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Doping with natural steroids can be detected by evaluating the urinary concentrations and ratios of several endogenous steroids. Since these biomarkers of steroid doping are known to present large inter-individual variations, monitoring of individual steroid profiles over time allows switching from population-based towards subject-based reference ranges for improved detection. In an Athlete Biological Passport (ABP), biomarkers data are collated throughout the athlete's sporting career and individual thresholds defined adaptively. For now, this approach has been validated on a limited number of markers of steroid doping, such as the testosterone (T) over epitestosterone (E) ratio to detect T misuse in athletes. Additional markers are required for other endogenous steroids like dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). By combining comprehensive steroid profiles composed of 24 steroid concentrations with Bayesian inference techniques for longitudinal profiling, a selection was made for the detection of DHT and DHEA misuse. The biomarkers found were rated according to relative response, parameter stability, discriminative power, and maximal detection time. This analysis revealed DHT/E, DHT/5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol and 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol/5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol as best biomarkers for DHT administration and DHEA/E, 16α-hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone/E, 7β-hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone/E and 5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol/5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol for DHEA. The selected biomarkers were found suitable for individual referencing. A drastic overall increase in sensitivity was obtained. The use of multiple markers as formalized in an Athlete Steroidal Passport (ASP) can provide firm evidence of doping with endogenous steroids.
OBJECTIVE.: Injection of opioids to the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) has been reported to provide pain relief in patients suffering from different kinds of neuropathic facial pain conditions, such as trigeminal neuralgia, postherpetic neuralgia, and atypical facial pain. The classic approach to the SCG is a transoral technique using a so-called "stopper" to prevent accidental carotid artery puncture. The main disadvantage of this technique is that the needle tip is positioned distant from the actual target, possibly impeding successful block of the SCG. A further limitation is that injection of local anesthetics due to potential carotid artery puncture is contraindicated. We hypothesized that the SCG can be identified and blocked using ultrasound imaging, potentially increasing precision of this technique. INTERVENTIONS.: In this pilot study, 20 US-guided simulated blocks of the SCG were performed in 10 human cadavers in order to determine the accuracy of this novel block technique. After injection of 0.1 mL of dye, the cadavers were dissected to evaluate the needle position and coloring of the SCG. RESULTS.: Nineteen of the 20 needle tips were located in or next to the SCG. This corresponded to a simulated block success rate of 95% (95% confidence interval 85-100%). In 17 cases, the SCG was completely colored, and in two cases, the caudal half of the SCG was colored with dye. CONCLUSIONS.: The anatomical dissections confirmed that our ultrasound-guided approach to the SCG is accurate. Ultrasound could become an attractive alternative to the "blind" transoral technique of SCG blocks.
Research in vitro facilitates discovery, screening, and pilot experiments, often preceding research in vivo. Several technical difficulties render Dendritic Cell (DC) research particularly challenging, including the low frequency of DC in vivo, thorough isolation requirements, and the vulnerability of DC ex vivo. Critically, there is not as yet a widely accepted human or murine DC line and in vitro systems of DC research are limited. In this study, we report the generation of new murine DC lines, named MutuDC, originating from cultures of splenic CD8α conventional DC (cDC) tumors. By direct comparison to normal WT splenic cDC subsets, we describe the phenotypic and functional features of the MutuDC lines and show that they have retained all the major features of their natural counterpart in vivo, the splenic CD8α cDC. These features include expression of surface markers Clec9A, DEC205, and CD24, positive response to TLR3 and TLR9 but not TLR7 stimuli, secretion of cytokines, and chemokines upon activation, as well as cross-presentation capacity. In addition to the close resemblance to normal splenic CD8α cDC, a major advantage is the ease of derivation and maintenance of the MutuDC lines, using standard culture medium and conditions, importantly without adding supplementary growth factors or maturation-inducing stimuli to the medium. Furthermore, genetically modified MutuDC lines have been successfully obtained either by lentiviral transduction or by culture of DC tumors originating from genetically modified mice. In view of the current lack of stable and functional DC lines, these novel murine DC lines have the potential to serve as an important auxiliary tool for DC research.
