123 resultados para hereditary spastic paraplegia
BACKGROUND: The contribution of nephrolithiasis-related end-stage renal disease (ESRD) to patients requiring renal replacement therapy has never been specifically evaluated. METHODS: Of the entire cohort of 1,391 consecutive patients who started maintenance dialysis therapy at our nephrology department between January 1989 and December 2000, a total of 45 patients (21 men) had renal stone disease as the cause of ESRD and constitute the study material. Type and cause of renal stone disease was determined in the 45 patients, as well as the change in prevalence of nephrolithiasis-related ESRD with time during this 12-year period. RESULTS: The overall proportion of nephrolithiasis-related ESRD was 3.2%. Infection (struvite) stones accounted for 42.2%; calcium stones, 26.7%; uric acid nephrolithiasis, 17.8%; and hereditary diseases (including primary hyperoxaluria type 1 and cystinuria), 13.3% of cases. Women were predominant among patients with infection and calcium stones, whereas men were predominant among patients with uric acid or hereditary stone disease. The proportion of patients with nephrolithiasis-related ESRD decreased from 4.7% in the triennial period 1989 to 1991 to 2.2% in the most recent period, 1998 to 2000 ( P = 0.07). This tendency to a decreasing prevalence mainly was caused by a rarefaction of infection and calcium stones with time, whereas frequencies of uric acid and hereditary stone disease remained essentially unchanged. CONCLUSION: Severe forms of nephrolithiasis remain an underestimated cause of potentially avoidable ESRD and need for renal replacement therapy. These findings highlight the crucial importance of accurate stone analysis and metabolic evaluation to provide early diagnosis and proper therapy for conditions that may lead to ESRD through recurrent stone formation and/or parenchymal crystal infiltration.
METHODS: We examined 20 patients from 2 unrelated Swiss families to describe their clinical phenotype. In addition, a linkage analysis was performed in an attempt to confirm the reported genetic homogeneity of this condition as well as to refine its genomic localization. RESULTS: Two point analysis provided a cumulative LOD-score of 3.03 with marker D3S 2305. The absence of recombination precluded further refinement of the disease interval. CONCLUSIONS: Our data confirm the genetic homogeneity and the extreme variability of expression, occasionally mimicking low tension glaucoma.
Early epilepsy is known to worsen the developmental prognosis of young children with a congenital focal brain lesion, but its direct role is often very difficult to delineate from the other variables. This requires prolonged periods of follow-up with simultaneous serial electrophysiological and developmental assessments which are rarely obtained. We studied a male infant with a right prenatal infarct in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery resulting in a left spastic hemiparesis, and an epileptic disorder (infantile spasms with transient right hemihypsarrhythmia and focal seizures) from the age of 7 months until the age of 4 years. Pregnancy and delivery were normal. A dissociated delay of early language acquisition affecting mainly comprehension without any autistic features was documented. This delay was much more severe than usually expected in children with early focal lesions, and its evolution, with catch-up to normal, was correlated with the active phase of the epilepsy. We postulate that the epilepsy specifically amplified a pattern of delayed language emergence, mainly affecting lexical comprehension, reported in children with early right hemisphere damage.
The purpose of this study is to introduce and describe a newly developed index using foot pressure analysis to quantify the degree of equinus gait in children with cerebral palsy before and after injection with botulinum toxin. Data were captured preinjection and 12 weeks postinjection. Ten children aged 2(1/2) to 6(1/2) years took part (5 boys and 5 girls). Three of them had a diagnosis of spastic diplegia and 7 of congenital hemiplegia. In total, 13 limbs were analyzed. After orientation and segmentation of raw pedobarographic data, we determined a dynamic foot pressure index graded 0 to 100 that quantified the relative degree of heel and forefoot contact during stance. These data were correlated (Pearson correlation) with clinical measurements of dorsiflexion at the ankle (on a slow and fast stretch) and video observation (using the Observational Gait Scale). Pedobarograph data were strongly correlated with both the Observational Gait Scale scores (R = 0.79, P < 0.005) and clinical measurements of dorsiflexion on a fast stretch, which is reflective of spasticity (R = 0.70, P < 0.005). We demonstrated the index's sensitivity in detecting changes in spasticity and good correlation with video observations seems to indicate this technique's potential validity. When manipulated and segmented appropriately, and with the development of a simple ordinal index, we found that foot pressure data provided a useful tool in tracking changes in patients with spastic equinus.
