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Purpose/Objective: Protective CD8+ T cell responses rely on TCRdependent recognition of immunogenic peptides presented by MHC I. Cytolytic T lymphocytes directed against self/tumor antigens express TCRs of lower affinity/avidity than pathogen-derived T lymphocytes and elicit less protective immune responses due to mechanisms of central and peripheral tolerance. Anti-tumor T cell reactivity can be improved by increasing the TCR-pMHC affinity within physiological limits, while intriguingly further increase in the supraphysiological range (KD < 1 lM) leads to drastic functional declines. We aim at identifying the molecular mechanisms underlying the loss of T cell responsiveness associated with supraphysiological TCRpMHC affinities in order to improve effectiveness of TCR-engineered T cells used in adoptive cell transfer (ACT) cancer immunotherapy. Materials and methods: Using a panel of human CD8+ T cells engineered with TCRs of incremental affinity for the HLA-A2-resticted tumor cancer testis antigen NY-ESO-1, we performed comparative gene expression microarray and TCR-mediated signaling analysis together with membrane receptors level analysis. Results: As compared to cells expressing TCR affinities generating optimal function (KD from 5to 1 lM), those with supraphysiological affinity (KD from 1 lM to 15 nM) had an overall reduced expression of genes implied in signaling, cell activation and proliferation, and showed impaired proximal and distal TCR signaling capacity. This correlated with a decline in surface expression of CD8b, CD28 and activatory TNFR superfamily members. Importantly, expression of inhibitory receptor PD-1 and SHP-1 phosphatase was upregulated in a TCR affinity-dependent manner. Consequently, PD-L1 and SHP-1 blockade restored the function of T cells with high TCRs affinity. Moreover, SHP-1 inhibition also augmented functional efficacy of T cells with TCRs of optimal affinity. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that TCR affinity-associated regulatory mechanisms control T cells responsiveness at various levels to limit potential auto-reactive cytotoxic effects. They also support the development of ACT therapies combined with blockade of inhibitory molecules such as SHP-1 to enhance effectiveness of T cell immunotherapy.
The identification of NK cell receptors specific for MHC class I molecules has greatly improved our knowledge of NK cell reactivity and specificity. Inhibitory receptors prevent NK cell activation directed against cells expressing self-MHC class I molecules. Consequently, diseased cells that do not express self-MHC class I molecules become susceptible to NK cell-mediated attack. Because of the specificity and distribution of inhibitory NK cell receptors, cells that express non-self (allogeneic) MHC class I molecules are also susceptible to NK cell reactions. This feature has been exploited in a clinical setting to treat leukemia patients.
The antennal lobe is the primary olfactory center in the insect brain and represents the anatomical and functional equivalent of the vertebrate olfactory bulb. Olfactory information in the external world is transmitted to the antennal lobe by olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs), which segregate to distinct regions of neuropil called glomeruli according to the specific olfactory receptor they express. Here, OSN axons synapse with both local interneurons (LNs), whose processes can innervate many different glomeruli, and projection neurons (PNs), which convey olfactory information to higher olfactory brain regions. Optical imaging of the activity of OSNs, LNs and PNs in the antennal lobe - traditionally using synthetic calcium indicators (e.g. calcium green, FURA-2) or voltage-sensitive dyes (e.g. RH414) - has long been an important technique to understand how olfactory stimuli are represented as spatial and temporal patterns of glomerular activity in many species of insects. Development of genetically-encoded neural activity reporters, such as the fluorescent calcium indicators G-CaMP and Cameleon, the bioluminescent calcium indicator GFP-aequorin, or a reporter of synaptic transmission, synapto-pHluorin has made the olfactory system of the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, particularly accessible to neurophysiological imaging, complementing its comprehensively-described molecular, electrophysiological and neuroanatomical properties. These reporters can be selectively expressed via binary transcriptional control systems (e.g. GAL4/UAS, LexA/LexAop, Q system) in defined populations of neurons within the olfactory circuitry to dissect with high spatial and temporal resolution how odor-evoked neural activity is represented, modulated and transformed. Here we describe the preparation and analysis methods to measure odor-evoked responses in the Drosophila antennal lobe using G-CaMP. The animal preparation is minimally invasive and can be adapted to imaging using wide-field fluorescence, confocal and two-photon microscopes.
