185 resultados para Event perception
Two shallow water late Cenomanian to early Turonian sequences of NE Egypt have been investigated to evaluate the response to OAE2. Age control based on calcareous nannoplankton, planktic foraminifera and ammonite biostratigraphies integrated with delta(13)C stratigraphy is relatively good despite low diversity and sporadic occurrences. Planktic and benthic foraminiferal faunas are characterized by dysoxic, brackish and mesotrophic conditions, as indicated by low species diversity, low oxygen and low salinity tolerant planktic and benthic species, along with oyster-rich limestone layers. In these subtidal to inner neritic environments the OAE2 delta(13)C excursion appears comparable and coeval to that of open marine environments. However, in contrast to open marine environments where anoxic conditions begin after the first delta(13)C peak and end at or near the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, in shallow coastal environments anoxic conditions do not appear until the early Turonian. This delay in anoxia appears to be related to the sea-level transgression that reached its maximum in the early Turonian, as observed in shallow water sections from Egypt to Morocco. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dans le domaine de la perception, l'apprentissage est contraint par la présence d'une architecture fonctionnelle constituée d'aires corticales distribuées et très spécialisées. Dans le domaine des troubles visuels d'origine cérébrale, l'apprentissage d'un patient hémi-anopsique ou agnosique sera limité par ses capacités perceptives résiduelles, mais un déficit de reconnaissance visuelle de nature apparemment perceptive, peut également être associé à une altération des représentations en mémoire à long terme. Des réseaux neuronaux distincts pour la reconnaissance - cortex temporal - et pour la localisation des sons - cortex pariétal - ont été décrits chez l'homme. L'étude de patients cérébro-lésés confirme le rôle des indices spatiaux dans un traitement auditif explicite du « where » et dans la discrimination implicite du « what ». Cette organisation, similaire à ce qui a été décrit dans la modalité visuelle, faciliterait les apprentissages perceptifs. Plus généralement, l'apprentissage implicite fonde une grande partie de nos connaissances sur le monde en nous rendant sensible, à notre insu, aux règles et régularités de notre environnement. Il serait impliqué dans le développement cognitif, la formation des réactions émotionnelles ou encore l'apprentissage par le jeune enfant de sa langue maternelle. Le caractère inconscient de cet apprentissage est confirmé par l'étude des temps de réaction sériels de patients amnésiques dans l'acquisition d'une grammaire artificielle. Son évaluation pourrait être déterminante dans la prise en charge ré-adaptative. [In the field of perception, learning is formed by a distributed functional architecture of very specialized cortical areas. For example, capacities of learning in patients with visual deficits - hemianopia or visual agnosia - from cerebral lesions are limited by perceptual abilities. Moreover a visual deficit in link with abnormal perception may be associated with an alteration of representations in long term (semantic) memory. Furthermore, perception and memory traces rely on parallel processing. This has been recently demonstrated for human audition. Activation studies in normal subjects and psychophysical investigations in patients with focal hemispheric lesions have shown that auditory information relevant to sound recognition and that relevant to sound localisation are processed in parallel, anatomically distinct cortical networks, often referred to as the "What" and "Where" processing streams. Parallel processing may appear counterintuitive from the point of view of a unified perception of the auditory world, but there are advantages, such as rapidity of processing within a single stream, its adaptability in perceptual learning or facility of multisensory interactions. More generally, implicit learning mechanisms are responsible for the non-conscious acquisition of a great part of our knowledge about the world, using our sensitivity to the rules and regularities structuring our environment. Implicit learning is involved in cognitive development, in the generation of emotional processing and in the acquisition of natural language. Preserved implicit learning abilities have been shown in amnesic patients with paradigms like serial reaction time and artificial grammar learning tasks, confirming that implicit learning mechanisms are not sustained by the cognitive processes and the brain structures that are damaged in amnesia. In a clinical perspective, the assessment of implicit learning abilities in amnesic patients could be critical for building adapted neuropsychological rehabilitation programs.]
