191 resultados para Intubação Gastrointestinal
Introduction. Preoperative malnutrition is a major risk factor for increased postoperative morbidity and mortality. Definition and diagnosis of malnutrition and its treatment is still subject for controversy. Furthermore, practical implementation of nutrition-related guidelines is unknown. Methods. A review of the available literature and of current guidelines on perioperative nutrition was conducted. We focused on nutritional screening and perioperative nutrition in patients undergoing digestive surgery, and we assessed translation of recent guidelines in clinical practice. Results and Conclusions. Malnutrition is a well-recognized risk factor for poor postoperative outcome. The prevalence of malnutrition depends largely on its definition; about 40% of patients undergoing major surgery fulfil current diagnostic criteria of being at nutritional risk. The Nutritional Risk Score is a pragmatic and validated tool to identify patients who should benefit from nutritional support. Adequate nutritional intervention entails reduced (infectious) complications, hospital stay, and costs. Preoperative oral supplementation of a minimum of five days is preferable; depending on the patient and the type of surgery, immune-enhancing formulas are recommended. However, surgeons' compliance with evidence-based guidelines remains poor and efforts are necessary to implement routine nutritional screening and nutritional support.
Background: Recently, more clinical trials are being conducted in Africa and Asia, therefore, background morbidity in the respective populations is of interest. Between 2000 and 2007, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative sponsored 19 Phase 1 or 2A preventive HIV vaccine trials in the US, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and India, enrolling 900 healthy HIV-1 uninfected volunteers. Objective To assess background morbidity as reflected by unsolicited adverse events (AEs), unrelated to study vaccine, reported in clinical trials from four continents. Methods All but three clinical trials were double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled. Study procedures and data collection methods were standardized. The frequency and severity of AEs reported during the first year of the trials were analyzed. To avoid confounding by vaccine-related events, solicited reactogenicity and other AEs occurring within 28 d after any vaccination were excluded. Results In total, 2134 AEs were reported by 76% of all participants; 73% of all events were mild. The rate of AEs did not differ between placebo and vaccine recipients. Overall, the percentage of participants with any AE was higher in Africa (83%) compared with Europe (71%), US (74%) and India (65%), while the percentage of participants with AEs of moderate or greater severity was similar in all regions except India. In all regions, the most frequently reported AEs were infectious diseases, followed by gastrointestinal disorders. Conclusions Despite some regional differences, in these healthy participants selected for low risk of HIV infection, background morbidity posed no obstacle to clinical trial conduct and interpretation. Data from controlled clinical trials of preventive interventions can offer valuable insights into the health of the eligible population.
Imatinib (Glivec®) has transformed the treatment and short-term prognosis of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST). However, the treatment must be taken indefinitely and is not devoid of inconvenience and toxicity. Moreover, resistance or escape from disease control occurs in a significant number of patients. Imatinib is a substrate of the cytochromes P450 CYP3A4/5 and of the multidrug transporter P glycoprotein (product of the MDR1 gene), and is also bound to the alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) in plasma. Considering the large inter-individual differences in the expression and function of those systems, the disposition and clinical activity of imatinib can be expected to vary widely among patients, calling for dosage individualisation. The aim of this exploratory study was to determine the average pharmacokinetic parameters characterizing the disposition of imatinib in the target population, to assess their inter-individual variability, and to identify influential factors affecting them. A total of 321 plasma concentrations were measured in 59 patients receiving Glivec® at diverse dosage regimens, using a validated chromatographic method developed for this study. The results were analysed by non-linear mixed effect modelling (NONMEM). A one-compartment model with first-order absorption described the data appropriately, with an average apparent clearance of 12.4 l/h, a volume of distribution of 268 l and an absorption constant of 0.47 h-1. The clearance was affected by body weight, age and sex. No influences of interacting drugs were found. DNA samples were used for pharmacogenetic explorations. The MDR1 polymorphism 3435C>T and the AAG phenotype appears to modulate the disposition of imatinib. Large inter-individual variability (CV %) remained unexplained by the demographic covariates considered, both on clearance (40%) and distribution volume (71%). Together with intra-patient variability (34%), this translates into an 8-fold width of the 90%-prediction interval of plasma concentrations expected under a fixed dosing regimen. This is a strong argument to further investigate the possible usefulness of a therapeutic drug monitoring programme for imatinib. It may help in individualising the dosing regimen before overt disease progression or observation of treatment toxicity, thus improving both the long-term therapeutic effectiveness and tolerability of this drug.