PURPOSE Inotuzumab ozogamicin (CMC-544) is an antibody-targeted chemotherapy agent composed of a humanized anti-CD22 antibody conjugated to calicheamicin, a potent cytotoxic agent. This was a phase I study to determine the maximum-tolerated dose (MTD), safety, and preliminary efficacy of inotuzumab ozogamicin in an expanded MTD cohort of patients with relapsed or refractory CD22(+) B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). PATIENTS AND METHODS Inotuzumab ozogamicin was administered intravenously as a single agent once every 3 or 4 weeks at doses ranging from 0.4 to 2.4 mg/m(2). Outcomes included MTD, safety, pharmacokinetics, response, progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival. Results Seventy-nine patients were enrolled. The MTD was determined to be 1.8 mg/m(2). Common adverse events at the MTD were thrombocytopenia (90%), asthenia (67%), and nausea and neutropenia (51% each). The objective response rate at the end of treatment was 39% for the 79 enrolled patients, 68% for all patients with follicular NHL treated at the MTD, and 15% for all patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated at the MTD. Median PFS was 317 days (approximately 10.4 months) and 49 days for patients with follicular NHL and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, respectively. CONCLUSION Inotuzumab ozogamicin has demonstrated efficacy against CD22(+) B-cell NHL, with reversible thrombocytopenia as the main toxicity.
The cuticle is a physical barrier that prevents water loss and protects against irradiation, xenobiotics and pathogens. This classic textbook statement has recently been revisited and several observations were made showing that this dogma falls short of being universally true. Both transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana lines expressing cell wall-targeted fungal cutinase (so-called CUTE plants) or lipase as well as several A. thaliana mutants with altered cuticular structure remained free of symptoms after an inoculation with Botrytis cinerea. The alterations in cuticular structure lead to the release of fungitoxic substances and changes in gene expression that form a multifactorial defence response. Several models to explain this syndrome are discussed.
The Center "la Guglera", located in the canton of Fribourg (Switzerland) provides a novel approach to the care of severely obese adolescents who are currently unemployed. These young people, whose BMI is usually higher than 35 to 40 kg/m2 spend a 6 to 12 months long stay in an in-patient institution which also takes care of other unemployed non obese adolescents on an outpatient basis. Besides a nutritional education which is part of the everyday life of the institution, the program includes a generous amount of hours of physical activities and sports. The adolescents also participate in a rehabilitation training program which fosters the future integration in a professional milieu, such as an apprenticeship. The short term results of la Guglera seem very promising. The program is financially co-supported by the Swiss and cantonal administrations, the insurance companies and the parents.
The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 has a remarkable capacity to adapt to various environments and to survive with limited nutrients. Here, we report the discovery and characterization of a novel small non-coding RNA: NrsZ (nitrogen-regulated sRNA). We show that under nitrogen limitation, NrsZ is induced by the NtrB/C two component system, an important regulator of nitrogen assimilation and P. aeruginosa's swarming motility, in concert with the alternative sigma factor RpoN. Furthermore, we demonstrate that NrsZ modulates P. aeruginosa motility by controlling the production of rhamnolipid surfactants, virulence factors notably needed for swarming motility. This regulation takes place through the post-transcriptional control of rhlA, a gene essential for rhamnolipids synthesis. Interestingly, we also observed that NrsZ is processed in three similar short modules, and that the first short module encompassing the first 60 nucleotides is sufficient for NrsZ regulatory functions.
Members of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family induce pleiotropic biological responses, including cell growth, differentiation, and even death. Here we describe a novel member of the TNF family, designated BAFF (for B cell activating factor belonging to the TNF family), which is expressed by T cells and dendritic cells. Human BAFF was mapped to chromosome 13q32-34. Membrane-bound BAFF was processed and secreted through the action of a protease whose specificity matches that of the furin family of proprotein convertases. The expression of BAFF receptor appeared to be restricted to B cells. Both membrane-bound and soluble BAFF induced proliferation of anti-immunoglobulin M-stimulated peripheral blood B lymphocytes. Moreover, increased amounts of immunoglobulins were found in supernatants of germinal center-like B cells costimulated with BAFF. These results suggest that BAFF plays an important role as costimulator of B cell proliferation and function.
The regulation of the immune system is controlled by many cell surface receptors. A prominent representative is the 'molecular switch' HVEM (herpes virus entry mediator) that can activate either proinflammatory or inhibitory signaling pathways. HVEM ligands belong to two distinct families: the TNF-related cytokines LIGHT and lymphotoxin-α, and the Ig-related membrane proteins BTLA and CD160. HVEM and its ligands have been involved in the pathogenesis of various autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, but recent reports indicate that this network may also be involved in tumor progression and resistance to immune response. Here we summarize the recent advances made regarding the knowledge on HVEM and its ligands in cancer cells, and their potential roles in tumor progression and escape to immune responses. Blockade or enhancement of these pathways may help improving cancer therapy.
