246 resultados para Stage Malaria


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Liver transplantation (LT) is currently contraindicated in patients with residual or metastatic alveolar echinococcosis (AE) lesions. We evaluated the long-term course of such patients who underwent LT and were subsequently treated with benzimidazoles. Clinical, imaging, serological, and therapeutic data were collected from 5 patients with residual/recurrent AE lesions who survived for more than 15 years. Since 2004, [(18) F]-2-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography (PET) images were available, and the levels of serum antibodies (Abs) against Echinococcus multilocularis-recombinant antigens were evaluated. Median survival time after LT was 21 years. These patients were from a prospective cohort of 23 patients with AE who underwent LT: 5 of 8 patients with residual/recurrent AE and 4 of 9 patients without residual/recurrent AE were alive in September 2009. High doses of immunosuppressive drugs, the late introduction of therapy with benzimidazoles, its withdrawal due to side effects, and nonadherence to this therapy adversely affected the prognosis. Anti-Em2(plus) and anti-rEm18 Ab levels and standard FDG-PET enabled the efficacy of therapy on the growth of EA lesions to be assessed. However, meaningful variations in Ab levels were observed below diagnostic cutoff values; and in monitoring AE lesions, images of FDG uptake taken 3 hours after its injection were more sensitive than images obtained 1 hour after its injection. In conclusion, benzimidazoles can control residual/recurrent AE lesions after LT. Using anti-rEm18 or anti-Em2(plus) Ab levels and the delayed acquisition of FDG-PET images can improve the functional assessment of disease activity. The potential recurrence of disease, especially in patients with residual or metastatic AE lesions, should not be regarded as a contraindication to LT when AE is considered to be lethal in the short term.


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Adequate pre-dialysis care reduces mortality among end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. We tested the hypothesis that individuals with ESRD due to sickle cell disease (SCD-ESRD) receiving pre-ESRD care have lower mortality compared to individuals without pre-ESRD care. We examined the association between mortality and pre-ESRD care in incident SCD-ESRD patients who started haemodialysis between 1 June, 2005 and 31 May, 2009 using data provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). SCD-ESRD was reported for 410 (0·1%) of 442 017 patients. One year after starting dialysis, 108 (26·3%) patients with incident ESRD attributed to SCD died; the hazard ratio (HR) for mortality among patients with SCD-ESRD compared to those without SCD as the primary cause of renal failure was 2·80 (95% confidence interval [CI] 2·31-3·38). Patients with SCD-ESRD receiving pre-dialysis nephrology care had a lower death rate than those with SCD-ESRD who did not receive pre-dialysis nephrology care (HR = 0·67, 95% CI 0·45-0·99). The one-year mortality rate following an ESRD diagnosis was almost three times higher in individuals with SCD when compared to those without SCD but with ESRD and could be attenuated by pre-dialysis nephrology care.


