124 resultados para herbicide persistence
The treatment of essential hypertension is based essentially on the prescription of four major classes of antihypertensive drugs, i.e. blockers of the renin-angiotensin system, calcium channel blockers, diuretics and beta-blockers. In recent years, very few new drug therapies of hypertension have become available. Therefore, it is crucial for physicians to optimize their antihypertensive therapies with the drugs available on the market. In each of the classes of antihypertensive drugs, questions have recently been raised: are angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors superior to angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB)? Is it possible to reduce the incidence of peripheral oedema with calcium antagonists? Is hydrochlorothiazide really the good diuretic to use in combination therapies? The purpose of this review is to discuss these various questions in the light of the most recent clinical studies and meta-analyses. These latter suggest that ACE inhibitors and ARB are equivalent except for a better tolerability profile of ARB. Third generation calcium channel blockers enable to reduce the incidence of peripheral oedema and chlorthalidone is certainly more effective than hydrochlorothiazide in preventing cardiovascular events in hypertension. At last, studies suggest that drug adherence and long-term persistence under therapy is one of the major issues in the actual management of essential hypertension.
It is a well established fact that the entry of women into higher-level professional occupations has not resulted in their equal distribution within these occupations. Indeed, the emergence and persistence of horizontal and vertical gender segregation within the professions has been at the heart of the development of a range of alternative theoretical perspectives on both the "feminisation process" and the future of the "professions"more generally. Through an in-depth comparative analysis of the recent changes in the organisation and administration of the medical profession in Britain and France, this paper draws upon statistical data and biographical interviews with male and female general practitioners (GPs) in both countries in order to discuss and review a variety of approaches that have been adopted to explain and analyse the "eminisation" process of higher-level professions. Our conclusions review the theoretical debates in the light of the evidence we have presented. It is argued that, despite important elements of continuity in respect of gendered occupational structuring in both countries, national variations in both professional and domestic gendered architectures lead to different outcomes as far as the extent and patterns of internal occupational segregation are concerned. Both female and male doctors are currently seeking - with some effect - to resist thepressures of medicine on family life.
SNARE complexes are required for membrane fusion in the endomembrane system. They contain coiled-coil bundles of four helices, three (Q(a), Q(b), and Q(c)) from target (t)-SNAREs and one (R) from the vesicular (v)-SNARE. NSF/Sec18 disrupts these cis-SNARE complexes, allowing reassembly of their subunits into trans-SNARE complexes and subsequent fusion. Studying these reactions in native yeast vacuoles, we found that NSF/Sec18 activates the vacuolar cis-SNARE complex by selectively displacing the vacuolar Q(a) SNARE, leaving behind a Q(bc)R subcomplex. This subcomplex serves as an acceptor for a Q(a) SNARE from the opposite membrane, leading to Q(a)-Q(bc)R trans-complexes. Activity tests of vacuoles with diagnostic distributions of inactivating mutations over the two fusion partners confirm that this distribution accounts for a major share of the fusion activity. The persistence of the Q(bc)R cis-complex and the formation of the Q(a)-Q(bc)R trans-complex are both sensitive to the Rab-GTPase inhibitor, GDI, and to mutations in the vacuolar tether complex, HOPS (HOmotypic fusion and vacuolar Protein Sorting complex). This suggests that the vacuolar Rab-GTPase, Ypt7, and HOPS restrict cis-SNARE disassembly and thereby bias trans-SNARE assembly into a preferred topology.
BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic techniques have been proposed as an alternative to open surgery for therapy of peptic ulcer perforation. They provide better postoperative comfort and absence of parietal complications, but leakage occurs in 5% of cases. We describe a new method combining laparoscopy and endoluminal endoscopy, designed to ensure complete closure of the perforation. METHODS: Six patients with anterior ulcer perforations (4 duodenal, 2 gastric) underwent a concomitant laparoscopy and endoluminal endoscopy with closure of the orifice by an omental plug attracted into the digestive tract. RESULTS: All perforations were sealed. The mean operating time was 72 minutes. The mean hospital stay was 5.5 days. There was no morbidity and no mortality. At the 30-day evaluation all ulcers but one (due to Helicobacter pylori persistence) were healed. CONCLUSIONS: This method is safe and effective. Its advantages compared with open surgery or laparoscopic patching as well as its cost-effectiveness should be studied in prospective randomized trials.
