106 resultados para Third language
The last 2 years have seen exciting advances in the genetics of Landau-Kleffner syndrome and related disorders, encompassed within the epilepsy-aphasia spectrum (EAS). The striking finding of mutations in the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunit gene GRIN2A as the first monogenic cause in up to 20 % of patients with EAS suggests that excitatory glutamate receptors play a key role in these disorders. Patients with GRIN2A mutations have a recognizable speech and language phenotype that may assist with diagnosis. Other molecules involved in RNA binding and cell adhesion have been implicated in EAS; copy number variations are also found. The emerging picture highlights the overlap between the genetic determinants of EAS with speech and language disorders, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders and more complex developmental phenotypes.
With increasing migration and linguistic diversification in many countries, survey researchers and methodologists should consider whether data provided by individuals with variable levels of command of the survey language are of the same quality. This paper examines the question of whether answers from resident foreign respondents who do not master available survey languages may suffer from problems of comprehension of survey items, especially items that are more complicated in terms of content and/or form. In addition, it addresses the extent to which motivation may affect the response quality of resident foreigners. We analyzed data from two large-scale surveys conducted in Switzerland, a country with three national languages and a burgeoning foreign population, employing a set of dependent measures of response quality, including don't know responses, extreme responding, mid-5 responding, recency effects, and straight-lining. Results show overall poorer response quality among foreigners, and indicate that both reduced language mastery and motivation among foreigners are relevant factors. This is especially true for foreign groups from countries that do not share a common language with those spoken in Switzerland. A general conclusion is that the more distant respondents are culturally and linguistically from the majority mainstream within a country, the more their data may be negatively affected. We found that more complex types of questions do generally lead to poorer response quality, but to a much lesser extent than respondent characteristics, such as nationality, command of the survey language, level of education, and age.
The purpose of this PhD thesis is to investigate a semantic relation present in the connection of sentences (more specifically: propositional units). This relation, which we refer to as contrast, includes the traditional categories of adversatives - predominantly represented by the connector but in English and pero in Modern Spanish - and concessives, prototypically verbalised through although / aunque. The aim is to describe, analyse and - as far as possible - to explain the emergence and evolution of different syntactic schemes marking contrast during the first three centuries of Spanish (also referred to as Castilian) as a literary language, i.e., from the 13th to the 15th century. The starting point of this question is a commonplace in syntax, whereby the semantic and syntactic complexity of clause linkage correlates with the degree of textual elaboration. In historical linguistics, i.e., applied to the phylogeny of a language, it is commonly referred to as the parataxis hypothesis A crucial part of the thesis is dedicated by the definition of contrast as a semantic relation. Although the label contrast has been used in this sense, mainly in functional grammar and text linguistics, mainstream grammaticography and linguistics remain attached to the traditional categories adversatives and concessives. In opposition to this traditional view, we present our own model of contrast, based on a pragma-semantic description proposed for the analysis of adversatives by Oswald Ducrot and subsequently adopted by Ekkehard König for the analysis of concessives. We refine and further develop this model in order for it to accommodate all, not just the prototypical instances of contrast in Spanish, arguing that the relationship between adversatives and concessives is a marked opposition, i.e., that the higher degree of semantic and syntactic integration of concessives restricts some possible readings that the adversatives may have, but that this difference is almost systematically neutralised by contextual factors, thus justifying the assumption of contrast as a comprehensive onomasiological category. This theoretical focus is completed by a state-of-the-question overview attempting to account for all relevant forms in which contrast is expressed in Medieval Spanish, with the aid of lexicographic and grammaticographical sources, and an empirical study investigating the expression of corpus in a corpus study on the textual functions of contrast in nine Medieval Spanish texts: Cantar de Mio Cid, Libro de Alexandre, Milagros de Nuestra Sehora, Estoria de Espana, Primera Partida, Lapidario, Libro de buen amor, Conde Lucanor, and Corbacho. This corpus is analysed using quantitative and qualitative tools, and the study is accompanied by a series of methodological remarks on how to investigate a pragma-semantic category in historical linguistics. The corpus study shows that the parataxis hypothesis fails to prove from a statistical viewpoint, although a qualitative analysis shows that the use of subordination does increase over time in some particular contexts.
