200 resultados para developmental cycle


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Akt/protein kinase B (PKB) plays a critical role in the regulation of metabolism, transcription, cell migration, cell cycle progression, and cell survival. The existence of viable knockout mice for each of the three isoforms suggests functional redundancy. We generated mice with combined mutant alleles of Akt1 and Akt3 to study their effects on mouse development. Here we show that Akt1-/- Akt3+/- mice display multiple defects in the thymus, heart, and skin and die within several days after birth, while Akt1+/- Akt3-/- mice survive normally. Double knockout (Akt1-/-) Akt3-/-) causes embryonic lethality at around embryonic days 11 and 12, with more severe developmental defects in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Increased apoptosis was found in the developing brain of double mutant embryos. These data indicate that the Akt1 gene is more essential than Akt3 for embryonic development and survival but that both are required for embryo development. Our results indicate isoform-specific and dosage-dependent effects of Akt on animal survival and development.


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River-dwelling fish, such as European graylings (Thymallus thymallus), are susceptible to changes in climate because they can often not avoid suboptimal temperatures, especially during early developmental stages. We analyzed data collected in a 62-year-long (1948-2009) population monitoring program. Male and female graylings were sampled about three times/week during the yearly spawning season in order to follow the development of the population. The occurrence of females bearing ripe eggs was used to approximate the timing of each spawning season. In the last years of the study, spawning season was more than 3 weeks earlier than in the first years. This shift was linked to increasing water temperatures as recorded over the last 39 years with a temperature logger at the spawning site. In early spring water temperatures rose more slowly than in later spring. Thus, embryos and larvae were exposed to increasingly colder water at a stage that is critical for sex determination and pathogen resistance in other salmonids. In summer, however, fry were exposed to increasingly warmer temperatures. The changes in water temperatures that we found embryos, larvae, and fry were exposed to could be contributing to the decline in abundance that has occurred over the last 30-40 years.


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We have recently shown that nasal immunization of anesthetized mice with human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) virus-like particles (VLPs) is highly effective at inducing both neutralizing immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG in genital secretions, while parenteral immunization induced only neutralizing IgG. Our data also demonstrated that both isotypes are similarly neutralizing according to an in vitro pseudotyped neutralization assay. However, it is known that various amounts of IgA and IgG are produced in genital secretions along the estrous cycle. Therefore, we have investigated how this variation influences the amount of HPV16 neutralizing antibodies induced after immunization with VLPs. We have compared parenteral and nasal protocols of vaccination with daily samplings of genital secretions of mice. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay analysis showed that total IgA and IgG inversely varied along the estrous cycle, with the largest amounts of IgA in proestrus-estrus and the largest amount of IgG in diestrus. This resulted in HPV16 neutralizing titers of IgG only being achieved during diestrus upon parenteral immunization. In contrast, nasal vaccination induced neutralizing titers of IgA plus IgG throughout the estrous cycle, as confirmed by in vitro pseudotyped neutralization assays. Our data suggest that mucosal immunization might be more efficient than parenteral immunization at inducing continuous protection of the female genital tract.


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How do cells sense their own size and shape? And how does this information regulate progression of the cell cycle? Our group, in parallel to that of Paul Nurse, have recently demonstrated that fission yeast cells use a novel geometry-sensing mechanism to couple cell length perception with entry into mitosis. These rod-shaped cells measure their own length by using a medially-placed sensor, Cdr2, that reads a protein gradient emanating from cell tips, Pom1, to control entry into mitosis. Budding yeast cells use a similar molecular sensor to delay entry into mitosis in response to defects in bud morphogenesis. Metazoan cells also modulate cell proliferation in response to their own shape by sensing tension. Here I discuss the recent results obtained for the fission yeast system and compare them to the strategies used by these other organisms to perceive their own morphology.


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The biochemical development of rotation-mediated aggregating brain cell cultures was studied in a serum-free chemically defined medium in the presence (complete medium) or the absence of triiodothyronine (T3). The expression of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNP) and myelin basic protein (MBP), two myelin components, was temporally dissociated in brain cell aggregating cultures grown in a complete medium. CNP increased from day 8 and reached a plateau around day 25. MBP accumulated rapidly from the third until the fourth week in culture. The total protein content increased gradually until day 25. The activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) used as an index of cell growth and differentiation, showed two well-defined peaks of activity. The first peak reached a maximum at day 6 and correlated with both the highest DNA content and the peak of [3H]-thymidine incorporation. The second peak of ODC activity (from day 19 to 35) coincided with the differentiation of oligodendrocytes. These results confirm that aggregating fetal rat brain cells cultured in a serum-free chemically defined medium undergo extensive differentiation. Addition of T3 to the culture medium doubled the CNP activity by day 16. In contrast, MBP was only slightly increased by day 16, reaching at 25 and 35 days 8 to 10-fold higher values than the untreated cultures. When T3 was removed between day 16 and 25, CNP decreased almost to control values and MBP failed to accumulate. Moreover, when T3 was reintroduced into the medium (between day 25 and 35), CNP activity was restored and MBP content was partially corrected. T3 treatment produced a concentration-dependent increase in ODC activity which was observed only around day 19. The first peak of ODC activity observed at culture day 6 was independent of the presence of T3. These results obtained in brain cell cultures emphasize the direct effect of T3 on myelination.


