351 resultados para infrared qualitative analyses
RESUMELes troubles des conduites alimentaires atypiques (TCAA) représentent une catégorie diagnostique émergente, relativement peu décrite. Ils regroupent des tableaux cliniques ne satisfaisant pas entièrement aux critères des troubles alimentaires typiques anorexie et boulimie. Désignés par le terme de EDNOS' dans le DSM-IV2 (American Psychiatrie Association, 1994), ils sont appelés troubles atypiques dans la CIM-103 (World Health Organization, 1993).Les TCAA représentent la majorité des demandes dans les consultations pour troubles alimentaires, concernent une grande proportion de la population non-consultante et constituent un enjeu de santé publique prioritaire.Cette étude se penche sur le parcours de 24 jeunes filles présentant de tels troubles, qui ont été suivies dans le cadre d'un groupe thérapeutique à l'UMSA (Unité Multidisciplinaire de Santé des Adolescents, CHUV, Lausanne). Elle a pour but de mieux connaître ces troubles alimentaires atypiques.Deux axes de questions de recherche organisent ce travail: le premier, orienté autour du trouble alimentaire atypique, de sa définition (avec les questions de classification diagnostique) et de son évolution (avec les questions de passages d'une catégorie à une autre), le second autour du groupe thérapeutique, de son utilité et de ses indications.1. Résultats cliniquesLes résultats de l'analyse thématique décrivent un trouble important, qui induit une souffrance plus intense que ne tendraient à le laisser penser la relative banalité de la présentation clinique en comparaison des troubles typiques ainsi que la catégorisation en tant que troubles résiduels. Des moyens compensatoires -qui visent au maintien d'un poids stable en dépit des crises alimentaires ainsi qu'à la perte de poids, soit par des méthodes non-purgatives (restrictions massives, diètes, jeûnes, pratique du sport à outrance), soit par des méthodes purgatives (vomissements auto-induits, usage de laxatifs, diurétiques) - sont présents chez 15 participantes, sous forme de vomissements chez 6 d'entre elles. Seize participantes ont présenté des troubles des menstruations. Des difficultés de la lignée anxio-dépressive sont relevées chez la moitié des participantes, alliées à un perfectionnisme important. L'estime de soi apparaît globalement basse, excessivement influencée par l'insatisfaction attachée au poids et aux formes corporelles. L'analyse fait clairement apparaître le lien complexe unissant les attitudes face à l'alimentation et le désir de maigrir aux crises de frénésie alimentaire. Les crises permettent aux patientes de moduler leurs émotions, tant .positives que négatives. Le vécu de la maladie et des préoccupations pour le corps et l'alimentation semble généralisable. et «transcatégorique», bien que les troubles alimentaires de l'ordre de l'anorexie atypique restrictive, du fait de l'absence de crises de frénésie, semblent appartenir à un registre différent des troubles avec perte de contrôle sur l'alimentation et crises, notamment en termes d'implications dans la vie quotidienne.Lorsque les participantes sont revues (au minimum un an après la sortie du groupe thérapeutique), 15 d'entre elles sont indemnes de tout symptôme, 5 présentent encore un TCAA type boulimie atypique, et 4 ont parfois des crises résiduelles. Des préoccupations pour l'alimentation et le poids subsistent. Le pronostic d'évolution n'apparaît lié ni à la durée de participation au groupe, ni uniquement à la catégorie diagnostique ou aux seuls éléments de co-morbidité, mais davantage à un investissement rapidement positif du groupe, ainsi qu'à la qualité des prises en charge parallèles en présence d'éléments de co-morbidité importants ou d'antécédents d'autres troubles alimentaires.Notre collectif atteste de passages d'une catégorie de trouble à une autre (anorexie puis boulimie, comme décrit dans la littérature) et de changements d'intensité (trouble typique puis atypique) au cours de la maladie, confirmant un continuum possible, tant entre les troubles typiques, qu'entre les troubles typiques et atypiques. Néanmoins, la multiplicité des parcours possibles dans la maladie, ainsi que l'existence de formes stables, sans passages d'une catégorie à une autre, incite à la prudence et ne permet pas de confirmer en tout point l'hypothèse de la nature dimensionnelle (même nature, intensité différente) des troubles alimentaires.Le trouble atypique représente parfois une étape dans l'évolution à partir d'un trouble typique, pouvant être envisagé comme moment sur le chemin de la guérison, ce qui pose la question des critères de guérison.2. Nature des troubles alimentaires atypiquesDu collectif émergent 4 catégories diagnostiques de troubles alimentaires atypiques: hyperphagie boulimique, boulimie atypique non-purgative, boulimie atypique purgative et anorexie atypique restrictive. Le tableau clinique.de l'hyperphagie boulimique comporte