271 resultados para Tissue Macrophages
OBJECTIVE: Connective tissue diseases (CTDs) are associated with several interstitial lung diseases. The aim of this study was to describe the recently individualized syndrome of combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) in a population of patients with CTD. METHODS: In this multicenter study, we retrospectively investigated data from patients with CTD who also have CPFE. The demographic characteristics of the patients, the results of pulmonary function testing, high-resolution computed tomography, lung biopsy, and treatment, and the outcomes of the patients were analyzed. RESULTS: Data from 34 patients with CTD who were followed up for a mean±SD duration of 8.3±7.0 years were analyzed. Eighteen of the patients had rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 10 had systemic sclerosis (SSc), 4 had mixed or overlap CTD, and 2 had other CTDs. The mean±SD age of the patients was 57±11 years, 23 were men, and 30 were current or former smokers. High-resolution computed tomography revealed emphysema of the upper lung zones and pulmonary fibrosis of the lower zones in all patients, and all patients exhibited dyspnea during exercise. Moderately impaired pulmonary function test results and markedly reduced carbon monoxide transfer capacity were observed. Five patients with SSc exhibited pulmonary hypertension. Four patients died during followup. Patients with CTD and CPFE were significantly younger than an historical control group of patients with idiopathic CPFE and more frequently were female. In addition, patients with CTD and CPFE had higher lung volumes, lower diffusion capacity, higher pulmonary pressures, and more frequently were male than those with CTD and lung fibrosis without emphysema. CONCLUSION: CPFE warrants inclusion as a novel, distinct pulmonary manifestation within the spectrum of CTD-associated lung diseases in smokers or former smokers, especially in patients with RA or SSc.
Through analysis of mice with spatially and temporally restricted inactivation of Lpin1, we characterized its cell autonomous function in both white (WAT) and brown (BAT) adipocyte development and maintenance. We observed that the lipin 1 inactivation in adipocytes of aP2(Cre/+)/Lp(fEx2)(-)(3/fEx2)(-)(3) mice resulted in lipodystrophy and the presence of adipocytes with multilocular lipid droplets. We further showed that time-specific loss of lipin 1 in mature adipocytes in aP2(Cre-ERT2/+)/Lp(fEx2)(-)(3/fEx2)(-)(3) mice led to their replacement by newly formed Lpin1-positive adipocytes, thus establishing a role for lipin 1 in mature adipocyte maintenance. Importantly, we observed that the presence of newly formed Lpin1-positive adipocytes in aP2(Cre-ERT2/+)/Lp(fEx2)(-)(3/fEx2)(-)(3) mice protected these animals against WAT inflammation and hepatic steatosis induced by a high-fat diet. Loss of lipin 1 also affected BAT development and function, as revealed by histological changes, defects in the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα), PGC-1α, and UCP1, and functionally by altered cold sensitivity. Finally, our data indicate that phosphatidic acid, which accumulates in WAT of animals lacking lipin 1 function, specifically inhibits differentiation of preadipocytes. Together, these observations firmly demonstrate a cell autonomous role of lipin 1 in WAT and BAT biology and indicate its potential as a therapeutical target for the treatment of obesity.
Painful total hip replacement remains a challenging problem because of the large amount of possible diagnoses. We report about a 64-year-old female patient who was misdiagnosed during 4 years as psychiatric. She suffered of excruciating left retrotrochanteric pain after the implantation of a cementless total hip replacement and revision because of recurrent hip dislocations. Walking was limited to short distances using two crutches. The work-up at this time included the usual diagnoses and remained unsuccessful. No loosening, infection or malposition of the prosthesis could be found, and she had no neurologic deficits in her operated leg. An MRI was obtained to visualize the retrotrochanteric soft tissues and showed a tight scar surrounding the sciatic nerve, which was also compressed by an adjacent lipoma. Therefore, she was reoperated on to remove the lipoma and the scar tissue around the sciatic nerve. To decrease the risk of recurrent scarring around the sciatic nerve, an adhesion barrier was applied before closure. One year after the operation, the patient has no neurologic deficit, no more pain and is able to walk unlimited distances without crutches. Scar tissue around the sciatic nerve is frequently observed during revision surgery. However, we feel that sciatic nerve entrapment by scar tissue should be a part of the differential diagnosis of painful THR. MRI may be a useful tool to achieve this diagnosis.
