142 resultados para inactivation enzyme


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Background: We previously reported in schizophrenia patients a decreased level of glutathione ([GSH]), the principal non-protein antioxidant and redox regulator, both in cerebrospinal-fluid and prefrontal cortex. To identify possible genetic causation, we studied genes involved in GSH metabolism. Methods: Genotyping: mass spectrometry analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified DNA fragments purified from peripheral blood. Gene expression: real-time PCR of total RNA isolated from fibroblast cultures derived from skin of patients (DSM-IV) and healthy controls (DIGS). Results: Case-control association study of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) from the GSH key synthesizing enzyme glutamate-cysteine-ligase (GCL) modifier subunit (GCLM) was performed in two populations: Swiss (patients/controls: 40/31) and Danish (349/348). We found a strong association of SNP rs2301022 in GCLM gene (Danish: c2=3.2; P=0.001 after correction for multiple testing). Evidence for GCLM as a risk factor was confirmed in linkage study of NIMH families. Moreover, we observed a decrease in GCLM mRNA levels in patient fibroblasts, consistently with the association study. Interestingly, Dalton and collaborators reported in GCLM knock-out mice an increased feedback inhibition of GCL activity, resulting in 60% decrease of brain [GSH], a situation analogous to patients. These mice also exhibited an increased sensitivity to oxidative stress. Similarly, under oxidative stress conditions, GCL enzymatic activity was also decreased in patient fibroblasts. Conclusions: These results at the genetic and functional levels, combined with observations that GSH deficient models reveal morphological, electrophysiological, and behavioral anomalies analogous to those observed in patients, suggest that GCLM allelic variant is a vulnerability factor for schizophrenia.


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Metaphyseal chondromatosis with hydroxyglutaric aciduria (MC-HGA) is a generalized skeletal dysplasia, accompanied by urinary excretion of D-2- hydroxyglutarate (HGA), and variable cerebral involvement. By wholeexome sequencing 2 unrelated patients with MC-HGA, we have found mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) at codon 132, as apparent somatic mosaicism. IDH1 is a key enzyme of the Krebs cycle, which converts isocitrate into alpha-ketoglutarate (a-KG). Mutations at IDH1 Arg132 residue have originally been identified in different tumour types (isolated gliomas, leukemias, and chondrosarcomas). These mutations trans-specify the enzyme activity resulting in HGA accumulation and a-KG depletion. This induces activation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1a), an important regulator of chondrocyte proliferation at the growth plate. Differently from Arg132 somatic mutations found in isolated tumours, themutation in our patientsmust have occurred very early in embryogenesis to cause a generalized dysplasia with involvement of all long bones metaphyses and mutation detectability in blood. Identical mutations have subsequently been identified in chondromas excised from patients with multiple chondromatosis (Ollier disease). Tissue distribution of themutationmay explain variable cerebral involvement and the susceptibility to develop tumours in other organs. The postulated pathophysiology ofMC-HGA points out the link between Krebs cycle, hypoxia sensing and bone growth.


