123 resultados para Tissue cell culture
A three-dimensional cell culture system was used as a model to study the influence of low levels of mercury in the developing brain. Aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were treated for 10 days either during an early developmental period (i.e., between days 5 and 15 in vitro) or during a phase of advanced maturation (i.e., between days 25 and 35) with mercury. An inorganic (HgCl2) and an organic mercury compound (monomethylmercury chloride, MeHgCl) were examined. By monitoring changes in cell type-specific enzymes activities, the concentration-dependent toxicity of the compounds was determined. In immature cultures, a general cytotoxicity was observed at 10(-6) M for both mercury compounds. In these cultures, HgCl2 appeared somewhat more toxic than MeHgCl. However, no appreciable demethylation of MeHgCl could be detected, indicating similar toxic potencies for both mercury compounds. In highly differentiated cultures, by contrast, MeHgCl exhibited a higher toxic potency than HgCl2. In addition, at 10(-6) M, MeHgCl showed pronounced neuron-specific toxicity. Below the cytotoxic concentrations, distinct glia-specific reactions could be observed with both mercury compounds. An increase in the immunoreactivity for glial fibrillary acidic protein, typical for gliosis, could be observed at concentrations between 10(-9) M and 10(-7) M in immature cultures, and between 10(-8) M and 3 x 10(-5) M in highly differentiated cultures. A conspicuous increase in the number and clustering of GSI-B4 lectin-binding cells, indicating a microglial response, was found at concentrations between 10(-10) M and 10(-7) M. These development-dependent and cell type-specific effects may reflect the pathogenic potential of long-term exposure to subclinical doses of mercury.
Waddlia chondrophila is a strict intracellular microorganism belonging to the order Chlamydiales that has been isolated twice from aborted bovine fetuses, once in USA and once in Germany. This bacterium is now considered as an abortigenic agent in cattle. However, no information is available regarding the presence of this bacterium in Africa. Given the low sensitivity of cell culture to recover such an obligate intracellular bacterium, molecular-based diagnostic approaches are warranted. This report describes the development of a quantitative SYBR Green real-time PCR assay targeting the recA gene of W. chondrophila. Analytical sensitivity was 10 copies of control plasmid DNA per reaction. No cross-amplification was observed when testing pathogens that can cause abortion in cattle. The PCR exhibited a good intra-run and inter-run reproducibility. This real-time PCR was then applied to 150 vaginal swabs taken from Tunisian cows that have aborted. Twelve samples revealed to be Waddlia positive, suggesting a possible role of this bacterium in this setting. This new real-time PCR assay represents a diagnostic tool that may be used to further study the prevalence of Waddlia infection.
The skin is privileged because several skin-derived stem cells (epithelial stem cells from epidermis and its appendages, mesenchymal stem cells from dermis and subcutis, melanocyte stem cells) can be efficiently captured for therapeutic use. Main indications remain the permanent coverage of extensive third degree burns and healing of chronic cutaneous wounds, but recent advances in gene therapy technology open the door to the treatment of disabling inherited skin diseases with genetically corrected keratinocyte stem cells. Therapeutic skin stem cells that were initially cultured in research or hospital laboratories must be produced according strict regulatory guidelines, which ensure patients and medical teams that the medicinal cell products are safe, of constant quality and manufactured according to state-of-the art technology. Nonetheless, it does not warrant clinical efficacy and permanent engraftment of autologous stem cells remains variable. There are many challenges ahead to improve efficacy among which to keep telomere-dependent senescence and telomere-independent senescence (clonal conversion) to a minimum in cell culture and to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms implicated in engraftment. Finally, medicinal stem cells are expansive to produce and reimbursement of costs by health insurances is a major concern in many countries.