It is well documented that reducing blood pressure (BP) in hypertensive individuals reduces the risk of cardiovascular (CV) events. Despite this, many patients with hypertension remain untreated or inadequately treated, and fail to reach the recommended BP goals. Suboptimal BP control, whilst arising from multiple causes, is often due to poor patient compliance and/or persistence, and results in a significant health and economic burden on society. The use of fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) for the treatment of hypertension has the potential to increase patient compliance and persistence. When compared with antihypertensive monotherapies, FDCs may also offer equivalent or better efficacy, and the same or improved tolerability. As a result, FDCs have the potential to reduce both the CV event rates and the non-drug healthcare costs associated with hypertension. When FDCs are adopted for the treatment of hypertension, issues relating to copayment, formulary restrictions and therapeutic reference pricing must be addressed.
Climate change poses a serious threat to species persistence. Effective modelling of evolutionary responses to rapid climate change is therefore essential. In this review we examine recent advances in phylogenetic comparative methods, techniques normally used to study adaptation over long periods, which allow them to be applied to the study of adaptation over shorter time scales. This increased applicability is largely due to the emergence of more flexible models of character evolution and the parallel development of molecular technologies that can be used to assess adaptive variation at loci scattered across the genome. The merging of phylogenetic and population genetic approaches to the study of adaptation has significant potential to advance our understanding of rapid responses to environmental change.
Specific CD8(+) T cells (CTLs) play an important role in resolving protracted infection with hepatitis B and C virus in humans and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in mice. The contribution of individual CTL specificities to chronic virus control, as well as epitope-specific patterns in timing and persistence of antiviral selection pressure, remain, however, incompletely defined. To monitor and characterize the antiviral efficacy of individual CTL specificities throughout the course of chronic infection, we coinoculated mice with a mixture of wild-type LCMV and genetically engineered CTL epitope-deficient mutant virus. A quantitative longitudinal assessment of viral competition revealed that mice continuously exerted CTL selection pressure on the persisting virus population. The timing of selection pressure characterized individual epitope specificities, and its magnitude varied considerably between individual mice. This longitudinal assessment of "antiviral efficacy" provides a novel parameter to characterize CTL responses in chronic viral infection. It demonstrates remarkable perseverance of all antiviral CTL specificities studied, thus raising hope for therapeutic vaccination in the treatment of persistent viral diseases.
Owing to its special mode of evolution and central role in the adaptive immune system, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has become the focus of diverse disciplines such as immunology, evolutionary ecology, and molecular evolution. MHC evolution has been studied extensively in diverse vertebrate lineages over the last few decades, and it has been suggested that birds differ from the established mammalian norm. Mammalian MHC genes evolve independently, and duplication history (i.e., orthology) can usually be traced back within lineages. In birds, this has been observed in only 3 pairs of closely related species. Here we report strong evidence for the persistence of orthology of MHC genes throughout an entire avian order. Phylogenetic reconstructions of MHC class II B genes in 14 species of owls trace back orthology over tens of thousands of years in exon 3. Moreover, exon 2 sequences from several species show closer relationships than sequences within species, resembling transspecies evolution typically observed in mammals. Thus, although previous studies suggested that long-term evolutionary dynamics of the avian MHC was characterized by high rates of concerted evolution, resulting in rapid masking of orthology, our results question the generality of this conclusion. The owl MHC thus opens new perspectives for a more comprehensive understanding of avian MHC evolution.
