349 resultados para Acetone Molecule Can


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We argue that attitudes about immigration can be better understood by paying closer attention to the various ways in which national group boundaries are demarcated. We describe two related lines of work that address this. The first deals with national group definitions and, based on evidence from studies carried out in England and analyses of international survey data, argues that the relationship between national identification and prejudice toward immigrants is contingent on the extent to which ethnic or civic definitions of nationality are endorsed. The second, which uses European survey data, examines support for ascribed and acquired criteria that can be applied when determining who is permitted to migrate to one's country, and the various forms of national and individual threat that affect support for these criteria. We explain how the research benefits from a multilevel approach and also suggest how these findings relate to some current policy debates.


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J. Neurochem. (2010) 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2010.06935.x Abstract Apart of its well known function of 'energetic buffer' through the creatine/phosphocreatine/creatine kinase system allowing the regeneration of ATP, creatine has been recently suggested as a potential neuromodulator of even true neurotransmitter. Moreover, the recent discovery of primary creatine deficiency syndromes, due to deficiencies in l-arginine : glycine amidinotransferase or guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (the two enzymes allowing creatine synthesis) or in the creatine transporter, has shed new light on creatine synthesis, metabolism and transport, in particular in CNS which appears as the main tissue affected by these creatine deficiencies. Recent data suggest that creatine can cross blood-brain barrier but only with a poor efficiency, and that the brain must ensure parts of its needs in creatine by its own endogenous synthesis. Finally, the recent years have demonstrated the interest to use creatine as a neuroprotective agent in a growing number of neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases. This article aims at reviewing the latest data on creatine metabolism and transport in the brain, in relation to creatine deficiencies and to the potential use of creatine as neuroprotective molecule. Emphasis is also given to the importance of creatine for cerebral function.


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The aims of this study were to assess whether high-mobility group box-1 protein can be determined in biological fluids collected during autopsy and evaluate the diagnostic potential of high-mobility group box-1 protein in identifying sepsis-related deaths. High-mobility group box-1 protein was measured in serum collected during hospitalization as well as in undiluted and diluted postmortem serum and pericardial fluid collected during autopsy in a group of sepsis-related deaths and control cases with noninfectious causes of death. Inclusion criteria consisted of full biological sample availability and postmortem interval not exceeding 6h. The preliminary results indicate that high-mobility group box-1 protein levels markedly increase after death. Concentrations beyond the upper limit of the calibration curve were obtained in undiluted postmortem serum in septic and traumatic control cases. In pericardial fluid, concentrations beyond the upper limit of the calibration curve were found in all cases. These findings suggest that the diagnostic potential of high-mobility group box-1 protein in the postmortem setting is extremely limited due to molecule release into the bloodstream after death, rendering antemortem levels difficult or impossible to estimate even after sample dilution.


