191 resultados para Auditory-evoked-potentials


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The primary auditory cortex (PAC) is central to human auditory abilities, yet its location in the brain remains unclear. We measured the two largest tonotopic subfields of PAC (hA1 and hR) using high-resolution functional MRI at 7 T relative to the underlying anatomy of Heschl's gyrus (HG) in 10 individual human subjects. The data reveals a clear anatomical-functional relationship that, for the first time, indicates the location of PAC across the range of common morphological variants of HG (single gyri, partial duplications, and complete duplications). In 20/20 individual hemispheres, two primary mirror-symmetric tonotopic maps were clearly observed with gradients perpendicular to HG. PAC spanned both divisions of HG in cases of partial and complete duplications (11/20 hemispheres), not only the anterior division as commonly assumed. Specifically, the central union of the two primary maps (the hA1-R border) was consistently centered on the full Heschl's structure: on the gyral crown of single HGs and within the sulcal divide of duplicated HGs. The anatomical-functional variants of PAC appear to be part of a continuum, rather than distinct subtypes. These findings significantly revise HG as a marker for human PAC and suggest that tonotopic maps may have shaped HG during human evolution. Tonotopic mappings were based on only 16 min of fMRI data acquisition, so these methods can be used as an initial mapping step in future experiments designed to probe the function of specific auditory fields.


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A right-handed man developed a sudden transient, amnestic syndrome associated with bilateral hemorrhage of the hippocampi, probably due to Urbach-Wiethe disease. In the 3rd month, despite significant hippocampal structural damage on imaging, only a milder degree of retrograde and anterograde amnesia persisted on detailed neuropsychological examination. On systematic testing of recognition of facial and vocal expression of emotion, we found an impairment of the vocal perception of fear, but not that of other emotions, such as joy, sadness and anger. Such selective impairment of fear perception was not present in the recognition of facial expression of emotion. Thus emotional perception varies according to the different aspects of emotions and the different modality of presentation (faces versus voices). This is consistent with the idea that there may be multiple emotion systems. The study of emotional perception in this unique case of bilateral involvement of hippocampus suggests that this structure may play a critical role in the recognition of fear in vocal expression, possibly dissociated from that of other emotions and from that of fear in facial expression. In regard of recent data suggesting that the amygdala is playing a role in the recognition of fear in the auditory as well as in the visual modality this could suggest that the hippocampus may be part of the auditory pathway of fear recognition.


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Converging evidence favors an abnormal susceptibility to oxidative stress in schizophrenia. Decreased levels of glutathione (GSH), the major cellular antioxidant and redox regulator, was observed in cerebrospinal-fluid and prefrontal cortex of patients. Importantly, abnormal GSH synthesis of genetic origin was observed: Two case-control studies showed an association with a GAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) polymorphism in the GSH key synthesizing enzyme glutamate-cysteine-ligase (GCL) catalytic subunit (GCLC) gene. The most common TNR genotype 7/7 was more frequent in controls, whereas the rarest TNR genotype 8/8 was three times more frequent in patients. The disease associated genotypes (35% of patients) correlated with decreased GCLC protein, GCL activity and GSH content. Similar GSH system anomalies were observed in early psychosis patients. Such redox dysregulation combined with environmental stressors at specific developmental stages could underlie structural and functional connectivity anomalies. In pharmacological and knock-out (KO) models, GSH deficit induces anomalies analogous to those reported in patients. (a) morphology: spine density and GABA-parvalbumine immunoreactivity (PV-I) were decreased in anterior cingulate cortex. KO mice showed delayed cortical PV-I at PD10. This effect is exacerbated in mice with increased DA from PD5-10. KO mice exhibit cortical impairment in myelin and perineuronal net known to modulate PV connectivity. (b) physiology: In cultured neurons, NMDA response are depressed by D2 activation. In hippocampus, NMDA-dependent synaptic plasticity is impaired and kainate induced g-oscillations are reduced in parallel to PV-I. (c) cognition: low GSH models show increased sensitivity to stress, hyperactivity, abnormal object recognition, olfactory integration and social behavior. In a clinical study, GSH precursor N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) as add on therapy, improves the negative symptoms and decreases the side effects of antipsychotics. In an auditory oddball paradigm, NAC improves the mismatched negativity, an evoked potential related to pre-attention and to NMDA receptors function. In summary, clinical and experimental evidence converge to demonstrate that a genetically induced dysregulation of GSH synthesis combined with environmental insults in early development represent a major risk factor contributing to the development of schizophrenia Conclusion Based on these data, we proposed a model for PSIP1 promoter activity involving a complex interplay between yet undefined regulatory elements to modulate gene expression.


