163 resultados para Skin Cancer Queensland Prevention
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an established approach for the treatment and the prevention of osteoporosis. Many studies with bone mineral density as primary outcome have shown significant efficacy. Observational studies have indicated a significant reduction of hip fracture risk in cohorts of women who maintained HRT therapy. The Women's Health Initiative is the first prospective randomised controlled study which showed a positive effect of HRT in terms of reduction of vertebral and hip fractures risk. Unfortunately, this study has been interrupted after 5.2 years because of the unsupportable increase of risk of cardiovascular disease and breast cancer. Compliance with HRT, however, is typically poor because of the potential side effects and possible increased risk of breast or endometrial cancer. Nevertheless, there is now evidence that lower doses of estrogens in elderly women may prevent bone loss while minimizing the side effects seen with higher doses. Combination therapies using low doses estrogen should probably be reserved for patients who continue to fracture on single therapy. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) are very interesting drugs. The goal of these agents is to maximize the beneficial effect of estrogen on bone and to minimize or antagonize the deleterious effects on the breast and endometrium. Raloxifene, approved for the prevention and the treatment of osteoporosis, has been shown to reduce the risks of vertebral fracture in large clinical trials. However, they don't reduce non vertebral fractures. Tibolone is a synthetic steroid that increased bone mineral density at lumbar spine and femoral neck. But no trial has been performed with fractures as end point.
La Suisse présente des taux d'incidence de mélanomes cutanés parmi les plus élevés d'Europe. Elle a été un des premiers pays européens à avoir mis sur pied des campagnes nationales de prévention des cancers cutanés, les premières actions remontant au milieu des années 80. Les campagnes "Solmobile" ont été conduites entre 2001 et 2005 par la Ligue suisse contre le cancer, avec le soutien de la Société suisse de dermatologie et de vénéréologie et de l'Office fédéral de la santé publique. Ces campagnes visaient à (1) informer les gens sur leur type de peau et les risques liés à une (sur-)exposition solaire, (2) évaluer son risque de cancer cutané, et (3) offrir un premier examen clinique gratuit, par un dermatologue, en cas de lésion suspecte. [...] Ce cahier examine le profil sociodémographique et épidémiologique des participants aux campagnes "Solmobile" et explore leurs motivations et pratiques en matière de dépistage cutané. Les résultats des examens cliniques effectués par les dermatologues et la sélection des visiteurs pour ces examens y sont analysés.
Swiss national cancer mortality statistics from 1951 to 1984 and survival rates from the Vaud Cancer Registry datafile over the period 1974-1980 were considered in terms of sex ratios. Overall age-standardized cancer mortality for population aged 35-64 showed only a moderate decline in males (from 230 to 221/100,000), but a substantial one in females (from 191 to 152/100,000). Mortality from most cancer sites (except gallbladder and thyroid) was persistently higher in males, the male/female ratio ranging between 1.2 for intestines, skin, brain and lympho-reticular neoplasms to about 2 for stomach or pancreas, up to 7-10 for lung and cancers related to tobacco and alcohol (mouth or pharynx, oesophagus). The sex ratio for lung cancer increased between the early 1950's and the mid 1960's, but noticeably declined thereafter, probably reflecting trends in smoking prevalence among subsequent generations of Swiss males and females. Less obvious is the substantial increase in the sex ratio for liver cancer (from 1.6 to 5.7), which was evident in younger middle age, too. Population-based cancer survival statistics indicated that for most common sites rates were appreciably higher in females than in males. Thus, better survival explains part of the advantage in cancer mortality for women. This can be related to earlier diagnosis, better compliance or responsiveness to treatment, although there is no obvious single interpretation for this generalized more favourable pattern in females.