Résumé Introduction : La chirurgie de la maladie de Hirschsprung est fréquemment compliquée d'une atteinte post-opératoire de la motilité intestinale. Des anomalies du système nerveux entérique (SNE) telles que la dysplasie neuronale intestinale de type B, l'hypoganglionose ou l'aganglionose, présents dans le segment abaissé, peuvent être la cause de certaines de ces complications mais aucune information n'est disponible quant au rôle des cellules interstitielles de Cajal (CIC) sur la motilité intestinale dans la phase post-opératoire. Ces cellules sont considérées avoir un rôle de pacemaker dans le tractus gastro-intestinal. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrire la distribution des CIC dans le segment proximal du côlon réséqué lors de cures chirurgicales de maladie de Hirschsprung et de confronter ces observations à l'évolution clinique post-opératoire. Matériel et Méthodes : L'incidence des complications post-opératoires a été déterminée par une revue rétrospective des dossiers de 48 patients opérés pour maladie de Hirschspung entre 1977 et 1999 et par l'étude histologique et immuno-histochimique des pièces réséquées chez ces patients. Nous avons comparé la distribution des CIC dans le segment proximal du côlon avec celle du côlon sain de 16 enfants contrôles par microscopie optique. L'immunohistochimie au c-Kit a été utilisée pour marquer spécifiquement les CIC sur échantillons paraffinés. Ces résultats ont ensuite été corrélés avec l'étude du SNE de ces mêmes segments, déterminée par immunohistochimie au CD56 et au protein gene product 9.5. Résultats Les complications post-opératoires suivantes furent identifiées : constipation 46%, constipation avec incontinence 15%, entérocolite 8%, décès 4% (probablement sur entérocolite). La distribution des CIC dans les segments proximaux réséqués chez les enfants avec maladie de Hirschsprung était identique à celle observée dans les segments de côlon sain, et ce indépendamment de la distribution normale ou anormale du SNE. Chez les enfants opérés pour maladie de Hirschsprung les segments réséqués présentaient les anomalies d'innervation suivantes : aganglionose 10.4%, hypoganglionose 12.5%, dysplasie neuronale intestinale de type B 6.3%, autres dysganglionoses 14.6%. Aucune relation entre ces anomalies d'innervation et les complications post-opératoires n'a été mise en évidence. Conclusion : La distribution des CIC est normale chez les patient opérés pour maladie de Hirschsprung, et ne contribue donc pas aux atteintes post-opératoires de la motilité intestinale. Cela signifie aussi que le réseau de CIC se développe noinialement dans le côlon humain, même en présence d'une innervation colique anormale ou absente. Abstract: Surgery for Hirschsprung's disease is often complicated by post-operative bowel motility disorders. The impact of intestinal neural histology on the surgical outcome has been previously studied, but no information is available concerning the influence of the distribution of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) on these complications. These cells are considered to be pacemakers in the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this study was to assess the distribution of ICC in the proximal segment of resected bowel in Hirschsprung's disease and confront these results with the clinical outcome. Using immunohistochemistry for light microscopy, we compared the pattern of distribution of ICC in the proximal segment of resected bowel in Hirschsprung's disease with that in normal colon. We correlated these results with the corresponding neural intestinal histology determined by CD56 and the protein gene product 9.5 immunohistochemistry. The distribution of ICC in the proximal segment of resected bowel is identical to that of normal colon, regardless of normal or abnormal colon innervation. ICC distribution does not seem to contribute to post-operative bowel motility disorders in patients operated for Hirschsprung's disease.
