153 resultados para Situation Centers


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In recent years, several screening tests for subclinical atherosclerosis have been developed. The aim of these tests is to be able to better target preventive therapies to patients at high cardiovascular risk. However, the validity of these screening tests has not been well established for wide use in clinical practice. Being aware of these tests results might also enhance patient motivation to change unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking. However, the effectiveness of such strategy has been poorly studied. Early therapy of atherosclerosis has not been shown to improve clinical outcomes yet. Moreover, potential harms of such screening, such as induced anxiety, have been poorly studied. Although promising, such screening should be validated by clinical trials before routine use in clinical practice.


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Descriptors: music performance anxiety, respiration, hyperventilation Surveys indicate that high-anxious musicians may suffer from hyperventilation (HV) before or during performance. Reported symptoms include shortness of breath, fast/ deep breathing and thumping heart. However, no study has yet tested if these selfreported symptoms reflect actual cardiorespiratory activity. Themain goal of this study was to determine if MPA is manifested physiologically in specific correlates of cardiorespiratory activity associated with HV.We studied 74 professional music students from Swiss Music Academies. In this study, we compared the most anxious students (highanxious; n 5 20) with the least anxious students (low-anxious; n 5 23) based on their self-reported performance anxiety. We measured cardiorespiratory patterns with the Lifeshirt system, end-tidal CO2 with a capnograph (EtCO2, a good non-invasive estimator of HV), self-perceived physiological activation and affective experience in three situations on different days: baseline, performance without audience, and performance with audience. Comparing measures for the private vs. the public concert, high- compared to low-anxious students showed a significant drop in EtCO2 before the public concert and reported larger increases in anxiety, tension, palpitations and breathing difficulties. In contrast, heart rate, respiratory rate and volume did not differ significantly between groups. The results of this study support the hypothesis thatMPA may be associated with a tendency to hyperventilate and, thus, point to a potential hyperventilation problem in high-anxious music students.


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L'importance des proches et le rôle primordial des relations familiales pour l'adaptation et l'ajustement psychologique des individus sont largement reconnus. Cependant, peu d'études ont considéré que, dans la modernité avancée, les réseaux de proches ou familiaux sont diversifiés, caractérisés par des interdépendances complexes. La littérature sur les relations interpersonnelles et l'adaptation a négligé cette diversité et omis que les interdépendances structurales, de soutien mais aussi de conflit, pouvaient s'avérer importantes à considérer en regard de l'adaptation et de l'ajustement psychologique des individus. La présente thèse apporte des éléments de compréhension sur le lien entre les configurations de proches et l'adaptation individuelle dans le parcours de vie, en se centrant sur des individus en situation de vulnérabilité, que ce soit parce qu'ils font l'expérience d'une transition importante de leur parcours, ou en raison d'un manque de ressources psychologiques, cognitives et/ou sociales. Des résultats empiriques éclairent quatre grands axes de questionnement portant sur les ressources et le stress présents dans les interdépendances au sein des configurations familiales et de proches, sur leur association avec l'ajustement psychologique des individus, sur leur évolution au cours du temps, ainsi que sur la façon dont ces interdépendances sont façonnées par les trajectoires de vie. Les résultats mettent en évidence une diversité de configurations familiales ou de proches, qui donne lieu à des degrés inégaux de ressources, significativement associées à l'ajustement psychologique. Cependant, les interdépendances au sein des configurations ne constituent que rarement des ressources ou un facteur protecteur pour les individus en situation de vulnérabilité mais, au contraire, elles génèrent du stress supplémentaire. L'exploration longitudinale met en évidence une importante instabilité dans les configurations familiales et de proches des individus en situation de vulnérabilité qui compromet leur adaptation et leur ajustement psychologique.


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In order to prevent disparities in the management of breast cancer having a direct impact on the prognosis of patients, to promote early detection and optimal treatment while considering the quality of life of patients, Breast Centers are being set up in Switzerland on the basis of existing models in Europe. The centers provide also follow-up of patients and are submitted to certification criteria established by the Swiss Society of Senology and the Swiss Cancer League. These criteria include in particular the expertise of specialists based on a sufficient volume of activity and training, compliance with recommendations of clinical practice, integration of supportive care and timeliness of care. The certification process is voluntary. A database enables the regular assessment of the provided care and of the compliance with standards. The aim and the modalities of the creation of the Breast Centers are discussed.


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The authors summarise their state of knowledge about wood ants and their role in the forest ecosystem. They also describe the situation in Switzerland, their past development and their conservation status. In several re- gions, mainly in the Plateau, wood ants seem to diminish, despite their total protection since 1966. The reasons for this regression are not well known, but the fragmentation of forest habitats in the Plateau region and direct damage to ant nests seem to play a certain role. A new project in which the development of wood ant nests is monitored in Swiss forest reserves (Formica-Forêts-CH) was recently started in the Swiss national park. It is to be extended, in collaboration with the forest services, over the whole of Switzerland.