L'hormonoradiothérapie concomitante est utilisée depuis plusieurs années en pratique clinique quotidienne dans les cancers localement évolués de la prostate. Le transfert de ce concept en pathologie mammaire a été très peu rapporté dans la littérature, mais semble pourtant licite devant l'hormonodépendance fréquente des cancers du sein et la synergie potentielle de ces deux armes thérapeutiques. En situation adjuvante, deux stratégies sont actuellement utilisées : la prescription d'un inhibiteur de l'aromatase d'emblée ou après un délai plus ou moins long de tamoxifène. En pratique, ces molécules peuvent donc interagir avec la radiothérapie adjuvante. Les études rétrospectives récemment publiées n'ont pas mis en évidence de différence significative sur l'incidence des évènements, notamment locorégionaux, de l'association concomitante ou séquentielle du tamoxifène à la radiothérapie. La toxicité de l'association reste discutable en termes de fibroses sous-cutanée et pulmonaire. Il semble que le tamoxifène aggraverait les séquelles postradiques uniquement chez les patientes prédisposées à souffrir d'effets tardifs de la radiothérapie et identifiées par un test prédictif biologique. La prudence reste donc encore de mise du moins pour ces patientes. Cet article détaille les avantages et les risques de l'utilisation concomitante de la radiothérapie et de l'hormonothérapie adjuvantes des cancers localisés du sein. Combined radiation and hormone therapies have become common clinical practice in recent years for locally-advanced prostate cancers. The use of such concomitant therapy in the treatment of breast disease has been infrequently reported in the literature, but seems justified given the common hormonal dependence of breast cancer and the potential synergistic effect of these two treatment modalities. As adjuvant therapy, two strategies are used in daily clinical practice: upfront aromatase inhibitors or sequentially after a variable delay of tamoxifen. These molecules may, thus, interact with radiotherapy. Retrospectives studies recently published did not show any differences in terms of locoregional recurrences between concurrent or sequential radiohormonotherapy. Lung and skin fibroses due to concurrent treatment are still under debate. Nevertheless, late side effects appeared to be increased by such a treatment, particularly in hypersensitive patients identified at risk by the lymphocyte predictive test. Concurrent radiohormonotherapy should, thus, be delivered cautiously at least for these patients. This article details the potent advantages and risks of concurrent use of adjuvant hormonotherapy and radiotherapy in localized breast cancers.
Several diseases can be prevented either by primary prevention, such as immunisation or behavioural counselling, or secondary prevention such as screening. The new clinical recommendations include screening of abdominal aortic aneurysm among male smokers and ex-smokers aged between 65 and 75 years and the extension of breast cancer screening by mammography for women aged between 40 and 49 years, as well as screening for diabetes among patients with hypertension or dyslipidemia.
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: A multicentric study was set up to assess the feasibility for Swiss cancer registries of actively retrieving 3 additional variables of epidemiological and a etiological relevance for melanoma, and of potential use for the evaluation of prevention campaigns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The skin type, family history of melanoma and precise anatomical site were retrieved for melanoma cases registered in 5 Swiss cantons (Neuchâtel, St-Gall and Appenzell, Vaud and Wallis) over 3 to 6 consecutive years (1995-2002). Data were obtained via a short questionnaire administered by the physicians - mostly dermatologists - who originally excised the lesions. As the detailed body site was routinely collected in Ticino, data from this Cancer Registry were included in the body site analysis. Relative melanoma density (RMD) was computed by the ratio of observed to expected numbers of melanomas allowing for body site surface areas, and further adjusted for site-specific melanocyte density. RESULTS: Of the 1,645 questionnaires sent, 1,420 (86.3%) were returned. The detailed cutaneous site and skin type were reliably obtained for 84.7% and 78.7% of questionnaires, and family history was known in 76% of instances. Prevalence of sun-sensitive subjects and patients with melanoma affected first-degree relatives, two target groups for early detection and surveillance campaigns were 54.1% and 3.4%, respectively. After translation into the 4th digit of the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, the anatomical site codes from printed (original information) and pictorial support (body