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BACKGROUND: MDL 100,240 (pyrido[2,1-a] [2]benzazepine-4-carboxylic acid,7-[[2-(acetylthio)-1-oxo-3-phenylpropyl]amino]-1,2,3,4,6,7,8, 12b-octahydro-6-oxo, [4S-[4alpha,7alpha(R(*)),12bbeta]]-) is a molecule possessing an inhibiting ability on both angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and neutral endopeptidase, the enzyme responsible for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) degradation. Such a dual mechanism of action presents a potential clinical interest for the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the bioavailability of MDL 100,240 and its accumulation over repeated oral administration, using ACE inhibition as a surrogate for plasma drug level and determining its profile after oral and i.v. administration. METHODS: First, in an open, one-period, single-dose study, the ACE inhibition profile was characterised following a 12.5 mg MDL 100,240 i.v. infusion. Second, in a three-group, parallel, randomised, double-blind study, each group of four subjects received q.d., over 8 days, 2.5, 10 or 20 mg of MDL 100,240 orally. The ACE inhibition profile was determined on day 1 and day 8. Trough plasma ACE was measured on days 2, 3 and 4. The recovery of ACE activity was monitored up to 72 h after the last dose of MDL 100,240. RESULTS: ACE inhibition profile was similar on day 1 and day 8, and trough inhibition remained unchanged after the 8 days of treatment with 10 mg or 20 mg. Following repeated 2.5-mg ingestion, trough inhibition increased from 33% to 44% after the eighth dose. The oral bioavailability of MDL 100,240 was estimated at 85%, not statistically different from 100%. The accumulation ratio at steady state was estimated at 112%. Expressing the accumulation ratio in terms of half-life, a t(1/2) of 0.31 days or 7. 5 h was estimated. CONCLUSION: MDL 100,240 (oral solution) has a good bioavailability, as estimated by ACE inhibition, and no drug accumulation seems to occur over 8 days with the 10-mg and 20-mg doses, but a slight rise in the trough level is observed with the 2. 5-mg dose.


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Abstract The main thesis topic relates to the 'molecular mechanisms of penicillin-induced bacterial death. Indeed, bacteria have developed two principal mechanisms to escape the killing effect of ß-lactam antibiotics: resistance and tolerance. Resistant bacteria are characterized by their ability to grow in the presence of drug concentrations higher than the one inhibiting the growth of susceptible members of the same species. Hence, resistant bacteria have an increased minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the drug. Nevertheless, when exposed to antibiotic concentrations exceeding their new MIC, resistant bacteria remain sensitive to the antibiotic killing effect. In contrast, tolerant bacteria have an unchanged MIC. However, they have a considerably increased ability to survive drug-induced killing, even at concentrations exceeding their MIC by several orders of magnitude. In other words, in the presence of the antibiotic, tolerant bacteria become persister cells which stop growing but are not killed. In the present thesis, it is shown that the survival phenotype of a tolerant Streptococcus gordonii strain depends on two components belonging to sugar metabolism pathways. First, the transcription factor CcpA which mediates a global regulatory mechanism allowing bacteria to utilize the most efficient sugar source for their growth. We show that the inactivation of the ccpA gene leads to a partial loss of penicillin tolerance both in vitro and in a rat model of experimental endocarditis. Second, the Enzyme I of the phosphotransferase system which is involved in the uptake and phosphorylation of sugars. Here, we -show that a single nucleotide mutation in ptsI, the gene encoding the Enzyme I, is sufficient to confer a fully tolerant phenotype in S. gordonii both in vivo and in vivo. The mutation results in a radical proline to arginine substitution in the C-terminal domain of the protein, probably leading to a decrease in its homodimerization and subsequent activity. Taken together our results prove that tolerance is a global survival mechanism linked to sugar metabolism. We hypothesize that, in the presence of the antibiotic, the already altered metabolic processes of the tolerant strain are completely inactivated. Hence, bacteria may enter in a dormant state and become insensitive to the bactericidal effect of ß-lactams, which depends on actively dividing cells. This thesis manuscript also contains two other side-projects. The first one establishes that the ability to form a biofilm is not a requisite for the successful establishment of endocarditis due to S. gordonii. The second one characterizes the S. gordonii a-phosphoglucomutase gene, and shows that its inactivation results in a loss of in vitro fitness and in vivo virulence. Résumé Le sujet principal de cette thèse concerne les mécanismes moléculaires de la mort bactérienne induite par la pénicilline. En effet, les bactéries ont développé deux mécanismes principaux pour échapper à l'effet bactéricide des ß-lactamines : la résistance et la tolérance. Les bactéries résistantes sont caractérisées par leur capacité de croître en présence de concentration d'antibiotiques plus élevées que celles inhibant la croissance des organismes sensibles de la même espèce. Les bactéries résistantes ont donc une augmentation de leur concentration minimale inhibitrice (CMI) à l'antibiotique. Néanmoins, quand elles sont exposées à des concentrations dépassant leur nouvelle CMI, elles restent sensibles à l'effet bactéricide. Au contraire, les bactéries tolérantes ont une CMI inchangée. Toutefois, elles ont une très importante capacité à survivre à l'effet bactéricide des ß-lactamines, ceci même à des concentrations excédant leur CMI de plusieurs ordres de grandeur. En d'autres termes, en présence de l'antibiotique, les bactéries tolérantes deviennent des cellules persistantes qui arrêtent leur croissance mais ne sont pas tuées. Dans la présente thèse, il est montré que le phénotype de survie d'un Streptococcus gordonii tolérant dépend de deux composants appartenant aux voies du métabolisme des sucres. Premièrement, le facteur de transcription CcpA qui contrôle un système global de régulation permettant à la bactérie d'utiliser les sources de sucre les plus efficaces pour sa croissance. Il est montré que l'inactivation du gène ccpA résulte en la perte partielle de la tolérance à la pénicilline aussi bien in vitro que dans un modèle d'endocardite expérimentale chez le rat. Deuxièmement, l'Enzyme I du système de phosphotransfert impliqué dans l'import et la phosphorylation des sucres. Nous montrons qu'une mutation ponctuelle d'un nucléotide dans ptsl, le gène codant pour l'Enzyme I, suffit à complètement conférer un phénotype tolérant chez S. gordonii aussi bien in vitro qu'in vivo. La mutation induit la substitution radicale d'une proline en une arginine dans le domaine C-terminal de la protéine, résultant probablement en une diminution de sa capacité d'homodimérisation et donc d'activité. Dans leur ensemble, nos résultats prouvent que la tolérance est un mécanisme global de survie lié au métabolisme des sucres. Nous présentons l'hypothèse que, en présence de l'antibiotique, les processus métaboliques déjà altérés de la souche tolérante deviennent complètement inactifs. En conséquence, les bactéries entreraient dans un état dormant nonréplicatif, devenant ainsi insensibles à l'effet bactéricide des ß-lactamines qui nécessite des cellules en cours de division active. Le manuscrit de cette thèse contient également deux projets secondaires. Le premier montre que la capacité de former un biofilm n'est pas un prérequis pour le succès de l'initiation de l'endocardite à S. gordonii. Le second caractérise le gène de l'a-phosphoglucomutase de S. gordonii et montre que son inactivation résulte en une perte de fitness in vitro et de virulence in vivo.


