124 resultados para Ant Mites
A comparison of several physiological parameters of queens of Iridomyrmex humilis in experimental monogynous and polygynous colonies showed that queens in monogynous colonies became heavier, had more developed ovaries and laid about twice as many eggs. Workers in monogynous colonies were more attracted to queens, which therefore probably received more food. This may partially explain the higher weight and fecundity of queens in monogynous colonies of Iridomyrmex humilis and possibly other ant species. In polygynous colonies, queens differed greatly in their fecundity. These differences did not appear to be the result of a dominance hierarchy. These results are discussed from an evolutionary point of view. Two hypotheses of mutualism and colony level selection are proposed as an alternative to kin selection which is unlikely to be the exclusive selective influence in the evolution of polygyny either in I. humilis or in most other ant species.
The fire ant Solenopsis invicta is a significant pest that was inadvertently introduced into the southern United States almost a century ago and more recently into California and other regions of the world. An assessment of genetic variation at a diverse set of molecular markers in 2144 fire ant colonies from 75 geographic sites worldwide revealed that at least nine separate introductions of S. invicta have occurred into newly invaded areas and that the main southern U.S. population is probably the source of all but one of these introductions. The sole exception involves a putative serial invasion from the southern United States to California to Taiwan. These results illustrate in stark fashion a severe negative consequence of an increasingly massive and interconnected global trade and travel system.
Variation in queen number alters the genetic structure of social insect colonies, which in turn affects patterns of kin-selected conflict and cooperation. Theory suggests that shifts from single- to multiple-queen colonies are often associated with other changes in the breeding system, such as higher queen turnover, more local mating, and restricted dispersal. These changes may restrict gene flow between the two types of colonies and it has been suggested that this might ultimately lead to sympatric speciation. We performed a detailed microsatellite analysis of a large population of the ant Formica selysi, which revealed extensive variation in social structure, with 71 colonies headed by a single queen and 41 by multiple queens. This polymorphism in social structure appeared stable over time, since little change in the number of queens per colony was detected over a five-year period. Apart from queen number, single- and multiple-queen colonies had very similar breeding systems. Queen turnover was absent or very low in both types of colonies. Single- and multiple-queen colonies exhibited very small but significant levels of inbreeding, which indicates a slight deviation from random mating at a local scale and suggests that a small proportion of queens mate with related males. For both types of colonies, there was very little genetic structuring above the level of the nest, with no sign of isolation by distance. These similarities in the breeding systems were associated with a complete lack of genetic differentiation between single- and multiple-queen colonies, which provides no support for the hypothesis that change in queen number leads to restricted gene flow between social forms. Overall, this study suggests that the higher rates of queen turnover, local mating, and population structuring that are often associated with multiple-queen colonies do not appear when single- and multiple-queen colonies still coexist within the same population, but build up over time in populations consisting mostly of multiple-queen colonies.
