145 resultados para Radio communications channel
OBJECTIVE: Pseudohypoaldosteronism type I (PHA1) is a rare inborn disease causing severe salt loss. Mutations in the three coding genes of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) are responsible for the systemic autosomal recessive form. So far, no phenotype has been reported in heterozygous carriers. PATIENTS: A consanguineous family from Somalia giving birth to a neonate suffering from PHA1 was studied including clinical and hormonal characteristics of the family, mutational analysis of the SCNN1A, SCNN1B, SCNN1G and CFTR genes and in vitro analysis of the functional consequences of a mutant ENaC channel. RESULTS: CFTR mutations have been excluded. SCNN1A gene analysis revealed a novel homozygous c.1684T > C mutation resulting in a S562P substitution in the alphaENaC protein of the patient. Functional analysis showed a significantly reduced S562P channel function compared to ENaC wild type. Protein synthesis and channel subunit assembly were not altered by the S562P mutation. Co-expression of mutant and wild-type channels revealed a dominant negative effect. In heterozygote carriers, sweat sodium and chloride concentrations were increased without additional hormonal or clinical phenotypes. CONCLUSION: Hence, the novel mutation S562P is causing systemic PHA1 in the homozygous state. A thorough clinical investigation of the heterozygote SCNN1A mutation carriers revealed increased sweat sodium and chloride levels consistent with a dominant effect of the mutant S562P allele. Whether this subclinical phenotype is of any consequence for the otherwise asymptomatic heterozygous carriers has to be elucidated.
The Champlain Sea clays of Eastern Canada are incised by numerous rivers. Their slopes have been modified by landslides: on the Chacoura River near Trois-Rivières (Quebec), several large landslide scars, more or less recent, are visible. The role of erosion (channel incision, lateral channel migration and erosion of slopes due to agricultural drainage) as a trigger of these landslides is important. The aim of this study is to understand how erosion and landslides are related to valley development. From a detailed analysis of aerial photographs and DEMs, a map of the phenomena has been drawn by identifying various elements such as landslides, limits of the slope, position of the channel, and the area covered by forest. It is shown that channel change and erosion are strongly linked to landslides by the fact that they change the bank morphology in an unstable way. A slide in itself is a natural way for the slope to achieve stability. But when it occurs in a stream, it creates a disturbance to the stream flow enhancing local erosion which may change the river path and generate more erosion downstream or upstream resulting in more slides. Cross-valley sections and a longitudinal profile show that landslides are a major factor of valley formation. It appears that the upper part of the Chacoura River valley is still unaffected by landslides and has V-shaped sections. The lower part has been subject to intense erosion and many landslide scars can be seen. This shows that the valley morphology is transient, and that future activity is more likely to occur in the upper part of the river. Therefore the identification of areas prone to erosion will help determine the possible location of future large landslides just like the ones that occurred in the lower part.
BACKGROUND: Sodium channel NaV1.5 underlies cardiac excitability and conduction. The last 3 residues of NaV1.5 (Ser-Ile-Val) constitute a PDZ domain-binding motif that interacts with PDZ proteins such as syntrophins and SAP97 at different locations within the cardiomyocyte, thus defining distinct pools of NaV1.5 multiprotein complexes. Here, we explored the in vivo and clinical impact of this motif through characterization of mutant mice and genetic screening of patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: To investigate in vivo the regulatory role of this motif, we generated knock-in mice lacking the SIV domain (ΔSIV). ΔSIV mice displayed reduced NaV1.5 expression and sodium current (INa), specifically at the lateral myocyte membrane, whereas NaV1.5 expression and INa at the intercalated disks were unaffected. Optical mapping of ΔSIV hearts revealed that ventricular conduction velocity was preferentially decreased in the transversal direction to myocardial fiber orientation, leading to increased anisotropy of ventricular conduction. Internalization of wild-type and ΔSIV channels was unchanged in HEK293 cells. However, the proteasome inhibitor MG132 rescued ΔSIV INa, suggesting that the SIV motif is important for regulation of NaV1.5 degradation. A missense mutation within the SIV motif (p.V2016M) was identified in a patient with Brugada syndrome. The mutation decreased NaV1.5 cell surface expression and INa when expressed in HEK293 cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate the in vivo significance of the PDZ domain-binding motif in the correct expression of NaV1.5 at the lateral cardiomyocyte membrane and underline the functional role of lateral NaV1.5 in ventricular conduction. Furthermore, we reveal a clinical relevance of the SIV motif in cardiac disease.