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Detection of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is a cost-effective procedure in patients at high risk of developing tuberculosis later and who could benefit from preventive treatment. The commonest situation where screening is indicated is the search for infected contacts of an index case with pulmonary tuberculosis. As a screening procedure the current tendency is to replace the time-honoured tuberculin skin test by one of the new blood tests measuring the release of interferon gamma by sensitised T lymphocytes after stimulation by specific peptides from M. tuberculosis. The main advantage of the new tests is the absence of interference with BCG and non-tuberculous mycobacteria, which confers high specificity on the test. This allows a more selective choice of persons for whom preventive treatment is indicated. Some controversial issues remain, such as sensitivity in children and immunocompromised subjects, the predictive value of the blood test and interpretation of possible changes in test results over time. The technical aspects required for performance of the tests must be considered.


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Following 15 years of experimental studies, tumor immunotargeting using monoclonal antibodies directed against tumor associated antigens shows now important monoclonal antibodies directed against tumor associated antigens shows now important clinical developments. This is mainly due to encouraging therapeutic results which have obtained using humanized antibodies such as the anti-CD20 rituximab in follicular B lymphomas and the anti-DrbB2 herceptin in breast carcinomas. Thanks to genetic engineering it is possible to graft variable or hypervariable regions from murine antibodies to human IgG, and even to obtain fully human antibodies by using either transgenic mice containing a large part of the human repertoire of human IgG, or selection of human antibody fragments expressed by phages. Radiolabeling of antibodies played a major role to demonstrate the tumor immunotargeting specificity and remains attractive for the diagnosis by immunoscintigraphy as well as for the treatment by radioimmunotherapy of some cancers. In this review, the current results and the prospects of diagnostic and therapeutic uses of anti-tumor antibodies and their fragments will be described. Concerning diagnosis, 123-iodine or 99m-technetium labeled Fab fragments allowed very demonstrative tumor images but this technique has a limited effect upon the therapeutic attitude. Immuno-PET (positron emission tomography) could enhance the sensitivity of this imaging method. Radio-immunoguided surgery and immunophotodetection are attractive techniques still under evaluation. Concerning therapy, 131-iodine labeled anti-CD20 antibodies gave spectacular results in non-Hodgkin's B lymphomas. In solid tumors which as less radiosensitive, radioimmunotherapy could concern small tumors and need the use of two-steps targeting and/or alpha emitters radioisotopes. Some other strategies will be described such as bispecific antibodies directed against tumors and immune effector cells, some antibody fragments expressed on T cells called T-bodies or some biological studies using intrabodies. Published data and works in progress demonstrate that immunotargeting of tumors will have a growing place in the treatments of cancer patients.


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Objectifs: Faire le point sur les connaissances concernant la contraception post-coïtale (CPC) et son utilisation par les adolescentes, et réunir les recommandations utiles aux médecins prescripteurs. Matériel et méthodes: La revue de littérature concernant la CPC et les résultats d'une enquête concernant les comportements sexuels des adolescents de 16-20 ans en Suisse sont utilisés. Résultats: Plusieurs méthodes peuvent être utilisées incluant les oestroprogestatifs et les progestatifs seuls. C'est surtout à l'occasion de rupture de préservatif, d'oubli de pilule ou d'absence de contraception que la CPC peut être utile. Les adolescents sexuellement actifs semblent connaître l'existence de la CPC et 20% des jeunes filles y ont eu recours en Suisse. Mais les obstacles qui limitent l'accès à la CPC sont nombreux au niveau de l'information et de la qualité des services dans cette situation d'urgence. Discussion et conclusion: La sensibilisation des adolescents et des jeunes aux conditions d'utilisation de la CPC est nécessaire, et doit être associée à un effort de formation des professionnels et de qualité des services pour faciliter l'accès à la CPC. Mots-clefs: contraception d?urgence, contraception post-coïtale, pilule du lendemain, adolescents.<br/><br/>Purpose: To describe and analyze emergency contraception (EC) awareness and use among sexually active Swiss teenagers. Methods: Anonymous computerized questionnaires were distributed to a national representative sample of 4283 in-school adolescents (aged 16 to 20 years) in high schools and professional centers. Young people who were sexually active (51.5% of the sample: 1058 girls and 1073 boys) responded to questions on EC awareness and use and on sexual perception, attitude and behaviors. Univariate analyses and multiple regression analyses were used to describe EC awareness and use and their correlates. Results: Most of the sexually active girls (89.3%) and boys (75.2%) knew of the existence of EC. Of girls, 20% reported having used EC, and the majority of them used it only once (64.1%) or twice (18.5%). EC awareness was positively associated with the father's level of education (girls: odds ratio:5.18), and the scholastic curriculum of the respondent. Gender differences in the correlates of EC awareness demonstrate that girls who had a confidant, or a group of friends or boys of Swiss nationality and those who have had the opportunity to discuss the issue of contraception declare greater awareness of EC. EC use was higher among girls who lived in urban areas (odds ratio: 1.91) and occasionally had unprotected intercourse. We did not find any significant difference in the profile of multiple vs. one-time users. Conclusion: EC awareness and use should be improved through better information and accessibility, especially among teenagers who place themselves in at-risk situations. Keywords: Adolescents, Emergency contraception, Gender differences, Teenage pregnancy prevention, Switzerland.