SUMMARY : The evolution of animal societies, where some individuals forego their own reproductive opportunities to help others to reproduce, poses an evolutionary paradox that can be traced back to Darwin. Altruism may evolve through kin selection when the donor and recipient of altruistic acts are related to each other. In social insects, workers are generally highly related to the brood they rear when colonies are headed by a single queen. Yet some ants have an extraordinary social organization, called unicoloniality, whereby individuals from separate nests mix freely to form large supercolonies, which in some cases extend over hundreds of km. These supercolonies are characterised by a high number of queens (polygyny) and an absence of clear colony boundaries. This type of social organization represents an evolutionary paradox because relatedness between nestmates is effectively zero. In such conditions, kin selection cannot account for the evolution of reproductive altruism. Moreover, unicoloniality is thought to be unstable over time, because workers that can no longer aid close relatives may evolve more selfish strategies. The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is a highly invasive species listed among the hundred world's worst invaders by the UICN. Native from South America, L. humile has been accidentally introduced throughout the world. Native populations have been described as noninvasive with a family-based organization. In contrast, within its introduction range, they form unicolonial supercolonies that contain numerous nests without intraspecific aggression. The development of such unicolonial populations has been explained as a direct consequence of the ant's introduction into a new habitat, favouring a transition from family-based to open colonies. To determine if the social structure of the Argentine ant is fundamentally different between the native and the introduced range, we studied genetically and behaviourally native and introduced populations of L. humile over different geographic scales. Our results clearly indicated that there are no fundamental differences in the social organisation of the Argentine ant between the two ranges. Our investigations revealed that, contrary to previous claims, native populations have a unicolonial social organisation very similar to that observed in the introduced range. Consequently, the unicolonial social structure of the Argentine ant does not stem from a shift in social organization associated with introduction into new habitats but evolved in the native range and is likely a stable, evolutionarily ancient adaptation to the local environment. Our study on native populations of L. humile also gave important insight in the comprehension of the evolution of unicoloniality in the Argentine ant. Native supercolonies are relatively small compared to introduced ones and may co-habit in a same population. These supercolonies are genetically highly differentiated leading to a significant relatedness among nestmate workers when the different supercolonies of a population are taken as a reference population. This provides the necessary conditions for loin selection to operate. Furthermore, we examined a native population over time, which revealed a high supercolony extinction rate. If more competitive supercolonies are more likely to survive or replace other supercolonies, a subtle dynamical process between the spread of selfish traits within supercolony and the selective elimination of supercolonies with such traits may allow a stable equilibrium and the persistence of unicoloniality over time. Finally, a worldwide study of the Argentine ant showed that the introduced supercolonies originate from numerous independent introduction events. In conclusion, the success of the Argentine ant does not stem from a shift in social organization associated with its introduction into new habitats, but is most probably explained by the intrinsic characteristics developed in its native range. RESUME : L'altruisme de reproduction où certains individus renoncent à leur propre reproduction pour aider d'autres individus à se reproduire constitue l'un des plus grand paradoxe de l'évolution. En effet, comment expliquer l'évolution de comportements qui tendent à augmenter les chances de survie et le succès reproductif d'autres individus, alors que ces actes diminuent l'aptitude de leurs auteurs ? La théorie de la sélection de parentèle permet de résoudre ce problème. Cette théorie stipule qu'en aidant de proches parents à se reproduire, les individus peuvent promouvoir indirectement la transmission de copies de leurs propres gènes à la génération suivante. Chez les insectes sociaux, l'altruisme des ouvrières s'explique par la théorie de sélection de parentèle lorsque les colonies sont monogynes (constituées d'une seule reine) puisque les ouvrières sont fortement apparentées aux couvains dont elles s'occupent. Par contre, les espèces dites unicoloniales, dont les colonies forment des réseaux de nids appelés supercolonies, représentent toujours un paradoxe pour les théories de l'évolution puisque l'apparentement entre les différents individus d'un nid est nulle. De plus, l'unicolonialité ne devrait pas être stable sur le long terme parce que les ouvrières qui ne s'occupent plus de leur apparentés devraient développer