137 resultados para participative administration
Malnutrition may result in a phosphate-deficient state owing to a chronically insufficient phosphate intake. Concomitant iron deficiency is common and often supplemented by the intravenous route. It is not widely recognized that some parenteral iron formulations can induce hypophosphatemia. Herein we report a case of a severe and symptomatic hypophosphatemia (0.18 mM, normal range 0.8-1.4 mM) associated with an inappropriately reduced tubular reabsorption of phosphate (33%, norm >95%) in a malnourished patient with anorexia/bulimia who received 2 × 500 mg iron carboxymaltose (FCM) intravenously. Despite intravenous and oral phosphate supplements, it required 2 months to achieve a normal serum phosphate level. Our case demonstrates that in a chronically malnourished and phosphate-deficient state intravenous FCM could potentially be dangerous. If this form of iron application cannot be avoided, phosphate supplementation before and after iron infusion as well as close monitoring of phosphate levels are needed.
We investigated the tolerability and angiotensin II antagonist activity of oral DuP 532 in healthy male subjects. DuP 532 (1 to 200 mg) was well tolerated, with no effect on blood pressure or heart rate. Compared with losartan (100 mg), DuP 532 (200 mg) was a weak antagonist of pressor responses to intravenous angiotensin II. Maximum inhibition of diastolic pressor response was 86% (95% confidence interval [CI], 84%, 88%) approximately 4.6 hours after losartan and 48% (95% CI, 38%, 56%) 8.7 hours after DuP 532. Twenty-four hours after dosing, inhibition by losartan and DuP 532 was similar (40% to 45%). DUP 532 is extensively bound in human plasma, with an in vitro free fraction of 0.06. Although DuP 532 and EXP3174 (losartan's active metabolite) have similar AT1-receptor potency, and plasma concentrations of DuP 532 were much greater than losartan/EXP3174, the level of antagonism was much less for DuP 532. These results indicate that multiple factors determine the in vivo potency of angiotensin II antagonists, including affinity for and distribution to the receptor as modulated by plasma binding.
The present study evaluates the potential of third-generation lentivirus vectors with respect to their use as in vivo-administered T cell vaccines. We demonstrate that lentivector injection into the footpad of mice transduces DCs that appear in the draining lymph node and in the spleen. In addition, a lentivector vaccine bearing a T cell antigen induced very strong systemic antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in mice. Comparative vaccination performed in two different antigen models demonstrated that in vivo administration of lentivector was superior to transfer of transduced DCs or peptide/adjuvant vaccination in terms of both amplitude and longevity of the CTL response. Our data suggest that a decisive factor for efficient T cell priming by lentivector might be the targeting of DCs in situ and their subsequent migration to secondary lymphoid organs. The combination of performance, ease of application, and absence of pre-existing immunity in humans make lentivector-based vaccines an attractive candidate for cancer immunotherapy.
Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often develop weight loss, which is associated with increased mortality. Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) treatment has been proposed to improve nitrogen balance and to increase muscle strength in these patients. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of rhGH administration on the nutritional status, resting metabolism, muscle strength, exercise tolerance, dyspnea, and subjective well-being of underweight patients with stable COPD. Sixteen patients attending a pulmonary rehabilitation program (age: 66 +/- 9 yr; weight: 77 +/- 7% of ideal body weight; FEV1: 39 +/- 13% of predicted) were randomly treated daily with either 0.15 IU/kg rhGH or placebo during 3 wk in a double-blind fashion. Measurements were made at the beginning (DO) and at the end (D21) of treatment and 2 mo later (D81). Body weight was similar in the two groups during the study, but lean body mass was significantly higher in the rhGH group at D21 (p < 0.01) and D81 (p < 0.05). The increase in lean body mass was 2.3 +/- 1.6 kg in the rhGH group and 1.1 +/- 0.9 kg in the control group at D21 and 1.9 +/- 1.6 kg in the rhGH group and 0.7 +/- 2.1 kg in the control group at D81. At D21, the resting energy expenditure was increased in the rhGH group (107.8% of DO, p < 0.001 compared with the control group). At D21 and D81, the changes in maximal respiratory pressures, handgrip strength, maximal exercise capacity, and subjective well-being were similar in the two groups. At D21, the 6-min walking distance decreased in the rhGH group (-13 +/- 31%) and increased in the control group (+10 +/- 14%; p < 0.01). We conclude that the daily administration of 0.15 IU/kg rhGH during 3 wk increases lean body mass but does not improve muscle strength or exercise tolerance in underweight patients with COPD.