Purpose:Coats' disease is a non-hereditary condition characterized by idiopathic retinal telangiectasia, and exudative retinopathy. Although the exudation often spreads from the main areas of telangiectasia, there is a preferential accumulation of exudation in the macular area in Coats' disease. A subfoveal nodule has usually been described in the context of resolution of macular exudates after treatment of peripheral retinal telangiectasis. Nevertheless, a recent reports stressed out an uncommon prominent subfoveal nodule with peripheral exudates as initial presentation of Coats'disease. The purpose of this study was to report the prevalence of this presentation in a cohort of patients. Methods:All consecutive patients with Coats' disease referred to the Jules Gonin Eye Hospital between January 1979 and July 2006 were included. All charts were screened for a clear cut subfoveal circular lesion on fundus photographies at initial presentation. Results:95 patients suffering of Coat's disease were enrolled. 33 out of 95 patients had subtotal or total exudative retinal detachment, which impeded macular examination. 14 out of 62 (22.6%) resting patients presented with a clear cut prominent circular subfoveal lesion at initial presentation. All patients had unilateral disease. Mean age was 5.6 ± 3.5 year old at initial presentation. There were 4 females and 10 males. Pigmentation and size of the nodule were not homogenous. Mean diameter was 1.1 ± 0.5 optic disc diameter. Conclusions:The present study shows that subfoveal nodule is not such a rare primary presentation of Coats' disease in contrast to what it has been previously reported in the literature. Thus the initial finding of prominent subfoveal nodule associated with peripheral retinal findings made the diagnosis of Coats' disease highly likely.Physicians should be aware that a proeminent subfoveal nodule is a common initial presentation of Coats' disease as it can be confused clinically with Retinoblastoma.
L'angioedème est une affection fréquente, dont les étiologies sont multiples. Les angioedèmes habituellement associés à une urticaire sont en général dus à une libération d'histamine et répondent en principe aux antihistaminiques et à l'adrénaline. Il s'agit des angioedèmes d'origine allergique, des réactions anaphylactoïdes, souvent d'origine médicamenteuse (AINS), des angioedèmes physiques et de l'angioedème récurrent idiopathique. La bradykinine joue certainement un rôle dans la genèse des angioedèmes associés aux inhibiteurs de l'enzyme de conversion de l'angiotensine et rarement aux antagonistes du récepteur de l'angiotensine II, ainsi que dans celle des rares angioedèmes héréditaires ou liés à un déficit acquis en Ci-inhibiteur. L'urticaire est alors absente et les antihistaminiques ainsi que l'adrénaline sont inefficaces. Angioedema is a frequent disorder with multiple aetiologies. Angioedemas associated with urticaria are usually caused by histamine release and respond to anti-histamines and adrenalin. They include allergic angioedemas, anaphylactoid reactions (mostly drug-induced, e.g. NSAID), physical angioedemas and recurrent idiopathic angioedema. Bradykinin probably plays a causative role in the pathogenesis of ACE-inhibitor or angiotensin II receptor blocker related angioedemas, as well as in the pathogenesis of the rare hereditary or acquired C1-inhibitor deficiency angioedemas. Urticaria is then typically absent and anti-histamines, as well as adrenalin, are ineffective
Traditionally, thoracic aortic rupture, suspected after blunt thoracic trauma, is characterized by a chest radiograph showing a widened mediastinum. The diagnostic machinery consecutively activated still depends heavily on the pressure as additional traumatic lesions. A patient with additional cranio-cerebral trauma would typically undergo contrast-enhanced computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of head, chest, and other regions. In a number of patients these analyses would confirm the presence of blood in the mediastinum without formal proof of an aortic disruption. This is because mediastinal hematomas may be caused not only by an aortic rupture, but also by numerous