chart from the questionnaire) concurred for 94.6% of lesions. Discrepancies occurred mostly for lesions on the upper, outer part of the shoulder for which the clinician's textual description was "shoulder blade". This differential misclassification suggests under-estimation by about 10% of melanomas of the upper limbs and an over-estimation of 5% for truncal melanomas. Sites of highest melanoma risk were the face, the shoulder and the upper arm for sexes, the back for men and the leg for women. Three major features of this series were: (1) an unexpectedly high RMD for the face in women (6.2 vs 4.2 in men), (2) the absence of a male predominance for melanomas on the ears, and (3) for the upper limbs, a steady gradient of increasing melanoma density with increasing proximity to the trunk, regardless of sex. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The feasibility of retrieving the skin type, the precise anatomical location and family history of melanoma in a reliable manner was demonstrated thanks to the collaboration of Swiss dermatologists. Use of a schematic body drawing improves the quality of the anatomical site data and facilitate the reporting task of doctors. Age and sex patterns of RMD paralleled general indicators of sun exposure and behaviour, except for the hand (RMD=0.2). These Swiss results support some site or sun exposure specificity in the aetiology of melanoma.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the role of postoperative radiotherapy (RT) in Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC). METHODS AND MATERIALS: A retrospective multicenter study was performed in 180 patients with MCC treated between February 1988 and September 2009. Patients who had had surgery alone were compared with patients who received surgery and postoperative RT or radical RT. Local relapse-free survival (LRFS), regional relapse-free survival (RRFS), and distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS) rates were assessed together with disease-free survival (DFS), cancer-specific survival (CSS), and overall survival (OS) rates. RESULTS: Seventy-nine patients were male and 101 patients were female, and the median age was 73 years old (range, 38-93 years). The majority of patients had localized disease (n = 146), and the remaining patients had regional lymph node metastasis (n = 34). Forty-nine patients underwent surgery for the primary tumor without postoperative RT to the primary site; the other 131 patients received surgery for the primary tumor, followed by postoperative RT (n = 118) or a biopsy of the primary tumor followed by radical RT (n = 13). Median follow-up was 5 years (range, 0.2-16.5 years). Patients in the RT group had improved LRFS (93% vs. 64%; p < 0.001), RRFS (76% vs. 27%; p < 0.001), DMFS (70% vs. 42%; p = 0.01), DFS (59% vs. 4%; p < 0.001), and CSS (65% vs. 49%; p = 0.03) rates compared to patients who underwent surgery for the primary tumor alone; LRFS, RRFS, DMFS, and DFS rates remained significant with multivariable Cox regression analysis. However OS was not significantly improved by postoperative RT (56% vs. 46%; p = 0.2). CONCLUSIONS: After multivariable analysis, postoperative RT was associated with improved outcome and seems to be an important component in the multimodality treatment of MCC.
Experimental and clinical evidence indicates that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors may have anti-cancer activities. Here we report on a patient with a metastatic melanoma of the leg who experienced a complete and sustained regression of skin metastases upon continuous single treatment with the cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor rofecoxib. Our observations indicate that the inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 can lead to the regression of disseminated skin melanoma metastases, even after failure of chemotherapy.
For several years now, substantial efforts have been devoted to the development and the implementation of a screening program for breast cancer in the Canton of Vaud. A four-year pilot phase is now starting, involving two regional hospitals with their catchment areas; women over 50 and under 70 years old will be invited to participate in the program. A double view mammography will be made, with a double reading made by the hospital radiologists; a third reading will be made in case of discrepancy between the two first radiologists. Patients classified as positive for screening (e.g., with a suspect radiological image) will be referred to their practitioner for further diagnosis and treatment. The medical and public health background of this program is discussed, more specifically the reasons for developing a screening program, the choice of mammography rather than other tools, and the need to implement screening as an organized program.