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Rapport de synthèse : Le rétinoblastome est la tumeur de l'oeil la plus fréquente chez l'enfant. Un diagnostic précoce est important pour sauver le globe oculaire et la survie du patient. Le but de notre étude est de déterminer l'évolution de l'intervalle diagnostique, c'est-à-dire le délai entre les premiers symptômes et la date du diagnostic officiel du rétinoblastome, sur une période de 40 ans en Suisse. Matériel et méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective faite sur 139 patients suisses traités pour rétinoblastome durant trois différentes périodes : (1) 1963-1983 ; (2) 1984-1993 ; et (3) 1994-2004. On compare certaines caractéristiques : le sexe du patient, la latéralité de la maladie, les premiers symptômes, leurs observateurs, l'intervalle diagnostique, l'âge au diagnostic, le stade de la maladie, l'histoire familiale. Résultats : 37 patients (26.6%) ont été traités dans la première période ; 44 (31.7%) dans la période 2 et 58 (41.7%) dans la période 3. L'intervalle diagnostique diminue de façon significative de 6.97 mois dans la période 1 à 3.58 dans la période 2 à 2.25 dans la période 3 pour le total des malades. Ceci reste significatif pour les rétinoblastomes unilatéraux. De plus, dans ce même groupe, on observe une diminution significative des stades avancés de la maladie, groupe E selon Murphree (61.5% dans la période 1 ; 46.7% dans la période 2 et 22.2 % dans la période 3). Lorsque la maladie est bilatérale, les mêmes observations se font de façon un peu moins marquée. Il n'y a aucun patient diagnostiqué au stade E de la maladie en présence d'une anamnèse familiale positive. Leucocorie (48.2%) et strabisme (20.1 %) sont les symptômes les plus fréquents durant les 3 périodes. Les seuls facteurs qui influencent significativement le risque d'avoir un stade E de la maladie sont la durée de l'intervalle diagnostic et la période de diagnostic. Conclusion : On constate un progrès dans le diagnostic du rétinoblastome en Suisse, surtout lors de maladie unilatérale. De même, des améliorations sont notées dans la maladie bilatérale mais de façon non significative. Il est donc important de mieux enseigner aux médecins à reconnaître les symptômes oculaires de la maladie et à référer les patients plus tôt aux spécialistes. Abstract : OBECTIVES : Retinoblastoma is the most frequent intraocular malignancy in children. Early diagnosis is essential for globe salvage and patient survival. The aim of our study was to determine how time to diagnosis of retinoblastoma has evolved over a 40-year period in Switzerland. METHOD AND PATIENTS : A retrospective study of 139 Swiss patients with retinoblastoma was performed comparing 3 periods: (1) 1963-1983; (2) 1984-1993; and (3) 1994-2004. Factors taken into account were gender, laterality of retínoblastoma, age at first symptoms, type and first observer of symptoms, time to diagnosis, age at diagnosis, disease stage, and family history. RESULTS : Thirty-seven patients (26.6%) were treated in period 1, 44 (31.7%) in period 2, and S8 (41.7%) in period 3.Overall, the diagnostic interval decreased in a significant way from 6.97 months in period 1 to 3.58 in period 2 and to 2.25 in period 3. When looking separately at unilateral and bilateral disease, the decrease oí the diagnostic interval remained statistically significant in unilateral retinoblastoma; there was also a significant reduction in the number of patients with advanced group E disease (Murphree classification) (61.5% in period 1, 46.7% in period 2, 22.2% in period 3). In bilateral disease, the same observations were made to a lesser extent. However, there were no cases with group E disease in 10 patients with positive family history. Leukornria (48.2%) and strabismus (20.1 %) were the 2 most frequent symptoms throughout the 3 periods. The only factors that statistically influenced the chances of having a diagnosis of group E disease were the diagnostic interval and period of diagnosis. Conclusion : Progress has been made in the diagnosis of retinoblastoma in Switzerland, notably in unilateral disease. Improvement to a lesser extent has also been observed in bilateral cases but without statistical significance. Greater effort is needed to teach physians-in-training to recognize the importance of ocular symptoms and refer patients earlier.


