183 resultados para Eastern Question (Balkan)


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Red clays from Cenozoic palaeosols of the Eastern Alps record periods of stagnating uplift and decrease of relief. Tropical to sub-tropical weathering of a crystalline substratum formed dominant or abundant kaolinite, reflecting Paleogene and Early Miocene conditions, respectively. Abundant illite and chlorite, but a lack of kaolinite in red clays on the plateaus of the Northern Calcareous Alps reflects feldspar-poor compositons of the Cenozoic siliciclastic cover. The presence of high Ba/Sr and Rb/Sr ratios and vermiculite in these red clays indicates high precipitation and temperate weathering conditions, respectively, during the Late Miocene and Early Pilocene on the uplifting plateaus of the Northern Calcareous Alps.


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En matière de loteries et paris, presque tous les Etats européens ont mis en place un système plus ou moins similaire reposant sur un principe d'interdiction des grandes loteries et des paris, sauf exception. L'exception consiste à accorder l'autorisation d'organiser ces jeux à un organisateur unique qui dispose ainsi d'un monopole sur son territoire d'autorisation, et à imposer que les bénéfices soient intégralement reversés à l'utilité publique, à l'exemple de la Suisse, ou affectés au budget de l'Etat, à l'exemple de la France. Dans une perspective légistique, ce travail de recherche propose de tracer un état des lieux de la situation actuelle en Suisse, sous l'angle juridique et économique, et, sous l'éclairage des éléments remettant en cause le monopole, de discuter cinq scénarii envisageables pour l'avenir accompagnés des conséquences juridiques, économiques et sociales pour chacun d'eux. Ces réflexions conduisent à constater que le cadre juridique n'est plus adapté aux tendances actuelles. Die Regelung der Lotterie- und Wettmärkte ist in fast allen europäischen Staaten im Wesentlichen ähnlich: es besteht ein grundsätzliches Verbot der Durchführung von grossen Lotterien und Wetten, das durch eine Ausnahmeregelung zugunsten eines einzigen oder eines stark eingeschränkten Kreises von Spielveranstaltern relativiert wird. Die Spielveranstalter verfügen über ein Exklusivrecht zur Durchführung dieser Glücksspiele auf ihrem Vertriebsgebiet. Damit verbunden ist die Pflicht, die generierten Erträge vollumfänglich entweder - wie in der Schweiz - so genannt "gemeinnützigen Zwecken" oder - wie etwa in Frankreich - der Staatskasse zufliessen zu lassen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit wird zunächst aus legistischer Perspektive die aktuelle Situation im Lotterie- und Wettbereich in der Schweiz analysiert. Im Lichte der Elemente, die das erwähnte Exklusivrecht in Frage stellen, werden sodann fünf mögliche Zukunftsszenarien mit ihren juristischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Konsequenzen skizziert. Die Untersuchung kommt zum Schluss, dass der heute in der Schweiz geltende rechtliche Rahmen nicht mehr den aktuellen Entwicklungen entspricht.


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The fate of European arctic-alpine species during Pleistocene climatic oscillations still remains debated. Did these cold-adapted species invade much of the continental steppe or did they remain restricted to warmer slopes of inner mountain massifs? To examine this question, we investigated the phylogeography of Gentiana nivalis, a typical European arctic-alpine plant species. Genome fingerprinting analyses revealed that four genetic pools are actually unevenly distributed across the continent. One cluster covers almost all mountain massifs as well as northern areas, and thus coincides with a scenario of past distribution covering a large part of the European glacial steppe. In contrast, the three other lineages are strongly restricted spatially to western, central, and eastern Alps, respectively, thus arguing towards a scenario of in situ glacial survival. The coexistence of lineages with such contrasting demographic histories in Europe challenges our classical view of refugia and corroborates several hypotheses of biogeographers from the twentieth century.