The highly amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel ENaC is well known to be involved in controlling whole body sodium homeostasis and lung liquid clearance. ENaC expression has also been detected in the skin of amphibians and mammals. Mice lacking ENaC expression lose rapidly weight associated with an epidermal barrier defect that develops following birth. This dehydration is accompanied with a highly abnormal lipid matrix composition and an impaired skin surface acidification. This strongly suggests a role of ENaC in the maturation of barrier function rather than in the prenatal generation of the barrier, and may be as such an important modulator for skin hydration. In parallel, gene targeting experiments of regulators of ENaC activity, membrane serine proteases, also termed channel activating proteases, like CAP1/Prss8 and matriptase/MT-SP1 by themselves have been shown to be crucial for the epidermal barrier function. In our review, we mainly focus on the role of ENaC and its regulators in the skin and discuss their importance in the epidermal permeability barrier function.
The epithelial sodium channel ENaC is physiologically important in the kidney for the regulation of the extracellular fluid volume, and in the lungs for the maintenance of the appropriate airway surface liquid volume that lines the pulmonary epithelium. Besides the regulation of ENaC by hormones, intracellular factors such as Na(+) ions, pH, or Ca(2+) are responsible for fast adaptive responses of ENaC activity to changes in the intracellular milieu. In this study, we show that ENaC is rapidly and reversibly inhibited by internal sulfhydryl-reactive molecules such as methanethiosulfonate derivatives of different sizes, the metal cations Cd(2+) and Zn(2+), or copper(II) phenanthroline, a mild oxidizing agent that promotes the formation of disulfide bonds. At the single channel level, these agents applied intracellularly induce the appearance of long channel closures, suggesting an effect on ENaC gating. The intracellular reducing agent dithiothreitol fully reverses the rundown of ENaC activity in inside-out patches. Our observations suggest that changes in intracellular redox potential modulate ENaC activity and may regulate ENaC-mediated Na(+) transport in epithelia. Finally, substitution experiments reveal that multiple cysteine residues in the amino and carboxyl termini of ENaC subunits are responsible for this thiol-mediated inhibition of ENaC.
The impact of curative radiotherapy depends mainly on the total dose delivered homogenously in the targeted volume. Nevertheless, the dose delivery is limited by the tolerated dose of the surrounding healthy tissues. Two different side effects (acute and late) can occur during and after radiotherapy. Of particular interest are the radiation-induced sequelae due to their irreversibility and the potential impact on daily quality of life. In a population treated in one center with the same technique, it appears that individual radiosensitivity clearly exists. In the hypothesis that genetic is involved in this area of research, lymphocytes seem to be the tissue of choice due to easy accessibility. Recently, low percentage of CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte apoptosis were shown to be correlated with high grade of sequelae. In addition, recent data suggest that patients with severe radiation-induced late side effects possess four or more SNP in candidate genes (ATM, SOD2, TGFB1, XRCC1 et XRCC3) and low radiation-induced CD8 lymphocyte apoptosis in vitro.
Marked differences in the tumor uptake of a 125I-labeled monoclonal antibody (MAb) directed against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were observed in 4 serially transplanted human colorectal carcinomas in nude mice. A comparative study showed that elevated values of measurable tumor vascular parameters, such as permeability, blood flow and blood volume, correlated better with high MAb tumor uptake than the concentration of target antigen in the tumor. In an attempt to modify the vascular parameters and to determine if this could increase antibody uptake by the tumor, rhTNF alpha (TNF) was injected i.t. or i.v. and antibody localization experiments were performed immediately thereafter. Results showed that the permeability of the tumor vessels increased 8 to 10 fold 1 hr after i.t. injection of TNF as compared to control tumors injected with saline. Tumor uptake of 125I-labeled anti-CEA MAb, was 3 times higher 2 hr after i.v. injection and still 27% higher 22 hr later, as compared to results from controls. Intravenous injection of TNF simultaneously with the 125I-labeled anti-CEA MAb also resulted in a 2-fold increase in tumor uptake 4 hr after injection, but the increase was no longer significant 24 hr after injection. Interestingly after i.v. injection of TNF, the MAb concentration in the blood and other normal tissues, such as liver, kidneys, lungs and heart was decreased, resulting in significantly higher ratios of tumor to normal tissue. Taken together the results demonstrate that injection of TNF can increase tumor vascular permeability and improve radio-antibody uptake. This raises the possibility of increasing the radiation dose delivered by antibody to the tumor in the course of radioimmunotherapy.
