135 resultados para gas-chromatography
Recent findings suggest an association between exposure to cleaning products and respiratory dysfunctions including asthma. However, little information is available about quantitative airborne exposures of professional cleaners to volatile organic compounds deriving from cleaning products. During the first phases of the study, a systematic review of cleaning products was performed. Safety data sheets were reviewed to assess the most frequently added volatile organic compounds. It was found that professional cleaning products are complex mixtures of different components (compounds in cleaning products: 3.5 ± 2.8), and more than 130 chemical substances listed in the safety data sheets were identified in 105 products. The main groups of chemicals were fragrances, glycol ethers, surfactants, solvents; and to a lesser extent phosphates, salts, detergents, pH-stabilizers, acids, and bases. Up to 75% of products contained irritant (Xi), 64% harmful (Xn) and 28% corrosive (C) labeled substances. Hazards for eyes (59%), skin (50%) and by ingestion (60%) were the most reported. Monoethanolamine, a strong irritant and known to be involved in sensitizing mechanisms as well as allergic reactions, is frequently added to cleaning products. Monoethanolamine determination in air has traditionally been difficult and air sampling and analysis methods available were little adapted for personal occupational air concentration assessments. A convenient method was developed with air sampling on impregnated glass fiber filters followed by one step desorption, gas chromatography and nitrogen phosphorous selective detection. An exposure assessment was conducted in the cleaning sector, to determine airborne concentrations of monoethanolamine, glycol ethers, and benzyl alcohol during different cleaning tasks performed by professional cleaning workers in different companies, and to determine background air concentrations of formaldehyde, a known indoor air contaminant. The occupational exposure study was carried out in 12 cleaning companies, and personal air samples were collected for monoethanolamine (n=68), glycol ethers (n=79), benzyl alcohol (n=15) and formaldehyde (n=45). All but ethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether air concentrations measured were far below (<1/10) of the Swiss eight hours occupational exposure limits, except for butoxypropanol and benzyl alcohol, where no occupational exposure limits were available. Although only detected once, ethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether air concentrations (n=4) were high (49.5 mg/m3 to 58.7 mg/m3), hovering at the Swiss occupational exposure limit (49 mg/m3). Background air concentrations showed no presence of monoethanolamine, while the glycol ethers were often present, and formaldehyde was universally detected. Exposures were influenced by the amount of monoethanolamine in the cleaning product, cross ventilation and spraying. The collected data was used to test an already existing exposure modeling tool during the last phases of the study. The exposure estimation of the so called Bayesian tool converged with the measured range of exposure the more air concentrations of measured exposure were added. This was best described by an inverse 2nd order equation. The results suggest that the Bayesian tool is not adapted to predict low exposures. The Bayesian tool should be tested also with other datasets describing higher exposures. Low exposures to different chemical sensitizers and irritants should be further investigated to better understand the development of respiratory disorders in cleaning workers. Prevention measures should especially focus on incorrect use of cleaning products, to avoid high air concentrations at the exposure limits. - De récentes études montrent l'existence d'un lien entre l'exposition aux produits de nettoyages et les maladies respiratoires telles que l'asthme. En revanche, encore peu d'informations sont disponibles concernant la quantité d'exposition des professionnels du secteur du nettoyage aux composants organiques volatiles provenant des produits qu'ils utilisent. Pendant la première phase de cette étude, un recueil systématique des produits professionnels utilisés dans le secteur du nettoyage a été effectué. Les fiches de