184 resultados para Dorsal root ganglia
In higher plants, roots acquire water and soil nutrients and transport them upward to their aerial parts. These functions are closely related to their anatomical structure; water and nutrients entering the root first move radially through several concentric layers of the epidermis, cortex, and endodermis before entering the central cylinder. The endodermis is the innermost cortical cell layer that features rings of hydrophobic cell wall material called the Casparian strips, which functionally resemble tight junctions in animal epithelia. Nutrient uptake from the soil can occur through three different routes that can be interconnected in various ways: the apoplastic route (through the cell wall), the symplastic route (through cellular connections), and a coupled trans-cellular route (involving polarized influx and efflux carriers). This Update presents recent advances in the radial transport of nutrients highlighting the coupled trans-cellular pathway and the roles played by the endodermis as a barrier.
Several studies (on an inclined platform or with special shoes) have reported improved jump performance when the ankle was in a dorsiflexion (DF) position. The present study aims to test whether shoes inducing moderate DF modify vertical jump performance and energy cost. Twenty-one young, healthy female subjects (30 +/- 6 yr, 58 +/- 6 kg, O2max 45 +/- 3 mLxkg-1xmin-1, mean +/- SD) participated in the study. Jump performance was tested with subjects either wearing 4 degrees DF or standard (S) shoes. The jump tests (performed on a force platform) consisted of squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), and continuous jumps (CJ) during 15 seconds. Measured parameters were jump height, speed at take off, and maximal and average power. Oxygen uptake was measured on a treadmill while subjects ran at 95% of the anaerobic threshold during a 7-minute steady-state period. As compared with S shoes, DF shoes significantly improved the height of SJ (31 +/- 4 cm vs. 34 +/- 4 cm, p = 0.0001), CMJ (32 +/- 4 cm vs. 34 +/- 4 cm, p = 0.0004), and CJ (17.5 +/- 4.2 cm vs. 22.0 +/- 6.0 cm, p = 0.0001). Speed at take off was also significantly higher. Mean power significantly increased in SJ and CJ but not in CMJ. Oxygen uptake was not different between conditions (p = 0.40). Dorsiflexion shoes induce a significant increase in jump performance. These results are in accordance with the concept that a DF of the ankle may induce an increase of the length and strength of the triceps surae (higher torque). However, wearing DF shoes did not require more energy during running. Dorsiflexion shoes could be used to increase jump performance in several sports such as volleyball in which jump height is essential.
Root system architecture is a trait that displays considerable plasticity because of its sensitivity to environmental stimuli. Nevertheless, to a significant degree it is genetically constrained as suggested by surveys of its natural genetic variation. A few regulators of root system architecture have been isolated as quantitative trait loci through the natural variation approach in the dicotyledon model, Arabidopsis. This provides proof of principle that allelic variation for root system architecture traits exists, is genetically tractable, and might be exploited for crop breeding. Beyond Arabidopsis, Brachypodium could serve as both a credible and experimentally accessible model for root system architecture variation in monocotyledons, as suggested by first glimpses of the different root morphologies of Brachypodium accessions. Whether a direct knowledge transfer gained from molecular model system studies will work in practice remains unclear however, because of a lack of comprehensive understanding of root system physiology in the native context. For instance, apart from a few notable exceptions, the adaptive value of genetic variation in root system modulators is unknown. Future studies should thus aim at comprehensive characterization of the role of genetic players in root system architecture variation by taking into account the native environmental conditions, in particular soil characteristics.
A maize (Zea mays L. cv LG 11) root homogenate was prepared and centrifuged to sediment the mitochondria. The pellet (6 KP) and the supernatant (6 KS) were collected and fractionated on linear sucrose density gradients. Marker enzymes were used to study the distribution of the different cell membranes in the gradients. The distribution of the ATP- and pyrophosphate-dependent proton pumping activities was similar after 3 hours of centrifugation of the 6 KS or the 6 KP fraction. The pumps were clearly separated from the mitochondrial marker cytochrome c oxidase and the plasmalemma marker UDP-glucose-sterolglucosyl-transferase. The pyrophosphate-dependent proton pump might be associated with the tonoplast, as the ATP-dependent pump, despite the lack of a specific marker for this membrane. However, under all the conditions tested, the two pumps overlapped the Golgi markers latent UDPase and glucan synthase I and the ER marker NADH-cytochrome c reductase. It is therefore not possible to exclude the presence of proton pumping activities on the Golgi or the ER of maize root cells. The two pumps (but especially the pyrophosphate-dependent one) were more active (or more abundant) in the tip than in the basal part of maize roots, indicating that these activities might be important in growth processes.
