142 resultados para Psychotherapy of PE
Fear and anxiety at the basis of adolescent externalizing and internalizing behaviors: a case study.
Juvenile delinquency is rarely associated with success in psychotherapeutic treatment. Up until now, few data have been recorded regarding possible overlaps or common features of conduct disorders with anxiety disorders. This case report of a delinquent adolescent's presenting an obsessive-compulsive disorder discusses possible underlying common features of externalizing and internalizing disorders, mainly in terms of fear and anxiety regulation. The successful psychotherapy is discussed with regard to efficient psychological assessment and treatment of delinquent adolescents, and it underlies the importance of detailed analysis of psychopathology in cases of juvenile delinquency.
Objective: Impaired blood flow of the gastric tube represents a major cause of anastomotic leakage after esophageal resection. In order to improve local vascularisation, preoperative embolization (PE) of the left gastric artery has recently been proposed. The aimof this study was to assess our initial experience of this novel approach with a particular focus on anastomotic leakage.Methods: A consecutive series of 102 patients (81 male, 21 female, median age 64 years) underwent resection (82 Ivor-Lewis procedures, 9 transhiatal resections, 11 triple incisions) for esophageal malignancies at our institution from 2000 to 2009. Since 2004, PE was used selectively in 19 patients 21 days prior to elective esophagectomy. Selection criteria were normal gastric vascular anatomy, no pre-existing vascular disease, i.e. atheromatosis of the celiac trunk or superior mesenteric artery, and resectability of the tumor. PE was performed under local anesthesia on a dedicated system in a standard fashion. Following percutaneous transfemoral visceral angiography to identify gastric vascular anatomy, embolization was performed either with 5-F or with coaxial 3-F catheters and fibered metal coils. We analyzed retrospectively patient's data, operative data, and outcome from a prospective database.Results: The overall anastomotic leakage rate was 18・6% (19/102 patients); cervical anastomosis had a leak rate of 25% compared to intrathoracic anastomosis leak rate of 18・2%. While 17 of 83 patients without PE developed anastomotic leakage (20・5%), there were only 2 of 19 patients after PE revealing an anastomotic leakage (10・5%). Otherwise, patients with PE had no more other complications. There was only one PE-related complication (i.e. partial splenic necrosis).Mean hospital stay was 25 days versus 27 days for patients with PE and without PE, respectively. The mortality rate was 7・8% (8/102 patients), whereby four deaths were related to anastomotic leakage (1 and 3 patients with PE and without PE, respectively).Conclusion: PE is an interesting novel approach to improve gastric blood flow in order to minimize anastomotic leakage. Its application is safe and technically easy. Our preliminary experience revealed a decrease of the anastomotic leakage rate of almost 50%.
BACKGROUND: Some physicians are still concerned about the safety of treatment at home of patients with acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT). METHODS: We used data from the RIETE (Registro Informatizado de la Enfermedad TromboEmbólica) registry to compare the outcomes in consecutive outpatients with acute lower limb DVT according to initial treatment at home or in the hospital. A propensity score-matching analysis was carried out with a logistic regression model. RESULTS: As of December 2012, 13,493 patients had been enrolled. Of these, 4456 (31%) were treated at home. Patients treated at home were more likely to be male and younger and to weigh more; they were less likely than those treated in the hospital to have chronic heart failure, lung disease, renal insufficiency, anemia, recent bleeding, immobilization, or cancer. During the first week of anticoagulation, 27 patients (0.20%) suffered pulmonary embolism (PE), 12 (0.09%) recurrent DVT, and 51 (0.38%) major bleeding; 80 (0.59%) died. When only patients treated at home were considered, 12 (0.27%) had PE, 4 (0.09%) had recurrent DVT, 6 (0.13%) bled, and 4 (0.09%) died (no fatal PE, 3 fatal bleeds). After propensity analysis, patients treated at home had a similar rate of venous thromboembolism recurrences and a lower rate of major bleeding (odds ratio, 0.4; 95% confidence interval, 0.1-1.0) or death (odds ratio, 0.2; 95% confidence interval, 0.1-0.7) within the first week compared with those treated in the hospital. CONCLUSIONS: In outpatients with DVT, home treatment was associated with a better outcome than treatment in the hospital. These data may help safely treat more DVT patients at home.