données de sécurité de ces produits ont ensuite été analysées, afin de répertorier les composés organiques volatiles les plus souvent utilisés. Il a été mis en évidence que les produits de nettoyage professionnels sont des mélanges complexes de composants chimiques (composants chimiques dans les produits de nettoyage : 3.5 ± 2.8). Ainsi, plus de 130 substances listées dans les fiches de données de sécurité ont été retrouvées dans les 105 produits répertoriés. Les principales classes de substances chimiques identifiées étaient les parfums, les éthers de glycol, les agents de surface et les solvants; dans une moindre mesure, les phosphates, les sels, les détergents, les régulateurs de pH, les acides et les bases ont été identifiés. Plus de 75% des produits répertoriés contenaient des substances décrites comme irritantes (Xi), 64% nuisibles (Xn) et 28% corrosives (C). Les risques pour les yeux (59%), la peau (50%) et par ingestion (60%) était les plus mentionnés. La monoéthanolamine, un fort irritant connu pour être impliqué dans les mécanismes de sensibilisation tels que les réactions allergiques, est fréquemment ajouté aux produits de nettoyage. L'analyse de la monoéthanolamine dans l'air a été habituellement difficile et les échantillons d'air ainsi que les méthodes d'analyse déjà disponibles étaient peu adaptées à l'évaluation de la concentration individuelle d'air aux postes de travail. Une nouvelle méthode plus efficace a donc été développée en captant les échantillons d'air sur des filtres de fibre de verre imprégnés, suivi par une étape de désorption, puis une Chromatographie des gaz et enfin une détection sélective des composants d'azote. Une évaluation de l'exposition des professionnels a été réalisée dans le secteur du nettoyage afin de déterminer la concentration atmosphérique en monoéthanolamine, en éthers de glycol et en alcool benzylique au cours des différentes tâches de nettoyage effectuées par les professionnels du nettoyage dans différentes entreprises, ainsi que pour déterminer les concentrations atmosphériques de fond en formaldéhyde, un polluant de l'air intérieur bien connu. L'étude de l'exposition professionnelle a été effectuée dans 12 compagnies de nettoyage et les échantillons d'air individuels ont été collectés pour l'éthanolamine (n=68), les éthers de glycol (n=79), l'alcool benzylique (n=15) et le formaldéhyde (n=45). Toutes les substances mesurées dans l'air, excepté le 2-butoxyéthanol, étaient en-dessous (<1/10) de la valeur moyenne d'exposition aux postes de travail en Suisse (8 heures), excepté pour le butoxypropanol et l'alcool benzylique, pour lesquels aucune valeur limite d'exposition n'était disponible. Bien que détecté qu'une seule fois, les concentrations d'air de 2-butoxyéthanol (n=4) étaient élevées (49,5 mg/m3 à 58,7 mg/m3), se situant au-dessus de la frontière des valeurs limites d'exposition aux postes de travail en Suisse (49 mg/m3). Les concentrations d'air de fond n'ont montré aucune présence de monoéthanolamine, alors que les éthers de glycol étaient souvent présents et les formaldéhydes quasiment toujours détectés. L'exposition des professionnels a été influencée par la quantité de monoéthanolamine présente dans les produits de nettoyage utilisés, par la ventilation extérieure et par l'emploie de sprays. Durant la dernière phase de l'étude, les informations collectées ont été utilisées pour tester un outil de modélisation de l'exposition déjà existant, l'outil de Bayesian. L'estimation de l'exposition de cet outil convergeait avec l'exposition mesurée. Cela a été le mieux décrit par une équation du second degré inversée. Les résultats suggèrent que l'outil de Bayesian n'est pas adapté pour mettre en évidence les taux d'expositions faibles. Cet outil devrait également être testé avec d'autres ensembles de données décrivant des taux d'expositions plus élevés. L'exposition répétée à des substances chimiques ayant des propriétés irritatives et sensibilisantes devrait être investiguée d'avantage, afin de mieux comprendre l'apparition de maladies respiratoires chez les professionnels du nettoyage. Des mesures de prévention devraient tout particulièrement être orientées sur l'utilisation correcte des produits de nettoyage, afin d'éviter les concentrations d'air élevées se situant à la valeur limite d'exposition acceptée.
