199 resultados para biotic interaction
Clustering of alphavbeta3 integrin after interaction with the RGD-like integrin-binding sequence present in neuronal Thy-1 triggers formation of focal adhesions and stress fibers in astrocytes via RhoA activation. A putative heparin-binding domain is present in Thy-1, raising the possibility that this membrane protein stimulates astrocyte adhesion via engagement of an integrin and the proteoglycan syndecan-4. Indeed, heparin, heparitinase treatment and mutation of the Thy-1 heparin-binding site each inhibited Thy-1-induced RhoA activation, as well as formation of focal adhesions and stress fibers in DI TNC(1) astrocytes. These responses required both syndecan-4 binding and signaling, as evidenced by silencing syndecan-4 expression and by overexpressing a syndecan-4 mutant lacking the intracellular domain, respectively. Furthermore, lack of RhoA activation and astrocyte responses in the presence of a PKC inhibitor or a dominant-negative form of PKCalpha implicated PKCalpha and RhoA activation in these events. Therefore, combined interaction of the astrocyte alphavbeta3-integrin-syndecan-4 receptor pair with Thy-1, promotes adhesion to the underlying matrix via PKCalpha- and RhoA-dependent pathways. Importantly, signaling events triggered by such receptor cooperation are shown here to be the consequence of cell-cell rather than cell-matrix interactions. These observations are likely to be of widespread biological relevance because Thy-1-integrin binding is reportedly relevant to melanoma invasion, monocyte transmigration through endothelial cells and host defense mechanisms.
Studies aiming at explaining specialization along latitudinal gradients of plant-herbivore interactions have, to date, yielded inconclusive results. Here we propose the use of steep altitudinal gradients for dissecting factors driving evolution of polyphagy in insect herbivores. First, we test whether colonization of high elevation environment favours increased niche-breadth in two disparate insect groups - the wood-boring beetles and the pollinator group of bees - and show increased polyphagy at higher altitudes in both groups. We then assess classic assumptions transferred from the 'latitude-niche-breadth hypothesis', particularly the increase in environmental variability at high, compared to low, altitude. Finally, we discuss alternative mechanisms shaping the observed pattern of increased polyphagy in altitude, including variation in plant quality and predator pressure at different altitudes. We thus suggest evidence for the 'altitude niche-breadth hypothesis', in which both abiotic and biotic conditions, including increased variability and an increase of the potential feeding niche-breadth, promote evolution for increased insect polyphagy in altitude.
BACKGROUND: The magnitude of risk conferred by the interaction between tobacco and alcohol use on the risk of head and neck cancers is not clear because studies have used various methods to quantify the excess head and neck cancer burden. METHODS: We analyzed individual-level pooled data from 17 European and American case-control studies (11,221 cases and 16,168 controls) participating in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology consortium. We estimated the multiplicative interaction parameter (psi) and population attributable risks (PAR). RESULTS: A greater than multiplicative joint effect between ever tobacco and alcohol use was observed for head and neck cancer risk (psi = 2.15; 95% confidence interval, 1.53-3.04). The PAR for tobacco or alcohol was 72% (95% confidence interval, 61-79%) for head and neck cancer, of which 4% was due to alcohol alone, 33% was due to tobacco alone, and 35% was due to tobacco and alcohol combined. The total PAR differed by subsite (64% for oral cavity cancer, 72% for pharyngeal cancer, 89% for laryngeal cancer), by sex (74% for men, 57% for women), by age (33% for cases <45 years, 73% for cases >60 years), and by region (84% in Europe, 51% in North America, 83% in Latin America). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that the joint effect between tobacco and alcohol use is greater than multiplicative on head and neck cancer risk. However, a substantial proportion of head and neck cancers cannot be attributed to tobacco or alcohol use, particularly for oral cavity cancer and for head and neck cancer among women and among young-onset cases.