Summary Resolution of the inflammation is as important as its induction. In this thesis, we investigated the contributions of two prominent factors involved in inflammation, Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF) and neutrophils. We studied their role in the resolution óf the inflammatory lesion induced by the infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major. In mice susceptible to infection with L. major, unhealing lesions are characterized by an elevated number and sustained presence of inflammatory neutrophils in the infected tissue, illustrating an acute inflammatory process. In contrast, mice from resistant strains, which resolve their lesions, can control the presence of neutrophils at the site of infection. Neutrophil persistence in the infected tissue may result from several events including an increased survival of neutrophils mediated by factors produced by the pathogen or the microenvironment. Following infection with L. major, the cellular composition of the inflammatory lesion differs significantly between susceptible and resistant mice and a higher proportion of macrophages is present in the lesions of resistant strains. In an attempt to clarify the factors involved in neutrophil persistence, we investigated the mechanisms modulating neutrophil cell death. We demonstrated that macrophages could induce neutrophil apoptosis in a process involving TNF. TNF is an essential cytokine with pro- and anti-inflammatory properties, which is expressed as a transmembrane protein that can be cleaved releasing the secreted form. Our data show the essential role of the transmembrane form of TNF (mTNF) in the induction of neutrophil apoptosis by macrophages, revealing macrophages and mTNF as important regulators of neutrophil apoptosis. TNF is critical in the resolution of the inflammatory lesion induced by L. major infection, and in L. major resistant strains its absence results in increased swelling of the lesions. We investigated the contribution of mTNF in the outcome of L. major infection. Our data demonstrate that following infection with L. major, mTNF is sufficient to support the resolution of the inflammatory lesion and optimal parasite killing. In addition, we show that the presence of mTNF is essential to induce neutrophil clearance in the infected tissue. While the persistence of neutrophils is deleterious for the host, we could demonstrate an early anti-inflammatory role of neutrophils. Altogether, this study demonstrates the importance of mTNF in the induction of neutrophil apoptosis, a process involved in the resolution of the inflammatory lesion induced by L. major infection. Résumé La résolution de l'inflammation est toute aussi importante que son initiation. Durant ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié les contributions de deux facteurs importants impliqués dans l'inflammation, le TNF (Facteur Nécrosant des Tumeurs) et les neutrophiles, dans la résolution de la lésion inflammatoire induite par l'infection avec le parasite protozoaire Leishmania major. Chez les souris sensibles à l'infection avec L. major, des lésions importantes qui ne guérissent pas se développent ; celles-ci sont caractérisées par un nombre élevé et une présence soutenue de neutrophiles dans les tissus infectés, ce qui illustre un processus inflammatoire aigu. Au contraire, les souris résistantes à l'infection qui guérissent leurs lésions, sont capables de contrôler la présence des neutrophiles au site d'infection. La persistance des neutrophiles dans la lésion inflammatoire peut être la conséquence de plusieurs événements, dont une augmentation de la survie des neutrophiles induite par des facteurs produits par le pathogène ou le micro-environnement. Suite à l'infection avec L. major, la composition cellulaire de la lésion inflammatoire est significativement différente entre les souris sensibles et résistantes à l'infection, et une plus grande proportion de macrophages est présente dans les lésions des souris résistantes. Dans l'objectif de clarifier les facteurs impliqués dans la persistance des neutrophiles dans les tissus infectés par L. major, nous avons étudié les mécanismes de régulation de la mort des neutrophiles. Nous avons démontré que les macrophages pouvaient induire l'apoptose des neutrophiles dans un procédé impliquant le TNF. Le TNF est une cytokine aux propriétés pro- et anti-inflammatoires, exprimée sous une forme transmembranaire qui peut être clivée pour relâcher la forme sécrétée. Nos expériences illustrent le rôle essentiel de la forme transmembranaire du TNF (mTNF) dans l'induction de l'apoptose des neutrophiles par les macrophages. Lé TNF est une cytokine importante dans la résolution de la réaction inflammatoire induite par L. major, et chez les souris résistantes l'absence de TNF provoque des lésions inflammatoires plus importantes. Nous avons étudié la contribution du mTNF dans la résolution de l'infection avec L. major. Nos résultats démontrent que suite à une infection avec le parasite, la présence du mTNF est suffisante pour guérir la lésion inflammatoire et contrôler efficacement la réplication du parasite. De plus, le mTNF joue un rôle essentiel dans l'élimination des neutrophiles du tissu infecté. Alors que la persistance des neutrophiles est nocive pour l'hôte, nous avons montré que les neutrophiles avaient un rôle précoce anti-inflammatoire. En résumé, cette étude révèle l'importance du mTNF dans l'induction de l'apoptose des neutrophiles par les macrophages, un procédé impliqué dans la résolution de la lésion inflammatoire induite par l'infection avec L. major.