des crises de boulimie, mais peu de préoccupations concernant le poids et les formes corporelles en compá= raison des 3 autres catégories, et pas de moyens de compensation des crises, ce qui induit fréquemment un surpoids voire une obésité pour les patientes concernées. Les moyens de compensation des crises de boulimie demeurent non-purgatives (jeûne, sport) dans la boulimie atypique non-purgative, alors que vomissements et usage de laxatifs suite aux crises caractérisent la boulimie atypique purgative. Le tableau clinique de l'anorexie atypique restrictive ne présente ni crises de boulimie ni moyens de compensation purgatifs type vomissements. Ces catégories sont retrouvées dans la littérature.Nos résultats rejoignent la littérature actuelle qui envisage la nécessité d'une reclassification des troubles alimentaires en vue du DSM-V. Dans l'intervalle, adopter la classification de la CIM et parler d'anorexie atypique, de -type restrictif ou avec crises, de boulimie atypique, purgative ou non, et y ajouter l'hyperphagie boulimique, rendrait mieux compte de la réalité clinique des troubles alimentaires atypiques que ne le fait la classe des EDNOS du DSM, peu différenciée, mêlant des tableaux très divers et au final insatisfaisante.3. Utilité et indication du groupeLe groupe recèle un fort pouvoir thérapeutique pour les patientes qui s'y impliquent. L'étayage sur les autres émerge comme facteur thérapeutique principal, ainsi que le décrit la littérature. Cette prise en charge thérapeutique convient particulièrement à des patientes présentant un trouble alimentaire sur le versant boulimique, comprenant l'hyperphagie boulimique, la boulimie atypique, purgative ou non, ainsi que certaines boulimies de moyenne gravité. Les patientes du collectif qui présentent des difficultés de l'ordre de l'anorexie atypique restrictive bénéficient moins du groupe que les participantes qui expérimentent des pertes de contrôle sur la nourriture.4. ImplicationsL'intensité de la souffrance, la complexité des tableaux symptomatiques, la diversité des parcours et les multiples répercussions sur la vie sociale démontrent l'importance de repérer et prendre en charge ces troubles alimentaires qui demeurent souvent banalisés. Dans cette perspective, la formation au dépistage, à l'évaluation et à la prise en charge des divers intervenants confrontés à ces troubles représente un enjeu majeur. .Enfin, dénoncer les pressions socioculturelles à la minceur et le dictat des régimes, promouvoir une notion de bien-être et une bonne estime de soi qui ne soient pas liées à l'apparence contribuera à prévenir les troubles alimentaires atypiques.
Organ transplantation offers a treatment of choice for patients suffering from end stage illnesses. The aim of this IRB approved prospective qualitative study was to analyze patients psychological concerns from their inclusion on the waiting list for first organ transplantation (TX) (T1; N=71; kidney, K=30; liver, Li=11; lung, Lu=15; heart, H=15) and six months after TX (T2; N=49; K=15; Li=10; Lu=14; H=10). Semi-structured interviews were conducted at home or in a place selected by patients. Qualitative pattern analysis (QUAPA) of the verbatim transcriptions was applied. T1 (K) Patients maintained an apparent normality (87%), building emotional protection (23%), and developing a fatalist attitude towards life (43%). (Li) Physical limits were set to spare energy until TX (73%). Illness led to reevaluation of life values (66%). (Lu) Physical and psychological self-protection was prioritized when health declined (67%). Modified life values, fatalism (33%) and spirituality (27 %) were mentioned. (H) Patients husbanded physical (80%) and psychological (67%) resources and self-protection. Modified life values and fatalist attitude towards life were reported (40%). T2 (K) New perspective on life was described, with increase of empathy towards others (20%). (Li) Positive identity and life values modifications (60%), greater openness towards others, closeness to significant ones (30%) and a more self-centered attitude (30%) prioritizing the essential (20%) were reported. Lack of respect of life values generated anger (40%). (Lu) Setting existential priorities and increase in spirituality (64%), along with the development of new life values, greater openness to others (57%) and closeness to significant ones (21%) were underlined. Lack of respect of human values induced negative feelings (36%). Self-centered attitudes, setting limits to other people were mentioned (29%). (H) Change in life values with setting life priorities was reported (70%) with increase in spirituality, and the lack of respect of life values generated anger (50%). Self-centered attitudes were reported (60%). TX not only comes with positive physical benefits, but also with positive existential values and psychological transformation, and the development of a more altruistic attitude and humanistic values.