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GABA receptors are ubiquitous in the cerebral cortex and play a major role in shaping responses of cortical neurons. GABAA and GABAB receptor subunit expression was visualized by immunohistochemistry in human auditory areas from both hemispheres in 9 normal subjects (aged 43-85 years; time between death and fixation 6-24 hours) and in 4 stroke patients (aged 59-87 years; time between death and fixation 7-24 hours) and analyzed qualitatively for GABAA and semiquantitatively for GABAB receptor subunits. In normal brains, the primary auditory area (TC) and the surrounding areas TB and TA displayed distinct GABAA receptor subunit labeling with differences among cortical layers and areas. In postacute and chronic stroke we found a layer-selective downregulation of the alpha-2 subunit in the anatomically intact cerebral cortex of the intact and of the lesioned hemisphere, whereas the alpha-1, alpha-3 and beta-2/3 subunits maintained normal levels of expression. The GABAB receptors had a distinct laminar pattern in auditory areas and minor differences among areas. Unlike in other pathologies, there is no modulation of the GABAB receptor expression in subacute or chronic stroke.


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AbstractAcidosis is encountered during tissue inflammation and triggers pain in humans. H+-gated ion channels are expressed at high levels in sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system. Ion channels from two different families present the required pH sensitivity to detect the acidosis associated with peripheral inflammation: Acid-Sensing Ion Channels (ASICs) and the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) channel.ASICs are members of the Degenerin/Epithelial Na+ Channel family of ion channels. Six ASIC subunits have been identified in mammals (ASICla, -lb, -2a, -2b, -3 and -4). ASICs form In-activated voltage-insensitive homo- or heterotrimeric Na+ channels. TRPV1 is a member of the TRP family of ion channels and forms non-selective cation channels that mediate a sustained current. TRPV1 is activated by H+, heat (T>43°C), lipids, capsaicin, voltage and other stimuli. A stimulus can increase TRPV1 response to a different stimulus. For example H+ can shift the capsaicin concentration dependence of TRPV1 to lower values. ASICs and TRPV1 have been shown to be involved in inflammatory pain. Using the patch-clamp technique, we studied different aspects of the function of ASICs and TRPV1 in the physiological context of pain.In the first part of this thesis, we characterize the effect of a temperature increase from 25 to 35°C on the function of ASICs and TRPV1 in transfected CHO cells and primary cultures of rat DRG sensory neurons. ASICs give rise to transient currents while TRPV1 mediates a sustained current. In addition, ASICs and TRPV1 respond to H+ with distinct pH dependences. We assess the relative contribution of ASICs and TRPV1 to H+-evoked electrical signaling in rat DRG neurons and we conclude that ASICs are the most important pH sensors in the pH range 7.4 to 6.0 at 35°C in sensory neurons.ASICs and TRPV1 are expressed in the epithelium lining the lumen of the bladder (urothelium). The Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC) is a painful condition associated with a dysfunction of the urothelial barrier and with inflammation. In the second part of this thesis, we show that human urothelial cells -the cell line TEU2 and primary cultures of human bladder urothelium- express functional ASICs but no functional TRPV1 channels. In addition, we show that the levels of ASIC2 and ASIC3 mRNA are increased in the urothelium of patients suffering from BPS/IC. These data suggest that ASICs are involved in the pathology of BPS/IC.Finally, we demonstrate that APETx2 inhibits the sensory neuron specific voltage-dependent Na+ channel Nav1.8. APETx2 was previously shown to inhibit homo- or heterotrimeric ASIC3- containing channels with IC5o from 0.08 to 1 μΜ. We show that APETx2 also inhibits Nav1.8 with an ICsoof «2.6 μΜ. APETx2 reduces the maximal conductance and induces a depolarizing shift in the voltage dependence of activation of Nav1.8. In current-clamp experiments, APETx2 reduces the number of action potentials (APs) evoked by a current ramp. Nav1.8 mediates