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Morphogens of the Wnt protein family are the secreted lipoglycoprotein ligands which initiate several pathways heavily involved in the coordination of various developmental stages of organisms in the majority of animal species. Deregulation of these pathways in the adult leads to formation and sustaining of multiple types of cancer. The latter notion is reinforced by the fact that the very discovery of the first Wnt ligand was due to its role as the causative factor of carcinogenic transformation (Nusse and Varmus, 1982). Nowadays our knowledge on Wnt signaling has "moved with the times" and these pathways were identified to be often crucial for tumor formation, its interactions with the microenvironment, and promotion of the metastases (Huang and Du, 2008; Zerlin et al., 2008; Jessen, 2009). Thus the relevance of the pathway as the target for drug development has further increased in the light of modern paradigms of the complex cancer treatments which target also spreading and growth- promoting factors of tumors by specific and highly efficient substances (Pavet et al., 2010). Presently the field of the Wnt-targeting drug research is almost solely dominated by assays based on transcriptional activation induced by the signaling. This approach resulted in development of a number of promising substances (Lee et al., 2011). Despite its effectiveness, the method nevertheless suffers from several drawbacks. Among the major ones is the fact that this approach is prone to identify compounds targeting rather downstream effectors of the pathway, which are indiscriminately used by all the subtypes of the Wnt signaling. Additionally, proteins which are involved in several signaling cascades and not just the Wnt pathway turn out as targets of the new compounds. These issues increase risks of side effects due to off-target interactions and blockade of the pathway in healthy cells. In the present work we put forward a novel biochemical approach for drug development on the Wnt pathway. It targets Frizzleds (Fzs) - a family of 7-transmbembrane proteins which serve as receptors for Wnt ligands. They offer unique properties for the development of highly specific and effective drugs as they control all branches of the Wnt signaling. Recent advances in the understanding of the roles of heterotrimeric G proteins downstream from Fzs (Katanaev et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2005; Jernigan et al., 2010) suggest application of enzymatic properties of these effectors to monitor the receptor-mediated events. We have applied this knowledge in practice and established a specific and efficient method based on utilization of a novel high-throughput format of the GTP-binding assay to follow the activation of Fzs. This type of assay is a robust and well-established technology for the research and screenings on the GPCRs (Harrison and Traynor, 2003). The conventional method of detection involves the radioactively labeled non-hydrolysable GTP analog [35S]GTPyS. Its application in the large-scale screenings is however problematic which promoted development of the novel non-radioactive GTP analog GTP-Eu. The new molecule employs phenomenon of the time-resolved fluorescence to provide sensitivity comparable to the conventional radioactive substance. Initially GTP-Eu was tested only in one of many possible types of GTP-binding assays (Frang et al., 2003). In the present work we expand these limits by demonstrating the general comparability of the novel label with the radioactive method in various types of assays. We provide a biochemical characterization of GTP-Eu interactions with heterotrimeric and small GTPases and a comparative analysis of the behavior of the new label in the assays involving heterotrimeric G protein effectors. These developments in the GTP-binding assay were then applied to monitor G protein activation by the Fz receptors. The data obtained in mammalian cultured cell lines provides for the first time an unambiguous biochemical proof for direct coupling of Fzs with G proteins. The specificity of this interaction has been confirmed by the experiments with the antagonists of Fz and by the pertussis toxin-mediated deactivation. Additionally we have identified the specificity of Wnt3a towards several members of the Fz family and analyzed the properties of human Fz-1 which was found to be the receptor coupled to the Gi/o family of G proteins. Another process playing significant role in the functioning of every GPCR is endocytosis. This phenomenon can also be employed for drug screenings on GPCRs (Bickle, 2010). In the present work we have demonstrated that Drosophila Fz receptors are involved in an unusual for many GPCRs manifestation of the receptor-mediated internalization. Through combination of biochemical approaches and studies on Drosophila as the model organism we have shown that direct interactions of the Fzs and the α-subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein Go with the small GTPase Rab5 regulate internalization of the receptor in early endosomes. We provide data uncovering the decisive role of this self-promoted endocytosis in formation of a proper signaling output in the canonical as well as planar cell polarity (PCP) pathways regulated by Fz. The results of this work thus establish a platform for the high-throughput screening to identify substances active in the cancer-related Wnt pathways. This methodology has been adjusted and applied to provide the important insights in Fz functioning and will be instrumental for further investigations on the Wnt-mediated pathways.


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Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) inhibitors have emerged as interesting therapeutic candidates. Of these, (S)-roscovitine has been proposed as potential neuroprotective molecule for stroke while (R)-roscovitine is currently entering phase II clinical trials against cancers and phase I clinical tests against glomerulonephritis. In addition, (R)-roscovitine has been suggested as potential antihypertensive and anti-inflammatory drug. Dysfunction of intracellular calcium balance is a common denominator of these diseases, and the two roscovitine enantiomers (S and R) are known to modulate calcium voltage channel activity differentially. Here, we provide a detailed description of short- and long-term responses of roscovitine on intracellular calcium handling in renal epithelial cells. Short-term exposure to (S)-roscovitine induced a cytosolic calcium peak, which was abolished after stores depletion with cyclopiazonic acid (CPA). Instead, (R)-roscovitine caused a calcium peak followed by a small calcium plateau. Cytosolic calcium response was prevented after stores depletion. Bafilomycin, a selective vacuolar H(+)-ATPase inhibitor, abolished the small calcium plateau. Long-term exposure to (R)-roscovitine significantly reduced the basal calcium level compared to control and (S)-roscovitine treated cells. However, both enantiomers increased calcium accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Consistently, cells treated with (R)-roscovitine showed a significant increase in SERCA activity, whereas (S)-roscovitine incubation resulted in a reduced PMCA expression. We also found a tonic decreased ability to release calcium from the ER, likely via IP3 signaling, under treatment with (S)- or (R)-roscovitine. Together our data revealed that (S)-roscovitine and (R)-roscovitine exert distinct enantiospecific effects on intracellular calcium signaling in renal epithelial cells. This distinct pharmacological profile can be relevant for roscovitine clinical use.