This article presents an experimental study about the classification ability of several classifiers for multi-classclassification of cannabis seedlings. As the cultivation of drug type cannabis is forbidden in Switzerland lawenforcement authorities regularly ask forensic laboratories to determinate the chemotype of a seized cannabisplant and then to conclude if the plantation is legal or not. This classification is mainly performed when theplant is mature as required by the EU official protocol and then the classification of cannabis seedlings is a timeconsuming and costly procedure. A previous study made by the authors has investigated this problematic [1]and showed that it is possible to differentiate between drug type (illegal) and fibre type (legal) cannabis at anearly stage of growth using gas chromatography interfaced with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) based on therelative proportions of eight major leaf compounds. The aims of the present work are on one hand to continueformer work and to optimize the methodology for the discrimination of drug- and fibre type cannabisdeveloped in the previous study and on the other hand to investigate the possibility to predict illegal cannabisvarieties. Seven classifiers for differentiating between cannabis seedlings are evaluated in this paper, namelyLinear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA), Nearest NeighbourClassification (NNC), Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ), Radial Basis Function Support Vector Machines(RBF SVMs), Random Forest (RF) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The performance of each method wasassessed using the same analytical dataset that consists of 861 samples split into drug- and fibre type cannabiswith drug type cannabis being made up of 12 varieties (i.e. 12 classes). The results show that linear classifiersare not able to manage the distribution of classes in which some overlap areas exist for both classificationproblems. Unlike linear classifiers, NNC and RBF SVMs best differentiate cannabis samples both for 2-class and12-class classifications with average classification results up to 99% and 98%, respectively. Furthermore, RBFSVMs correctly classified into drug type cannabis the independent validation set, which consists of cannabisplants coming from police seizures. In forensic case work this study shows that the discrimination betweencannabis samples at an early stage of growth is possible with fairly high classification performance fordiscriminating between cannabis chemotypes or between drug type cannabis varieties.
BACKGROUND: High sugar and fat intakes are known to increase intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCLs) and to cause insulin resistance. High protein intake may facilitate weight loss and improve glucose homeostasis in insulin-resistant patients, but its effects on IHCLs remain unknown. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to assess the effect of high protein intake on high-fat diet-induced IHCL accumulation and insulin sensitivity in healthy young men. DESIGN: Ten volunteers were studied in a crossover design after 4 d of either a hypercaloric high-fat (HF) diet; a hypercaloric high-fat, high-protein (HFHP) diet; or a control, isocaloric (control) diet. IHCLs were measured by (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy, fasting metabolism was measured by indirect calorimetry, insulin sensitivity was measured by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp, and plasma concentrations were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; expression of key lipogenic genes was assessed in subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsy specimens. RESULTS: The HF diet increased IHCLs by 90 +/- 26% and plasma tissue-type plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (tPAI-1) by 54 +/- 11% (P < 0.02 for both) and inhibited plasma free fatty acids by 26 +/- 11% and beta-hydroxybutyrate by 61 +/- 27% (P < 0.05 for both). The HFHP diet blunted the increase in IHCLs and normalized plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate and tPAI-1 concentrations. Insulin sensitivity was not altered, whereas the expression of sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c and key lipogenic genes increased with the HF and HFHP diets (P < 0.02). Bile acid concentrations remained unchanged after the HF diet but increased by 50 +/- 24% after the HFHP diet (P = 0.14). CONCLUSIONS: Protein intake significantly blunts the effects of an HF diet on IHCLs and tPAI-1 through effects presumably exerted at the level of the liver. Protein-induced increases in bile acid concentrations may be involved. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00523562.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, modified to enhance its anabolic actions (promotion of protein synthesis and muscle growth). They have numerous side effects, and are on the International Olympic Committee's list of banned substances. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry allows identification and characterisation of steroids and their metabolites in the urine but may not distinguish between pharmaceutical and natural testosterone. Indirect methods to detect doping include determination of the testosterone/epitestosterone glucuronide ratio with suitable cut-off values. Direct evidence may be obtained with a method based on the determination of the carbon isotope ratio of the urinary steroids. This paper aims to give an overview of the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids in sport and methods used in anti-doping laboratories for their detection in urine, with special emphasis on doping with testosterone. METHODS: Review of the recent literature of anabolic steroid testing, athletic use, and adverse effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids. RESULTS: Procedures used for detection of doping with endogenous steroids are outlined. The World Anti-Doping Agency provided a guide in August 2004 to ensure that laboratories can report, in a uniform way, the presence of abnormal profiles of urinary steroids resulting from the administration of testosterone or its precursors, androstenediol, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone or a testosterone metabolite, dihydrotestosterone, or a masking agent, epitestosterone. CONCLUSIONS: Technology developed for detection of testosterone in urine samples appears suitable when the substance has been administered intramuscularly. Oral administration leads to rapid pharmacokinetics, so urine samples need to be collected in the initial hours after intake. Thus there is a need to find specific biomarkers in urine or plasma to enable detection of long term oral administration of testosterone.