BACKGROUND: The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is composed of three homologous subunits: alpha, beta, and gamma. Mutations in the Scnn1b and Scnn1g genes, which encode the beta and the gamma subunits of ENaC, cause a severe form of hypertension (Liddle syndrome). The contribution of genetic variants within the Scnn1a gene, which codes for the alpha subunit, has not been investigated. METHODS: We screened for mutations in the COOH termini of the alpha and beta subunits of ENaC. Blood from 184 individuals from 31 families participating in a study on the genetics of hypertension were analyzed. Exons 13 of Scnn1a and Scnn1b, which encode the second transmembrane segment and the COOH termini of alpha- and beta-ENaC, respectively, were amplified from pooled DNA samples of members of each family by PCR. Constant denaturant capillary electrophoresis (CDCE) was used to detect mutations in PCR products of the pooled DNA samples. RESULTS: The detection limit of CDCE for ENaC variants was 1%, indicating that all members of any family or up to 100 individuals can be analyzed in one CDCE run. CDCE profiles of the COOH terminus of alpha-ENaC in pooled family members showed that the 31 families belonged to four groups and identified families with genetic variants. Using this approach, we analyzed 31 rather than 184 samples. Individual CDCE analysis of members from families with different pooled CDCE profiles revealed five genotypes containing 1853G-->T and 1987A-->G polymorphisms. The presence of the mutations was confirmed by DNA sequencing. For the COOH terminus of beta-ENaC, only one family showed a different CDCE profile. Two members of this family (n = 5) were heterozygous at 1781C-->T (T594M). CONCLUSION: CDCE rapidly detects point mutations in these candidate disease genes.
Studies aiming at the elucidation of the genetic basis of rare monogenic forms of hypertension have identified mutations in genes coding for the epithelial sodium channel ENaC, for the mineralocorticoid receptor, or for enzymes crucial for the synthesis of aldosterone. These genetic studies clearly demonstrate the importance of the regulation of Na(+) absorption in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN), for the maintenance of the extracellular fluid volume and blood pressure. Recent studies aiming at a better understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of ENaC-mediated Na(+) absorption in the distal part of nephron, have essentially focused on the regulation ENaC activity and on the aldosterone-signaling cascade. ENaC is a constitutively open channel, and factors controlling the number of active channels at the cell surface are likely to have profound effects on Na(+) absorption in the ASDN, and in the amount of Na(+) that is excreted in the final urine. A number of membrane-bound proteases, kinases, have recently been identified that increase ENaC activity at the cell surface in heterologous expressions systems. Ubiquitylation is a general process that regulates the stability of a variety of target proteins that include ENaC. Recently, deubiquitylating enzymes have been shown to increase ENaC activity in heterologous expressions systems. These regulatory mechanisms are likely to be nephron specific, since in vivo studies indicate that the adaptation of the renal excretion of Na(+) in response to Na(+) diet occurs predominantly in the early part (the connecting tubule) of the ASDN. An important work is presently done to determine in vivo the physiological relevance of these cellular and molecular mechanisms in regulation of ENaC activity. The contribution of the protease-dependent ENaC regulation in mediating Na(+) absorption in the ASDN is still not clearly understood. The signaling pathway that involves ubiquitylation of ENaC does not seem to be absolutely required for the aldosterone-mediated control of ENaC. These in vivo physiological studies presently constitute a major challenge for our understanding of the regulation of ENaC to maintain the Na(+) balance.
