103 resultados para nature connectedness
Depuis vingt ans, la communauté internationale promeut le développement de contrats d'accès aux ressources génétiques afin d'assurer une exploitation durable et équitable de la biodiversité. On constate cependant que les impacts de telles politiques sont limités, en termes de conservation de la nature comme de justice environnementale ou de retombées financières pour les populations locales. Leur influence sur les agendas et les positionnements des gouvernements des pays émergents et de certains scientifiques est en revanche manifeste. Une grande partie de ces derniers a en effet été convertie aux instruments économiques de mise en valeur de la biodiversité : filières de produits naturels, projets d'écotourisme, paiements pour services environnementaux... Les formes de savoirs et de pouvoirs construits sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques témoignent de ce ralliement. Le pari de cet ouvrage est ainsi d'analyser le « pouvoir de la biodiversité » en termes d'économie politique, à partir de l'examen des régimes de propriété industrielle sur le vivant dans trois pays émergents - le Vietnam, le Brésil et le Mexique - et d'études de cas sur la mobilisation des savoirs de communautés autochtones et locales dans ces pays. Les notions de biodiversité et de services écosystémiques et leur diffusion ne seraient-elles pas avant tout les marqueurs d'une néolibéralisation des politiques de conservation de la nature ?
During the last decade, conservation banking mechanisms have emerged in the environmental discourse as new market instruments to promote biodiversity conservation. Compensation was already provided for in environmental law in many countries, as the last step of the mitigation hierarchy. The institutional arrangements developed in this context have been redefined and reshaped as market-based instruments (MBIs). As such, they are discursively disentangled from the complex legal-economic nexus they are part of. Monetary transactions are given prominence and tend to be presented as stand alone agreements, whereas they take place in the context of prescriptive regulations. The pro-market narrative featuring conservation banking systems as market-like arrangements as well as their denunciation as instances of nature commodification tend to obscure their actual characteristics. The purpose of this paper is to describe the latter, adopting an explicitly analytical stance on these complex institutional arrangements and their performative dimensions. Beyond the discourse supporting them and notwithstanding the diversity of national policies and regulatory frameworks for compensation, the constitutive force of these mechanisms probably lies in their ability to redefine control, power and the distribution of costs and in their impacts in terms of land use rather than in their efficiency.
This thesis focuses on the social-psychological factors that help coping with structural disadvantage, and specifically on the role of cohesive ingroups and the sense of connectedness and efficacy they entail in this process. It aims to complement existing group-based models of coping that are grounded in a categorization perspective to groups and consequently focus exclusively on the large-scale categories made salient in intergroup contexts of comparisons. The dissertation accomplishes this aim through a reconsideration of between-persons relational interdependence as a sufficient and independent antecedent of a sense of groupness, and the benefits that a sense of group connectedness in one's direct environment, regardless of the categorical or relational basis of groupness, might have in the everyday struggles of disadvantaged group members. The three empirical papers aim to validate this approach, outlined in the first theoretical introduction, by testing derived hypotheses. They are based on data collected with youth populations (15-30) from three institutions in French-speaking Switzerland within the context of a larger project on youth transitions. Methods of data collection are paper-pencil questionnaires and in-depth interviews with a selected sub-sample of participants. The key argument of the first paper is that members of socially disadvantaged categories face higher barriers to their life project and that a general sense of connectedness, either based on categorical identities or other proximal groups and relations, mitigates the feeling of powerlessness associated with this experience. The second paper develops and tests a model that defines individual needs satisfaction as antecedent of self-group bonds and the efficacy beliefs derived from these intragroup bonds as the mechanism underlining the role of ingroups in coping. The third paper highlights the complexities that might be associated with the construction of a sense of groupness directly from intergroup comparisons and categorization-based disadvantage, and points out a more subtle understanding of the processes underling the emergence of groupness out of the situation of structural disadvantage. Overall, the findings confirm the central role of ingroups in coping with structural disadvantage and the importance of an understanding of groupness and its role that goes beyond the dominant focus on intergroup contexts and categorization processes.
The mutualistic versus antagonistic nature of an interaction is defined by costs and benefits of each partner, which may vary depending on the environment. Contrasting with this dynamic view, several pollination interactions are considered as strictly obligate and mutualistic. Here, we focus on the interaction between Trollius europaeus and Chiastocheta flies, considered as a specialized and obligate nursery pollination system - the flies are thought to be exclusive pollinators of the plant and their larvae develop only in T.europaeus fruits. In this system, features such as the globelike flower shape are claimed to have evolved in a coevolutionary context. We examine the specificity of this pollination system and measure traits related to offspring fitness in isolated T.europaeus populations, in some of which Chiastocheta flies have gone extinct. We hypothesize that if this interaction is specific and obligate, the plant should experience dramatic drop in its relative fitness in the absence of Chiastocheta. Contrasting with this hypothesis, T.europaeus populations without flies demonstrate a similar relative fitness to those with the flies present, contradicting the putative obligatory nature of this pollination system. It also agrees with our observation that many other insects also visit and carry pollen among T.europaeus flowers. We propose that the interaction could have evolved through maximization of by-product benefits of the Chiastocheta visits, through the male flower function, and selection on floral traits by the most effective pollinator. We argue this mechanism is also central in the evolution of other nursery pollination systems.
L'exposition à certaines particules fongiques et bactéries présentes dans les aérosols de l'environnement intérieur a été associée au développement ou à l'exacerbation d'affections respiratoires telles que l'asthme, la rhinite allergique ou encore l'aspergillose (1-4). Le réservoir principal identifié dans cet environnement pour les bactéries aéroportées est constitué par les habitants eux-mêmes, alors que celui des particules fongiques est l'environnement extérieur, ou, lorsque les conditions sont réunies, l'environnement intérieur (5-7). Néanmoins, la nature et la taille de ces particules fongiques, ainsi que l'impact de l'occupation humaine sur ces paramètres n'ont été que peu explorés. Les articles de cette note s'intéressent justement à ces aspects et illustrent l'importance de leur prise en compte dans l'évaluation du risque d'exposition aux microorganismes dans l'environnement intérieur. L'étude de Hospodsky et coll. (2014) apporte une information quantitative sur le niveau d'émission de bactéries et particules fongiques résultant d'une occupation humaine dans des environnements intérieurs sains. Alors que l'étude de Afanou et coll. (2014) montre la complexité des particules fongiques qui peuvent être générées dans l'environnement intérieur, différentes espèces de moisissures pouvant participer en proportions différentes au nombre de particules submicroniques1 grâce à leurs fragments de spores ou hyphes.