95 resultados para Vigarani, Carlo, 17th century
In radionuclide metrology, Monte Carlo (MC) simulation is widely used to compute parameters associated with primary measurements or calibration factors. Although MC methods are used to estimate uncertainties, the uncertainty associated with radiation transport in MC calculations is usually difficult to estimate. Counting statistics is the most obvious component of MC uncertainty and has to be checked carefully, particularly when variance reduction is used. However, in most cases fluctuations associated with counting statistics can be reduced using sufficient computing power. Cross-section data have intrinsic uncertainties that induce correlations when apparently independent codes are compared. Their effect on the uncertainty of the estimated parameter is difficult to determine and varies widely from case to case. Finally, the most significant uncertainty component for radionuclide applications is usually that associated with the detector geometry. Recent 2D and 3D x-ray imaging tools may be utilized, but comparison with experimental data as well as adjustments of parameters are usually inevitable.
This chapter presents possible uses and examples of Monte Carlo methods for the evaluation of uncertainties in the field of radionuclide metrology. The method is already well documented in GUM supplement 1, but here we present a more restrictive approach, where the quantities of interest calculated by the Monte Carlo method are estimators of the expectation and standard deviation of the measurand, and the Monte Carlo method is used to propagate the uncertainties of the input parameters through the measurement model. This approach is illustrated by an example of the activity calibration of a 103Pd source by liquid scintillation counting and the calculation of a linear regression on experimental data points. An electronic supplement presents some algorithms which may be used to generate random numbers with various statistical distributions, for the implementation of this Monte Carlo calculation method.
The introduction of time-series graphs into British economics in the 19th century depended on the « timing » of history. This involved reconceptualizing history into events which were both comparable and measurable and standardized by time unit. Yet classical economists in Britain in the early 19th century viewed history as a set of heterogenous and complex events and statistical tables as giving unrelated facts. Both these attitudes had to be broken down before time-series graphs could be brought into use for revealing regularities in economic events by the century's end.
Nel contributo è pubblicata la prima redazione conosciuta dell'Orazione con cui Giovanni della Casa nel 1549 chiese all'imperatore Carlo V la restituzione di Piacenza ai Farnese, loro sottratta dopo l'uccisione di Pier Luigi nel 1547. L'edizione documenta l'elaborazione d'autore con un apparato evolutivo del testo trasmesso dal manoscritto Vaticano Chigiano O vi 80. This article provides an edition of the first known version of Giovanni della Casa's request to the Emperor Charles V (1549) for the restitution of Piacenza to the Farnese family after Pier Luigi's murder in 1547. This edition documents the Author's working out with an evolutional apparatus of the text transmitted by the manuscript Chigiano O vi 80.