The engagement of inhibitory receptors specific for major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules educates natural killer (NK) cells, meaning the improvement of the response of activation receptors to subsequent stimulation. It is not known whether inhibitory MHC-I receptors educate only NK cells or whether they improve the responsiveness of all cell types, which express them. To address this issue, we analyzed the expression of inhibitory MHC-I receptors on intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iIELs) and show that T-cell receptor (TCR)-αβ CD8αα iIELs express multiple inhibitory receptors specific for MHC-I molecules, including CD94/NKG2A, Ly49A, and Ly49G2. However, the presence of MHC-I ligand for these receptors did not improve the response of iIELs to activation via the TCR. The absence of iIEL education by MHC-I receptors was not related to a lack of inhibitory function of these receptors in iIELs and a failure of these receptors to couple to the TCR. Thus, unlike NK cells, iIELs do not undergo an MHC-I-guided education process. These data suggest that education is an NK cell-specific function of inhibitory MHC-I receptors.
The odour of acids has a distinct quality that is perceived as sharp, pungent and often irritating. How acidity is sensed and translated into an appropriate behavioural response is poorly understood. Here we describe a functionally segregated population of olfactory sensory neurons in the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, that are highly selective for acidity. These olfactory sensory neurons express IR64a, a member of the recently identified ionotropic receptor (IR) family of putative olfactory receptors. In vivo calcium imaging showed that IR64a+ neurons projecting to the DC4 glomerulus in the antennal lobe are specifically activated by acids. Flies in which the function of IR64a+ neurons or the IR64a gene is disrupted had defects in acid-evoked physiological and behavioural responses, but their responses to non-acidic odorants remained unaffected. Furthermore, artificial stimulation of IR64a+ neurons elicited avoidance responses. Taken together, these results identify cellular and molecular substrates for acid detection in the Drosophila olfactory system and support a labelled-line mode of acidity coding at the periphery.
Regulation of gene expression in Schwann cells may be determined, at least in part, by the interaction of these cells with axons. Two peripheral nerve tumors, neurofibroma and schwannoma, represent good tools for studying Schwann cell activity in the presence or absence of axon action. In the present work we studied the expression of triiodothyronine receptors (T3R) by Schwann cells in these two tumors and also in adult normal sciatic nerve. Confirming the results of the histological examination, immunostaining of the neurofilaments showed the presence of fascicles or scattered axons in all neurofibroma sections studied. In these neurofibromas, Schwann cells did not express T3R immunoreactivity. Furthermore, in adult normal sciatic nerve, Schwann cells which ensheathed axons were devoid of any T3R expression. In contrast, in schwannoma, the complete absence of axons was demonstrated by the lack of neurofilament immunostaining. Here, Schwann cells deprived of axonal interaction displayed clear T3R immunoreactivity. In schwannoma cell cultures, Schwann cells continued to express T3R, even in cultures treated with medium that had been conditioned with rat sensory neurons. On the basis of these results, we suggest that, beside the possible regulatory mechanisms for T3R, the synthesis of T3R is regulated, at least in part, by Schwann cell-axon interaction.
Myeloid cells express the TNF family ligands BAFF/BLyS and APRIL, which exert their effects on B cells at different stages of differentiation via the receptors BAFFR, TACI (Transmembrane Activator and CAML-Interactor) and/or BCMA (B Cell Maturation Antigen). BAFF and APRIL are proteins expressed at the cell membrane, with both extracellular and intracellular domains. Therefore, receptor/ligand engagement may also result in signals in ligand-expressing cells via so-called "reverse signalling". In order to understand how TACI-Fc (atacicept) technically may mediate immune stimulation instead of suppression, we investigated its potential to activate reverse signalling through BAFF and APRIL. BAFFR-Fc and TACI-Fc, but not Fn14-Fc, reproducibly stimulated the ERK and other signalling pathways in bone marrow-derived mouse macrophages. However, these effects were independent of BAFF or APRIL since the same activation profile was observed with BAFF- or APRIL-deficient cells. Instead, cell activation correlated with the presence of high molecular mass forms of BAFFR-Fc and TACI-Fc and was strongly impaired in macrophages deficient for Fc receptor gamma chain. Moreover, a TACI-Fc defective for Fc receptor binding elicited no detectable signal. Although these results do not formally rule out the existence of BAFF or APRIL reverse signalling (via pathways not tested in this study), they provide no evidence in support of reverse signalling and point to the importance of using appropriate specificity controls when working with Fc receptor-expressing myeloid cells.
