208 resultados para CFA REDSHIFT SURVEY


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A nationwide survey was conducted in Switzerland to assess the quality level of osteoporosis management in patients aged 50 years or older presenting with a fragility fracture to the emergency ward of the participating hospitals. Eight centres recruited 4966 consecutive patients who presented with one or more fractures between 2004 and 2006. Of these, 3667 (2797 women, 73.8 years old and 870 men, 73.0 years old in average) were considered as having a fragility fracture and included in the survey. Included patients presented with a fracture of the upper limbs (30.7%), lower limbs (26.4%), axial skeleton (19.5%) or another localisation, including malleolar fractures (23.4%). Thirty-two percent reported one or more previous fractures during adulthood. Of the 2941 (80.2%) hospitalised women and men, only half returned home after discharge. During diagnostic workup, dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurement was performed in 31.4% of the patients only. Of those 46.0% had a T-score < or =-2.5 SD and 81.1% < or =-1.0 SD. Osteoporosis treatment rate increased from 26.3% before fracture to 46.9% after fracture in women and from 13.0% to 30.3% in men. However, only 24.0% of the women and 13.8% of the men were finally adequately treated with a bone active substance, generally an oral bisphosphonate, with or without calcium / vitamin D supplements. A positive history of previous fracture vs none increased the likelihood of getting treatment with a bone active substance (36.6 vs 17.9%, ? 18.7%, 95% CI 15.1 to 22.3, and 22.6 vs 9.9%, ? 12.7%, CI 7.3 to 18.5, in women and men, respectively). In Switzerland, osteoporosis remains underdiagnosed and undertreated in patients aged 50 years and older presenting with a fragility fracture.


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BACKGROUND: Synthesizing research evidence using systematic and rigorous methods has become a key feature of evidence-based medicine and knowledge translation. Systematic reviews (SRs) may or may not include a meta-analysis depending on the suitability of available data. They are often being criticised as 'secondary research' and denied the status of original research. Scientific journals play an important role in the publication process. How they appraise a given type of research influences the status of that research in the scientific community. We investigated the attitudes of editors of core clinical journals towards SRs and their value for publication.¦METHODS: We identified the 118 journals labelled as "core clinical journals" by the National Library of Medicine, USA in April 2009. The journals' editors were surveyed by email in 2009 and asked whether they considered SRs as original research projects; whether they published SRs; and for which section of the journal they would consider a SR manuscript.¦RESULTS: The editors of 65 journals (55%) responded. Most respondents considered SRs to be original research (71%) and almost all journals (93%) published SRs. Several editors regarded the use of Cochrane methodology or a meta-analysis as quality criteria; for some respondents these criteria were premises for the consideration of SRs as original research. Journals placed SRs in various sections such as "Review" or "Feature article". Characterization of non-responding journals showed that about two thirds do publish systematic reviews.¦DISCUSSION: Currently, the editors of most core clinical journals consider SRs original research. Our findings are limited by a non-responder rate of 45%. Individual comments suggest that this is a grey area and attitudes differ widely. A debate about the definition of 'original research' in the context of SRs is warranted.


