107 resultados para complement C5b-9
The main clinical features in four patients with IgG1k paraproteinaemia and acquired complement deficiency included xanthomatous skin lesions (in three), panniculitis (in three) and hepatitis (in two). Hypocomplementaemia concerned the early classical pathway components--in particular C1q. Metabolic studies employing 125I-C1q revealed a much faster catabolism of this protein in the four patients than in five normal controls and three patients with cryoglobulinaemia (mean fractional catabolic rates respectively: 23.35%/h; 1.44%/h; 5.84%/h). Various experiments were designed to characterize the mechanism of the hypocomplementaemia: the patients' serum, purified paraprotein, blood cells, bone marrow cells, or xanthomatous skin lesions did not produce significant complement activation or C1q binding. When three of the patients (two with panniculitis and hepatitis) were injected with 123I-C1q, sequential gamma-camera imaging demonstrated rapid accumulation of the radionuclide in the liver, suggesting that complement activation takes place in the liver where it could produce damage.
Shedding of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) is believed to play a role in tumor cell resistance to cell-mediated cytotoxicity. However, the mechanism whereby ICAM-1 is shed from the surface of tumor cells remains unclear. In this study, we have addressed the possibility that matrix metalloproteinases are implicated in ICAM-1 shedding. Our observations suggest a functional relationship between ICAM-1 and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) whereby ICAM-1 provides a cell surface docking mechanism for proMMP-9, which, upon activation, proteolytically cleaves the extracellular domain of ICAM-1 leading to its release from the cell surface. MMP-9-dependent shedding of ICAM-1 is found to augment tumor cell resistance to natural killer (NK) cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Taken together, our observations propose a mechanism for ICAM-1 shedding from the cell surface and provide support for MMP involvement in tumor cell evasion of immune surveillance.
A comparison of cytogenetical data on acute lymphoblastic leukaemia studied at four large European centres has revealed a non-random dicentric chromosome abnormality: dic(9;20) (p1?3;q11) in 10 patients, nine of whom were children. All had early precursor-B lineage ALL, and eight children had a non-standard risk clinical presentation. The origin of the dicentric chromosome was demonstrated using a range of chromosome banding techniques. This was confirmed by FISH using paints and centromeric probes for chromosomes 9 and 20, together with a number of cosmid probes. The follow-up time of these patients is presently too short and the number of patients too few to determine the prognostic significant of this chromosome abnormality.
Summary : Sorting nexin (SNX) family members play important roles in intracellular protein and membrane trafficking, The membrane-tubulating SNX9 protein has been shown to interact with multiple components of the endocytic machinery and to participate in clathrin-mediated endocytosis of cell surface receptors. It has not been investigated if SNX9 may also participate in other protein sorting pathways that involve vesicular transport, specifically the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles (LROs). Closely related to SNX9 is SNXl8, whose function is largely unknown. In this work, we have characterized the expression of SNX9 and SNXl8 in LRO-containing cells and investigated their role in protein trafficking during the formation of LROs. Our results indicate that SNX9 and SNXl8 are not essential for the formation of LROs, nor for the sorting of melanosomal proteins. We investigated how the level of intracellular SNX9 protein is regulated and found that it is a substrate of the ubiquitin ligase Itch, a member of the NEDD4 family of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Itch ubiquitylates SNX9 and regulates SNX9 levels by enhancing its degradation. Using ? truncated proteins we found that the interaction with SNX9 is mediated by the proline-rich domain of Itch, a domain distinct from the conventional WW recognition domain, and the SH3 domain of SNX9. Interaction with the PRD of Itch is essential for SNX9 ubiquitylation and degradation. We further showed that Itch binding is not affected by tyrosine phosphorylation of SNX9. Using lentivector-mediated siRNA techniques, we found that Itch regulates the level of melanosomal proteins, while knock-down of SNX9 does not alter their level. Interestingly, we revealed that silencing of SNXIS affects the amount of the melanosomal protein Melan-A, but also of SNX9, and that SNXl8 can interact with SNX9. Taken together, our results highlight that the pool of substrates of NEDD4 family E3 ligases extends to proteins containing SH3 domains and provide insight into the potential functions of SNXI8. Résumé : Les membres de la famille des Sorting Nexins (SNX) jouent des rôles importants dans le trafic intracellulaire de protéines et membranes. Il a été démontré que la protéine SNX9, qui génère les tubules membranaires, interagit avec plusieurs composants