Most ventricular assist devices (VADs) currently used in infants are extracorporeal. These VADs require long-term anticoagulation therapy and extensive surgery, and two devices are needed for biventricular support. We designed a biventricular assist device based on shape memory alloy that reproduces the hemodynamic effects of cardiomyoplasty, supporting the heart with a compressing movement, and evaluated its performance in a dedicated mockup system. Nitinol fibers are the device's key component. Ejection fraction (EF), cardiac output (CO), and generated systolic pressure were measured on a test bench. Our test bench settings were a preload range of 0-15 mm Hg, an afterload range of 0-160 mm Hg, and a heart rate (HR) of 20, 30, 40, and 60 beats/min. A power supply of 15 volts and 3.5 amperes was necessary. The EF range went from 34.4% to 1.2% as the afterload and HR increased, along with a CO from 180 to 6 ml/min. The device generated a maximal systolic pressure of 25 mm Hg. Cardiac compression for biventricular assistance in child-sized heart using shape memory alloy is technically feasible. Further testing remains necessary to assess this VAD's in vivo performance range and its reliability.
RESUME Le cancer du col de l'utérus, deuxième cause de mort par cancer chez la femme, a pu être associé à une infection par plusieurs types de virus du Papillome Humain (HPV), et en particulier HPV 16. Les vaccins prophylactiques sont efficaces à prévenir le cancer du col utérin alors que les lésions de haut grade sont généralement traitées par ablation chirurgicale et par d'éventuels traitements additionnels. Les risques de récurrence liés aux ablations et le taux de mortalité (50%) lié au cancer, démontrent le besoin de développer des stratégies alternatives afin de cibler les lésions précancéreuses. A ce jour, les vaccins thérapeutiques ont démontré peu de résultats cliniques, contrastant avec les régressions de tumeurs ectopiques observées après vaccination dans des modèles murins avec tumeurs associées à HPV. L'induction de réponses immunitaires protectrices dans la muqueuse génitale semble être cruciale pour l'efficacité des vaccins thérapeutiques HPV et évaluer leur efficacité dans un modèle murin avec tumeurs-HPV génitales représente un pré-requis important avant de procéder à des études cliniques. Par conséquent, nous avons établi un modèle murin orthotopique où des tumeurs se développent dans (a muqueuse génitale après une instillation intra-vaginale (i.vag) de cellules tumorales exprimant les oncogènes E6/E7 d'HPV 16 et transduites par un vecteur lentiviral codant la luciferase afin de suivre le développement de ces tumeurs in vivo par imagerie. La caractérisation histologique a démontré que les tumeurs grandissaient dans l'épithélium vaginal et en accord avec leur localisation, des cellules Τ CD8 spécifiques à E7 induites par la tumeur n'étaient détectées que dans la muqueuse génitale et les ganglions drainants. Une infiltration de cellules Τ régulatrices a aussi été mise en évidence, empêchant la régression spontanée de ces tumeurs. Par conséquent, ce modèle devrait être plus adéquat pour tester des stratégies thérapeutiques, étant donné qu'il partage certaines similarités immunologiques avec les lésions génitales naturelles causées par HPV. Etant donné que les oncogènes E6 et E7 d'HPV sont nécessaires à la maintenance du phénotype cancéreux des cellules cervicales, elles représentent des antigènes cibles pour la vaccination thérapeutique. Nous avons démontré que des souris immunisées par voie sous-cutanée (s.c.) avec une dose d'un vaccin à base de polypeptide E7 d'HPV 16 et d'adjuvants, présentaient de nombreuses cellules Τ CD8 sécrétant de l'IFN-γ spécifiquement à E7 dans leurs organes lymphatiques mais également dans la muqueuse génitale. De plus, le manque de corrélation entre les réponses spécifiques mesurées dans la périphérie et dans la muqueuse génitale souligne la nécessité et l'importance de déterminer les réponses immunitaires localement là où les lésions dues à HPV se développent. Si une vaccination par voie muqueuse est plus propice à traiter/régresser des infections génitales/tumeurs que le voie parentérale est un sujet débattu. Nos données montrent que seule la voie s.c. était capable de régresser la quasi totalité des tumeurs génitales chez la souris bien que des réponses CD8 spécifiques à E7 similaires étaient mesurées dans la muqueuse génitale après des vaccinations intra-nasale et i.vag. Afin d'augmenter la réponse spécifique au vaccin dans la muqueuse génitale, des immunostimulants ont été administrés par voie i.vag après vaccination. Nous avons démontré qu'une application i.vag d'agonistes des Toll like receptors après une vaccination s.c. induisait de manière significative une augmentation des cellules Τ CD8 sécrétant de l'IFN-γ spécifiquement à E7 dans la muqueuse génitale. Plus précisément et concernant les CpG et Poly l:C, l'effet était probablement associé à une attraction locale des cellules Τ CD8 et deuxièmement dépendait respectivement des voies de signalisation TLR9 et TLR3/Mda5. Finalement, cette stratégie combinatoire a permis de régresser des grosses tumeurs génitales chez la souris, suggérant qu'une telle immunothérapie pourrait adéquatement traiter des lésions dues à HPV chez les femmes. SUMMARY Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer mortality in women worldwide and results from an infection with a subset of Human Papillomavirus (HPV), HPV 16 representing