Tonoplast-enriched membranes were prepared from maize (Zea mays L. cv LG 11) primary roots, using sucrose nonlinear gradients. The functional molecular size of the tonoplast ATP-and PPi-dependent proton pumps were analyzed by radiation inactivation. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) was added as an internal standard. Frozen samples (-196 degrees C) of the membranes were irradiated with (60)Co for different periods of time. After thawing the samples, the activities of G6PDH, ATPase, and PPase were tested. By applying target theory, the functional sizes of the ATPase and PPase in situ were found to be around 540 and 160 kilodaltons, respectively. The two activities were solubilized and separated by gel filtration chromatography. The different polypeptides copurifying with the two pumps were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two bands (around 59 and 65 kilodaltons) were associated with the ATPase activity, whereas a double band (around 40 kilodaltons) was recovered with the PPase activity.
Despite advances in understanding basic organizational principles of the human basal ganglia, accurate in vivo assessment of their anatomical properties is essential to improve early diagnosis in disorders with corticosubcortical pathology and optimize target planning in deep brain stimulation. Main goal of this study was the detailed topological characterization of limbic, associative, and motor subdivisions of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) in relation to corresponding corticosubcortical circuits. To this aim, we used magnetic resonance imaging and investigated independently anatomical connectivity via white matter tracts next to brain tissue properties. On the basis of probabilistic diffusion tractography we identified STN subregions with predominantly motor, associative, and limbic connectivity. We then computed for each of the nonoverlapping STN subregions the covariance between local brain tissue properties and the rest of the brain using high-resolution maps of magnetization transfer (MT) saturation and longitudinal (R1) and transverse relaxation rate (R2*). The demonstrated spatial distribution pattern of covariance between brain tissue properties linked to myelin (R1 and MT) and iron (R2*) content clearly segregates between motor and limbic basal ganglia circuits. We interpret the demonstrated covariance pattern as evidence for shared tissue properties within a functional circuit, which is closely linked to its function. Our findings open new possibilities for investigation of changes in the established covariance pattern aiming at accurate diagnosis of basal ganglia disorders and prediction of treatment outcome.
P>1. Entomopathogenic nematodes can function as indirect defence for plants that are attacked by root herbivores. By releasing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), plants signal the presence of host insects and thereby attract nematodes.2. Nonetheless, how roots deploy indirect defences, how indirect defences relate to direct defences, and the ecological consequences of root defence allocation for herbivores and plant biomass are essentially unknown.3. We investigate a natural below-ground tritrophic system, involving common milkweed, a specialist root-boring beetle and entomopathogenic nematodes, and asked whether there is a negative genetic correlation between direct defences (root cardenolides) and indirect defences (emission of volatiles in the roots and nematode attraction), and between constitutive and inducible defences.4. Volatiles of roots were analysed using two distinct sampling methods. First, we collected emissions from living Asclepias syriaca roots by dynamic headspace sampling. This method showed that attacked A. syriaca plants emit five times higher levels of volatiles than control plants. Secondly, we used a solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) method to sample the full pool of volatiles in roots for genetic correlations of volatile biosynthesis.5. Field experiments showed that entomopathogenic nematodes prevent the loss of biomass to root herbivory. Additionally, suppression of root herbivores was mediated directly by cardenolides and indirectly by the attraction of nematodes. Genetic families of plants with high cardenolides benefited less from nematodes compared to low-cardenolide families, suggesting that direct and indirect defences may be redundant. Although constitutive and induced root defences traded off within each strategy (for both direct and indirect defence, cardenolides and VOCs, respectively), we found no trade-off between the two strategies.6. Synthesis. Constitutive expression and inducibility of defences may trade off because of resource limitation or because they are redundant. Direct and indirect defences do not trade off, likely because they may not share a limiting resource and because independently they may promote defence across the patchiness of herbivore attack and nematode presence in the field. Indeed, some redundancy in strategies may be necessary to increase effective defence, but for each strategy, an economy of deployment reduces overall costs.
