189 resultados para Ehrenreich, Barbara: Nickel and dimed - undercover in low-wage USA


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The interaction of a parasite and a host cell is a complex process, which involves several steps: (1) attachment to the plasma membrane, (2) entry inside the host cell, and (3) hijacking of the metabolism of the host. In biochemical experiments, only an event averaged over the whole cell population can be analyzed. The power of microscopy, however, is to investigate individual events in individual cells. Therefore, parasitologists frequently perform experiments with fluorescence microscopy using different dyes to label structures of the parasite or the host cell. Though the resolution of light microscopy has greatly improved, it is not sufficient to reveal interactions at the ultrastructural level. Furthermore, only specifically labeled structures can be seen and related to each other. Here, we want to demonstrate the additional value of electron microscopy in this area of research. Investigation of the different steps of parasite-host cell interaction by electron microscopy, however, is often hampered by the fact that there are only a few cells infected, and therefore it is difficult to find enough cells to study. A solution is to profit from low magnification, hence large overview, and specific location of the players by fluorescence labels in a light microscope with the high power resolution and structural information provided by an electron microscope, in short by correlative light and electron microscopy.


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Le prélèvement des ganglions sentinelles apparaît comme une technique séduisante pour l'évaluation ganglionnaire des cancers du col utérin de faible stade. La sélection d'une population à bas risque de métastase ganglionnaire, un entraînement minimal et le respect de quelques règles simples permettent de limiter le risque de faux négatif au minimum. La technique apporte des informations supplémentaires sur le plan anatomique en identifiant des ganglions situés en dehors des zones habituelles de curage, et sur le plan histologique avec la mise en évidence de cellules tumorales isolées et surtout de micrométastases dont la valeur pronostique est suspectée Sentinel node biopsy appears as a promising technique for the assessment of nodal disease in early cervical cancers. Selection of a population with a low risk of nodal metastasis, a minimal training, and simple rules allow a low false negative rate. Sentinel node biopsy provides supplementary information, such as anatomical information (nodes outside of routine lymphadenectomy areas) and histological information (isolated tumors cells and micrometastases).


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BACKGROUND: Psychological stress negatively influences food intake and food choices, thereby contributing to the development of childhood obesity. Physical activity can also moderate eating behavior and influence calorie intake. However, it is unknown if acute physical activity influences food intake and overall energy balance after acute stress exposure in children. We therefore investigated the impact of acute physical activity on overall energy balance (food intake minus energy expenditure), food intake, and choice in the setting of acute social stress in normal weight (NW) and overweight/obese (OW/OB) children as well as the impact of psychological risk factors. METHOD: After receiving written consent from their parents, 26 NW (BMI < 90(th) percentile) and 24 7-to 11-year-old OW (n = 5)/OB (n = 19, BMI ≥ 90(th) percentile) children were randomly allocated using computer-generated numbers (1:1, after stratification for weight status) to acute moderate physical or to sedentary activity for 30 min. Afterwards, all children were exposed to an acute social stressor. Children and their parents completed self-report questionnaires. At the end of the stressor, children were allowed to eat freely from a range of 12 different foods (6 sweet/6 salty; each of low/high caloric density). Energy balance, food intake/choice and obesity-related psychological risk factors were assessed. RESULTS: Lower overall energy balance (p = 0.019) and a decreased choice of low density salty foods (p < 0.001) in NW children compared with OW/OB children was found after acute moderate physical activity but not sedentary activity. Independent of their allocation, OW/OB children ate more high density salty foods (104 kcal (34 to 173), p = 0.004) following stress. They scored higher on impulsive behavior (p = 0.005), restrained eating (p < 0.001) and parental corporal punishment (p = 0.03), but these psychological factors were not related to stress-induced food intake/choice. Positive parenting tended to be related to lower intake of sweet high density food (-132 kcal, -277 to 2, p = 0.054). CONCLUSIONS: In the setting of stress, acute moderate physical activity can address energy balance in children, a benefit which is especially pronounced in the OW/OB. Positive parenting may act as a protective factor preventing stress-induced eating of comfort food. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov NCT01693926 The study was a pilot study of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (CRSII3_147673).