Estimating the time since discharge of a spent cartridge or a firearm can be useful in criminal situa-tions involving firearms. The analysis of volatile gunshot residue remaining after shooting using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) followed by gas chromatography (GC) was proposed to meet this objective. However, current interpretative models suffer from several conceptual drawbacks which render them inadequate to assess the evidential value of a given measurement. This paper aims to fill this gap by proposing a logical approach based on the assessment of likelihood ratios. A probabilistic model was thus developed and applied to a hypothetical scenario where alternative hy-potheses about the discharge time of a spent cartridge found on a crime scene were forwarded. In order to estimate the parameters required to implement this solution, a non-linear regression model was proposed and applied to real published data. The proposed approach proved to be a valuable method for interpreting aging-related data.
Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is frequently found in the blood of drivers suspected of driving under the influence of cannabis or involved in traffic crashes. The present study used a double-blind crossover design to compare the effects of medium (16.5 mg THC) and high doses (45.7 mg THC) of hemp milk decoctions or of a medium dose of dronabinol (20 mg synthetic THC, Marinol on several skills required for safe driving. Forensic interpretation of cannabinoids blood concentrations were attempted using the models proposed by Daldrup (cannabis influencing factor or CIF) and Huestis and coworkers. First, the time concentration-profiles of THC, 11-hydroxy-Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-OH-THC) (active metabolite of THC), and 11-nor-9-carboxy-Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THCCOOH) in whole blood were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-negative ion chemical ionization. Compared to smoking studies, relatively low concentrations were measured in blood. The highest mean THC concentration (8.4 ng/mL) was achieved 1 h after ingestion of the strongest decoction. Mean maximum 11-OH-THC level (12.3 ng/mL) slightly exceeded that of THC. THCCOOH reached its highest mean concentration (66.2 ng/mL) 2.5-5.5 h after intake. Individual blood levels showed considerable intersubject variability. The willingness to drive was influenced by the importance of the requested task. Under significant cannabinoids influence, the participants refused to drive when they were asked whether they would agree to accomplish several unimportant tasks, (e.g., driving a friend to a party). Most of the participants reported a significant feeling of intoxication and did not appreciate the effects, notably those felt after drinking the strongest decoction. Road sign and tracking testing revealed obvious and statistically significant differences between placebo and treatments. A marked impairment was detected after ingestion of the strongest decoction. A CIF value, which relies on the molar ratio of main active to inactive cannabinoids, greater than 10 was found to correlate with a strong feeling of intoxication. It also matched with a significant decrease in the willingness to drive, and it matched also with a significant impairment in tracking performances. The mathematic model II proposed by Huestis et al. (1992) provided at best a rough estimate of the time of oral administration with 27% of actual values being out of range of the 95% confidence interval. The sum of THC and 11-OH-THC blood concentrations provided a better estimate of impairment than THC alone. This controlled clinical study points out the negative influence on fitness to drive after medium or high dose oral THC or dronabinol.