Summary SLAM (signalling lymphocyte activation molecule, CD150) serves as a cellular receptor for different morbiliviruses, including measles virus and canine distemper virus. Laboratory cell lines that do not express dog SLAM are therefore quite refractory to infection by wildtype CDV. SLAM expression is not only required for CDV virion attachment, but also for the establishment of cytolytic infection characterized by syncytia formation. In order to determine if SLAM has a direct influence on CDV replication, we compared wild-type and mutated SLAM variants for their capacity to influence viral polymerase activity and syncytia formation. Deletion of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based signalling motif (ITSM) in the cytoplasmic tail of SLAM did not seem to influence viral replication, viral polymerase activity or cell-to cell fusion. Instead, it was the level of cell surface expression of SLAM, which was important. Additional experiments corroborated the importance of SLAM for efficient cell-to cell fusion: Both SLAM, as well as viral fusion (F) and attachment (H) glycoproteins, were found to be required for efficient cell-to-cell fusion, which, in turn, enhanced the activity of the viral polymerase and, viral replication. Wild-type A75/17 canine distemper virus (CDV) strain is known to induce a persistent infection in the central nervous system and in dog footpad keratinocytes in vivo. Recently, it has been shown that the A75/17 virus could also infect canine footpad keratinocytes (CFKs) in vitro. CFK infection with A75/17 was initially inefficient and produced very little virus progeny, however, after only three passages the adapted virus produced more progeny and induced limited syncytia formation. Sequence comparison between the A75/17 and the CFKadapted A75/17-K virus revealed three amino acid differences, one in the phosphoprotein (P), one in the matrix protein (M) and one in the H protein. In order to identify viral determinants of A75/17-K adaptation, recombinant viruses containing one, two or three nucleotides substitutions were analyzed. The amino acid substitution in the M protein was without effect on viral particle formation. In contrast, the amino acid substitution in the cytoplasmic tail of H protein was clearly important for syncytia formation. Concerning the mutation in the P protein, it led to an increase in viral replication. However, we cannot rule out that the observed effect is due to the amino acid substitutions in the overlapping accessory proteins C and V, also affected by the P mutation. The adaptation of wild-type CDV strains to cell culture almost always involves modifications of M protein. In order to understand the influence of these modifications, we tested recombinant A75/17 viruses bearing different M proteins. Preliminary results demonstrated that the M protein from the Vero-adapted strain reduced syncytia formation. Future studies will focus on the M mRNA and protein stability, its expression level, localisation and its effect on viral particles formation and on the phenotype of infection. Résumé La protéine SLAM (signalling lymphocyte activation molecule ou CD150) est utilisée comme récepteur cellulaire par les morbillivirus parmi lesquels on trouve le virus de la rougeole (VR) ainsi que le virus de la maladie de Carré (CDV). Les lignées cellulaires qui n'expriment pas la protéine SLAM du chien à leur surface sont réfractaires à l'infection par les souches sauvages de CDV. Le récepteur SLAM n'est pas seulement requis pour l'attachement du virion à la surface de la cellule, mais il participe également de façon active à l'établissement d'une infection cytolytique à travers la formation de syncytia. Afin de déterminer si la protéine SLAM exerce une influence directe sur la réplication virale du virus de la maladie de Carré, nous avons généré différentes protéines tronquées de SLAM et comparé leurs capacités à influencer l'activité de la polymérase ainsi que la formation de syncytia. Nos résultas ont montré que la réplication virale, l'activité de la polymérase ainsi que la fusion cellulaire ne semblent pas être influencées par les délétions dans les régions cytoplasmiques du récepteur SLAM. Cependant, ces délétions agissent sur l'expression de la protéine SLAM à la surface des cellules. Les expériences additionnelles ont permis de souligner l'importance de la protéine SLAM dans le phénomène de fusion entre cellules. En effet, la protéine SLAM ainsi que les deux glycoprotéines virales F et H sont requises pour la formation de syncytia, laquelle induit une augmentation de l'activité de la polymérase ainsi que de la réplication virale. La souche virulente A75/17 du virus, de la Maladie de Carré est connue pour induire une infection persistante au niveau du système nerveux central ainsi que dans les kératinocytes de pattes chez le chien. Des études récentes ont montré que des cultures primaires de kératinocytes de chien pouvaient aussi