INTRODUCTION. A two-step assessment (readiness to wean (RW) followed by spontaneousbreathing trial (SBT)) of predefined criteria is recommended before planned extubation(PE)1.OBJECTIVES. We aimed to evaluate if compliance to all guideline criteria was associatedwith better respiratory outcome within 48 h after PE.METHODS. The data (extracted from our clinical information system) of 458 consecutivepatients who underwent PE after C48 h of invasive ventilation in our medico-surgical ICUwere analyzed. We evaluated compliance with guidelines [1] regarding respiratory rate, tidalvolume, PaO2, FiO2, PEEP, PaCO2, pH, heart rate, systolic arterial pressure and arrhythmiaduringRWand SBT assessment (RW and SBT within 2 h). A patient was classified as RW+ ifallRWcriteria were fulfilled andRW-if at least 1 criterion was violated. The same approachwas used to define SBT+ and SBT- patients. During the 48 h following PE, we assessed theoccurrence of post-PE respiratory failure (PRF) (defined as the presence of at least 1 consensuscriterion of respiratory failure [1]), reintubation (after NIV failure or because of immediateintubation criteria) and cumulative duration of post-PE ventilation (PPEV = Post-PE invasive+ non-invasive ventilation). ICU mortality was recorded. Comparisons for variousoutcomes were performed by Chi-square and t tests.RESULTS. All consensus criteria were fulfilled in 77.3% of the patients during RW and in68.1% of the patients during SBT.[Compliance to weaning criteria and outcome]N = 458 PRF (%) Reintubation (%) PPEV (min) ICU mortality (%)All patients 53.5 10.0 542 ± 664 6.1RW+ 50.0 9.3 490 ± 626 5.4RW- 65.4* 12.5 718 ± 757** 8.7SBT+ 52.6 8.0 498 ± 594 6.7SBT- 55.5 14.4*** 637 ± 788**** 4.8Occurrence of PRF only was not associated with increased ICU mortality: 4.2 versus 7.8%,p = 0.11. By contrast, ICU mortality was significantly increased in patients requiring reintubation:21.7 versus 4.4%. p\0.001; * p = 0.006 RW+ versus RW-; ** p = 0.003RW+ versus RW-; *** p = 0.035 SBT+ versus SBT-; **** p = 0.030 SBT+ versusSBTCONCLUSIONS.In our ICU, compliance to all criteria of the two-step published approach ofrespiratory weaning was not optimal but reintubation rate was comparable to published data.Compliance with consensus conference guidelines was associated with lower reintubation rateand shorter PPEV but not with ICU mortality. As mortality was increased by reintubation,more sensitive and specific criteria to predict the risk of reintubation are probably needed.REFERENCE. Boles JM, et al. Eur Respir J 2007;29:1033-56.