des stratégies plus égoïstes au cours du temps. La fourmi d'Argentine (Linepithema humile) est une espèce invasive ayant un impact considérable sur son environnement. Originaire d'Amérique du Sud, elle a été introduite dans pratiquement toutes les régions du monde dont le climat est de type méditerranéen. Son incroyable succès invasif s'explique par sa structure sociale unicoloniale observée dans chacun des pays où elle a été introduite. Par contre, les rares études effectuées en Argentine ont suggéré que la fourmi d'Argentine n'était pas unicoloniale dans son aire native. L'unicolonialité chez la fourmi d'Argentine était donc considéré comme une conséquence de son introduction dans de nouveaux environnements. Durant cette thèse, nous avons vérifié si la structure sociale de cette espèce différait fondamentalement entre l'aire native et introduite. Pour cela, nous avons étudié, à différentes échelles géographiques, des populations introduites et argentines avec une approche génétique et comportementale. L'ensemble de nos résultats montrent que les différences entre les deux structure sociales ne sont pas aussi importantes que ce que l'on imaginait. Les populations natives sont aussi constituées de réseaux de nids coopérants. La taille de ses supercolonies est toutefois bien moins importante en Argentine et il n'est pas rare de trouver plusieurs supercolonies cohabitantes dans une même population. Nous avons démontré que ces réseaux de nids étaient constitués d'individus qui sont plus apparentés entre eux qu'ils ne le sont avec les individus d'autres supercolonies, ainsi l'unicolonialité dans son aire d'origine ne représente pas un réel paradoxe pour les théories de l'évolution. Finalement nous avons étudié la même population en Argentine à six ans d'intervalle et avons constaté que les supercolonies avaient un taux de survie très faible ce qui pourrait expliquer la stabilité de l'unicolonialité au cours du temps. Si les supercolonies les plus compétitives survivent mieux que les supercolonies dans lesquelles apparaissent des traits égoïstes, on devrait alors observer une dynamique entre l'apparition de traits égoïstes et l'élimination des supercolonies dans lesquelles ces traits égoïstes évolueraient. Finalement, une étude mondiale nous a montré que les supercolonies étaient originaires de nombreux événements d'introductions indépendants. En conclusion, le succès invasif de la fourmi d'Argentine n'est donc pas dû à un changement de comportement associé à son introduction mais est lié aux caractéristiques qu'elle a développées en Argentine.
In the Argentine ant Linepithema humile (=Iridomyrmex humilis) only males disperse whereas female sexuals (unmated winged queens) stay in their mother nest where they mate. This study investigated (1) whether dispersing males are accepted into foreign colonies, (2) whether they can mate with resident female sexuals, and (3) whether the propensity of males to disperse is affected by the expectation of mating in their mother nest. Field experiments demonstrated that males were accepted into foreign colonies only when these colonies contained female sexuals or queen pupae. Before and after the time of (sic) female sexuals, workers attacked and killed most of the foreign males. Laboratory experiments snowed that males that successfully enter foreign colonies can mate with resident female sexuals. The propensity of males to disperse was significantly influenced by the presence of female sexuals in their nest. Males were more likely to fly out from colonies containing no female sexuals than from those with them. These results are consistent with males preferentially dispersing when there is little or no opportunity to mate in their mother nest. Thus there are two mating strategies available for males: staying in their mother nest when an opportunity to mate arises or dispersing and attempting to mate in a foreign nest when there are no female sexuals in their mother nest. This latter behaviour could mediate gene flow between colonies and account for the lack of significant inbreeding previously documented in this species.
Some ants have an extraordinary form of social organization, called unicoloniality, whereby individuals mix freely among physically separated nests. This mode of social organization has been primarily studied in introduced and invasive ant species, so that the recognition ability and genetic structure of ants forming unicolonial populations in their native range remain poorly known. We investigated the pattern of aggression and the genetic structure of six unicolonial populations of the ant Formica paralugubris at four hierarchical levels: within nests, among nests within the same population, among nests of populations within the Alps or Jura Mountains and among nests of the two mountain ranges. Ants within populations showed no aggressive behaviour, but recognized nonnestmates as shown by longer antennation bouts. Overall, the level of aggression increased with geographic and genetic distance but was always considerably lower than between species. No distinct behavioural supercolony boundaries were found. Our study provides evidence that unicoloniality can be maintained in noninvasive ants despite significant genetic differentiation and the ability to discriminate between nestmates and nonnestmates.