most of the current during the AP upstroke and has been shown to be an important mediator of inflammatory pain. The fact that APETx2 inhibits two ion channels involved in inflammatory pain suggests that APETx2 or derivatives may represent novel analgesic compounds.RésuméL'acidose tissulaire est observée durant l'inflammation et entraine la douleur chez l'humain. Des canaux ioniques activés par les protons (H+) sont fortement exprimés dans les neurones sensoriels du système nerveux périphérique. De ceux-ci, les Acid-Sensing Ion Channels [ASICs) et Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) présentent une sensibilité adéquate à l'acidité pour servir de détecteurs d'acidose.Les ASICs sont membres de la famille Degenerin/Epithelial Na* Channel. Six sous-unités ASIC ont été identifiées chez les mammifères (ASICla, -lb, -2a, -2b, -3 et -4). Les ASICs forment des canaux sélectifs au Na\ insensibles au voltage et activés par les H+. Les canaux fonctionnels sont des homo- ou hétérotrimères de sous-unités ASIC. TRPV1 est un membre de la famille TRP de canaux ioniques. Les canaux TRPV1 sont activés par les H+, la chaleur (T>43°Ç), les lipides, la capsaicine, le voltage et d'autres stimulus. L'activation de TRPV1 entraine un courant soutenu non-sélectif. Un stimulus peut augmenter la réponse de TRPV1 à un autre stimulus. Les H+ peuvent, par exemple, induire un décalage vers des valeurs plus faibles de la courbe de dépendance à la concentration de TRPV1 pour la capsaicine. Il a été démontré que les ASICs et TRPV1 sont impliqués dans la douleur inflammatoire. En utilisant la technique du patch-clamp, nous avons étudié différents aspects de la fonction des ASICs et de TRPV1 dans des contextes associés à la douleur.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous caractérisons l'effet d'une augmentation de température de 25 à 35°C sur la fonction des canaux ASICs et TRPV1, dans des cellules CHO transfectées et dans des cultures primaires de neurones sensoriels (DRG) de rat. L'activation des ASICs entraine l'apparition d'un courant transitoire tandis que l'activation de TRPV1 entraine un courant soutenu. De plus, les ASICs et TRPV1 possèdent des dépendances au pH différentes. Nous évaluons la contribution relative des ASICs et de TRPV1 au signalement électrique induit par les H+ et nous concluons que les ASICs sont les senseurs d'acidité les plus importants dans les neurones sensoriels, dans le domaine de pH de 7.4 à 6.0, à température corporelle.Les ASICs et TRPV1 sont exprimés dans l'épithélium recouvrant l'intérieur de la vessie (l'urothélium). Le Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC) est une condition médicale douloureuse associée à une dysfonction de la barrière urothéliale et à une inflammation. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous démontrons que des cellules urothéliales (de la lignée cellulaire TEU2) et des cellules provenant de cultures primaires d'épithéliums de vessies humaines expriment des canaux ASIC fonctionnels mais pas de TRPV1 fonctionnels. De plus, nous montrons que le niveau d'expression de ASIC2 et -3 est augmenté dans l'urothélium de la vessie de patients souffrant de BPS/IC. Ces données suggèrent que les ASICs sont impliqués dans la pathologie BPS/IC.Pour finir, nous démontrons que la toxine APETx2 inhibe le canal spécifique aux neurones sensoriels Nav1.8, un membre de la famille des canaux sodiques dépendants du potentiel. Il a été démontré précédemment que la toxine APETx2 inhibe les canaux contenant une ou plusieurs sous-unités ASIC3 avec un ICso entre 0.08 et 1 μΜ. Nous montrons que la toxine APETx2 inhibe Nav1.8 avec un IC50 de «2.6 μΜ. La toxine APETx2 réduit la conductance maximale et induit un décalage de la dépendance au potentiel de Nav1.8 vers des valeurs plus positives. Dans des expériences de courant imposé sur des neurones sensoriels, la toxine APETx2 réduit le nombre de potentiels d'action induits par une rampe de courant. Nav1.8 est responsable de la majeure partie du courant durant la phase ascendante du potentiel d'action et a été démontré comme étant un médiateur important de la douleur inflammatoire. L'inhibition de deux types de canaux, impliqués dans la douleurs inflammatoire, par la toxine APETx2, suggère que cette dernière ou ses dérivés représentent des composés analgésiques prometteurs.


