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BACKGROUND: Age and the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score on admission are considered important predictors of outcome after traumatic brain injury. We investigated the predictive value of the GCS in a large group of patients whose computerised multimodal bedside monitoring data had been collected over the previous 10 years. METHODS: Data from 358 subjects with head injury, collected between 1992 and 2001, were analysed retrospectively. Patients were grouped according to year of admission. Glasgow Outcome Scores (GOS) were determined at six months. Spearman's correlation coefficients between GCS and GOS scores were calculated for each year. RESULTS: On average 34 (SD: 7) patients were monitored every year. We found a significant correlation between the GCS and GOS for the first five years (overall 1992-1996: r = 0.41; p<0.00001; n = 183) and consistent lack of correlations from 1997 onwards (overall 1997-2001: r = 0.091; p = 0.226; n = 175). In contrast, correlations between age and GOS were in both time periods significant and similar (r = -0.24 v r = -0.24; p<0.002). CONCLUSIONS: The admission GCS lost its predictive value for outcome in this group of patients from 1997 onwards. The predictive value of the GCS should be carefully reconsidered when building prognostic models incorporating multimodality monitoring after head injury.
The age-dependent choice between expressing individual learning (IL) or social learning (SL) affects cumulative cultural evolution. A learning schedule in which SL precedes IL is supportive of cumulative culture because the amount of nongenetically encoded adaptive information acquired by previous generations can be absorbed by an individual and augmented. Devoting time and energy to learning, however, reduces the resources available for other life-history components. Learning schedules and life history thus coevolve. Here, we analyze a model where individuals may have up to three distinct life stages: "infants" using IL or oblique SL, "juveniles" implementing IL or horizontal SL, and adults obtaining material resources with learned information. We study the dynamic allocation of IL and SL within life stages and how this coevolves with the length of the learning stages. Although no learning may be evolutionary stable, we find conditions where cumulative cultural evolution can be selected for. In that case, the evolutionary stable learning schedule causes individuals to use oblique SL during infancy and a mixture between IL and horizontal SL when juvenile. We also find that the selected pattern of oblique SL increases the amount of information in the population, but horizontal SL does not do so.
Positron emission tomography is a functional imaging technique that allows the detection of the regional metabolic rate, and is often coupled with other morphological imaging technique such as computed tomography. The rationale for its use is based on the clearly demonstrated fact that functional changes in tumor processes happen before morphological changes. Its introduction to the clinical practice added a new dimension in conventional imaging techniques. This review presents the current and proposed indications of the use of positron emission/computed tomography for prostate, bladder and testes, and the potential role of this exam in radiotherapy planning.
BACKGROUND: Indocyanine green video-angiography (ICG) is a recent examination technique, its possibilities and limitations as far as intraocular tumours are concerned, haven't been fully explored yet. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We have studied 50 cases of non-pigmented choroidal tumours, including 14 cases of choroidal hemangioma's, 11 cases of posterior uveal metastases and 25 cases of non-pigmented melanoma's. RESULTS: Characteristic images were obtained when examining choroidal hemangioma's and, until a certain point, posterior choroidal metastases. Non pigmented melanoma's on the contrary, presented a great variety of different indocyanine green angiographic pictures. CONCLUSION: Indocyanine green video-angiography (ICG) has a definite value in the differential diagnosis of non-pigmented posterior choroidal tumours.
Patients with status epilepticus that proves refractory to anesthetic agents represent a daunting challenge for treating clinicians. Animal data support the neuroprotective action of brain hypothermia, and its efficacy in status epilepticus models. This approach, targeting a core temperature of about 33°C for at least 24 hours together with pharmacological sedation, has been described in adults and children. However, although relatively safe if concomitant barbiturates are avoided, it seems that mild hypothermia rarely allows a sustained control of ongoing status epilepticus, since seizures tend to recur in normothermia. Conversely, mild hypothermia has a high-evidence level and is increasingly used in postanoxic encephalopathy, both in newborns and adults. Due to the paucity of available clinical data, prospective studies are needed to assess the value of hypothermia in status epilepticus.