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We analyzed the species distribution of Candida blood isolates (CBIs), prospectively collected between 2004 and 2009 within FUNGINOS, and compared their antifungal susceptibility according to clinical breakpoints defined by the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) in 2013, and the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) in 2008 (old CLSI breakpoints) and 2012 (new CLSI breakpoints). CBIs were tested for susceptiblity to fluconazole, voriconazole and caspofungin by microtitre broth dilution (Sensititre(®) YeastOne? test panel). Of 1090 CBIs, 675 (61.9%) were C. albicans, 191 (17.5%) C. glabrata, 64 (5.9%) C. tropicalis, 59 (5.4%) C. parapsilosis, 33 (3%) C. dubliniensis, 22 (2%) C. krusei and 46 (4.2%) rare Candida species. Independently of the breakpoints applied, C. albicans was almost uniformly (>98%) susceptible to all three antifungal agents. In contrast, the proportions of fluconazole- and voriconazole-susceptible C. tropicalis and F-susceptible C. parapsilosis were lower according to EUCAST/new CLSI breakpoints than to the old CLSI breakpoints. For caspofungin, non-susceptibility occurred mainly in C. krusei (63.3%) and C. glabrata (9.4%). Nine isolates (five C. tropicalis, three C. albicans and one C. parapsilosis) were cross-resistant to azoles according to EUCAST breakpoints, compared with three isolates (two C. albicans and one C. tropicalis) according to new and two (2 C. albicans) according to old CLSI breakpoints. Four species (C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis and C. parapsilosis) represented >90% of all CBIs. In vitro resistance to fluconazole, voriconazole and caspofungin was rare among C. albicans, but an increase of non-susceptibile isolates was observed among C. tropicalis/C. parapsilosis for the azoles and C. glabrata/C. krusei for caspofungin according to EUCAST and new CLSI breakpoints compared with old CLSI breakpoints.


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Introduction Health care professionals' perception of risk mayimpact on therapeutic management of women during pregnancy.Since the thalidomide tragedy, the use of drugs during pregnancygenerates fear. This concern might affect the estimation of the riskassociated with drug intake during pregnancy, leading to prematurediscontinuation of a required treatment, superfluous anxiety orpointless termination of a desired pregnancy. Although data regardingthe security of drugs during pregnancy are still scarce, a few specializedinformation sources exist providing reliable recommendationsfor daily practice. This study aimed at characterizing therisk perception associated with drugs during pregnancy in a sample ofSwiss health care professionals.Materials & Methods An online French and German survey was sentby email to the Swiss professional societies of Pharmacists, Gynecologists,Mid-wives and Pediatricians. The questionnaire wasconstructed to assess (a) the characteristics of the population and theopinion of the professionals regarding the medication use pattern intheir pregnant patients, (b) to evaluate the sources of information usedduring their practice and finally (c) to assess their risk perceptionassociated with drugs during pregnancy. Results were analyzed bydescriptive statistics.Results A total of 1,310 questionnaires were collected (18% responserate). Most health care professionals believe that 30-60% of theirpregnant patients are taking at least one treatment during their pregnancyand that 80% are adherent to it. A large majority think,however, that women are anxious when they must take their medication.More than 80% of health professionals commonly use theSwiss Drug Reference Book (Compendium) to assess the risk associatedwith drugs during pregnancy, despite the uniformly low levelof credibility and utility they express about this reference. Except forsome gynecologists, the majority of professionals are not aware of ordo not use specialized books. The majority of participants thinkwrongly that more than 30% of drugs are teratogenic. About 20% ofthem are not aware of the risk associated with paracetamol intakeduring pregnancy. More than 70% agree that phytotherapeutic mixturesare not safer than conventional drugs, with the exception of midwiveswho tend to overestimate the safety of such drugs. With thenotable exception of gynecologists, the risk related to drug intake wasoverall overestimated.Discussion & Conclusion Swiss professionals differ in their perceptionof the risk associated with drugs during pregnancy and tend tooverestimate it. The differences might be attributed to the level oftraining and awareness of specialized sources offering a realisticestimation of the risk. Further efforts are needed to expand thetraining and the tools for health care professionals to optimize druguse during pregnancy.


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Abstract Background: Medical errors have recently been recognized as a relevant concern in public health, and increasing research efforts have been made to find ways of improving patient safety. In palliative care, however, studies on errors are scant. Objective: Our aim was to gather pilot data concerning experiences and attitudes of palliative care professionals on this topic. Methods: We developed a questionnaire, which consists of questions on relevance, estimated frequency, kinds and severity of errors, their causes and consequences, and the way palliative care professionals handle them. The questionnaire was sent to all specialist palliative care institutions in the region of Bavaria, Germany (n=168; inhabitants 12.5 million) reaching a response rate of 42% (n=70). Results: Errors in palliative care were regarded as a highly relevant problem (median 8 on a 10-point numeric rating scale). Most respondents experienced a moderate frequency of errors (1-10 per 100 patients). Errors in communication were estimated to be more common than those in symptom control. The causes most often mentioned were deficits in communication or organization. Moral and psychological problems for the person committing the error were seen as more frequent than consequences for the patient. Ninety percent of respondents declared that they disclose errors to the harmed patient. For 78% of the professionals, the issue was not a part of their professional training. Conclusion: Professionals acknowledge errors-in particular errors in communication-to be a common and relevant problem in palliative care, one that has, however, been neglected in training and research.


