336 resultados para effet alpha
Loss of IκB kinase (IKK) β-dependent NF-κB signaling in hematopoietic cells is associated with increased granulopoiesis. Here we identify a regulatory cytokine loop that causes neutrophilia in Ikkβ-deficient mice. TNF-α-dependent apoptosis of myeloid progenitor cells leads to the release of IL-1β, which promotes Th17 polarization of peripheral CD4(+) T cells. Although the elevation of IL-17 and the consecutive induction of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor compensate for the loss of myeloid progenitor cells, the facilitated induction of Th17 cells renders Ikkβ-deficient animals more susceptible to the development of experimental autoimmune encephalitis. These results unravel so far unanticipated direct and indirect functions for IKKβ in myeloid progenitor survival and maintenance of innate and Th17 immunity and raise concerns about long-term IKKβ inhibition in IL-17-mediated diseases.
RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC En biologie, si une découverte permet de répondre à quelques questions, en général elle en engendre beaucoup d'autres. C'est ce qui s'est produit récemment dans le monde des kallicréines. De la famille des protéases, protéines ayant la faculté de couper plus ou moins spécifiquement d'autres protéines pour exercer un rôle biologique, la famille des kallicréines humaines n'était composée que de 3 membres lors du siècle dernier. Parmi eux, une kallicréine mondialement utilisée pour détecter le cancer de la prostate, le PSA. En 2000, un chercheur de l'hôpital universitaire Mont Sinaï à Toronto, le Professeur Eleftherios Diamandis, a découvert la présence de 12 nouveaux gènes appartenant à cette famille, situés sur le même chromosome que les 3 premières kallicréines. Cette découverte majeure a placé les spécialistes des kallicréines face à une montagne d'interrogations car les fonctions de ces nouvelles protéases étaient totalement inconnues. La kallicréine humaine 14 (hK14) présente un intérêt particulier, car elle se retrouve associée à différents cancers, notamment les carcinomes ovariens et mammaires. Cette association ne répond cependant pas à la fonction de cette protéase. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était donc de découvrir, dans un premier temps, la spécificité de cette nouvelle kallicréine, c'est-à-dire le type de coupure qu'elle engendre au niveau des protéines qu'elle cible. Utilisant une technologie de pointe qui exploite la propriété des bactériophages à se répliquer dans les bactéries à l'infini, des dizaines de millions de combinaisons protéiques aléatoires ont été présentées à hK14, qui a pu sélectionner celles qui lui étaient favorables pour la coupure. Cette technique qualitative porte le nom de Phage Display Substrate. Une fois la sélection réalisée, il fallait transférer ces séquences coupées ou substrats dans un système permettant de donner une valeur quantitative à l'efficacité de coupure. Pour cela nous avons développé une technologie qui permet d'évaluer cette efficacité en utilisant des protéines fluorescentes de méduse, modifiées génétiquement, dont l'excitation de la première (CFP : cyan fluorescent protein) par la lumière à une certaine longue d'onde permet le transfert d'énergie à la seconde (YFP : yellow fluorescent protein), via un substrat qui les lie. Pour que ce transfert d'énergie se produise, il faut que les deux protéines fluorescentes soient proches, comme c'est le cas lorsqu'elles sont liées par un substrat. La coupure de ce lien provoque un changement de transfert d'énergie qui est quantifiable en utilisant un spectrofluoromètre. Cette technologie permet donc de suivre la réaction d'hydrolyse (coupure) des protéases. Afin de poursuivre certaines expériences permettant de mieux comprendre la fonction biologique d'hK14 ainsi que son éventuelle implication dans le cancer, nous avons développé des inhibiteurs spécifiques d'hK14. Les séquences qui on été le plus efficacement coupées par hK14 ont été utilisées pour transformer deux types d'inhibiteurs classiques, qui circulent dans notre sang, en inhibiteurs d'hK14 hautement efficaces et spécifiques. Selon les résultats obtenus in vitro, ils pourront être évalués in vivo en tant que traitement potentiel contre le cancer. RESUME Les protéases sont des enzymes impliquées dans des processus physiologiques mais aussi parfois pathologiques. La famille des kallicréines tissulaires humaines représente le plus grand groupe de protéases humaines, dont plusieurs pourraient participer au développement de certaines maladies. D'autre part, ces protéases sont apparues comme des marqueurs de pathogénicité potentiels, notamment dans les cas de cancers hormono-dépendants. La kallicréine humaine 14 a été récemment découverte et son implication dans