Value of PET/CT versus contrast-enhanced CT in identifying chest wall invasion (T3) by NSCLC [B-671]
Purpose: To determine the diagnostic value of 18F-FDG PET/CT versus contrastenhanced CT in identifying chest wall invasion by NSCLC. Methods and Materials: The primary selection criterion was a peripheral tumor of any size with contact to the chest wall. A total of 25 patients with pathologically proven NSCLC satisfied these criteria. Chest wall invasion was interpreted upon PET/CT when a frank costal or intercostal 18F-FDG uptake was identified with or without concomitant morphologic alterations. On the other hand, the existence of periosteal rib reaction/erosion, chest wall thickening or obliteration of the pleural fat layer either separately or combined were considered essential diagnostic criteria for disease extension into the chest wall upon contrast-enhanced CT. The results were correlated with the final histological analysis. Results: Among the studied cohort, 13/25 (52%) patients had chest wall invasion consistent with T3 disease. Both PET/CT and contrast-enhanced CT successfully identified 12/13 (92%) of these patients. The single false-negative result was due to parietal pleural invasion. On the other hand, one false-positive result was encountered by PET/CT in a dyspneic patient; whereas, CT analysis revealed false-positive results in six patients. In these patients, periosteal rib reaction (n = 2) or asymmetric enlargement of adjacent chest wall muscles (n = 1) were identified along with an obliterated pleural fat layer (n = 6). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of PET/CT and contrast-enhanced CT were 92, 91 and 92% versus 92, 50 and 72%. Conclusion: 18F-FDG PET/CT is an accurate diagnostic modality in identifying.
It is well documented that reducing blood pressure (BP) in hypertensive individuals reduces the risk of cardiovascular (CV) events. Despite this, many patients with hypertension remain untreated or inadequately treated, and fail to reach the recommended BP goals. Suboptimal BP control, whilst arising from multiple causes, is often due to poor patient compliance and/or persistence, and results in a significant health and economic burden on society. The use of fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) for the treatment of hypertension has the potential to increase patient compliance and persistence. When compared with antihypertensive monotherapies, FDCs may also offer equivalent or better efficacy, and the same or improved tolerability. As a result, FDCs have the potential to reduce both the CV event rates and the non-drug healthcare costs associated with hypertension. When FDCs are adopted for the treatment of hypertension, issues relating to copayment, formulary restrictions and therapeutic reference pricing must be addressed.
The role of energetic value in dynamic brain response adaptation during repeated food image viewing.
The repeated presentation of simple objects as well as biologically salient objects can cause the adaptation of behavioral and neural responses during the visual categorization of these objects. Mechanisms of response adaptation during repeated food viewing are of particular interest for better understanding food intake beyond energetic needs. Here, we measured visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and conducted neural source estimations to initial and repeated presentations of high-energy and low-energy foods as well as non-food images. The results of our study show that the behavioral and neural responses to food and food-related objects are not uniformly affected by repetition. While the repetition of images displaying low-energy foods and non-food modulated VEPs as well as their underlying neural sources and increased behavioral categorization accuracy, the responses to high-energy images remained largely invariant between initial and repeated encounters. Brain mechanisms when viewing images of high-energy foods thus appear less susceptible to repetition effects than responses to low-energy and non-food images. This finding is likely related to the superior reward value of high-energy foods and might be one reason why in particular high-energetic foods are indulged although potentially leading to detrimental health consequences.