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The hypothalamic neuropeptide oxytocin (OT), which controls childbirth and lactation, receives increasing attention for its effects on social behaviors, but how it reaches central brain regions is still unclear. Here we gained by recombinant viruses selective genetic access to hypothalamic OT neurons to study their connectivity and control their activity by optogenetic means. We found axons of hypothalamic OT neurons in the majority of forebrain regions, including the central amygdala (CeA), a structure critically involved in OT-mediated fear suppression. In vitro, exposure to blue light of channelrhodopsin-2-expressing OT axons activated a local GABAergic circuit that inhibited neurons in the output region of the CeA. Remarkably, in vivo, local blue-light-induced endogenous OT release robustly decreased freezing responses in fear-conditioned rats. Our results thus show widespread central projections of hypothalamic OT neurons and demonstrate that OT release from local axonal endings can specifically control region-associated behaviors.


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Abstract : GABA, the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, and its receptors play an important role in modulating neuronal activity in the central nervous system and are implicated in many neurological disorders. In this study, GABAA and GABAB receptor subunit expression was visualized by immunohistochemistry in human auditory areas TC (= primary auditory area), TB, and TA. Both hemispheres from nine neurologically normal subjects and from four patients with subacute or chronic stroke were included. In normal brains, GABAA receptor subunit (α1, α2, & β2/3) labeling produced neuropil staining throughout all cortical layers as well as labeling fibers and neurons in layer VI for all auditory areas. Densitometry profiles displayed differences in GABAA subunit expression between primary and non-primary areas. In contrast to the neuropil labeling of GABAA subunits, GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunit immunoreactivity was revealed on neuronal somata and proximal dendritic shafts of pyramidal and non-pyramidal neurons in layers II-III, more strongly on supra- than in infragranular layers. No differences were observed between auditory areas. In stroke cases, we observed a downregulation of the GABAA receptor α2 subunit in granular and infragranular layers, while the other GABAA and the two GABAB receptor subunits remained unchanged. Our results demonstrate a strong presence of GABAA and GABAB receptors in the human auditory cortex, suggesting a crucial role of GABA in shaping auditory responses in the primary and non-primary auditory areas. The differential laminar and area expression of GABAA subunits that we have found in the auditory areas and which is partially different from that in other cortical areas speaks in favor of a fine turning of GABA-ergic transmission in these different compartments. In contrast, GABAB expression displayed laminar, but not areal differences; its basic pattern was also very similar to that of other cortical areas, suggesting a more uniform role within the cerebral cortex. In subacute and chronic stroke, the selective GABAA α2 subunit downregulation is likely to influence postlesional plasticity and susceptibility to medication. The absence of changes in the GABAB receptors suggests different regulation than in other pathological conditions, such as epilepsy, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, in which a downregulation has been reported. Résumé : GABA, le principal neurotransmetteur inhibiteur, et ses récepteurs jouent un rôle important en tant que modulateur de l'activité neuronale dans le système nerveux central et sont impliqués dans de nombreux désordres neurologiques. Dans cette étude, l'expression des sous-unités des récepteur GABAA et GABAB a été visualisée par immunohistochimie dans les aires auditives du cortex humains: le TC (= aire auditif primaire), le TB, et le TA. Les deux hémisphères de neuf sujets considérés normaux du point de vue neurologique et de quatre patients ayant subis un accident cérébro-vasculaire et se trouvant dans la phase subaiguë ou chronique étaient inclues. Dans les cerveaux normaux, les immunohistochimies contre les sous-unités α1, α2, & β2/3 du récepteur GABAA ont marqué le neuropil dans toutes les couches corticales ainsi que les fibres et les neurones de la couche VI dans toutes les aires auditives. Le profile densitométrique montre des différences dans l'expression des sous-unités du récepteur GABAA entre les aires primaires et non-primaires. Contrairement au marquage de neuropil par les sous-unités du recepteur GABAA, 1'immunoréactivité des sous-unités GABAB1 et GABAB2 a été révélée sur les corps cellulaires neuronaux et les dendrites proximaux des neurones pyramidaux et non-pyramidaux dans les couches II-III et est plus dense dans les couches supragranulaires que dans les couches infragranulaires. Aucune différence n'a été observée entre les aires auditives. Dans des cas lésionnels, nous avons observé une diminution de la sous-unité α2 du récepteur GABAA dans les couches granulaires et infragranulaires, alors que le marquage des autres sous-unités du récepteur GABAA et des deux sous-unités de récepteur GABAB reste inchangé. Nos résultats démontrent une présence forte des récepteurs GABAA et GABAB dans le cortex auditif humain, suggérant un rôle crucial du neurotransmetteur GABA dans la formation de la réponse auditive dans les aires auditives primaires et non-primaires. L'expression différentielle des sous-unités de GABAA entre les couches corticales et entre les aires auditives et qui est partiellement différente de celle observée dans d'autres aires corticales préconise une modulation fine de la transmission GABA-ergic en ces différents compartiments. En revanche, l'expression de GABAB a montré des différences laminaires, mais non régionales ; son motif d'expression de base est également très semblable à celui d'autres aires corticales, suggérant un rôle plus uniforme dans le cortex cérébral. Dans les phases subaiguë et chronique des accidents cérébro-vasculaires, la diminution sélective de la sous-unité α2 du recepteur GABAA est susceptible d'influencer la plasticité et la susceptibilité postlésionnelle au médicament. L'absence de changement pour les récepteurs GABAB suggère que le récepteur est régulé différemment après un accident cerebro-vasculaire par rapport à d'autres conditions pathologiques, telles que l'épilepsie, la schizophrénie ou le désordre bipolaire, dans lesquels une diminution de ces sous-unités a été rapportée.