êtres infectées par la souche A75/17 de CDV. En effet, le virus induit une infection persistante en produisant très peu de progéniture. Cependant, trois passages du virus sauvage A75/17 dans ces cultures aboutissent à la sélection d'un virus produisant plus de progéniture et favorisant la formation limitée de syncytia. La comparaison des séquences génomique entre la souche A75/17 et la souche adaptée A75/17-K montre une différence de trois nucléotides. La première mutation, située dans le gène P, modifie la phosphoprotéine (P) ainsi que les protéines V et C. La deuxième se situe dans le gène de la protéine matricielle (M) et la dernière dans celui de la protéine d'attachement (H). Afin de déterminer les facteurs viraux impliqués lors de l'adaptation virale dans la culture primaire de kératinocytes, des virus recombinants contenant une, deux ou trois de ces mutations ont été analysés. La substitution d'un acide aminé dans la protéine M reste sans effet sur la production de particules virales. En revanche, la substitution d'un acide aminé dans la queue cytoplasmique de la protéine H s'avère clairement importante pour la formation de syncytia. Quant à la mutation dans le gène P, elle permet une augmentation de la réplication virale. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas écarter l'hypothèse que l'augmentation de la réplication virale soit due aux substitutions d'un acide aminé dans les protéines accessoires V et C qui sont, elles aussi, affectées par la mutation dans le gène P. L'adaptation des souches sauvages de CDV aux cultures de cellules induit presque toujours des modifications de la protéine matricielle M. Afin de comprendre l'influence de ces modifications, nous avons testé 'des virus A75/17 recombinants contenant différentes protéines M. Les résultats préliminaires ont démontré que la protéine M de la souche adaptée aux cellules Vero réduisait la formation de syncytia. Les études futures seront axées sur la stabilité de l'ARN messager, celle de la protéine M, de son niveau d'expression, de sa localisation cellulaire et de son effet sur la formation de particules virale ainsi que sur le phénotype de l'infection.
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A protease is not only an essential component of the viral replication complex and a prime target for antiviral intervention but also a key player in the persistence and pathogenesis of HCV. It cleaves and thereby inactivates two crucial adaptor proteins in viral RNA sensing and innate immunity, mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS) and TRIF, a phosphatase involved in growth factor signaling, T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC-PTP), and the E3 ubiquitin ligase component UV-damaged DNA-binding protein 1 (DDB1). Here we explored quantitative proteomics to identify novel cellular substrates of the NS3-4A protease. Cell lines inducibly expressing the NS3-4A protease were analyzed by stable isotopic labeling using amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) coupled with protein separation and mass spectrometry. This approach identified the membrane-associated peroxidase GPx8 as a bona fide cellular substrate of the HCV NS3-4A protease. Cleavage by NS3-4A occurs at Cys 11, removing the cytosolic tip of GPx8, and was observed in different experimental systems as well as in liver biopsies from patients with chronic HCV. Overexpression and RNA silencing studies revealed that GPx8 is involved in viral particle production but not in HCV entry or RNA replication. Conclusion: We provide proof-of-concept for the use of quantitative proteomics to identify cellular substrates of a viral protease and describe GPx8 as a novel proviral host factor targeted by the HCV NS3-4A protease. (Hepatology 2014;59:423-433).
The expression of calmodulin kinase IV (CaMKIV) can be induced by the thyroid hormone T3 in a time- and concentration-dependent manner at a very early stage of brain differentiation using a fetal rat telencephalon primary cell culture system which can grow and differentiate under chemically defined conditions (Krebs et al. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 11055-11058). After the induction of CaMKIV by T3 we examined the influence of prolonged absence of T3 from the culture medium on the expression of CaMKIV. We could demonstrate that after the T3-dependent induction of CaMKIV, omission of the hormone, even for 8 days, from the medium did not downregulate the expression of CaMKIV indicating that different regulatory mechanisms became important for the expression of the enzyme. We further showed that CaMKIV could be involved in the Ca(2+) -dependent expression of the immediate early gene c-fos, probably via phosphorylation of the transcription factor CREB. Convergence of signal transduction pathways on this transcription factor by using different protein kinases may explain the importance of CREB for the regulation of different cellular processes.