Epilepsy is both a disease of the brain and the mind. Here, we present the second of two papers with extended summaries of selected presentations of the Third International Congress on Epilepsy, Brain and Mind (April 3-5, 2014; Brno, Czech Republic). Humanistic, biologic, and therapeutic aspects of epilepsy, particularly those related to the mind, were discussed. The extended summaries provide current overviews of epilepsy, cognitive impairment, and treatment, including brain functional connectivity and functional organization; juvenile myoclonic epilepsy; cognitive problems in newly diagnosed epilepsy; SUDEP including studies on prevention and involvement of the serotoninergic system; aggression and antiepileptic drugs; body, mind, and brain, including pain, orientation, the "self-location", Gourmand syndrome, and obesity; euphoria, obsessions, and compulsions; and circumstantiality and psychiatric comorbidities.
Recent discoveries of recurrent and reciprocal Copy Number Variants (CNVs) using genome- wide studies have led to a new understanding of the etiology of neuropsychiatric disorders. CNVs represent loss (deletion) or gain (duplication) of genomic material. This thesis work is focused on CNVs at the 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 locus, which are among the most frequent etiologies of neurodevelopmental disorders and have been associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), schizophrenia, cognitive impairment, alterations of brain size as well as obesity and underweight. Because deletion and duplication of the 16p11.2 locus occur frequently and recurrently (with the same breakpoints), CNVs at this locus represent a powerful paradigm to understand how a genomic region may modulate cognitive and behavioral traits as well as the relationship and shared mechanisms between distinct psychiatric diagnoses such as ASD and schizophrenia. The present dissertation includes three studies: 1) The first project aims at identifying structural brain-imaging endophenotypes in 16p11.2 CNVs carriers at risk for ASD and schizophrenia. The results show that gene dosage at the 16p11.2 locus modulates global brain volumes and neural circuitry, including the reward system, language and social cognition circuits. 2) The second investigates the neuropsychological profile in 16p11.2 deletion and duplication carriers. While deletion carriers show specific deficits in language and inhibition, the profile of duplication carriers is devoid of specific weaknesses and presents enhanced performance in a verbal memory task. 3) The third study on food-related behaviors in 16p11.2 deletion and duplication carriers shows that alterations of the reponse to satiety are present in CNV carriers before the onset of obesity, pointing toward a potential mechanism driving the Body Mass Index increase in deletion carriers. Dysfunctions in the reward system and dopaminergic circuitries could represent a common mechanism playing a role in the phenotype and could be investigated in future studies. Our data strongly suggest that complex cognitive traits correlate to gene dosage in humans. Larger studies including expression data would allow elucidating the contribution of specific genes to these different gene dosage effects. In conclusion, a systematic and careful investigation of cognitive, behavioral and intermediate phenotypes using a gene dosage paradigm has allowed us to advance our understanding of the 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 locus and its effects on neurodevelopment. -- La récente découverte de variations du nombre de copies (CNVs pour 'copy number variants') dans le génome humain a amélioré nos connaissances sur l'étiologie des troubles neuropsychiatriques. Un CNV représente une perte (délétion) ou un gain (duplication) de matériel génétique sur un segment chromosomique. Ce travail de thèse est focalisé sur les CNVs réciproques (délétion et duplication) dans la région 16p11.2 BP4-BP5. Ces CNVs sont une cause fréquente de troubles neurodéveloppementaux et ont été associés à des phénotypes « en miroir » tels que obésité/sous-poids ou macro/microcéphalie mais aussi aux troubles du spectre autistique (TSA), à la schizophrénie et au retard de développement/déficience intellectuelle. La fréquence et la récurrence de la délétion et de la duplication aux mêmes points de cassure font de ces CNVs un paradigme unique pour étudier la relation entre dosage génique et les traits cognitifs et comportementaux, ainsi que les mécanismes partagés par des troubles psychiatriques apparemment distincts tels que les TSA et la schizophrénie. Ce travail de thèse comporte trois études distinctes : 1) l'étude en neuroimagerie structurelle identifie les endophénotypes chez les porteurs de la délétion ou de la duplication. Les résultats montrent une influence du dosage génique sur le volume cérébral total et certaines structures dans les systèmes de récompense, du langage et de la cognition sociale. 2) L'étude des profils neuropsychologiques chez les porteurs de la délétion ou de la duplication montre que la délétion est associée à des troubles spécifiques du langage et de l'inhibition alors que les porteurs de la duplication ne montrent pas de faiblesse spécifique mais des performances mnésiques verbales supérieures à leur niveau cognitif global. 3) L'étude sur les comportements alimentaires met en évidence une altération de la réponse à la satiété qui est présente avant l'apparition de l'obésité. Un dysfonctionnement dans le système de récompense et les circuits dopaminergiques pourrait représenter un mécanisme commun aux différents phénotypes observés chez ces individus porteurs de CNVs au locus 16p11.2. En conclusion, l'utilisation du dosage génique comme outil d'investigation des phénotypes cliniques et endophénotypes nous a permis de mieux comprendre le rôle de la région 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 dans le neurodéveloppement.
