210 resultados para LOOP DIURETICS


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JIP-1 is a cytoplasmic inhibitor of the c-Jun amino-terminal kinase activated pathway recently cloned from a mouse brain cDNA library. We report herein the expression cloning of a rat cDNA encoding a JIP-1-related nuclear protein from a pancreatic beta-cell cDNA library that we named IB1 for Islet-Brain 1. IB1 was isolated by its ability to bind to GTII, a cis-regulatory element of the GLUT2 promoter. The IB1 cDNA encodes a 714-amino acid protein, which differs from JIP-1 by the insertion of 47 amino acids in the carboxyl-terminal part of the protein. The remaining 667 amino acids are 97% identical to JIP-1. The 47-amino acid insertion contains a truncated phosphotyrosine interaction domain and a putative helix-loop-helix motif. Recombinant IB1 (amino acids 1-714 and 280-714) was shown to bind in vitro to GTII. Functionally IB1 transactivated the GLUT2 gene. IB1 was localized within the cytoplasm and the nucleus of insulin-secreting cells or COS-7 cells transfected with an expression vector encoding IB1. Using a heterologous GAL4 system, we localized an activation domain of IB1 within the first 280 amino acids of the protein. These data demonstrate that IB1 is a DNA-binding protein related to JIP-1, which is highly expressed in pancreatic beta-cells where it functions as a transactivator of the GLUT2 gene.


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Jejunal diverticulosis is a rare entity with variable clinical and anatomical presentations. Its reported incidence varies from 0.05% to 6%. Although there is no consensus on the management of asymptomatic jejunal diverticular disease, some complications are potentially life threatening and require early surgical treatment. We report a case of an 88-year-old man investigated for acute abdominal pain with a high biological inflammatory syndrome. Inflammation of multiple giant jejunal diverticulum was discovered at abdominal computed tomography (CT). As a result of the clinical and biological signs of early peritonitis, an emergency surgical exploration was performed. The first jejunal loop showed clear signs of jejunal diverticulitis. Primary segmental jejunum resection with end-to-end anastomosis was performed. Histopathology report confirmed an ulcerative jejunal diverticulitis with imminent perforation and acute local peritonitis. The patient made an excellent rapid postoperative recovery. Jejunal diverticulum is rare but may cause serious complications. It should be considered a possible etiology of acute abdomen, especially in elderly patients with unusual symptomatology. Abdominal CT is the diagnostic tool of choice. The best treatment is emergency surgical management.


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Escherichia coli-based bioreporters for arsenic detection are typically based on the natural feedback loop that controls ars operon transcription. Feedback loops are known to show a wide range linear response to the detriment of the overall amplification of the incoming signal. While being a favourable feature in controlling arsenic detoxification for the cell, a feedback loop is not necessarily the most optimal for obtaining highest sensitivity and response in a designed cellular reporter for arsenic detection. Here we systematically explore the effects of uncoupling the topology of arsenic sensing circuitry on the developed reporter signal as a function of arsenite concentration input. A model was developed to describe relative ArsR and GFP levels in feedback and uncoupled circuitry, which was used to explore new ArsR-based synthetic circuits. The expression of arsR was then placed under the control of a series of constitutive promoters, which differed in promoter strength, and which could be further modulated by TetR repression. Expression of the reporter gene was maintained under the ArsR-controlled Pars promoter. ArsR expression in the systems was measured by using ArsR-mCherry fusion proteins. We find that stronger constitutive ArsR production decreases arsenite-dependent EGFP output from Pars and vice versa. This leads to a tunable series of arsenite-dependent EGFP outputs in a variety of systematically characterized circuitries. The higher expression levels and sensitivities of the response curves in the uncoupled circuits may be useful for improving field-test assays using arsenic bioreporters.