Résumé Les télomères sont les structures ADN-protéines des extrémités des chromosomes des eucaryotes. L'ADN télomérique est constitué de courtes séquences répétitives. L'intégrité des télomères est essentielle pour protéger les extrémités des chromosomes contre les systèmes de dégradations et pour les distinguer des cassures de l'ADN double brin. Parce que la machinerie de la réplication de l'ADN n'est pas capable de répliquer l'extrémité des chromosomes, les télomères raccourcissent au fur et à mesure des cycles de réplication. Dès que les télomères atteignent une longueur critique, leur structure protectrice est perdue. Cela induit un signal de dommage de l'ADN et l'arrêt du cycle cellulaire. Pour contrebalancer le raccourcissement des télomères, les cellules qui s'auto régénèrent, dont les cellules de la moelle osseuse, les lymphocytes activés et 80-90% des cellules cancéreuses, expriment la télomérase. C'est une ribonucléoprotéine qui a la capacité de synthétiser des séquences télomériques par transcription inverse d'une courte séquence contenue dans sa propre sous-unité ARN avec laquelle elle est associée. La télomérase humaine est une enzyme processive au niveau de l'addition des nucléotides et aussi des répétitions télomériques. La télomérase de levure et la télomérase humaine sont toutes deux dimériques et il a été montré que la télomérase humaine recombinante contient deux ARN qui coopèrent pour fonctionner ainsi que deux sous-unités catalytiques. Cependant, il n'a pas encore été montré quel est le rôle de la dimérisation dans l'activité de la télomérase. Afin d'élucider ce rôle, nous avons exprimé, reconstitué et purifié la télomérase humaine dimérique recombinante. Et pour étudier l'effet d'ARN mutants sur l'activité de la télomérase, nous avons développé une méthode pour reconstituer et enrichir en hétérodimères de télomérase. Les hétérodimères contiennent une sous-unité ARN sauvage et une sous-unité ARN mutée au niveau de la séquence de la matrice. Sur l'ARN muté nous avons introduit une étiquette aptamer ARN-S1 puis nous avons purifié la télomérase via l'etiquette Si. Nous avons montré que la dimérisation est essentielle pour l'activité de la télomérase. Nos données indiquent que chaque télomérase du dimère allonge leur substrat, l'ADN télomérique, indépendamment l'une de l'autre à chaque cycle d'élongation mais que l'addition itérative de répétitions télomériques nécessite une coopération entre les deux télomérases du dimère. Nous proposons donc un modèle dans lequel les deux télomérases du dimères se lient et allongent deux substrats télomères et que pendant l'élongation processive les deux enzymes subissent un changement de conformation de manière coordonnée, ce changement va permettre le repositionnement des substrats pour d'autres cycles d'additions de répétitions télomériques. Dyskeratosis congenita est une maladie mortelle due majoritairement au disfonctionnement de la moelle osseuse. Dans la forme autosomale de la maladie, l'ARN de la télomérase contient des mutations. En utilisant notre système de reconstitution, nous avons montré que ces ARN mutés, qui ont perdu leur activité enzymatique dans le cas d'un homodimère de mutants, sont dominant négatifs quand ils sont présents dans les hétérodimères sauvage/mutant. Cet effet trans-dominant négatif pourrait contribuer à la progression de la maladie. Abstract Telomeres are protein-DNA structures at the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes. The telomeric DNA consists of tandemly repeated sequences. Telomeric integrity is essential to protect chromosomal ends from nucleolytic degradation and to prevent their recognition as DNA double strand breaks. Due to the inability of the conventional DNA replication machinery to replicate terminal DNA stretches, telomeres shorten with continuous rounds of DNA replication. As soon as telomeres reach a critical length, their protective structure is lost and the deprotected telomeres will induce a DNA damage response leading to cell cycle arrest. To counteract telomere shortening, self-renewing cells, including bone marrow cells, activated lymphocytes and 80-90% of cancer cells express the cellular reverse transcriptase telomerase, which has the capacity to synthesize telomeric repeats by reverse transcription of a short template sequence encoded by its stably associated RNA subunit. Human telomerase is a processive enzyme for nucleotide as well as repeat addition. Both yeast and human telomerase are dimeric enzymes and recombinant human telomerase has been shown to contain two functionally cooperating RNAs and most probably also two protein subunits. However, it has remained unclear how dimerization may contribute to telomerase activity. To study the role of dimerization, we expressed, reconstituted and purified recombinant human telomerase. We