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Background Addressing the risks of nanoparticles requires knowledge about their hazards, which is generated progressively, but also about occupational exposure and liberation into the environment. However, currently such information is not systematically collected, therefore the risk assessment of this exposure or liberation lacks quantitative data. In 2006 a targeted telephone survey among Swiss companies (1) showed the usage of nanoparticles in a few selected companies but did not provide data to extrapolate on the totality of the Swiss workforce. The goal of this study was to evaluate in a representative way the current prevalence and level of nanoparticle usage in Swiss industry, the health, safety and environment measures, and the number of potentially exposed workers. Results A representative, stratified mail survey was conducted among 1,626 clients of the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA). SUVA insures about 80,000 manufacturing firms, which represent 84% of all Swiss manufacturing companies. 947 companies answered the survey (58.3% response rate). Extrapolation to all Swiss manufacturing companies results in 1,309 workers (95%-confidence interval, 1,073 to 1,545) across the Swiss manufacturing sector being potentially exposed to nanoparticles in 586 companies (95%-CI: 145 to 1'027). This corresponds to 0.08% (95%-CI: 0.06% to 0.09%) of all Swiss manufacturing sector workers and to 0.6% (95%-CI: 0.2% to 1.1%) of companies. The industrial chemistry sector showed the highest percentage of companies using nanoparticles (21.2% of those surveyed) and a high percentage of potentially exposed workers (0.5% of workers in these companies), but many other important sectors also reported nanoparticles. Personal protection equipment was the predominant protection strategy. Only a minority applied specific environmental protection measures. Conclusions This is the first representative nationwide study on the prevalence of nanoparticle usage across a manufacturing sector. The information about the number of companies can be used for quantitative risk assessment. Furthermore it can help policy makers designing strategies to support companies in the responsible development of safer nanomaterial use. Noting the low prevalence of nanoparticle usage, there would still seem to be time to introduce necessary protection methods in a proactive and cost effective way in Swiss industry. But if the predicted "nano-revolution" becomes true, now is the time to take action.


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Diagnosis and decisions on life-sustaining treatment (LST) in disorders of consciousness, such as the vegetative state (VS) and the minimally conscious state (MCS), are challenging for neurologists. The locked-in syndrome (LiS) is sometimes confounded with these disorders by less experienced physicians. We aimed to investigate (1) the application of diagnostic knowledge, (2) attitudes concerning limitations of LST, and (3) further challenging aspects in the care of patients. A vignette-based online survey with a randomized presentation of a VS, MCS, or LiS case scenario was conducted among members of the German Society for Neurology. A sample of 503 neurologists participated (response rate 16.4%). An accurate diagnosis was given by 86% of the participants. The LiS case was diagnosed more accurately (94%) than the VS case (79%) and the MCS case (87%, p < 0.001). Limiting LST for the patient was considered by 92, 91, and 84% of the participants who accurately diagnosed the VS, LiS, and MCS case (p = 0.09). Overall, most participants agreed with limiting cardiopulmonary resuscitation; a minority considered limiting artificial nutrition and hydration. Neurologists regarded the estimation of the prognosis and determination of the patients' wishes as most challenging. The majority of German neurologists accurately applied the diagnostic categories VS, MCS, and LiS to case vignettes. Their attitudes were mostly in favor of limiting life-sustaining treatment and slightly differed for MCS as compared to VS and LiS. Attitudes toward LST strongly differed according to circumstances (e.g., patient's will opposed treatment) and treatment measures.