153 resultados para Hansen nasal
Rapport de synthèseLe syndrome d'apnées obstructives du sommeil (SAOS) est une pathologie respiratoire fréquente. Sa prévalence est estimée entre 2 et 5% de la population adulte générale. Ses conséquences sont importantes. Notamment, une somnolence diurne, des troubles de la concentration, des troubles de la mémoire et une augmentation du risque d'accident de la route et du travail. Il représente également un facteur de risque cardiovasculaire indépendant.Ce syndrome est caractérisé par la survenue durant le sommeil d'obstructions répétées des voies aériennes supérieures. L'arrêt ou la diminution d'apport en oxygène vers les poumons entraîne des épisodes de diminution de la saturation en oxygène de l'hémoglobine. Les efforts ventilatoires visant à lever l'obstacle présent sur les voies aériennes causent de fréquents réveils à l'origine d'une fragmentation du sommeil.La polysomnographie (PSG) représente le moyen diagnostic de choix. Il consiste en l'enregistrement dans un laboratoire du sommeil et en présence d'un technicien diplômé, du tracé électroencéphalographique (EEG), de l'électrooculogramme (EOG), de l'électromyogramme mentonnier (EMG), du flux respiratoire nasal, de l'oxymétrie de pouls, de la fréquence cardiaque, de l'électrocardiogramme (ECG), des mouvements thoraciques et abdominaux, de la position du corps et des mouvements des jambes. L'examen est filmé par caméra infrarouge et les sons sont enregistrés.Cet examen permet entre autres mesures, de déterminer les événements respiratoires obstructifs nécessaires au diagnostic de syndrome d'apnée du sommeil. On définit une apnée lors d'arrêt complet du débit aérien durant au moins 10 secondes et une hypopnée en cas, soit de diminution franche de l'amplitude du flux respiratoire supérieure à 50% durant au moins 10 secondes, soit de diminution significative (20%) de l'amplitude du flux respiratoire pendant au minimum 10 secondes associée à un micro-éveil ou à une désaturation d'au moins 3% par rapport à la ligne de base. La détection des micro-éveils se fait en utilisant les dérivations électroencéphalographiques, électromyographiques et électrooculographiques. Il existe des critères visuels de reconnaissance de ces éveils transitoire: apparition de rythme alpha (8.1 à 12.0 Hz) ou beta (16 à 30 Hz) d'une durée supérieure à 3 secondes [20-21].Le diagnostic de S AOS est retenu si l'on retrouve plus de 5 événements respiratoires obstructifs par heure de sommeil associés soit à une somnolence diurne évaluée selon le score d'Epworth ou à au moins 2 symptômes parmi les suivants: sommeil non réparateur, étouffements nocturne, éveils multiples, fatigue, troubles de la concentration. Le S AOS est gradué en fonction du nombre d'événements obstructifs par heure de sommeil en léger (5 à 15), modéré (15 à 30) et sévère (>30).La polysomnographie (PSG) comporte plusieurs inconvénients pratiques. En effet, elle doit être réalisée dans un laboratoire du sommeil avec la présence permanente d'un technicien, limitant ainsi son accessibilité et entraînant des délais diagnostiques et thérapeutiques. Pour ces mêmes raisons, il s'agit d'un examen onéreux.La polygraphie respiratoire (PG) représente l'alternative diagnostique au gold standard qu'est l'examen polysomnographique. Cet examen consiste en l'enregistrement en ambulatoire, à savoir au domicile du patient, du flux nasalrespiratoire, de l'oxymétrie de pouls, de la fréquence cardiaque, de la position du corps et du ronflement (par mesure de pression).En raison de sa sensibilité et sa spécificité moindre, la PG reste recommandée uniquement en cas de forte probabilité de SAOS. Il existe deux raisons principales à l'origine de la moindre sensibilité de l'examen polygraphique. D'une part, du fait que l'état de veille ou de sommeil n'est pas déterminé avec précision, il y a dilution des événements respiratoires sur l'ensemble de l'enregistrement et non sur la période de sommeil uniquement. D'autre part, en l'absence de tracé EEG, la quantification des micro-éveils est impossible. Il n'est donc pas possible dans l'examen poly graphique, de reconnaître une hypopnée en cas de diminution de flux respiratoire de 20 à 50% non associée à un épisode de désaturation de l'hémoglobine de 3% au moins. Alors que dans l'examen polysomnographique, une telle diminution du flux respiratoire pourrait être associée à un micro-éveil et ainsi comptabilisée en tant qu'hypopnée.De ce constat est né la volonté de trouver un équivalent de micro-éveil en polygraphie, en utilisant les signaux à disposition, afin d'augmenter la sensibilité de l'examen polygraphique.Or plusieurs études ont démontrés que les micro-éveils sont associés à des réactions du système nerveux autonome. Lors des micro-éveils, on met en évidence la survenue d'une vasoconstriction périphérique. La variation du tonus sympathique associée aux micro-éveils peut être mesurée par différentes méthodes. Les variations de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls mesurée par pulsoxymétrie représentant un marqueur fiable de la