317 resultados para signaling protocol


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RÉSUMÉL'hypertrophie cardiaque représente un mécanisme d'adaptation du myocarde en réponse à différents stress. Sur le long terme, l'hypertrophie cardiaque peut évoluer vers l'insuffisance cardiaque, l'une des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité dans les pays industrialisés, pour cette raison, la communauté scientifique est très intéressée à élucider les voies de signalisation qui régulent ce phénomène pathologique dans le coeur.Notre laboratoire a montré que AKAP-Lbc, une protéine d'ancrage de la protéine kinase A (AKAPs), est principalement exprimée dans le coeur et peut réguler des processus importants tels que l'hypertrophie des cardiomyocytes.AKAP-Lbc fonctionne comme un facteur d'échange de nucléotides guanine (GEF) pour la petite Rho-GTPase RhoA. Cette fonction est activée par différents récepteurs qui activent son domaine Rho-GEF. Des études récentes ont démontré que AKAP-Lbc est impliquée dans la réponse hypertrophique des cardiomyocytes suite à l'activation des récepteurs α1-adrénergiques. Le but général de ce travail de thèse est la caractérisation de la voie de signalisation hypertrophique activée par AKAP-Lbc dans les cardiomyocytes.Mes travaux montrent que AKAP-Lbc organise un complexe macromoléculaire, comprenant les protéines kinases PKN, MLTK, MKK3 et p38 et active la protéine kinase p38 en réponse à l'activation des récepteurs α1-adrénergiques.Nos résultats indiquent que cette voie de signalisation au cours de la réponse hypertrophique active le facteur de transcription GATA4 et la protéine Hsp27.GATA4 est un important facteur de transcription qui régule la transcription de plusieurs gènes au cours de la réponse hypertrophique, alors que Hsp27 est une protéine chaperonne qui interagit avec le cytosquelette des cardiomyocytes et les protége contre le stress hypertrophique.Pris ensembles, ces études contribuent à comprendre comment le complexe de signalisation formé par AKAP-Lbc régule l'hypertrophie dans les cardiomyocytes. Au-delà de leur intérêt au niveau biochimique, ces travaux pourraient aussi contribuer à la compréhension du phénomène de l'hypertrophie dans le coeur.


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Tumor angiogenesis is an essential step in tumor progression and metastasis formation. Suppression of tumor angiogenesis results in the inhibition of tumor growth. Recent evidence indicates that vascular integrins, in particular alpha V beta 3, are important regulators of angiogenesis, including tumor angiogenesis. Integrin alpha V beta 3 antagonists, such as blocking antibodies or peptides, suppress tumor angiogenesis and tumor progression in many preclinical tumor models. The potential therapeutic efficacy of extracellular integrin antagonists in human cancer is currently being tested in clinical trials. Selective disruption of the tumor vasculature by high doses of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), and the antiangiogenic activity of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are associated with the suppression of integrin alpha V beta 3 function and signaling in endothelial cells. Furthermore, expression of isolated integrin cytoplasmic domains disrupts integrin-dependent adhesion, resulting in endothelial cell detachment and apoptosis. These results confirm the critical role of vascular integrins in promoting endothelial cell survival and angiogenesis and suggest that intracellular targeting of integrin function and signaling may be an alternative strategy to extracellular integrin antagonists for the therapeutic inhibition of tumor angiogenesis.


