299 resultados para Comparative embryology
La réforme de la péréquation financière et de la répartition des tâches entre la Confédération et les cantons (RPT) entrera en vigueur le 1er janvier 2008. Elle prévoit notamment le transfert de la responsabilité des institutions pour personnes handicapées de la Confédération aux cantons. Ce mémoire se concentre sur ce domaine particulier en décrivant de quelle manière les cantons se préparent pour assumer leurs nouvelles responsabilités et comment ils envisagent de redéfinir leurs relations avec les institutions spécialisées et les personnes handicapées. Par une analyse comparative menée dans les cantons de Neuchâtel, Vaud, Valais, Bâle-Ville et Bâle-Campagne des différences intercantonales importantes sont mise en évidence et permettent d'aborder la problématique générale de la mise en oeuvre d'une politique sociale dans un Etat fédéral.
Gene duplications can have a major role in adaptation, and gene families underlying chemosensation are particularly interesting due to their essential role in chemical recognition of mates, predators and food resources. Social insects add yet another dimension to the study of chemosensory genomics, as the key components of their social life rely on chemical communication. Still, chemosensory gene families are little studied in social insects. Here we annotated chemosensory protein (CSP) genes from seven ant genomes and studied their evolution. The number of functional CSP genes ranges from 11 to 21 depending on species, and the estimated rates of gene birth and death indicate high turnover of genes. Ant CSP genes include seven conservative orthologous groups present in all the ants, and a group of genes that has expanded independently in different ant lineages. Interestingly, the expanded group of genes has a differing mode of evolution from the orthologous groups. The expanded group shows rapid evolution as indicated by a high dN/dS (nonsynonymous to synonymous changes) ratio, several sites under positive selection and many pseudogenes, whereas the genes in the seven orthologous groups evolve slowly under purifying selection and include only one pseudogene. These results show that adaptive changes have played a role in ant CSP evolution. The expanded group of ant-specific genes is phylogenetically close to a conservative orthologous group CSP7, which includes genes known to be involved in ant nestmate recognition, raising an interesting possibility that the expanded CSPs function in ant chemical communication.
The Microbe browser is a web server providing comparative microbial genomics data. It offers comprehensive, integrated data from GenBank, RefSeq, UniProt, InterPro, Gene Ontology and the Orthologs Matrix Project (OMA) database, displayed along with gene predictions from five software packages. The Microbe browser is daily updated from the source databases and includes all completely sequenced bacterial and archaeal genomes. The data are displayed in an easy-to-use, interactive website based on Ensembl software. The Microbe browser is available at http://microbe.vital-it.ch/. Programmatic access is available through the OMA application programming interface (API) at http://microbe.vital-it.ch/api.
Whether or not species participating in specialized and obligate interactions display similar and simultaneous demographic variations at the intraspecific level remains an open question in phylogeography. In the present study, we used the mutualistic nursery pollination occurring between the European globeflower Trollius europaeus and its specialized pollinators in the genus Chiastocheta as a case study. Explicitly, we investigated if the phylogeographies of the pollinating flies are significantly different from the expectation under a scenario of plant-insect congruence. Based on a large-scale sampling, we first used mitochondrial data to infer the phylogeographical histories of each fly species. Then, we defined phylogeographical scenarios of congruence with the plant history, and used maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches to test for plant-insect phylogeographical congruence for the three Chiastocheta species. We show that the phylogeographical histories of the three fly species differ. Only Chiastocheta lophota and Chiastocheta dentifera display strong spatial genetic structures, which do not appear to be statistically different from those expected under scenarios of phylogeographical congruence with the plant. The results of the present study indicate that the fly species responded in independent and different ways to shared evolutionary forces, displaying varying levels of congruence with the plant genetic structure
Miniature diffusion size classifiers (miniDiSC) are novel handheld devices to measure ultrafine particles (UFP). UFP have been linked to the development of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases; thus, detection and quantification of these particles are important for evaluating their potential health hazards. As part of the UFP exposure assessments of highwaymaintenance workers in western Switzerland, we compared a miniDiSC with a portable condensation particle counter (P-TRAK). In addition, we performed stationary measurements with a miniDiSC and a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) at a site immediately adjacent to a highway. Measurements with miniDiSC and P-TRAK correlated well (correlation of r = 0.84) but average particle numbers of the miniDiSC were 30%âeuro"60% higher. This difference was significantly increased for mean particle diameters below 40 nm. The correlation between theminiDiSC and the SMPSduring stationary measurements was very high (r = 0.98) although particle numbers from the miniDiSC were 30% lower. Differences between the three devices were attributed to the different cutoff diameters for detection. Correction for this size dependent effect led to very similar results across all counters.We did not observe any significant influence of other particle characteristics. Our results suggest that the miniDiSC provides accurate particle number concentrations and geometric mean diameters at traffic-influenced sites, making it a useful tool for personal exposure assessment in such settings.