quelques maladies, particulièrement dans le cas de tumeurs, semble probable. En effet, son expression génique est augmentée au niveau des tissus cancéreux de la prostate et du sein et son expression protéique s'est révélée plus élevée dans le sérum de patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein ou des ovaires. Cependant, comme c'est le cas pour la plupart des kallicréines, sa fonction est encore inconnue. Afin de mieux connaître son rôle biologique et/ou pathologique, nous avons décidé de caractériser son activité enzymatique. Nous avons tout d'abord mis au point un système de substrats entièrement biologique permettant d'étudier in vitro l'activité des protéases. Ce système est basé sur le phénomène de FRET, à savoir le transfert d'énergie de résonance fluorescente qui intervient entre deux molécules fluorescentes voisines si le spectre d'émission de la protéine donneuse chevauche le spectre d'excitation de la protéine receveuse. Nous avons fusionné de manière covalente une protéine fluorescente bleue (CFP) et une jaune (YFP) en les liant avec diverses séquences. Par clivage de la séquence de liaison, une perte du transfert d'énergie peut être mesurée par un spectrofluoromètre. Cette technologie représente un moyen facile de suivre la réaction d'hydrolyse des protéases. Les conditions optimales de production de ces substrats CFP-YFP ont été déterminées, de même que les paramètres pouvant éventuellement influencer le FRET. Ce système possède une grande résistance à la protéolyse non spécifique et est applicable à un grand nombre de protéase. Contrairement aux substrats fluorogéniques, il permet d'étudier les acides aminés se trouvant des deux côtés du site de clivage. Ce système étant entièrement biologique, il est le reflet des interactions protéine-protéine et représente un outil biologique facile, bon marché et rapide pour caractériser les protéases. Dans un premier temps, hK14 a été mise en présence d' une banque de haute diversité de pentapeptides aléatoires présentée à la surface de phages afin d'identifier des substrats spécifiques. Ensuite, le système CFP-YFP a été employé pour trier les peptides sélectionnés afin d'identifier les séquences de substrats les plus sensibles et spécifiques pour hK14. Nous avons montré, qu'en plus de sa prévisible activité de type trypsine, hK14 possède aussi une très surprenante activité de type chymotrypsine. Les séquences les plus sensibles ont été choisies pour cribler la banque de donnée Swissprot, permettant ainsi l'identification de 6 substrats protéiques humains potentiels pour hK14. Trois d'entre eux, la laminine α-5, le collagène IV et la matriline-4, qui sont des composants de la matrice extracellulaire, ont démontré une grande susceptibilité à l'hydrolyse par hK14. De plus, la séparation éléctrophorétique a montré que la dégradation de la laminine α-5 et de la matriline-4 par hK14 devait se produire aux sites identifiés par la technologie du phage display. Pour terminer, nous avons transformé, par mutagenèse dirigée, deux serpines (inhibiteurs de protéases de type sérine) connues, AAT et ACT (alpha anti-trypsine et alpha anti-chymotrypsine), qui inhibent un vaste éventail d'enzymes humaines en inhibiteurs d'hK14 hautement efficaces et spécifiques. Ces inhibiteurs pourront être utilisés d'une part pour poursuivre certaines expériences permettant de mieux comprendre l'implication d'hK14 dans des voies physiologiques ou dans le cancer et d'autre part pour les évaluer in vivo en tant que traitement potentiel contre le cancer. SUMMARY Proteases consist of enzymes involved in physiological events, but also, in case of dysregulation, in pathogenicity. The human tissue kallikrein family represents the largest human protease cluster and includes several members that either could participate in the course of certain diseases or emerged as potential biological markers, especially in hormone dependent cancers. The human kallikrein 14 has been recently discovered and suggested implications in some disorders, particularly in tumors since its gene expression is up-regulated in prostate and breast cancer tissues and its protein expression increased in the serum of patients with breast and ovarian cancers. However, like most kallikreins, its function remains unknown. To better understand hK14 biological and/or pathological role, we decided to characterize its enzymatic activity. First of all, we developped a biological system suitable for in vitro study of protease activity. This system is based on the so-called FRET phenomenon, that is the Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer that occurs between two nearby fluorescent proteins if the emission spectrum of the donor overlaps the excitation spectrum of the acceptor. We fused covalently a cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) with diverses sequences. Upon cleavage of the linker sequence by protease, the loss of energy transfer can be measured by a spectrofluorometer allowing an easy following of hydrolysis reaction. The optimal conditions to produce in bacterial system these CFP-YFP substrates were determined as well as the parameters that could eventually influence the FRET. This system demonstrated a high degree of resistance to non-specific proteolysis and applicability to various conditions corresponding to a great number of existing proteases. Other avantages are the possibility to study the amino acids located both sides of the cleavage site as well as the interest to work in a full biological system reflecting protein-protein interaction. A phage substrate library with exhaustive diversity was used prior to CFP-substrate-YFP system to isolate specific human kallikrein 14 substrates. After that the CFP-YFP system was used to sort peptides and identify highly sensitive and specific substrate sequences for hK14. We showed that besides its predictable trypsin-like activity, hK14 also possesses a surprising chymotrypsin-like activity. The screening of the Swissprot database was achieved with the most sensitive sequences and allowed the identification of 6 potential human protein substrates for hK14. Three of them, laminin α-5, collagen IV and matrilin-4, which are components of the extracellular matrix were incubated with hK14, by which they were efficiently hydrolyzed. Moreover, electrophoretic separation revealed that degradation of laminin α-5 and matrilin-4 by hK14 generated fragments with identical molecular size than the predicted N-terminal fragments that would result from hK14 specific cleavage, proving the value of phage display substrate to identify potential substrates. Finally, with site-directed mutagenesis, we transformed two well-known serpins (serine protease inhibitors), AAT and ACT (alpha anti-trypsin and alpha anti-chymotrypsin), which inhibit a vast spectrum of human enzymes into highly efficient and specific hK14 inhibitors. These inhibitors will be used to pursue experiments that could help understand hK14 implication in physiological pathways as well as in cancer biology and also to perform their in vivo evalution as potential cancer treatment.
Les allergies sont très fréquentes au sein de la population générale puisque 30% ont un terrain atopique et 20% souffrent d'allergies (1). Parmi ces allergies, il en existe qui concernent essentiellement les boulangers et autres corps de métier gravitant autour de la formation du pain et d'autres produits. Il s'agit de l'allergie aux farines et enzymes utilisées dans la fabrication de pain et d'autres produits contenant de la farine (2). Cette allergie peut atteindre les voies respiratoires avec l'asthme et la rhinite, les muqueuses oculaires (conjonctivite) et la peau (eczéma) (3,4). Ce sont essentiellement les farines de blé et de seigle qui sont responsables de l'asthme professionnel chez le boulanger (5,6). En ce qui concerne les enzymes, c'est principalement l'alpha-amylase qui cause l'asthme du boulanger (2). L'allergie à la farine ou aux enzymes chez le boulanger est l'allergie professionnelle la plus fréquente en Suisse. Elle contraint bien trop souvent les allergiques à se réorienter professionnellement, principalement lorsqu'il y a de l'asthme. Notons que par crainte de perdre leur emploi et d'être obligés de se reconvertir, beaucoup de boulangers ne déclarent pas leur maladie (7). En effet, en Suisse, le nombre de personnes atteintes par un asthme professionnel n'a fait qu'augmenter durant le XXème Siècle et atteint chaque année plus de 100 personnes travaillant en boulangerie ou en pâtisserie. Plus de 50 d'entre elles doivent renoncer à leur activité et se réorienter professionnellement (8). Ces maladies sont souvent sous-déclarées, en particulier les rhinites qui passent souvent inaperçues (1). Les recherches ont montré que le risque de développer de telles allergies augmente avec la concentration de farines et additifs dans l'air ambiant (8,9). Le risque diffère en fonction de la présence ou non d'un terrain atopique. En effet, pour un travailleur non atopique ou non sensibilisé, la probabilité de développer des symptômes modérés du système respiratoire supérieur et la progression vers des symptômes sévères atteignant le système respiratoire inférieur s'élève à 0.4%, ce risque est deux fois supérieur pour un travailleur atopique (10). En outre, parmi les personnes présentant une allergie professionnelle en boulangerie, 36% ont des symptômes sévères sur une sensibilisation à la farine et 22% sur une sensibilisation à l'alpha- amylase. Il faut en moyenne une période d'environ 10 ans pour développer des symptômes respiratoires (3).