Chronic periaortitis (CP) is an uncommon inflammatory disease which primarily involves the infrarenal portion of the abdominal aorta. However, CP should be regarded as a generalized disease with three different pathophysiological entities, namely idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis (RPF), inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm and perianeurysmal RPF. These entities share similar histopathological characteristics and finally will lead to fibrosis of the retroperitoneal space. Beside fibrosis, an infiltrate with variable chronic inflammatory cell is present. The majority of these cells are lymphocytes and macrophages as well as vascular endothelial cells, most of which are HLA-DR-positive. B and T cells are present with a majority of T cells of the T-helper phenotype. Cytokine gene expression analysis shows the presence of interleukin (IL)-1alpha, IL-2, IL-4, interferon-gamma and IL-2 receptors. Adhesion molecules such as E-selectin, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and the vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 were also found in aortic tissue, and may play a significant role in CP pathophysiology. Although CP pathogenesis remains unknown, an exaggerated inflammatory response to advanced atherosclerosis (ATS) has been postulated to be the main process. Autoimmunity has also been proposed as a contributing factor based on immunohistochemical studies. The suspected allergen may be a component of ceroid, which is elaborated within the atheroma. We review the pathogenesis and the pathophysiology of CP, and its potential links with ATS. Clinically relevant issues are summarized in each section with regard to the current working hypothesis of this complex inflammatory disease.
The orphan receptor CRF2-4 is a member of the class II cytokine receptor family (CRF2), which includes the interferon receptors, the interleukin (IL) 10 receptor, and tissue factor. CRFB4, the gene encoding CRF2-4, is located within a gene cluster on human chromosome 21 that comprises three interferon receptor subunits. To elucidate the role of CRF2-4, we disrupted the CRFB4 gene in mice by means of homologous recombination. Mice lacking CRF2-4 show no overt abnormalities, grow normally, and are fertile. CRF2-4 deficient cells are normally responsive to type I and type II interferons, but lack responsiveness to IL-10. By approximately 12 wk of age, the majority of mutant mice raised in a conventional facility developed a chronic colitis and splenomegaly. Thus, CRFB4 mutant mice recapitulate the phenotype of IL-10-deficient mice. These findings suggest that CRF2-4 is essential for IL-10-mediated effects and is a subunit of the IL-10 receptor.
PURPOSE: To evaluate functional and ultrastructural changes in the retina of scavenger receptor B1 (SR-BI) knockout (KO) mice consuming a high fat cholate (HFC) diet. METHODS: Three-month-old male KO and wild-type (WT) mice were fed an HFC diet for 30 weeks. After diet supplementation, plasma cholesterol levels and electroretinograms were analyzed. Neutral lipids were detected with oil red O, and immunohistochemistry was performed on cryostat ocular tissue sections. The retina, Bruch's membrane (BM), retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and choriocapillaris (CC) were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. RESULTS: Using the WT for reference, ultrastructural changes were recorded in HFC-fed SR-BI KO mice, including lipid inclusions, a patchy disorganization of the photoreceptor outer segment (POS) and the outer nuclear layer (ONL), and BM thickening with sparse sub-RPE deposits. Within the CC, there was abnormal disorganization of collagen fibers localized in ectopic sites with sparse and large vacuolization associated with infiltration of macrophages in the subretinal space, reflecting local inflammation. These lesions were associated with electroretinographic abnormalities, particularly increasing implicit time in a- and b-wave scotopic responses. Abnormal vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) staining was detected in the outer nuclear layer. CONCLUSIONS: HFC-fed SR-BI KO mice thus presented sub-RPE lipid-rich deposits and functional and morphologic alterations similar to some features observed in dry AMD. The findings lend further support to the hypothesis that atherosclerosis causes retinal and subretinal damage that increases susceptibility to some forms of AMD.
A previously described extract of sheep fetal liver was reported to reverse many of the cytokine changes associated with aging in mice, including an augmented spleen cell ConA-stimulated production of IL-4 and decreased production of IL-2. Similar effects were not seen with adult liver preparations. These changes were observed in various strains of mice, including BALB/c, DBA/2 and C57BL/6, using mice with ages ranging from 8 to 110 weeks. Preliminary characterization of this crude extract showed evidence for the presence of Hb gamma chain, as well as of lipid A of LPS. We show below that purified preparations of sheep fetal Hb, but not adult Hb, in concert with suboptimally stimulating doses of LPS (lipid A), cooperate in the regulation of production of a number of cytokines, including TNFalpha and IL-6, in vitro. Furthermore, isolated fresh spleen or peritoneal cells from animals treated in vivo with the same combination of Hb and LPS, showed an augmented capacity to produce these cytokines on further culture in vitro. Evidence was also obtained for a further interaction between CLP, LPS and fetal Hb itself in this augmented cytokine production. These data suggest that some of the functional activities in the fetal liver extract reported earlier can be explained in terms of a novel immunomodulatory role of a mixture of LPS (lipid A) and fetal Hb.