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RÉSUMÉ Les plaques de Peyer (PP) représentent le site d'entrée majeur des pathogènes au niveau des muqueuses intestinales. Après avoir traversé la cellule M, l'antigène est pris en charge par les cellules dendritiques (DC) de la région sub-épithéliale du dôme des PP. Ces dernières activent une réponse immunitaire qui conduit à la production de l'IgA de sécrétion (SIgA), l'anticorps majeur au niveau muqueux. Des études précédentes dans notre laboratoire ont démontré qu'après administration de SIgA dans des anses intestinales de souris, les SIgA se lient spécifiquement aux cellules M, entrent dans les PP, et sont éventuellement internalisées par les DC. Le but de ce travail est de comprendre la relevance biologique de l'entrée des SIgA dans les PP et leur relevance physiologique dans l'homéostasie mucosale. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré en utilisant une méthode de purification optimisée basée sur une isolation magnétique, que, en plus des DC myéloïdes (CD11c+/CD11b+) et des DC lymphoïdes (CD11c+/CD8+), les PP de souris contiennent un nouveau sous-type de DC exprimant les marqueurs CD11c et CD19. L'utilisation de la microscopie confocale nous a permis de démontrer que les DC myéloïdes internalisent des SIgA, contrairement aux DC lymphoïdes qui n'interagissent pas avec les SIgA, alors que le nouveau sous-type de DC exprimant CD19 lie les SIgA. En plus, nous avons démontré qu'aucune des DC de rate, de ganglion bronchique ou de ganglion inguinal interagit avec les SIgA. Dans le but d'explorer si les SIgA peuvent délivrer des antigènes aux DC des PP in vivo, nous avons administré des complexes immunitaires formés de Shigella flexneri complexées à des SIgA, dans des anses intestinales de souris. Nous avons observé une entrée dans les PP, suivie d'une migration vers les ganglions mésentériques drainants, contrairement aux Shigella flexneri seules, qui n'infectent pas la souris par la voie intestinale. Shigella flexneri délivrée par SIgA n'induit pas de destruction tissulaire au niveau de l'intestin. En plus de l'exclusion immunitaire, ces résultats suggèrent un nouveau rôle des SIgA, qui consiste à transporter des antigènes à l'intérieur des PP dans un contexte non-inflammatoire. RÉSUMÉ DESTINÉ À UN LARGE PUBLIC L'intestin a pour rôle principal d'absorber les nutriments digérés tout au long du tube digestif, et de les faire passer dans le compartiment intérieur sanguin. Du fait de son exposition chronique avec un monde extérieur constitué d'aliments et de bactéries, l'intestin est un endroit susceptible aux infections et a donc besoin d'empêcher l'entrée de microbes. Pour cela, l'intestin est tapissé de "casernes" appelées les plaques de Peyer, qui appartiennent à un système de défense appelé système immunitaire muqueux. Les plaques de Peyer sont composées de différents types de cellules, ayant pour rôle de contrôler l'entrée de microbes et de développer une réaction immunitaire lors d'infection. Cette réaction immunitaire contre les microbes (antigènes) débute par la prise en charge de l'antigène par des sentinelles, les cellules dendritiques. L'antigène est préparé de façon à être reconnu par d'autres cellules appelées lymphocytes T capables d'activer d'autres cellules, les lymphocytes B. La réaction immunitaire résulte dans la production par les lymphocytes B d'un anticorps spécifique appelé IgA de sécrétion (SIgA) au niveau de la lumière intestinale. De manière classique, le rôle de SIgA au niveau de la lumière intestinale consiste à enrober les microbes et donc exclure leur entrée dans le compartiment intérieur. Dans ce travail, nous avons découvert une nouvelle fonction des SIgA qui consiste à introduire des antigènes dans les plaques de Peyer, et de les diriger vers les cellules dendritiques. Sachant que les SIgA sont des anticorps qui ne déclenchent pas de réactions de défense violentes dites inflammatoires, l'entrée des antigènes via SIgA serait en faveur d'une défense intestinale maîtrisée sans qu'il y ait d'inflammation délétère. Ces résultats nous laissent supposer que l'entrée d'antigènes via SIgA pourrait conduire le système immunitaire muqueux à reconnaître ces antigènes de manière appropriée. Ce mécanisme pourrait expliquer les désordres immunitaires de types allergiques et maladies auto-immunitaires que l'on rencontre chez certaines personnes déficientes en IgA, chez qui cette lecture d'antigènes de manière correcte serait inadéquate. ABSTRACT Peyer's patches (PP) represent the primary site for uptake and presentation of ingested antigens in the intestine. Antigens are sampled by M cells, which pass them to underlying antigen-presenting cells including dendritic cells (DC). This leads to the induction of mucosal T cell response that is important for the production of secretory IgA (SIgA), the chief antibody at mucosal surfaces. Previous studies in the laboratory have shown that exogenous SIgA administrated into mouse intestinal loop binds specifically to M cells, enter into PP, and is eventually internalized by DC. The aim of this work is to understand the biological significance of the SIgA uptake by PP DC and its physiological relevance for mucosal homeostasis. As a first step, we have shown by using an optimized MACS method that, in addition to the CD11c+/CD11b+ (myeloid DC) and CD11c+/CD8+ (lymphoid DC) subtypes, mouse PP contain a novel DC subtype exhibiting both CD11c and CD19 markers. By using a combination of MACS isolation and confocal microscopy, we have demonstrated that in contrast to the lymphoid DC which do not interact with SIgA, the myeloid DC internalize SIgA, while the CD19+ subtype binds SIgA on its surface. Neither spleen DC, nor bronchial-lymph node DC, nor inguinal lymph node DC exhibit such a binding specificity. To test whether SIgA could deliver antigens to PP DC in vivo, we administered SIgA-Shigella flexneri immune complexes into mouse intestinal loop containing a PP. We found that (i) SIgA-Shigella flexneri immune complexes enter the PP and are internalized by sub-epithelial dome PP DC, in contrast to Shigella flexneri alone that does not penetrate the intestinal epithelia in mice, (ii) immune complexes migrate to the draining mesenteric lymph node, (iii) Shigella flexneri carried via SIgA do not induce intestinal tissue destruction. Our results suggest that in addition to immune exclusion, SIgA transports antigens back to the PP under non-inflammatory conditions.