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The potential for "replacement cells" to restore function in Parkinson's disease has been widely reported over the past 3 decades, rejuvenating the central nervous system rather than just relieving symptoms. Most such experiments have used fetal or embryonic sources that may induce immunological rejection and generate ethical concerns. Autologous sources, in which the cells to be implanted are derived from recipients' own cells after reprogramming to stem cells, direct genetic modifications, or epigenetic modifications in culture, could eliminate many of these problems. In a previous study on autologous brain cell transplantation, we demonstrated that adult monkey brain cells, obtained from cortical biopsies and kept in culture for 7 weeks, exhibited potential as a method of brain repair after low doses of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) caused dopaminergic cell death. The present study exposed monkeys to higher MPTP doses to produce significant parkinsonism and behavioral impairments. Cerebral cortical cells were biopsied from the animals, held in culture for 7 weeks to create an autologous neural cell "ecosystem" and reimplanted bilaterally into the striatum of the same six donor monkeys. These cells expressed neuroectodermal and progenitor markers such as nestin, doublecortin, GFAP, neurofilament, and vimentin. Five to six months after reimplantation, histological analysis with the dye PKH67 and unbiased stereology showed that reimplanted cells survived, migrated bilaterally throughout the striatum, and seemed to exert a neurorestorative effect. More tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons and significant behavioral improvement followed reimplantation of cultured autologous neural cells as a result of unknown trophic factors released by the grafts. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:2729-2740, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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PURPOSE This double-blind, multicenter trial compared the efficacy and safety of a single daily oral dose of moxifloxacin with oral combination therapy in low-risk febrile neutropenic patients with cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS Inclusion criteria were cancer, febrile neutropenia, low risk of complications as predicted by a Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) score > 20, ability to swallow, and ≤ one single intravenous dose of empiric antibiotic therapy before study drug treatment initiation. Early discharge was encouraged when a set of predefined criteria was met. Patients received either moxifloxacin (400 mg once daily) monotherapy or oral ciprofloxacin (750 mg twice daily) plus amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (1,000 mg twice daily). The trial was designed to show equivalence of the two drug regimens in terms of therapy success, defined as defervescence and improvement in clinical status during study drug treatment (< 10% difference). Results Among the 333 patients evaluated in an intention-to-treat analysis, therapy success was observed in 80% of the patients administered moxifloxacin and in 82% of the patients administered combination therapy (95% CI for the difference, -10% to 8%, consistent with equivalence). Minor differences in tolerability, safety, and reasons for failure were observed. More than 50% of the patients in the two arms were discharged on protocol therapy, with 5% readmissions among those in either arm. Survival was similar (99%) in both arms. CONCLUSION Monotherapy with once daily oral moxifloxacin is efficacious and safe in low-risk febrile neutropenic patients identified with the help of the MASCC scoring system, discharged early, and observed as outpatients.


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Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is a pathological aging of the macula, brought about by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. It induces geographic atrophy of the retina and/or choroidal neovascularization. In the latter, abnormal vessels develop from the choriocapillaris, with the involvement of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). The VEGF family includes several factors, including VEGF-A, B, C, D, F and PlGF (placental growth factor). Their biological properties and their affinities to the VEGFR1, VEGFR2 and VEGFR3 receptors found on endothelial cells differ. Exudative AMD involves mainly VEGF-A and VEGF-R2. Anti-VEGF agents used in ophthalmology (ranibizumab, bevacizumab and aflibercept) are designed to primarily target this pathway. In vitro, all have sufficient affinity to their ligands. Their therapeutic efficacy must therefore be judged based on clinical criteria. In clinical practice, the minimum number of injections required for a satisfactory result appears to be comparable with all the three. The few available studies on therapeutic substitutions of anti-VEGF compounds suggest that some patients may benefit from substituting the anti-VEGF in cases of an unsatisfactory response to an initial molecule. Although local side effects, including increased risk of geographic atrophy, and systemic effects, including vascular accidents, have been suggested, these risks remain low, specially compared to the benefits of the treatment. Differences in safety between anti-VEGF are theoretically possible but unproven.