de la machinerie d'endocytose et participe à l'endocytose des récepteurs de surface mediée par la clathrine. Aucune étude n'a investigué si SNX9 pourrait aussi participer à d'autres voies de trafic de protéines tel que le transport vésiculaire, et plus particulièrement la biogenèse des organites lysosomaux ("lysosome-related organelles", LR©s). SNXl8 est similaire à SNX9, mais sa fonction est largement inconnue. Dans ce travail, nous avons caractérisé l'expression de SNX9 et SNX18 dans des cellules contenants des LROs et investigué leur rôle dans le trafic de protéines pendant la formation des LROS. Nos résultats indiquent que SNX9 et SNXI8 ne sont essentiels ni pour la formation des LR©s, ni pour le trafic de protéines mélanosomales. Nous avons examiné la régulation du niveau intracellulaire de la protéine SNX9 et avons trouvé qu'elle est un substrat de l'ubiquitine ligase Itch, un membre de la famille NEDD4 des ubiquitine ligases E3. Itch ubiquitine SNX9 et régule les niveaux de SNX9 en augmentant sa dégradation. En utilisant des protéines mutées nous avons découvert que l'interaction avec SNX9 est médiée par le domaine riche en proline de Itch, qui est différent du domaine conventionnel de reconnaissance WW, et par le domaine SH3 de SNX9. L'interaction avec le domaine riche en proline de Itch est essentielle pour l'ubiquitination et la dégradation de SNX9. De plus, nous avons montré que cette liaison n'est pas affectée par la phosphorylation des résidus tyrosine de SNX9. En utilisant des vecteurs lentiviraux exprimant des siARN, nous avons trouvé que Itch régule les niveaux de protéines mélanosomales, alors que l'extinction de l'expression de SNX9 ne change pas leurs niveaux. En autre, nous avons révélé que la diminution de SNXl8 affecte le niveau de la protéine mélanosomale Melan-A et de SNX9, et aussi que SNXl8 peut interagir avec SNX9. En résumé, nos résultats démontrent que l'ensemble des substrats de la famille NEDD4 des ubiquitine ligases E3 s'élargit aux protéines contenant des domaines SH3 et ouvrent des perspectives sur les fonctions potentielles de SNXl8.
The Gp-9 gene in fire ants represents an important model system for studying the evolution of social organization in insects as well as a rich source of information relevant to other major evolutionary topics. An important feature of this system is that polymorphism in social organization is completely associated with allelic variation at Gp-9, such that single-queen colonies (monogyne form) include only inhabitants bearing B-like alleles while multiple-queen colonies (polygyne form) additionally include inhabitants bearing b-like alleles. A recent study of this system by Leal and Ishida (2008) made two major claims, the validity and significance of which we examine here. After reviewing existing literature, analyzing the methods and results of Leal and Ishida (2008), and generating new data from one of their study sites, we conclude that their claim that polygyny can occur in Solenopsis invicta in the U.S.A. in the absence of expression of the b-like allele Gp-9(b) is unfounded. Moreover, we argue that available information on insect OBPs (the family of proteins to which GP-9 belongs), on the evolutionary/population genetics of Gp-9, and on pheromonal/behavioral control of fire ant colony queen number fails to support their view that GP-9 plays no role in the chemosensory-mediated communication that underpins regulation of social organization. Our analyses lead us to conclude that there are no new reasons to question the existing consensus view of the Gp-9 system outlined in Gotzek and Ross (2007).
Background. Toll-like receptors (TLR) recognize a variety of ligands, including pathogen-associated molecular patterns and link innate and adaptive immunity. Individual receptors can be up-regulated during infection and inflammation. We examined the expression of selected TLRs at the protein level in various types of renal disease.Methods. Frozen sections of renal biopsies were stained with monoclonal antibodies to TLR-2, -4 and -9.Results. Up-regulation of the three TLRs studied was seen, although the extent was modest. TLR-2- and -4-positive cells belonged to the population of infiltrating inflammatory cells; only in the case of TLR-9 were intrinsic glomerular cells positive in polyoma virus infection and haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS).Conclusions. Evidence for the involvement of the three TLRs tested in a variety of human renal diseases was found. These findings add to our understanding of the role of the innate immune system in kidney disease.
The article reopens the file of sources, parallels and rewritings of 1 Cor 2.9, a saying that Paul attributes to some written source, when others sources put it into Jesus' mouth (e.g. GosThom 17). A state of research highlights that the hypothesis of an oral source is generally preferred but an accurate study of 1 Clem 34.8, a parallel too often neglected, supports the presence of a written source that existed before 1 Cor 2.9. GosJud 47.10-13 will help to understand the attribution of the saying to Jesus. The last important part of this article studies its parallel in Islamic traditions, a ḥadīth qudsī.