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FANCM binds and remodels replication fork structures in vitro. We report that in vivo, FANCM controls DNA chain elongation in an ATPase-dependent manner. In the presence of replication inhibitors that do not damage DNA, FANCM counteracts fork movement, possibly by remodelling fork structures. Conversely, through damaged DNA, FANCM promotes replication and recovers stalled forks. Hence, the impact of FANCM on fork progression depends on the underlying hindrance. We further report that signalling through the checkpoint effector kinase Chk1 prevents FANCM from degradation by the proteasome after exposure to DNA damage. FANCM also acts in a feedback loop to stabilize Chk1. We propose that FANCM is a ringmaster in the response to replication stress by physically altering replication fork structures and by providing a tight link to S-phase checkpoint signalling.


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OBJECTIVES: Renal tubular sodium handling was measured in healthy subjects submitted to acute and chronic salt-repletion/salt-depletion protocols. The goal was to compare the changes in proximal and distal sodium handling induced by the two procedures using the lithium clearance technique. METHODS: In nine subjects, acute salt loading was obtained with a 2 h infusion of isotonic saline, and salt depletion was induced with a low-salt diet and furosemide. In the chronic protocol, 15 subjects randomly received a low-, a regular- and a high-sodium diet for 1 week. In both protocols, renal and systemic haemodynamics and urinary electrolyte excretion were measured after an acute water load. In the chronic study, sodium handling was also determined, based on 12 h day- and night-time urine collections. RESULTS: The acute and chronic protocols induced comparable changes in sodium excretion, renal haemodynamics and hormonal responses. Yet, the relative contribution of the proximal and distal nephrons to sodium excretion in response to salt loading and depletion differed in the two protocols. Acutely, subjects appeared to regulate sodium balance mainly by the distal nephron, with little contribution of the proximal tubule. In contrast, in the chronic protocol, changes in sodium reabsorption could be measured both in the proximal and distal nephrons. Acute water loading was an important confounding factor which increased sodium excretion by reducing proximal sodium reabsorption. This interference of water was particularly marked in salt-depleted subjects. CONCLUSION: Acute and chronic salt loading/salt depletion protocols investigate different renal mechanisms of control of sodium balance. The endogenous lithium clearance technique is a reliable method to assess proximal sodium reabsorption in humans. However, to investigate sodium handling in diseases such as hypertension, lithium should be measured preferably on 24 h or overnight urine collections to avoid the confounding influence of water.