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We screened 735 HIV-infected patients in Switzerland with unexplained alanine aminotransferase elevation for hepatitis E virus (HEV) immunoglobulin G. Although HEV seroprevalence in this population is low (2.6%), HEV RNA can persist in patients with low CD4 cell counts. Findings suggest chronic HEV infection should be considered as a cause of persistent alanine aminotransferase elevation.


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The urinary steroid profile is constituted by anabolic androgenic steroids, including testosterone and its relatives, that are extensively metabolized into phase II sulfated or glucuronidated steroids. The use of liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is an issue for the direct analysis of conjugated steroids, which can be used as urinary markers of exogenous steroid administration in doping analysis, without hydrolysis of the conjugated moiety. In this study, a sensitive and selective ultra high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer (UHPLC-QTOF-MS) method was developed to quantify major urinary metabolites simultaneously after testosterone intake. The sample preparation of the urine (1 mL) was performed by solid-phase extraction on Oasis HLB sorbent using a 96-well plate format. The conjugated steroids were analyzed by UHPLC-QTOF-MS(E) with a single-gradient elution of 36 min (including re-equilibration time) in the negative electrospray ionization mode. MS(E) analysis involved parallel alternating acquisitions of both low- and high-collision energy functions. The method was validated and applied to samples collected from a clinical study performed with a group of healthy human volunteers who had taken testosterone, which were compared with samples from a placebo group. Quantitative results were also compared to GC-MS and LC-MS/MS measurements, and the correlations between data were found appropriate. The acquisition of full mass spectra over the entire mass range with QTOF mass analyzers gives promise of the opportunity to extend the steroid profile to a higher number of conjugated steroids.


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Résumé La protéomique basée sur la spectrométrie de masse est l'étude du proteome l'ensemble des protéines exprimées au sein d'une cellule, d'un tissu ou d'un organisme - par cette technique. Les protéines sont coupées à l'aide d'enzymes en plus petits morceaux -les peptides -, et, séparées par différentes techniques. Les différentes fractions contenant quelques centaines de peptides sont ensuite analysées dans un spectromètre de masse. La masse des peptides est enregistrée et chaque peptide est séquentiellement fragmenté pour en obtenir sa séquence. L'information de masse et séquence est ensuite comparée à une base de données de protéines afin d'identifier la protéine d'origine. Dans une première partie, la thèse décrit le développement de méthodes d'identification. Elle montre l'importance de l'enrichissement de protéines comme moyen d'accès à des protéines de moyenne à faible abondance dans le lait humain. Elle utilise des injections répétées pour augmenter la couverture en protéines et la confiance dans l'identification. L'impacte de nouvelle version de base de données sur la liste des protéines identifiées est aussi démontré. De plus, elle utilise avec succès la spectrométrie de masse comme alternative aux anticorps, pour valider la présence de 34 constructions de protéines pathogéniques du staphylocoque doré exprimées dans une souche de lactocoque. Dans une deuxième partie, la thèse décrit le développement de méthodes de quantification. Elle expose de nouvelles approches de marquage des terminus des protéines aux isotopes stables et décrit la première méthode de marquage des groupements carboxyliques au niveau protéine à l'aide de réactifs composé de carbone 13. De plus, une nouvelle méthode, appelée ANIBAL, marquant tous les groupements amines et carboxyliques au niveau de la protéine, est exposée. Summary Mass spectrometry-based proteomics is the study of the proteome -the set of all expressed proteins in a cell, tissue or organism -using mass spectrometry. Proteins are cut into smaller pieces - peptides - using proteolytic enzymes and separated using different separation techniques. The different fractions containing several hundreds of peptides are than analyzed by mass spectrometry. The mass of the peptides entering the instrument are recorded and each peptide is sequentially fragmented to obtain its amino acid sequence. Each peptide sequence with its corresponding mass is then searched against a protein database to identify the protein to which it belongs. This thesis presents new method developments in this field. In a first part, the thesis describes development of identification methods. It shows the importance of protein enrichment methods to gain access to medium-to-low abundant proteins in a human milk sample. It uses repeated injection to increase protein coverage and confidence in identification and demonstrates the impact of new database releases on protein identification lists. In addition, it successfully uses mass spectrometry as an alternative to antibody-based assays to validate the presence of 34 different recombinant constructs of Staphylococcus aureus pathogenic proteins expressed in a Lactococcus lactis strain. In a second part, development of quantification methods is described. It shows new stable isotope labeling approaches based on N- and C-terminus labeling of proteins and describes the first method of labeling of carboxylic groups at the protein level using 13C stable isotopes. In addition, a new quantitative approach called ANIBAL is explained that labels all amino and carboxylic groups at the protein level.