vasoconstriction périphérique associée aux micro-réveils, il paraît donc opportun d'utiliser ce marqueur autonomique disponible sur le tracé des polygraphies ambulatoires afin de renforcer la sensibilité de cet examen.Le but de l'étude est d'évaluer la sensibilité des variations de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls pour détecter des micro-réveils corticaux afin de trouver un moyen d'augmenter la sensibilité de l'examen polygraphique et de renforcer ainsi sont pouvoir diagnostic.L'objectif est de démontrer qu'une diminution significative de l'amplitude de l'onde pouls est concomitante à une activation corticale correspondant à un micro¬réveil. Cette constatation pourrait permettre de déterminer une hypopnée, en polygraphie, par une diminution de 20 à 50% du flux respiratoire sans désaturation de 3% mais associée à une baisse significative de l'amplitude de pouls en postulant que l'événement respiratoire a entraîné un micro-réveil. On retrouve par cette méthode les mêmes critères de scoring d'événements respiratoires en polygraphie et en polysomnographie, et l'on renforce la sensibilité de la polygraphie par rapport au gold standard polysomnographique.La méthode consiste à montrer en polysomnographie qu'une diminution significative de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls mesurée par pulsoxymétrie est associée à une activation du signal électroencéphalographique, en réalisant une analyse spectrale du tracé EEG lors des baisses d'amplitude du signal d'onde de pouls.Pour ce faire nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective sur plus de 1000 diminutions de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls sur les tracés de 10 sujets choisis de manière aléatoire parmi les patients référés dans notre centre du sommeil (CIRS) pour suspicion de trouble respiratoire du sommeil avec somnolence ou symptomatologie diurne.Les enregistrements nocturnes ont été effectués de manière standard dans des chambres individuelles en utilisant le système d'acquisition Embla avec l'ensemble des capteurs habituels. Les données ont été par la suite visuellement analysées et mesurées en utilisant le software Somnologica version 5.1, qui fournit un signal de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls (puise wave amplitude - PWA).Dans un premier temps, un technicien du sommeil a réalisé une analyse visuelle du tracé EEG, en l'absence des données du signal d'amplitude d'onde de pouls. Il a déterminé les phases d'éveil et de sommeil, les stades du sommeil et les micro¬éveils selon les critères standards. Les micro-éveils sont définis lors d'un changement abrupt dans la fréquence de l'EEG avec un pattern d'ondes thêta-alpha et/ou une fréquence supérieure à 16 Hz (en l'absence de fuseau) d'une durée d'au minimum trois secondes. Si cette durée excède quinze secondes, l'événement correspond à un réveil.Puis, deux investigateurs ont analysé le signal d'amplitude d'onde de pouls, en masquant les données du tracé EEG qui inclut les micro-éveils. L'amplitude d'onde de pouls est calculée comme la différence de valeur entre le zénith et le nadir de l'onde pour chaque cycle cardiaque. Pour chaque baisse de l'amplitude d'onde de pouls, la plus grande et la plus petite amplitude sont déterminées et le pourcentage de baisse est calculé comme le rapport entre ces deux amplitudes. On retient de manière arbitraire une baisse d'au moins 20% comme étant significative. Cette limite a été choisie pour des raisons pratiques et cliniques, dès lors qu'elle représentait, à notre sens, la baisse minimale identifiable à l'inspection visuelle. Chaque baisse de PWA retenue est divisée en 5 périodes contiguës de cinq secondes chacune. Deux avant, une pendant et deux après la baisse de PWA.Pour chaque période de cinq secondes, on a pratiqué une analyse spectrale du tracé EEG correspondant. Le canal EEG C4-A1 est analysé en utilisant la transformée rapide de Fourier (FFT) pour chaque baisse de PWA et pour chaque période de cinq secondes avec une résolution de 0.2 Hz. La distribution spectrale est catégorisée dans chaque bande de fréquence: delta (0.5 à 4.0 Hz); thêta (4.1 à 8.0Hz); alpha (8.1 à 12.0 Hz); sigma (12.1 à 16 Hz) et beta (16.1 à 30.0 Hz). La densité de puissance (power density, en μΥ2 ) pour chaque bande de fréquence a été calculée et normalisée en tant que pourcentage de la puissance totale. On a déterminé, ensuite, la différence de densité de puissance entre les 5 périodes par ANOVA on the rank. Un test post hoc Tukey est été utilisé pour déterminer si les différences de densité de puissance étaient significatives. Les calculs ont été effectués à l'aide du software Sigmastat version 3.0 (Systat Software San Jose, California, USA).Le principal résultat obtenu dans cette étude est d'avoir montré une augmentation significative de la densité de puissance de l'EEG pour toutes les bandes de fréquence durant la baisse de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls par rapport à la période avant et après la baisse. Cette augmentation est par ailleurs retrouvée dans la plupart des bande de fréquence en l'absence de micro-réveil visuellement identifié.Ce résultat témoigné donc d'une activation corticale significative associée à la diminution de l'onde de pouls. Ce résulat pourrait permettre d'utiliser les variations de l'onde de pouls dans les tracés de polygraphie comme marqueur d'une activation corticale. Cependant on peut dire que ce marqueur est plus sensible que l'analyse visuelle du tracé EEG par un technicien puisque qu'on notait une augmentation de lactivité corticale y compris en l'absence de micro-réveil visuellement identifié. L'application pratique de ces résultats nécessite donc une étude prospective complémentaire.