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2320 composés chimiques ont été screenés à l'aide d'une lignée transgénique de zébrafish. Cette lignée comportait un gène humain fortement exprimé très tôt dans le développement et la croissance de différentes tumeurs, dont celle du rétinoblastome. L'activation de ce gène induisait la mort des embryons de lâ lignée transgénique. Nous avons donc pu identifier des composés agissant sur l'effet létal de ce gène. Cette étude a permis d'isoler plusieurs composés dont 1 très intéressant, l'Amitriptyline. Ce composé induit une inhibition de la prolifération et une induction d'apoptose dans les cellules humaines de rétinoblastome mais également dans d'autres cellules cancéreuses dont les ostéosarcomes connus. L'ostéosarçome est connu pour faire partie des cancers secondaires dû au rétinoblastome dans la forme héréditaire notamment. Ce composé induit la survie des embryons et réduit également le niveau d'expression de la protéine humaine intégrée dans la lignée de poisson zèbre transgénique de 50%. Le niveau d'expression de ce gène est également réduit de 50 à 60% dans des cultures cellulaire de rétinoblastome humain. L'inhibition de la prolifération a été démontrée par la réduction d'ATP dans plusieurs lignées cellulaires lorsque celles-ci sont traitées avec ce composé. L'induction d'apoptose a été démontrée par induction 10 fois plus élevée des éléments pro-apoptotiques caspase-3 et caspase-7 ainsi que par l'augmentation 10 fois plus élevée d'un élément anti-apoptotique bcl-2. Ces résultats permettent de croire que ce composé pourrait être utilisé pour traiter le rétinoblastome humain. -- Background: Retinoblastoma is a rare malignant tumor. This disease is the most prevalent intraocular cancer in childhood with an incidence of 1 in 15,000 live births. Many therapies are available to treat retinoblastoma, but best treatments are individually selected according to cases. Cryotherapy, thermotherapy, laser therapy including brachytherapy, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are some examples. New drug and new treatments discovery is essential for cancer therapy including retinoblastoma. Purpose: A vertebrate model as zebrafish for retinoblastoma would provide many advantages especially to perform drug screening. The high number of fertilized eggs per mating, the rapidity of extra¬utero development, the available genetic manipulation, the easy manipulations under a microscope, the ability to dispense embryos in 96-well plates and the direct incubation of chemical compounds in fish water are some examples of the advantages. Therefore, we design a transgenic zebrafish carrying a human gene implicated in retinoblastoma development and maintenance. Results: With the small compounds screening, several compounds were isolated. One of these compounds, Amitriptyline demonstrated proliferation inhibition and apoptosis in human retinoblastoma cells, U20S osteosarcoma cells and MBA-231 breast cancer cells. Osteosarcoma is known as secondary cancer due to retinoblastoma. Amitriptyline induced survival in our zebrafish transgenic line and 50% reduction of the integrated gene expression. In retinoblastoma cultured cells, the expression of this gene was also reduced in a range of 50-60 %. Proliferation inhibition was demonstrated by ATP luminescence assay. Apoptosis was demonstrated by a 10-fold induction of caspase-3 and caspase-7, two pro-apoptotic elements and by a 10-fold reduction of bcl-2 anti-apoptotic element. Conclusion: The results suggest that Amitriptyline could be used to treat human retinoblastoma in the near future.


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The BTAF1 transcription factor interacts with TATA-binding protein (TBP) to form the B-TFIID complex, which is involved in RNA polymerase II transcription. Here, we present an extensive mapping study of TBP residues involved in BTAF1 interaction. This shows that residues in the concave, DNA-binding surface of TBP are important for BTAF1 binding. In addition, BTAF1 interacts with residues in helix 2 on the convex side of TBP as assayed in protein-protein and in DNA-binding assays. BTAF1 drastically changes the TATA-box binding specificity of TBP, as it is able to recruit DNA-binding defective TBP mutants to both TATA-containing and TATA-less DNA. Interestingly, other helix 2 interacting factors, such as TFIIA and NC2, can also stabilize mutant TBP binding to DNA. In contrast, TFIIB which interacts with a distinct surface of TBP does not display this activity. Since many proteins contact helix 2 of TBP, this provides a molecular basis for mutually exclusive TBP interactions and stresses the importance of this structural element for eukaryotic transcription.