Objectives: Ethanol is well-known to impair driving ability. The major aim of this study was to evaluate the number of drivers driving under the influence of ethanol in a population of randomly controlled drivers. Methods: 1016 drivers were randomly controlled at 27 different locations in Western Switzerland from October 2006 to April 2008. Drivers were controlled for alcohol consumption with a breathalyzer according to the Swiss Road traffic law. If the result was equal or higher than an equivalent of a blood alcohol concentration of 0.8 g/kg, a blood sample was taken; otherwise, a saliva sample was obtained. Blood and saliva were analysed for ethanol by Head-space gas chromatography coupled with a FID detector. Results: Among the controlled drivers, men (69%) predominated over female (31%). The mean age was 41 (range: 16 90). For 968 drivers (95.3%) ethanol was not detected in blood or saliva. These drivers were not under the influence of ethanol. Ethanol was detected in saliva or blood of 48 drivers (4.7%). Among these drivers, blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was above the legal limit of 0.8 g/kg (serious offence) in 14 cases (1.4% of the total population). BAC were in the range of 0.91 to 2.43 g/kg (mean: 1.32 g/kg, median: 1.11 g/kg). Among these 14 cases, men (13 cases, 93%) were over represented. No ethanol was found in the population of truck drivers (17 cases). 986 drivers were car drivers and 46 of them have drunk ethanol (5%). 13 bikers were controlled and 2 of them have drunk ethanol (15%). Conclusion: Driving under the influence of ethanol concerned about 5% of a population of randomly controlled drivers, and 1,4% of the drivers had a blood alcohol concentration higer than 0.8 g/kg (legale limit for a serious offence).
The Radiello Passive Air Sampler is one of the latest innovations developed for the sampling of pollutants in the air by passive headspace. It has been reported that its properties allow an enhanced sensitivity, reproducibility and adsorption capacity. It therefore appears to be of interest in the extraction of potential residues of ignitable liquids present in fire debris when arson is suspected. A theoretical approach and several laboratory tests have made it possible to precisely characterize in a forensic perspective the potential of the device in extracting and concentrating the vapors of ignitable liquids found in fire debris. Despite some advantages, the Radiello device appears to be less efficient than traditional axial symmetry samplers.
A passive sampling device called Monitor of NICotine or "MoNIC", was constructed and evaluated by IST laboratory for determining nicotine in Second Hand Tobacco Smoke (SHTS) or Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS). Vapour nicotine was passively collected on a potassium bisulfate treated glass fibre filter as collection medium. Analysis of collected nicotine on the treated filter by gas chromatography equipped with Thermoionic-Specific Detector (GC-TSD) after liquid-liquid extraction of 1mL of 5N NaOH : 1 mL of n-heptane saturated with NH3 using quinoline as internal standard. Based on nicotine amount of 0.2 mg/cigarette as the reference, the inhaled Cigarette Equivalents (CE) by non-smokers can be calculated. Using the detected CE on the badge for non-smokers, and comparing with amount of nicotine and cotinine level in saliva of both smokers and exposed non-smokers, we can confirm the use of the CE concept for estimating exposure to ETS. The regional CIPRET (Center of information and prevention of the addiction to smoking) of different cantons (Valais (VS), Vaud (VD), Neuchâtel (NE) and Fribourg (FR)) are going to organize a big campaign on the subject of the passive addiction to smoking. This campaign took place in 2007-2008 and has for objective to inform clearly the Swiss population of the dangerousness of the passive smoke. More than 3'900 MoNIC badges were gracefully distributed to Swiss population to perform a self-monitoring of population exposure level to ETS, expressed in term of CE. Non-stimulated saliva was also collected to determine ETS biomarkers nicotine/cotinine levels of participating volunteers. Results of different levels of CE in occupational and non-occupational situations in relation with ETS were presented in this study. This study, unique in Switzerland, has established a base map on the population's exposure to SHTS. It underscored the fact that all the Swiss people involved in this campaign (N=1241) is exposed to passive smoke, from <0.2 cig/d (10.8%), 1-2 to more than 10 cig/d (89.2%). In the area of high exposure (15-38 cig/d), are the most workers in public restaurant, cafe, bar, disco. By monitoring ETS tracer nicotine and its biomarkers, salivary nicotine and cotinine, it is demonstrated that the MoNIC badge can serve as indicator of CE passive smoking. The MoNIC badge, accompanied with content of salivary nicotine/cotinine can serve as a tool of evaluation of the ETS passive smoking and contributes to supply useful data for future epidemiological studies. It is also demonstrated that the salivary nicotine (without stimulation) is a better biomarker of ETS exposure than cotinine.