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Albitization is a common process during which hydrothermal fluids convert plagioclase and/or K-feldspar into nearly pure albite; however, its specific mechanism in granitoids is not well understood. The c. 1700 Ma A-type metaluminous ferroan granites in the Khetri complex of Rajasthan, NW India, have been albitized to a large extent by two metasomatic fronts, an initial transformation of oligoclase to nearly pure albite and a subsequent replacement of microcline by albite, with sharp contacts between the microcline-bearing and microcline-free zones. Albitization has bleached the original pinkish grey granite and turned it white. The mineralogical changes include transformation of oligoclase (similar to An(12)) and microcline (similar to Or(95)) to almost pure albite (similar to An(0 center dot 5-2)), amphibole from potassian ferropargasite (X-Fe 0 center dot 84-0 center dot 86) to potassic hastingsite (X-Fe 0 center dot 88-0 center dot 97) and actinolite (X-Fe 0 center dot 32-0 center dot 67), and biotite from annite (X-Fe 0 center dot 71-0 center dot 74) to annite (X-Fe 0 center dot 90-0 center dot 91). Whole-rock isocon diagrams show that, during albitization, the granites experienced major hydration, slight gain in Si and major gain in Na, whereas K, Mg, Fe and Ca were lost along with Rb, Ba, Sr, Zn, light rare earth elements and U. Whole-rock Sm-Nd isotope data plot on an apparent isochron of 1419 +/- 98 Ma and reveal significant disturbance and at least partial resetting of the intrusion age. Severe scatter in the whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron plot reflects the extreme Rb loss in the completely albitized samples, effectively freezing Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios in the albite granites at very high values (0 center dot 725-0 center dot 735). This indicates either infiltration of highly radiogenic Sr from the country rock or, more likely, radiogenic ingrowth during a considerable time lag (estimated to be at least 300 Myr) between original intrusion and albitization. The albitization took place at similar to 350-400 degrees C. It was caused by the infiltration of an ascending hydrothermal fluid that had acquired high Na/K and Na/Ca ratios during migration through metamorphic rocks at even lower temperatures in the periphery of the plutons. Oxygen isotope ratios increase from delta O-18 = 7 parts per thousand in the original granite to values of 9-10 parts per thousand in completely albitized samples, suggesting that the fluid had equilibrated with surrounding metamorphosed crust. A metasomatic model, using chromatographic theory of fluid infiltration, explains the process for generating the observed zonation in terms of a leading metasomatic front where oligoclase of the original granite is converted to albite, and a second, trailing front where microcline is also converted to albite. The temperature gradients driving the fluid infiltration may have been produced by the high heat production of the granites themselves. The confinement of the albitized granites along the NE-SW-trending Khetri lineament and the pervasive nature of the albitization suggest that the albitizing fluids possibly originated during reactivation of the lineament. More generally, steady-state temperature gradients induced by the high internal heat production of A-type granites may provide the driving force for similar metasomatic and ore-forming processes in other highly enriched granitoid bodies.


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Le prélèvement des ganglions sentinelles apparaît comme une technique séduisante pour l'évaluation ganglionnaire des cancers du col utérin de faible stade. La sélection d'une population à bas risque de métastase ganglionnaire, un entraînement minimal et le respect de quelques règles simples permettent de limiter le risque de faux négatif au minimum. La technique apporte des informations supplémentaires sur le plan anatomique en identifiant des ganglions situés en dehors des zones habituelles de curage, et sur le plan histologique avec la mise en évidence de cellules tumorales isolées et surtout de micrométastases dont la valeur pronostique est suspectée Sentinel node biopsy appears as a promising technique for the assessment of nodal disease in early cervical cancers. Selection of a population with a low risk of nodal metastasis, a minimal training, and simple rules allow a low false negative rate. Sentinel node biopsy provides supplementary information, such as anatomical information (nodes outside of routine lymphadenectomy areas) and histological information (isolated tumors cells and micrometastases).


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Three types of garnet have been distinguished in pelitic schists from an epidote-blueschist-facies unit of the Ambin and South Vanoise Brianconnais massifs on the basis of texture, chemical zoning and mineral inclusion characterization. Type-1 garnet cores with high Mn/Ca ratios are interpreted as pre-Alpine relicts, whereas Type-1 garnet rims, Type-2 inclusion-rich porphyroblasts and smaller Type-3 garnets are Alpine. The latter are all characterized by low Mn/Ca ratios and a coexisting mineral assemblage of blue amphibole, high-Si phengite, epidote and quartz. Prograde growth conditions during Alpine D-1 high-pressure (HP) metamorphism are recorded by a decrease in Mn and increase in Fe (+/-Ca) in the Type-2 garnets, culminating in peak P-T conditions of 14-16 kbar and 500degreesC in the deepest parts of the Ambin dome. The multistage growth history of Type-1 garnets indicates a polymetamorphic history for the Ambin and South Vanoise massifs; unfortunately, no age constraints are available. The new metamorphic constraints on the Alpine event in the massifs define a metamorphic T `gap' between them and their surrounding cover (Brianconnais and upper Schistes Lustres units), which experienced metamorphism only in the stability field of carpholite-lawsonite (T < 400degreesC). These data and supporting structural studies confirm that the Ambin and South Vanoise massifs are slices of `eclogitized' continental crust tectonically extruded within the Schistes Lustres units and Brianconnais covers. The corresponding tectonic contacts with top-to-east movement are responsible for the juxtaposition of lower-grade metamorphic units on the Ambin and South Vanoise massifs.