The tubero-infundibular and nigrostriatal DA neurone systems of rats respond to systemic (i.p.) injection of alpha-MSH (2-100 microgram/kg). The response of the tubero-infundibular (arcuate) DA neurones, an increase in cellular fluorescence intensity which can be interpreted as a sign of increased neuronal activity, is essentially the same in males, estrogen-progesterone-pretreated ovariectomized females and hypophysectomized males, whereas the type of response elicited by alpha-MSH in the nigral DA neurones depends upon the hormonal state of the animal. Differences between the two DA neurone groups exist also with regard to the effects of peptide fragments containing the two active sites of the alpha-MSH molecule. Results of lesion experiments in the lower brainstem (area postrema) and of blockade of muscarinic mechanisms by atropine further point to differences in the mechanisms underlying the peptide effects on the two neurone systems. The reaction of the tubero-infundibular DA system (which controls the pars intermedia of the pituitary) can be considered to reflect the activation of a feedback mechanism on MSH secretion, while the functional counterpart of the changes observed in the nigral system remains unknown at the present time.
Pour que deux protagonistes parviennent à communiquer, ils doivent non seulement partager les signes verbaux et/ou non verbaux qu'ils utilisent, mais ils doivent également parvenir à accéder à l'intention communicative de chacun. Ce dernier aspect de la communication a été intimement lié aux significations et aux connaissances que les protagonistes partagent (angl. common ground). Malgré le fait que l'importance des significations partagées ait été soulignée dans la littérature concernant la communication entre adultes, cet aspect n'a pas été étudié en ce qui concerne le développement précoce de la communication. Dans le présent travail, nous suggérons d'investiguer le lien entre les significations partagées entre le jeune enfant et l'adulte et la capacité de l'enfant à communiquer de manière intentionnelle via des gestes. En nous appuyant sur l'approche de la Pragmatique de l'Objet (Moro & Rodríguez, 2005), nous suggérons que les connaissances concernant l'usage culturel de l'objet que construit progressivement l'enfant représentent un type de significations que l'enfant partage avec autrui. 12 dyades mère-enfant ont été enregistrées à l'aide d'une caméra lors d'interactions avec quatre objets. Les observations ont eu lieu au domicile des familles et ont été conduites chaque deuxième mois lorsque les enfants ont été âgés de 8 à 16 mois (groupe 1) et de 16 à 24 mois (groupe 2). Les observations ont été codées pour le niveau de maîtrise de l'usage culturel par l'enfant ainsi que pour la production de gestes par l'enfant et par l'adulte. Nous avons trouvé que plus l'enfant maîtrise les usages culturels des objets, plus il produit de gestes, et plus ces gestes remplissent une fonction communicative explicite. Concernant les gestes de l'adulte, les résultats dévoilent que plus l'enfant maîtrise les usages conventionnels des objets, plus l'adulte adresse des gestes communicatifs à l'enfant, plus ses gestes sont produits de manière complexe et plus l'intention des gestes communicatifs de l'adulte est complexe. Pris ensemble, ces résultats suggèrent que le partage de significations sur l'usage culturel des objets représente un type de connaissances communes qui permettent au bébé et à ses protagonistes de communiquer.
The aim of this study was to investigate influence of traditional cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) and subclinical atherosclerosis (ATS) burden on early stages of abdominal aortic diameter (AAD) widening among adults. 2,052 consecutive patients (P) (39 % women), mean age 52 ± 13 years, were prospectively screened for CVRF, ATS, and AAD. B-mode ultrasound was used to evaluate the largest AAD and to detect carotid and femoral atherosclerotic plaques. Mean AAD was 15.2 ± 2.8 mm. Atherosclerotic plaques were detected in 71 % of patients. Significant univariate correlation between AAD, traditional CVRF, and ABS was found. However, multiple regression analysis showed that only seven of them were significantly and weakly correlated with AAD (R² = 0.27, p < 0.001). On the other hand, a multivariate logistic analysis was used to evaluate CVRF impact on enlarged AAD ≥25 mm (EAAD) as compared to those with AAD <25 mm. These factors did not account for more than 30 % of interaction (R² = 0.30, p = 0.001). Furthermore, despite a large proportion of patients with high number of CVRF, and subclinical ATS, rate of patients with AAD ≥25 mm was low (1 %) and scattered regardless their CHD risk score or ATS burden. In conclusion, these results suggest that although some traditional CVRF and presence of ATS are associated with early stages of EAAD, other determinants still need to be identified for a better understanding of abdominal aortic aneurysm pathogenesis.