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Analysis of genetically engineered mice deficient in cell cycle regulators, including E2F1, cdk4, and pRB, showed that the major phenotypes are metabolic perturbations. These key cell cycle regulators contribute to lipid synthesis, glucose production, insulin secretion, and glycolytic metabolism. It has been shown that deregulation of these pathways can lead to metabolic perturbations and related metabolic diseases, such as obesity and type II diabetes. The cyclin-cdk-Rb-E2F1 pathway regulates adipogenesis in addition to its well-described roles in cell cycle regulation and cancer. It was also shown that E2F1 directly participates in the regulation of pancreatic growth and function. Similarly, cyclin D3, cdk4, and cdk9 are also adipogenic factors with strong effects on whole organism metabolism. These examples support the emerging notion that cell cycle regulatory proteins also modulate metabolic processes. These cell cycle regulators are activated by insulin and glucose, even in non-proliferating cells. Most importantly, these cell cycle regulators trigger the adaptive metabolic switch that normal and cancer cells require in order to proliferate. These changes include increased lipid synthesis, decreased oxidative metabolism, and increased glycolytic metabolism. In summary, these factors are essential regulators of anabolic biosynthetic processes, blocking at the same time oxidative and catabolic pathways, which is reminiscent of cancer cell metabolism.


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Insect gustatory and odorant receptors (GRs and ORs) form a superfamily of novel transmembrane proteins, which are expressed in chemosensory neurons that detect environmental stimuli. Here we identify homologues of GRs (Gustatory receptor-like (Grl) genes) in genomes across Protostomia, Deuterostomia and non-Bilateria. Surprisingly, two Grls in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis, NvecGrl1 and NvecGrl2, are expressed early in development, in the blastula and gastrula, but not at later stages when a putative chemosensory organ forms. NvecGrl1 transcripts are detected around the aboral pole, considered the equivalent to the head-forming region of Bilateria. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of NvecGrl1 causes developmental patterning defects of this region, leading to animals lacking the apical sensory organ. A deuterostome Grl from the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus displays similar patterns of developmental expression. These results reveal an early evolutionary origin of the insect chemosensory receptor family and raise the possibility that their ancestral role was in embryonic development.


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Background:  The relationship between phoneme awareness, rapid automatized naming (RAN), verbal short-term/working memory (ST/WM) and diagnostic category is investigated in control and dyslexic children, and the extent to which this depends on orthographic complexity. Methods:  General cognitive, phonological and literacy skills were tested in 1,138 control and 1,114 dyslexic children speaking six different languages spanning a large range of orthographic complexity (Finnish, Hungarian, German, Dutch, French, English). Results:  Phoneme deletion and RAN were strong concurrent predictors of developmental dyslexia, while verbal ST/WM and general verbal abilities played a comparatively minor role. In logistic regression models, more participants were classified correctly when orthography was more complex. The impact of phoneme deletion and RAN-digits was stronger in complex than in less complex orthographies. Conclusions:  Findings are largely consistent with the literature on predictors of dyslexia and literacy skills, while uniquely demonstrating how orthographic complexity exacerbates some symptoms of dyslexia.


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Le juge est un acteur jusqu'ici sous-estimé des politiques publiques. Son interprétation de la loi peut avoir des effets très importants sur le déroulement du cycle des politiques publiques. La présente étude se propose de mettre en lumière ces effets. La partie théorique propose d'abord une grille d'analyse des rapports entre le droit et la politique pour mieux décrire le champ d'activité dans lequel le juge évolue. Ensuite, elle formule une théorie explicative du comportement du juge en le présentant comme un acteur essentiellement libre, mais soumis à des contraintes factuelles qui le canalisent. L'analyse de deux cas concrets (la lutte contre le hooliganisme et les naturalisations aux urnes) permet de tester les modèles élaborés dans la partie théorique.