The "Europeanization" of non-EU countries' laws is predominantly seen as an "export" of the EU acquis, especially in the case of so-called "quasi-member" states such as Switzerland. Based on an examination of the Swiss experience, this paper highlights the flaws of this conceptualization: the Europeanization of Swiss Law is a highly differentiated phenomenon, encompassing several forms of approximation to EU Law. All of these forms fall short of an "export" of norms, and result in the creation of something new: a "Europeanized law" that is similar to, but qualitatively different from, EU Law. Another drawback of the "export" metaphor is the emphasis it places on the isomorphism of positive legislation. Europeanization goes deeper than that. As shown in this paper, it is a process of transformation involving not only positive law, but also legal thinking. The Swiss case demonstrates how significant such deeper transformations can be: the Europeanization of positive law has induced an alteration of the traditional canon of legal interpretation. It also demonstrates how problematic such transformations can be: the above-mentioned alteration has not given rise to a new and universally accepted canon of interpretation. This reflects the tension between the need for clear "rules of reference" for EU legal materials - which are required in order to restore coherence and predictability to an extensively Europeanized legal system - and the reluctance to give a legal value to foreign legal materials - which is rooted in a traditional understanding of the concept of "law". Such tension, in turn, shows what deep and difficult transformations are required in order to establish a viable model of legal integration outside supranational structures.
Les maladies cardiovasculaires restent la cause de mortalité la plus élevée dans le monde occidental. Il s'agit d'un processus long et complexe, dont l'infarctus du myocarde et la mort cardiaque ne sont que la fin d'un spectrum. La perfusion myocardique joue un rôle central dans l'évolution de la maladie et survient chronologiquement en amont de la dysfonction diastolique et systolique, ainsi que de l'infarctus du myocarde. Une meilleure compréhension de la Physiopathologie sous-jacente est cruciale dans le diagnostique et la prise en charge du patient. Dans ce sens, ce travail tente d'évaluer l'apport de l'évaluation de la perfusion myocardique évaluée par la tomographic à émission de positron (PET/CT) quant à la prédiction d'événements cardiovasculaires. De plus, l'apport de l'évaluation quantitative par rapport à l'évaluation qualitative a été démontré dans ce travail. Nous avons utilisé un radiotraceur unique au regard de ses caractéristiques. En effet, Le Rubidium-82 est un traceur qui ne nécessite pas d'un cyclotron pour sa fabrication, dès lors qu'il est produit par un générateur, rendant ainsi sa disponibilité un atout et un avantage potentiel lors de futurs implémentations à plus grande échelle. Ce travail démontre la supériorité de l'analyse de perfusion myocardique quantitative par rapport à l'analyse traditionnelle qualitative, ce qui n'était pas encore confirmé avec le Rubidium-82. Les résultats montrent une démarcation significative entre les différentes valeurs de perfusion quantitative/absolue, permettant de distinguer différentes populations plus ou moins à risque en terme de prédiction d'événements cardiaques futurs. Il est intéressant de noter que dans un modèle combinant l'analyse qualitative et quantitative proposé dans ce travail, l'inclusion des résultats les plus ischémiques obtenus par l'analyse qualitative avec les résultats de perfusion les plus bas en terme de flux myocardique absolu (analyse quantitative) démarque une population à très bas risque d'événements cardiovasculaires majeurs, une prédiction pouvant être observée surplus de 1'000 jours. Ces résultats forment un ajout significatif quant à l'évaluation de la perfusion myocardique par la médecine nucléaire, notamment par ce model intégratif proposé, lequel permet une prédiction précise et contributive dans le cadre de futurs événements cardiovasculaires majeurs.
