239 resultados para spiritual life
In a mode of nude mice bearing a human colon carcinoma xenograft, the biodistribution and tumor localization of metatetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (m-THPC) coupled to polyethylene glycol (PEG) were compared with those of the free form of this photosensitizer used in photodynamic therapy (PDT). At different times after i.v. injection of both forms of 125I-labeled photosensitizer, m-THPC-PEG gave on average a 2-fold higher tumor uptake than free m-THPC. In addition, at early times after injection, m-THPC-PEG showed a 2-fold longer blood circulating half-life and a 4-fold lower liver uptake than free m-THPC. The tumor to normal tissue ratios of radioactivity concentrations were always higher for m-THPC-PEG than for free m-THPC at any time point studied from 2 to 96 hr post-injection. Significant coefficients of correlation between direct fluorescence measurements and radioactivity counting were obtained within each organ tested. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed that m-THPC-PEG was preferentially localized near the tumor vessels, whereas m-THPC was more diffusely distributed inside the tumor tissue. To verify whether m-THPC-PEG conjugate remained phototoxic in vivo, PDT experiments were performed 72 hr after injection and showed that m-THPC-PEG was as potent as free m-THPC in the induction of tumor regression provided that the irradiation does for m-THPC-PEG conjugate was adapted to a well-tolerated 2-fold higher level. The overall results demonstrate first the possibility of improving the in vivo tumor localization of a hydrophobic dye used for PDT by coupling it to PEG and second that a photosensitizer conjugated to a macromolecule can remain phototoxic in vivo.
Validation d'une version abrégée du TCI (TCI-56) sur un échantillon de jeunes fumeurs et non-fumeurs
Introduction: The psychobiological seven-factor model proposed by Cloninger et al. (1993) takes into account temperament and character dimensions to describe personality. Four of the dimensions are linked with biological, genetic and neuroanatomic structures, whereas the three other dimensions are related to the degree of individual, social and spiritual development. A study conducted by Wills et al. (1994) with adolescents showed that substance abuse was associated with high scores on Novelty Seeking and low scores on Harm Avoidance and Reward Dependence. The aim of the present study was, firstly, to create a short form of Cloninger's (1993) Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and, secondly, to study the impact of nicotine dependence as well as demographic variables on a sample of young adults. Method: We created a short form of the TCI containing 56 items (TCI-56), 8 for each scale. Responses are made on a five-point Likert type scale. A Swiss sample (n=211), of 116 women and 95 men, aged from 15 to 30 years, participated in this study. Our population was divided into a group of 81 smokers and another of 130 non-smokers, according to their scores on the Fagerstörm test for nicotine dependence (1999). Results: The structural validation consisted of two separate factor analysis with varimax rotations, one for the temperamental items, and the other, for the character ones. The first factor analysis conducted on the items of the temperament scales allowed to extract 4 factors explaining 40.7% of the variance. The correlations between factors and scales are the following: r=.71 for Novelty Seeking, r=.69 for Persistence, r=.95 for Harm Avoidance, r=.94 for Reward Dependence. The second factor analysis conducted on the items of the character scales allowed to extract 3 factors explaining 41.5% of the variance. The correlations between factors and scales are the following: r=.94 for Self-Directedness, r=.91 for Cooperativeness and r=.99 for Self-Transcendence. The internal consistencies range from α=.65 to α=.75 for the temperament scales, and from α=.71 to α=.83 for the three character scales. Concerning, the impact of the nicotine dependence, we observed that smokers have significantly higher scores for Novelty seeking, than non-smokers (p=.01). We found no difference for Harm Avoidance and Reward Dependence. Nevertheless, smokers seem to have the tendency to score higher on Transcendence (p=.06). Moreover, people having smoked more than 100 cigarettes in their life have significantly higher scores on this scale (p.04) and the correlation between Transcendence and the Fagerstörm test is significant (r=.19). We also found gender differences: the women (N=116) obtain significantly higher scores for Harm Avoidance (p<.001), for Reward Dependence (p<.001) and for Cooperation (p=.01). We further found a significant correlation between age and Self-Directedness, r=.34. We observed no interaction between gender and smoking or age and smoking on the dimensions of the TCI-56. Discussion: The TCI short form (TCI-56) seems to be a valid and useful inventory to assess personality differences. Confirming the results of others about the relation between addiction and personality, we found that smokers have significantly higher scores for Novelty seeking, than non-smokers. But we were not able to find any significant differences for Harm Avoidance and Reward Dependence. This might be due to our sample that was made of young adults. This study also shows that Transcendence could be an interesting dimension for studies on Tobacco smoking to consider. Concerning the impact of demographic variables, we observed that age and gender have specific and coherent influence on personality.