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Dravet syndrome, a severe infantile epilepsy syndrome, is typically resistant to anti-epileptic drugs (AED). Lamotrigine (LTG), an AED that is effective for both focal and generalized seizures, has been reported to aggravate seizures in Dravet syndrome. Therefore, LTG is usually avoided in Dravet syndrome. We describe two adults and a child with Dravet syndrome in whom LTG resulted in decreased seizure duration and frequency. This benefit was highlighted in each patient when LTG was withdrawn after 6 to 15 years, and resulted in an increased frequency of convulsive seizures together with longer seizure duration. A 25-year-old male required hospital admission for frequent seizures for the first time in 7 years, 6 weeks after ceasing LTG. Reintroduction of LTG improved seizure control, suggesting that in some patients with Dravet syndrome, LTG may be beneficial.


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BACKGROUND: Acetate metabolism in skeletal muscle is regulated by acetylCoA synthetase (ACS). The main function of ACS is to provide cells with acetylCoA, a key molecule for numerous metabolic pathways including fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis and the Krebs cycle. METHODS: Hyperpolarized [1-(13)C]acetate prepared via dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization was injected intravenously at different concentrations into rats. The (13)C magnetic resonance signals of [1-(13)C]acetate and [1-(13)C]acetylcarnitine were recorded in vivo for 1min. The kinetic rate constants related to the transformation of acetate into acetylcarnitine were deduced from the 3s time resolution measurements using two approaches, either mathematical modeling or relative metabolite ratios. RESULTS: Although separated by two biochemical transformations, a kinetic analysis of the (13)C label flow from [1-(13)C]acetate to [1-(13)C]acetylcarnitine led to a unique determination of the activity of ACS. The in vivo Michaelis constants for ACS were KM=0.35±0.13mM and Vmax=0.199±0.031μmol/g/min. CONCLUSIONS: The conversion rates from hyperpolarized acetate into acetylcarnitine were quantified in vivo and, although separated by two enzymatic reactions, these rates uniquely defined the activity of ACS. The conversion rates associated with ACS were obtained using two analytical approaches, both methods yielding similar results. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: This study demonstrates the feasibility of directly measuring ACS activity in vivo and, since the activity of ACS can be affected by various pathological states such as cancer or diabetes, the proposed method could be used to non-invasively probe metabolic signatures of ACS in diseased tissue.


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The human protozoan parasite Leishmania major has been shown to exhibit several morphological and biochemical features characteristic of a cell death program when differentiating into infectious stages and under a variety of stress conditions. Although some caspase-like peptidase activity has been reported in dying parasites, no caspase gene is present in the genome. However, a single metacaspase gene is present in L. major whose encoded protein harbors the predicted secondary structure and the catalytic dyad histidine/cysteine described for caspases and other metacaspases identified in plants and yeast. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae metacaspase YCA1 has been implicated in the death of aging cells, cells defective in some biological functions, and cells exposed to different environmental stresses. In this study, we describe the functional heterologous complementation of a S. cerevisiae yca1 null mutant with the L. major metacaspase (LmjMCA) in cell death induced by oxidative stress. We show that LmjMCA is involved in yeast cell death, similar to YCA1, and that this function depends on its catalytic activity. LmjMCA was found to be auto-processed as occurs for caspases, however LmjMCA did not exhibit any activity with caspase substrates. In contrast and similarly to Arabidopsis thaliana metacaspases, LmjMCA was active towards substrates with arginine in the P1 position, with the activity being abolished following H147A and C202A catalytic site mutations. These results suggest that metacaspases are members of a family of peptidases with a role in cell death conserved in evolution notwithstanding possible differences in their catalytic activity.