MOTIVATION: Most bioactive molecules perform their action by interacting with proteins or other macromolecules. However, for a significant fraction of them, the primary target remains unknown. In addition, the majority of bioactive molecules have more than one target, many of which are poorly characterized. Computational predictions of bioactive molecule targets based on similarity with known ligands are powerful to narrow down the number of potential targets and to rationalize side effects of known molecules. RESULTS: Using a reference set of 224 412 molecules active on 1700 human proteins, we show that accurate target prediction can be achieved by combining different measures of chemical similarity based on both chemical structure and molecular shape. Our results indicate that the combined approach is especially efficient when no ligand with the same scaffold or from the same chemical series has yet been discovered. We also observe that different combinations of similarity measures are optimal for different molecular properties, such as the number of heavy atoms. This further highlights the importance of considering different classes of similarity measures between new molecules and known ligands to accurately predict their targets. CONTACT: olivier.michielin@unil.ch or vincent.zoete@unil.ch SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Cytotoxic T cell (CTL) activation by antigen requires the specific detection of peptide-major histocompatibility class I (pMHC) molecules on the target-cell surface by the T cell receptor (TCR). We examined the effect of mutations in the antigen-binding site of a Kb-restricted TCR on T cell activation, antigen binding and dissociation from antigen.These parameters were also examined for variants derived from a Kd-restricted peptide that was recognized by a CTL clone. Using these two independent systems, we show that T cell activation can be impaired by mutations that either decrease or increase the binding half-life of the TCR-pMHC interaction. Our data indicate that efficient T cell activation occurs within an optimal dwell-time range of TCR-pMHC interaction. This restricted dwell-time range is consistent with the exclusion of either extremely low or high affinity T cells from the expanded population during immune responses.
Natural killer (NK) cells show enhanced functional competence when they express inhibitory receptors specific for inherited major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules. Current models imply that NK cell education requires an interaction of inhibitory receptors with MHC-I expressed on other cells. However, the inhibitory Ly49A receptor can also bind MHC-I ligand on the NK cell itself (in cis). Here we describe a Ly49A variant, which can engage MHC-I expressed on other cells but not in cis. Even though this variant inhibited NK cell effector function, it failed to educate NK cells. The association with MHC-I in cis sequestered wild-type Ly49A, and this was found to relieve NK cells from a suppressive effect of unengaged Ly49A. These data explain how inhibitory MHC-I receptors can facilitate NK cell activation. They dissociate classical inhibitory from educating functions of Ly49A and suggest that cis interaction of Ly49A is necessary for NK cell education.
Understanding how communities of living organisms assemble has been a central question in ecology since the early days of the discipline. Disentangling the different processes involved in community assembly is not only interesting in itself but also crucial for an understanding of how communities will behave under future environmental scenarios. The traditional concept of assembly rules reflects the notion that species do not co-occur randomly but are restricted in their co-occurrence by interspecific competition. This concept can be redefined in a more general framework where the co-occurrence of species is a product of chance, historical patterns of speciation and migration, dispersal, abiotic environmental factors, and biotic interactions, with none of these processes being mutually exclusive. Here we present a survey and meta-analyses of 59 papers that compare observed patterns in plant communities with null models simulating random patterns of species assembly. According to the type of data under study and the different methods that are applied to detect community assembly, we distinguish four main types of approach in the published literature: species co-occurrence, niche limitation, guild proportionality and limiting similarity. Results from our meta-analyses suggest that non-random co-occurrence of plant species is not a widespread phenomenon. However, whether this finding reflects the individualistic nature of plant communities or is caused by methodological shortcomings associated with the studies considered cannot be discerned from the available metadata. We advocate that more thorough surveys be conducted using a set of standardized methods to test for the existence of assembly rules in data sets spanning larger biological and geographical scales than have been considered until now. We underpin this general advice with guidelines that should be considered in future assembly rules research. This will enable us to draw more accurate and general conclusions about the non-random aspect of assembly in plant communities.