Integration without cytotoxic effects and long-term expression of a transgene constitutes a major challenge in gene therapy and biotechnology applications. In this context, transposons represent an attractive system for gene transfer because of their ability to promote efficient integration of a transgene in a variety of cell lines. However, the transgene integration can lead to insertional mutagenesis and/or unstable transgene expression by epigenetic modifications. These unwanted events may be limited by the use of chromatin control elements called MARs (matrix attachment regions). Indeed, the insertion of these DNA elements next to the transgene usually results in higher and more stable expression by maintaining transgene chromatin in an active configuration and preventing gene silencing. In this study, we tested if the inclusion of the MAR 1-68 in the piggyBac transposon system may lead to efficient and safer transgene integration and ensure reliable stable and long-term expression of a transgene. The MAR-containing transposon construct was tested in CHO cells, for biotechnology applications, and in mesoangioblast cells that can differentiate into muscle cells and are important candidates for potential stem cell therapies of myopathies. We showed that the addition of the MAR 1 -68 in the piggyBac transposon did not interfere with transposition, thereby maintaining high frequency of transgene integrations in these cells. Moreover, the MAR allowed higher transgene expression from fewer transposon integration events. We also found that enriched transgene-expressing cell populations could be obtained without the need of selection pressure. Since antibiotic-enforced selection protocols often result in a higher integrated copy number and mosaic expression patterns, this strategy could benefit many applications in which a low copy number of integrated transgenes and antibiotic-free conditions are desired. In addition, the intramuscular transplantation of mouse tibialis anterior muscles with mesoangioblasts containing the transposon led to widespread and sustained myofiber transgene expression after differentiation of these cells in vivo. These findings indicated that piggyBac vectors may provide a viable approach to achieve stable gene transfer in the context of Duchenne muscular dystrophy therapy. - L'intégration sans effets cytotoxiques et l'expression à long terme d'un transgène constituent un défi majeur en thérapie génique et en biotechnologie. Dans ce contexte, les transposons représentent un système attrayant pour le transfert de gènes en raison de leur capacité à promouvoir l'intégration efficace d'un transgène dans une variété de lignées cellulaires. Toutefois, l'intégration d'un transgène peut conduire à une mutagénèse insertionnelle et/ou à une expression instable due au silençage du transgène suite à des modifications épigénétiques. Ces événements indésirables de silençage génique peuvent être diminués par l'utilisation d'éléments de contrôle de la chromatine appelés MAR (matrix attachment region). En effet, l'insertion de ces éléments d'ADN à proximité du transgène se traduit généralement par une expression plus élevée et plus stable de celui-ci, en permettant le maintien d'une chromatine dans une configuration active autour du transgène et en empêchant l'inactivation du gène. Dans cette étude, nous avons testé si l'inclusion du MAR 1-68 dans le système transposon piggyBac peut améliorer l'efficacité d'intégration de façon sécuritaire et l'expression à long terme d'un transgène. Le transposon contenant l'élément MAR a été testé dans les cellules CHO, couramment utilisées en biotechnologie, et dans des cellules progénitrices appelées mésoangioblastes, qui peuvent se différencier en cellules musculaires, et qui constituent ainsi des candidats prometteurs pour la thérapie à partir de cellules souches de patients souffrant de myopathie. Nous avons montré que l'addition du MAR 1-68 dans le transposon piggyBac n'interfère pas avec la transposition et permet de maintenir une fréquence élevée d'intégration du transgène dans ces deux types cellulaires. De plus, il semble que cette association mène à une meilleure expression du transgène à partir de peu d'événements d'intégration du transposon. En outre, ces populations enrichies en cellules exprimant de façon stable le transgène ont pu être obtenues sans avoir recours à une pression de sélection. Etant donné que les protocoles de sélection basée sur l'utilisation d'antibiotiques conduisent souvent à un nombre plus élevé de copies intégrées et à la variégation de l'expression du transgène et qu'ils impliquent une longue culture in vitro, cette stratégie pourrait profiter à des applications pour lesquelles on souhaite un faible nombre de copies intégrées et/ou l'utilisation d'antibiotiques n'est pas souhaitable. De plus, la transplantation intramusculaire de mésoangioblastes contenant le transposon dans le muscle tibial antérieur de souris a conduit, après la différentiation de ces cellules in vivo, à une expression constante et étendue du transgène dans les myofibres. Ces résultats indiquent que les vecteurs piggyBac pourraient fournir une approche viable pour assurer un transfert de gènes stables dans le contexte d'un traitement de la dystrophic musculaire de Duchenne.
