203 resultados para Birds, Protection


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Little is known about the maternal transfer of antibodies in natural host-parasite systems despite its possible evolutionary and ecological implications. In domestic animals, the maternal transfer of antibodies can enhance offspring survival via a temporary protection against parasites, but it can also interfere with the juvenile immune response to antigens. We tested the functional role of maternal antibodies in a natural population of a long-lived colonial seabird, the kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), using a vaccine (Newcastle disease virus vaccine) to mimic parasite exposure combined with a cross-fostering design. We first investigated the role of prior maternal exposure on the interannual transmission of Ab to juveniles. We then tested the effect of these antibodies on the juvenile immune response to the same antigen. The results show that specific maternal antibodies were transferred to chicks 1 year after maternal exposure and that these antibodies were functional, i.e. they affected juvenile immunity. These results suggest that the role of maternal antibodies may depend on the timing and pattern of offspring exposure to parasites, along with the patterns of maternal exposure and the dynamics of her immune response. Overall, our approach underlines that although the transgenerational transfer of antibodies in natural populations is likely to have broad implications, the nature of these effects may vary dramatically among host-parasite systems, depending on the physiological mechanisms involved and the ecological context.


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Pour permettre à une femme enceinte de continuer à travailler en toute sécurité, l'OProma (ordonnance du Département fédéral de l'économie sur les activités dan- gereuses ou pénibles en cas de grossesse et de maternité) est entrée en vigueur en 2001. Cette loi concerne les employeurs, les médecins traitants, les gynécologues et les travailleuses enceintes et précise comment certains travaux, substances, ou micro- organismes peuvent faire courir un risque potentiel à la mère et à son enfant et comment ces risques doivent être évalués et traités. Le but de l'étude est d'évaluer, par le biais de questionnaires, l'état des connaissances des mesures légales de protection de la maternité au travail en général et plus spécifi- quement de l'OProma, chez 76 femmes enceintes suivies à la consultation d'obstétrique du CHUV (questionnaires administrés en face à face) et chez 87 gynécologues du CHUV et installés en Suisse romande (questionnaire on line). Les objectifs sont : déterminer la prévalence de la connaissance de ces dispositions légales, évaluer les facteurs person- nels pouvant influencer la connaissance de ces dernières, les raisons possibles du manque d'information et les mesures pouvant être prises pour améliorer cet état de fait. Concernant les femmes enceintes, 68% savent qu'il existe des mesures légales et 32% connaissent l'OProma, surtout par le biais de l'employeur et de l'entourage. L'unique facteur personnel significatif influençant la connaissance des mesures légales est le niveau de formation. Concernant les gynécologues, 95% savent qu'il existe des mesures légales et 47% connaissent l'existence de l'ordonnance, surtout dans le cadre de la formation continue. Les facteurs personnels significatifs sont l'âge et leurs années d'expérience pro- fessionnelle. Les deux populations trouvent que le manque d'information provient d'une méconnaissance de ces dispositions légales chez les employeurs. Les gynécologues re- connaissent aussi leurs lacunes et se sentent mal informés. Pour améliorer le manque d'information, les femmes demandent à en être informées par leur gynécologue. Les gy- nécologues désirent plus d'information et de formation sur la thématique. Il en ressort que les deux populations ont une bonne connaissance de l'existence de me- sures légales en général mais l'OProma spécifiquement est peu connue. Les gynécologues la connaissent mieux que les femmes enceintes, ce qui est loin d'être suffisant. Chez les femmes enceintes, le niveau de formation a été choisi dans cette étude comme indica- teur pour la classe sociale. L'appartenance à une classe sociale plus élevée induit une meilleure connaissance des mesures légales et de l'OProma. Chez les gynécologues, les médecins plus âgés et donc plus expérimentés connaissent mieux les mesures légales et l'OProma. Probablement, un médecin avec plus de pratique, la globalité de la patiente avec sa problématique sociale sera mieux prise en considération, en comparaison à un jeune médecin plus focalisé sur les problèmes somatiques. Il y a encore des efforts à faire concernant la formation des gynécologues et des em- ployeurs à propos de ce sujet. En effet, ces derniers se doivent d'assurer à la travailleuse enceinte une grossesse sans danger.


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Needle-free procedures are very attractive ways to deliver vaccines because they diminish the risk of contamination and may reduce local reactions, pain or pain fear especially in young children with a consequence of increasing the vaccination coverage for the whole population. For this purpose, the possible development of a mucosal malaria vaccine was investigated. Intranasal immunization was performed in BALB/c mice using a well-studied Plasmodium berghei model antigen derived from the circumsporozoite protein with the modified heat-labile toxin of Escherichia coli (LTK63), which is devoid of any enzymatic activity compared to the wild type form. Here, we show that intranasal administration of the two compounds activates the T and B cell immune response locally and systemically. In addition, a total protection of mice is obtained upon a challenge with live sporozoites.