Résumé Cette étude examine les changements précoces dans le Style Défensif Maladaptatif (SDM), le développement de l'alliance thérapeutique et la relation entre le SDM et l'alliance au cours d'une psychothérapie psychodynamique ultra-brève. Soixante-huit patients ambulatoires du centre de consultation psychiatrique et psychothérapique ont bénéficié d'une intervention psychodynamique en quatre séances. Les mesures des défenses et de l'alliance étaient effectuées à la première et à la dernière séance. Les patients qui ont débuté l'intervention avec une alliance faible et qui l'ont terminée avec une alliance haute (groupe de patients avec une alliance de croissance linéaire) ont diminué leur utilisation de défenses maladaptatives de manière significative au cours de la thérapie, alors que ce n'a pas été le cas pour les patients des groupes à alliances haute-stable et basse-stable. Les résultats ont montré qu'à la fin de l'intervention, le SDM et l'alliance étaient corrélés pour tous les patients. Cette corrélation intéressait plus particulièrement le groupe avec une alliance de croissance linéaire. Ces résultats suggèrent, que le développement de l'alliance thérapeutique reflètent le travail de collaboration entre le patient et son thérapeute alors qu'ils essayent de mieux comprendre les causes de la crise du patient. Cette compréhension peut aider à réduire les défenses initialement activées pour permettre au patient de se défendre de l'anxiété et d'un sentiment de détresse. Abstract This study examined the early change in Maladaptive Defense Style (MDS), the development of the Therapeutic Alliance, and the relationship between MDS and alliance, in a short psychodynamic intervention. Sixty-eight outpatients from a psychiatric clinic completed a four-session psychodynamic intervention. Defense and alliance measures were collected at the intake and the final session. Patients who began the intervention with a poor alliance but ended with a good alliance (linear growth therapeutic alliance group) significantly decreased their use of maladaptive defenses over the course of therapy, while patients in the high and low alliance groups did not. Results showed that at the end of the intervention, MDS and alliance were related across all patients. This relation concerned particularly the linear growth therapeutic alliance profile. These results suggest that the developing therapeutic alliance might reflect the collaborative work between the patient and the therapist as they try to understand the causes of the crisis. This understanding might help reduce maladaptive defenses that were initially activated to ward off anxiety and distress.
PURPOSE To evaluate the prevalence of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients presenting initially with atypical chest pain and suspected to have pulmonary embolism (PE) or acute aortic syndromes (AAS). To evaluate the overlap between ACS, PE and AAS in routine practice and determine how many patients could have benefit from a single CT protocol to rule out ACS at the same time as PE and AAS. METHOD AND MATERIALS Our electronic hospital database revealed 1122 consecutive patients who underwent a thoracic CT angiography for PE or AAS from 2004 to 2006 (mean age, 63±13 years). Patients without chest pain were excluded from this study. Thus, 447 patients presented with isolated atypical chest were included in the analysis. All patients who underwent a thoracic CT scan previously received standard clinical care and were initially considered as non ACS. The final diagnosis was obtained by the hospital stay report. RESULTS Among the 447 patients with atypical chest pain, 25 (5.5%) were finally found to have ACS: 19 patients (4.2%) were suspected for PE and 6 (1. 3%) were suspected for AAS. There were 90 patients diagnosed to have PE, 89 (98.8%) of them were suspected for PE while only 1 (1%) was suspected for AAS. Eleven patients diagnosed to have AAS, 9 (82%) of them were suspected for AAS while 2 (18%) were suspected for PE. CONCLUSION In clinical practice, the overlap between PE, AAS and ACS is limited which make the triple rule-out studies less recommended to be done at the time being because of the high dose radiation. A double rule-out investigation is suggested to be done for patients being evaluated for atypical chest pain and suspected of having AAS or PE because of a significant overlap between the two entities as well it doesn't implicate any increment in radiation dose. CLINICAL RELEVANCE/APPLICATION With 64-slice CT, coronary circulation and total chest can be evaluated at the same time offering new opportunitie for the evaluation of three major life-threatening conditions :ACS,PE and AAS.