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L'analyse longitudinale et transversale des données du PSM montre que l'augmentation des travaux ménagers consécutive à l'entrée en cohabitation, au mariage et surtout à la parentalité est prise en charge par les femmes, l'investissement masculin restant stable. Le genre semble bien être ici un facteur explicatif central. En outre, l'hétérogénéité des temps ménagers féminins s'expliquerait par le fait que les femmes ne mobilisent leurs ressources personnelles, ni pour entrer en négociation avec leur partenaire et le conduire à s'investir plus, ni pour remettre en question la distribution traditionnelle des tâches. Elles les utilisent plutôt pour exploiter les opportunités contextuelles à disposition afin de diminuer une charge de travail qui, sinon, leur reviendrait.


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RESUME L'hyperammonémie est particulièrement toxique pour le cerveau des jeunes patients et entraîne une atrophie corticale, un élargissement des ventricules et des défauts de myélinisation, responsables de retards mentaux et développementaux. Les traitements actuels se limitent à diminuer le plus rapidement possible le taux d'ammoniaque dans l'organisme. L'utilisation de traitements neuroprotecteurs pendant les crises d'hyperammonémie permettrait de contrecarrer les effets neurologiques de l'ammoniaque et de prévenir l'apparition des troubles neurologiques. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons testé trois stratégies de neuroprotection sur des cultures de cellules en agrégats issues du cortex d'embryons de rats et traitées à l'ammoniaque. - Nous avons tout d'abord testé si l'inhibition de protéines intracellulaires impliquées dans le déclenchement de la mort cellulaire pouvait protéger les cellules de la toxicité de l'ammoniaque. Nous avons montré que L'exposition à l'ammoniaque altérait la viabilité des neurones et des oligodendrocytes, et activait les caspases, la calpaïne et la kinase-5 dépendante des cyclines (cdk5) associée à son activateur p25. Alors que l'inhibition pharmacologique des caspases et de la calpaïne n'a pas permis de protéger les cellules cérébrales, un inhibiteur de la cdk5, appelé roscovitine, a réduit significativement la mort neuronale. L'inhibition de la cdk5 semble donc être une stratégie thérapeutique prometteuse pour prévenir 1es effets toxiques de 1'ammoniaque sur les neurones. - Nous avons ensuite étudié les mécanismes neuroprotecteurs déclenchés par le cerveau en réponse à la toxicité de l'ammoniaque. Nous avons montré que l'ammoniaque induisait la synthèse du facteur neurotrophique ciliaire (CNTF) par les astrocytes, via l'activation de la protéine kinase (MIAPK) p38. D'autre part, l'ajout de CNTF a permis de protéger les oligodendrocytes mais pas les neurones des cultures exposées à l'ammoniaque, via les voies de signalisations JAK/STAT, SAPK/JNK et c-jun. - Dans une dernière partie, nous avons voulu contrecarrer, par l'ajout de créatine, le déficit énergétique cérébral induit par l'ammoniaque. La créatine a permis de protéger des cellules de type astrocytaire mais pas les cellules cérébrales en agrégats. Cette thèse amis en évidence que les stratégies de neuroprotection chez les patients hyperammonémiques nécessiteront de cibler plusieurs voies de signalisation afin de protéger tous les types cellulaires du cerveau. Summary : In pediatric patients, hyperammonemia is mainly caused by urea cycle disorders or other inborn errors of metabolism, and leads to neurological injury with cortical atrophy, ventricular enlargement and demyelination. Children rescued from neonatal hyperammonemia show significant risk of mental retardation and developmental disabilities. The mainstay of therapy is limited to ammonia lowering through dietary restriction and alternative pathway treatments. However, the possibility of using treatments in a neuroprotective goal may be useful to improve the neurological outcome of patients. Thus, the main objective of this work was to investigate intracellular and extracellular signaling pathways altered by ammonia tonicity, so as to identify new potential therapeutic targets. Experiments were conducted in reaggregated developing brain cell cultures exposed to ammonia, as a model for the developing CNS of hyperammonemic young patients. Theses strategies of neuroprotection were tested: - The first strategy consisted in inhibiting intracellular proteins triggering cell death. Our data indicated that ammonia exposure altered the viability of neurons and oligodendrocytes. Apoptosis and proteins involved in the trigger of apoptosis, such as caspases, calpain and cyclin-dependent kinase-5 (cdk5) with its activator p25, were activated by ammonia exposure. While caspases and calpain inhibitors exhibited no protective effects, roscovitine, a cdk5 inhibitor, reduced ammonia-induced neuronal death. This work revealed that inhibition of cdk5 seems a promising strategy to prevent the toxic effects of ammonia on neurons. - The second strategy consisted in mimicking, the endogenous protective mechanisms triggered by ammonia in the brain. Ammonia exposure caused an increase of the ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) expression, through the activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in astrocytes. Treatment of cultures exposed to ammonia with exogenous CNTF demonstrated strong protective effects on oligodendrocytes but not on neurons. These protective effects seemed to involve JAK/STAT, SAPK/JNK and c-jun proteins. - The third strategy consisted in preventing the ammonia-induced cerebral energy deficit with creatine. Creatine treatment protected the survival of astrocyte-like cells through MAPKs pathways. In contrast, it had no protective effects in reaggregated developing brain cell cultures exposed to ammonia. The present study suggests that neuroprotective strategies should optimally be directed at multiple targets to prevent ammonia-induced alterations of the different brain cell types.