also developed a new method to reconstitute and enrich for telomerase heterodimers containing wild-type (wt) and mutant telomerase RNA subunits. To this end we introduced an S1-RNA-aptamer tag into telomerase RNA and purified telomerase reconstituted with a mixture of untagged and tagged RNA via the S1-tag. Using this experimental system, we introduced template mutations in the tagged RNA subunit and examined the effect of mutant RNAs on wt telomerase activity in wt/mutant heterodimers. We obtained evidence that dimerization is essential for telomerase activity. Our data indicate that the two subunits elongate telomere substrates independently of each other during single rounds of elongation, but that iterative addition of telomeric repeats requires cooperation between the two subunits. We suggest a model, in which dimeric telomerases bind and elongate two telomere substrates and that the two subunits undergo coordinated conformational changes during processive elongation that enable repositioning the substrates for subsequent rounds of repeat addition. Dyskeratosis congenita is a multisystemic disease with bone marrow failure as the major cause of death. The autosomal form of this disease was found to harbor mutations in the telomerase RNA. Using our reconstitution system, we tested whether mutant dyskeratosis telomerase RNAs behaved in a dominant negative manner. We observed that dyskeratosis telomerase RNA mutants, which lacked enzymatic activity were dominant negative, when present in wt/ mutant heterodimers. The transdominant negative effect of these mutants may contribute to disease progression.
RESUME La mémoire immunologique est essentielle durant la vie et permet aux lymphocytes de répondre plus rapidement et efficacement lors d'une deuxième rencontre avec un antigène connu. Les facteurs contrôlant l'homéostasie des cellules T CD8 mémoires in vivo ne sont pas encore bien définis. Cependant, la prolifération homéostatique de ces cellules dans un hôte déplété en cellules hématopoietiques nécessite l'intéraction du TCR avec les molecules du MHC de class I du soi. De plus, le rôle de cytokines, telles que 1'IL-15 et l'IL-7, est essentiel dans ce mécanisme, aussi bien que dans la maintenance des cellules T CD8 mémoires. Puisque la protéine c-Myc - impliquée dans des mécanismes tells que la division, la prolifération, l'apoptose et la differentiation - a été définie comme étant impliquée dans la réponse à différentes cytokines, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'analyse de l'homéostasie des lymphocytes T CD8 mémoires dans des souris déficientes en c-Myc (c_rnycΔORF/+), qui expriment un niveau réduit de cette protéine. Bien que le développement des cellules T dans le thymus soit normal dans les souris c_rnycΔORF/+, nous avons observé une réduction de 2 à 3 fois dans la population des cellules T CD8 de phenotype mémoire (CD44+) dans les organes lymphoïdes de la périphérie de ces souris. Cette différence ne correspond pas à une réduction de prolifération ou d'expression de protéines de survie telles que Bel-2. Cependant, la prolifération homéostatique de cellules T CD8 c_rnycΔORF/+, mais pas T CD4 c_rnycΔORF/+, est reduite de manière dramatique lorsqu'elles sont transférées dans un hôte irradié. De plus, le transfert adoptif de lymphocytes T dans des souris irradiées déficientes en l'IL-15 nous a permis de montrer que la prolifération homéostatique dépendante de l'IL-15 des cellules T CD8 nécessite l'expression de c-Myc. De plus, contrairement aux cellules T CD8 CD44+ de type sauvage, nous avons observé que l'expansion induite par l'IL-15 des cellules T CD8 CD44+ c_rnycΔORF/+ est altérée aussi bien in vivo (en réponse à une injection de polyI:C) et in vitro. Par conséquent, nos résultats identifient c-Myc comme une nouvelle protéine régulatrice de la signalisation par l'IL-15 impliquée dans l'homéostasie des cellules T CD8 CD44+. SUMMARY Immunological memory is essential throughout life and allows memory lymphocytes to respond faster and more efficiently upon re-encounter of a known antigen. Factors controlling homeostasis of memory CD8 T cells under steady-state conditions in vivo are currently not well defined. However, the homeostatic proliferation of memory CD8 T cells in lymphopenic hosts requires the interaction of the TCR with self MHC class I molecules. In addition, cytokines, such as IL-15 and to a lesser extent IL-7, are essential for both homeostatic proliferation and maintenance of memory CD8 T cells. Since c-Myc, a proto-oncogene involved in cell division, proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation, has been widely implicated in responsiveness to cytokines, we were interested in analyzing homeostasis of memory CD8 T cells in c-myc hypomorph (c_rnycΔORF/+) mice, which express reduced levels of c-Myc. Although T cell