Wild-type A75/17-Canine distemper virus (CDV) is a highly virulent strain, which induces a persistent infection in the central nervous system (CNS) with demyelinating disease. Wild-type A75/17-CDV, which is unable to replicate in cell lines to detectable levels, was adapted to grow in Vero cells and was designated A75/17-V. Sequence comparison between the two genomes revealed seven nucleotide differences located in the phosphoprotein (P), the matrix (M) and the large (L) genes. The P gene is polycistronic and encodes two auxiliary proteins, V and C, besides the P protein. The mutations resulted in amino acid changes in the P and V, but not in the C protein, as well as in the M and L proteins. Here, a rescue system was developed for the A75/17-V strain, which was shown to be attenuated in vivo, but retains a persistent infection phenotype in Vero cells. In order to track the recombinant virus, an additional transcription unit coding for the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) was inserted at the 3' proximal position in the A75/17-V cDNA clone. Reverse genetics technology will allow us to characterize the genetic determinants of A75/17-V CDV persistent infection in cell culture.
Recent clinical research suggests a role for vitamin D in the response to IFN-α-based therapy of chronic hepatitis C. Therefore, we aimed to explore the underlying mechanisms in vitro. Huh-7.5 cells harboring subgenomic hepatitis C virus (HCV) replicons or infected with cell culture-derived HCV were exposed to bioactive 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol) with or without IFN-α. In these experiments, calcitriol alone had no effect on the HCV life cycle. However, calcitriol enhanced the inhibitory effect of IFN-α on HCV replication. This effect was based on a calcitriol-mediated increase of IFN-α-induced gene expression. Further mechanistic studies revealed a constitutive inhibitory interaction between the inactive vitamin D receptor (VDR) and Stat1, which was released upon stimulation with calcitriol and IFN-α. As a consequence, IFN-α-induced binding of phosphorylated Stat1 to its DNA target sequences was enhanced by calcitriol. Importantly, and in line with these observations, silencing of the VDR resulted in an enhanced hepatocellular response to IFN-α. Our findings identify the VDR as a novel suppressor of IFN-α-induced signaling through the Jak-STAT pathway.
Therapeutic engineered nanoparticles (NPs), including ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) NPs, may accumulate in the lower digestive tract following ingestion or injection. In order to evaluate the reaction of human colon cells to USPIO NPs, the effects of non-stabilized USPIO NPs (NS-USPIO NPs), oleic-acid-stabilized USPIO NPs (OA-USPIO NPs), and free oleic acid (OA) were compared in human HT29 and CaCo2 colon epithelial cancer cells. First the biophysical characteristics of NS-USPIO NPs and OA-USPIO NPs in water, in cell culture medium supplemented with fetal calf serum, and in cell culture medium preconditioned by HT29 and CaCo₂ cells were determined. Then, stress responses of the cells were evaluated following exposure to NS-USPIO NPs, OA-USPIO NPs, and free OA. No modification of the cytoskeletal actin network was observed. Cell response to stress, including markers of apoptosis and DNA repair, oxidative stress and degradative/autophagic stress, induction of heat shock protein, or lipid metabolism was determined in cells exposed to the two NPs. Induction of an autophagic response was observed in the two cell lines for both NPs but not free OA, while the other stress responses were cell- and NP-specific. The formation of lipid vacuoles/droplets was demonstrated in HT29 and CaCo₂ cells exposed to OA-USPIO NPs but not to NS-USPIO NPs, and to a much lower level in cells exposed to equimolar concentrations of free OA. Therefore, the induction of lipid vacuoles in colon cells exposed to OA utilized as a stabilizer for USPIO NPs is higly amplified compared to free OA, and is not observed in the absence of this lipid in NS-USPIO NPs.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Disruption of the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) barrier contributes to sub-retinal fluid and retinal oedema as observed in diabetic retinopathy. High placental growth factor (PLGF) vitreous levels have been found in diabetic patients. This work aimed to elucidate the influence of PLGF-1 on a human RPE cell line (ARPE-19) barrier in vitro and on normal rat eyes in vivo. METHODS: ARPE-19 permeability was measured using transepithelial resistance and inulin flux under stimulation of PLGF-1, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-E and VEGF 165. Using RT-PCR, we evaluated the effect of hypoxic conditions or insulin on transepithelial resistance and on PLGF-1 and VEGF receptors. The involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MEK, also known as MAPK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK, also