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Regulation of sodium balance is a critical factor in the maintenance of euvolemia, and dysregulation of renal sodium excretion results in disorders of altered intravascular volume, such as hypertension. The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is thought to be the only mechanism for sodium transport in the cortical collecting duct (CCD) of the kidney. However, it has been found that much of the sodium absorption in the CCD is actually amiloride insensitive and sensitive to thiazide diuretics, which also block the Na-Cl cotransporter (NCC) located in the distal convoluted tubule. In this study, we have demonstrated the presence of electroneutral, amiloride-resistant, thiazide-sensitive, transepithelial NaCl absorption in mouse CCDs, which persists even with genetic disruption of ENaC. Furthermore, hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) increased excretion of Na+ and Cl- in mice devoid of the thiazide target NCC, suggesting that an additional mechanism might account for this effect. Studies on isolated CCDs suggested that the parallel action of the Na+-driven Cl-/HCO3- exchanger (NDCBE/SLC4A8) and the Na+-independent Cl-/HCO3- exchanger (pendrin/SLC26A4) accounted for the electroneutral thiazide-sensitive sodium transport. Furthermore, genetic ablation of SLC4A8 abolished thiazide-sensitive NaCl transport in the CCD. These studies establish what we believe to be a novel role for NDCBE in mediating substantial Na+ reabsorption in the CCD and suggest a role for this transporter in the regulation of fluid homeostasis in mice.


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Cell-to-cell communication mediated by gap junctions made of Connexin36 (Cx36) contributes to pancreatic β-cell function. We have recently demonstrated that Cx36 also supports β-cell survival by a still unclear mechanism. Using specific Cx36 siRNAs or adenoviral vectors, we now show that Cx36 downregulation promotes apoptosis in INS-1E cells exposed to the pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, TNF-α and IFN-γ) involved at the onset of type 1 diabetes, whereas Cx36 overexpression protects against this effect. Cx36 overexpression also protects INS-1E cells against endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-mediated apoptosis, and alleviates the cytokine-induced production of reactive oxygen species, the depletion of the ER Ca(2+) stores, the CHOP overexpression and the degradation of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and Mcl-1. We further show that cytokines activate the AMP-dependent protein kinase (AMPK) in a NO-dependent and ER-stress-dependent manner and that AMPK inhibits Cx36 expression. Altogether, the data suggest that Cx36 is involved in Ca(2+) homeostasis within the ER and that Cx36 expression is downregulated following ER stress and subsequent AMPK activation. As a result, cytokine-induced Cx36 downregulation elicits a positive feedback loop that amplifies ER stress and AMPK activation, leading to further Cx36 downregulation. The data reveal that Cx36 plays a central role in the oxidative stress and ER stress induced by cytokines and the subsequent regulation of AMPK activity, which in turn controls Cx36 expression and mitochondria-dependent apoptosis of insulin-producing cells.


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While the pro-differentiation and tumour suppressive functions of Notch signalling in keratinocytes are well established, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We report here that interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6), an IRF family member with an essential role in epidermal development, is induced in differentiation through a Notch-dependent mechanism and is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes and keratinocyte-derived SCC cells. Increased IRF6 expression contributes to the impact of Notch activation on growth/differentiation-related genes, while it is not required for induction of 'canonical' Notch targets like p21(WAF1/Cip1), Hes1 and Hey1. Down-modulation of IRF6 counteracts differentiation of primary human keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo, promoting ras-induced tumour formation. The clinical relevance of these findings is illustrated by the strikingly opposite pattern of expression of Notch1 and IRF6 versus epidermal growth factor receptor in a cohort of clinical SCCs, as a function of their grade of differentiation. Thus, IRF6 is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes, which contributes to the role of this pathway in differentiation and tumour suppression.