The human genome encodes the blueprint of life, but the function of the vast majority of its nearly three billion bases is unknown. The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project has systematically mapped regions of transcription, transcription factor association, chromatin structure and histone modification. These data enabled us to assign biochemical functions for 80% of the genome, in particular outside of the well-studied protein-coding regions. Many discovered candidate regulatory elements are physically associated with one another and with expressed genes, providing new insights into the mechanisms of gene regulation. The newly identified elements also show a statistical correspondence to sequence variants linked to human disease, and can thereby guide interpretation of this variation. Overall, the project provides new insights into the organization and regulation of our genes and genome, and is an expansive resource of functional annotations for biomedical research.
BACKGROUND: Present combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) alone does not cure HIV infection and requires lifelong drug treatment. The potential role of HIV therapeutic vaccines as part of an HIV cure is under consideration. Our aim was to assess the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of Vacc-4x, a peptide-based HIV-1 therapeutic vaccine targeting conserved domains on p24(Gag), in adults infected with HIV-1. METHODS: Between July, 2008, and June, 2010, we did a multinational double-blind, randomised, phase 2 study comparing Vacc-4x with placebo. Participants were adults infected with HIV-1 who were aged 18-55 years and virologically suppressed on cART (viral load <50 copies per mL) with CD4 cell counts of 400 × 10(6) cells per L or greater. The trial was done at 18 sites in Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK, and the USA. Participants were randomly assigned (2:1) to Vacc-4x or placebo. Group allocation was masked from participants and investigators. Four primary immunisations, weekly for 4 weeks, containing Vacc-4x (or placebo) were given intradermally after administration of adjuvant. Booster immunisations were given at weeks 16 and 18. At week 28, cART was interrupted for up to 24 weeks. The coprimary endpoints were cART resumption and changes in CD4 counts during treatment interruption. Analyses were by modified intention to treat: all participants who received one intervention. Furthermore, safety, viral load, and immunogenicity (as measured by ELISPOT and proliferation assays) were assessed. The 52 week follow-up period was completed in June, 2011. For the coprimary endpoints the proportion of participants who met the criteria for cART resumption was analysed with a logistic regression model with the treatment effect being assessed in a model including country as a covariate. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00659789. FINDINGS: 174 individuals were screened; because of slow recruitment, enrolment stopped with 136 of a planned 345 participants and 93 were randomly assigned to receive Vacc-4x and 43 to receive placebo. There were no differences between the two groups for the primary efficacy endpoints in those participants who stopped cART at week 28. Of the participants who resumed cART, 30 (34%) were in the Vacc-4x group and 11 (29%) in the placebo group, and percentage changes in CD4 counts were not significant (mean treatment difference -5·71, 95% CI -13·01 to 1·59). However, a significant difference in viral load was noted for the Vacc-4x group both at week 48 (median 23 100 copies per mL Vacc-4x vs 71 800 copies per mL placebo; p=0·025) and week 52 (median 19 550 copies per mL vs 51 000 copies per mL; p=0·041). One serious adverse event, exacerbation of multiple sclerosis, was reported as possibly related to study treatment. Vacc-4x was immunogenic, inducing proliferative responses in both CD4 and CD8 T-cell populations. INTERPRETATION: The proportion of participants resuming cART before end of study and change in CD4 counts during the treatment interruption showed no benefit of vaccination. Vacc-4x was safe, well tolerated, immunogenic, seemed to contribute to a viral-load setpoint reduction after cART interruption, and might be worth consideration in future HIV-cure investigative strategies. FUNDING: Norwegian Research Council GLOBVAC Program and Bionor Pharma ASA.