The present study examines the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality and locus of control in French-speaking samples in Burkina Faso (N = 470) and Switzerland (Ns = 1,090, 361), using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and Levenson's Internality, Powerful others, and Chance (IPC) scales. Alpha reliabilities were consistently lower in Burkina Faso, but the factor structure of the NEO-PI-R was replicated in both cultures. The intended three-factor structure of the IPC could not be replicated, although a two-factor solution was replicable across the two samples. Although scalar equivalence has not been demonstrated, mean level comparisons showed the hypothesized effects for most of the five factors and locus of control; Burkinabè scored higher in Neuroticism than anticipated. Findings from this African sample generally replicate earlier results from Asian and Western cultures, and are consistent with a biologically-based theory of personality.
Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) represents an innovative tool in the cancer research pipeline, which is increasingly being used in clinical and pharmaceutical applications. The unique properties of the technique, especially the amount of data generated, make the handling of data from multiple IMS acquisitions challenging. This work presents a histology-driven IMS approach aiming to identify discriminant lipid signatures from the simultaneous mining of IMS data sets from multiple samples. The feasibility of the developed workflow is evaluated on a set of three human colorectal cancer liver metastasis (CRCLM) tissue sections. Lipid IMS on tissue sections was performed using MALDI-TOF/TOF MS in both negative and positive ionization modes after 1,5-diaminonaphthalene matrix deposition by sublimation. The combination of both positive and negative acquisition results was performed during data mining to simplify the process and interrogate a larger lipidome into a single analysis. To reduce the complexity of the IMS data sets, a sub data set was generated by randomly selecting a fixed number of spectra from a histologically defined region of interest, resulting in a 10-fold data reduction. Principal component analysis confirmed that the molecular selectivity of the regions of interest is maintained after data reduction. Partial least-squares and heat map analyses demonstrated a selective signature of the CRCLM, revealing lipids that are significantly up- and down-regulated in the tumor region. This comprehensive approach is thus of interest for defining disease signatures directly from IMS data sets by the use of combinatory data mining, opening novel routes of investigation for addressing the demands of the clinical setting.
Abstract Few studies have attempted to investigate the nature of adolescents' and adults' conceptions and perceptions of cannabis use. Our objectives were to explore adolescent and adult perception of use and misuse of cannabis, and their opinions and beliefs about the current legal context and preventive strategies. We used focus group dis¬cussions with four categories of stakeholders: younger (12-15 year old) adolescents, older (16-19 year old) adolescents, parents of teen¬agers and professionals working with young people. In some areas (legal framework, role of the media, importance of early preventive inter¬ventions), we found consensual attitudes and beliefs across the four groups of participants. In all four groups, participants did not have any consensual vision of the risks of cannabis use or the definition of misuse. In the area of the prevention of cannabis use/misuse, while parents focused on the potential role of professionals and the media, thus minimizing their own educa¬tional and preventive role, professionals stressed the importance of parental control and educa¬tion. Within the Swiss context, we conclude there exists an urgent need for information and clari¬fication of the issues linked with cannabis use and misuse directed at parents and professionals.
Purpose. This study was conducted to determine whether newer infrared or laser welding technologies created joints superior to traditional furnace or torch soldering methods of joining metals. It was designed to assess the mechanical resistance, the characteristics of the fractured surfaces, and the elemental diffusion of joints obtained by four different techniques: (1) preceramic soldering with a propane-oxygen torch, (2) postceramic soldering with a porcelain furnace, (3) preceramic and (4) postceramic soldering with an infrared heat source, and (5) laser welding. Material and methods. Mechanical resistance was determined by measuring the ultimate tensile strength of the joint and by determining their resistance to fatigue loading. Elemental diffusion to and from the joint was assessed with microprobe tracings. Scanning electron microscopy micrographs of the fractured surface were also obtained and evaluated. Results. Under monotonic tensile stress, three groups emerged: The laser welds were the strongest, the preceramic joints ranged second, and the postceramic joints were the weakest. Under fatigue stress, the order was as follows: first, the preceramic joints, and second, a group that comprised both postceramic joints and the laser welds. Inspection of the fractographs revealed several fracture modes but no consistent pattern emerged. Microprobe analyses demonstrated minor diffusion processes in the preceramic joints, whereas significant diffusion was observed in the postceramic joints. Clinical Implications. The mechanical resistance data conflicted as to the strength that could be expected of laser welded joints. On the basis of fatigue resistance of the joints, neither infrared solder joints nor laser welds were stronger than torch or furnace soldered joints.