development in the thymus was normal in c_rnycΔORF/+ mice, we found a selective 2- to 3-fold reduction in the memory-phenotype CD44high CD8 T cell population in the periphery. Reduced numbers of CD44high CD8 T cells did not correlate with decreased steady-state turnover rate or low expression of survival factors such as Bcl- 2. However, homeostatic proliferation of c_rnycΔORF/+ CD8 T cells, but not c_rnycΔORF/+ CD4 T cells, was dramatically reduced upon transfer into sublethally irradiated wild-type recipients. In addition, upon transfer of c_rnycΔORF/+ and c-myc WT cells into IL-15-/- mice, we observed that IL-15-induced homeostatic proliferation of CD8 T cells requires c-Myc. Moreover, in contrast to c-myc WT CD44high CD8 T cells, IL-15-induced expansion of c_rnycΔORF/+ CD44high CD8 T cells was strongly impaired both in vivo (in response to polyI:C injection) and in vitro. Collectively, our data identify c-Myc as a novel downstream regulator of IL-15 signaling involved in homeostasis of memory CD8 T cells.
Summary Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) represent a family of polyesters naturally synthesized by a wide variety of bacteria. Through their thermoplastic and elastomeric qualities, together with their biodegradable and renewable properties, they are predicted to be a good alternative to the petroleum- derived plastics. Nevertheless, as PHA production costs using bacteria fermentation are still too high, PHA synthesis within eukaryotic systems, such as plants, has been elaborated. Although the costs were then efficiently lowered, the yield of PHAs produced remained low. In this study, Saccharomyces cerevisae has been used as another eukaryotic model in order to reveal the steps which limit PHA production. These cells express the PHA synthase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the PHAs obtained were analyzed to understand the flux of fatty acids towards and through the peroxisomal β-oxidation core cycle, generating the main substrate of the PHA synthase. When S. cerevisiae wild-type cells are grown in a media containing glucose as carbon source as well as fatty acids, the PHA monomer composition is largely influenced by the nature of the external fatty acid used. Thus, even-chain PHA monomers are generated from oleic acid (18:1Δ9cis) and odd- chain PHA monomers are generated from heptadecenoic acid (17:1Δ. 10 cis). Moreover, PHA synthesis is dependent on the first two enzymes of the 0-oxidation core cycle, the acyl-CoA oxidase and the multifunctional enzyme enoyl-CoA hydratase II / R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase. S. cerevisiae mutant cells growing on oleic or heptadecenoic acid and deficient in either the R-3- hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase or in the 3-ketothiolase activity, the last β-oxidation cycle steps, surprisingly contained PHAs of predominantly even-chain monomers. This is also noticed in wild- type and mutants grown on glucose or raffinose, indicating that the substrate used for PHA synthesis is generated from the degradation of intracellular short- and medium-chain fatty acids by the 3- oxidation cycle. Inhibition of fatty acid biosynthesis by cerulenin blocks the synthesis of PHAs from intracellular fatty acids but still enables the use of extracellular fatty acids for polymer production. Together, these results uncovered the existence of a substantial futile cycle whereby short- and medium-chain intermediates of the cytoplasmic fatty acid biosynthetic pathway are directed towards the peroxisomal β-oxidation pathway. In this thesis, no increase of the yield of PHA produced could be obtained. But the PHA synthesis confirmed the carbon flux into and through the β-oxidation core cycle and unveiled the existence of novel mechanisms. It is thus a good tool to study in vivo the flux of carbons in S. cerevisiae cells. Résumé Les polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) sont une famille de polyesters naturellement synthétisés par un grand nombre de bactéries. Ayant des propriétés de thermoplastiques, d'élastomères et étant des ressources biodégradables et renouvelables, les PHAs représentent une bonne alternative aux plastiques dérivés du pétrole. Pour pallier aux coûts considérables de la production de PHAs par fermentation bactérienne, la synthèse de PHAs par des systèmes eucaryotes telles les plantes a été élaborée. Les coûts ont ainsi efficacement été diminués, mais le rendement de PHAs produits reste faible. Dans cette étude, Saccharomyces cerevisiae a été utilisé comme autre modèle eucaryote pour révéler les étapes limitantes de la production de PHAs. Les PHAs obtenus dans les cellules exprimant la F'HA synthase de Pseudomonas aeruginosa ont été analysés afin de comprendre le flux d'acides gras vers et à travers le cycle péroxisomal de la