Despite large changes in salt intake, the mammalian kidney is able to maintain the extracellular sodium concentration and osmolarity within very narrow margins, thereby controlling blood volume and blood pressure. In the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN), aldosterone tightly controls the activities of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and Na,K-ATPase, the two limiting factors in establishing transepithelial sodium transport. It has been proposed that the ENaC/degenerin gene family is restricted to Metazoans, whereas the α- and β-subunits of Na,K-ATPase have homologous genes in prokaryotes. This raises the question of the emergence of osmolarity control. By exploring recent genomic data of diverse organisms, we found that: 1) ENaC/degenerin exists in all of the Metazoans screened, including nonbilaterians and, by extension, was already present in ancestors of Metazoa; 2) ENaC/degenerin is also present in Naegleria gruberi, an eukaryotic microbe, consistent with either a vertical inheritance from the last common ancestor of Eukaryotes or a lateral transfer between Naegleria and Metazoan ancestors; and 3) The Na,K-ATPase β-subunit is restricted to Holozoa, the taxon that includes animals and their closest single-cell relatives. Since the β-subunit of Na,K-ATPase plays a key role in targeting the α-subunit to the plasma membrane and has an additional function in the formation of cell junctions, we propose that the emergence of Na,K-ATPase, together with ENaC/degenerin, is linked to the development of multicellularity in the Metazoan kingdom. The establishment of multicellularity and the associated extracellular compartment ("internal milieu") precedes the emergence of other key elements of the aldosterone signaling pathway.
Résumé: La qualité de l'implantation d'une prothèse totale du genou est un facteur essentiel déterminant le résultat clinique à long terme. L'alignement postopératoire des membres inférieurs est considéré comme le facteur influençant le plus la survie à long terme d'une arthroplastie du genou. Au vu du haut degré de corrélation entre les complications post-opératoires et les malpositionnements prothétiques, les chirurgiens ont tenté de développer durant ces deux dernières décennies des instruments chirurgicaux améliorant la précision d'implantation. Depuis le début des années 90, de nouvelles instrumentations assistées par ordinateur ont été proposées. Actuellement, en chirurgie prothétique du genou, la plus utilisée de ces techniques est le système de navigation OrthoPilot® qui permet, grâce à une station de navigation et des émetteurs infrarouges, de contrôler en continu pendant l'opération, l'axe mécanique du membre inférieur et de vérifier la précision des coupes osseuses. Le but de cette étude de cohorte appareillée rétrospective est de comparer les résultats clinique et radiologiques de deux collectifs de patients (32 patients dans chaque groupe) comparables (âge, sexe, BMI, degré d'arthrose, recul postopératoire), opérés avec le même type de prothèse (prothèse à glissement tricompartimental postérieurement stabilisée), soit avec le système de navigation Orthopilot®, soit à l'aide de l'instrumentation ancillaire mécanique classique. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la technique chirurgicale supportée par le système de navigation Orthopilot® est fiable et aisément reproductible. Par rapport à l'instrumentation manuelle, l'instrumentation assistée améliore significativement la précision de pose du composant tibial dans le plan frontal. Cependant entre des mains expérimentées, la technique d'alignement mécanique classique, plus simple, reste performante (coût modique, temps opératoire plus court et sans risque de défaillance technique).
The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is highly selective for Na+ and Li+ over K+ and is blocked by the diuretic amiloride. ENaC is a heterotetramer made of two alpha, one beta, and one gamma homologous subunits, each subunit comprising two transmembrane segments. Amino acid residues involved in binding of the pore blocker amiloride are located in the pre-M2 segment of beta and gamma subunits, which precedes the second putative transmembrane alpha helix (M2). A residue in the alpha subunit (alphaS589) at the NH2 terminus of M2 is critical for the molecular sieving properties of ENaC. ENaC is more permeable to Li+ than Na+ ions. The concentration of half-maximal unitary conductance is 38 mM for Na+ and 118 mM for Li+, a kinetic property that can account for the differences in Li+ and Na+ permeability. We show here that mutation of amino acid residues at homologous positions in the pre-M2 segment of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits (alphaG587, betaG529, gammaS541) decreases the Li+/Na+ selectivity by changing the apparent channel affinity for Li+ and Na+. Fitting single-channel data of the Li+ permeation to a discrete-state model including three barriers and two binding sites revealed that these mutations increased the energy needed for the translocation of Li+ from an outer ion binding site through the selectivity filter. Mutation of betaG529 to Ser, Cys, or Asp made ENaC partially permeable to K+ and larger ions, similar to the previously reported alphaS589 mutations. We conclude that the residues alphaG587 to alphaS589 and homologous residues in the beta and gamma subunits form the selectivity filter, which tightly accommodates Na+ and Li+ ions and excludes larger ions like K+.
