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The eastern part of the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador comprises thick buoyant oceanic plateaus associated with island-arc tholeiites and subduction-related calc-alkaline series, accreted to the Ecuadorian Continental Margin from Late Cretaceous to Eocene times. One of these plateau sequences, the Guaranda Oceanic Plateau is considered as remnant of the Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Province (CCOP) accreted to the Ecuadorian Margin in the Maastrichtien. Samples studied in this paper were taken from four cross-sections through two arc-sequences in the northern part of the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador, dated as (Rio Cala) or ascribed to (Macuchi) the Late Cretaceous and one arc-like sequence in the Chogon-Colonche Cordillera (Las Orquideas). These three island-arcs can clearly be identified and rest conformably on the CCOP. In all four localities, basalts with abundant large clinopyroxene phenocrysts can be found, mimicking a picritic or ankaramitic facies. This mineralogical particularity, although not uncommon in island arc lavas, hints at a contribution of the CCOP in the genesis of these island arc rocks. The complete petrological and geochemical study of these rocks reveals that some have a primitive island-arc nature (MgO values range from 6 to 11 wt.%). Studied samples display marked Nb, Ta and Ti negative anomalies relative to the adjacent elements in the spidergrams characteristic of subductionrelated magmatism. These rocks are LREE-enriched and their clinopyroxenes show a tholeiitic affinity (FeO(1)-TiO(2) enrichment and CaO depletion from core to rim within a single crystal). The four sampled cross-sections through the island-arc sequences display homogeneous initial Nd, and Pb isotope ratios that suggest a unique mantellic source for these rocks resulting from the mixing of three components: an East-Pacific MORB end-member, an enriched pelagic sediment component, and a HIMU component carried by the CCOP. Indeed, the ankaramite and Mg-basalt sequences that form part of the Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau are radiogenically enriched in (206)Pb/(204)Pb and (207)Pb/(204)Pb and contain a HIMU component similar to that observed in the Gorgona basalts and Galapagos lavas. The subduction zone that generated the Late Cretaceous arcs occurred far from the continental margin, in an oceanic environment. This implies that no terrigenous detrital sediments interacted with the source at this period. Thus, the enriched component can only result from the melting of subducted pelagic sediments. We have thus defined the East-Pacific MORB, enriched (cherts, pelagic sediments) and HIMU components in an attempt to constrain and model the genesis of the studied island-arc magmatism, using a compilation of carefully selected isotopic data from literature according to rock age and paleogeographic location at the time of arc edification. Tripolar mixing models reveal that proportions of 12-15 wt.% of the HIMU component, 7-15 wt.% of the pelagic sediment end-member and 70-75 wt.% of an East-pacific MORB end-member are needed to explain the measured isotope ratios. These surprisingly high proportions of the HIMU/CCOP component could be explained by the young age of the oceanic plateau (5-15 Ma) during the Late Cretaceous arc emplacement. The CCOP, basement of these arc sequences, was probably still hot and easily assimilated at the island-arc lava source. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved,
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cannabis use is a growing challenge for public health, calling for adequate instruments to identify problematic consumption patterns. The Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test (CUDIT) is a 10-item questionnaire used for screening cannabis abuse and dependency. The present study evaluated that screening instrument. METHODS: In a representative population sample of 5,025 Swiss adolescents and young adults, 593 current cannabis users replied to the CUDIT. Internal consistency was examined by means of Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis. In addition, the CUDIT was compared to accepted concepts of problematic cannabis use (e.g. using cannabis and driving). ROC analyses were used to test the CUDIT's discriminative ability and to determine an appropriate cut-off. RESULTS: Two items ('injuries' and 'hours being stoned') had loadings below 0.5 on the unidimensional construct and correlated lower than 0.4 with the total CUDIT score. All concepts of problematic cannabis use were related to CUDIT scores. An ideal cut-off between six and eight points was found. CONCLUSIONS: Although the CUDIT seems to be a promising instrument to identify problematic cannabis use, there is a need to revise some of its items.
BACKGROUND: Prevalence and risk factors for Chlamydia trachomatis infection among young men in Switzerland is still unknown. The objective of the present study was to assess prevalence and risk factors for C. trachomatis infection in young Swiss men. METHODS: 517 young Swiss men were enrolled in this cross-sectional study during their compulsory military recruitment. Participants completed a questionnaire and gave urine samples which were screened for C. trachomatis DNA by PCR. Genotyping of positive samples was done by amplification and sequencing the ompA gene. RESULTS: The prevalence of chlamydial infection among young Swiss male was 1.2% (95% confidence interval [95%CI], 0.4-2.5%). C. trachomatis infection was only identified among the 306 men having multiple sexual partner. Although frequent, neither unprotected sex (absence of condom use), nor alcohol and drug abuse were associated with chlamydial infection. Men living in cities were more frequently infected (2.9%, 95%CI 0.8-7.4%) than men living in rural areas (0.5%, 95%CI 0.1-1.9%, p = 0.046). Moreover, naturalised Swiss citizens were more often positive (4.9%, 95%CI 1.3-12.5%) than native-born Swiss men (0.5%, 95%CI 0.1-1.7%, p = 0.003). CONCLUSION: In comparison with other countries, the prevalence of chlamydial infection in men is extremely low in Switzerland, despite a significant prevalence of risky sexual behaviour. C. trachomatis infection was especially prevalent in men with multiple sexual partners. Further research is required (i) to define which subgroup of the general population should be routinely screened, and (ii) to test whether such a targeted screening strategy will be effective to reduce the prevalence of chlamydial infection among this population.