The use of urinary hexane diamine (HDA) as a biomarker to assess human respiratory exposure to hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) aerosol was evaluated. Twenty-three auto body shop workers were exposed to HDI biuret aerosol for two hours using a closed exposure apparatus. HDI exposures were quantified using both a direct-reading instrument and a treated-filter method. Urine samples collected at baseline, immediately post exposure, and every four to five hours for up to 20 hours were analyzed for HDA using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Mean urinary HDA (microg/g creatinine) sharply increased from the baseline value of 0.7 to 18.1 immediately post exposure and decreased rapidly to 4.7, 1.9 and 1.1, respectively, at 4, 9, and 18 hours post exposure. Considerable individual variability was found. Urinary HDA can assess acute respiratory exposure to HDI aerosol, but may have limited use as a biomarker of exposure in the workplace. [Authors]
During the first hours after release of petroleum at sea, crude oil hydrocarbons partition rapidly into air and water. However, limited information is available about very early evaporation and dissolution processes. We report on the composition of the oil slick during the first day after a permitted, unrestrained 4.3 m(3) oil release conducted on the North Sea. Rapid mass transfers of volatile and soluble hydrocarbons were observed, with >50% of ≤C17 hydrocarbons disappearing within 25 h from this oil slick of <10 km(2) area and <10 μm thickness. For oil sheen, >50% losses of ≤C16 hydrocarbons were observed after 1 h. We developed a mass transfer model to describe the evolution of oil slick chemical composition and water column hydrocarbon concentrations. The model was parametrized based on environmental conditions and hydrocarbon partitioning properties estimated from comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) retention data. The model correctly predicted the observed fractionation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the oil slick resulting from evaporation and dissolution. This is the first report on the broad-spectrum compositional changes in oil during the first day of a spill at the sea surface. Expected outcomes under other environmental conditions are discussed, as well as comparisons to other models.
The effects of infusion of a triglyceride emulsion (which induces peripheral insulin resistance) and amino acids (which stimulate gluconeogenesis) on glucose metabolism were investigated in healthy lean humans during exogenous infusion of glucose. One group of subjects (n = 5) was infused for 7.5 h with 11.1 mumol/kg/min glucose; during the last 4 h, amino acids were also infused at a rate of 3.33 mg/kg/min. A second group of subjects (n = 5) was infused with glucose+lipids (Lipovenös, 10% 10 ml/min) for 7.5 h and amino acids were added during the last 4 h. Infusion of lipids suppressed the increase in glucose oxidation observed during infusion of glucose alone (delta glucose oxidation: -2.1 +/- 1.1 vs. + 4.5 +/- 1.4 mumol/kg/min; P < 0.05) and during infusion of glucose+amino acids (delta glucose oxidation: + 1.6 +/- 1.4 vs. + 10.6 +/- 1.2 mumol/kg/min; P < 0.05). Gluconeogenesis (determined from 13C glucose synthesis during infusion of 13C bicarbonate) increased from 1.1 +/- 0.2 mumol/kg/min during infusion of glucose and 1.6 +/- 0.3 during infusion of glucose+lipids to 3.2 +/- 0.4 and 3.1 +/- 0.4, respectively, when amino acid infusion was superimposed (P < 0.05 in both instances). Plasma glucose concentrations were identical during infusion of glucose alone or glucose+amino acids, with or without lipids. Insulin concentrations were significantly increased by lipids both during infusion of glucose alone and of glucose+amino acids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The toxicity of yew (Taxus spp) is well known from ancient times and is mainly due to taxins acting as inhibitors of calcium and sodium transport across the cell membrane of cardiac myocytes. The confirmation of yew taxins in body fluids can be carried out by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). However, before selecting this precise but expensive technique, an orientation test should be done to ascertain yew presence as toxic agent in the organism. As the 3,5-dimethoxyphenol (3,5-DMP), myrtenol and 1-octen-3-ol appear as glycosidically bound volatile compounds and are very yew specific, the detection of 3,5-DMP and the measurement of 1-octen-3-ol / myrtenol concentration ratio constitute reliable indicators of yew presence in forensic cases. The detection of these compounds is easily performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) (SIM) after an enzymatic hydrolysis (β-glucosidase) allowing the release of volatile compounds from yew glycosides. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The effect of aging on steady-state plasma concentrations of citalopram (CIT) and desmethylcitalopram (DCIT) was investigated in 128 depressive patients treated with 10-80 mg/day CIT. They were separated into three groups, with age up to 64 years (mean age+/-S.D.: 47+/-12 years; n=48), between 65 and 79 years (72+/-1 years; n=57), and from 80 years or older (84+/-1 years; n=23). Body mass index (BMI), renal and hepatic functions were similar in the three groups. A large interindividual variability of plasma levels of CIT (16-fold) and DCIT (12-fold) was measured for a given dose. The mean plasma levels of CIT corrected for a 20 mg daily dose were 55% higher in the very elderly (>=80 years) patients (65+/-30 ng/ml; p<0.001) and 38% higher in the elderly (65-79 years) patients (58+/-24 ng/ml; p<0.001) when compared to the adult patients (42+/-17 ng/ml). DCIT mean plasma level was 38% higher (p<0.05) in the group of very elderly patients (22+/-10 ng/ml) when compared to the adult patients (16+/-9 ng/ml). As a consequence, the mean plasma concentration of CIT+DCIT was 48% higher in the very elderly patients (86+/-36 ng/ml; p<0.001) and 33% higher in the elderly patients (77+/-28 ng/ml; p<0.001) when compared to the adult patients (58+/-21 ng/ml). Age correlated significantly with CIT (r=0.43, p<0.001), DCIT (r=0.28, p<0.01), and CIT+DCIT plasma levels (r=0.44, p<0.001), and thus accounts for 18% of the variability of CIT plasma levels, with no influence of gender. The recommended dose reduction of CIT in elderly patients seems therefore justified.
OBJECTIVE: Nandrolone is an anabolic steroid widely used in several sports. The numerous nandrolone positive cases in the recent years (International Olympic Committee statistics) led to several studies in the antidoping field. Nevertheless, essential questions pertaining to nandrolone endogenous production, the effects of physical exercise on the excretion of nandrolone metabolites, and contamination from nutritional supplements must still be addressed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of exhaustive exercises on 19-norandrosterone (19-NA) and 19-noretiocholanolone (19-NE) urinary excretion rates after administration of labeled nandrolone. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A total of 34 healthy male Caucasian volunteers from the Institute of Sports Sciences and Physical Education (University of Lausanne) applied to participate in the study. All subjects were free from any physical drug addiction and were instructed strictly to avoid any nutritional supplement or steroid before and during the study. The participants were randomly dispatched in 2 groups in a double-blind way: a placebo group and a group treated with C-labeled nandrolone. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: The urinary concentrations of the 2 main nandrolone metabolites, 19-NA and 19-NE, were measured using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. In addition, clinical parameters such as creatinine, total protein, and beta2-microglobuline levels were determined using immunologic assays. RESULTS: After an oral ingestion of a 25 mg 3,4-C2-nandrolone dose, followed by a second identical dose 24 hours later, 19-NA and 19-NE could be detected in the urine for a period of 6 days after the initial intake. Despite several interesting observations, the measurements were very scattered and did not appear to be significantly influenced by exercise sessions in the athlete population. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that physical exercise cannot be considered as a reliable parameter that systematically affects nandrolone metabolite concentrations in the urine.