Background: Despite the increasing incidences of the publication of assessment frameworks intending to establish the "standards" of the quality of qualitative research, the research conducted using such empirical methods are still facing difficulties in being published or recognised by funding agencies. Methods: We conducted a thematic content analysis of eight frameworks from psychology/psychiatry and general medicine. The frameworks and their criteria are then compared against each other. Findings: The results illustrated the difficulties in reaching consensus on the definition of quality criteria. This showed the differences between the frameworks from the point of views of the underlying epistemology and the criteria suggested. Discussion: The aforementioned differences reflect the diversity of paradigms implicitly referred to by the authors of the frameworks, although rarely explicitly mentioned in text. We conclude that the increase in qualitative research and publications has failed to overcome the difficulties in establishing shared criteria and the great heterogeneity of concepts raises methodological and epistemological problems.
Hypnosis is recognised in medicine as an effective complementary therapy. However, few qualitative data are available concerning the benefits it may bring. This qualitative exploratory study aimed to examine the contribution of hypnosis to the care of advanced cancer patients. Results demonstrate that hypnosis is an effective and efficient means of developing the resources of people suffering from serious illness. After an average of four hypnotherapy sessions, patients said they were able to locate previously unexploited resources within themselves and were able to become autonomous in the use of self-hypnosis. The major benefit reported concerned a reduction in anxiety. For patients experiencing anxiety about death, hypnosis allowed them, within a therapeutic environment perceived as safe, to explore different facets of their fears and to develop adaptive strategies. Aside from slight fatigue experienced during the sessions, no adverse side-effects were reported. In conclusion, this study exploring the effects of hypnosis allowed us to identify important benefits for patients suffering from advanced cancer. Consequently, replication on a larger scale is recommended in order to ascertain the extent to which it is possible to generalise from these results and in order better to define the characteristics of patients most likely to benefit from this therapy.
In this tutorial review, we detail both the rationale for as well as the implementation of a set of analyses of surface-recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) that uses the reference-free spatial (i.e. topographic) information available from high-density electrode montages to render statistical information concerning modulations in response strength, latency, and topography both between and within experimental conditions. In these and other ways these topographic analysis methods allow the experimenter to glean additional information and neurophysiologic interpretability beyond what is available from canonical waveform analyses. In this tutorial we present the example of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in response to stimulation of each hand to illustrate these points. For each step of these analyses, we provide the reader with both a conceptual and mathematical description of how the analysis is carried out, what it yields, and how to interpret its statistical outcome. We show that these topographic analysis methods are intuitive and easy-to-use approaches that can remove much of the guesswork often confronting ERP researchers and also assist in identifying the information contained within high-density ERP datasets.
The dynamic properties of helix 12 in the ligand binding domain of nuclear receptors are a major determinant of AF-2 domain activity. We investigated the molecular and structural basis of helix 12 mobility, as well as the involvement of individual residues with regard to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) constitutive and ligand-dependent transcriptional activity. Functional assays of the activity of PPARalpha helix 12 mutants were combined with free energy molecular dynamics simulations. The agreement between the results from these approaches allows us to make robust claims concerning the mechanisms that govern helix 12 functions. Our data support a model in which PPARalpha helix 12 transiently adopts a relatively stable active conformation even in the absence of a ligand. This conformation provides the interface for the recruitment of a coactivator and results in constitutive activity. The receptor agonists stabilize this conformation and increase PPARalpha transcription activation potential. Finally, we disclose important functions of residues in PPARalpha AF-2, which determine the positioning of helix 12 in the active conformation in the absence of a ligand. Substitution of these residues suppresses PPARalpha constitutive activity, without changing PPARalpha ligand-dependent activation potential.