BACKGROUND: Inter-individual variability in plasma concentration-time profiles might contribute to differences in anti-malarial treatment response. This study investigated the pharmacokinetics of three different forms of artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) in Tanzania and Cambodia to quantify and identify potential sources of variability. METHODS: Drug concentrations were measured in 143 patients in Tanzania (artemether, dihydroartemisinin, lumefantrine and desbutyl-lumefantrine), and in 63 (artesunate, dihydroartemisinin and mefloquine) and 60 (dihydroartemisinin and piperaquine) patients in Cambodia. Inter- and intra-individual variabilities in the pharmacokinetic parameters were assessed and the contribution of demographic and other covariates was quantified using a nonlinear mixed-effects modelling approach (NONMEM®). RESULTS: A one-compartment model with first-order absorption from the gastrointestinal tract fitted the data for all drugs except piperaquine (two-compartment). Inter-individual variability in concentration exposure was about 40% and 12% for mefloquine. From all the covariates tested, only body weight (for all antimalarials) and concomitant treatment (for artemether only) showed a significant influence on these drugs' pharmacokinetic profiles. Artesunate and dihydroartemisinin could not be studied in the Cambodian patients due to insufficient data-points. Modeled lumefantrine kinetics showed that the target day 7 concentrations may not be achieved in a substantial proportion of patients. CONCLUSION: The marked variability in the disposition of different forms of ACT remained largely unexplained by the available covariates. Dosing on body weight appears justified. The concomitance of unregulated drug use (residual levels found on admission) and sub-optimal exposure (variability) could generate low plasma levels that contribute to selecting for drug-resistant parasites.
In previous years, several publications have reported cases of infants presenting neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms after ingestion of star anise tea. Such teas are sometimes given in various cultures for the treatment of infant colic pains. In most cases, the cause of intoxication was contamination of Chinese star anise (Illicium verum) by Japanese star anise (Illicium anisatum). Indeed, the toxicity of Illicium anisatum, also known as Shikimi, is caused by its content in potent neurotoxins (anisatin, neoanisatin, and pseudoanisatin), due to their activity as non-competitive antagonists of GABA receptors. The main reasons explaining the frequent contaminations are the strong macroscopic resemblance of the 2 substances, as well as the fact that the fruits are often sold partially broken or in ground form. Therefore, in most cases, chemical analysis is required to determine the possible adulterations. CASE REPORT: A 2-month-old infant, in good general health, was brought to the emergency unit after 3 consecutive episodes of central cyanosis and tetany of the limbs with spontaneous recovery the same afternoon. The child was also very irritable, regurgitated a lot, and positioned himself in opisthotonos. Between these episodes, the neurological exam showed some perturbations (horizontal nystagmus and Bell's phenomenon, hypertony of the extensor muscles, and mild hypotony of the axial flexor muscles) with slow improvement over the following hours. The remaining clinical exam, the laboratory work (complete blood count, renal, hepatic, and muscular tests, capillary blood gas, plasmatic amino acids, and urinary organic acids), and the electroencephalogram findings were all normal. In the course of a detailed interview, the parents reported having given 3 bottles to their child, each one containing 200 mL of an infusion with 4 to 5 fruits of star anise, in the hours preceding the symptoms to relieve colic pains. The last seizure-like event took place approximately 8h after the last ingestion. We could prove the ingestion of anisatin, the toxic substance found in Japanese star anise, and the contamination of Chinese star anise by the Japanese species. Indeed, the anisatin analysis by liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy (LC-MS) in a urine sample taken 22 h after the last infusion ingestion showed trace amounts of the substance. In another urine sample taken 33 h after ingestion, no anisatin could be detected. Furthermore, the analysis of the fruit sample gave an anisatin concentration of 7800 μg/kg while the maximum tolerance value in Switzerland is 1000 μg/kg. CONCLUSION: The evaluation of ALTE in infants should always include the possibility of intoxication. Star anise is generally considered a harmless medicine. Nevertheless, it can sometimes cause a severe intoxication resulting in various neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms. To prevent such events, not only the parents, but also the care personnel and pharmacists must be informed about the possible adverse effects caused either by the overdose of Chinese star anise or by the eventual contamination of herbal teas with Japanese star anise. A better control of the substances by the health authorities is also necessary.
Promising new technologies are emerging in digestive surgery: Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) and Single Port Access Surgery. They both aim to limit the surgical morbidity by decreasing the number of parietal accesses. The feasibility in human is obviously demonstrated, but numerous issues remain concerning the safety of these techniques. Furthermore, the expected advantages are not clearly demonstrated until now in the literature. In the future, it will be advisable to standardize techniques, in order to allow large clinical studies and to limit the potential complications of these approaches.