We describe the odorant binding proteins (OBPs) of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, obtained from analyses of an EST library and separate 454 sequencing runs of two normalized cDNA libraries. We identified a total of 18 putative functional OBPs in this ant. A third of the fire ant OBPs are orthologs to honey bee OBPs. Another third of the OBPs belong to a lineage-specific expansion, which is a common feature of insect OBP evolution. Like other OBPs, the different fire ant OBPs share little sequence similarity (∼ 20%), rendering evolutionary analyses difficult. We discuss the resulting problems with sequence alignment, phylogenetic analysis, and tests of selection. As previously suggested, our results underscore the importance for careful exploration of the sensitivity to the effects of alignment methods for data comprising widely divergent sequences.
Queens in social insect colonies advertise their presence in the colony to: a) attract workers' attention and care; b) gain acceptance by workers as replacement or supplemental reproductives; c) prevent reproductive development in nestmates. We analyzed the chemical content of whole body surface extracts of adult queens of different developmental and reproductive stages, and of adult workers from monogyne (single colony queen) and polygyne (multiple colony queens) forms of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. We found that the composition of the most abundant components, venom alkaloids, differed between queens and workers, as well as between reproductive and non-reproductive queens. Additionally, workers of the two forms could be distinguished by alkaloid composition. Finally, sexually mature, non-reproductive queens from polygyne colonies differed in their proportions of cis-piperidine alkaloids, depending on their Gp-9 genotype, although the difference disappeared once they became functional reproductives. Among the unsaturated cuticular hydrocarbons characteristic of queens, there were differences in amounts of alkenes/alkadienes between non-reproductive polygyne queens of different Gp-9 genotypes, between non-reproductive and reproductive queens, and between polygyne and monogyne reproductive queens, with the amounts increasing at a relatively higher rate through reproductive ontogeny in queens bearing the Gp-9 b allele. Given that the genotype-specific piperidine differences reflect differences in rates of reproductive maturation between queens, we speculate that these abundant and unique compounds have been co-opted to serve in fertility signaling, while the cuticular hydrocarbons now play a complementary role in regulation of social organization by signaling queen Gp-9 genotype.
Reproductive division of labor and the coexistence of distinct castes are hallmarks of insect societies. In social insect species with multiple queens per colony, the fitness of nestmate queens directly depends on the process of caste allocation (i.e., the relative investment in queen, sterile worker and male production). The aim of this study is to investigate the genetic components to the process of caste allocation in a multiple-queen ant species. We conducted controlled crosses in the Argentine ant Linepithema humile and established single-queen colonies to identify maternal and paternal family effects on the relative production of new queens, workers, and males. There were significant effects of parental genetic backgrounds on various aspects of caste allocation: the paternal lineage affected the proportion of queens and workers produced whereas the proportions of queens and males, and females and males were influenced by the interaction between parental lineages. In addition to revealing nonadditive genetic effects on female caste determination in a multiple-queen ant species, this study reveals strong genetic compatibility effects between parental genomes on caste allocation components.
Sex allocation data in social Hymenoptera provide some of the best tests of kin selection, parent-offspring conflict and sex ratio theories. However, these studies critically depend on controlling for confounding ecological factors and on identifying all parties that potentially manipulate colony sex ratio. It has been suggested that maternally inherited parasites may influence sex allocation in social Hymenoptera. If the parasites can influence sex allocation, infected colonies are predicted to invest more resources in females than non-infected colonies, because the parasites are transmitted through females but not males. Prime candidates for such sex ratio manipulation are Wolbachia, because these cytoplasmically transmitted bacteria have been shown to affect the sex ratio of host arthropods by cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis, male-killing and feminization. In this study, we tested whether Wolbachia infection is associated with colony sex ratio in two populations of the ant Formica exsecta that have been the subject of extensive sex ratio studies. In these populations colonies specialize in the production of one sex or the other. We found that almost all F. exsecta colonies in both populations are infected with Wolbachia. However, in neither population did we find a significant association in the predicted direction between the prevalence of Wolbachia and colony sex ratio. In particular, colonies with a higher proportion of infected workers did not produce more females. Hence, we conclude that Wolbachia does not seem to alter the sex ratio of its hosts as a means to increase transmission rate in these two populations of ants.