Le Programme de dépistage du cancer du sein BEJUNE a démarré en mai 2005 dans le canton du Jura, s'est étendu au canton de Neuchâtel en mai 2007 et englobe le Jura bernois depuis janvier 2009. Ses buts sont de promouvoir, organiser, gérer et mener à bien une action de dépistage auprès de la population féminine dans la tranche d'âge de 50 à 69 ans révolus (environ 42'000 femmes). [...] Ce rapport constitue, après 5 ans et demi d'activité, la première évaluation épidémiologique du Programme de dépistage du cancer du sein BEJUNE. Cette évaluation a été réalisée par l'Unité d'épidémiologie du cancer (UEC) de l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive de Lausanne (IUMSP) qui jouit d'une longue expérience dans le domaine. Dans ce rapport, on analyse le fonctionnement, la participation, la qualité et l'efficacité précoce du programme. Les indicateurs de performance retenus suivent les recommandations européennes et les directives émises par la Fédération suisse des programmes de dépistage du cancer du sein. Entre mai 2005 et novembre 2010, plus de 37'000 mammographies ont été réalisées dans 11 Centres/Instituts de radiologie. Les 6750 examens effectués annuellement correspondent à un volume de 420 mammographies par radiologue: 380 pour les 1e lecteurs et 1300 pour les 2e lecteurs (auxquels s'ajoutent les lectures réalisées dans le cadre d'un autre programme cantonal). [...] [Auteurs, p. 5]
The rate of energy expenditure was repeatedly measured by indirect calorimetry both in the basal state (BMR) and in the resting fed state (RMR) in 8 middle-aged male patients operated for oropharyngeal cancer. In the postsurgical phase, two sequential energy levels were administered by nasogastric tube: (1) a 'maintenance' level (days 3-5) at 1.4 X measured presurgery BMR; (2) a 'supramaintenance' level (days 6-9) at 1.7 X measured BMR on day 6. Before surgery the patients had a BMR averaging (23.7 +/- 1.0 kcal/kg.day). After surgery BMR increased to 27.6 +/- 2.7 kcal/kg.day (day 6), then it decreased to 24.4 +/- 1.4 kcal/kg.day (day 10). The difference between RMR and BMR yielded a nutrient-induced thermogenesis averaging 5 +/- 1 and 8.5 +/- 2% (p less than 0.05) on levels 1 and 2, respectively. It is concluded that an energy level corresponding to 1.4 X presurgery BMR is sufficient to maintain energy and substrate equilibrium in nondepleted patients, whereas 1.7 X BMR induces positive protein and fat balances concomitant to a decrease efficiency of energy utilization.
PURPOSE: Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pathways have significantly reduced complications and length of hospital stay after colorectal procedures. This multimodal concept could probably be partially applied to major urological surgery. OBJECTIVES: The primary objective was to systematically assess the evidence of ERAS single items and protocols applied to cystectomy patients. The secondary objective was to address a grade of recommendation to each item, based on the evidence and, if lacking, on consensus opinion from our ERAS Society working group. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: A systematic literature review was performed on ERAS for cystectomy by searching EMBASE and Medline. Relevant articles were selected and quality-assessed by two independent reviewers using the GRADE approach. If no study specific to cystectomy was available for any of the 22 given items, the authors evaluated whether colorectal guidelines could be extrapolated. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Overall, 804 articles were retrieved from electronic databases. Fifteen articles were included in the present systematic review and 7 of 22 ERAS items were studied. Bowel preparation did not improve outcomes. Early nasogastric tube removal reduced morbidity, bowel recovery time and length of hospital stay. Doppler-guided fluid administration allowed for reduced morbidity. A quicker bowel recovery was observed with a multimodal prevention of ileus, including gum chewing, prevention of PONV and minimally invasive surgery. CONCLUSIONS: ERAS has not yet been widely implemented in urology and evidence for individual interventions is limited or unavailable. The experience in other surgical disciplines encourages the development of an ERAS protocol for cystectomy.