Previous functional imaging studies have pointed to the compensatory recruitment of cortical circuits in old age in order to counterbalance the loss of neural efficiency and preserve cognitive performance. Recent electroencephalographic (EEG) analyses reported age-related deficits in the amplitude of an early positive-negative working memory (PN(wm)) component as well as changes in working memory (WM)-load related brain oscillations during the successful performance of the n-back task. To explore the age-related differences of EEG activation in the face of increasing WM demands, we assessed the PN(wm) component area, parietal alpha event-related synchronization (ERS) as well as frontal theta ERS in 32 young and 32 elderly healthy individuals who successfully performed a highly WM demanding 3-back task. PN(wm) area increased with higher memory loads (3- and 2-back > 0-back tasks) in younger subjects. Older subjects reached the maximal values for this EEG parameter during the less WM demanding 0-back task. They showed a rapid development of an alpha ERS that reached its maximal amplitude at around 800 ms after stimulus onset. In younger subjects, the late alpha ERS occurred between 1,200 and 2,000 ms and its amplitude was significantly higher compared with elders. Frontal theta ERS culmination peak decreased in a task-independent manner in older compared with younger cases. Only in younger individuals, there was a significant decrease in the phasic frontal theta ERS amplitude in the 2- and 3-back tasks compared with the detection and 0-back tasks. These observations suggest that older adults display a rapid mobilization of their neural generators within the parietal cortex to manage very low demanding WM tasks. Moreover, they are less able to activate frontal theta generators during attentional tasks compared with younger persons.
Un âge synchrone (partie moyenne de l'Aptien inférieur) de l'ennoiement de la plate-forme Urgonienne helvétique en relation avec l'événement océanique anoxique 1a ("événement Selli"). - La fin de la plate-forme urgonienne, calibrée par analyse des isotopes stables du carbone sur roche totale et par biostratigraphie basée sur les ammonites, est datée du milieu de l'Aptien inférieur (Près de la limite des zones weissi et deshayesi). Cet arrêt, synchrone dans des coupes représentatives du domaine helvétique alpin, est un événement environemental majeur renregistré en France, en Espagne, au Protugal, en Oman, au Mexique et dans le domaine Pacifique. En tenant compte des limites de résolution de la biostatrigraphie et des autres techniques de datation, cet épisode semble également être synchrone à l'échelle globale. Pour beaucoup d'auteurs, la disparition de récifs de coraux et de rudistes corrélée à la fin de la sédimentation urgonienne correspond à la mise en place de conditions anoxiques à l'Aptien inférieur. Celles-ci caractérisent un événement d'importance global: l'événement anoxique OAE 1a.
High-resolution seismic and sediment core data from the 'Grand Lac' basin of Lake Geneva reveal traces of repeated slope instabilities with one main slide-evolved mass-flow (minimum volume 0.13 km3) that originated from the northern lateral slope of the lake near the city of Lausanne. Radiocarbon dating of organic remains sampled from the top of the main deposit gives an age interval of 1865-1608 BC. This date coincides with the age interval for a mass movement event described in the 'Petit Lac' basin of Lake Geneva (1872-1622 BC). Because multiple mass movements took place at the same time in different parts of the lake, we consider the most likely trigger mechanism to be a strong earthquake (Mw 6) that occurred in the period between 1872 and 1608 BC. Based on numerical simulations, we show the major deposit near Lausanne would have generated a tsunami with local wave heights of up to 6 m. The combined effects of the earthquake and the following tsunami provide a possible explanation for a gap in lake dwellers occupation along the shores of Lake Geneva revealed by dendrochronological dating of two palafitte archaeological sites.
This tutorial review details some of the recent advances in signal analyses applied to event-related potential (ERP) data. These "electrical neuroimaging" analyses provide reference-independent measurements of response strength and response topography that circumvent statistical and interpretational caveats of canonical ERP analysis methods while also taking advantage of the greater information provided by high-density electrode montages. Electrical neuroimaging can be applied across scales ranging from group-averaged ERPs to single-subject and single-trial datasets. We illustrate these methods with a tutorial dataset and place particular emphasis on their suitability for studies of clinical and/or developmental populations.
Seeing seems effortless, despite the need to segregate and integrate visual information that varies in quality, quantity, and location. The extent to which seeing passively recapitulates the external world is challenged by phenomena such as illusory contours, an example of visual completion whereby borders are perceived despite their physical absence in the image. Instead, visual completion and seeing are increasingly conceived as active processes, dependent on information exchange across neural populations. How this is instantiated in the brain remains controversial. Divergent models emanate from single-unit and population-level electrophysiology, neuroimaging, and neurostimulation studies. We reconcile discrepant findings from different methods and disciplines, and underscore the importance of taking into account spatiotemporal brain dynamics in generating models of brain function and perception.