons de définir plus précisément les seuils sanguins de concentrations thérapeutiques, toxiques et létales pour cette molécule illustrée par la revue des cas mortels impliquant l'amisulpride en Suisse romande depuis 2005. Among the available neuroleptic drugs, amisulpride is increasingly prescribed. Thanks to its dose-dependent selective affinity for dopamine receptors, it is possible to modulate the effects of this substance showing antidepressant properties at low dose and acting as a powerful antipsychotic at high dose. However, amisulpride induces a dose-dependent prolongation of the QT interval which may potentiate the occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias, often fatal when its consumption is concomitant with those of other drugs that prolong the QT interval. However, the scientific literature remains poorly documented with regard to the determination of therapeutic, toxic and lethal blood concentrations. After presenting the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of amisulpride, we propose to define more precisely the blood levels of therapeutic, toxic and lethal concentrations for this molecule illustrated by a review of the fatal cases involving amisulpride in Western Switzerland since 2005.


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Diversity patterns of ammonoids are analyzed and compared with the timing of anoxic deposits around the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary in the Vocontian, Anglo-Paris, and Monster basins of Western Europe. Differing from most previous studies, which concentrate on a narrow time span bracketing the C/T boundary, the present analysis covers the latest Albian to Early Turonian interval for which a high resolution, ammonoid-based biochronology, including 34 Unitary Associations zones, is now available. During the latest Albian-Middle Cenomanian interval, species richness of ammonoids reveals a dynamical equilibrium oscillating around an average of 20 species, whereas the Late Cenomanian-Early Turonian interval displays an equilibrium centered on an average value of 6 species. The abrupt transition between these two successive equilibria lasted no longer than two Unitary Associations. The onset of the decline of species richness thus largely predates the spread of oxygen-poor water masses onto the shelves, while minimal values of species richness coincide with the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary only. The decline of species richness during the entire Late Cenomanian seems to result from lower origination percentages rather than from higher extinction percentages. This result is also supported by the absence of statistically significant changes in the extinction probabilities of the poly-cohorts. Separate analyses of species richness for acanthoceratids and heteromorphs, the two essential components of the Cenomanian ammonoid community, reveal that heteromorphs declined sooner than acanthoceratids. Moreover, acanthoceratids showed a later decline at the genus level than at the species level. Such a decoupling is accompanied by a significant increase in morphological disparity of acanthoceratids, which is expressed by the appearance of new genera. Last, during the Late Cenomanian, paedomorphic processes, juvenile innovations and reductions of adult size dominated the evolutionary radiation of acanthoceratids. Hence, the decrease in ammonoid species richness and their major evolutionary changes significantly predates the spread of anoxic deposits. Other environmental constraints such as global flooding of platforms, warmer and more equable climate, as well as productivity changes better correlate with the timing of diversity changes and evolutionary patterns of ammonoids and therefore, provide more likely causative mechanisms than anoxia alone.


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An extensive study of the central part of the Sesia Lanzo Zone has been undertaken to identify pre-Alpine protoliths and to reconstruct the lithologic and tectonic setting of this part of the Western Alps. Three main complexes have been defined: 1) the Polymetamorphic Basement Complex, corresponding to the lower unit of the Sesia Lanzo Zone after COMPAGNONI et al. (1977), is further subdivided into the three following units: a) an Internal Unit characterized by eo-Alpine high pressure (HP) assemblages (DAL PIAZ et al., 1972) (Eclogitic Micaschists); b) an Intermediate Unit where HP parageneses are partially re-equilibrated under greenschist conditions and c) an External Unit where the main foliation is defined by a greenschist paragenesis (Gneiss Minuti auct.). 2) the Monometamorphic Cover Complex, subdivided into the followings: a) the Bonze Unit, composed of sheared metagabbros, eclogitized metabasalts with MORB geochemical affinity and related metasediments (micaschists, quartzites and Mn-cherts) and b) the Scalaro Unit, containing predominantly metasediments of supposed Permo-Triassic age (yellow dolomitic marbles, calcschists and conglomeratic limestones, micaschists and quartzites with thin levels of basic rocks with within plate basalts [WPB] geochimical affinity). Multiple lithostratigraphic sequences for the Monometamorphic Cover Complex are proposed. The contact between the Bonze and Scalaro Units is defined by repetitions of dolomitic marbles and metabasalts; the ages of the metasediments have been assigned solely by analogy with other sediments of the Western Alps, due to the absence of fossils. The Monometamorphic Cover Complex can be considered as the autochthonous cover of the Sesia Lanzo Zone because of the primary contacts with the basement and because of the presence of preAlpine HT basement blocks in the cover sequences. 3) The pre-Alpine high temperature (HT) Basement Complex (or `'Seconda Zona Diorito-Kinzigitica''), comprises HT Hercynian rocks like kinzigites, amphibolites, granulites and calcite marbles; this Complex is always located between the Internal and the External Units and can be followed continuously for several kilometers south of the Gressoney Valley to the Orco Valley. A schematic evolution for the Sesia Lanzo Zone is proposed; based on available data together with new geochronological data, this study shows that the internal and external parts of the polymetamorphic basement of the Sesia Zone experienced different cooling histories .