known as EPHB2) signalling pathways under PLGF-1 stimulation was evaluated by western blot analysis and specific inhibitors. The effect of PLGF-1 on the external haemato-retinal barrier was evaluated after intravitreous injection of PLGF-1 in the rat eye; evaluation was by semi-thin analysis and zonula occludens-1 immunolocalisation on flat-mounted RPE. RESULTS: In vitro, PLGF-1 induced a reversible decrease of transepithelial resistance and enhanced tritiated inulin flux. These effects were specifically abolished by an antisense oligonucleotide directed at VEGF receptor 1. Exposure of ARPE-19 cells to hypoxic conditions or to insulin induced an upregulation of PLGF-1 expression along with increased transcellular permeability. The PLGF-1-induced RPE cell permeability involved the MEK signalling pathway. Injection of PLGF-1 in the rat eye vitreous induced an opening of the RPE tight junctions with subsequent sub-retinal fluid accumulation, retinal oedema and cytoplasm translocation of junction proteins. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Our results indicate that PLGF-1 may be a potential regulation target for the control of diabetic retinal and macular oedema.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety and potential use of poly(lactic) acid (PLA) and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) as vectors for gene transfer to RPE cells. METHODS: Experiments were conducted with primary bovine RPE cells and with the ARPE-19 human RPE cell line. Rhodamine loaded NPs were used to study factors influencing the internalization process by the various RPE cells: concentrations of NPs, duration of contact time, stage of cell culture and ambient temperature. The extent of NPs internalization was evaluated by fluorescence and phase microscopy. Potential NP toxicity was measured by the trypan blue exclusion dye test and the MTT method. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) plasmid or red nuclear fluorescent protein (RNFP) plasmid were sequestered in NPs. The ability ot these "loaded" NPs to generate gene transfection and protein expression in RPE cells was assessed both in vivo and in vitro by fluorescence and confocal microscopy. RESULTS: The extent of NP internalization in cultured cells increases with their concentration reaching a plateau at 1 mg/ml and a contact time of up to 6 h. Temperature and culture stage did not influence the in vitro internalization process. No toxic effects on RPE cells could be detected when these were incubated with up to 4 mg/ml of NPs. In human and bovine RPE cells incubated with GFP loaded NPs, cytoplasmic green fluorescence was observed in 14+/-1.65% of the cultured cells. Incubation with RNFP loaded NPs yielded a nuclear red fluorescence in 18.9+/-1.6% of the cells. These percentage levels of expression initially detected after 48 h of incubation remained unchanged during the following 8 additional days in culture. No significant differences in the extent of cytoplasm or nuclear fluorescence expression were observed between bovine or human RPE cultured cells. In vivo, a preferential RNFP expression within the RPE cell layer was detected after intra vitreous injection of RNFP plasmid loaded NPs. CONCLUSIONS: The ability of PLGA NPs to sequester plasmids, their nontoxic characteristics, and rapid internalization enables gene transfer and expression in RPE cells. These findings may be of potential use when designing future gene therapy strategies for ocular diseases of the posterior segment.
Background: The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A protease isnot only an essential component of the viral replication complexand a prime target for antiviral intervention but also a key playerin the persistence and pathogenesis of HCV. It cleaves andthereby inactivates two crucial adaptor proteins in viral RNAsensing and innate immunity (MAVS and TRIF) as well as aphosphatase involved in growth factor signaling (TC-PTP). Theaim of this ongoing study is to identify novel cellular targets ofthe NS3-4A protease.Methods: Cell lines inducibly expressing the NS3-4A proteasewere established using a tetracycline-regulated geneexpression system. Cells were analyzed in basal as well asinterferon-α-stimulated states. Two-dimensional difference gelelectrophoresis (2D-DIGE) and stable isotopic labeling usingamino acids in cell culture (SILAC) proteomics analysescoupled with mass spectrometry were employed to search forcellular substrates of NS3-4A.Results: A number of candidate cellular targets have beenidentified by these proteomics approaches. These are currentlybeing validated by different experimental techniques. In parallel,we are in the process of further defining the determinants forsubstrate specificity of the NS3-4A protease.Conclusions: The identification of novel cellular targets of theHCV NS3-4A protase should yield new insights into thepathogenesis of hepatitis C and may reveal novel targets forantiviral intervention.