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This paper presents the first quantitative study of the Early Jurassic recovery of ammonoids after the end-Triassic mass extinction based on detailed U-Pb ID-TIMS (isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry) geochronology from ash bed zircons placed within a clear phylogenetical and biochronological framework at the subzonal and species level. This study was triggered by the discovery of a rich Peruvian succession of ammonites, deposited concomitantly with an unusually large number of ash beds. Two major phases of rediversification are observed during the Psiloceras spelae and Angulaticeras zones that correspond to positive peaks in the delta C-13(org) curve, providing a possible link between biodiversity and the global carbon cycle. In the case of the post-extinction recovery, the development of the earliest Hettangian ammonites occurs within the genus Psiloceras, which begins with the occurrence of P. spelae and then explodes into worldwide development of smooth psiloceratids of the Psiloceras planorbis group s.l. This rapid biodiversification likely occurred less than 100 ka after the end-Triassic crisis; the genus Psiloceras occupied all the possible ecological niches worldwide, from the Pacific deep waters to the NW European shallow deposits and also in some rare Tethyan occurrences like at Germig in Tibet. This global dispersion allowed the differentiation of the group in several major phyla, the Schlotheimiidae, Discamphiceratinae, Arietitidae and Lytocerataceae, which were the roots of all other Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Notch signaling regulates multiple differentiation processes and cell fate decisions during both invertebrate and vertebrate development. Numb encodes an intracellular protein that was shown in Drosophila to antagonize Notch signaling at binary cell fate decisions of certain cell lineages. Although overexpression experiments suggested that Numb might also antagonize some Notch activity in vertebrates, the developmental processes in which Numb is involved remained elusive. RESULTS: We generated mice with a homozygous inactivation of Numb. These mice died before embryonic day E11.5, probably because of defects in angiogenic remodeling and placental dysfunction. Mutant embryos had an open anterior neural tube and impaired neuronal differentiation within the developing cranial central nervous system (CNS). In the developing spinal cord, the number of differentiated motoneurons was reduced. Within the peripheral nervous system (PNS), ganglia of cranial sensory neurons were formed. Trunk neural crest cells migrated and differentiated into sympathetic neurons. In contrast, a selective differentiation anomaly was observed in dorsal root ganglia, where neural crest--derived progenitor cells had migrated normally to form ganglionic structures, but failed to differentiate into sensory neurons. CONCLUSIONS: Mouse Numb is involved in multiple developmental processes and required for cell fate tuning in a variety of lineages. In the nervous system, Numb is required for the generation of a large subset of neuronal lineages. The restricted requirement of Numb during neural development in the mouse suggests that in some neuronal lineages, Notch signaling may be regulated independently of Numb.


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PURPOSE: The current study tested the applicability of Jessor's problem behavior theory (PBT) in national probability samples from Georgia and Switzerland. Comparisons focused on (1) the applicability of the problem behavior syndrome (PBS) in both developmental contexts, and (2) on the applicability of employing a set of theory-driven risk and protective factors in the prediction of problem behaviors. METHODS: School-based questionnaire data were collected from n = 18,239 adolescents in Georgia (n = 9499) and Switzerland (n = 8740) following the same protocol. Participants rated five measures of problem behaviors (alcohol and drug use, problems because of alcohol and drug use, and deviance), three risk factors (future uncertainty, depression, and stress), and three protective factors (family, peer, and school attachment). Final study samples included n = 9043 Georgian youth (mean age = 15.57; 58.8% females) and n = 8348 Swiss youth (mean age = 17.95; 48.5% females). Data analyses were completed using structural equation modeling, path analyses, and post hoc z-tests for comparisons of regression coefficients. RESULTS: Findings indicated that the PBS replicated in both samples, and that theory-driven risk and protective factors accounted for 13% and 10% in Georgian and Swiss samples, respectively in the PBS, net the effects by demographic variables. Follow-up z-tests provided evidence of some differences in the magnitude, but not direction, in five of six individual paths by country. CONCLUSION: PBT and the PBS find empirical support in these Eurasian and Western European samples; thus, Jessor's theory holds value and promise in understanding the etiology of adolescent problem behaviors outside of the United States.