Fibroblastic and myofibroblastic tumors of the head and neck are numerous and may develop either in adults or in childhood. They can be benign and nonrecurring, benign but locally recurring, of low-grade of malignancy or fully malignant. The diagnosis and treatment of these lesions can be difficult. This review focuses on several (myo)fibroblastic lesions of the head and neck, including nodular fasciitis and related neoplasms, hemangiopericytoma-like tumor (glomangiopericytoma) of sinonasal passages, nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, desmoid fibromatosis, Gardner-associated fibroma, extrapleural solitary fibrous tumor, inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma, and adult-type fibrosarcoma.
We describe an improved multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat (VNTR) analysis (MLVA) scheme for genotyping Staphylococcus aureus. We compare its performance to those of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and spa typing in a survey of 309 strains. This collection includes 87 epidemic methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains of the Harmony collection, 75 clinical strains representing the major MLST clonal complexes (CCs) (50 methicillin-sensitive S. aureus [MSSA] and 25 MRSA), 135 nasal carriage strains (133 MSSA and 2 MRSA), and 13 published S. aureus genome sequences. The results show excellent concordance between the techniques' results and demonstrate that the discriminatory power of MLVA is higher than those of both MLST and spa typing. Two hundred forty-two genotypes are discriminated with 14 VNTR loci (diversity index, 0.9965; 95% confidence interval, 0.9947 to 0.9984). Using a cutoff value of 45%, 21 clusters are observed, corresponding to the CCs previously defined by MLST. The variability of the different tandem repeats allows epidemiological studies, as well as follow-up of the evolution of CCs and the identification of potential ancestors. The 14 loci can conveniently be analyzed in two steps, based upon a first-line simplified assay comprising a subset of 10 loci (panel 1) and a second subset of 4 loci (panel 2) that provides higher resolution when needed. In conclusion, the MLVA scheme proposed here, in combination with available on-line genotyping databases (including http://mlva.u-psud.fr/), multiplexing, and automatic sizing, can provide a basis for almost-real-time large-scale population monitoring of S. aureus.
The nose is the anatomical site usually recommended for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) screening. Other sites are also recommended, but are more controversial. We showed that the sensitivities of MRSA detection from nasal swabs alone were 48% and 62% by culture or by rapid PCR test, respectively. These percentages increased to 79% and 92% with the addition of groin swabs, and to 96% and 99% with the addition of groin and throat swabs. In conclusion, neither by culture nor by rapid PCR test is nose sampling alone sufficient for MRSA detection. Additional anatomical sites should include at least the groin and throat.
MVA is a candidate vector for vaccination against pathogens and tumors. Little is known about its behaviour in mucosal tissues. We have investigated the fate and biosafety of MVA, when inoculated by different routes in C57BL/6 mice. Intranasal inoculation targeted the virus to the nasal associated lymphoid tissue and the lungs, whereas systemic inoculation led to distribution of MVA in almost all lymphoid organs, lungs and ovaries. Intravaginal, intrarectal and intragastric inoculations failed to induce efficient infection. After 48 h no virus was detectable any more in the organs analyzed. Upon intranasal inoculation, no inflammatory reactions were detected in the central nervous system as well as the upper and lower airways. These results show the tropism of MVA and indicate that high doses of recombinant MVA are safe when nasally administered, a vaccination route known to elicit strong cellular and humoral immune responses in the female genital tract.