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RésuméLa H+-ATPase vacuolaire (V-ATPase) est un complexe enzymatique composé de deux secteurs multimériques (VQ et Vi) dont l'association dans la cellule est réversible. Le secteur intramembranaire de la V-ATPase (V0) interagit physiquement avec des protéines SNARE et stimule la fusion homotypique des vacuoles de la levure (lysosomes), la sécrétion de neurotransmetteurs et d'insuline, la fusion entre phagosome et lysosome ainsi que la sécrétion des corps multivésiculaires par un mécanisme inconnu. Dans cette étude j'ai identifié des résidues d'acides amines situés dans des sous-unités de V0 impliqués dans le mécanisme de fusion des vacuoles mais non essentiels pour l'acidification vacuolaire par la V-ATPase. j'ai utilisé un protocole de mutagenèse aléatoire pour produire des libraries de mutants des sous unités de V0. Ces libraries ont été analysées in vivo afin d'identifier des alleles qui permettent la translocation des protons mais produisent une vacuole fragmentée, phénotype indiquant un défaut dans la fusion membranaire. Les vacuoles des mutants ont été isolées et caractéisées en utilisant une grande variété d'outils biochimiques pour déterminer précisément l'impact des différentes mutations sur l'accomplissement d'événements clés du processus de fusion.J'ai identifié des mutations associées à des défauts spécifiques de la fusion dans plusieurs sous-unités de V0. Dans les protéolipides c, c' et c" ces mutations se concentrent dans la partie cytosolique des domaines transmembranaires. Elles renforcent les associations entre les secteurs de la V-ATPase et entre V0 et les SNAREs. Dans la fusion vacuolaire ces mutations permettent la formation de complexes SNAREs en trans mais inhibent l'induction de la fusion. Par contre, la deletion de la sous- unité d influence les étapes de la fusion qui précèdent la formation des complexes trans-SNAREs. Mes résultats démontrent que V0 joue des rôles différents dans plusieurs étapes de la fusion et que ces fonctions sont liées au système des SNAREs. Ils différencient génétiquement les activités de V0 dans la translocation des protons et dans la fusion et identifient de nombreux résidus importants pour la fusion vacuolaire. De plus, compte tenu de la grande conservation de sequence des protéolipides chez les eukaryotes les mutations identifiées dans cette l'étude apportent de nouvelles informations pour analyser la fonction de V0 dans des organismes multicellulaires pour lesquels la function catalytique de la V-ATPase est essentielle à la survie.Résumé pour le large publicLe transport de protéines et de membranes est important pour maintenir la fonction des organelles dans la cellule. Il s'excerce au niveau des vesicules. La fusion membranaire est un processus élémentaire de ce transport. Pour fusionner deux membranes, il faut la coordination de deux activités: le rapprochement et la déstabiiization des deux membranes. La collaboration d'un ensemble de proteins conservés chez les eukaryotes, est nécessaire pour catalyser ces activités. Les proteins SNAREs sont les protagonistes principaux dans la fusion membranaire. Néanmoins, d'autres protéines, comme des Rab-GTPases et des chaperonnes, sont nécessaires pour permettre ce phénomène de fusion. Toutes ces protéines sont temporairement associées avec les SNAREs et leur fonction dans la fusion membranaire est souvent directement liée à leur activité dans cette association. Le secteur transmembranaire V0 de la V-ATPase rnteragit avec des SNAREs et est essentiel pour la fusion dans une variété de systèmes modèles comme la mouche, la souris et la levure. Le secteur V0 est composé de six protéines différentes. Avec te secteur Va, qui réside dans le cytosol, il forme la V-ATPase dont la fonction principale est l'acidification des organelles par translocation des protons à travers la membrane par un mécanisme ressemblant à celui d'une pompe. V0joue un role dans la fusion membranaire, indépendamment de son activité catalytique liée au pompage des protons, et ce rôle est encore largement méconnu à ce jour. Le but de ma thèse était de mieux comprendre l'implication de V0 dans ce contexte.Pour étudier des activités liées à la V-ATPase, la levure est un excellent modèle d'étude car elle survie à une inactivation de l'enzyme alors que le meme traitement serait léthal pour des organismes multicellulaires. Dans ma thèse j'ai utilisé la fusion homotypique de la vacuole de levure comme système modèle pour étudier le rôle de V0 dans la fusion. J'ai muté des gènes qui encodent des sous- unités de V0 et les ai introduit dans des souches privées des gènes respectifs. Dans les librairies de souches portant différentes versions de ces gènes j'ai cherché des clones exprimant une V-ATPase intacte et fonctionnelle mais qui possèdent une vacuole fragmentée. Le plus souvent, une vacuole fragmentée indique un défaut dans la fusion vacuolaire. Dans les trois types de protéolipides qui composent un cylindre dans le secteur V0, j'ai trouvé des clones avec une vacuole fragmentée. Après avoir isolé les mutations responsable de ce type de morphologie vacuolaire, j'ai isolé les vacuoles de ces clones pour étudier leur activités dans différentes étapes de la fusion vacuolaire. Les résultats de ces analyses mettent en évidence une implication de V0 dans plusieurs étapes de la fusion vacuolaire. Certaines mutations sélectionnées dans mon étude inhibent une étape précoce de la fusion qui inclue la dissociation des complexes SNARE, tandis que d'autres mutations inhibent une étape tardive du processus de fusion qui inclue la transmission d'une force disruptive dans la membrane.AbstractThe membrane-integral V0 sector of the vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) interacts with SNARE proteins. V0 stimulates fusion between yeast vacuoles (lysosomes) (Peters et al., 2001b), secretion of neurotransmitters and insulin (Hiesinger et al., 2005a, Sun-Wada et al., 2006a), phagosome-lysosome fusion (Peri and Nusslein-Volhard, 2008) and secretion of multivesicular bodies (Liegeois et al., 2006b) by a yet unknown mechanism. In my thesis, I identified sites in V0 subunits that are involved in yeast vacuole fusion but dispensable for the proton pumping by the V-ATPase. I randomly mutagenized V0 subunits and screened in vivo for mutant alleles that support proton pumping but cause fragmented vacuoles, a phenotype indicative of a fusion defect. Mutant vacuoles were isolated and analyzed in a cell-free system, allowing assay of key events in fusion, such as trans-SNARE pairing, lipid transition and fusion pore opening (Reese et al., 2005b).Mutants with selective fusion defects were found in several V0 subunits. In the proteolipids c, c' and c", critical mutations are concentated in the cytosolic half of the transmembrane domains. These mutations rendered the V-ATPase holoenzyme more stable and modulated V0-SNARE associations. In vacuole fusion critical proteolipid mutations permitted trans-SNARE pairing but impeded the induction of lipid flow between the membranes. Deletion of subunit d, by contrast, influenced early stages of fusion that precede trans-SNARE pairing. My results show that V0 acts in several steps of the fusion process and that its function is intimately connected to the SNARE system. They genetically separate the proton pump and fusion activities of V0 and identify numerous critical residues. Given the high sequence conservation of proteolipids in eukaryotic life, the identified mutations may be helpful in analyzing the fusion function of V0 also in mammalian cells, where V- ATPase pump function is essential for survival.