ECG criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) have been almost exclusively elaborated and calibrated in white populations. Because several interethnic differences in ECG characteristics have been found, the applicability of these criteria to African individuals remains to be demonstrated. We therefore investigated the performance of classic ECG criteria for LVH detection in an African population. Digitized 12-lead ECG tracings were obtained from 334 African individuals randomly selected from the general population of the Republic of Seychelles (Indian Ocean). Left ventricular mass was calculated with M-mode echocardiography and indexed to body height. LVH was defined by taking the 95th percentile of body height-indexed LVM values in a reference subgroup. In the entire study sample, 16 men and 15 women (prevalence 9.3%) were finally declared to have LVH, of whom 9 were of the reference subgroup. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values for LVH were calculated for 9 classic ECG criteria, and receiver operating characteristic curves were computed. We also generated a new composite time-voltage criterion with stepwise multiple linear regression: weighted time-voltage criterion=(0.2366R(aVL)+0.0551R(V5)+0.0785S(V3)+ 0.2993T(V1))xQRS duration. The Sokolow-Lyon criterion reached the highest sensitivity (61%) and the R(aVL) voltage criterion reached the highest specificity (97%) when evaluated at their traditional partition value. However, at a fixed specificity of 95%, the sensitivity of these 10 criteria ranged from 16% to 32%. Best accuracy was obtained with the R(aVL) voltage criterion and the new composite time-voltage criterion (89% for both). Positive and negative predictive values varied considerably depending on the concomitant presence of 3 clinical risk factors for LVH (hypertension, age >/=50 years, overweight). Median positive and negative predictive values of the 10 ECG criteria were 15% and 95%, respectively, for subjects with none or 1 of these risk factors compared with 63% and 76% for subjects with all of them. In conclusion, the performance of classic ECG criteria for LVH detection was largely disparate and appeared to be lower in this population of East African origin than in white subjects. A newly generated composite time-voltage criterion might provide improved performance. The predictive value of ECG criteria for LVH was considerably enhanced with the integration of information on concomitant clinical risk factors for LVH.
Root system architecture is a trait that displays considerable plasticity because of its sensitivity to environmental stimuli. Nevertheless, to a significant degree it is genetically constrained as suggested by surveys of its natural genetic variation. A few regulators of root system architecture have been isolated as quantitative trait loci through the natural variation approach in the dicotyledon model, Arabidopsis. This provides proof of principle that allelic variation for root system architecture traits exists, is genetically tractable, and might be exploited for crop breeding. Beyond Arabidopsis, Brachypodium could serve as both a credible and experimentally accessible model for root system architecture variation in monocotyledons, as suggested by first glimpses of the different root morphologies of Brachypodium accessions. Whether a direct knowledge transfer gained from molecular model system studies will work in practice remains unclear however, because of a lack of comprehensive understanding of root system physiology in the native context. For instance, apart from a few notable exceptions, the adaptive value of genetic variation in root system modulators is unknown. Future studies should thus aim at comprehensive characterization of the role of genetic players in root system architecture variation by taking into account the native environmental conditions, in particular soil characteristics.
Deduction allows us to draw consequences from previous knowledge. Deductive reasoning can be applied to several types of problem, for example, conditional, syllogistic, and relational. It has been assumed that the same cognitive operations underlie solutions to them all; however, this hypothesis remains to be tested empirically. We used event-related fMRI, in the same group of subjects, to compare reasoning-related activity associated with conditional and syllogistic deductive problems. Furthermore, we assessed reasoning-related activity for the two main stages of deduction, namely encoding of premises and their integration. Encoding syllogistic premises for reasoning was associated with activation of BA 44/45 more than encoding them for literal recall. During integration, left fronto-lateral cortex (BA 44/45, 6) and basal ganglia activated with both conditional and syllogistic reasoning. Besides that, integration of syllogistic problems additionally was associated with activation of left parietal (BA 7) and left ventro-lateral frontal cortex (BA 47). This difference suggests a dissociation between conditional and syllogistic reasoning at the integration stage. Our finding indicates that the integration of conditional and syllogistic reasoning is carried out by means of different, but partly overlapping, sets of anatomical regions and by inference, cognitive processes. The involvement of BA 44/45 during both encoding (syllogisms) and premise integration (syllogisms and conditionals) suggests a central role in deductive reasoning for syntactic manipulations and formal/linguistic representations.