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Abstract : Breast cancer incidence rates have increased over the past hundred years, in particular, in Western industrial countries and they continue to rise worldwide. Breast cancer risk has been linked to life exposure to endogenous and exogenous estrogens, and there is increasing concern that exposure to endocrine disruptors which are increasingly accumulating in our environment may also have a role. Using the mouse as model, I have analyzed the physiological role of estrogen signaling in mammary gland development. I have shown that estrogen signaling through the estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in the mammary epithelium is required for ductal morphogenesis during puberty. Moreover, I have demonstrated that estrogens induce proliferation of mammary epithelial cells through a paracrine mechanism. The presence of estrogen signaling is essential cell intrinsically via ERα or ERβ for the terminal differentiation into milk secreting cells during pregnancy. Furthermore, I have examined how perinatal exposure to the estrogenic plasticizer bisphenol A (BPA) found ubiquitously in consumer goods such as baby bottles formula and beverage containers affects the normal mammary gland development and possibly predispose the mammary gland to tumorigenesis. I have found that C57b16 mice that were exposed, via their drinking water, to several BPA doses ranging from 0.025µg/kg/day to 250µg/kg/day exhibits delayed terminal end bud formation and consequently the ductal outgrowth. Later in life, the mice that were exposed in utero to BPA displayed an increased number of mammary epithelial cells. Acute exposure of 3-week-old mice to BPA can alter gene expression levels of an important estrogen target gene, amphiregulin. Taken together these data are compatible with a scenario in which perinatal BPA exposure may alter mammary gland development by affecting developmental signaling pathways. Résumé : Les taux d'incidence des cancers du sein ont augmenté au cours des cent dernières années en particulier dans les pays industriels occidentaux et ils continuent d'augmenter dans le monde entier. Le risque du cancer du sein a été corrélé à l'exposition au cours de la vie aux oestrogènes endogènes et exogènes. Il y a une préoccupation croissante concernant l'exposition aux perturbateurs endocriniens qui ne cessent de s'accumulent dans notre environnement et qui peuvent également avoir un rôle dans l'augmentation des cancers du sein. En utilisant le modèle de souris, j'ai analysé le rôle physiologique de la voie de signalisation à l'oestrogène dans le développement mammaire. J'ai prouvé que l'oestrogène par l'intermédiaire de son récepteur alpha (ERα) est indispensable dans l'épithélium pour la morphogénèse du système canalaire pendant la puberté. De plus, j'ai démontré que les oestrogènes induisent la prolifération des cellules épithéliales mammaires par un mécanisme paracrine. La présence de la voie de signalisation à l'oestrogène est essentielle de manière intrinsèque à la cellule par l'intermédiaire d'ERα ou ERβ pour la différentiation terminale des cellules épithéliales en cellules sécrétrices de lait pendant la grossesse. En outre, j'ai examiné comment l'exposition périnatale au bisphénol A (BPA), un plastifiant présentant des propriétés ostrogéniques et omniprésent dans divers produits d'usage courant tels que les biberons des bébés et les récipients en plastique, affecte le développement de la glande mammaire et prédispose probablement celle-ci à la tumorigénèse. J'ai constaté que l'exposition périnatale à BPA retarde la formation des bourgeons terminaux et par conséquent la croissance du système canalaire. Plus tard dans la vie, les souris qui ont été exposées dans l'utérus au BPA ont montré un plus grand nombre de cellules épithéliales mammaires. L'exposition aiguë de souris âgées de 3 semaines au BPA perturbe le niveau d'expression d'un gène cible important de l'oestrogène, l'amphiregulin. Ces données sont compatibles avec un scénario dans lequel l'exposition périnatale au BPA peut changer le développement de la glande mammaire en affectant des voies de signalisation développementales.


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Antigen-specific T-cell activation implicates a redistribution of plasma membrane-bound molecules in lipid rafts, such as the coreceptors CD8 and CD4, the Src kinases Lek and Fyn, and the linker for activation of T cells (LAT), that results in the formation of signaling complexes. These molecules partition in lipid rafts because of palmitoylation of cytoplasmic, membrane proximal cysteines, which is essential for their functional integrity in T-cell activation. Here, we show that exogenous dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE), but not the related unsaturated dioleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE), partitions in lipid rafts. DPPE inhibits activation of CD8(+) T lymphocytes by sensitized syngeneic antigen-presenting cells or specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) peptide tetramers, as indicated by esterase release and intracellular calcium mobilization. Cytotoxic, T lymphocyte (CTL)-target cell conjugate formation is not affected by DPPE, indicating that engagement of the T-cell receptor by its cognate ligand is intact in lipid-treated cells. In contrast to other agents known to block raft-dependent signaling, DPPE efficiently inhibits the MHC peptide-induced recruitment of palmitoylated signaling molecules to lipid rafts and CTL activation without affecting cell viability or lipid raft integrity.


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive brain tumor that, by virtue of its resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, is currently incurable. Identification of molecules whose targeting may eliminate GBM cells and/or sensitize glioblastoma cells to cytotoxic drugs is therefore urgently needed. CD44 is a major cell surface hyaluronan receptor and cancer stem cell marker that has been implicated in the progression of a variety of cancer types. However, the major downstream signaling pathways that mediate its protumor effects and the role of CD44 in the progression and chemoresponse of GBM have not been established. Here we show that CD44 is upregulated in GBM and that its depletion blocks GBM growth and sensitizes GBM cells to cytotoxic drugs in vivo. Consistent with this observation, CD44 antagonists potently inhibit glioma growth in preclinical mouse models. We provide the first evidence that CD44 functions upstream of the mammalian Hippo signaling pathway and that CD44 promotes tumor cell resistance to reactive oxygen species-induced and cytotoxic agent-induced stress by attenuating activation of the Hippo signaling pathway. Together, our results identify CD44 as a prime therapeutic target for GBM, establish potent antiglioma efficacy of CD44 antagonists, uncover a novel CD44 signaling pathway, and provide a first mechanistic explanation as to how upregulation of CD44 may constitute a key event in leading to cancer cell resistance to stresses of different origins. Finally, our results provide a rational explanation for the observation that functional inhibition of CD44 augments the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