Interpreting or addressing defenses is an important aspect of psychoanalytic technique. Previous research has shown that therapist addressing defenses (TADs) can produce a positive effect on alliance. The potential value of TADs during the process of alliance rupture and resolution has not yet been documented. We selected patients (n = 17) undertaking a short-term dynamic psychotherapy in which the therapeutic alliance, measured with the Helping Alliance Questionnaire and monitored after each session, showed a pattern of rupture and resolution. Two control sessions (5 and 15) were also selected. Presence of TADs was examined in each therapist interpretation. Compared with control sessions, rupture sessions were characterized by fewer TADs and especially fewer TADs addressing specifically intermediate-essentially neurotic-defenses. Resolution sessions were characterized by more TADs addressing specifically intermediate defenses. This confirms the link between therapist technique and alliance process in psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Refering to systems theory, we identify a supraindividual property in interactions between therapist and couple. We use gaze directions to describe the partners' behaviors and label this property the "mutual attending frame." We propose a procedure to observe triadic interactions in a consultation setting and a method to measure mutual attending. The method is illustrated by the data analysis of two triads contrasted on measures of therapeutic alliance. We discuss the potential of this method for the description of the interactive aspects of the therapeutic alliance.
A comprehensive understanding of the patient's problems is essential for a constructive therapeutic behaviour, especially in borderline personality disorder (BPD) where difficult interpersonal patterns are persistent. In these circumstances, the use of an integrative case formulation approach such as Plan Analysis, developed by K. Grawe and F. Caspar, can be of help for therapy planning. The focus here is on instrumental relations between behaviours and the hypothetical Plans and motives 'behind' those behaviours. The present qualitative study aimed at setting a prototypical Plan structure for n = 15 patients presenting a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, diagnosis of BPD using Plan Analysis. The first psychotherapeutic session of every outpatient was video-taped and evaluated according to the Plan Analysis procedure. Inter-rater reliability was established between two independent raters and was considered sufficient. The detailed prototypical Plan structure of BPD showed two main tendencies: first, the important presence of support-seeking among these patients and second, the will to be in control and to protect oneself. This study confirms the existence of several core similarities in the functioning of patients with BPD. These findings are in line with earlier studies and expand the latter with the aim of contributing to the understanding of BPD psychopathology. Clinical implications are discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY PRACTITIONER MESSAGE: Plan Analysis can especially be of help with patients who have difficult interpersonal patterns, as those presenting with BPD. Two tendencies were found within BPD patients: (1) support-seeking and (2) control and self-protecting Plans. Further research using Plan Analysis should focus on the identification and detail of emotions within BPD.
Background: Computer assisted cognitive remediation (CACR) was demonstrated to be efficient in improving cognitive deficits in adults with psychosis. However, scarce studies explored the outcome of CACR in adolescents with psychosis or at high risk. Aims: To investigate the effectiveness of a computer-assisted cognitive remediation (CACR) program in adolescents with psychosis or at high risk. Method: Intention to treat analyses included 32 adolescents who participated in a blinded 8-week randomized controlled trial of CACR treatment compared to computer games (CG). Cognitive abilities, symptoms and psychosocial functioning were assessed at baseline and posttreatment. Results: Improvement in visuospatial abilities was significantly greater in the CACR group than in CG. Other cognitive functions, psychotic symptoms and psychosocial functioning improved significantly, but at similar rates, in the two groups. Conclusion: CACR can be successfully administered in this population; it proved to be effective over and above CG for the most intensively trained cognitive ability.