The liver of C57BL/6 mice contains a major subset of CD4+8- and CD4-8- T cell receptor (TCR)-alpha/beta+ cells expressing the polymorphic natural killer NK1.1 surface marker. Liver NK1.1+TCR-alpha/beta+ (NK1+ T) cells require interaction with beta2-microglobulin-associated, major histocompatibility complex I-like molecules on hematopoietic cells for their development and have a TCR repertoire that is highly skewed to Vbeta8.2, Vbeta7, and Vbeta2. We show here that congenic C57BL/6.Vbeta(a) mice, which lack Vbeta8- expressing T cells owing to a genomic deletion at the Vbeta locus, maintain normal levels of liver NK1+ T cells owing to a dramatic increase in the proportion of cells expressing Vbeta7 and Vbeta2 (but not other Vbetas). Moreover, in C57BL/6 congenic TCR-V Vbeta3 and -Vbeta8.1 transgenic mice (which in theory should not express other Vbeta, owing to allelic exclusion at the TCR-beta locus), endogenous TCR-Vbeta8.2, Vbeta7, and Vbeta2 (but not other Vbetas) are frequently expressed on liver NK1+T cells but absent on lymph node T cells. Finally, when endogenous V beta expression is prevented in TCR-Vbeta3 and Vbeta8.1 transgenic mice (by introduction of a null allele at the C beta locus), the development of liver NK1+T cells is totally abrogated. Collectively, our data indicate that liver NK1+T cells have a stringent requirement for expression of TCR-Vbeta8.2, Vbeta7, or Vbeta2 for their development.
T cell factor-1 (Tcf-1) is a transcription factor that binds to a sequence motif present in several T cell-specific enhancer elements. In Tcf-1-deficient (Tcf-1-/-) mice, thymocyte development is partially blocked at the transition from the CD4-8+ immature single-positive stage to the CD4+8+ double-positive stage, resulting in a marked decrease of mature peripheral T cells in lymph node and spleen. We report here that the development of most intestinal TCR gamma delta+ cells and liver CD4+ NK1.1+TCR alpha beta+ (NK1+T) cells, which are believed to be of extrathymic origin, is selectively impaired in Tcf-1-/- mice. In contrast, thymic and thymus-derived (splenic) TCR gamma delta+ cells are present in normal numbers in Tcf-1-/- mice, as are other T cell subsets in intestine and liver. Collectively, our data suggest that Tcf-1 is differentially required for the development of some extrathymic T cell subsets, including intestinal TCR gamma delta+ cells and liver CD4+ NK1+T cells.
The dynamic properties of helix 12 in the ligand binding domain of nuclear receptors are a major determinant of AF-2 domain activity. We investigated the molecular and structural basis of helix 12 mobility, as well as the involvement of individual residues with regard to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) constitutive and ligand-dependent transcriptional activity. Functional assays of the activity of PPARalpha helix 12 mutants were combined with free energy molecular dynamics simulations. The agreement between the results from these approaches allows us to make robust claims concerning the mechanisms that govern helix 12 functions. Our data support a model in which PPARalpha helix 12 transiently adopts a relatively stable active conformation even in the absence of a ligand. This conformation provides the interface for the recruitment of a coactivator and results in constitutive activity. The receptor agonists stabilize this conformation and increase PPARalpha transcription activation potential. Finally, we disclose important functions of residues in PPARalpha AF-2, which determine the positioning of helix 12 in the active conformation in the absence of a ligand. Substitution of these residues suppresses PPARalpha constitutive activity, without changing PPARalpha ligand-dependent activation potential.