other blood sources including fractures of the spine and other macro- and microvascular lesions providing similar images. Therefore, aortic angiography became our preferred diagnostic tool to identify or rule out acute traumatic lesions of not only the aorta but with great vessels. However recently, a number of traumatic aortic transsections have been identified by transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE). TEE has the additional advantage of being a bed-side procedure providing additional information about cardiac function. The latter analysis allows for identification and quantification of cardiac contusions, post-traumatic myocardial infarctions, and valvar lesions which are of prime importance to develop an adequate surgical strategy and to assess the risk of the numerous emergency procedures required in patients with polytrauma. The standard approach for repair of isthmic aortic rupture is through a lateral thoracotomy. Distal and proximal control of the aorta can be achieved in a substantial number of cases before complete aortic rupture occurs and a higher proportion of direct suture repair can be achieved under such circumstances. Most proximal descending aortic procedures are performed without cardiopulmonary bypass (clamp and go) but paraplegia may occur before, during, or after the procedure. Ascending aortic lesions and disruption of the aortic arch, the supra-aortic vessels, the main pulmonary arteries, the great veins as well as cardiac lesions are best approached through a sternotomy, which may have to be extended. Cardiopulmonary bypass allowing for deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest is often required and carries its own complications. It is not clear whether the increasing proportion of ascending aortic and cardiac lesions which are observed nowadays are due to a change in trauma mechanics (i.e., speed limits, seat belts, air-bags), an improvement of the diagnostic tools or both.
We report on two familial cases from a non-consanguineous marriage, presenting multiple intestinal and choanal atresia. Massive hydramnios and dilatation of the bowel were observed at 29 weeks of gestation during routine ultrasound scan of a healthy mother. The fetal karyotype was normal and cystic fibrosis screening was negative. Regular scans were performed throughout the pregnancy. The child was born at 34 weeks gestation. Choanal atresia was diagnosed at birth and abdominal investigations showed multiple atresia interesting both the small bowel and the colon. Further interventions were necessary because of recurrent obstructions. During the following pregnancy, a dilatation of the fetal intestinal tract was detected by ultrasonography at 27 weeks of gestation. Pregnancy was interrupted. Post-mortem examination of the fetus confirmed the stenosis of long segments of the small intestine associated with areas of colonic atresia. In both cases, histology and distribution were consistent with those reported in hereditary multiple intestinal atresia (HMIA). An association between multiple intestinal and choanal atresia has never been reported. We suggest it could correspond to a new autosomal recessive entity for which cytogenetic investigations and high-resolution array CGH revealed no visible anomalies.
Adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) is a rare inflammatory disease characterized by the classical triad of daily fever, arthritis, and typical salmon-colored rash. Recent accumulation of knowledge, mostly arising from hereditary autoinflammatory diseases and from the systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA), has given raise to new hypotheses on the pathophysiology of AOSD. In this review, we first discuss on the continuum between AOSD and sJIA. Then, we summarize current hypotheses on the underlying pathogenesis: (1) an infectious hypothesis; (2) an autoinflammatory hypothesis; (3) a lymphohistiocytic hypothesis; and (4) a hyperferritinemic hypothesis. Finally, we present the recent data suggesting that patients with AOSD fall into two distinct subgroups with different courses, one with prominent systemic features and one with chronic arthritis.