Aim: Aquaglyceroporin-9 (AQP9) is a member of the Aquaporin channel family involved in water flux through plasma membranes and exhibits the distinctive feature of also being permeable to glycerol and monocarboxylates. AQP9 is detected in astrocytes and catecholaminergic neurons.1 However, the presence of AQP9 in the brain is now debated after a recent publication claiming that AQP9 is not expressed in the brain.2 Based on our results,3 we have evidence of the presence of AQP9 in the brain and we further hypothesize that AQP9 plays a functional role in brain energy metabolism. Methods: The presence of AQP9 in brain of OF1 mice was studied by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. To address the role of AQP9 in brain, we used commercial siRNA against AQP9 to knockdown its expression in 2 cultures of astrocytes from two distinct sources (from differentiated stem cells4 and primary astrocyte cultures). After assessment of the decrease of AQP9, glycerol uptake was measured using [H3]-glycerol. Then, modifications of the astrocytic energy metabolism was evaluated by measurement of glucose consumption, lactate release5 and evaluation of the mitochondrial activity by MTT staining. Results: AQP9 is expressed in astrocytes of OF1 mouse brain (mRNA and protein levels). We also showed that AQP9 mRNA and protein are present in cultured astrocytes. Four days after AQP9 siRNA application, the level of expression is significantly decreased by 76% compared to control. Astrocytes with AQP9 knockdown exhibit a 23% decrease of glycerol uptake, showing that AQP9 is a glycerol channel in cultured astrocytes. In parallel, astrocytes with AQP9 knockdown have a 155% increase of their glucose consumption without modifications of lactate release. Moreover, considering the observed glucose consumption increase and the absence of proliferation induction, the significant MTT activity increase (113%) suggests an increase of oxidative metabolism in astrocytes with AQP9 knockdown. Discussion: The involvement of AQP9 in astrocyte energy metabolism adds a new function for this channel in the brain. The determination of the role of AQP9 in astrocytes provides a new perspective on the controversial expression of AQP9 in brain. We also suggest that AQP9 may have a complementary role to monocarboxylate transporters in the regulation of brain energy metabolism.
MBLdeficiency is thought to be a risk factor for the development of viral infection, such as genital herpes and HSV-2 meningitis. However, there is limited data on the possible interaction between MBL and CMV, especially after organ transplantation. Between 2003 and 2005, we measured MBL levels in 16 kidney transplant recipients with high-risk CMV serostatus (donor positive/recipient negative, D+/R−). All patients receivedCMV prophylaxis of valganciclovir 450 mg/day for 3 months after transplantation. After stopping valganciclovir, CMV-DNA was measured in whole blood by real time PCR every 2 weeks for 3 months. CMV infections were diagnosed according to the recommendations of the AST. MBL levels were measured in stored pre-transplantation sera by an investigator blinded to the CMV complications. MBL levels below 500 ng/ml were considered as being functionally deficient. After a follow-up of at least 10 months, seven patients out of 16 developed CMV disease (three CMV syndrome, and four probable invasive disease, i.e. two colitis and two hepatitis), four patients developed asymptomatic CMV infection, and five patients never developed any sign of CMV replication. Peak CMV-DNA was higher in patients with CMV disease than in those with asymptomatic infection (4.64 versus 2.72 mean log copy CMV-DNA/106 leukocytes, p < 0.05). Overall, 9/16 patients (56%) had MBL deficiency: 5/7 (71%) of patients with CMV disease, 4/4 (100%) of patients with asymptomatic CMVinfection, and 0/5 (0%) of patients withoutCMVinfection (p < 0.005, between CMV infection/disease versus no infection or control blood donors). There were no significant differences in age, gender or immunosuppressive regimens between the groups. MBL deficiency may be a significant risk factor for the development of post-prophylaxisCMVinfection in D+/R−kidney recipients, suggesting a new role of innate immunity in the control of CMV infection after organ transplantation.
The high molecular weight and low concentration of brain glycogen render its noninvasive quantification challenging. Therefore, the precision increase of the quantification by localized (13) C MR at 9.4 to 14.1 T was investigated. Signal-to-noise ratio increased by 66%, slightly offset by a T(1) increase of 332 ± 15 to 521 ± 34 ms. Isotopic enrichment after long-term (13) C administration was comparable (≈ 40%) as was the nominal linewidth of glycogen C1 (≈ 50 Hz). Among the factors that contributed to the 66% observed increase in signal-to-noise ratio, the T(1) relaxation time impacted the effective signal-to-noise ratio by only 10% at a repetition time = 1 s. The signal-to-noise ratio increase together with the larger spectral dispersion at 14.1 T resulted in a better defined baseline, which allowed for more accurate fitting. Quantified glycogen concentrations were 5.8 ± 0.9 mM at 9.4 T and 6.0 ± 0.4 mM at 14.1 T; the decreased standard deviation demonstrates the compounded effect of increased magnetization and improved baseline on the precision of glycogen quantification.