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Purified monoclonal antibodies (Mab) produced by 3 hybridomas and reacting with 3 different epitopes of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were used in a solid phase enzyme immunoassay. Two Mabs were physically adsorbed to polystyrene balls and the third Mab was coupled to alkaline phosphatase using the bifunctional reagent N-succinimidyl-3-(2-pyridyldithio)-propionate. During a first incubation, CEA from heat-extracted serum samples was immunoadsorbed to the antibody coated balls. After washing of the balls, bound CEA was detected by a second incubation with the enzyme coupled Mab. The sensitivity of the assay was 0.6 ng per ml of serum. A total of 196 serum samples from patients with various types of carcinoma, with liver cirrhosis, or from healthy blood donors with or without smoking habits, were tested. The results obtained with the monoclonal enzyme immunoassay (M-EIA) were compared with those obtained with perchloric acid extracts of the same serum samples tested by an inhibition radioimmunoassay using conventional goat anti-CEA antiserum. There was an excellent correlation between the two assays. In particular, the new M-EIA gave good results for the detection of tumor recurrences in the follow-up of colon carcinoma patients. However, despite the use of exclusively monoclonal antibodies the new assay detected a similar percentage of slightly elevated CEA values as the conventional assay in patients with non-malignant disease, suggesting that the CEA associated with non-malignant diseases is immunologically identical to the CEA released by colon carcinoma.