Novel therapeutic agents targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) have improved outcomes for patients with colorectal carcinoma. However, these therapies are effective only in a subset of patients. Activating mutations in the KRAS gene are found in 30-40% of colorectal tumors and are associated with poor response to anti-EGFR therapies. Thus, KRAS mutation status can predict which patient may or may not benefit from anti-EGFR therapy. Although many diagnostic tools have been developed for KRAS mutation analysis, validated methods and standardized testing procedures are lacking. This poses a challenge for the optimal use of anti-EGFR therapies in the management of colorectal carcinoma. Here we review the molecular basis of EGFR-targeted therapies and the resistance to treatment conferred by KRAS mutations. We also present guideline recommendations and a proposal for a European quality assurance program to help ensure accuracy and proficiency in KRAS mutation testing across the European Union.
The effects of intranasal administration of increasing doses of synthetic human natriuretic peptide (4-28 hANP) were studied in six healthy volunteers. The peptide was administered as a nasal spray at doses of 50, 100, 200, and 500 micrograms in ascending order at 48-h intervals. Vehicle was administered by the same route randomly between any two of the doses. Intranasal hANP administration had no effect on either blood pressure, heart rate (HR), or hematocrit. Diuresis did not change consistently, whereas natriuresis tended to rise with vehicle as well as with hANP administration. This was attributed to the infusion of isotonic saline during the experiment. There was no significant increase in plasma ANP levels after intranasal administration of any of the different doses. Thus, no evidence that the atrial natriuretic peptide tested (4-28 hANP) can cross the nasal mucosal barrier was found.
In Switzerland, as in other Occidental countries, the prevalence of arterial hypertension (AHT) in the adult population is around 30-40%. Among the causes of secondary AHT, drug induced hypertension is sometimes omitted. Many molecules can induce AHT or worsen it due to an interaction with anti hypertensive drugs. Among these, NSAIDs and anti depressants, widely prescribed, should be used with caution, particularly in patients at risk, namely: those with preexisting AHT, the elderly, or patients suffering from kidney disease, diabetes, and/or heart failure. Increases in blood pressure have also been described with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs, used in the treatment of (metastatic) cancer. A thorough anamnesis of drugs, including over the counter ones, should be performed in every hypertensive patient, and can avoid cumbersome and unnecessary investigations and therapy.
OBJECTIVE: To report a novel phenotype of autosomal dominant atypical congenital cataract associated with variable expression of microcornea, microphthalmia, and iris coloboma linked to chromosome 2. Molecular analysis of this phenotype may improve our understanding of anterior segment development. DESIGN: Observational case study, genome linkage analysis, and gene mutation screening. PARTICIPANTS: Three families, 1 Egyptian and 2 Belgians, with a total of 31 affected were studied. METHODS: Twenty-one affected subjects and 9 first-degree relatives underwent complete ophthalmic examination. In the Egyptian family, exclusion of PAX6, CRYAA, and MAF genes was demonstrated by haplotype analysis using microsatellite markers on chromosomes 11, 16, and 21. Genome-wide linkage analysis was then performed using 385 microsatellite markers on this family. In the 2 Belgian families, the PAX6 gene was screened for mutations by direct sequencing of all exons. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Phenotype description, genome-wide linkage of the phenotype, linkage to the PAX6, CRYAA, and MAF genes, and mutation detection in the PAX6 gene. RESULTS: Affected members of the 3 families had bilateral congenital cataracts inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. A novel form of hexagonal nuclear cataract with cortical riders was expressed. Among affected subjects with available data, 95% had microcornea, 39% had microphthalmia, and 38% had iris coloboma. Seventy-five percent of the colobomata were atypical, showing a nasal superior location in 56%. A positive lod score of 4.86 was obtained at theta = 0 for D2S2309 on chromosome 2, a 4.9-Mb common haplotype flanked by D2S2309 and D2S2358 was obtained in the Egyptian family, and linkage to the PAX6, CRYAA, or MAF gene was excluded. In the 2 Belgian families, sequencing of the junctions and all coding exons of PAX6 did not reveal any molecular change. CONCLUSIONS: We describe a novel phenotype that includes the combination of a novel form of congenital hexagonal cataract, with variably expressed microcornea, microphthalmia, and atypical iris coloboma, not caused by PAX6 and mapping to chromosome 2. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) infects the host via mucosal surfaces and exploits the host immune system for systemic spread and chronic infection. We have tested a neutralizing rat monoclonal antibody specific for the retroviral envelope glycoprotein gp52 for its efficiency in preventing acute and chronic mucosal and systemic infection. The antibody completely inhibits the superantigen response and chronic viral infection following systemic or nasal infection. Surprisingly however, the antibody only partially inhibits the early infection of antigen-presenting cells in the draining lymph node. Despite this initially inefficient protection from infection, superantigen-specific B- and T-cell responses and systemic viral spread are abolished, leading to complete clearance of the retroviral infection and hence interruption of the viral life cycle. In conclusion, systemic neutralizing monoclonal antibodies can provide an efficient protection against chronic retroviral amplification and persistence.