Disseminated cholesterol crystal embolism is observed in elderly men with severe atherosclerosis. This syndrome may be triggered by arterial catheterizations, major vascular surgery, thrombolytic and/or anticoagulation treatment. Cutaneous signs, subacute renal insufficiency, a marked inflammatory syndrome and eosinophilia are common. Immunologic testing is normal except for hypocomplementaemia. The diagnosis may be confirmed by biopsy (skin, gastrointestinal or renal), and/or by a fundoscopic examination. The treatment consists in withdrawing all form of anticoagulation, proscribing vascular surgery and arterial catheterization, prescribing aspirin and statins, and controlling arterial blood pressure. Corticosteroids may be given in refractory cases. The prognosis of cholesterol crystal embolism is poor but may be improved by statins.
There is ongoing controversy regarding the cardiovascular safety of coxibes. Inhibition of COX-2 may have a pro-coagulant effect though available data does not support a class effect in human use. In clinical practice, prudence with its prescription is recommended. In cases which require treatment beyond one week, the individual cardiovascular and gastrointestinal risks need to be assessed. If the risk is predominantly gastrointestinal, a COXIB is indicated. If the cardiovascular risk is major, then a classical NSAID with gastric protection may be more appropriate.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST), despite being rare, pose a relevant medical problem from the viewpoint of diagnosis and management. GIST are fragile, liable to metastasize and often located in delicate structures. Surgical options, therefore, are limited. In the last decade an improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the disease has resulted in novel modes of treatment. The introduction of systemic tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy with imatinib has significantly improved the outcome of the disease and prolonged the survival of GIST patients. For many patients the acute threat of a deadly cancer has been transformed into a manageable chronic condition. Drug safety, tolerability and compliance, subjects of concern in all long-term therapies, have proven to be acceptable for the tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib. The present paper provides a compact overview of the epidemiology, pathophysiology and morphology of GIST, with special reference to the underlying molecular biology. Relevant aspects of diagnosis, therapy and monitoring of the disease are reviewed with particular emphasis on the available clinical evidence and recent guidelines.
BACKGROUND: Surveillance is an essential element of surgical site infection (SSI) prevention. Few studies have evaluated the long-term effect of these programmes. AIM: To present data from a 13-year multicentre SSI surveillance programme from western and southern Switzerland. METHODS: Surveillance with post-discharge follow-up was performed according to the US National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) system methods. SSI rates were calculated for each surveyed type of surgery, overall and by year of participation in the programme. Risk factors for SSI and the effect of surveillance time on SSI rates were analysed by multiple logistic regression. FINDINGS: Overall SSI rates were 18.2% after 7411 colectomies, 6.4% after 6383 appendicectomies, 2.3% after 7411 cholecystectomies, 1.7% after 9933 herniorrhaphies, 1.6% after 6341 hip arthroplasties, and 1.3% after 3667 knee arthroplasties. The frequency of SSI detected after discharge varied between 21% for colectomy and 94% for knee arthroplasty. Independent risk factors for SSI differed between operations. The NNIS risk index was predictive of SSI in gastrointestinal surgery only. Laparoscopic technique was protective overall, but associated with higher rates of organ-space infections after appendicectomy. The duration of participation in the surveillance programme was not associated with a decreased SSI rate for any of the included procedure. CONCLUSION: These data confirm the effect of post-discharge surveillance on SSI rates and the protective effect of laparoscopy. There is a need to establish alternative case-mix adjustment methods. In contrast to other European programmes, no positive impact of surveillance duration on SSI rates was observed.
Actualités en gastroentérologie et hépatologie [Highlights in gastroenterology and hepatology 2010].
This review highlights recent advances in gastroenterology and hepatology, including the treatment of Crohn's disease, of eosinophilic esophagitis, of chronic hepatitis C, and of hepatic encephalopathy as well as the role of high resolution manometry in the investigation of esophageal motility disorders. These new developments will be summarized and discussed critically, with a particular emphasis on their potential implications for current and future clinical practice.
[Clinical-immunological tests; current state].