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In response to insect herbivory, Arabidopsis plants activate the synthesis of the phytohor- mone jasmonate-isoleucine, which binds to a complex consisting of the receptor COI1 and JAZ repressors. Upon proteasome-mediated JAZ degradation, basic helix-loop-helix tran- scription factors (TFs) MYC2, MYC3, and MYC4 become activated and this results in the expression of defense genes. Although the jasmonate (JA) pathway is known to be essen- tial for the massive transcriptional reprogramming that follows herbivory, there is however little information on other TFs that are required for defense against herbivores and whether they contribute significantly to JA-dependent defense gene expression. By transcriptome profiling, we identified 41TFs that were induced in response to herbivory by the generalist Spodoptera littoralis. Among them, nine genes, including WRKY18, WRKY40, ANAC019, ANAC055, ZAT10, ZAT12, AZF2, ERF13, and RRTF1, were found to play a significant role in resistance to S. littoralis herbivory. Compared to the triple mutant myc234 that is as sensitive as coi1-1 to herbivory, knockout lines of these nine TFs were only partially more sensitive to S. littoralis but, however, some displayed distinct gene expression changes at the whole-genome level. Data thus reveal that MYC2, MYC3, and MYC4 are master regu- lators of Arabidopsis resistance to a generalist herbivore and identify new genes involved in insect defense.


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Ligand-gated ion channels of the Cys loop family are receptors for small amine-containing neurotransmitters. Charged amino acids are strongly conserved in the ligand-binding domain of these receptor proteins. To investigate the role of particular residues in ligand binding of the serotonin 5-HT3AS receptor (5-HT3R), glutamate amino acid residues at three different positions, Glu97, Glu224, and Glu235, in the extracellular N-terminal domain were substituted with aspartate and glutamine using site-directed mutagenesis. Wild type and mutant receptor proteins were expressed in HEK293 cells and analyzed by electrophysiology, radioligand binding, fluorescence measurements, and immunochemistry. A structural model of the ligand-binding domain of the 5-HT3R based on the acetylcholine binding protein revealed the position of the mutated amino acids. Our results demonstrate that mutations of Glu97, distant from the ligand-binding site, had little effect on the receptor, whereas mutations Glu224 and Glu235, close to the predicted binding site, are indeed important for ligand binding. Mutations E224Q, E224D, and E235Q decreased EC50 and Kd values 5-20-fold, whereas E235D was functionally expressed at a low level and had a more than 100-fold increased EC50 value. Comparison of the fluorescence properties of a fluorescein-labeled antagonist upon binding to wild type 5-HT3R and E235Q, allowed us to localize Glu235 within a distance of 1 nm around the ligand-binding site, as proposed by our model.