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Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 produces several secondary metabolites, e.g., the antibiotics pyoluteorin (Plt) and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Phl), which are important for the suppression of root diseases caused by soil-borne fungal pathogens. A Tn5 insertion mutant of strain CHA0, CHA625, does not produce Phl, shows enhanced Plt production on malt agar, and has lost part of the ability to suppress black root rot in tobacco plants and take-all in wheat. We used a rapid, two-step cloning-out procedure for isolating the wild-type genes corresponding to those inactivated by the Tn5 insertion in strain CHA625. This cloning method should be widely applicable to bacterial genes tagged with Tn5. The region cloned from P. fluorescens contained three complete open reading frames. The deduced gene products, designated PqqFAB, showed extensive similarities to proteins involved in the biosynthesis of pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) in Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, and Methylobacterium extorquens. PQQ-negative mutants of strain CHA0 were constructed by gene replacement. They lacked glucose dehydrogenase activity, could not utilize ethanol as a carbon source, and showed a strongly enhanced production of Plt on malt agar. These effects were all reversed by complementation with pqq+ recombinant plasmids. The growth of a pqqF mutant on ethanol and normal Plt production were restored by the addition of 16 nM PQQ. However, the Phl- phenotype of strain CHA625 was due not to the pqq defect but presumably to a secondary mutation. In conclusion, a lack of PQQ markedly stimulates the production of Plt in P. fluorescens.