RÉSUMÉ: Le génome de toute cellule est susceptible d'être attaqué par des agents endogènes et exogènes. Afin de préserver l'intégrité génomique, les cellules ont développé des multitudes de mécanismes. La réplication de l'ADN, une étape importante durant le cycle cellulaire, constitue un stress et présente un danger important pour l'intégrité du génome. L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie héréditaire rare dont les protéines impliquées semblent jouer un rôle crucial dans la réponse au stress réplicatif. La maladie est associée à une instabilité chromosomique ainsi qu'à une forte probabilité de développer des cancers. Les cellules des patients souffrant de l'anémie de Fanconi sont sensibles à des agents interférant avec la réplication de l'ADN, et plus particulièrement àdes agents qui fient les deux brins d'ADN d'une manière covalente. L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie génétiquement hétérogène. Treize protéines ont pu être identifiées. Elles semblent figurer dans une même voie de signalisation qui est aussi connue sous le nom de « FA/BRCA pathway », car un des gènes est identique au gène BRCA2 (breast cancer susceptibility gene 2). Huit protéines forment un complexe nucléaire dont l'intégrité est nécessaire à la monoubiquitination de deux autres protéines, FANCD2 et FANCI, en réponse à un stress réplicatif. A ce jour, la fonction moléculaire des protéines du « FA/BRCA pathway »reste encore mal décrite. Au début de mon travail de thèse, nous avons donc décidé de purifier les protéines du complexe nucléaire et d'étudier leurs propriétés biochimiques. Nous avons tout d'abord étudié les cinq protéines connues à l'époque qui sont FANCA, FANCC, FANCE, FANCF et FANCG. Par la suite, nous avons étendu notre étude à des protéines découvertes plus récemment, FANCL, FANCM et FAAP24, en concentrant finalement notre travail sur la caractérisation de FANCM. FANCM, contrairement aux autres protéines du complexe, est constituée de deux domaines conservés suggérant un rôle important dans le métabolisme de l'ADN. Il s'agit d'un domaine « DEAH box hélicase »situé dans la partie N-terminale et d'un domaine « ERCC4 nuclease »situé dans la partie C-terminale de la protéine. Dans cette étude, nous avons purifié avec succès la protéine FANCM entière à partir d'un système hétérologue. Nous montrons que FANCM s'attache de manière spécifique à des jonctions de Holliday et des fourches de réplication. De plus, nous démontrons que FANCM peut déplacer le point de jonction de ces structures via son domaine hélicase de manière dépendante de l'ATP. FANCM est aussi capable de dissocier de grands intermédiaires de la recombinaison, via la migration de jonctions de Holliday à travers une région d'homologie de 2.6 kb. Tous ces résultats suggèrent que FANCM peut s'attacher spécifiquement à des fourches de réplication et à des jonctions de Holliday in vitro et que son domaine hélicase est associé à une activité migratoire efficace. Nous pensons que FANCM peut avoir un rôle direct sur les intermédiaires de réplication. Ceci est en accord avec l'idée que les protéines de l'anémie de Fanconi coordonnent la réparation de l'ADN au niveau des fourches de réplication arrêtées. Nos résultats donnent une première indication quant au rôle de FANCM dans la cellule et peuvent contribuer à élucider la fonction de cette voie de signalisation peu comprise jusqu'à présent. SUMMARY: The genome of every cell is subject to a constant offence by endogenous and exogenous agents. Not surprisingly; cells have evolved a multitude of mechanisms which aim at preserving genomic integrity. A key step during the life cycle of a cell, DNA replication itself, constitutes a special danger to the integrity of the genome. The proteins defective in the rare hereditary disease Fanconi anemia (FA) are suspected to play a crucial role in the cellular response to DNA replication stress. The disease is associated with chromosomal instability and pronounced cancer susceptibility. Cells from Fanconi anemia patients are sensitive to a variety of agents which interfere