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Aim  We report three cases of Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS) in children (two females, one male) in whom diagnosis was delayed because the sleep electroencephalography (EEG) was initially normal. Method  Case histories including EEG, positron emission tomography findings, and long-term outcome were reviewed. Results  Auditory agnosia occurred between the age of 2 years and 3 years 6 months, after a period of normal language development. Initial awake and sleep EEG, recorded weeks to months after the onset of language regression, during a nap period in two cases and during a full night of sleep in the third case, was normal. Repeat EEG between 2 months and 2 years later showed epileptiform discharges during wakefulness and strongly activated by sleep, with a pattern of continuous spike-waves during slow-wave sleep in two patients. Patients were diagnosed with LKS and treated with various antiepileptic regimens, including corticosteroids. One patient in whom EEG became normal on hydrocortisone is making significant recovery. The other two patients did not exhibit a sustained response to treatment and remained severely impaired. Interpretation  Sleep EEG may be normal in the early phase of acquired auditory agnosia. EEG should be repeated frequently in individuals in whom a firm clinical diagnosis is made to facilitate early treatment.


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GABA-A receptors (GABA-ARs) are typically expressed at synaptic or nonsynaptic sites mediating phasic and tonic inhibition, respectively. These two forms of inhibition conjointly control various network oscillations. To disentangle their roles in thalamocortical rhythms, we focally deleted synaptic, γ2 subunit-containing GABA-ARs in the thalamus using viral intervention in mice. After successful removal of γ2 subunit clusters, spontaneous and evoked GABAergic synaptic currents disappeared in thalamocortical cells when the presynaptic, reticular thalamic (nRT) neurons fired in tonic mode. However, when nRT cells fired in burst mode, slow phasic GABA-AR-mediated events persisted, indicating a dynamic, burst-specific recruitment of nonsynaptic GABA-ARs. In vivo, removal of synaptic GABA-ARs reduced the firing of individual thalamocortical cells but did not abolish slow oscillations or sleep spindles. We conclude that nonsynaptic GABA-ARs are recruited in a phasic manner specifically during burst firing of nRT cells and provide sufficient GABA-AR activation to control major thalamocortical oscillations.


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Auditory spatial deficits occur frequently after hemispheric damage; a previous case report suggested that the explicit awareness of sound positions, as in sound localisation, can be impaired while the implicit use of auditory cues for the segregation of sound objects in noisy environments remains preserved. By assessing systematically patients with a first hemispheric lesion, we have shown that (1) explicit and/or implicit use can be disturbed; (2) impaired explicit vs. preserved implicit use dissociations occur rather frequently; and (3) different types of sound localisation deficits can be associated with preserved implicit use. Conceptually, the dissociation between the explicit and implicit use may reflect the dual-stream dichotomy of auditory processing. Our results speak in favour of systematic assessments of auditory spatial functions in clinical settings, especially when adaptation to auditory environment is at stake. Further, systematic studies are needed to link deficits of explicit vs. implicit use to disability in everyday activities, to design appropriate rehabilitation strategies, and to ascertain how far the explicit and implicit use of spatial cues can be retrained following brain damage.