Personal results are presented to illustrate the development of immunoscintigraphy for the detection of cancer over the last 12 years, from the early experimental results in nude mice grafted with human colon carcinoma to the most modern form of immunoscintigraphy applied to patients, using I123 labeled Fab fragments from monoclonal anti-CEA antibodies detected by single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT). The first generation of immunoscintigraphy used I131 labeled, immunoadsorbent purified, polyclonal anti-CEA antibodies and planar scintigraphy, as the detection system. The second generation used I131 labeled monoclonal anti-CEA antibodies and SPECT, while the third generation employed I123 labeled fragments of monoclonal antibodies and SPECT. The improvement in the precision of tumor images with the most recent forms of immunoscintigraphy is obvious. However, we think the usefulness of immunoscintigraphy for routine cancer management has not yet been entirely demonstrated. Further prospective trials are still necessary to determine the precise clinical role of immunoscintigraphy. A case report is presented on a patient with two liver metastases from a sigmoid carcinoma, who received through the hepatic artery a therapeutic dose (100 mCi) of I131 coupled to 40 mg of a mixture of two high affinity anti-CEA monoclonal antibodies. Excellent localisation in the metastases of the I131 labeled antibodies was demonstrated by SPECT and the treatment was well tolerated. The irradiation dose to the tumor, however, was too low at 4300 rads (with 1075 rads to the normal liver and 88 rads to the bone marrow), and no evidence of tumor regression was obtained. Different approaches for increasing the irradiation dose delivered to the tumor by the antibodies are considered.
Résumé La iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd), une fois marqué au 123I ou au 125I, est un agent potentiel pour des thérapies par rayonnements Auger. Cependant, des limitations restreignent son incorporation dans l'ADN. Afin d'augmenter celle-ci, différents groupes ont étudié la fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd), qui favorise l'incorporation d'analogue de la thymidine, sans toutefois parvenir à une toxicité associé plus importante. Dans notre approche, 3 lignées cellulaires de glioblastomes humains et une lignée de cancer ovarien ont été utilisées. Nous avons observé, 16 à 24 h après un court pré-traitement à la FdUrd, un fort pourcentage de cellules s'accumulant en phase S. Plus qu'une accumulation, c'était une synchronisation des cellules, celles-ci restant capables d'incorporer la radio-IdIrd et repartant dans le cycle cellulaire. De plus, ces cellules accumulées après un pré-traitement à la FdUrd étaient plus radio-sensibles. Après le même intervalle de 16 à 24 h suivant la FdUrd, les 4 lignées cellulaires ont incorporé des taux plus élevés de radio-IdUrd que sans ce prétraitement. Une corrélation temporelle entre l'accumulation des cellules en phase S et la forte incorporation de radio-IdUrd a ainsi été révélée 16 à 24 h après pré-traitement à la FdUrd. Les expériences de traitement par rayonnements Auger sur les cellules accumulées en phase S ont montré une augmentation significative de l'efficacité thérapeutique de 125I-IdUrd comparé aux cellules non prétraitées à la FdUrd. Une première estimation a permis de déterminer que 100 désintégrations de 125I par cellules étant nécessaires afin d'atteindre l'efficacité thérapeutique. De plus, p53 semble jouer un rôle dans l'induction directe de mort cellulaire après des traitements par rayonnements Auger, comme indiqué par les mesures par FACS d'apoptose et de nécrose 24 et 48 h après le traitement. Concernant les expériences in vivo, nous avons observé une incorporation marquée de la radio-IdUrd dans l'ADN après un pré-traitement à la FdUrd dans un model de carcinomatose ovarienne péritonéale. Une augmentation encore plus importante a été observée après injection intra-tumorale dans des transplants sous-cutanés de glioblastomes sur des souris nues. Ces modèles pourraient être utilisés pour de plus amples études de diffusion de radio-IdUrd et de thérapie par rayonnement Auger. En conclusion, ce travail montre une première application réussie de la FdUrd afin d'accroître l'efficacité de la radio-IdUrd par traitements aux rayonnements Auger. La synchronisation des cellules en phase S combinée avec la forte incorporation de radio-IdUrd dans l'ADN différées après un pré-traitement à la FdUrd ont montré le gain thérapeutique attendu in vitro. De plus, des études in vivo sont tout indiquées après les observations encourageantes d'incorporation de radio-IdUrd dans les models de transplants sous-cutanés de glioblastomes et de tumeurs péritonéales ovariennes. Summary Iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd), labelled with 123I or 125I, could be a potential Auger radiation therapy agent. However, limitations restrict its DNA incorporation in proliferating cells. Therefore, fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd), which favours incorporation of thymidine analogues, has been studied by different groups in order to increase radio-IdUrd DNA incorporation, however therapeutic efficacy increase could not be reached. In our approach, 3 human glioblastoma cell lines with different p53 expression and one ovarian cancer line were pre-treated with various FdUrd conditions. We observed a high percentage of cells accumulating in early S phase 16 to 24 h after a short and non-toxic FdUrd pre-treatment. More than an accumulation, this was a synchronization, cells remaining able to incorporate radio-IdUrd and re-entering the cell cycle. Furthermore, the S phase accumulated cells post FdUrd pre-treatment were more radiosensitive. After the same delay of 16 to 24 h post FdUrd pre-treatment, the 4 cell lines were incorporating higher rates of radio-IdUrd compared with untreated cells. A time correlation between S phase accumulation and high radio-IdUrd incorporation was therefore revealed 16 to 24 h post FdUrd pre-treatment. Auger radiation treatment experiments performed on S phase enriched cells showed a significant increase of killing efficacy of 125I-IdUrd compared with cells not pre-treated with FdUrd. A first estimation indicates further that about 100 125I decays were required to reach killing in the targeted cells. Moreover, p53 might play a role on the direct induction of cell death pathways after Auger radiation treatments, as indicated by differential apoptosis and necrosis induction measured by FACS 24 and 48 h after treatment initiation. Concerning in vivo results, we observed a marked DNA incorporation increase of radio-IdUrd after FdUrd pre-treatment in peritoneal carcinomatosis in SCID mice. Even higher incorporation increase was observed after intra-tumoural injection of radio-IdUrd in subcutaneous glioblastoma transplants in nude mice. These tumour models might be further useful for diffusion of radio-IdUrd and Auger radiation therapy studies. In conclusion, these data show a first successful application of thymidine synthesis inhibition able to increase the efficacy of radio-IdUrd Auger radiation treatment. The S phase synchronization combined with a high percentage DNA incorporation of radio-IdUrd delayed post FdUrd pre-treatment provided the expected therapeutic gain in vitro. Further in vivo studies are indicated after the observations of encouraging radio-IdUrd uptake experiments in glioblastoma subcutaneous xenografts and in an ovarian peritoneal carcinomatosis model.
The depositional stratigraphy of within-channel deposits in sandy braided rivers is dominated by a variety of barforms (both singular `unit' bars and complex `compound' bars), as well as the infill of individual channels (herein termed `channel fills'). The deposits of bars and channel fills define the key components of facies models for braided rivers and their within-channel heterogeneity, knowledge of which is important for reservoir characterization. However, few studies have sought to address the question of whether the deposits of bars and channel fills can be readily differentiated from each other. This paper presents the first quantitative study to achieve this aim, using aerial images of an evolving modern sandy braided river and geophysical imaging of its subsurface deposits. Aerial photographs taken between 2000 and 2004 document the abandonment and fill of a 1 3 km long, 80 m wide anabranch channel in the sandy braided South Saskatchewan River, Canada. Upstream river regulation traps the majority of very fine sediment and there is little clay (<1%) in the bed sediments. Channel abandonment was initiated by a series of unit bars that stalled and progressively blocked the anabranch entrance, together with dune deposition and stacking at the anabranch entrance and exit. Complete channel abandonment and subsequent fill of up to 3 m of sediment took approximately two years. Thirteen kilometres of ground-penetrating radar surveys, coupled with 18 cores, were obtained over the channel fill and an adjacent 750 m long, 400 m wide, compound bar, enabling a quantitative analysis of the channel and bar deposits. Results show that, in terms of grain-size trends, facies proportions and scale of deposits, there are only subtle differences between the channel fill and bar deposits which, therefore, renders them indistinguishable. Thus, it may be inappropriate to assign different geometric and sedimentological attributes to channel fill and bar facies in object-based models of sandy braided river alluvial architecture.