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Rat 1 fibroblasts transfected to express either the wild-type hamster alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor or a constitutively active mutant (CAM) form of this receptor resulting from the alteration of amino acid residues 288-294 to encode the equivalent region of the human beta 2-adrenergic receptor were examined. The basal level of inositol phosphate generation in cells expressing the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor was greater than for the wild-type receptor, The addition of maximally effective concentrations of phenylephrine or noradrenaline resulted in substantially greater levels of inositol phosphate generation by the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor, although this receptor was expressed at lower steady-state levels than the wild-type receptor. The potency of both phenylephrine and noradrenaline to stimulate inositol phosphate production was approx. 200-fold greater at the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor than at the wild-type receptor. In contrast, endothelin 1, acting at the endogenously expressed endothelin ETA, receptor, displayed similar potency and maximal effects in the two cell lines. The sustained presence of phenylephrine resulted in down-regulation of the alpha subunits of the phosphoinositidase C-linked, pertussis toxin-insensitive, G-proteins G9 and G11 in cells expressing either the wild-type or the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor. The degree of down-regulation achieved was substantially greater in cells expressing the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor at all concentrations of the agonist. However, in this assay phenylephrine displayed only a slightly greater potency at the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor than at the wild-type receptor. There were no detectable differences in the basal rate of G9 alpha/G11 alpha degradation between cells expressing the wild-type or the CAMalpha 1B-adrenergic receptor. In both cell lines the addition of phenylephrine substantially increased the rate of degradation of these G-proteins, with a greater effect at the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor. The enhanced capacity of agonist both to stimulate second-messenger production at the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor and to regulate cellular levels of its associated G-proteins by stimulating their rate of degradation is indicative of an enhanced stoichiometry of coupling of this form of the receptor to G9 and G11.


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Introduction: There is little information regarding the impact of diet on disease incidence and mortality in Switzerland. Objectives: We aimed at assessing the associations between food availability and disease using ecological correlations. Methods: Time-trend ecologic study for period 1970 to 2009. Food availability was measured through the FAO food balance sheets. Standardized mortality rates (SMRs) were obtained from the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics. Cancer incidence data was obtained from the WHO Health for all database and the Vaud cancer registry. Association between food availability and mortality/incidence was assessed at lags 0, 5, 10 and 15 years by Spearman correlation. Results: Alcoholic beverages and fruit availability were positively associated with SMRs from all types of cardiovascular disease, while fish availability was negatively associated. Animal products, meat and animal fats were positively associated with SMR from ischemic heart disease only. For cancers, opposite results were found whether the association used SMRs or incidence rates. For all cancers, alcoholic beverages and fruits were positively associated with SMRs but negatively associated with incidence rates. Similar findings were obtained for all other foods, with the exception of vegetables, which were weakly and negatively associated with SMRs and incidence rates. Finally, a 15 years lag time reversed the association for animal and vegetal products, weakened the association for alcohol and fruits and strengthened the association for fish. Conclusion: Ecologic associations between food availability and disease vary considerably whether mortality or incidence rates are used. Great care should be taken when interpreting the results.


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Arenaviruses merit interest as clinically important human pathogens and include several causative agents, chiefly Lassa virus (LASV), of hemorrhagic fever disease in humans. There are no licensed LASV vaccines, and current antiarenavirus therapy is limited to the use of ribavirin, which is only partially effective and is associated with significant side effects. The arenavirus glycoprotein (GP) precursor GPC is processed by the cellular site 1 protease (S1P) to generate the peripheral virion attachment protein GP1 and the fusion-active transmembrane protein GP2, which is critical for production of infectious progeny and virus propagation. Therefore, S1P-mediated processing of arenavirus GPC is a promising target for therapeutic intervention. To this end, we have evaluated the antiarenaviral activity of PF-429242, a recently described small-molecule inhibitor of S1P. PF-429242 efficiently prevented the processing of GPC from the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and LASV, which correlated with the compound's potent antiviral activity against LCMV and LASV in cultured cells. In contrast, a recombinant LCMV expressing a GPC whose processing into GP1 and GP2 was mediated by furin, instead of S1P, was highly resistant to PF-429242 treatment. PF-429242 did not affect virus RNA replication or budding but had a modest effect on virus cell entry, indicating that the antiarenaviral activity of PF-429242 was mostly related to its ability to inhibit S1P-mediated processing of arenavirus GPC. Our findings support the feasibility of using small-molecule inhibitors of S1P-mediated processing of arenavirus GPC as a novel antiviral strategy.