La ségrégation professionnelle horizontale et verticale selon le sexe est l'un des traits dominants du marché du travail: les femmes et les hommes exercent rarement le même type d'activité ou la même fonction. L'objectif de la recherche réalisée dans le cadre de mon mémoire de licence est de cerner les mécanismes sociaux qui contribuent au maintien de la division hiérarchique du travail entre les sexes. L'enquête a été menée au sein d'une administration cantonale et combine une étude de la politique de gestion du personnel et de trajectoires d'activité professionnelle d'employé·e·s et de cadres des deux sexes (« employé d'administration » est une fonction féminisée, celle d'« adjoint » est majoritairement occupée par des hommes). Elle met en évidence l'influence des rapports sociaux de sexe dans la production des différences de sexe. L'étude du système de classification des fonctions, de promotion et de formation continue met au jour la manière dont les stéréotypes de sexe et les représentations de rôles de sexe structurent la politique de gestion du personnel. Il ressort que les « employées » interviewées ont un niveau de formation supérieur à celui de leurs homologues masculins. Par ailleurs, la mobilité professionnelle est régie par des logiques différentes : les femmes rapportent avoir demandé une promotion alors que les hommes disent avoir été promus par les supérieurs. L'analyse des trajectoires d'activité montre que les « employé·e·s » n'accomplissent pas le même type de tâches, les femmes sont cantonnées à un travail de secrétariat alors que les hommes assument des tâches diversifiées, ce qui se répercute ensuite sur le type de cours de formation continue suivis. Mais surtout la mobilité spatiale et l'autonomie féminines sont moindres. « Employée» n'est donc pas le féminin d'«employé». La fonction d'« adjoint » comprend l'exercice de responsabilités diverses, notamment la direction et l'encadrement de personnel administratif. Pourtant, les « adjointes » sont exclues des fonctions de direction - où se prennent les décisions - et quasi exclues des fonctions d'encadrement hiérarchique importantes. Par ailleurs, les dossiers en mains masculines concernent davantage des questions économiques, financières ou techniques, ceux des femmes des dimensions juridique et sociale. Enfin, les « adjointes » connaissent un avancement de carrière plus lent que leurs collègues de sexe masculin.
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between plasma concentrations of losartan, an orally active angiotensin II inhibitor, its active metabolite EXP3174, and angiotensin II blockade. Six healthy subjects received single oral doses of 40, 80, or 120 mg losartan and placebo at 1-week intervals in a crossover study. Angiotensin II blockade was assessed by the blood pressure response to exogenous angiotensin II before and after losartan administration. EXP3174 reached higher plasma concentrations and was eliminated more slowly than its parent compound; its levels paralleled the profile of angiotensin II blockade closer than losartan. Inhibition of the pressure response was dose dependent. The Hill-shaped relationship between response and EXP3174 concentration (or time-integrated variables) approached a plateau with 80 mg. The dose-dependent increase in plasma renin and angiotensin II exhibited a considerable individual scatter. We conclude that losartan produces a dose-dependent, effective angiotensin II blockade that is largely determined by the active metabolite EXP3174.
Cocaine-induced neuroadaptation of stress-related circuitry and increased access to cocaine each putatively contribute to the transition from cocaine use to cocaine dependence. The present study tested the hypothesis that rats receiving extended versus brief daily access to cocaine would exhibit regional differences in levels of the stress-regulatory neuropeptide corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). A secondary goal was to explore how CRF levels change in relation to the time since cocaine self-administration. Male Wistar rats acquired operant self-administration of cocaine and were assigned to receive daily long access (6 hours/day, LgA, n = 20) or short access (1 hour/day, ShA, n = 18) to intravenous cocaine self-administration (fixed ratio 1, ∼0.50 mg/kg/infusion). After at least 3 weeks, tissue CRF immunoreactivity was measured at one of three timepoints: pre-session, post-session or 3 hours post-session. LgA, but not ShA, rats showed increased total session and first-hour cocaine intake. CRF immunoreactivity increased within the dorsal raphe (DR) and basolateral, but not central, nucleus of the amygdala (BLA, CeA) of ShA rats from pre-session to 3 hours post-session. In LgA rats, CRF immunoreactivity increased from pre-session to 3 hours post-session within the CeA and DR but tended to decrease in the BLA. LgA rats showed higher CRF levels than ShA rats in the DR and, pre-session, in the BLA. Thus, voluntary cocaine intake engages stress-regulatory CRF systems of the DR and amygdala. Increased availability of cocaine promotes greater tissue CRF levels in these extrahypothalamic brain regions, changes associated here with a model of cocaine dependence.