Purpose: Letrozole (LET) has recently been shown to be superior to tamoxifen for postmenopausal patients (pts). In addition, LET radiosensitizes breast cancer cells in vitro. We conducted a phase II randomized study to evaluate concurrent and sequential radiotherapy (RT)-LET in the adjuvant setting. We present here clinical results with a minimum follow-up of 24 months. Patients and Methods: Postmenopausal pts with early-stage breast cancer were randomized after conservative surgery to either: A) concurrent RT-LET (LET started 3 weeks before the first day of RT) or B) sequential RT-LET (LET started 3 weeks after the end of RT). Whole breast RT was delivered to a total dose of 50 Gy. A 10-16 Gy boost was allowed according to age and pathological prognostic factors. Pts were stratified by center, adjuvant chemotherapy, boost, and radiation-induced CD8 apoptosis (RILA). RILA was performed before RT as previously published (Ozsahin et al. Clin Cancer Res, 2005). An independent monitoring committee reviewed individual safety data. Skin toxicities were evaluated by two different clinicians at each medical visit (CTCAE v3.0). Lung CT-scan and functional pulmonary tests were performed regularly. DNA samples were screened for SNPs in candidate genes as recently published (Azria et al., Clin Cancer Res, 2008). Results: A total of 150 pts were randomized between 01/05 and 02/07. Median follow-up is 26 months (range, 3-40 months). No statistical differences were identified between the two arms in terms of mean age; initial TNM; median surgical bed volume; post surgical breast volume. Chemotherapy and RT boost were delivered in 19% and 38% of pts, respectively. Nodes received 50 Gy in 23% of patients without differences between both arms. During RT and within the first 6 weeks after RT, 10 patients (6.7%) presented grade 3 acute skin dermatitis during RT but no differences were observed between both arms (4 and 6 patients in arm A and B, respectively). At 26 month of follow-up, grade 2 and more radiation-induced subcutaneous fibrosis (RISCF) was present in 4 patients (3%) without any difference between arm A (n = 2) and B (n = 2), p=0.93. In both arms, all patients that presented a RICSF had a RILA lower than 16%. Sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 39%, respectively.No acute lung toxicities were observed and quality of life was good to excellent for all patients.SNPs analyses are still on-going (Pr Rosenstein, NY). Conclusion: Acute and early late grade 2 dermatitis were similar in both arms. The only factor that influenced RISCF was a low radiation-induced lymphocyte apoptosis yield. We confirmed prospectively the capacity of RILA for identifying hypersensitive patients to radiation. Indeed, patients with RILA superior to 16% did not present late effects to radiation and confirmed the first prospective trial we published in 2005 (Ozsahin et al., Clin Cancer Res).
One-hundred patients treated with curative radiotherapy (RT) ± chemotherapy (CT) for an anal canal carcinoma (T1-4N0-3M0) were retrospectively analyzed. Five- and 10-year local control (LC) rates were 73% and 67%, respectively. Acute and late G3-G4 toxicity rates were 32% and 12%, respectively. Two patients underwent a colostomy for a G4 anal toxicity. This study confirms the outcomes of RT ± CT in the treatment of anal canal cancer. Concomitant CT and LC statistically influenced Overall Survival and Colostomy-Free Survival. CT also statistically reduced the risk of nodal relapse. High rates of acute skin toxicity impose tailored volumes and techniques of irradiation.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between cigarette smoking and endometrial cancer risk by investigating potential modifying effects of menopausal status, obesity, and exogenous hormones. We pooled data from three case-control studies with the same study design conducted in Italy and Switzerland between 1982 and 2006. Overall, 1446 incident endometrial cancers and 4076 hospital controls were enrolled. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using logistic regression models, conditioned on study and centre, and adjusted for age, period of interview, age at menarche, parity, and body mass index. In comparison with never smokers, current smokers showed reduced endometrial cancer risk (OR: 0.80; 95% CI: 0.66-0.96), with a 28% decrease in risk for smoking >/=20 cigarettes/day. The association did not vary according to menopausal status, oral contraceptive use, or hormone replacement therapy. However, heterogeneity emerged according to body mass index among postmenopausal women, with obese women showing the greatest risk reduction for current smoking (OR: 0.47; 95% CI: 0.27-0.81). In postmenopausal women, obesity turned out to be an important modifier of the association between cigarette smoking and the risk of endometrial cancer. This finding calls for caution in interpreting the favorable effects of cigarette smoking, considering the toxic and carcinogenic effects of tobacco.