Rapport de synthèseObjectif: le remplacement valvulaire aortique par voie transcathétère est, actuellement, une méthode fiable indiquée pour des patients à haut risque porteurs d'une sténose valvulaire aortique. La voie transfémorale est utilisable seulement en cas d'absence de maladie vasculaire et la voie transapicale est contrindiquée en cas de dysfonction pulmonaire chronique sévère. Une alternative pour ne pas passer a travers l'espace pleural serait par voie sous- xiphoïdienne et trans-septale à travers le ventricule droit.Méthode: une expérience animale a été amené au laboratoire de recherche du CHUV. Cinq cochons (poids : 52.3±10.9 kg) ont été endormi et, sous anesthésie générale, le ventricule droit a été préparé a travers un accès sous- xiphoïdien. Ensuite, sous guide fluoroscopique et avec l'utilisation d'une échocardiographie intracardiaque, un accès trans-septal a été crée entre le ventricule droit et le ventricule gauche en utilisant des dilatateur de diamètre croissant (de 8F à 26F). Par la suite, une valve stentée crée dans le laboratoire en utilisant un stent en nitinol et du péricarde a été chargé dans une cartouche et introduite dans le ventricule gauche à travers un introducteur trans-septal. Enfin, la valve a été amené dans la chambre de chasse du ventricule gauche et ensuite dans la racine aortique et puis déployé au bon endroit. Quand le système a été retiré, le septum ventriculaire a pu être réparé par mise en place d'un système d'occlusion septal Amplazer. Trente minutes après la procédure, les animaux ont été sacrifié et le coeur a été analysé pour étudier le positionnement da la valve stentée, l'efficacité de la fermeture du septum inter-ventriculaire et la fermeture de la paroi du ventricule droit.Résultat : les cinq cochon ont tous eu un parfait positionnement et pose de la prothèse en position aortique au premier essai (efficacité 100%). Les procédures ont duré, moyennement, 49±4 minutes et la progressive dilatation de l'accès trans-septale à donné lieu à une communication inter-ventriculaire mesurable après dilatation avec du 18F et plus. Toutes les valves stentées ont été déployées au bon endroit avec un bon résultat du fonctionnement des valves prothétiques et absence d'insuffisance para prothétique. Pendant les procédures, des battement prématurés ainsi que des épisodes isolées de tachycardie supra ventriculaire ont été détectés. Par contre, il n'y a pas eu de bloc atrio-ventriculaire. Les pertes sanguines pendant les procédures étaient de 280±10mL, et les systèmes d'occlusion Amplatzer étaient tous bien déployés sans shunts inter-ventriculaires résiduels.Conclusion: la technique d'introduction de valve stentées par voie extrapleural (trans-ventriculaire et trans-septale) est techniquement possible et elle jette les bases pour le remplacement valvulaire aortique trans-ventriculaire sous anesthésie locale.
1 Insect pests, biological invasions and climate change are considered to representmajor threats to biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, agriculture and forestry.Deriving hypothesis of contemporary and/or future potential distributions of insectpests and invasive species is becoming an important tool for predicting the spatialstructure of potential threats.2 The western corn rootworm (WCR) Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte is apest of maize in North America that has invaded Europe in recent years, resultingin economic costs in terms of maize yields in both continents. The present studyaimed to estimate the dynamics of potential areas of invasion by the WCR under aclimate change scenario in the Northern Hemisphere. The areas at risk under thisscenario were assessed by comparing, using complementary approaches, the spatialprojections of current and future areas of climatic favourability of the WCR. Spatialhypothesis were generated with respect to the presence records in the native rangeof the WCR and physiological thresholds from previous empirical studies.3 We used a previously developed protocol specifically designed to estimatethe climatic favourability of the WCR. We selected the most biologicallyrelevant climatic predictors and then used multidimensional envelope (MDE) andMahalanobis distances (MD) approaches to derive potential distributions for currentand future climatic conditions.4 The results obtained showed a northward advancement of the upper physiologicallimit as a result of climate change, which might increase the strength of outbreaksat higher latitudes. In addition, both MDE and MD outputs predict the stability ofclimatic favourability for the WCR in the core of the already invaded area in Europe,which suggests that this zone would continue to experience damage from this pestin Europe.
To clarify the role of Angiotensin II (Ang II) in the sensory system and especially in the trigeminal ganglia, we studied the expression of angiotensinogen (Ang-N)-, renin-, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)- and cathepsin D-mRNA, and the presence of Ang II and substance P in the rat and human trigeminal ganglia. The rat trigeminal ganglia expressed substantial amounts of Ang-N- and ACE mRNA as determined by quantitative real time PCR. Renin mRNA was untraceable in rat samples. Cathepsin D was detected in the rat trigeminal ganglia indicating the possibility of existence of pathways alternative to renin for Ang I formation. In situ hybridization in rat trigeminal ganglia revealed expression of Ang-N mRNA in the cytoplasm of numerous neurons. By using immunocytochemistry, a number of neurons and their processes in both the rat and human trigeminal ganglia were stained for Ang II. Post in situ hybridization immunocytochemistry reveals that in the rat trigeminal ganglia some, but not all Ang-N mRNA-positive neurons marked for Ang II. In some neurons Substance P was found colocalized with Ang II. Angiotensins from rat trigeminal ganglia were quantitated by radioimmunoassay with and without prior separation by high performance liquid chromatography. Immunoreactive angiotensin II (ir-Ang II) was consistently present and the sum of true Ang II (1-8) octapeptide and its specifically measured metabolites were found to account for it. Radioimmunological and immunocytochemical evidence of ir-Ang II in neuronal tissue is compatible with Ang II as a neurotransmitter. In conclusion, these results suggest that Ang II could be produced locally in the neurons of rat trigeminal ganglia. The localization and colocalization of neuronal Ang II with Substance P in the trigeminal ganglia neurons may be the basis for a participation and function of Ang II in the regulation of nociception and migraine pathology.