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The notion of "First Responder" (FR) refers to the system of first-aid volunteers who act to initiate the first-aid care before the classical emergency help arrives. In 2011, the French-speaking Switzerland counts 19 groups, divided up between four cantons (Fribourg, Vaud, Neuchâtel, Valais). The geographical distribution of those FR shows the stakes of these peripherical areas, with the accessibility difficulties for the emergency services, and a low demography of ambulances and doctors. The number of interventions carried out by the FR has significantly increased during the last years. The association of a quality formation, an excellent knowledge of the ground and a quick intervention has a positive impact on the survival of the patients with vital emergency or traumatic conditions.


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Mineralogical, K-Ar, Rb-Sr and stable isotope analyses have been carried out on K-white micas from Helvetic Malm limestones in order to examine their evolution during very low- to low-grade Alpine metamorphism, associated with intense ductile deformation. Metamorphic temperatures were estimated al approximately 300-degrees-C from stable isotopes (quartz-calcite thermometry), occurrence of chloritoid, and `'epizonal'' illite crystallinity index. K-white micas consist of variable mixtures of 2M, phengite and muscovite, as revealed by detailed X-ray diffraction analyses using peak decomposition of the (060, 331) spectra. K-Ar apparent ages display a strong grain-size dependence in which mainly fine-grained size fractions (< 2 mum) record Alpine ages (37-15 Ma). However, these ages provide a relative rather than an absolute chronology of the diachronous Alpine metamorphic evolution of the Helvetic nappes. The resetting of the K-Ar isotopic system of K-white micas to Alpine metamorphic conditions reflects an apparent combination of crystallization/recrystallization and radiogenic Ar-40 diffusion loss. The oxygen isotope compositions of micas (+ 15 to + 22 parts per thousand) are intermediate between detrital and O-18-enriched values expected for micas neoformed within an abundant marine carbonate matrix. No isotopic equilibrium has been reached between calcite and micas. The variable depletion of hydrogen isotope compositions (- 126 to - 82 parts per thousand) is influenced by the interaction with organic matter under closed-system conditions. Organic matter, if not removed, may also represent a serious source of error in K-Ar age determination, by introducing radiogenic Ar-40 contamination. Sr-87/Sr-86 isotope ratios of micas range from 0.70879 to 0.70902 with one outlier at 0.71794. The low values reflect Sr exchange with calcite occurring during crystallization/recrystallization of micas under closed-system conditions.


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The response of shallow-water sequences to oceanic anoxic event 2 and mid-Cenomanian events 1a and 1b was investigated along the west African margin of Morocco north of Agadir (Azazoul) and correlated with the deep-water sequence of the Tarfaya Basin (Mohammed Beach) based on biostratigraphy, mineralogy, phosphorus and stable isotopes. In the deeper Mohammed Beach section results show double peaks in delta 13C(org) for mid-Cenomanian events 1a and 1b (Rotalipora reicheli biozone, lower CC10a biozone), the characteristic oceanic anoxic event 2 delta 13C excursion (Rotalipora cushmani extinction, top of CC10a biozone) and laminated (anoxic) black shale. In the shallow environment north of Agadir, a fluctuating sea-level associated with dysoxic, brackish and mesotrophic conditions prevailed during the middle to late Cenomanian, as indicated by oyster biostromes, nannofossils, planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal assemblages. Anoxic conditions characteristic of oceanic anoxic event 2 (for example, laminated black shales) did not reach into shallow-water environments until the maximum transgression of the early Turonian. Climate conditions decoupled along the western margin of Morocco between mid-Cenomanian event 1b and the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, as also observed in eastern Tethys. North of Agadir alternating humid and dry seasonal conditions prevailed, whereas in the Tarfaya Basin the climate was dry and seasonal. This climatic decoupling can be attributed to variations in the Intertropical Convergence Zone and in the intensity of the north-east trade winds in tropical areas.