β-oxidation, principal producteur du substrat de la PHA synthase. Lorsque la souche S. cerevisiae de type sauvage se développe dans un milieu contenant du glucose et des acides gras, la composition des monomères de PHAs est influencée par la nature des acides gras extracellulaires. Ainsi, les monomères pairs sont générés par l'acide oléique (18:1Δ9cis), tandis que les impairs le sont par l'acide heptadécénoïque (17:1Δ10cis). La synthèse de PHAs est dépendante des deux premières enzymes de la β-oxidation; l'acyl-CoA oxidase et l'enzyme multifonctionnelle enoyl-CoA hydratase II / R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA déshydrogénase. Les souches mutantes ne possédant pas les activités de la R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA déshydrogénase ou de la 3- ketothiolase contiennent, en présence d'acide oléique ou heptadécénoïque, des PHAs composés essentiellement de monomères pairs. Cela a également été observé en présence de glucose ou de raffinose uniquement. Le substrat utilisé pour la synthèse de PHAs a ainsi été généré par la dégradation d'acides gras intracellulaires à chaîne courte et moyenne via le cycle de la β-oxidation. L'inhibition de la synthèse d'acides gras par la cérulénine a bloqué la synthèse de PHAs par les acides gras internes. Ces résultats ont révélés l'existence d'un cycle futile par lequel des intermédiaires à chaîne courte et moyenne de la synthèse cytoplasmique d'acides gras sont dirigés vers le cycle péroxisomal de la β-oxidation. Dans cette étude, le rendement de PHAs produits reste inchangé, mais l'analyse des PHAs permet de confirmer le flux de carbones vers et à travers le cycle péroxisomal de la β-oxidation et l'existence de nouveaux méchanismes a été dévoilée. Cette synthèse s'avère être un bon outil pour étudier in vivo le flux de carbones dans les cellules de S. cerevisiae.
Transcription factors of the NF-kappaB/Rel family are important mediators of extracellular signals. Their implication in positive selection of thymocytes is suggested by a defective thymic development in transgenic mice that over-express IkappaB in thymocytes. These mice exhibit an accumulation of an unusually prominent population of TCRhigh/CD4/CD8 double positive cells in the thymus and a dramatic reduction of CD4+ and CD8+ cells in the periphery. The present study addresses the role of NF-kappaB in survival and differentiation processes of maturing thymocytes using IkappaB/bcl-2 and IkappaB/HY double-transgenic mice. Neither the introduction of the anti-apoptosis gene bcl-2 nor the positively selecting background in female HY transgenic mice resulted in a rescue of the maturational defects observed in the thymus of IkappaB transgenic mice. Thus, rather than promoting survival the main role of NF-kappaB/Rel proteins during positive selection of thymocytes appears to be the mediation of differentiation signals.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The peroxisome proliferator-activated nuclear receptors (PPAR-alpha, PPAR-beta, and PPAR-gamma), which modulate the expression of genes involved in energy homeostasis, cell cycle, and immune function, may play a role in hepatic stellate cell activation. Previous studies focused on the decreased expression of PPAR-gamma in hepatic stellate cell activation but did not investigate the expression and role of the PPAR-alpha and -beta isotypes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of the different PPARs during hepatic stellate cell activation in vitro and in situ and to analyze possible factors that might contribute to their expression. In a second part of the study, the effect of a PPAR-beta agonist on acute liver injury was evaluated. METHODS: The effects of PPAR isotype-specific ligands on hepatic stellate cell transition were evaluated by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, gel shifts, immunoprecipitation, and use of antisense PPAR-beta RNA-expressing adenoviruses. Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced PPAR-beta phosphorylation and expression was evaluated by metabolic labeling and by using specific P38 inhibitors. RESULTS: Hepatic stellate cells constitutively express high levels of PPAR-beta, which become further induced during culture activation and in vivo fibrogenesis. No significant expression of PPAR-alpha or -gamma was found. Stimulation of the P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway modulated the expression of PPAR-beta. Transcriptional activation of PPAR-beta by L165041 enhanced hepatic stellate cell proliferation. Treatment of rats with a single bolus of CCl(4) in combination with L165041 further enhanced the expression of fibrotic markers. CONCLUSIONS: PPAR-beta is an important signal-transducing factor contributing to hepatic stellate cell proliferation during acute and chronic liver inflammation.