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C4-dicarboxylates are one of the preferred carbon and energy sources for the growth of P. aeruginosa, a ubiquitous and metabolically versatile bacterium. However, despite their importance, C4-dicarboxylates sensing and uptake systems were poorly understood in P. aeruginosa and only little information was available in the literature. In our work, the C4-dicarboxylate transport (Dct) system in P. aeruginosa was found to be composed of a novel two-component system, called DctB/DctD, regulating together with the sigma factor RpoN the expression of two newly identified C4-dicarboxylate transporters: DctA and DctPQM. Inactivation of the dct A, dctB or dctD gene caused a growth defect of the strain in minimal media supplemented with succinate, fumarate or malate, indicating their major role in Dct. However, residual growth of the dctA mutant in these media suggested the presence of redundant C4-dicarboxylate transporter(s). Tn5 insertion mutagenesis of the kdctA mutant, combined with a screening for growth on succinate, led to the identification of a second Dct system, the DctPQM transporter, belonging to the tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) family of carriers. AdctAAdctPQM double mutant showed no growth on malate and fumarate albeit residual growth on succinate suggested that additional transporters for succinate are present. Competition experiments demonstrated that the DctPQM carrier was more efficient than the DctA carrier for the utilization of succinate at μΜ concentrations, whereas DctA was the major transporter at mM concentrations. For the first time, high- and low-affinity uptake systems for succinate (DctA and DctPQM) are reported to function co-ordinately to transport C4- dicarboxylates. Most probably, the presence of redundant uptake systems contributes to the versatility of this bacterium. Next, the regulation of the Dct system was investigated. While performing a parallel study about the carbon catabolite repression (CCR) phenomenon in P. aeruginosa, a link between the CCR cascade (CbrAB/CrcZ/Crc) and the Dct system was observed. Crc is a translational repressor acting when preferred carbon sources (like C4-dicarboxylates) are present. CrcZ is a small RNA acting as a functional antagonist of Crc and induced by the CbrA/CbrB two-component system when non preferred carbon sources (like mannitol) are utilized. Novel targets of the CbrAB/CrcZ/Crc system in P. aeruginosa were identified using transcriptome analysis; among them dctA and dctPQM were detected. CCR is regulating the dct transporter genes expression depending on the succinate concentrations in the medium of growth; this modulation of CCR is possible because, at the same time, succinate concentrations tune CCR. In a medium containing high succinate concentrations, CrcZ levels were low and therefore Crc inhibited the translation of mRNA targets. Whereas in a medium containing low succinate concentrations, the subsequent increase of CrcZ levels sequestered Crc, inhibiting its activity. This model shows for the first time that CCR possesses a feedback-based circuitry, a very important type of regulatory loop that confers the best adaptive response under changing environmental conditions. The expression of the dct transporter genes is also found to be regulated by the RNA chaperone protein Hfq. Hfq has the same post-transcriptional effect than Crc at high concentration of succinate, i.e. inhibiting dctP and dctR and indirectly favouring dctA expression. Moreover, an additional indirect positive regulation of dctP expression by Hfq was found. Finally, a metabolome approach was performed to investigate the internal signals modulating CCR via induction of CbrA activity in P. aeruginosa PAOl and P. putida KT2442. The results of the analysis are currently under study in the laboratory. - Les acides C4-dicarboxyliques font partie des sources de carbone et d'énergie préférés de P. aeruginosa, une bactérie versatile et ubiquitaire. Néanmoins, malgré leur importance, comment la présence des acides C4-dicarboxyliques dans le milieu est sentie par la bactérie et comment ils sont transportés dans la cellule chez P. aeruginosa n'étaient pas connus. De plus, peu d'informations sur ces procédés ont été répertoriées dans la littérature. Grace à notre travail, le système de transport des acides C4-dicarboxyliques (Dct) chez P. aeruginosa a pu être caractérisé. En effet, il est composé d'un nouveau système à deux composants, nommé DctB/DctD, qui régule, en combinaison avec le facteur sigma alternatif RpoN, l'expression des deux nouveaux transporteurs des acides C4-dicarboxyliques: DctA et DctPQM. L'inactivation des gènes dctA, dctB or dctD cause un défaut de croissance des souches mutantes dans un milieu minimum contenant du succinate, fumarate ou malate; confirmation de leur rôle dans le Dct. Cependant, une croissance résiduelle du mutant dctA dans ces milieux suggérerait une redondance des transporteurs d'acides Grdicarboxyliques. Une expérience de mutagenèse dans la souche AdctA, utilisant le transposon Tn5, combiné avec un criblage génétique sur la croissance dans le succinate, nous a permis d'identifier le deuxième transporteur DctPQM. DctPQM appartient à la famille des transporteurs TRAP (tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic). Un double mutant AdctAAdctPQM ne pousse pas dans du malate ou fumarate mais par contre présente une croissance résiduelle dans le succinate suggérant l'existence de transporteurs supplémentaires pour le succinate. En réalisant des expériences de compétitions nous avons démontré que le transporteur DctPQM est plus efficace que le transporteur DctA pour l'utilisation de succinate à une concentration de l'ordre du μΜ. Par contre, DctA est le transporteur le plus important pour une concentration de succinate de l'ordre du raM. Pour la première fois, deux systèmes de transport, un avec une forte- et un avec une faible-affinité (DctA et DctPQM) pour le succinate, sont coordonnés dans leur activité de transport des acides C4- dicarboxyliques, probablement contribuant à la versatilité de la bactérie. Ensuite, nous avons étudié la régulation du system Dct. En effectuant, en parallèle, une étude sur le phénomène de la répression catabolique (RC) chez P. aeruginosa, un lien entre la RC et le système Dct a été observé. La cascade des régulateurs formant la RC est composée de CbrA/CbrB, CrcZ et Crc. Crc est un répresseur traductionnel qui agit quand des sources de carbone préférées (comme les acides C4-dicarboxyliques) sont présentes dans le milieu. CrcZ est un petit ARN non-codant qui agit comme antagoniste de Crc. L'expression de CrcZ est induite par le système à deux composants CbrA/CbrB lorsque une source de carbone non-préférée est utilisée (comme le mannitol). Des nouvelles cibles du système CbrAB/CrcZ/Crc chez P. aeruginosa ont été identifiées grâce à une analyse du transcriptome des souches mutantes des régulateurs de la cascade. Parmi les cibles identifiées, les gènes dctA et dctPQM étaient présents. La RC régule l'expression des transporteurs dct en fonction de la concentration de succinate dans le milieu de croissance. Cette régulation est possible parce que, en même temps, les acides C4- dicarboxyliques régulent la RC. Dans un milieu contenant une grande concentration du succinate, le niveau d'expression de CrcZ est faible, donc Crc peut inhiber l'expression de ces ARN messagers cibles. Par contre, dans un milieu avec une faible concentration de succinate, l'augmentation de l'expression de CrcZ titre Crc et inhibe son activité. Ce modèle de régulation rétroactive est très important pour le phénomène de la RC, parce qu'il permet à la bactérie d'accorder une meilleure réponse à un changement environnemental. L'expression des gènes codant pour les transporteurs dct sont aussi régulés par la protéine chaperonne d'ARN Hfq. Hfq semble avoir le même effet traductionnelle que Crc, lorsqu'il y a une forte concentration de succinate. Nous avons ainsi observé une régulation négative de l'expression du gène dct Ρ et dctR, qui code pour un répresseur de la transcription de dctA. Nous avons aussi observé une régulation positive de la transcription de dctP par Hfq, probablement de façon indirecte. Enfin, une analyse du metabolome a était utilisée pour chercher les signaux internes modulant la RC et, en particulier, l'activité de la protéine senseur CbrA chez P. aeruginosa PAOl et P. putida KT2442. Les résultats de l'analyse sont en cours d'étude dans le laboratoire.