Treatment effects over 2 years of teriparatide vs. ibandronate in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis were compared using lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS). Teriparatide induced larger increases in BMD and TBS compared to ibandronate, suggesting a more pronounced effect on bone microarchitecture of the bone anabolic drug. INTRODUCTION: The trabecular bone score (TBS) is an index of bone microarchitecture, independent of bone mineral density (BMD), calculated from anteroposterior spine dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans. The potential role of TBS for monitoring treatment response with bone-active substances is not established. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of recombinant human 1-34 parathyroid hormone (teriparatide) and the bisphosphonate ibandronate (IBN), on lumbar spine (LS) BMD and TBS in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. METHODS: Two patient groups with matched age, body mass index (BMI), and baseline LS BMD, treated with either daily subcutaneous teriparatide (N = 65) or quarterly intravenous IBN (N = 122) during 2 years and with available LS BMD measurements at baseline and 2 years after treatment initiation were compared. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics (overall mean ± SD) were similar between groups in terms of age 67.9 ± 7.4 years, body mass index 23.8 ± 3.8 kg/m(2), BMD L1-L4 0.741 ± 0.100 g/cm(2), and TBS 1.208 ± 0.100. Over 24 months, teriparatide induced a significantly larger increase in LS BMD and TBS than IBN (+7.6 % ± 6.3 vs. +2.9 % ± 3.3 and +4.3 % ± 6.6 vs. +0.3 % ± 4.1, respectively; P < 0.0001 for both). LS BMD and TBS were only weakly correlated at baseline (r (2) = 0.04) with no correlation between the changes in BMD and TBS over 24 months. CONCLUSIONS: In postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, a 2-year treatment with teriparatide led to a significantly larger increase in LS BMD and TBS than IBN, suggesting that teriparatide had more pronounced effects on bone microarchitecture than IBN.
Background: To evaluate outcomes after optimized laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for astigmatism correction with flap created by a mechanical microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. Patients and Methods: In this retrospective study, a total of 102 eyes of 71 consecutive patients were enrolled undergoing optimized LASIK treatments using the Allegretto laser system (WaveLight Laser Technologie AG, Erlangen, Germany). A mechanical microkeratome for flap creation was used (One Use, Moria®) in 46 eyes (31 patients, spherical equivalent [SE] -4.44 D ± 2.4) and a femtosecond laser was used (LDV, Ziemer®) in 56 eyes (40 patients, spherical equivalent [SE] -3.07 D ± 3.3). The two groups were matched for inclusion criteria and were operated under similar conditions by the same surgeon. Results: Overall, the preoperative spherical equivalent was -9.5 diopters (D) to +3.37 D; the preoperative manifest astigmatism was between -1.5 D and -3.5 D. At 6 months postoperatively, the mean postoperative uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) was 0.93 ± 0.17 (range 0.4 to 1.2) in the Moria group and 1.0 ± 0.21 (range 0.6 to 1.6) in the Femto group, which was statistically significant (p = 0.003). Comparing the cylinder power there was a statistical difference between the two groups (p = 0.0015). Conclusions: This study shows that the method of flap creation has a significant impact on postoperative astigmatism with a significantly better postoperative UDVA in the Femto group. These findings suggest that the femtosecond laser provides a better platform for LASIK treatment of astigmatism than the commonly used microkeratome.
Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas: Comparative single centre analysis between ductal and mucinous type.