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Nicotine cessation programmes in Switzerland, which are commonly based on the stage of change model of Prochaska and DiClemente (1983), are rarely offered to patients with illicit drug dependence. This stands in contrast to the high smoking rates and the heavy burden of tobacco-related problems in these patients. The stage of change was therefore assessed by self-administered questionnaire in 100 inpatients attending an illegal drug withdrawal programme. Only 15% of the patients were in the contemplation or decision stage. 93% considered smoking cessation to be difficult or very difficult. These data show a discrepancy between the motivation to change illegal drug consumption habits and the motivation for smoking cessation. The high proportion of patients remaining in the precontemplation stage for smoking cessation, in spite of their motivation for illicit drug detoxification, may be due to the perception that cessation of smoking is more difficult than illicit drug abuse cessation.


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BACKGROUND: MYCN oncogene amplification has been defined as the most important prognostic factor for neuroblastoma (NB), the most common solid extracranial neoplasm in children. High copy numbers are strongly associated with rapid tumor progression and poor outcome, independently of tumor stage or patient age, and this has become an important factor in treatment stratification. PROCEDURE: By real-time quantitative PCR analysis, we evaluated the clinical relevance of circulating MYCN DNA of 267 patients with locoregional or metastatic NB in children less than 18 months of age. RESULTS: For patients in this age group with INSS stage 4 or 4S NB and stage 3 patients, serum-based determination of MYCN DNA sequences had good sensitivity (85%, 83%, and 75% respectively) and high specificity (100%) when compared to direct tumor gene determination. In contrast, the approach showed low sensitivity patients with stages 1 and 2 disease. CONCLUSION: Our results show that the sensitivity of the serum-based MYCN DNA sequence determination depends on the stage of the disease. However, this simple, reproducible assay may represent a reasonably sensitive and very specific tool to assess tumor MYCN status in cases with stage 3 and metastatic disease for whom a wait and see strategy is often recommended.


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The efficacy and safety of artemether-lumefantrine for the treatment of malaria in nonimmune populations are not well defined. In this study, 165 nonimmune patients from Europe and non-malarious areas of Colombia with acute, uncomplicated falciparum malaria or mixed infection including P. falciparum were treated with the six-dose regimen of artemether-lumefantrine. The parasitologic cure rate at 28 days was 96.0% for the per protocol population (119/124 patients). Median times to parasite clearance and fever clearance were 41.5 and 36.8 hours, respectively. No patient had gametocytes after Day 7. Treatment was well tolerated; most adverse events were mild to moderate and seemed to be related to malaria. There were few serious adverse events, none of which were considered to be drug-related. No significant effects on ECG or laboratory parameters were observed. In conclusion, the six-dose regimen of artemether-lumefantrine was effective and well tolerated in the treatment of acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria in nonimmune patients.


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Diabetic nephropathy is the first cause of endstage renal disease. The demographic expansion, the increase in the incidence of diabetes and the prolonged survival rates explain the steep increase observed these last 30 years. In the United States, improved treatment has brought to a decline in the incidence of end-stage renal disease in the diabetic population since the mid nineties. We examined the change in prevalence of diabetics on dialysis from 2001 and 2009 in the Canton de Vaud, Switzerland. The prevalence of diabetics on dialysis increased from 18% to 31% in dialysis centers and increased from 1.1/1000 to 1.9/1000 in the diabetic population. These are strong indicators that efforts are needed to improve the renal outcome of patients with diabetic nephropathy.


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Uterine leiomyosarcomas (LMSs) are rare cancers representing less than 1% of all uterine malignancies. Clinical International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage is the most important prognostic factor. Other significant prognostic factors, especially for early stages, are difficult to establish because most of the published studies have included localized and extra-pelvian sarcomas. The aim of our study was to search for significant prognostic factors in clinical stage I and II uterine LMS. The pathologic features of 108 uterine LMS including 72 stage I and II lesions were reviewed using standardized criteria. The prognostic significance of different pathologic features was assessed. The median follow-up in the whole group was 64 months (range, 6-223 months). The 5-year overall survival (OS) and metastasis-free interval and local relapse-free interval rates in the whole group and early-stage group (FIGO stages I and II) were 40% and 57%, 42% and 50%, 56% and 62%, respectively. Clinical FIGO stage was the most important prognostic factor for OS in the whole group (P = 4 x 10). In the stage I and II group, macroscopic circumscription was the most significant factor predicting OS (P = 0.001). In the same group, mitotic score and vascular invasion were associated with metastasis-free interval (P = 0.03 and P = 0.04, respectively). Uterine LMSs diagnosed using standardized criteria have a poor prognosis, and clinical FIGO stage is an ominous prognostic factor. In early-stage LMS, pathologic features such as mitotic score, vascular invasion, and tumor circumscription significantly impact patient outcome.