with DNA replication, DNA interstrand cross-linking agents being particularly threatening to their survival. Fanconi anemia is a genetically heterogeneous disease with 13 different proteins identified, which seem to work together in a common pathway. Since one of the FA genes is identical to the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2, it is also referred to as the FA/BRCA pathway. Eight proteins form a nuclear complex, whose integriry is required for the monoubiquitination of two other FA proteins, FANCD2 and FANCI, in response to DNA replication stress. Despite intensive research, the function of the FA/BRCA pathway at a molecular level has remained largely elusive so far. At the beginning of my thesis, we therefore decided to purify the proteins of the FA core complex and to investigate their biochemical properties. We started with the five proteins which were known at that time, FANCA, FANCC, FANCE, FANCF, and FACG. Later on, we extended our studies to the newly discovered proteins FANCL, FANCM, and FAAP24, and eventually focused our work on the characterisation of FANCM. In contrast to the other core complex proteins, FANCM contains two conserved domains, which point to a role in DNA metabolism: an N-terminal DEAH box helicase domain and a C-terminal ERCC4 nuclease domain. In this study, we have successfully purified full-length FANCM from a recombinant source. We show that purified FANCM binds to branched DNA molecules, such as Holliday junctions and replication forks, with high specificity and affinity. In addition, we demonstrate that FANCM can translocate the junction point of branched DNA molecules due to its helicase domain in an ATPase-dependent manner. FANCM can even dissociate large recombination intermediates, via branch migration of Holliday junctions through a 2.6 kb region of homology. Taken together, our data suggest that FANCM can specifically bind to replication forks and Holliday junctions in vitro, and that its DEAH box helicase domain is associated with a potent branch migration activity. We propose that FANCM might have a direct role in the processing of DNA replication intermediates. This is consistent with the current view that FA proteins coordinate DNA repair at stalled replication forks. Our findings provide a first hint as to the context in which FANCM might play a role in the cell. We are optimistic that they might be key to further elucidate the function of a pathway which is far from being understood.
OBJECTIVE: To assess whether Jass staging enhances prognostic prediction in Dukes' B colorectal carcinoma. DESIGN: A historical cohort observational study. SETTING: A university tertiary care centre, Switzerland. SUBJECTS: 108 consecutive patients. INTERVENTIONS: Curative resection of Dukes' B colorectal carcinoma between January 1985 and December 1988, Patients with familial adenomatous polyposis; hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer; Crohns' disease; ulcerative colitis and synchronous and recurrent tumours were excluded. A comparable group of 155 consecutive patients with Dukes' C carcinoma were included for reference purposes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Disease free and overall survival for Dukes' B and overall survival for Dukes' C tumours. RESULTS: Dukes' B tumours in Jass group III or with an infiltrated margin had a significantly worse disease-free survival (p = 0.001 and 0.0001, respectively) and those with infiltrated margins had a significantly worse overall survival (p = 0.002). Overall survival among those with Dukes' B Jass III and Dukes' B with infiltrated margins was no better than overall survival among all patients with Dukes' C tumours. CONCLUSION: Jass staging and the nature of the margin of invasion allow patients undergoing curative surgery for Dukes' B colorectal carcinoma to be separated into prognostic groups. A group of patients with Dukes' B tumours whose prognosis is inseparable from those with Dukes' C tumours can be identified, the nature of the margin of invasion being used to classify a larger number of patients.