The liver of C57BL/6 mice contains a major subset of CD4+8- and CD4-8- T cell receptor (TCR)-alpha/beta+ cells expressing the polymorphic natural killer NK1.1 surface marker. Liver NK1.1+TCR-alpha/beta+ (NK1+ T) cells require interaction with beta2-microglobulin-associated, major histocompatibility complex I-like molecules on hematopoietic cells for their development and have a TCR repertoire that is highly skewed to Vbeta8.2, Vbeta7, and Vbeta2. We show here that congenic C57BL/6.Vbeta(a) mice, which lack Vbeta8- expressing T cells owing to a genomic deletion at the Vbeta locus, maintain normal levels of liver NK1+ T cells owing to a dramatic increase in the proportion of cells expressing Vbeta7 and Vbeta2 (but not other Vbetas). Moreover, in C57BL/6 congenic TCR-V Vbeta3 and -Vbeta8.1 transgenic mice (which in theory should not express other Vbeta, owing to allelic exclusion at the TCR-beta locus), endogenous TCR-Vbeta8.2, Vbeta7, and Vbeta2 (but not other Vbetas) are frequently expressed on liver NK1+T cells but absent on lymph node T cells. Finally, when endogenous V beta expression is prevented in TCR-Vbeta3 and Vbeta8.1 transgenic mice (by introduction of a null allele at the C beta locus), the development of liver NK1+T cells is totally abrogated. Collectively, our data indicate that liver NK1+T cells have a stringent requirement for expression of TCR-Vbeta8.2, Vbeta7, or Vbeta2 for their development.
Different cell sources for bone tissue engineering are reviewed. In particular, adult cell source strategies have been based on the implantation of unfractionated fresh bone marrow; purified, culture expanded mesenchymal stem cells, differentiated osteoblasts, or cells that have been modified genetically to express rhBMP. Several limiting factors are mentioned for these strategies such as low number of available cells or possible immunological reaction of the host. Foetal bone cells are presented as an alternative solution and review of actual treatments using these cells is presented. Finally, foetal cells used specifically for bone tissue engineering are characterised and potentially interesting therapeutic options are proposed.
Liddle's syndrome is a monogenic form of hypertension caused by mutations in the PY motif of the COOH terminus of beta- and gamma-epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) subunits. These mutations lead to retention of active channels at the cell surface. Because of the critical role of this PY motif in the stability of ENaCs at the cell surface, we have investigated its contribution to the ENaC response to aldosterone and vasopressin. Mutants of the PY motif in beta- and gamma-ENaC subunits (beta-Y618A, beta-P616L, beta-R564stop, and gamma-K570stop) were stably expressed by retroviral gene transfer in a renal cortical collecting duct cell line (mpkCCDcl4), and transepithelial Na+ transport was assessed by measurements of the benzamil-sensitive short-circuit current (Isc). Cells that express ENaC mutants of the PY motif showed a five- to sixfold higher basal Isc compared with control cells and responded to stimulation by aldosterone (10(-6) M) or vasopressin (10(-9) M) with a further increase in Isc. The rates of the initial increases in Isc after aldosterone or vasopressin stimulation were comparable in cells transduced with wild-type and mutant ENaCs, but reversal of the effects of aldosterone and vasopressin was slower in cells that expressed the ENaC mutants. The conserved sensitivity of ENaC mutants to stimulation by aldosterone and vasopressin together with the prolonged activity at the cell surface likely contribute to the increased Na+ absorption in the distal nephron of patients with Liddle's syndrome.