94 resultados para pseudo-oxocarbons
Pathogenic attack by the fungus Botrytis cinerea (primary pathogen) on soybean leaves (Glycine max. L.; cv. Maple arrow) results in a hypersensitive response (necrotising infected leaves), in the establishment of local acquired resistance, as well as in the systemic induction of genes coding for pathogenesis-related proteins. It now appears that, concomitantly with these already well documented defence reactions, the pathogenic attack also induces the carbon reallocation mechanism based on the reinitiation of the glyoxylate cycle (pseudo-senescence of the infected leaves).
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI is a method to extract microvascular blood flow information out of diffusion-weighted images acquired at multiple b-values. We hypothesized that IVIM can identify the muscles selectively involved in a specific task, by measuring changes in activity-induced local muscular perfusion after exercise. We tested this hypothesis using a widely used clinical maneuver, the lift-off test, which is known to assess specifically the subscapularis muscle functional integrity. Twelve shoulders from six healthy male volunteers were imaged at 3 T, at rest, as well as after a lift-off test hold against resistance for 30 s, 1 and 2 min respectively, in three independent sessions. IVIM parameters, consisting of perfusion fraction (f), diffusion coefficient (D), pseudo-diffusion coefficient D* and blood flow-related fD*, were estimated within outlined muscles of the rotator cuff and the deltoid bundles. The mean values at rest and after the lift-off tests were compared in each muscle using a one-way ANOVA. A statistically significant increase in fD* was measured in the subscapularis, after a lift-off test of any duration, as well as in D. A fD* increase was the most marked (30 s, +103%; 1 min, +130%; 2 min, +156%) and was gradual with the duration of the test (in 10(-3) mm(2) /s: rest, 1.41 ± 0.50; 30 s, 2.86 ± 1.17; 1 min, 3.23 ± 1.22; 2 min, 3.60 ± 1.21). A significant increase in fD* and D was also visible in the posterior bundle of the deltoid. No significant change was consistently visible in the other investigated muscles of the rotator cuff and the other bundles of the deltoid. In conclusion, IVIM fD* allows the demonstration of a task-related microvascular perfusion increase after a specific task and suggests a direct relationship between microvascular perfusion and the duration of the effort. It is a promising method to investigate non-invasively skeletal muscle physiology and clinical perfusion-related muscular disorders.
We report two unrelated patients with a multisystem disease involving liver, eye, immune system, connective tissue, and bone, caused by biallelic mutations in the neuroblastoma amplified sequence (NBAS) gene. Both presented as infants with recurrent episodes triggered by fever with vomiting, dehydration, and elevated transaminases. They had frequent infections, hypogammaglobulinemia, reduced natural killer cells, and the Pelger-Huët anomaly of their granulocytes. Their facial features were similar with a pointed chin and proptosis; loose skin and reduced subcutaneous fat gave them a progeroid appearance. Skeletal features included short stature, slender bones, epiphyseal dysplasia with multiple phalangeal pseudo-epiphyses, and small C1-C2 vertebrae causing cervical instability and myelopathy. Retinal dystrophy and optic atrophy were present in one patient. NBAS is a component of the synthaxin-18 complex and is involved in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay control. Putative loss-of-function mutations in NBAS are already known to cause disease in humans. A specific founder mutation has been associated with short stature, optic nerve atrophy and Pelger-Huët anomaly of granulocytes (SOPH) in the Siberian Yakut population. A more recent report associates NBAS mutations with recurrent acute liver failure in infancy in a group of patients of European descent. Our observations indicate that the phenotypic spectrum of NBAS deficiency is wider than previously known and includes skeletal, hepatic, metabolic, and immunologic aspects. Early recognition of the skeletal phenotype is important for preventive management of cervical instability. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Résumé Le cancer implique rarement l'oeil et risque d'être reconnu tardivement. Les tumeurs intraoculaires primaires les plus fréquentes sont le rétinoblastome chez l'enfant et le mélanome uvéal chez l'adulte.Le diagnostic différentiel d'une baisse de vision dans un contexte de cancer systémique est varié. Des métastases uvéales sont souvent associées au cancer du sein ou du poumon. Un masquerade syndrome est l'atteinte oculaire, pseudo-inflammatoire, d'un lymphome primaire non hodgkinien du système nerveux central. Un traitement oncologique médicamenteux ou radique peut induire une toxicité, souvent rétinienne. Les syndromes paranéoplasiques, rares, sont causés par des anticorps anticancéreux réagissant contre la rétine. Si le cancer touche l'oeil, référer le patient rapidement vers un centre spécialisé pourra faire la différence aux niveaux pronostiques vital et visuel. Abstract Cancer involves so rarely the eye that it may be recognized late. The most frequent primary intra-ocular tumours are retinoblastoma in small children and uveal melanoma in adults.Vision loss in systemic cancer has a varied differential diagnosis. Uveal metastases are most often associated with breast cancer, but can herald lung carcinoma. Masquerade syndrome looks like infllammation but represents the ocular involvement of primary CNS non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Systemic cancer drugs, as well as radiotherapy, can cause ocular toxicity, mostly at the retina. In the rare paraneoplastic syndromes, patient's cancer antibodies cross-react with retinal antigens, leading to severe vision loss. When cancer involves the eye, a fast referral into specialized care can signifiicantly improve visual and vital prognosis.