Intraspecific genetic variation for morphological traits is observed in many organisms. In Arabidopsis thaliana, alleles responsible for intraspecific morphological variation are increasingly being identified. However, the fitness consequences remain unclear in most cases. Here, the fitness effects of alleles of the BRX gene are investigated. A brx loss-of-function allele, which was found in a natural accession, results in a highly branched but poorly elongated root system. Comparison between the control accession Sav-0 and an introgression of brx into this background (brxS) indicated that, surprisingly, brx loss of function did not negatively affect fitness in pure stands. However, in mixed, well-watered stands brxS performance and reproductive output decreased significantly, as the proportion of Sav-0 neighbors increased. Additional comparisons between brxS and a brxS line that was complemented by a BRX transgene confirmed a direct effect of the loss-of-function allele on plant performance, as indicated by restored competitive ability of the transgenic genotype. Further, because plant height was very similar across genotypes and because the experimental setup largely excluded shading effects, the impaired competitiveness of the brx loss-of-function genotype likely reflects below-ground competition. In summary, these data reveal conditional fitness effects of a single gene polymorphism in response to intraspecific competition in Arabidopsis.
Similar to aboveground herbivores, root-feeding insects must locate and identify suitable resources. In the darkness of soil, they mainly rely on root chemical exudations and, therefore, have evolved specific behaviours. Because of their impact on crop yield, most of our knowledge in belowground chemical ecology is biased towards soil-dwelling insect pests. Yet the increasing literature on volatile-mediated interactions in the ground underpins the great importance of chemical signalling in this ecosystem and its potential in pest control. Here, we explore the ecology and physiology of these chemically based interactions. An evolutionary approach reveals interesting patterns in the response of insects to particular classes of volatile or water-soluble organic compounds commonly emitted by roots. Food web analyses reasonably support that volatiles are used as long-range cues whereas water-soluble molecules serve in host acceptance/rejection by the insect; however, data are still scarce. As a case study, the chemical ecology of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera is discussed and applications of belowground signalling in pest management are examined. Soil chemical ecology is an expanding field of research and will certainly be a hub of our understanding of soil communities and subsequently of the management of belowground ecosystem services.
Work on the interaction of aerial plant parts with pathogens has identified the signaling molecules jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) as important players in induced defense of the plant against invading organisms. Much less is known about the role of JA and SA signaling in root infection. Recent progress has been made in research on plant interactions with biotrophic mutualists and parasites that exclusively associate with roots, namely arbuscular mycorrhizal and rhizobial symbioses on one hand and nematode and parasitic plant interactions on the other hand. Here, we review these recent advances relating JA and SA signaling to specific stages of root colonization and discuss how both signaling molecules contribute to a balance between compatibility and defense in mutualistic as well as parasitic biotroph-root interactions.
Dorsal and ventral pathways for syntacto-semantic speech processing in the left hemisphere are represented in the dual-stream model of auditory processing. Here we report new findings for the right dorsal and ventral temporo-frontal pathway during processing of affectively intonated speech (i.e. affective prosody) in humans, together with several left hemispheric structural connections, partly resembling those for syntacto-semantic speech processing. We investigated white matter fiber connectivity between regions responding to affective prosody in several subregions of the bilateral superior temporal cortex (secondary and higher-level auditory cortex) and of the inferior frontal cortex (anterior and posterior inferior frontal gyrus). The fiber connectivity was investigated by using probabilistic diffusion tensor based tractography. The results underscore several so far underestimated auditory pathway connections, especially for the processing of affective prosody, such as a right ventral auditory pathway. The results also suggest the existence of a dual-stream processing in the right hemisphere, and a general predominance of the dorsal pathways in both hemispheres underlying the neural processing of affective prosody in an extended temporo-frontal network.