BACKGROUND: Strategies leading to the long-term suppression of inappropriate ocular angiogenesis are required to avoid the need for repetitive monthly injections for treatment of diseases of the eye, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The present study aimed to develop a strategy for the sustained repression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is identified as the key player in exudative AMD. METHODS: We have employed short hairpin (sh)RNAs combined with adeno-associated virus (AAV) delivery to obtain the targeted expression of potent gene-regulatory molecules. Anti-VEGF shRNAs were analyzed in human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells using Renilla luciferase screening. For in vivo delivery of the most potent shRNA, self-complementary AAV vectors were packaged in serotype 8 capsids (scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9). In vivo efficacy was evaluated either by injection of scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9 into murine hind limb muscles or in a laser-induced murine model of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) following scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9 subretinal delivery. RESULTS: Plasmids encoding anti-VEGF shRNAs showed efficient knockdown of human VEGF in RPEs. Intramuscular administration led to localized expression and 91% knockdown of endogenous murine (m)VEGF. Subsequently, the ability of AAV2/8-encoded shRNAs to impair vessel formation was evaluated in the murine model of CNV. In this model, the sizes of the CNV were significantly reduced (up to 48%) following scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9 subretinal delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Using anti-VEGF vectors, we have demonstrated efficient silencing of endogenous mVEGF and showed that subretinal administration of scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9 has the ability to impair vessel formation in an AMD animal model. Thus, AAV-encoded shRNA can be used for the inhibition of neovascularization, leading to the development of sustained anti-VEGF therapy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background: Johanson-Blizzard syndrome (JBS; OMIM 243800) is an autosomal recessive disorder that includes congenital exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, facial dysmorphism with the characteristic nasal wing hypoplasia, multiple malformations, and frequent mental retardation. Our previous work has shown that JBS is caused by mutations in human UBR1, which encodes one of the E3 ubiquitin ligases of the N-end rule pathway. The N-end rule relates the regulation of the in vivo half-life of a protein to the identity of its N-terminal residue. One class of degradation signals (degrons) recognized by UBR1 are destabilizing N-terminal residues of protein substrates.Methodology/Principal Findings: Most JBS-causing alterations of UBR1 are nonsense, frameshift or splice-site mutations that abolish UBR1 activity. We report here missense mutations of human UBR1 in patients with milder variants of JBS. These single-residue changes, including a previously reported missense mutation, involve positions in the RING-H2 and UBR domains of UBR1 that are conserved among eukaryotes. Taking advantage of this conservation, we constructed alleles of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae UBR1 that were counterparts of missense JBS-UBR1 alleles. Among these yeast Ubr1 mutants, one of them (H160R) was inactive in yeast-based activity assays, the other one (Q1224E) had a detectable but weak activity, and the third one (V146L) exhibited a decreased but significant activity, in agreement with manifestations of JBS in the corresponding JBS patients.Conclusions/Significance: These results, made possible by modeling defects of a human ubiquitin ligase in its yeast counterpart, verified and confirmed the relevance of specific missense UBR1 alleles to JBS, and suggested that a residual activity of a missense allele is causally associated with milder variants of JBS.
Bovine secretory IgA (SIgA), recently identified in colostrum, was shown to be homologous to human SIgA by immunologic cross-reaction. A quantitative study indicated that bovine SIgA, a minor component of colostrum, is a major immunoglobulin in most other external secretions including saliva, spermatic fluid, lacrimal, nasal and gastrointestinal secretions. SIgA was isolated from saliva. The free form of secretory component was found to be abundant in milk. A normal lactating cow produces about 1.2 g of this protein per day. Two forms of IgA were identified in serum: a normal serum IgA with no secretory antigenic determinant, and a small amount of SIgA. In vitro synthesis of SIgA by the salivary gland was studied by tissue cultures with incorporation of labeled amino acids.