The excessive accumulation of the adipose tissue is at the origin of the obesity. However its severity has no direct correlation with the comorbidities. These last ones are rather linked to the type of distribution of the fat than to its total quantity. The morphological and functional analysis of the adipose tissue reveals specific differences in its localization. The adipose tissue is thus a complex organ constituted by several cell types having various capacities of hypertrophy, hyperplasia and differentiation. While the first one is more predominant in the subcutaneous compartment, where the cell size is big, the others are more specific of the visceral adipocytes. Finally the severity of the obesity is linked to hypertrophy, while the comorbidities are associated with the capacity of proliferation and differentiation.
BACKGROUND: Protein energy malnutrition is commonly associated with immune dysfunctions and is a major factor in susceptibility to infectious diseases. METHODS: In this study, we evaluated the impact of protein energy malnutrition on the capacity of monocytes and macrophages to upregulate arginase, an enzyme associated with immunosuppression and increased pathogen replication. RESULTS: Our results show that monocytes and macrophages are significantly increased in the bone marrow and blood of mice fed on a protein low diet. No alteration in the capacity of bone marrow derived macrophages isolated from malnourished mice to phagocytose particles, to produce the microbicidal molecule nitric oxide and to kill intracellular Leishmania parasites was detected. However, macrophages and monocytes from malnourished mice express significantly more arginase both in vitro and in vivo. Using an experimental model of visceral leishmaniasis, we show that following protein energy malnutrition, the increased parasite burden measured in the spleen of these mice coincided with increased arginase activity and that macrophages provide a more permissive environment for parasite growth. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these results identify a novel mechanism in protein energy malnutrition that might contributes to increased susceptibility to infectious diseases by upregulating arginase activity in myeloid cells.
DNA must constantly be repaired to maintain genome stability. Although it is clear that DNA repair reactions depend on cell type and developmental stage, we know surprisingly little about the mechanisms that underlie this tissue specificity. This is due, in part, to the lack of adequate study systems. This review discusses recent progress toward understanding the mechanism leading to varying rates of instability at expanded trinucleotide repeats (TNRs) in different tissues. Although they are not DNA lesions, TNRs are hotspots for genome instability because normal DNA repair activities cause changes in repeat length. The rates of expansions and contractions are readily detectable and depend on cell identity, making TNR instability a particularly convenient model system. A better understanding of this type of genome instability will provide a foundation for studying tissue-specific DNA repair more generally, which has implications in cancer and other diseases caused by mutations in the caretakers of the genome.
We have currently studied the changes induced by administration of a fructose-rich diet (FRD) to normal rats in the mass and the endocrine function of abdominal (omental) adipose tissue (AAT). Rats were fed ad libitum a standard commercial chow and tap water, either alone (control diet, CD) or containing fructose (10%, w/vol) (FRD). Three weeks after treatment, circulating metabolic markers and leptin release from adipocytes of AAT were measured. Plasma free fatty acids (FFAs), leptin, adiponectin, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) levels were significantly higher in FRD than in CD rats. AAT mass was greater in FRD than in CD rats and their adipocytes were larger, they secreted more leptin and showed impaired insulin sensitivity. While leptin mRNA expression increased in AAT from FRD rats, gene expression of insulin receptor substrate, IRS1 and IRS2 was significantly reduced. Our study demonstrates that administration of a FRD significantly affects insulin sensitivity and several AAT endocrine/metabolic functions. These alterations could be part of a network of interacting abnormalities triggered by FRD-induced oxidative stress at the AAT level. In view of the impaired glucose tolerance observed in FRD rats, these alterations could play a key role in both the development of metabolic syndrome (MS) and beta-cell failure.
Macrophages, which belong to the immune system, are increasingly being recognized for their contribution to metabolic regulation. In two studies by Kang et al. (2008) and Odegaard et al. (2008) in this issue of Cell Metabolism, we learn that alternative activation (M2a) of resident macrophages in liver and adipose tissue depends highly on PPARdelta/beta activity, leading to improved fatty acid metabolism and insulin sensitivity.