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The antennal lobe is the primary olfactory center in the insect brain and represents the anatomical and functional equivalent of the vertebrate olfactory bulb. Olfactory information in the external world is transmitted to the antennal lobe by olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs), which segregate to distinct regions of neuropil called glomeruli according to the specific olfactory receptor they express. Here, OSN axons synapse with both local interneurons (LNs), whose processes can innervate many different glomeruli, and projection neurons (PNs), which convey olfactory information to higher olfactory brain regions. Optical imaging of the activity of OSNs, LNs and PNs in the antennal lobe - traditionally using synthetic calcium indicators (e.g. calcium green, FURA-2) or voltage-sensitive dyes (e.g. RH414) - has long been an important technique to understand how olfactory stimuli are represented as spatial and temporal patterns of glomerular activity in many species of insects. Development of genetically-encoded neural activity reporters, such as the fluorescent calcium indicators G-CaMP and Cameleon, the bioluminescent calcium indicator GFP-aequorin, or a reporter of synaptic transmission, synapto-pHluorin has made the olfactory system of the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, particularly accessible to neurophysiological imaging, complementing its comprehensively-described molecular, electrophysiological and neuroanatomical properties. These reporters can be selectively expressed via binary transcriptional control systems (e.g. GAL4/UAS, LexA/LexAop, Q system) in defined populations of neurons within the olfactory circuitry to dissect with high spatial and temporal resolution how odor-evoked neural activity is represented, modulated and transformed. Here we describe the preparation and analysis methods to measure odor-evoked responses in the Drosophila antennal lobe using G-CaMP. The animal preparation is minimally invasive and can be adapted to imaging using wide-field fluorescence, confocal and two-photon microscopes.


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Verbal auditory hallucinations can have a strong impact on the social and professional functioning of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. The safety-seeking behaviours used to reduce the threat associated with voices play a significant role in explaining the functional consequences of auditory hallucinations. Nevertheless, these safety-seeking behaviours have been little studied. Twenty-eight patients with schizophrenia and verbal auditory hallucinations were recruited for this study. Hallucinations were evaluated using the Psychotic Symptom Rating Scale and the Belief About Voice Questionnaire and safety behaviours using a modified version of the Safety Behaviour Questionnaire. Our results show that the vast majority of patients relies on safety behaviours to reduce the threat associated with voices. This reliance on safety behaviours is mostly explained by beliefs about origin of voices the omnipotence attributed to hallucinations and the behavioural and emotional reactions to the voices. Safety-seeking behaviours play an important role in maintaining dysfunctional beliefs with respect to voices. They should be better targeted within the cognitive and behavioural therapies for auditory hallucinations.


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An object's motion relative to an observer can confer ethologically meaningful information. Approaching or looming stimuli can signal threats/collisions to be avoided or prey to be confronted, whereas receding stimuli can signal successful escape or failed pursuit. Using movement detection and subjective ratings, we investigated the multisensory integration of looming and receding auditory and visual information by humans. While prior research has demonstrated a perceptual bias for unisensory and more recently multisensory looming stimuli, none has investigated whether there is integration of looming signals between modalities. Our findings reveal selective integration of multisensory looming stimuli. Performance was significantly enhanced for looming stimuli over all other multisensory conditions. Contrasts with static multisensory conditions indicate that only multisensory looming stimuli resulted in facilitation beyond that induced by the sheer presence of auditory-visual stimuli. Controlling for variation in physical energy replicated the advantage for multisensory looming stimuli. Finally, only looming stimuli exhibited a negative linear relationship between enhancement indices for detection speed and for subjective ratings. Maximal detection speed was attained when motion perception was already robust under unisensory conditions. The preferential integration of multisensory looming stimuli highlights that complex ethologically salient stimuli likely require synergistic cooperation between existing principles of multisensory integration. A new conceptualization of the neurophysiologic mechanisms mediating real-world multisensory perceptions and action is therefore supported.