the most prevalent type. The available prophylactic vaccines are an effective strategy to prevent cervical cancer while already established high grade lesions usually require surgical ablation of lesion with possible additional treatments. Recurrence risks linked to conventional ablations and the high mortality (50%) related to cervical cancer demonstrate the need for alternative strategies like immunotherapies to target pre¬cancerous lesions. Until now, therapeutic vaccines only showed limited clinical results, which strongly contrast with the regression of ectopic tumors observed in the available murine HPV tumor models after vaccination. Induction of protective immune responses in the genital mucosa (GM) may be crucial for efficacy of HPV therapeutic vaccines and evaluating their efficacy in a murine model with genital HPV- tumors represents an important prerequisite for clinical trials. Thus, we have here established an orthotopic mouse model where tumors in the GM develop after an intravaginal (i.vag) instillation of HPV 16 E6/E7 oncogenes-expressing tumor cells transduced with a luciferase encoding lentivirus vector for in vivo imaging of tumor growth. Histological characterization showed that tumor grew within the vaginal epithelium and according to their mucosal location tumor- induced E7-specific CD8 Τ cells were restricted to the GM and genital draining lymph nodes together with high Τ regulatory cells infiltrates preventing spontaneous regression. Consequently, sharing several immunological similarities with natural genital HPV lesions, this novel genital tumor model may be more adequate to test therapeutic strategies. As E6 and/or E7 HPV oncogenes expression is required for the maintenance of the cancerous phenotype of cervical cells, they represent target antigens for therapeutic vaccination. We reported that mice subcutaneously (s.c.) immunized once with an adjuvanted HPV 16 E7 polypeptide vaccine harbored high E7-specific IFN-γ secreting CD8 Τ cells in their lymphoid organs and more importantly in the GM. In addition, the lack of correlation between specific responses measured in the periphery with those measured in the GM highlighted the necessity and relevance to determine the immune responses locally where HPV 16-induced lesions develop. Whether a mucosal route of immunization is better to treat/regress genital infections/tumors than parenteral immunization is still debated. Our data shows that although similar E7-specific IFN-γ secreting CD8 Τ cells responses were measured in the GM upon mucosal routes of E7 vaccine delivery (nasal and vaginal immunizations), only the s.c immunization was able to regress at least all genital tumors in mice. To further increase the vaccine-specific responses in the GM, immunostimulatory agents were i.vag administrated after vaccination. We demonstrated that a single i.vag application of toll like receptor (TLR) agonists after a s.c. E7 vaccination induced a significant increase of E7-specific IFN-γ secreting CD8 Τ cells in the GM. More precisely, regarding CpG and Poly l:C, the effect is most probably associated with a local attraction of total CD8 Τ cells and secondly depends on TLR9 and TLR3/Mda5 signaling pathways, respectively. Finally, this combinatorial strategy induced tumor regression in mice harboring large genital tumors, suggesting that such an immunotherapy could be adequate to treat HPV-induced lesions in women.
High altitude constitutes an exciting natural laboratory for medical research. Over the past decade, high-altitude studies have provided important new insight into the regulation of the pulmonary circulation. Studies in high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE)-prone subjects, a condition characterized by exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, have provided evidence for the central role of pulmonary vascular endothelial and respiratory epithelial nitric oxide for pulmonary artery pressure homeostasis. Studies of healthy and maladapted high-altitude dwellers have provide important new insight into mechanisms conferring protection against/predisposing to pulmonary hypertension. Finally, the ambient hypoxia associated with high-altitude exposure facilitates the detection of pulmonary (and systemic) vascular dysfunction at an early stage. Here, we will summarize recent studies that, by capitalizing on these observations, have led to the description of novel mechanisms underpinning pulmonary hypertension and to the first direct demonstration of fetal programming of pulmonary vascular dysfunction in humans.
Three novel members of the Xenopus nuclear hormone receptor superfamily have been cloned. They are related to each other and similar to the group of receptors that includes those for thyroid hormones, retinoids, and vitamin D3. Their transcriptional activity is regulated by agents causing peroxisome proliferation and carcinogenesis in rodent liver. All three Xenopus receptors activate the promoter of the acyl coenzyme A oxidase gene, which encodes the key enzyme of peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation, via a cognate response element that has been identified. Therefore, peroxisome proliferators may exert their hypolipidemic effects through these receptors, which stimulate the peroxisomal degradation of fatty acids. Finally, the multiplicity of these receptors suggests the existence of hitherto unknown cellular signaling pathways for xenobiotics and putative endogenous ligands.