Context : It is now clearly shown that genetic factors in association with environment play a key role in obesity and eating disorders. This project studies the clinical symptoms and molecular abnormalities in patients carrying a strong hereditary predisposition to obesity and eating behavior disorders. We have previously published the association between the 16:29.5-30.1 deletion and a very penetrant form of morbid obesity and macrocephaly. We have also demonstrated the association between the reciprocal 16:29.5-30.1 duplication and underweight and small head circumference. These 2 studies demonstrate that gene dosage of one or several genes in this region regulates BMI as well as brain growth. At present, there are no data pointing towards particular candidate genes. We are currently investigating a second non-overlapping recurrent CNV encompassing SH2B1, upstream of the aforementioned rearrangement. SNPs in this gene have been associated with BMI in GWAS studies and mice models confirmed this association. Bokuchova et al have reported an association between deletions encompassing this gene and severe early onset obesity, as well as insulin resistance. We are currently collecting and analyzing data to fully characterize the phenotype and the transcriptional patterns associated with this rearrangement. Aims : 1. Identify carriers of any CNVs in the greater 16p11.2 region (between 16:28MB and 32MB) in the EGG consortium. 2. Perform association studies between SNPs in the greater 16p11.2 region (16:28-32MB) and anthropometric measures with adjusted "locus-wide significance", to identify or prioritize candidate genes potentially driving the association observed in patients with the CNVs (and thus worthy of further validation and sequencing). 3. Explore associations between GSV genome-wide and brain volume. 4. Explore relationship between brain volumes (whole brain and regional for those who underwent brain MRI), head circumference and BMI. 5. Extrapolate this procedure to other regions covered by the Metabochip. Methods : - Examine and collect clinical informations, as well as molecular informations in these patients. - Analysis of MRI data in children and adults with BMI > 2SD. Compare changes to MRI data obtained in patients with monogenic forms of obesity (data from Lausanne study) and to underweight (BMI<-2SD) individuals from EGG. - Test whether opposite extremes of the phenotypic distribution may be highly informative Expected results : This is a highly focused study, pertaining to approximately 1 0/00 of the human genome. Yet it is clear that if successful, the lessons learned from this study could be extrapolated to other segments of the genome and would need validation and replication by additional studies. Altogether they will contribute to further explore the missing heritability and point to etiologic genes and pathways underlying these important health burdens.
PURPOSE: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP; MIM 268000) is a hereditary disease characterized by poor night vision and progressive loss of photoreceptors, eventually leading to blindness. This degenerative process primarily affects peripheral vision due to the loss of rods. Autosomal recessive RP (arRP) is clinically and genetically heterogeneous. It has been associated with mutations in different genes, including CRB1 (crumbs homolog 1). The aim of this study was to determine the causative gene in a Tunisian patient with arRP born to non-consanguineous parents. METHODS: Four accessible family members were included. They underwent full ophthalmic examination with best-corrected Snellen visual acuity, fundus photography and fluorescein angiography. Haplotype analysis was used to evaluate homozygosity in the family to 20 arRP loci. All exons and intron-exon junctions of candidate genes not excluded by haplotype analysis were PCR amplified and directly sequenced. RESULTS: The proband was a 43-year-old female patient. Best-corrected visual acuity was 20/63 (right eye) and 20/80 (left eye). Visual loss began during the third decade. Funduscopic examination and fluorescein angiography revealed typical advanced RP changes with bone spicule-like pigment deposits in the posterior pole and the midperiphery along with retinal atrophy, narrowing of the vessels, and waxy optic discs. Haplotype analysis revealed homozygosity with microsatellite markers D1S412 and D1S413 on chromosome 1q31.3. These markers flanked CRB1. Our results excluded linkage of all the other arRP loci/genes tested. Sequencing of the 12 coding exons and splice sites of CRB1 disclosed a homozygous missense mutation in exon 7 at nucleotide c. 2291G>A, resulting in an arginine to histidine substitution (p.R764H). CONCLUSIONS: R764H is a novel mutation associated with CRB1-related arRP. Previously, an R764C mutation was reported. Extending the mutation spectrum of CRB1 with additional families is important for genotype-phenotype correlations and characterization of the scope of mutation.
A painful worsening of known difficulties in walking led us to investigate a man who presented a spastic paraparesis. Radiological investigations had to be repeated three times before making a diagnosis of a right C6 spinal dural arteriovenous fistula after a 22-month follow-up. Knowing the mechanisms leading to spinal venous hypertension may explain the low yield of the early radiological investigations that should be repeated. The efficiency of the treatment depends on the severity of the presurgical neurologic manifestations.