Purpose of the study: Basic life support (BLS) and automated externaldefibrillation (AED) represent important skills to be acquired duringpregraduate medical training. Since 3 years, our medical school hasintroduced a BLS-AED course (with certification) for all second yearmedical students. Few reports about quality and persistence over timeof BLS-AED learning are available to date in the medical literature.Comprehensive evaluation of students' acquired skills was performedat the end of the 2008 academic year, 6 month after certification.Materials and methods: The students (N = 142) were evaluated duringa 9 minutes «objective structured clinical examination» (OSCE) station.Out of a standardized scenario, they had to recognize a cardiac arrestsituation and start a resuscitation process. Their performance wererecorded on a PC using an Ambuman(TM) mannequin and the AmbuCPR software kit(TM) during a minimum of 8 cycles (30 compressions:2 ventilations each). BLS parameters were systematically checked. Nostudent-rater interactions were allowed during the whole evaluation.Results: Response of the victim was checked by 99% of the students(N = 140), 96% (N = 136) called for an ambulance and/or an AED. Openthe airway and check breathing were done by 96% (N = 137), 92% (N =132) gave 2 rescue breaths. Pulse was checked by 95% (N=135), 100%(N = 142) begun chest compression, 96% (N = 136) within 1 minute.Chest compression rate was 101 ± 18 per minute (mean ± SD), depthcompression 43 ± 8 mm, 97% (N = 138) respected a compressionventilationratio of 30:2.Conclusions: Quality of BLS skills acquisition is maintained during a6-month period after a BLS-AED certification. Main targets of 2005 AHAguidelines were well respected. This analysis represents one of thelargest evaluations of specific BLS teaching efficiency reported. Furtherfollow-up is needed to control the persistence of these skills during alonger time period and noteworthy at the end of the pregraduatemedical curriculum.
Women who smoke underestimate the risks of smoking on their health, especially the impact of the anti-estrogenic and toxic effects of tobacco at the different stages of their life. The risk of female infertility related to tobacco is now well-proven, as is the risk of arterial and venous thrombotic event when tobacco is associated with oral contraception. Many foetal and maternal pathologies are linked to maternal smoking. Regarding post-menopausal women, smoking is associated with an increased osteoporotic and cardio-vascular risk. Doctors are at the first line to advise women and propose them help and assistance in their quit smoking process in a way adapted to their situation.
This is one of the few studies that have explored the value of baseline symptoms and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in predicting survival in brain cancer patients. Baseline HRQOL scores (from the EORTC QLQ-C30 and the Brain Cancer Module (BN 20)) were examined in 490 newly diagnosed glioblastoma cancer patients for the relationship with overall survival by using Cox proportional hazards regression models. Refined techniques as the bootstrap re-sampling procedure and the computation of C-indexes and R(2)-coefficients were used to try and validate the model. Classical analysis controlled for major clinical prognostic factors selected cognitive functioning (P=0.0001), global health status (P=0.0055) and social functioning (P<0.0001) as statistically significant prognostic factors of survival. However, several issues question the validity of these findings. C-indexes and R(2)-coefficients, which are measures of the predictive ability of the models, did not exhibit major improvements when adding selected or all HRQOL scores to clinical factors. While classical techniques lead to positive results, more refined analyses suggest that baseline HRQOL scores add relatively little to clinical factors to predict survival. These results may have implications for future use of HRQOL as a prognostic factor in cancer patients.
Neglecting health effects from indoor pollutant emissions and exposure, as currently done in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), may result in product or process optimizations at the expense of workers' or consumers' health. To close this gap, methods for considering indoor exposure to chemicals are needed to complement the methods for outdoor human exposure assessment already in use. This paper summarizes the work of an international expert group on the integration of human indoor and outdoor exposure in LCA, within the UNEP/ SETAC Life Cycle Initiative. A new methodological framework is proposed for a general procedure to include human-health effects from indoor exposure in LCA. Exposure models from occupational hygiene and household indoor air quality studies and practices are critically reviewed and recommendations are provided on the appropriateness of various model alternatives in the context of LCA. A single-compartment box model is recommended for use as a default in LCA, enabling one to screen occupational and household exposures consistent with the existing models to assess outdoor emission in a multimedia environment. An initial set of model parameter values was collected. The comparison between indoor and outdoor human exposure per unit of emission shows that for many pollutants, intake per unit of indoor emission may be several orders of magnitude higher than for outdoor emissions. It is concluded that indoor exposure should be routinely addressed within LCA.