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Summary : PPARα is a ligand-activated transcription factor that is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily. In rodents, PPARα is highly expressed in liver, especially in parenchymal cells, where it has an impact on several hepatic functions such as nutrient metabolism, inflammation and metabolic stress. Ligands for PPARα comprise long chain unsaturated fatty acids, eicosanoids and lipid lowering fibrate drugs. In liver, many metabolic processes are orchestrated by the hepatic circadian clock. The aim of the hepatic clock is to synchronize cellular pathways allowing animals to adapt their metabolism to predictable daily changes in the environment. Indeed, similar to PPARα, the hepatic clock influences nutrient metabolism and detoxification through circadian output regulators :the PAR-domain basic leucine zipper proteins called PAR blip proteins. In this report, we showed that through a positive feedback loop mechanism, PAR. blip, proteins participate to the availability of PPARα endogenous ligands that contribute to the circadian expression and functions of PPARα. Interestingly, we also discovered some unexpected hepatic sexual dimorphic functions of PPARα. These functions are determined b PPARα sumoylation, interaction with DNA methylation mechanism and with unexpected proteins with gender specificity. The connection between circadian clock and hepatic sexual dimorphism opens new perspectives regarding the chronobiology of PPARα activity and the beneficial effects of PPARα agonist in the treatment of diseases related to steroid hormones metabolism characterized by inflammation and hepatotoxicity. Résumé : PPARα est un facteur de transcription activé par un ligand, membre de la superfamille des récepteurs nucléaires. Chez les rongeurs, PPARα est fortement exprimé dans le foie, spécialement dans les cellules du parenchyme dans lesquelles il joue un role important dans les fonctions hépatiques tels que le métabolisme des nutriments, l'inflammation et les stress métaboliques. Les ligands pour PPARα comprennent les acides gras à longues chaînes, les eicosanoides et les médicaments hypolipidémiques (fibrates). Dans le foie, beaucoup de processus métaboliques sont orchestrés par l'horloge circadienne hépatique. Le but de cette horloge est de synchroniser les voies métaboliqués permettant aux animaux d'adapter leurs métabolismes aux changements journaliers. Ainsi, l'horloge hépatique influence le métabolisme des nutriments tels que l'utilisation des lipides à travers certains régulateurs circadians appelés facteurs de transcription PAR bZips. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons montré qu'à travers une boucle de régulation, les protéines PAR bZip contrôlent la production des ligands endogènes à PPARα, jouant un rôle dans l'expression circadienne et les fonctions de PPARα. Nous avons également découvert des aspects méconnus des fonctions liées au dimorphisme sexuel de PPARα. Nous avons montré que PPARα est différemment sumoylisé entre les sexes et interagit avec la méthylation de l'ADN ainsi qu'avec des protéines insoupçonnées comme partenaires de PPARα. De part leur lien avec l'horloge circadienne et le dimorphisme sexuel, nos découvertes ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives concernant la chronobiologie de l'activité de PPARα et les effets bénéfiques des ses activateurs dans le traitement des maladies liées au métabolisme des hormones stéroides.