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Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an established approach for the treatment and the prevention of osteoporosis. Many studies with bone mineral density as primary outcome have shown significant efficacy. Observational studies have indicated a significant reduction of hip fracture risk in cohorts of women who maintained HRT therapy. The Women's Health Initiative is the first prospective randomised controlled study which showed a positive effect of HRT in terms of reduction of vertebral and hip fractures risk. Unfortunately, this study has been interrupted after 5.2 years because of the unsupportable increase of risk of cardiovascular disease and breast cancer. Compliance with HRT, however, is typically poor because of the potential side effects and possible increased risk of breast or endometrial cancer. Nevertheless, there is now evidence that lower doses of estrogens in elderly women may prevent bone loss while minimizing the side effects seen with higher doses. Combination therapies using low doses estrogen should probably be reserved for patients who continue to fracture on single therapy. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) are very interesting drugs. The goal of these agents is to maximize the beneficial effect of estrogen on bone and to minimize or antagonize the deleterious effects on the breast and endometrium. Raloxifene, approved for the prevention and the treatment of osteoporosis, has been shown to reduce the risks of vertebral fracture in large clinical trials. However, they don't reduce non vertebral fractures. Tibolone is a synthetic steroid that increased bone mineral density at lumbar spine and femoral neck. But no trial has been performed with fractures as end point.