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Degradation of unsaturated fatty acids through the peroxisomal beta-oxidation pathway requires the participation of auxiliary enzymes in addition to the enzymes of the core beta-oxidation cycle. The auxiliary enzyme delta(3,5),delta(2,4)-dienoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) isomerase has been well studied in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and mammals, but no plant homolog had been identified and characterized at the biochemical or molecular level. A candidate gene (At5g43280) was identified in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) encoding a protein showing homology to the rat (Rattus norvegicus) delta(3,5),delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase, and possessing an enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase fingerprint as well as aspartic and glutamic residues shown to be important for catalytic activity of the mammalian enzyme. The protein, named AtDCI1, contains a peroxisome targeting sequence at the C terminus, and fusion of a fluorescent protein to AtDCI1 directed the chimeric protein to the peroxisome in onion (Allium cepa) cells. AtDCI1 expressed in Escherichia coli was shown to have delta(3,5),delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase activity in vitro. Furthermore, using the synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate in yeast peroxisomes as an analytical tool to study the beta-oxidation cycle, expression of AtDCI1 was shown to complement the yeast mutant deficient in the delta(3,5),delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase, thus showing that AtDCI1 is also appropriately targeted to the peroxisome in yeast and has delta(3,5),delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase activity in vivo. The AtDCI1 gene is expressed constitutively in several tissues, but expression is particularly induced during seed germination. Proteins showing high homology with AtDCI1 are found in gymnosperms as well as angiosperms belonging to the Monocotyledon or Dicotyledon classes.


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Captopril, or SQ 14,225 an orally active inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme, produced a significant blood pressure reduction in 26 hypertensives. This new drug, alone or combined with a diuretic, has normalized the blood pressure of the 22 patients on long-term treatment.


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The malic enzyme (ME) gene is a target for both thyroid hormone receptors and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR). Within the ME promoter, two direct repeat (DR)-1-like elements, MEp and MEd, have been identified as putative PPAR response elements (PPRE). We demonstrate that only MEp and not MEd is able to bind PPAR/retinoid X receptor (RXR) heterodimers and mediate peroxisome proliferator signaling. Taking advantage of the close sequence resemblance of MEp and MEd, we have identified crucial determinants of a PPRE. Using reciprocal mutation analyses of these two elements, we show the preference for adenine as the spacing nucleotide between the two half-sites of the PPRE and demonstrate the importance of the two first bases flanking the core DR1 in 5'. This latter feature of the PPRE lead us to consider the polarity of the PPAR/RXR heterodimer bound to its cognate element. We demonstrate that, in contrast to the polarity of RXR/TR and RXR/RAR bound to DR4 and DR5 elements respectively, PPAR binds to the 5' extended half-site of the response element, while RXR occupies the 3' half-site. Consistent with this polarity is our finding that formation and binding of the PPAR/RXR heterodimer requires an intact hinge T region in RXR while its integrity is not required for binding of the RXR/TR heterodimer to a DR4.