The objective of the current study was to determine the predictive value of high normal gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) level as an indication of heavy drinking in young men. In a sample of 577 men attending a one-day army recruitment process mandatory for all Swiss men at age 19 years, GGT level was evaluated as the dependent variable for each of eight dichotomous classifications of individuals on the basis of meeting cut-off criteria for five indexes of alcohol use, two indexes of alcohol-related problems, and one index of body mass. The sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of GGT level in identifying subjects as either heavy drinkers or being overweight were determined. Compared with findings for their counterparts, GGT level was higher in subjects reporting consumption of more than 14 drinks per week (20.5 +/- 7.81 vs. 18.9 +/- 7.60, P <.05), in those reporting being drunk at least once during the past 30 days (20.3 +/- 7.80 vs. 18.3 +/- 7.43, P <.001), and in individuals with body mass indexes >or=25 kg/m(2) (25.8 +/- 10.84 vs. 18.3 +/- 6.59, P <.001). At a GGT level cut-off of 20 U/l, the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of either being a heavy drinker or overweight were 48.2%, 70.2%, 67.7%, and 51.2%, respectively. Exclusion of subjects with body mass indexes of >or=25 kg/m(2) revealed similar results. High normal GGT level in young men is indicative of heavy alcohol use or being overweight; when present, subjects should be screened further for potential concomitant drinking problems.
We prospectively evaluated the results of our custom cementless femoral stems to ascertain whether this technology produced reasonable clinical function, complication rates, and loosening rates at midterm. Fifty-seven consecutive patients had surgery in 62 hips for primary osteoarthritis at a mean age of 57 years using a three-dimensional computed custom cementless stem. Patients were reviewed at a mean followup of 94.9 months. At review, the mean Harris hip score was 98.8 points (range, 84-100) compared with 61.1 (range, 28-78) points preoperatively. No patient complained of thigh pain. No migration or subsidence was observed. All stems were considered stable according to the radiographic criteria defined by Engh et al. There were no dislocations, no infections, and no reoperations. Our results are comparable with published results from clinical and radiologic points of view. Two problems remain unsolved: the price of a custom stem is twice as expensive as a standard stem; and we need longer term results before definitely recommending this technology as a reasonable alternative to current arthroplasties in younger patients. The data support the continued exploration of this technology with controlled clinical followup. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic study, Level II-1 (prospective cohort study). See the Guidelines to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
This article reports the case of a 31 years old man who suffered from an acute pulmonary oedema after laryngospasma following extubation. This pathology, better known by anesthesiologists than internists, results primarly from a rapid rise in negative intrapleural pressure. It is not associated with previous cardio-pulmonary illness and has a begnin course with resolution within 48 hours with oxygen and positive end expiratory pressure support.
During these last decades, the notion of primary intersubjectivity has gained acceptance among developmentalists and clinicians. But a new challenge is put out to our models by recent findings on the triangular competence of the very young infant, or her capacity to simultaneously communicate with two partners at a time. This discovery raises the question of a collective form of intersubjectivity. Findings on the triangular competence of the 3- to 4-month-old interactions with father and mother in different contexts of the Lausanne trilogue play situation are reviewed and illustrated, with a view to examine whether it is based on a dyadic or triangular program and whether conditions for a threesome form of primary intersubjectivity are fulfilled. The discussion focuses on the revisions of the theory of intersubjectivity, of developmental theory, and of clinical practice these findings call for, pointing toward a three -person psychology too.
The process of eliciting client language toward change (change talk [CT]) is implicated as a causal mechanism in motivational interviewing (MI) and brief motivational interventions (BMI). We investigated the articulation of counselor behaviors and CT during BMI with young men. We coded 149 sessions using the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code and summarized these codes into three counselor categories (MI-consistent [MICO], MI-inconsistent [MIIN], other) and three client categories (CT, counter CT [CCT], follow/neutral [F/N]). We then computed immediate transition frequencies and odds ratios using sequential analysis software. CT was significantly more likely following MICO behaviors, whereas MIIN behaviors only led to CCT and F/N. This strongly supports the use of MI skills to elicit CT during BMI with young men, whose speech also predicted counselor behaviors (particularly CT to MICO and CCT to MIIN). Additional analyses showed that among MICO behaviors, reflective listening may be a particularly powerful technique to elicit CT.