Neuropathic pain is a common form of chronic pain, and is unsuccessfully alleviated by usual medications. Mounting evidence strongly point at non-neuronal glial cells in the spinal cord as key actors behind the persistence of pain. In particular, a change in the astrocytic capacity to regulate extracellular concentrations of neurotransmitters might account for the strengthened spinal nociceptive neurotransmission. Therefore, we investigated whether spinal expressions of GABA (GAT) and glutamate (EAAT) transporters were affected in the spared nerve injury (SNI) rat model of neuropathic pain. SNI was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats by a unilateral section of tibial and common peroneal branches of the sciatic nerve, leaving the sural branch untouched. Western-blot analysis was performed to study the expression of GAT-1 and GAT-3 as well as EAAT-1 and EAAT-2, the main astrocytic GABA and glutamate transporters respectively. Seven days post-surgery, a significant increase in GAT-1, GAT-3 and EAAT-1 expressions is detected in both ipsilateral and contralateral sides of lumbar spinal cord in comparison to sham animals. No change in EAAT-2 signal could be detected. Furthermore, the astrocytic reaction parallels the glutamate and GABA transporters changes as we found an increased GFAP expression compared to the sham condition, in both spinal sides. Together, our results indicate that modifications in GABA and glutamate transport may occur along with SNI-associated painful neuropathy and identify spinal neurotransmitter reuptake machinery as a putative pharmacological target in neuropathic pain.
The persistence of sexual reproduction in the face of competition from asexual invaders is more likely if asexual lineages are produced infrequently or have low fitness. The generation rate and success of new asexual lineages will be influenced by the proximate mechanisms underlying transitions to asexuality. As such, characterization of these mechanisms can help explain the distribution of reproductive modes among natural populations. Here, we synthesize the literature addressing proximate causes of transitions from sexual to asexual reproduction in plants and animals. In cyclical and facultatively asexual taxa, individual mutations can cause obligate asexuality. The evolution of asexuality in obligately sexual groups is more complex, requiring the simultaneous acquisition of two traits generally controlled by different genetic factors: unreduced gamete formation and spontaneous development of unfertilized gametes. At least three 'pre-adaptations' could favour transitions to obligate asexuality in obligate sexuals. First, linkage among loci affecting separate key components of asexuality facilitates its spread, with evidence for these linkage blocks in plants. Second, asexuality should evolve more readily in haplodiploids; support for this hypothesis comes from two examples where a single locus causes transitions to asexuality. Third, standing genetic variation for the production of unreduced gametes could facilitate transitions to asexuality, but whether the ability to produce unreduced gametes contributes to the evolution of obligate asexuality remains unclear. We close by reviewing the associations between asexuality, hybridization and polyploidy, and argue that current data suggest that hybridization is more likely to play a causal role in transitions to asexuality than polyploidy.