The macrophage is the niche of the intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Induction of macrophage apoptosis by CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells is accompanied by reduced bacterial counts, potentially defining a host defense mechanism. We have already established that M. tuberculosis-infected primary human macrophages have a reduced susceptibility to Fas ligand (FasL)-induced apoptosis. To study the mechanisms by which M. tuberculosis prevents apoptotic signaling, we have generated a cell culture system based on PMA- and IFN-gamma-differentiated THP-1 cells recapitulating the properties of primary macrophages. In these cells, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2 or TLR2 agonists and mycobacterial infection protected macrophages from apoptosis and resulted in NF-kappaB nuclear translocation associated with up-regulation of the antiapoptotic cellular FLIP. Transduction of a receptor-interacting protein-2 dominant-negative construct showed that nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2 is not involved in protection in the mycobacterial infection system. In contrast, both a dominant-negative construct of the MyD88 adaptor and an NF-kappaB inhibitor abrogated the protection against FasL-mediated apoptosis, showing the implication of TLR2-mediated activation of NF-kappaB in apoptosis protection in infected macrophages. The apoptosis resistance of infected macrophages might be considered as an immune escape mechanism, whereby M. tuberculosis subverts innate immunity signaling to protect its host cell against FasL(+)-specific cytotoxic lymphocytes.
Major advances in the understanding of the molecular biology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) have been made recently. While the chimpanzee is the only established animal model of HCV infection, several in vivo and in vitro models have been established that allow us to study various aspects of the viral life cycle. In particular, the replicon system and the production of recombinant infectious virions revolutionized the investigation of HCV-RNA replication and rendered all steps of the viral life cycle, including entry and release of viral particles, amenable to systematic analysis. In the following we will review the different in vivo and in vitro models of HCV infection.
Résumé Durant le développement embryonnaire, les cellules pigmentaires des mammifères se développent à partir de deux origines différentes : les melanocytes se développent à partir de la crête neurale alors que les cellules de la rétine pigmentaire (RP) ont une origine neuronale. Un grand nombre de gènes sont impliqués dans la pigmentation dont les gènes de la famille tyrosinase à savoir Tyr, Tyrp1 et Dct. Certaines études ont suggéré que les gènes de la pigmentation sont régulés de manière différentielle dans les mélanocytes et dans la RP. Dans ce travail, les gènes de la famille tyrosinase ont été étudiés comme modèle de la régulation des gènes de la pigmentation par des éléments régulateurs agissant à distance. II a été montré que le promoteur du gène Tyrp1pouvait induire l'expression d'un transgène uniquement dans la RP alors que ce gène est aussi exprimé dans les mélanocytes comme le montre le phénotype des souris mutantes pour Tyrp1. Ce résultat suggère que les éléments régulateurs du promoteur sont suffisants pour l'expression dans la RP mais pas pour l'expression dans les mélanocytes. J'ai donc cherché à identifier la séquence qui régule l'expression dans les mélanocytes. Un chromosome artificiel bactérien (CAB) contenant le gène Tyrp1 s'est avéré suffisant pour induire l'expression dans les mélanocytes, comme démontré par la correction du phénotype mutant. La séquence de ce CAB contient plusieurs régions très conservées qui pourraient représenter de nouveaux éléments régulateurs. Par la suite, j'ai focalisé mon analyse sur une séquence située à -I5 kb qui s'est révélée être un amplificateur spécifique aux mélanocytes comme démontré par des expériences de cultures cellulaire et de transgenèse. De plus, une analyse poussée de cet élément a révélé que le facteur de transcription Sox 10 représentait un transactivateur de cet amplificateur. Comme pour Tyrp1, la régulation du gène tyrosinase est contrôlée par différents éléments régulateurs dans les mélanocytes et la RP. Il a été montré que le promoteur de tyrosinase n'était pas suffisant pour une forte expression dans les mélanocytes et la RP. De plus, l'analyse de la région située en amont a révélé la présence d'un amplificateur nécessaire à l'expression dans les mélanocytes à la position -15 kb. Cet amplificateur n'est toutefois pas actif dans la RP mais agit comme un répresseur dans ces cellules. Ces résultats indiquent que certains éléments nécessaires à l'expression dans les deux types de cellules pigmentaires sont absents de ces constructions. Comme pour Tyrp1, j'ai en premier lieu