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PURPOSE: In the setting of a prospective clinical trial, we determined the predictive value of the methylation status of the O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter for outcome in glioblastoma patients treated with the alkylating agent temozolomide. Expression of this excision repair enzyme has been associated with resistance to alkylating chemotherapy. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The methylation status of MGMT in the tumor biopsies was evaluated in 38 patients undergoing resection for newly diagnosed glioblastoma and enrolled in a Phase II trial testing concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide and radiation. The epigenetic silencing of the MGMT gene was determined using methylation-specific PCR. RESULTS: Inactivation of the MGMT gene by promoter methylation was associated with longer survival (P = 0.0051; Log-rank test). At 18 months, survival was 62% (16 of 26) for patients testing positive for a methylated MGMT promoter but reached only 8% (1 of 12) in absence of methylation (P = 0.002; Fisher's exact test). In the presence of other clinically relevant factors, methylation of the MGMT promoter remains the only significant predictor (P = 0.017; Cox regression). CONCLUSIONS: This prospective clinical trial identifies MGMT-methylation status as an independent predictor for glioblastoma patients treated with a methylating agent. The association of the epigenetic inactivation of the DNA repair gene MGMT with better outcome in this homogenous cohort may have important implications for the design of future trials and supports efforts to deplete MGMT by O-6-benzylguanine, a noncytotoxic substrate of this enzyme.


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We investigated possible relations among four common neonatal manifestations of diabetic pregnancy (macrosomia, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, jaundice) and four enzyme polymorphisms (PGM1, ADA, AK1, ACP1 in a sample of infants born of diabetic mothers. The pattern of associations observed between the two sets of variables is consistent with known differences in enzymatic activity within phenotypes of each system, suggesting that low enzymatic activity may have unfavorable effects on fetal development and on adaptability of the neonate to the extrauterine environment, Some of the polymorphic enzymes studied influence fetal growth in normal pregnancy as well. Analysis of relations between genetic polymorphisms and the clinical pattern of common diseases may provide a better understanding of the genetic basis of the clinical variability of diseases within and between human populations.


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Neuronal subpopulations of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells in the chicken exhibit carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity. To determine whether CA activity is expressed by DRG cells maintained in in vitro cultures, dissociated DRG cells from 10-day-old chick embryos were cultured on a collagen substrate. The influence exerted by environmental factors on the enzyme expression was tested under various conditions of culture. Neuron-enriched cell cultures and mixed DRG-cell cultures (including numerous non-neuronal cells) were performed either in a defined medium or in a horse serum-supplemented medium. In all the tested conditions, subpopulations of cultured sensory neurons expressed CA activity in their cell bodies, while their neurites were rarely stained; in each case, the percentage of CA-positive neurons declined with the age of the cultures. The number and the persistence of neurons possessing CA activity as well as the intensity of the reaction were enhanced by addition of horse serum. In contrast, the expression of the neuronal CA activity was not affected by the presence of non-neuronal cells or by the rise of CO2 concentration. Thus, the appearance and disappearance of neuronal subpopulations expressing CA activity may be decisively influenced by factors contained in the horse serum. The loss of CA-positive neurons with time could result from a cell selection or from genetic repression. Analysis of the time curves does not support a preferential cell death of CA-positive neurons but suggests that the eventual conversion of CA-positive neurons into CA-negative neurons results from a loss of the enzyme activity. These results indicate that the phenotypic expression of cultured sensory neurons is dependent on defined environmental factors.


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We have compared a multiplexed bead-based assay (BBA) with an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and immunofluorescence assay (IFA) for the assessment of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) serostatus. Three hundred and ninety-three sera, classified according to IFA results as seronegative (n=100), acute infection (n=100), past infection (n=100) and indeterminate (n=93), were tested by BBA and EIA. Overall, the three methods gave similar results with a relatively high (75.2%) concordance with the consensus interpretation of the serostatus. The most significant discordances were: (i) 58 samples had uninterpretable results for BBA, in majority due to the detection of non-antigen specific antibody binding by control beads. (ii) almost half the samples positive for anti-Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen (EBNA) IgG by BBA or EIA were negative by IFA. Among the latter, only a minority had a history of immunocompromise or treatment, or detectable anti-early antigen antibody. This discrepancy probably reflects a poor sensitivity of IFA for anti-EBNA IgG detection. EIA and BBA had a similar performance and had substantial practical advantages over IFA with respect to testing for EBV serostatus.