Objectif STOPP/START est un outil de détection de la prescription médicamenteuse potentiellement inappropriée chez la personne de 65 ans ou plus. La version initiale de 2008 vient d'être mise à jour et améliorée par ses auteurs. Nous en présentons l'adaptation et la validation en langue française. Méthodes L'adaptation en français de l'outil STOPP/START.v2 a été réalisée par deux experts, confirmée par la méthode de traduction-inverse, et finalisée d'après les commentaires de neufs évaluateurs francophones, gériatres, pharmaciens cliniciens, et médecin généraliste de quatre pays (France, Belgique, Suisse, Canada). La validation a été complétée par une analyse de concordance inter-juge (CCI) des critères STOPP/START.v2 appliqués à dix vignettes cliniques standardisées. Résultats Les 115 critères de STOPP/START.v2 en français sont, par rapport à la version originale anglaise, identiques par leur classification mais adaptés en termes de présentation (critères START.v2 commençant par la condition clinique, et accompagnés par une justification du caractère inapproprié de l'omission) voire de formulation de certains critères. Cette adaptation en français est validée par (i) la traduction-inverse montrant le respect du sens clinique de la version originale, (ii) l'identification semblable des critères lorsque appliqués à dix vignettes cliniques par les neuf évaluateurs, et (iii) le haut niveau de concordance de ces neuf évaluations tant pour STOPP.v2 (CCI 0,849) que pour START.v2 (CCI 0,921). Conclusion L'adaptation en langue française des critères STOPP/START.v2 fournit aux cliniciens un outil de détection de la prescription médicamenteuse potentiellement inappropriée chez les personnes de 65 ans et plus qui est logique, fiable et facile à utiliser. Objective STOPP/START is a screening tool to detect potentially inappropriate prescribing in persons aged 65 or older. Its Irish authors recently updated and improved the initially published version of 2008. We present the adaptation and validation into French language of this updated tool. Methods STOPP/START.v2 was adapted into French by two experts, then confirmed by a translation-back translation method and finalised according to the comments of nine French-speaking assessors - geriatricians, pharmacologists and a general physician - from four countries (France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Canada). The validation was completed by an inter-rater reliability (IRR) analysis of the STOPP/START.v2 criteria applied to 10 standardized clinical vignettes. Results In comparison to the original English version, the 115 STOPP/START.v2 criteria in French language classify in identical manner, but the presentation has been adjusted (START.v2 first specifies the clinical condition followed by an explanation of the inappropriateness of the prescription or omission). This adaptation into French language was validated by means of (i) the translation/back-translation, which showed that the French version complied with the clinical meaning of the original criteria; (ii) the similar screening results when applied by the nine specialists to the 10 cases; and (iii) the high level of inter-rater reliability of these 9 evaluations, for both STOPP (IRR 0.849) and START.v2 (IRR 0.921). Conclusion The adaptation into French of the STOPP/START.v2 criteria provides clinicians with a screening tool to detect potentially inappropriate prescribing in patients aged 65 and older that is more logical, more reliable and easier to use.