Quantifying the impacts of inbreeding and genetic drift on fitness traits in fragmented populations is becoming a major goal in conservation biology. Such impacts occur at different levels and involve different sets of loci. Genetic drift randomly fixes slightly deleterious alleles leading to different fixation load among populations. By contrast, inbreeding depression arises from highly deleterious alleles in segregation within a population and creates variation among individuals. A popular approach is to measure correlations between molecular variation and phenotypic performances. This approach has been mainly used at the individual level to detect inbreeding depression within populations and sometimes at the population level but without consideration about the genetic processes measured. For the first time, we used in this study a molecular approach considering both the interpopulation and intrapopulation level to discriminate the relative importance of inbreeding depression vs. fixation load in isolated and non-fragmented populations of European tree frog (Hyla arborea), complemented with interpopulational crosses. We demonstrated that the positive correlations observed between genetic heterozygosity and larval performances on merged data were mainly caused by co-variations in genetic diversity and fixation load among populations rather than by inbreeding depression and segregating deleterious alleles within populations. Such a method is highly relevant in a conservation perspective because, depending on how populations lose fitness (inbreeding vs. fixation load), specific management actions may be designed to improve the persistence of populations.
The persistence of serum IgG antibodies elicited in human infants is much shorter than when such responses are elicited later in life. The reasons for this rapid waning of antigen-specific antibodies elicited in infancy are yet unknown. We have recently shown that adoptively transferred tetanus toxoid (TT)-specific plasmablasts (PBs) efficiently reach the bone marrow (BM) of infant mice. However, TT-specific PBs fail to persist in the early-life BM, suggesting that they fail to receive the molecular signals that support their survival/differentiation. Using a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL)- and B-cell activating factor (BAFF) B-lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS)-deficient mice, we demonstrate here that APRIL is a critical factor for the establishment of the adult BM reservoir of anti-TT IgG-secreting cells. Through in vitro analyses of PB/plasma cell (PC) survival/differentiation, we show that APRIL induces the expression of Bcl-X(L) by a preferential binding to heparan sulfate proteoglycans at the surface of CD138(+) cells. Last, we identify BM-resident macrophages as the main cells that provide survival signals to PBs and show that this function is slowly acquired in early life, in parallel to a progressive acquisition of APRIL expression. Altogether, this identifies APRIL as a critical signal for PB survival that is poorly expressed in the early-life BM compartment.
Sexual reproduction is extremely widespread in spite of its presumed costs relative to asexual reproduction, indicating that it must provide significant advantages. One postulated benefit of sex and recombination is that they facilitate the purging of mildly deleterious mutations, which would accumulate in asexual lineages and contribute to their short evolutionary life span. To test this prediction, we estimated the accumulation rate of coding (nonsynonymous) mutations, which are expected to be deleterious, in parts of one mitochondrial (COI) and two nuclear (Actin and Hsp70) genes in six independently derived asexual lineages and related sexual species of Timema stick insects. We found signatures of increased coding mutation accumulation in all six asexual Timema and for each of the three analyzed genes, with 3.6- to 13.4-fold higher rates in the asexuals as compared with the sexuals. In addition, because coding mutations in the asexuals often resulted in considerable hydrophobicity changes at the concerned amino acid positions, coding mutations in the asexuals are likely associated with more strongly deleterious effects than in the sexuals. Our results demonstrate that deleterious mutation accumulation can differentially affect sexual and asexual lineages and support the idea that deleterious mutation accumulation plays an important role in limiting the long-term persistence of all-female lineages.
Drawing on Social Representations Theory, this study investigates focalisation and anchoring during the diffusion of information concerning the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the particle accelerator at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN). We hypothesised that people focus on striking elements of the message, abandoning others, that the nature of the initial information affects diffusion of information, and that information is anchored in prior attitudes toward CERN and science. A serial reproduction experiment with two generations and four chains of reproduction diffusing controversial versus descriptive information about the LHC shows a reduction of information through generations, the persistence of terminology regarding the controversy and a decrease of other elements for participants exposed to polemical information. Concerning anchoring, positive attitudes toward CERN and science increase the use of expert terminology unrelated to the controversy. This research highlights the relevance of a social representational approach in the public understanding of science.