The ability to distinguish nestmates from foreign individuals is central to the functioning of insect societies. In ants, workers from multiple-queen colonies are often less aggressive than workers from single-queen ones. In line with this observation, it has been hypothesized that workers from multiple-queen colonies have less precise recognition abilities than workers from single-queen ones because their colonies contain genetically more diverse individuals, which results in a broader template of recognition cues. Here, we assessed the impact of social structure ( queen number) variation on nestmate recognition and aggression in a large population of the socially polymorphic ant Formica selysi. We staged unilateral aggression tests on the nest surface. Workers from single-and multiple-queen colonies had good nestmate recognition ability and did not differ significantly in their level of aggression towards foreign, immobilized workers ( cue-bearers). In particular, workers from multiple-queen colonies efficiently recognized non-nestmates despite the higher genetic diversity in their colony. Cue-bearers from single- and multiple-queen colonies elicited similar reactions. However, the level of aggression was higher between than within social forms, suggesting that workers detect a signal that is specific to the colony social structure. Finally, the level of aggression was not correlated with the genetic distance between colonies. Overall, we found no evidence for the hypothesis that the presence of multiple breeders in the same colony decreases recognition abilities and found no simple relationship between genetic diversity and aggression level. (c) 2007 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviou
Cette thèse se propose d?étudier les forces évolutives qui influencent la bal- ance entre coopération et conflit. Deux exemples sont analysés en détail, les sociétés d?insectes et l?association entre la fourmi Formica exsecta et son sym- bionte intracellulaire Wolbachia. Chacune de ces deux associations animales est caractérisée par la coexistence de coopération et de conflit. Les colonies d?insectes sociaux sont un exemple typique de coopération. Néanmoins, la détermination haplodiploïde du sexe crée des apparentements asymétriques entre les membres de la colonie qui se traduisent par des con- flits entre reines et ouvrières. Un des conflits les plus importants porte sur le sexe-ratio, l?investissement optimal en sexués males et femelles étant équilibré pour la reine, mais biaisé en faveur des femelles pour les ouvrières. Jusqu?ici, les modèles étudiant ce conflit se basaient uniquement sur les asymétries d?ap- parentement. La première partie de cette thèse (Chapitres 1 et 2) propose d?introduire dans des modèles de sexe-ratio les mécanismes proximaux utilisés par les deux parties pour influencer le sexe-ratio. Ces mécanismes, par leurs ef- fets négatifs sur la productivité de la colonie, peuvent entraîner des déviations importantes du sexe-ratio par rapport à la valeur prédite par des modèles clas- siques. De plus, la prise en compte de ces mécanismes nous permet d?étudier dans quelle mesure les parties opposées sont sélectionnées pour influencer le sexe-ratio. Enfin, les modèles génèrent des prédictions quant à l?issue du con- flit, c?est-à-dire un compromis où reines et ouvrières partagent le contrôle de l?investissement. La seconde partie du travail porte sur l?infection de la fourmi Formica ex- secta par le symbionte cytoplasmique Wolbachia. Ce symbionte, présent chez un grand nombre d?espèces d?Arthropodes, est transmis maternellement. Afin de se répandre dans la population d?hôtes, Wolbachia manipule la physiolo- gie reproductive de l?organisme qui l?abrite. Le Chapitre 3 décrit une étude consacrée aux variations du sexe-ratio produit dans des colonies de fourmis? en fonction de la présence ou de l?absence de Wolbachia. Le Chapitre 4 étudie l?association entre les lignées du symbionte et les haplotypes mitochondriaux des hôtes. L?étude de l?association entre les deux éléments maternellement transmis est d?un intérêt particulier chez Formica exsecta car le taux de migra- tion femelle très faible engendre une forte strucure génétique mitochondriale.