1. Background¦Adenocarcinomas of the pancreas are exocrine tumors, originate from ductal system, including two morphologically distinct entities: the ductal adenocarcinoma and mucinous adenocarcinoma. Ductal adenocarcinoma is by far the most frequent malignant tumor in the pancreas, representing at least about 90% of all pancreas cancers. It is associated with very poor prognosis, due to the fact that actually there are no any biological markers or diagnostic tools for identification of the disease at an early stage. Most of the time the disease is extensive with vascular and nerves involvement or with metastatic spread at the time of diagnosis (1). The median survival is less than 5% at 5 years, placing it, at the fifth leading cause of death by cancer in the world (2). The mucinous form of pancreatic adenocarcinoma is less frequent, and seems to have a better prognosis with about 57% survival at 5 years (1)(3)(4).¦Each morphologic type of pancreatic adenocarcinoma is associated with particular preneoplastic lesions. Two types of preneoplastic lesions are described: firstly, pancreatic intra-epithelial neoplasia (PanIN) which affects the small and peripheral pancreatic ducts, and the intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) interested the main pancreatic ducts and its principal branches. Both of preneoplastic lesions lead by different mechanisms to the pancreatic adenocarcinoma (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10).¦The purpose of our study consists in a retrospective analysis of various clinical and histo-morphological parameters in order to assess a difference in survival between these two morphological types of pancreatic adenocarcinomas.¦1.2 Material and methods¦We conducted a retrospective analysis including 35 patients, (20 men and 15 women), beneficed the surgical treatment for pancreas adenocarcinoma at the Surgical Department of University Hospital in Lausanne. The patients involved in our study have been treated between 2003 and 2008, permitting at least 5-years mean follow up. For each patient the following parameters were analysed: age, gender, type of operation, type of preneoplastic lesions, TNM stage, histological grade of the tumor, vascular invasion, lymphatic and perineural invasion, resection margins, and adjuvant treatment.¦The results from these observations were included in a univariate and multivariate statistical analysis and compared with overall survival, as well as specific survival for each morphologic subtype of adenocarcinoma.¦As a low number of mucinous adenocarcinomas (n=5) was insufficient to conduct a pertinent statistical analysis, we compared the data obtained from adenocarcinomas developed on PanIN with adenocarcinomas developed on IPMN including both, ductal or mucinous types.¦1.3 Result¦Our results show that adenocarcinomas developed on pre-existing IPMN including both morphologic types (ductal and mucinous form) are associated with a better survival and prognosis than adenocarciomas developed on PanIN.¦1.4 Conclusion¦This study reflects that the most relevant parameter in survival in pancreatic adenocarcinoma seems to be the type of preneoplastic lesion. The significant difference in survival was noted between adenocarcinomas developing on PanIN as compared to adenocarcinomas developed on IPMN precursor lesions. Ductal adenocarcinomas developped on IPMN present significantly longer survival than those developed on PanIN lesions (P value= 0,01). Therefore we can suggest that the histological type of preneoplastic lesion rather than the histological type of adenocarcinoma should be the determinant prognosis factor in survival of pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Staphylococcus aureus, especially when it is methicillin resistant, has been recognised as a major cause of nosocomial and community-acquired infections. It has also been shown that certain strains were able to cause clonal epidemics whereas others showed a more incidental occurrence. On the basis of this behavioural distinction, a genetic feature underlying this difference in epidemicity can be assumed. Understanding the difference will not only contribute to the development of markers for the identification of epidemic strains but will also shed light on the evolution of clones. Genomes of strains from two independent collections (n=18 and n=10 strains) were analysed. Both collections were composed of carefully selected, genetically diverse strains with clinically well-defined epidemic and sporadic behaviour. Comparative genome hybridisation (CGH) was performed using an Agilent array for one collection (up to 11 probes per open reading frame - ORF), and an Affymetrix array for the other (up to 30 probes per ORF). Presence and absence information of probe homologues and ORFs was taken for analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) at the strain and behaviour levels. Not a single probe showed 100% concordant differences between epidemic and sporadic strains. Moreover, probe differences between groups were always smaller than those within groups. This was also true, when the analysis was focussed on presence versus absence of ORF's or when probe information was transformed into allelic profiles. These findings present strong evidence against the presence or absence of a single common specific genetic factor differentiating epidemic from sporadic S. aureus clones.