Aims: Plasma concentrations of imatinib differ largely between patients despite same dosage, owing to large inter-individual variability in pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters. As the drug concentration at the end of the dosage interval (Cmin) correlates with treatment response and tolerability, monitoring of Cmin is suggested for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of imatinib. Due to logistic difficulties, random sampling during the dosage interval is however often performed in clinical practice, thus rendering the respective results not informative regarding Cmin values.Objectives: (I) To extrapolate randomly measured imatinib concentrations to more informative Cmin using classical Bayesian forecasting. (II) To extend the classical Bayesian method to account for correlation between PK parameters. (III) To evaluate the predictive performance of both methods.Methods: 31 paired blood samples (random and trough levels) were obtained from 19 cancer patients under imatinib. Two Bayesian maximum a posteriori (MAP) methods were implemented: (A) a classical method ignoring correlation between PK parameters, and (B) an extended one accounting for correlation. Both methods were applied to estimate individual PK parameters, conditional on random observations and covariate-adjusted priors from a population PK model. The PK parameter estimates were used to calculate trough levels. Relative prediction errors (PE) were analyzed to evaluate accuracy (one-sample t-test) and to compare precision between the methods (F-test to compare variances).Results: Both Bayesian MAP methods allowed non-biased predictions of individual Cmin compared to observations: (A) - 7% mean PE (CI95% - 18 to 4 %, p = 0.15) and (B) - 4% mean PE (CI95% - 18 to 10 %, p = 0.69). Relative standard deviations of actual observations from predictions were 22% (A) and 30% (B), i.e. comparable to the intraindividual variability reported. Precision was not improved by taking into account correlation between PK parameters (p = 0.22).Conclusion: Clinical interpretation of randomly measured imatinib concentrations can be assisted by Bayesian extrapolation to maximum likelihood Cmin. Classical Bayesian estimation can be applied for TDM without the need to include correlation between PK parameters. Both methods could be adapted in the future to evaluate other individual pharmacokinetic measures correlated to clinical outcomes, such as area under the curve(AUC).
Multi-phase postmortem CT angiography (MPMCTA) is recognized as a valuable tool to explore the vascular system, with higher sensitivity than conventional autopsy. However, a limitation is the impossibility to diagnose pulmonary embolism (PE) due to post-mortem blood clots situated in pulmonary arteries. The purpose of this study was to explore an eventual possibility to distinguish between real PE and artefacts mimicking PE. Our study included 416 medico-legal cases. All of them underwent MPMCTA, conventional autopsy and histological examination. We selected cases presenting arterial luminal filling defects in the pulmonary arteries. Their radiological interpretation was confronted to the one of autopsy and histological examination. We also investigated an eventual correlation between artefacts in pulmonary arteries and those in other parts of the vascular system. In 123 cases, filling defects of pulmonary arteries were described during MPMCTA. In 57 cases, this was interpreted as artefact and in 4 cases as suspected PE. In 62 cases only a differential diagnosis was made. Autopsy and histology could clearly identify the artefacts as such. Only one case of real PE was radiologically misinterpreted as artefact. In 6 of the 62 cases with no interpretation a PE was diagnosed. In 3 out of 4 suspected cases, PE was confirmed. We found out that filling defects in pulmonary arteries are nearly always associated to other vascular artefacts. Therefore, we suggest following some rules for radiological interpretation in order to allow a reliable diagnosis of pulmonary embolism after MPMCTA.
BACKGROUND: To investigate the focus of psychodynamic-oriented interventions in cancer patients by means of a qualitative analysis of the therapists' reports. METHODS: One hundred thirty-five reports collected within a controlled psychotherapy trial were analyzed; the themes addressed during the intervention were classified in categories reflecting the focus of the intervention and correlated with sociodemographic and medical data and type of intervention. RESULTS: Twenty main themes were identified and classified in two categories: category 1 corresponded to interventions based on expression and support, and category 2 to interventions based on introspection, with subcategory 2.1 focusing on the patient's psychological functioning and subcategory 2.2 focusing on his way to engage and communicate in relationships. While the most frequently addressed theme was related to the diagnosis of cancer (N = 102/576; 22.6%), the majority of themes were related to other concerns (N = 446/576; 77.4%). Half of the interventions (50.4%) were classified in category 1, 27.4% in category 2.1, and 9.6% in category 2.2. Patients of category 1 entered less often brief psychotherapy (step 2 of the intervention) and more frequently suffered from advances disease. CONCLUSIONS: A wide variety of themes are addressed in psychodynamic interventions in the oncology setting, illustrating that cancer is not the only focus of therapy. Other themes reflect different psychological difficulties triggered by the disease. This study illustrates that cancer patients have different needs, which surpass the event of the disease. Early clarification and comprehension of the demand may therefore be beneficial to adjust the therapeutic approach. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.