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Vitamin A is necessary for normal embryonic development, but its role in the adult brain is poorly understood. Vitamin A derivatives, retinoids, are involved in a complex signaling pathway that regulates gene expression and, in the central nervous system, controls neuronal differentiation and neural tube patterning. Although a major functional implication of retinoic signaling has been repeatedly suggested in synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, sleep, schizophrenia, depression, Parkinson disease, and Alzheimer disease, the targets and the underlying mechanisms in the adult brain remain elusive.


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Death receptors, such as Fas and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand receptors, recruit Fas-associated death domain and pro-caspase-8 homodimers, which are then autoproteolytically activated. Active caspase-8 is released into the cytoplasm, where it cleaves various proteins including pro-caspase-3, resulting in apoptosis. The cellular Fas-associated death domain-like interleukin-1-beta-converting enzyme-inhibitory protein long form (FLIP(L)), a structural homologue of caspase-8 lacking caspase activity because of several mutations in the active site, is a potent inhibitor of death receptor-induced apoptosis. FLIP(L) is proposed to block caspase-8 activity by forming a proteolytically inactive heterodimer with caspase-8. In contrast, we propose that FLIP(L)-bound caspase-8 is an active protease. Upon heterocomplex formation, a limited caspase-8 autoprocessing occurs resulting in the generation of the p43/41 and the p12 subunits. This partially processed form but also the non-cleaved FLIP(L)-caspase-8 heterocomplex are proteolytically active because they both bind synthetic substrates efficiently. Moreover, FLIP(L) expression favors receptor-interacting kinase (RIP) processing within the Fas-signaling complex. We propose that FLIP(L) inhibits caspase-8 release-dependent pro-apoptotic signals, whereas the single, membrane-restricted active site of the FLIP(L)-caspase-8 heterocomplex is proteolytically active and acts on local substrates such as RIP.


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Impaired ectodysplasin A (EDA) receptor (EDAR) signaling affects ectodermally derived structures including teeth, hair follicles, and cutaneous glands. The X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED), resulting from EDA deficiency, can be rescued with lifelong benefits in animal models by stimulation of ectodermal appendage development with EDAR agonists. Treatments initiated later in the developmental period restore progressively fewer of the affected structures. It is unknown whether EDAR stimulation in adults with XLHED might have beneficial effects. In adult Eda mutant mice treated for several weeks with agonist anti-EDAR antibodies, we find that sebaceous gland size and function can be restored to wild-type levels. This effect is maintained upon chronic treatment but reverses slowly upon cessation of treatment. Sebaceous glands in all skin regions respond to treatment, although to varying degrees, and this is accompanied in both Eda mutant and wild-type mice by sebum secretion to levels higher than those observed in untreated controls. Edar is expressed at the periphery of the glands, suggesting a direct homeostatic effect of Edar stimulation on the sebaceous gland. Sebaceous gland size and sebum production may serve as biomarkers for EDAR stimulation, and EDAR agonists may improve skin dryness and eczema frequently observed in XLHED.


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BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: The current gold standard in Barrett's esophagus monitoring consists of four-quadrant biopsies every 1-2 cm in accordance with the Seattle protocol. Adding brush cytology processed by digital image cytometry (DICM) may further increase the detection of patients with Barrett's esophagus who are at risk of neoplasia. The aim of the present study was to assess the additional diagnostic value and accuracy of DICM when added to the standard histological analysis in a cross-sectional multicenter study of patients with Barrett's esophagus in Switzerland. METHODS: One hundred sixty-four patients with Barrett's esophagus underwent 239 endoscopies with biopsy and brush cytology. DICM was carried out on 239 cytology specimens. Measures of the test accuracy of DICM (relative risk, sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios) were obtained by dichotomizing the histopathology results (high-grade dysplasia or adenocarcinoma vs. all others) and DICM results (aneuploidy/intermediate pattern vs. diploidy). RESULTS: DICM revealed diploidy in 83% of 239 endoscopies, an intermediate pattern in 8.8%, and aneuploidy in 8.4%. An intermediate DICM result carried a relative risk (RR) of 12 and aneuploidy a RR of 27 for high-grade dysplasia/adenocarcinoma. Adding DICM to the standard biopsy protocol, a pathological cytometry result (aneuploid or intermediate) was found in 25 of 239 endoscopies (11%; 18 patients) with low-risk histology (no high-grade dysplasia or adenocarcinoma). During follow-up of 14 of these 18 patients, histological deterioration was seen in 3 (21%). CONCLUSION: DICM from brush cytology may add important information to a standard biopsy protocol by identifying a subgroup of BE-patients with high-risk cellular abnormalities.