Rat 1 fibroblasts transfected to express either the wild-type hamster alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor or a constitutively active mutant (CAM) form of this receptor resulting from the alteration of amino acid residues 288-294 to encode the equivalent region of the human beta 2-adrenergic receptor were examined. The basal level of inositol phosphate generation in cells expressing the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor was greater than for the wild-type receptor, The addition of maximally effective concentrations of phenylephrine or noradrenaline resulted in substantially greater levels of inositol phosphate generation by the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor, although this receptor was expressed at lower steady-state levels than the wild-type receptor. The potency of both phenylephrine and noradrenaline to stimulate inositol phosphate production was approx. 200-fold greater at the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor than at the wild-type receptor. In contrast, endothelin 1, acting at the endogenously expressed endothelin ETA, receptor, displayed similar potency and maximal effects in the two cell lines. The sustained presence of phenylephrine resulted in down-regulation of the alpha subunits of the phosphoinositidase C-linked, pertussis toxin-insensitive, G-proteins G9 and G11 in cells expressing either the wild-type or the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor. The degree of down-regulation achieved was substantially greater in cells expressing the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor at all concentrations of the agonist. However, in this assay phenylephrine displayed only a slightly greater potency at the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor than at the wild-type receptor. There were no detectable differences in the basal rate of G9 alpha/G11 alpha degradation between cells expressing the wild-type or the CAMalpha 1B-adrenergic receptor. In both cell lines the addition of phenylephrine substantially increased the rate of degradation of these G-proteins, with a greater effect at the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor. The enhanced capacity of agonist both to stimulate second-messenger production at the CAM alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor and to regulate cellular levels of its associated G-proteins by stimulating their rate of degradation is indicative of an enhanced stoichiometry of coupling of this form of the receptor to G9 and G11.
Background and objectives In humans, circulating CD4(+)CD25(high) T cells contain mainly regulatory T cells (Treg; FoxP3(+)IL-7R alpha(low)), but a small subset is represented by activated effector T cells (Tact; FoxP3(-)IL-7R alpha(high)). The balance between Tact and Treg may be important after transplantation. The aim of this study was first to analyze and correlate CD4(+)CD25(high) Tact and Treg with the clinical status of kidney transplant recipients and second to study prospectively the effect of two immunosuppressive regimens on Tact/Treg during the first year after transplantation.Design, setting, participants, & measurements CD4(+)CD25(high) Tact and Treg were analyzed by flow cytometry, either retrospectively in 90 patients greater than 1 year after kidney transplantation (cross-sectional analysis) or prospectively in 35 patients receiving two immunosuppressive regimens after kidney transplantation (prospective analysis).Results A higher proportion of Tact and a lower proportion of Treg were found in the majority of kidney recipients. In chronic Immoral rejection, a strikingly higher proportion of Tact was present. A subgroup of stable recipients receiving calcineurin inhibitor-free immunosuppression (mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine, or sirolimus) had Tact values that were similar to healthy individuals. In the prospective analysis, the proportion of Tact significantly increased in both immunosuppression groups during the first year after transplantation.Conclusions These data highlight distinct patterns in the proportion of circulating Tact depending on the clinical status of kidney recipients. Moreover, the prospective analysis demonstrated an increase in the proportion of Tact, regardless of the immunosuppressive regimen. The measurement of Tact, in addition to Treg, may become a useful immune monitoring tool after kidney transplantation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 6: 2025-2033, 2011. doi: 10.2215/CJN.09611010