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In order to contribute to the debate about southern glacial refugia used by temperate species and more northern refugia used by boreal or cold-temperate species, we examined the phylogeography of a widespread snake species (Vipera berus) inhabiting Europe up to the Arctic Circle. The analysis of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation in 1043 bp of the cytochrome b gene and in 918 bp of the noncoding control region was performed with phylogenetic approaches. Our results suggest that both the duplicated control region and cytochrome b evolve at a similar rate in this species. Phylogenetic analysis showed that V. berus is divided into three major mitochondrial lineages, probably resulting from an Italian, a Balkan and a Northern (from France to Russia) refugial area in Eastern Europe, near the Carpathian Mountains. In addition, the Northern clade presents an important substructure, suggesting two sequential colonization events in Europe. First, the continent was colonized from the three main refugial areas mentioned above during the Lower-Mid Pleistocene. Second, recolonization of most of Europe most likely originated from several refugia located outside of the Mediterranean peninsulas (Carpathian region, east of the Carpathians, France and possibly Hungary) during the Mid-Late Pleistocene, while populations within the Italian and Balkan Peninsulas fluctuated only slightly in distribution range, with larger lowland populations during glacial times and with refugial mountain populations during interglacials, as in the present time. The phylogeographical structure revealed in our study suggests complex recolonization dynamics of the European continent by V. berus, characterized by latitudinal as well as altitudinal range shifts, driven by both climatic changes and competition with related species.


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Le propos de cette thèse est de discuter la question de la causalité psychique dans les phénomènes d'angoisse, en partant d'un cas de notre pratique clinique. Notre patient est un jeune homme, victime d'une hémorragie sous-corticale frontale droite, qui présente principalement un hémisyndrome sensitivo-moteur gauche. De façon surprenante, un apaisement de son angoisse survient, alors qu'avant l'accident vasculaire ce symptôme était bien présent. A partir de ce cas et en prenant appui sur la littérature médicale et psychanalytique, nous tentons d'expliquer l'apaisement de l'angoisse. Finalement, nous proposons une manière d'appréhender et de soutenir les patients atteints d'un accident vasculaire cérébral, en particulier lorsqu'ils souffrent de symptômes de la lignée psychiatrique, une problématique qui s'observe fréquemment.


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In the eastern Bulgarian Rhodope, mafic extrusive rocks and underlying greenschists are found in the Mesozoic low-grade unit, which represents the northern extension of similar sequences including the Evros ophiolites in Thrace (Greece). Both rock types define a suite of low-Ti tholeiitic basalts to transitional boninitic basaltic andesites and andesites and associated metapyroclastites (greenschists), intruded at its base by diorite dikes of a boninitic affinity. Mafic lavas and greenschists display large ion lithophile element (LILE) enrichment relative to high-field strength elements (HFSE), flat REE patterns of a slight light REE depletion, a strong island arc tholeiite (IAT) and weak MORB-like signature. All these rocks are characterized by negative Nb anomalies ascribed to arc lavas. They have positive epsilon Nd(i) values in the range of +4.87 to +6.09, approaching the lower limit of MORB-like source, and relatively high ((207)Pb/(204)Pb)(i) (15.57-15.663) at low ((206)Pb/(204)Pb)(i) (18.13-18.54) ratios. The Nd isotopic compositions coupled with trace element data imply a dominantly depleted MORB-like mantle source and a contribution of subduction modified LILE-enriched component derived from the mantle wedge. The diorite dike has a low eNdi value of -2.61 and is slightly more Pb radiogenic ((207)Pb/(204)Pb)(i) (15.64) and ((206)Pb/(204)Pb)(i) (18.56), respectively, reflecting crustal contamination. Petrologic and geochemical data indicate that the greenschists and mafic extrusive rocks represent a magmatic assemblage formed in an island arc setting. The magmatic suite is interpreted as representing an island arc-accretionary complex related to the southward subduction of the Meliata-Maliac ocean under the supra-subduction back-arc Vardar ocean/island arc system. Magmatic activity appears to have initiated in the north during the inception of the island arc system by the Early-Middle Jurassic time in the eastern Rhodope that most likely graded to back-arc spreading southwards as represented by the Late Jurassic MORB-type Samothraki Island ophiolites. This tectonic scenario is further constrained by paleotectonic reconstructions. The arc-trench system collided with the Rhodope in the Late Jurassic times. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.