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The Mont-Mort metapelites are one of the best preserved relies of the Variscan unit in the Brianconnais basement. These micaschists crystallized during a poly-phase metamorphic cycle, under amphibolite facies conditions. Mineral parageneses and geothermobarometric calculations indicate a two-stage evolution. Stage (1) (550-600 degrees C and 5-8 kbar) is documented by assemblages of zoned garnet, staurolite, kyanite(?), biotite, muscovite, quartz and pla gioclase. Stage (2) (550-600 degrees C and 2 kbar) is illustrated by assemblages of andalusite, sillimanite, muscovite, biotite. This metamorphic evolution is characterized by a nearly isothermal decompression path, terminating with the formation of andalusite-bearing veins. U-Pb monazite dates at 330 Ma and Ar-40/Ar-39 muscovite dates at 290-310 Ma (without substantial evidence of argon resetting) point to Variscan metamorphism and yield an estimate of the time interval between the thermal peak and the retrogression stage within this part of the Brianconnais basement. Restoring the Brianconnais and other Alpine basement units within an existing geodynamic model of Cordillera construction and destruction, it is possible to understand better the transition from a medium pressure/high temperature regime (collision with a peak metamorphism around 330 Ma) to low-P/high-T conditions (decompression in an extensional regime) with high geothermal gradient, as recorded by the successive Variscan parageneses within the Mont-Mort metapelites.


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BACKGROUND: Many factors affect survival in haemodialysis (HD) patients. Our aim was to study whether quality of clinical care may affect survival in this population, when adjusted for demographic characteristics and co-morbidities. METHODS: We studied survival in 553 patients treated by chronic HD during March 2001 in 21 dialysis facilities in western Switzerland. Indicators of quality of care were established for anaemia control, calcium and phosphate product, serum albumin, pre-dialysis blood pressure (BP), type of vascular access and dialysis adequacy (spKt/V) and their baseline values were related to 3-year survival. The modified Charlson co-morbidity index (including age) and transplantation status were also considered as a predictor of survival. RESULTS: Three-year survival was obtained for 96% of the patients; 39% (211/541) of these patients had died. The 3-year survival was 50, 62 and 69%, respectively, in patients who had 0-2, 3 and >or=4 fulfilled indicators of quality of care (test for linear trend, P < 0.001). In a Cox multivariate analysis model, the absence of transplantation, a higher modified Charlson's score, decreased fulfilment of indicators of good clinical care and low pre-dialysis systolic BP were independent predictors of death. CONCLUSION: Good clinical care improves survival in HD patients, even after adjustment for availability of transplantation and co-morbidities.


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Urgonian-type carbonates are a characteristic feature of many late Early Cretaceous shallow-marine, tropical and subtropical environments. The presence of typical photozoan carbonate-producing communities including corals and rudists indicates the prevalence of warm, transparent and presumably oligotrophic conditions in a period otherwise characterized by the high density of globally occurring anoxic episodes. Of particular interest, therefore, is the exploration of relationships between Urgonian platform growth and palaeoceanographic change. In the French and Swiss Jura Mountains, the onset and evolution of the Urgonian platform have been controversially dated, and a correlation with other, better dated, successions is correspondingly difficult. It is for this reason that the stratigraphy and sedimentology of a series of recently exposed sections (Eclepens, Vaumarcus and Neuchatel) and, in addition, the section of the Gorges de l'Areuse were analysed. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, the evolution of phosphorus contents of bulk rock, a sequence-stratigraphic interpretation and a correlation of drowning unconformities with better dated sections in the Helvetic Alps were used to constrain the age of the Urgonian platform. The sum of the data and field observations suggests the following evolution: during the Hauterivian, important outward and upward growth of a bioclastic and oolitic carbonate platform is documented in two sequences, separated by a phase of platform drowning during the late Early Hauterivian. Following these two phases of platform growth, a second drowning phase occurred during the latest Hauterivian and Early Barremian, which was accompanied by significant platform erosion and sediment reworking. The Late Barremian witnessed the renewed installation of a carbonate platform, which initiated with a phase of oolite production, and which progressively evolved into a typical Urgonian carbonate platform colonized by corals and rudists. This phase terminated at the latest in the middle Early Aptian, due to a further drowning event. The evolution of this particular platform segment is compatible with that of more distal and well-dated segments of the same northern Tethyan platform preserved in the Helvetic zone of the Alps and in the northern subalpine chains (Chartreuse and Vercors).