We have characterized the pharmacological antagonism, i.e., neutral antagonism or inverse agonism, displayed by a number of alpha-blockers at two alpha1-adrenergic receptor (AR) subtypes, alpha(1a)- and alpha(1b)-AR. Constitutively activating mutations were introduced into the alpha(1a)-AR at the position homologous to A293 of the alpha(1b)-AR where activating mutations were previously described. Twenty-four alpha-blockers differing in their chemical structures were initially tested for their effect on the agonist-independent inositol phosphate response mediated by the constitutively active A271E and A293E mutants expressed in COS-7 cells. A selected number of drugs also were tested for their effect on the small, but measurable spontaneous activity of the wild-type alpha(1a)- and alpha(1b)-AR expressed in COS-7 cells. The results of our study demonstrate that a large number of structurally different alpha-blockers display profound negative efficacy at both the alpha(1a)- and alpha(1b)-AR subtypes. For other drugs, the negative efficacy varied at the different constitutively active mutants. The most striking difference concerns a group of N-arylpiperazines, including 8-[2-[4-(5-chloro-2-methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethyl]-8-azaspiro [4, 5] decane-7,9-dione (REC 15/3039), REC 15/2739, and REC 15/3011, which are inverse agonists with profound negative efficacy at the wild-type alpha(1b)-AR, but not at the alpha(1a)-AR.
Na,K-ATPase is a potential target for regulatory phosphorylation by protein kinase A and C (PKA and PKC). To identify the phosphorylation sites, we have mutated the alpha 1-subunit of Bufo marinus in a highly conservative PKA and in 20 different PKC consensus sequences. The mutants were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and their phosphorylation capacity tested in homogenates upon stimulation of PKA or PKC. While serine 943 (Ser-943) was identified as a unique target site for PKA, none of the PKC consensus serine or threonine residues are implicated in PKC phosphorylation. Controlled trypsinolysis of phosphorylated alpha-subunits of various purified enzyme preparations and of alpha/beta complexes from oocyte homogenates revealed that PKC phosphorylation was exclusively associated with the N terminus. A fusion protein containing the first 32 amino acids of the Bufo alpha-subunit was phosphorylated in vitro and serine and threonine residues (Thr-15 and Ser-16) in this region were identified by site-directed mutagenesis as the PKC phosphorylation sites. Finally, the Bufo alpha-subunit was phosphorylated by protein kinases in transfected COS-7 cells. In intact cells, PKA stimulation induced phosphorylation exclusively on Ser-943 and PKC stimulation mainly on Thr-15 and Ser-16, which are contained in a novel PKC phosphorylation motif.
Intimal sarcoma (IS) is a rare, malignant, and aggressive tumor that shows a relentless course with a concomitant low survival rate and for which no effective treatment is available. In this study, 21 cases of large arterial blood vessel IS were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization and selectively by karyotyping, array comparative genomic hybridization, sequencing, phospho-kinase antibody arrays, and Western immunoblotting in search for novel diagnostic markers and potential molecular therapeutic targets. Ex vivo immunoassays were applied to test the sensitivity of IS primary tumor cells to the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitors imatinib and dasatinib. We showed that amplification of platelet-derived growth factor receptor α (PDGFRA) is a common finding in IS, which should be considered as a molecular hallmark of this entity. This amplification is consistently associated with PDGFRA activation. Furthermore, the tumors reveal persistent activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), concurrent to PDGFRA activation. Activated PDGFRA and EGFR frequently coexist with amplification and overexpression of the MDM2 oncogene. Ex vivo immunoassays on primary IS cells from one case showed the potency of dasatinib to inhibit PDGFRA and downstream signaling pathways. Our findings provide a rationale for investigating therapies that target PDGFRA, EGFR, or MDM2 in IS. Given the clonal heterogeneity of this tumor type and the potential cross-talk between the PDGFRA and EGFR signaling pathways, targeting multiple RTKs and aberrant downstream effectors might be required to improve the therapeutic outcome for patients with this disease.