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ABSTRACT The role of chromosomal rearrangements in the speciation process is much debated and many theoretical models have been developed. The shrews of the Sorex araneus group offer extraordinary opportunities to study the relationship between chromosomal variation and speciation. Indeed, this group of morphologically very similar species received a great deal of attention due to its karyotypic variability, which is mainly attributed to Robertsonian fusions. To explore the impact of karyotypic changes on genetic differentiation, we first studied the relationship between genetic and karyotypic structure among Alpine species and among chromosome races of the S. araneus group using Bayesian admixture analyses. The results of these analyses confirmed the taxonomic status of the studied species even though introgression can still be detected between species. Moreover, the strong spatial sub-structure highlighted the role of historical factors (e.g. geographical isolation) on genetic structure. Next, we studied gene flow at the chromosome level to address the question of the impact of chromosomal rearrangements on genetic differentiation. We used flow sorted chromosomes from three different karyotypic taxa of the S. araneus group to map microsatellite markers at the chromosóme arm level. We have been able to map 24 markers and to show that the karyotypic organisation of these taxa is well conserved, which suggests that these markers can be used for further inter-taxa studies. A general prediction of chromosomal speciation models is that genetic differentiation between two taxa should be larger across rearranged chromosomes than across chromosomes common to both taxa. We combined two approaches using mapped microsatellites to test this prediction. First, we studied the genetic differentiation among five shrew taxa placed at different evolutionary levels (i.e. within and among species). In this large scale study, we detected an overall significant difference in genetic structure between rearranged vs. common chromosomes. Moreover, this effect varied among pairwise comparisons, which allowed us to differentiate the role of the karyotypic complexity of hybrids and of the evolutionary divergence between taxa. Secondly, we compared the levels of gene flow measured across common vs. rearranged chromosomes in two karyotypically different hybrid zones (strong vs. low complexity of hybrids), which show similar levels of genetic structure. We detected a significantly stronger genetic structure across rearranged chromosomes in the hybrid zone showing the highest level of hybrid complexity. The large variance observed among loci suggested that other factors, such as the position of markers within the chromosome, also certainly affects genetic structure. In conclusion, our results strongly support the role of chromosomal rearrangements in the reproductive barrier and suggest their importance in speciation process of the S. araneus group. RESUME Le rôle des réarrangements chromosomiques dans les processus de spéciation est fortement débattu et de nombreux modèles théoriques ont été développés sur le sujet. Les musaraignes du groupe Sorex araneus présentent de nombreuses opportunités pour étudier les relations entre les variations chromosomiques et la spéciation. En effet, ce groupe d'espèces morphologiquement très proches a attiré l'attention des chercheurs en raison de sa variabilité caryotypique principalement attribuée à des fusions Robertsoniennes. Pour explorer l'impact des changements caryotypiques sur la différenciation génétique, nous avons tout d'abord étudié les relations entre la structure génétique et caryotypique de races chromosomiques et d'espèces alpine du groupe S. araneus en utilisant des analyses Bayesiennes d' « admixture ». Les résultats de ces analyses ont confirmé le statut taxonomique des espèces étudiées bien que nous ayons détecté de l'introgression entre espèces. L'observation d'une sous structure spatiale relativement forte souligne l'importance des facteurs historiques (telle que l'isolation géographique) sur la structure génétique de ce groupe. Ensuite, nous avons étudié le flux de gène au niveau des chromosomes pour aborder de manière directe la question de l'impact des réarrangements chromosomiques sur la différenciation génétique. En conséquence, nous avons utilisé des tris de chromosomes de trois taxons du groupe S. araneus pour localiser des marqueurs microsatellites au niveau du bras chromosomique. Au cours de cette étude, nous avons pu localiser 24 marqueurs et montrer une forte conservation dans l'organisation du caryotype de ces taxa. Ce résultat suggère que leur utilisation est appropriée pour des études entre taxa. Une prédiction générale à tous les modèles de spéciation chromosomique correspond à la plus grande différenciation génétique des chromosomes réarrangés que des chromosomes communs. Nous avons combiné deux approches utilisant des microsatellites localisés au niveau du bras chromosomique pour tester cette prédiction. Premièrement, nous avons étudié la différenciation génétique entre cinq taxa du groupe S. araneus se trouvant à des niveaux évolutifs différents (i.e. à l'intérieur et entre espèce). Au cours de cette étude, nous avons détecté une différenciation globale significativement plus élevée sur les chromosomes réarrangés. Cet effet varie entre les comparaisons, ce qui nous a permis de souligner le rôle de la complexité caryotypique des hybrides et du niveau de divergence évolutive entre taxa. Deuxièmement, nous avons comparé le flux de gènes des chromosomes communs et réarrangés dans deux zones d'hybridation caryotypiquement différentes (forte vs. Faible complexité des hybrides) mais présentant un niveau de différenciation génétique similaire. Ceci nous a permis de détecter une structure génétique significativement plus élevée sur les chromosomes réarrangés au centre de la zone d'hybridation présentant la plus grande complexité caryotypic. La forte variance observée entre loci souligne en outre le fait que d'autres facteurs, tel que la position du marqueur sur le chromosome, affectent probablement aussi la structure génétique mesurée. En conclusion, nos résultats supportent fortement le rôle des réarrangements chromosomiques dans la barrière reproductive entre espèces ainsi que leur importance dans les processus de spéciation des musaraignes du groupe S. araneus.