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PURPOSE: To report a large deletion that encompasses more than 90% of PRPF31 gene and two other neighboring genes in their entirety in an adRP pedigree that appears to show only the typical clinical features of retinitis pigmentosa. METHODS: To identify PRPF31 mutation in a dominant RP family (ADRP2) previously linked to the RP11 locus, the 14 exons of PRPF31 were screened for mutations by direct sequencing. To investigate the possibility of a large deletion, microsatellite markers near PRPF31 gene were analyzed by non-denaturing PAGE. RESULTS: Initial screening of PRPF31 gene in the ADRP2 family did not reveal an obvious mutation. A large deletion was however suspected due to lack of heterozygosity for nearly all PRPF31 intragenic single nucleotide polymorphysm (SNPs). In order to estimate the size of the deletion, SNPs and microsatellite markers spanning and flanking PRPF31 were analyzed in the entire ADRP2 family. Haplotype analysis with the above markers suggested a deletion of approximately 30 kb that included the putative promoter region of a novel gene OSCAR, the entire genomic content of genes NDUFA3, TFPT and more than 90% of PRPF31 gene. Sequence analysis of the region flanking the potential deletion showed a high presence of Alu elements implicating Alu mediated recombination as the mechanism responsible for this event. CONCLUSIONS: This mutation provides evidence that haploinsufficiency rather than aberrant function of mutated proteins is the cause of disease in these adRP patients with mutations in PRPF31 gene.


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Pharmacological treatment of hypertension represents a cost-effective way of preventing cardiovascular and renal complications. To benefit maximally from antihypertensive treatment, blood pressure should be brought to below 140/90 mmHg in every hypertensive patient, and even lower (< 130/80 mmHg) if diabetes or renal disease co-exists. Such targets cannot usually be reached using monotherapies. This is especially true in patients who present with a high cardiovascular risk. The co-administration of two agents acting by different mechanisms considerably increases the blood pressure control rate. Such combinations are not only efficacious, but are also well tolerated, and some fixed low-dose combinations even have a placebo-like tolerability. This is the case for the preparation containing the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor perindopril (2 mg) and the diuretic indapamide (0.625 mg), a fixed low-dose combination that has been shown in controlled trials to be more effective than monotherapies in reducing albuminuria, regressing cardiac hypertrophy and improving the stiffness of large arteries. Using this combination to initiate antihypertensive therapy has been shown in a double-blind trial (Strategies of Treatment in Hypertension: Evaluation; STRATHE) to normalize blood pressure (< 140/90 mmHg) in significantly more patients (62%) than a sequential monotherapy approach based on atenolol, losartan and amlodipine (49%) and a stepped-care strategy based on valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide (47%), with no difference between the three arm groups in terms of tolerability. An ongoing randomized trial (Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled Evaluation; ADVANCE) is a study with a 2 x 2 factorial design assessing the effects of the fixed-dose perindopril-indapamide combination and of the intensive gliclazide modified release-based glucose control regimen in type 2 diabetic patients, with or without hypertension. A total of 11 140 patients were randomly selected. Within the first 6 weeks of treatment (run-in phase), the perindopril-indapamide combination lowered blood pressure from 145/81 +/- 22/11 mmHg (mean +/- SD) to 137/78 +/- 20/10 mmHg. Fixed-dose combinations are becoming more and more popular for the management of hypertension, and are even proposed by hypertension guidelines as a first-line option to treat hypertensive patients.