BACKGROUND: Calcineurin inhibitors (cyclosporine (CsA) and tacrolimus (Tcl)) and the anti-TNF-antibody infliximab (IFX) are established therapeutic options in steroid-refractory ulcerative colitis (UC). In acute severe UC failing steroids, a randomized trial showed an 85% short term response to CsA or IFX, with avoidance of colectomy. Comparative responses to the three drugs in outpatients with steroid-refractory UC are unknown. METHOD: Response to treatment in patients with steroid-refractory moderate to severe UC was retrospectively studied in three cohorts of patients: Cohort A (n=24) treated with oral Tcl (initially 0.05mg/kg twice daily, aiming for serum trough levels of 5-10 ng/mL); Cohort B (n=19) treated with intravenous CsA 2mg/kg/daily and then oral CsA 5mg/kg/daily; Cohort C. (n= 41) treated with IFX (5mg/kg intravenously at week 0, 2, 6 and then every 8 weeks). After successful rescue therapy with Tcl or CsA, thiopurine maintenance therapy was introduced. The endpoint was evaluation of clinical remission or response at week 6, on the basis of modified Truelove-Witts severity index (MTWSI). RESULTS: After 6 weeks, 42% (10/24) of patients treated with Tcl achieved remission (MTWSI score ≤4) compared to 47% (9/ 19) on CsA and 66% (27/41) of patients treated with IFX (Tcl & CsA vs IFX p=0.127). Clinical response (decrease of MTWSI score of more than 4 points) at week 6 was reached in 25% (6/24) patients on Tcl, compared to 11% (2/19) on CsA and 20% (8/41) given IFX (p=0.484). Subgroup analysis showed the highest rates of remission in those with moderate steroid-refractory UC treated with IFX: 29% (2/7) in Tcl group compared to 50% (2/4) in CsA group and 76 % (19/25) in IFX group (Tcl &CsA vs IFX p= 0.058) Patients with severe colitis showed similar rates of remission in all three groups: 47% (8/17) on Tcl, 47% (7/ 15) on CsA and 50% (8/16) on IFX (p= 0.700). Colectomy within 6 weeks occurred in 4% (1/24) after Tcl, 5% (1/19) after CsA and 0% (0/41) after IFX. Adverse effects in the first 6 weeks were observed in 13% (3/24) on Tcl, 26% (5/19) on CsA, and 10% (4/41) on IFX (p=0.224) CONCLUSION: No significant differences in response, remission, colectomy rate or adverse events between the three agents were found, although the study is too small for definitive conclusions. There are intriguing differences, with potentially greater response to IFX in moderate, steroid-refractory UC.
Parasites of the Leishmania Viannia subgenus are major causative agents of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL), a disease characterised by parasite dissemination (metastasis) from the original cutaneous lesion to form debilitating secondary lesions in the nasopharyngeal mucosa. We employed a protein profiling approach to identify potential metastasis factors in laboratory clones of L. (V.) guyanensis with stable phenotypes ranging from highly metastatic (M+) through infrequently metastatic (M+/M-) to non-metastatic (M-). Comparison of the soluble proteomes of promastigotes by two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed two abundant protein spots specifically associated with M+ and M+/M- clones (Met2 and Met3) and two others exclusively expressed in M- parasites (Met1 and Met4). The association between clinical disease phenotype and differential expression of Met1-Met4 was less clear in L. Viannia strains from mucosal (M+) or cutaneous (M-) lesions of patients. Identification of Met1-Met4 by biological mass spectrometry (LC-ES-MS/MS) and bioinformatics revealed that M+ and M- clones express distinct acidic and neutral isoforms of both elongation factor-1 subunit beta (EF-1beta) and cytosolic tryparedoxin peroxidase (TXNPx). This interchange of isoforms may relate to the mechanisms by which the activities of EF-1beta and TXNPx are modulated, and/or differential post-translational modification of the gene product(s). The multiple metabolic functions of EF-1 and TXNPx support the plausibility of their participation in parasite survival and persistence and thereby, metastatic disease. Both polypeptides are active in resistance to chemical and oxidant stress, providing a basis for further elucidation of the importance of antioxidant defence in the pathogenesis underlying MCL.