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14C dating models are limited when considering recent groundwater for which the carbon isotopic signature of the total dissolved inorganic carbon (TDIC) is mainly acquired in the unsaturated zone. Reducing the uncertainties of dating thus implies a better identification of the processes controlling the carbon isotopic composition of the TDIC during groundwater recharge. Geochemical interactions between gas, water and carbonates in the unsaturated zone were investigated for two aquifers (the carbonate-free Fontainebleau sands and carbonate-bearing Astian sands, France) in order to identify the respective roles of CO2 and carbonates on the carbon isotopic signatures of the TDIC; this analysis is usually approached using open or closed system terms. Under fully open system conditions, the seasonality of the 13C values in the soil CO2 can lead to important uncertainties regarding the so-called "initial 14C activity" used in 14C correction models. In a carbonate-bearing unsaturated zone such as in the Astian aquifer, we show that an approach based on fully open or closed system conditions is not appropriate. Although the chemical saturation between water and calcite occurs rapidly within the first metre of the unsaturated zone, the carbon isotopic contents (δ13C) of the CO2 and the TDIC evolve downward, impacted by the dissolution-precipitation of the carbonates. In this study, we propose a numerical approach to describe this evolution. The δ13C and the A 14C (radiocarbon activity) of the TDIC at the base of the carbonate-hearing unsaturated zone depends on (i) the δ13C and the A 14C of the TDIC in the soil determined by the soil CO2, (ii) the water's residence time in the unsaturated zone and (iii) the carbonate precipitation-dissolution fluxes. In this type of situation, the carbonate δ13C-A 14C evolutions indicate the presence of secondary calcite and permit the calculation of its accretion flux, equal to ~ 4.5 ± 0.5 x 10-9 mol grock-1 yr-1. More generally, for other sites under temperate climate and with similar properties to the Astian sands site, this approach allows for a reliable determination of the carbon isotopic composition at the base of the unsaturated zone as the indispensable "input function" data of the carbon cycle into the aquifer.


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BACKGROUND: Since 1981 Princess Margaret Hospital has used initial active surveillance (AS) with delayed treatment at relapse as the preferred management for all patients with clinical stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCT). OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to report our overall AS experience and compare outcomes over different periods using this non-risk-adapted approach. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Three hundred and seventy-one patients with stage I NSGCT were managed by AS from 1981 to 2005. For analysis by time period, patients were divided into two cohorts by diagnosis date: initial cohort, 1981-1992 (n=157), and recent cohort, 1993-2005 (n=214). INTERVENTION: Patients were followed at regular intervals, and treatment was only given for relapse. MEASUREMENTS: Recurrence rates, time to relapse, risk factors for recurrence, disease-specific survival, and overall survival were determined. RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS: With a median follow-up of 6.3 yr, 104 patients (28%) relapsed: 53 of 157 (33.8%) in the initial group and 51 of 214 (23.8%) in the recent group. Median time to relapse was 7 mo. Lymphovascular invasion (p<0.0001) and pure embryonal carcinoma (p=0.02) were independent predictors of recurrence; 125 patients (33.7%) were designated as high risk based on the presence of one or both factors. In the initial cohort, 66 of 157 patients (42.0%) were high risk and 36 of 66 patients (54.5%) relapsed versus 17 of 91 low-risk patients (18.7%) (p<0.0001). In the recent cohort, 59 of 214 patients (27.6%) were high risk and 29 of 59 had a recurrence (49.2%) versus 22 of 155 low-risk patients (14.2%) (p<0.0001). Three patients (0.8%) died from testis cancer. The estimated 5-yr disease-specific survival was 99.3% in the initial group and 98.9% in the recent one. CONCLUSIONS: Non-risk-adapted surveillance is an effective, simple strategy for the management of all stage I NSGCT.