BACKGROUND/AIM: Elevated plasma homocysteine is a newly identified vascular risk factor among patients under age 55 years with cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, or peripheral vascular disease. This study sought to evaluate retrospectively the plasma homocysteine status among healthy younger patients with ischaemic optic disc disease. METHODS: 12 non-diabetic patients who had been diagnosed with non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (NAION) before the age of 50 years were identified from chart review. None had experienced previous ischaemic cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, or peripheral vascular events. Plasma homocysteine, CBC, renal function, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate levels were sampled in the fasting state. RESULTS: Two of 12 patients (17%) had hyperhomocysteinaemia. Both had experienced NAION in both eyes with recurrent episodes. Neither patient was hypertensive nor had a smoking history. One of these two patients had mild hypercholesterolaemia which did not warrant medication. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated plasma homocysteine may be associated with NAION. An evaluation for hyperhomocysteinaemia should be considered in patients with NAION who do not have the typical risk factor such as older age, diabetes, hypertension, or tobacco use. It should also be considered in young patients with bilateral or recurrent attacks of NAION.
PURPOSE: Characterization of persistent diffuse subretinal fluid using optical coherence tomography (OCT) after successful encircling buckle surgery for inferior macula-off retinal detachment in young patients. METHODS: Institutional retrospective review of six young patients (mean age 31 +/- 6 years; five female, one male) with spontaneous inferior rhegmatogenous macula-off retinal detachment. All patients were treated with encircling buckle surgery and five out of six underwent additional external drainage of subretinal fluid. Mean follow-up was 37 +/- 25 months (range 17-75 months) and included complete ophthalmic and OCT examination. RESULTS: At 6 months, 100% of patients showed persistence of subretinal fluid on OCT. Four patients had diffuse fluid accumulation, whereas two patients showed a 'bleb-like' accumulation of fluid. This fluid was present independent of whether or not patients had been treated with external fluid drainage. Subretinal fluid only started to disappear on OCT between 6 and more than 12 months after surgery. CONCLUSION: Young patients with inferior macula-off retinal detachments and a marginally liquefied vitreous may show persisting postoperative subclinical fluid under the macula for longer periods of time than described previously.
The Constructive Thinking Inventory (CTI) measures cognitive coping strategies used in everyday problem solving. The main objective of this study was to assess the factorial structure, the internal consistency, the correspondence with the American normative values, and the discriminant validity of the French translation. A community sample of 777 students aged 12 to 26 years, recruited from schools, colleges and universities, answered the 108item selfreport CTI questionnaire during a class period. A sample of 60 male adolescent offenders aged 13 to 18 years, recruited from two institutions for juvenile offenders, answered the CTI during an individual interview. Results show that the French translation of the CTI follows an identical factorial structure as the Epstein's American version in both adolescents and young adults, and that its internal consistency is satisfactory. Differences in Constructive Thinking profiles according to gender and age and between Swiss and American samples, are discussed. Juvenile offenders differed from community youths on most of the scales, speaking for a good discriminant validity of the CTI. In conclusion, the French translation of the CTI appears to preserve the original version's psychometric properties. The present study provides normative values from a community sample of Swiss adolescents and young adults.
Background: Brief motivational intervention (BMI) is one of the few effective strategies targeting alcohol consumption, but has not been tested in young men in the community. We evaluated the efficacy of BMI in reducing alcohol use and related problems among binge drinkers and in maintaining low-risk drinking among non-bingers. Methods: A random sample of a census of men included during army conscription (which is mandatory for 20-year-old males in Switzerland) was randomized to receive a single face-to-face BMI session (N = 199) or no intervention (N = 219). A six-month follow-up rate was obtained for 88.7% of the subjects. Results: Among binge drinkers, there was 20% less drinking in the BMI group versus the control group (incidence rate ratio = 0.80, confidence interval 0.66-0.98, p = 0.03): the BMI group showed a weekly reduction of 1.5 drinks compared to an increase of 0.8 drinks weekly in the control group. Among subjects who experienced one or more alcohol-related consequences over the last 12 months, there was 19% less drinking in the BMI group compared to the control group (incidence rate ratio = 0.81; confidence interval 0.67-0.97, p = 0.04). Among non-bingers, BMI did not contribute to the maintenance of low-risk drinking. Conclusion: BMI reduced the alcohol use of binge drinkers, particularly among those who experienced certain alcohol-related adverse consequences. No preventive effect of BMI was observed among non-bingers. BMI is a plausible secondary preventive option for young binge drinkers. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.