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Most Central European Capercaillie populations have been declining during the last century. In the Jura Mountains, at the border between Switzerland and France, remaining Capercaillie populations are now isolated and endangered. In this study, land-use and Capercaillie presence data were used to identify key landscape parameters by logistic regression modelling. We found that Capercaillie prefers areas at the highest altitude in the Jura Mountains that are characterised by continous forests and stands with intermediate canopy cover. At the local scale, winter habitat selection revealed a preference for open forests with a sparse canopy cover dominated by spruce and fir. Capercaillie avoided dense undercanopy and understorey, especially when dominated by beech. Population viability and sensitivity analyses underlined the crucial importance of adult female survival, chick survival and breeding success for populations maintenance. Legal bases, scientific knowledge and technical measures are now available to conserve the flagship species Capercaillie within Jura Mountains. Capercaillie-adapted forestry requires a mosaic distribtution of habitat types, with a matrix of open forests where fir is favoured, and understorey kept sparse. Preliminary essays indicate that grouse-adapted forestry costs are similar or even lower than present costs. To increase survival and breeding sucess, one option is to diminish human distrubance by limiting access to Capercailllie breeding and wintering areas. An action plan for the species should avoid more costly and intensive approaches such as the reintroduction of birds from other populations. Capercaillie conservaiton represents a major challenge rising from various and contradictory leisure, tourist and rural development activities. Collaborations with different stakeholders and state agencies for forestry with an effective protection from human distrubance.


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Airborne microbial products have been reported to promote immune responses that suppress asthma, yet how these beneficial effects take place remains controversial and poorly understood. We have found that pulmonary exposure with the bacterium Escherichia coli leads to a suppression of allergic airway inflammation, characterized by reduced airway-hyperresponsiveness, eosinophilia and cytokine production by T cells in the lung. This immune modulation was neither mediated by the induction of a Th1 response nor regulatory T cells; was dependent on TLR-4 but did not involve TLR-desensitization. Dendritic cell migration to the draining lymph nodes and subsequent activation of T cells was unaffected by prior exposure to E.coli indicating that the immunomodulation was limited to the lung environment. In non-treated control mice ovalbumin was primarily presented by airway CD11b+ CD11c+ DCs expressing high levels of MHC class II molecules whilst the DCs in E.coli-treated mice displayed a less activated phenotype and had impaired antigen presentation capacity. Consequently, in situ Th2 cytokine production by ovalbuminspecific effector T cells recruited to the airways was significantly reduced. The suppression of airways hyper responsiveness was mediated through the recruitment of IL-17-producing gd-T cells; however, the suppression of dendritic cells and T cells was mediated through a distinct mechanism that could not be overcome by the local administration of activated dendritic cells, or by the in vivo administration of TNF-alpha. Taken together, these data reveal a novel multi-component immunoregulatory pathway that acts to protect the airways from allergic inflammation.


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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation potentially damages the skin, the immune system, and structures of the eye. A useful UV sun protection for the skin has been established. Since a remarkable body of evidence shows an association between UV radiation and damage to structures of the eye, eye protection is important, but a reliable and practical tool to assess and compare the UV-protective properties of lenses has been lacking. Among the general lay public, misconceptions on eye-sun protection have been identified. For example, sun protection is mainly ascribed to sunglasses, but less so to clear lenses. Skin malignancies in the periorbital region are frequent, but usual topical skin protection does not include the lids. Recent research utilized exact dosimetry and demonstrated relevant differences in UV burden to the eye and skin at a given ambient irradiation. Chronic UV effects on the cornea and lens are cumulative, so effective UV protection of the eyes is important for all age groups and should be used systematically. Protection of children's eyes is especially important, because UV transmittance is higher at a very young age, allowing higher levels of UV radiation to reach the crystalline lens and even the retina. Sunglasses as well as clear lenses (plano and prescription) effectively reduce transmittance of UV radiation. However, an important share of the UV burden to the eye is explained by back reflection of radiation from lenses to the eye. UV radiation incident from an angle of 135°-150° behind a lens wearer is reflected from the back side of lenses. The usual antireflective coatings considerably increase reflection of UV radiation. To provide reliable labeling of the protective potential of lenses, an eye-sun protection factor (E-SPF®) has been developed. It integrates UV transmission as well as UV reflectance of lenses. The E-SPF® compares well with established skin-sun protection factors and provides clear messages to eye health care providers and to lay consumers.