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Staphylococcus aureus is a major bovine mastitis pathogen. Although the reported antimicrobial resistance was generally low, the emergence of new genetic clusters in bovine mastitis requires examination of the link between antimicrobial resistance and genotypes. Here, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) profiles and standard antimicrobial resistance profiles were determined in order to characterize a total of 343 S. aureus cow mastitis isolates from two geographically close regions of Switzerland and France. AFLP profiles revealed similar population compositions in the two regions, with 4 major clusters (C8, C20, C97, and C151), but the proportions of isolates in each cluster significantly diverged between the two countries (P = 9.2 × 10⁻⁹). Antimicrobial resistance was overall low (< 5% resistance to all therapeutically relevant molecules), with the exception of penicillin resistance, which was detected in 26% of the isolates. Penicillin resistance proportions differed between clusters, with only 1 to 2% of resistance associated with C20 and C151 and up to 70% associated with bovine C97. The prevalence of C20 and C8 was unexpectedly high and requires further investigation into the mechanism of adaptation to the bovine host. The strong association of penicillin resistance with few clusters highlights the fact that the knowledge of local epidemiology is essential for rational choices of antimicrobial treatment in the absence of susceptibility testing. Taken together, these observations argue in favor of more routine scrutiny of antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic-resistant clones in cattle and the farm environment.


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Understanding tree recruitment is needed to forecast future forest distribution. Many studies have reported the relevant ecological factors that affect recruitment success in trees, but the potential for genetic-based differences in recruitment has often been neglected. In this study, we established a semi-natural reciprocal sowing experiment to test for local adaptation and microenvironment effects (evaluated here by canopy cover) in the emergence and early survival of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton), an emblematic Mediterranean forest tree. A novel application of molecular markers was also developed to test for family selection and, thus, for potential genetic change over generations. Overall, we did not find evidence to support local adaptation at the recruitment stage in our semi-natural experiment. Moreover, only weak family selection (if any) was found, suggesting that in stressful environments with low survival, stochastic processes and among-year climate variability may drive recruitment. Nevertheless, our study revealed that, at early stages of recruitment, microenvironments may favor the population with the best adapted life strategy, irrespectively of its (local or non-local) origin. We also found that emergence time is a key factor for seedling survival in stressful Mediterranean environments. Our study highlights the complexity of the factors influencing the early stages of establishment of maritime pine and provides insights into possible management actions aimed at environmental change impact mitigation. In particular, we found that the high stochasticity of the recruitment process in stressful environments and the differences in population-specific adaptive strategies may difficult assisted migration schemes.


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The aim of our study was to present a new headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS) method applicable to the routine determination of hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S) concentrations in biological and gaseous samples. The primary analytical drawback of the GC/MS methods for H(2)S measurement discussed in the literature was the absence of a specific H(2)S internal standard required to perform quantification. Although a deuterated hydrogen sulfide (D(2)S) standard is currently available, this standard is not often used because this standard is expensive and is only available in the gas phase. As an alternative approach, D(2)S can be generated in situ by reacting deuterated chloride with sodium sulfide; however, this technique can lead to low recovery yield and potential isotopic fractionation. Therefore, N(2)O was chosen for use as an internal standard. This method allows precise measurements of H(2)S concentrations in biological and gaseous samples. Therefore, a full validation using accuracy profile based on the β-expectation tolerance interval is presented. Finally, this method was applied to quantify H(2)S in an actual case of H(2)S fatal intoxication.


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Objective. The aim of this study is to analyse associations between eating behaviour and psychological dysfunctions in treatment-seeking obese patients and identify parameters for the development of diagnostic tools with regard to eating and psychological disorders. Design and Methods. Cross-sectional data were analysed from 138 obese women. Bulimic Investigatory Test of Edinburgh and Eating Disorder Inventory-2 assessed eating behaviours. Beck Depression Inventory II, Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, form Y, Rathus Assertiveness Schedule, and Marks and Mathews Fear Questionnaire assessed psychological profile. Results. 61% of patients showed moderate or major depressive symptoms and 77% showed symptoms of anxiety. Half of the participants presented with a low degree of assertiveness. No correlation was found between psychological profile and age or anthropometric measurements. The prevalence and severity of depression, anxiety, and assertiveness increased with the degree of eating disorders. The feeling of ineffectiveness explained a large degree of score variance. It explained 30 to 50% of the variability of assertiveness, phobias, anxiety, and depression. Conclusion. Psychological dysfunctions had a high prevalence and their severity is correlated with degree of eating disorders. The feeling of ineffectiveness constitutes the major predictor of the psychological profile and could open new ways to develop screening tools.