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In response to stress or injury the heart undergoes an adverse remodeling process associated with cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and fibrosis. Transformation of cardiac fibroblasts to myofibroblasts is a crucial event initiating the fibrotic process. Cardiac myofibroblasts invade the myocardium and secrete excess amounts of extracellular matrix proteins, which cause myocardial stiffening, cardiac dysfunctions and progression to heart failure. While several studies indicate that the small GTPase RhoA can promote profibrotic responses, the exchange factors that modulate its activity in cardiac fibroblasts are yet to be identified. In the present study, we show that AKAP-Lbc, an A-kinase anchoring protein (AKAP) with an intrinsic Rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity, is critical for activating RhoA and transducing profibrotic signals downstream of type I angiotensin II receptors (AT1Rs) in cardiac fibroblasts. In particular, our results indicate that suppression of AKAP-Lbc expression by infecting adult rat ventricular fibroblasts with lentiviruses encoding AKAP-Lbc specific short hairpin (sh) RNAs strongly reduces the ability of angiotensin II to promote RhoA activation, differentiation of cardiac fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, collagen deposition as well as myofibroblast migration. Interestingly, AT1Rs promote AKAP-Lbc activation via a pathway that requires the α subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein G12. These findings identify AKAP-Lbc as a key Rho-guanine nucleotide exchange factor modulating profibrotic responses in cardiac fibroblasts.


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Lipid mediators can trigger physiological responses by activating nuclear hormone receptors, such as the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). PPARs, in turn, control the expression of networks of genes encoding proteins involved in all aspects of lipid metabolism. In addition, PPARs are tumor growth modifiers, via the regulation of cancer cell apoptosis, proliferation, and differentiation, and through their action on the tumor cell environment, namely, angiogenesis, inflammation, and immune cell functions. Epidemiological studies have established that tumor progression may be exacerbated by chronic inflammation. Here, we describe the production of the lipids that act as activators of PPARs, and we review the roles of these receptors in inflammation and cancer. Finally, we consider emerging strategies for therapeutic intervention.


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MyD88 has a modular organization, an N-terminal death domain (DD) related to the cytoplasmic signaling domains found in many members of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNF-R) superfamily, and a C-terminal Toll domain similar to that found in the expanding family of Toll/interleukin-1-like receptors (IL-1R). This dual domain structure, together with the following observations, supports a role for MyD88 as an adapter in IL-1 signal transduction; MyD88 forms homodimers in vivo through DD-DD and Toll-Toll interactions. Overexpression of MyD88 induces activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and the transcription factor NF-kappaB through its DD. A point mutation in MyD88, MyD88-lpr (F56N), which prevents dimerization of the DD, also blocks induction of these activities. MyD88-induced NF-kappaB activation is inhibited by the dominant negative versions of TRAF6 and IRAK, which also inhibit IL-1-induced NF-kappaB activation. Overexpression of MyD88-lpr or MyD88-Toll (expressing only the Toll domain) acted to inhibit IL-1-induced NF-kappaB and JNK activation in a 293 cell line overexpressing the IL-1RI. MyD88 coimmunoprecipitates with the IL-1R signaling complex in an IL-1-dependent manner.


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BACKGROUND: Thyroid ectopy results from the failure of the thyroid precursor cells to migrate from the primordial pharynx to the anterior part of the neck. Most ectopic thyroids are revealed by congenital hypothyroidism and present as a single round mass at the base of the tongue, with no other thyroid tissue. However, some cases have dual ectopy, with part of the tissue having partially migrated. We hypothesized that this occurs more frequently than previously reported.¦METHODS: To determine the prevalence of dual ectopy, we reviewed the pertechnetate scintigraphies of 81 patients with congenital hypothyroidism from thyroid ectopy diagnosed between 2002 and 2011 at our institution.¦RESULTS: We report a series of seven cases (9%) of dual ectopy, representing an incidence ranging from 1:50,000 to 1:70,000.¦CONCLUSIONS: Almost one in 10 cases with congenital hypothyroidism due to thyroid ectopy has dual ectopy. This suggests that two populations of cells diverged at an early stage of development, which may arise from insufficient signaling gradients in surrounding tissues during early organogenesis or may indirectly support the polyclonal nature of the thyroid.