démontré qu'un CAB était capable de corriger le phénotype albinique, puis ai inséré un gène reporter (lacZ) dans le CAB par recombinaison homologue et ai finalement analysé l'expression du reporter en transgenèse. Ces souris ont montré une expression forte du lacZ dans les mélanocytes et la RP, ce qui indique que le CAB contient les séquences régulatrices nécessaires à l'expression correcte de tyrosinase. Afin de localiser plus précisément les éléments régulateurs, j'ai ensuite généré des délétions dans le CAB et analysé l'expression du lacZ en transgenèse. La comparaison de séquences génomiques provenant de différentes espèces a permis par la suite d'identifier des régions représentant de nouveaux éléments régulateurs potentiels. En utilisant cette approche, j'ai identifié une région qui se comporte comme un amplificateur dans la RP et qui est nécessaire à l'expression de tyrosinase dans ce tissu. De plus, j'ai identifié les facteurs de transcription Mitf et Sox10 comme transactivateurs de l'amplificateur spécifique aux mélanocytes situé à -15 kb. L'identification et la caractérisation des ces éléments régulateurs des gènes tyrosinase et Tyrp1confirme donc que la régulation différentielle des gènes dans les mélanocytes et la RP est liée à des éléments régulateurs séparés. Summary Pigment cells of mammals originate from two different lineages: melanocytes arise from the neural crest, whereas cells of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) originate from the optic cup of the developing forebrain. A large set of genes are involved in pigmentation, including the members of the tyrosinase gene family, namely tyrosinase, Tyrp1 and Dct. Previous studies have suggested that pigmentation genes are differentially regulated in melanocytes and RPE. In this work, the tyrosinase gene family was used as a model for studying the involvement of distal regulatory elements in pigment cell-specific gene expression. The promoter of the Tyrp1 gene has been shown to drive detectable transgene expression only to the RPE, even though the gene is also expressed in melanocytes as evident from Tyrp1-mutant mice. This indicates that the regulatory elements responsible for Tyrp1 gene expression in the RPE are not sufficient for expression in melanocytes. I thus searched for a putative melanocyte-specific regulatory sequence and demonstrate that a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing the Tyrp1 gene and surrounding sequences is able to target transgenic expression to melanocytes and to rescue the Tyrp1 b (brown) phenotype. This BAC contains several highly conserved non-coding sequences that might represent novel regulatory elements. I further focused on a sequence located at -15 kb which I identified as amelanocyte-specific enhancer as shown by cell culture and transgenic mice. In addition, further functional analysis identified the transcription factor Sox10 as being able to bind and transactivate this enhancer. As for Tyrp1, tyrosinase gene regulation is mediated by different cis-regulatory elements in melanocytes and RPE. It was shown that the tyrosinase promoter was not sufficient to confer strong and specific expression in melanocytes and RPE. Moreover, analysis of tyrosinase upstream sequence, revealed the presence of a specific enhancer at position -15 kb which was necessary to confer strong expression in melanocytes. This enhancer element however failed to act as an enhancer in the RPE, but rather repressed expression. This indicates that some regulatory elements required for tyrosinase expression in both RPE and melanocytes are still missing from these constructs. As for Tyrp1, I first demonstrated that a BAC containing the Tyr gene is able to rescue the Tyr c (albino) phenotype in mice, then I inserted a lacZ reporter gene in the BAC by homologous recombination, and finally analysed the pattern of lacZ expression in transgenic mice. These mice showed strong lacZ expression in both RPE and melanocytes, indicating that the BAC contains the regulatory sequences required for proper tyrosinase expression. In order to localize more precisely these regulatory elements, I have then generated several deletions in the BAC and analysed lacZ expression in transgenic mice. Multi-species comparative genomic analysis then allowed identifying conserved sequences that potentially represent novel regulatory elements. Using this experimental approach, I identified a region that behaves as a RPE-specific enhancer and that is required for tyrosinase expression in the retina] pigment epithelium. In addition, I identified the transcription factors Mitf and Sox l0 as being transactivators of the melanocyte-specific enhancer located at -l5 kb. The identification and characterization of these tyrosinase and Tyrp1 distal regulatory element supports the idea that separate regulatory sequences mediate differential gene expression in melanocytes and RPE.