BACKGROUND: XG-102 (formerly D-JNKI1), a TAT-coupled dextrogyre peptide which selectively inhibits the c-Jun N-terminal kinase, is a powerful neuroprotectant in mouse models of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo) with delayed intracerebroventricular injection. We aimed to determine whether this neuroprotection could also be achieved by intravenous injection of XG-102, which is a more feasible approach for future use in stroke patients. We also tested the compatibility of the compound with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA), commonly used for intravenous thrombolysis and known to enhance excitotoxicity. METHODS: Male ICR-CD1 mice were subjected to a 30-min-suture MCAo. XG-102 was injected intravenously in a single dose, 6 h after ischemia. Hippocampal slice cultures were subjected to oxygen (5%) and glucose (1 mM) deprivation for 30 min. rtPA was added after ischemia and before XG-102 administration, both in vitro and in vivo. RESULTS: The lowest intravenous dose achieving neuroprotection was 0.0003 mg/kg, which reduced the infarct volume after 48 h from 62 +/- 19 mm(3) (n = 18) for the vehicle-treated group to 18 +/- 9 mm(3) (n = 5, p < 0.01). The behavioral outcome was also significantly improved at two doses. Addition of rtPA after ischemia enhanced the ischemic damage both in vitro and in vivo, but XG-102 was still able to induce a significant neuroprotection. CONCLUSIONS: A single intravenous administration of XG-102 several hours after ischemia induces a powerful neuroprotection. XG-102 protects from ischemic damage in the presence of rtPA. The feasibility of systemic administration of this promising compound and its compatibility with rtPA are important steps for its development as a drug candidate in ischemic stroke.
The screening of testosterone (T) misuse for doping control is based on the urinary steroid profile, including T, its precursors and metabolites. Modifications of individual levels and ratio between those metabolites are indicators of T misuse. In the context of screening analysis, the most discriminant criterion known to date is based on the T glucuronide (TG) to epitestosterone glucuronide (EG) ratio (TG/EG). Following the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) recommendations, there is suspicion of T misuse when the ratio reaches 4 or beyond. While this marker remains very sensitive and specific, it suffers from large inter-individual variability, with important influence of enzyme polymorphisms. Moreover, use of low dose or topical administration forms makes the screening of endogenous steroids difficult while the detection window no longer suits the doping habit. As reference limits are estimated on the basis of population studies, which encompass inter-individual and inter-ethnic variability, new strategies including individual threshold monitoring and alternative biomarkers were proposed to detect T misuse. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled with a new generation high resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer (QTOF-MS) to investigate the steroid metabolism after transdermal and oral T administration. An approach was developed to quantify 12 targeted urinary steroids as direct glucuro- and sulfo-conjugated metabolites, allowing the conservation of the phase II metabolism information, reflecting genetic and environmental influences. The UHPLC-QTOF-MS(E) platform was applied to clinical study samples from 19 healthy male volunteers, having different genotypes for the UGT2B17 enzyme responsible for the glucuroconjugation of T. Based on reference population ranges, none of the traditional markers of T misuse could detect doping after topical administration of T, while the detection window was short after oral TU ingestion. The detection ability of the 12 targeted steroids was thus evaluated by using individual thresholds following both transdermal and oral administration. Other relevant biomarkers and minor metabolites were studied for complementary information to the steroid profile, including sulfoconjugated analytes and hydroxy forms of glucuroconjugated metabolites. While sulfoconjugated steroids may provide helpful screening information for individuals with homozygotous UGT2B17 deletion, hydroxy-glucuroconjugated analytes could enhance the detection window of oral T undecanoate (TU) doping.
Carnitine-free total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is claimed to result in a carnitine deficiency with subsequent impairment of fat oxidation. The present study was designed to evaluate the possible benefit of carnitine supplementation on postoperative fat and nitrogen utilization. Sixteen patients undergoing total esophagectomy were evenly randomized and received TPN without or with L-carnitine supplementation (74 mumol.kg-1.d-1) during 11 postoperative days. On day 11, a 4-h infusion of L-carnitine (125 mumol/kg) was performed in both groups. The effect of supplementation was evaluated by indirect calorimetry, N balance, and repeated measurements of plasma lipids and ketone bodies. Irrespective of continuous or acute supplementation, respiratory quotient and fat oxidation were similarly maintained throughout the study in both groups whereas N balance appeared to be more favorable without carnitine. We conclude that carnitine-supplemented TPN does not improve fat oxidation or promote N utilization in the postoperative phase.