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection induces a state of oxidative stress by affecting mitochondrial-respiratory-chain activity. By using cell lines inducibly expressing different HCV constructs, we showed previously that viral-protein expression leads to severe impairment of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and to major reliance on nonoxidative glucose metabolism. However, the bioenergetic competence of the induced cells was not compromised, indicating an efficient prosurvival adaptive response. Here, we show that HCV protein expression activates hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) by normoxic stabilization of its alpha subunit. In consequence, expression of HIF-controlled genes, including those coding for glycolytic enzymes, was significantly upregulated. Similar expression of HIF-controlled genes was observed in cell lines inducibly expressing subgenomic HCV constructs encoding either structural or nonstructural viral proteins. Stabilization and transcriptional activation of HIF-1alpha was confirmed in Huh-7.5 cells harboring cell culture-derived infectious HCV and in liver biopsy specimens from patients with chronic hepatitis C. The HCV-related HIF-1alpha stabilization was insensitive to antioxidant treatment. Mimicking an impairment of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation by treatment of inducible cell lines with oligomycin resulted in stabilization of HIF-1alpha. Similar results were obtained by treatment with pyruvate, indicating that accumulation of intermediate metabolites is sufficient to stabilize HIF-1alpha. These observations provide new insights into the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis C and, possibly, the HCV-related development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Activation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-alpha increases lipid catabolism and lowers the concentration of circulating lipid, but its role in the control of glucose metabolism is not as clearly established. Here we compared PPARalpha knockout mice with wild type and confirmed that the former developed hypoglycemia during fasting. This was associated with only a slight increase in insulin sensitivity but a dramatic increase in whole-body and adipose tissue glucose use rates in the fasting state. The white sc and visceral fat depots were larger due to an increase in the size and number of adipocytes, and their level of GLUT4 expression was higher and no longer regulated by the fed-to-fast transition. To evaluate whether these adipocyte deregulations were secondary to the absence of PPARalpha from liver, we reexpresssed this transcription factor in the liver of knockout mice using recombinant adenoviruses. Whereas more than 90% of the hepatocytes were infected and PPARalpha expression was restored to normal levels, the whole-body glucose use rate remained elevated. Next, to evaluate whether brain PPARalpha could affect glucose homeostasis, we activated brain PPARalpha in wild-type mice by infusing WY14643 into the lateral ventricle and showed that whole-body glucose use was reduced. Hence, our data show that PPARalpha is involved in the regulation of glucose homeostasis, insulin sensitivity, fat accumulation, and adipose tissue glucose use by a mechanism that does not require PPARalpha expression in the liver. By contrast, activation of PPARalpha in the brain stimulates peripheral glucose use. This suggests that the alteration in adipocyte glucose metabolism in the knockout mice may result from the absence of PPARalpha in the brain.
Protein α-helical coiled coil structures that elicit antibody responses, which block critical functions of medically important microorganisms, represent a means for vaccine development. By using bioinformatics algorithms, a total of 50 antigens with α-helical coiled coil motifs orthologous to Plasmodium falciparum were identified in the P. vivax genome. The peptides identified in silico were chemically synthesized; circular dichroism studies indicated partial or high α-helical content. Antigenicity was evaluated using human sera samples from malaria-endemic areas of Colombia and Papua New Guinea. Eight of these fragments were selected and used to assess immunogenicity in BALB/c mice. ELISA assays indicated strong reactivity of serum samples from individuals residing in malaria-endemic regions and sera of immunized mice, with the α-helical coiled coil structures. In addition, ex vivo production of IFN-γ by murine mononuclear cells confirmed the immunogenicity of these structures and the presence of T-cell epitopes in the peptide sequences. Moreover, sera of mice immunized with four of the eight antigens recognized native proteins on blood-stage P. vivax parasites, and antigenic cross-reactivity with three of the peptides was observed when reacted with both the P. falciparum orthologous fragments and whole parasites. Results here point to the α-helical coiled coil peptides as possible P. vivax malaria vaccine candidates as were observed for P. falciparum. Fragments selected here warrant further study in humans and non-human primate models to assess their protective efficacy as single components or assembled as hybrid linear epitopes.